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  • 4.2.3. Analysis of experimental results

  • * Experimental: Measurement of the experimental and control experimental results, perceptions, attitudes and behaviors show no difference between the two classes. This ensures the objectivity of the empirical selection.

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1 INTRODUCTION Reasons to choose the topic Legal education in the Army is one of the elements that make up the strength of the Army, which forms the basis of combat capability and combat readiness of each unit It governs all aspects of military operations and contributes to the direction and guidance of action for each soldier in the execution of military discipline, performing the assigned duties As the institutions for directly training officers for the whole army, the military officer schools (MOS) are daily and hourly under negative impacts by the social evils arising from the adverse side of the market economy, which affects personality values, consciousness, behavior of law enforcement of each cadet In addition, cadets in the MOSs after graduation will be officers, leaders, commanders, managers in agencies, units They are responsible for leading, directing and managing people, training and educating soldiers in accordance with the line and viewpoint of the Communist Party, the Constitution and the laws of the State In order to fulfill their tasks in the new stage, they need to be educated to raise their sense of law as the basis for orienting the development of the personality of military personnel Over the past time, being aware of the role of legal education, the MOSs have gradually reformed the programs, contents, applied methods and forms of legal education in line with the objectives and requirements of training However, the law violating of cadets is still complicated with more and more serious nature, there have been deceptive acts of misappropriation of citizen’s property, deliberately hitting people with injury, gambling and lottery, undue debts without repayment capacity leading to self-injury or suicide, affecting the prestige and tradition of the Army This shows that there are many shortcomings in the legal education Programs and contents of legal education are still heavy in theory and limited in terms of professional skills and problem solving skills The method of legal education is still simple, dry, classical, mainly giving one-way information, easy to cause boredness, failing to encourage and stimulate cadets to have passions in study and research The forms of legal education in some schools are not really rich, attractive to cadets, Qualification and capacity of part of teachers and educational administrators are low compared to the requirements of the tasks The motivation and attitude of the learners to learning and training are not correct The requirements and tasks of defending the Fatherland in the new situation have demanded MOSs to continue strong and synchronous evolution in the direction of respecting the development of the quality and capacity of the learners, incorporating knowledge, forming beliefs, practicing habits and behavior and developing legal qualities for cadets Therefore, in recent years, the issue of legal education has become imperative, being studied by scientists from various angles However, legal education for cadets at MOSs has not been studied systematically The search for a full and scientific explanation for this issue is still an objective, urgent demand both theoretically and practically Thus, the author has chosen the topic of "Legal education for cadets at military officer schools today" in order to overcome the above shortcomings while contributing to the radical and comprehensive reform of education and training in military officer schools today Purposes and tasks of the research * Purposes of the research Base on the practical and theoretical base of legal education, the dissertation proposes measures in order to improve the quality of legal education for cadets of military officer schools in the current context * Tasks of the research The dissertation clarifies the theoretical basis of legal education process for cadets of military officer schools The dissertation surveys and evaluates the actual situation of legal education process for cadets of military officer schools today The dissertation proposes measures to educate the law for cadets of military officer schools at present The dissertation conducts experiment on teaching practice to test the appropriateness and feasibility of the proposed measures Subject, object, scope and scientific hypothesis of the research * Subject of the research: The education and training process at military officer schools * Object of the research: The process of legal education for cadets at military officer schools * Scope of the research The dissertation makes research into the process of legal consciousness and deeds for cadets at schools and academies which train army officers of university level The data are mainly from 2015 to present The dissertation conducts the surveys, interviews and discussions at some military officer schools, namely: Political Officer College, The Army Officer College N1, Artillery Officer College, Chemistry Officer College and Border Guard Academy * Scientific hypothesis Legal education for cadets will work effectively only if applied logically and followed the rule of teaching and educating army officers’ personality Presently, legal education for cadets at military officer’s schools reveals a numbers of shortcomings due to different causes Therefore, if the process of training cadets at military officer’s schools is conducted systematically and synchronously from building the appropriate model and aim of legal education to innovating the content, method, way of educating, and closely coordinating among pedagogic forces, then the cadets’ legal understanding, attitude and deeds will be formed and developed Practical and theoretical basis, methodology and research method * Basis of research methodology The thesis is based on the materialist dialectics of Marxist-Leninist philosophy and the views of President Ho Chi Minh, the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Central Party Committe on education-training, especially educating personal quality of Vietnamese people in the age of industrialization and modernization At the same time, the thesis is based on different views and methodologies: the system-structure, history - logics; approach to functions; and practical perspective to solve research tasks * Research methods The study uses the combination of different specialized and interdisciplinary works as follows: Method of theoretical research, method of practical research, and supportive method to analyze and exploit the practical and theoretical documents related to the thesis New contributions of the thesis * In terms of theory The dissertation builds the theoretical frame on legal education for cadets at military officer schools today Notably, the concept of law and legal education is clarified; the essence and logics of legal education process is interpreted The dissertation points out the scientific basis of legal education for cadets at military officer schools including: subject, object, program, content, method, and way of organizing and path of legal education for cadets The dissertation also interprets features, requirements and factors affecting the legal education process for cadets appropriate to the aim of training the army officers in the present context * In terms of theory The dissertation surveys the actual situation of legal education for cadets at military officer schools The dissertation finds out the subjective and objectives causes affecting the results of legal education for cadets Accordingly, the dissertation proposes systems of measures for legal education with three-side effect: cadets’ legal understanding, attitude and deeds Simultaneously, the dissertation affirms the appropriateness and feasibility of the proposed measures by experimenting pedagogic results and the assessment made by scientists, teaching staff, managing officers and cadets Theoretical and practical significance of the thesis The findings of the thesis provide the scientific foundations for subjects of education especially the teaching staff and managers at military officer schools to apply in educating the law for cadets, contributing the improve the quality of education and training, building military officer schools with typical, modern and official features Additionally, the thesis can be used as reference materials in research and teaching the subjects of law, Party’s mission, political mission and military pedagogy at military officer schools as well as the legal education process at the army units Structure of the thesis The thesis includes: Introduction, chapters, 13 periods; Conclusion, Recommendation, List of References and Appendixes Chapter LITERATURE OVERVIEW RELATED TO THE THESIS 1.1 Works on legal education 1.1.1 Works on legal education by foreign authors Typically: The textbook: “The State theory and the Law” [105] by N.I.Matuzova, A.V.Malưko (2001); “Legal education in Soviet Union” [106] by T.I Akimova, K.V Naumenkova (2014); Doctoral thesis: “Legal education under the condition of building the legal State” [104] by Strelaieva (2008); Doctoral thesis: “Legal education for administrative officers in People Democratic Republic of Lao today” [94] by Vilay Philavong (2017) In addition, there are other authors such as: “Legal culture, legal education and management of legal education process in Russian society today” [101] by Krugina I.A (1999); “Legal education at pedagogic universities: Issues on methodology and method” [103] by Pochtar T.M (2001) These above works have given a thorough analysis on legal education for the certain subject, which serves as the valuable documents for the author to clarify the necessity and theoretical basis on legal education for cadets of military officer schools However, these findings are applied in the countries with different social, cultural and economic conditions from those of Vietnam 1.1.2 Works on legal education by Vietnamese authors The typical works are listed as follows: “On legal education” [22] by Tran Ngoc Duong and Duong Thanh Mai (1995);“Legal sociology” [53] by Ngo Van Nhan (2012); Ministry-level study, code 92-98-223 by Institute of Legal Science – Ministry of Justice (1998), “Some practical and theoretical issues on legal education in the innovation course” [92]; “Legal education for workers in the renovating condition of Vietnam” [21] by Tran Ngoc Duong (1986); Doctoral thesis: “Legal education for cadres and administrative officers in the condition of building legal State of Vietnam Socialism” [65], by Nguyen Quoc Suu (2010); Doctoral thesis: “Legal education for children in our country at present” [52], by Le Thi Phuong Nga (2015); Doctoral thesis: “ Legal education for minority ethics people of Khmer in Mekong delta river, Viet Nam” [80], by Duong Thanh Trung (2016); Doctoral thesis: “ Legal education for people in Dak Lak province in the current period” [70], by Nguyen Thi Tinh (2016), etc These domestic works on legal education have interpreted the practical and theoretical issues on legal education, which helps the author to inherit the theoretical base to analyze the essence, logics and components of legal education process However, the above mentioned works mainly touched upon the directly related - legal education for specific objects at specific locations Therefore, the issue of legal education needs further complete researching from different perspectives, including legal education at military officer schools 1.2 Works on legal education at schools 1.2.1 Works on legal education at schools by foreign authors Legal education at schools is paid attention by foreign authors Typical works are: “The process of legal education of secondary school’s pupils” [102] by Matvienco L.M (2004); Vice doctoral thesis: “Legal education for senior high school’s pupils” [107] by Khaxanova X.A (2007); Doctoral thesis: “Legal education at Melbourne University 1857-1946” [100] by John Waugh (2009), Doctoral thesis: “Evaluation of holding legal education reform in Nigeria” [98] by Oluwakemi Titilayo Oduwole (2012); Doctoral thesis: “Reform of legal education in Saudi Arabic” [96] by Alkhalawi, Rayan (2015), Doctorial thesis: “Evaluation of the link between legal education and legal reality” [99] by Peter Smith (2015), Doctoral thesis: “Australian history of legal education” [97] by David Barker (2016) Despite the socio-economic and political differences and different legal education subjects from Vietnam’s, these theories help the author build the new theoretical frame to identify the aim, content, method and way of organizing legal education for cadets at military officer schools today 1.2.2 Works on legal education at schools by Vietnamese foreign authors Works on legal education for students at high schools “Legal education at schools” [42] by Nguyen Dinh Dang Luc (2004), “Tasks of legal education at schools” [6] by Nguyen Huy Bang (2008); Doctoral thesis: “Measures of holding legal education for high school’s students (in Ho Chi Minh city)” [31] by Nguyen Khac Hung (2009); Doctoral thesis: “Building and using situations in teaching the law at high schools” [45] by Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai (2011); Doctoral thesis: “Legal education for students of high schools in Vietnam” [61] by Tran Thi Sau (2012) These works have affirmed the position and the importance of legal education and the objective obviousness to strengthen legal education for students at schools; these works have also given a thorough analysis on the practical and theoretical issues legal education for students at high schools These serve as the important foundations for the author to inherit and develop appropriately to the new researcg object Works on legal education for students at colleges and universities “Innovating legal education in the system of political schools in our country today” [23] by Tran Ngoc Duong (1999); Doctoral thesis: “Legal education for students of legal non-major universities in Vietnam” [15] by Phan Hong Duong (2014); Doctoral thesis: “Educating legal consciousness for students of universities in central provinces in the current period” [20] by Do Thanh Do (2016); Doctoral thesis: “Managing the activity of legal education for students of legal non-major universities” [24] by Do Thi Thu Hang (2017) It can be concluded that the topic of legal education for students at universities has always been paid great attention to by many scientists All of these help the author to have a complete understanding on the practical and theoretical issues on legal education, from then providing the basis to assess the reality of legal education for cadets of military officer schools today Works on legal education for cadets at military officer schools Scientific work at the level of General Department of Politics : “innovating the program and teaching method of the State and the Law subject at military academies and schools” [75] by Pham Xuan Mat (2012); “Research on improving the quality of teaching the law at Border Guard Academy” [11], by Pham Van Truong (2015) Besides, there are many writings on legal education at military officer schools such as: “Educating legal consciousness for army officer-trained cadets” by Dao Van Minh (2013), Journal of Military School, Issue 2/2013 [50]; “Promoting the propaganda of legal education at limitary schools” by Vu Thi Binh (2013), Journal of Military School, Issue 5/2013 [7], etc These works help the author to have the right direction to evaluate the actual situation and propose measures for legal education However, the number of works on legal education for cadets at military officer schools is limited Some works have touched upon this issue but with small scope and the content is mainly through teaching the law 1.3 Brief outlines of researches related to the topic and issues for the thesis to deal with 1.3.1 Brief outlines of researches related to the topic Studies on legal education All foreign authors share the same viewpoint that in order to achieve the goal of building a socially disciplined society where all citizens act in accordance with the Constitution and the laws, it requires all subjects of the educational process to follow the logic, rules and scientific organization and implementation This is an important source for the author of the dissertation to clarify the basis of legal education theory for cadets in MOSs Although domestic works approach legal education from a variety of perspectives, they share the same point: legal education is a systematic impact of educational subjects to educational objects via methods and forms to transmit educational content These research findings are the necessary suggestions for the author to analyze and clarify the objectives, contents and methods of legal education for cadets in MOSs at the present Researches on legal education in schools Research works on legal education in the schools of foreign authors help the author see the diversity and richness of the legal education process In particular, legal education should follow certain rules, legal education is always attached and subject to the economic, cultural and social characteristics of each country and territory This is an important reference for the author to inherit modern educational theories, which will be the basis for proposing measures to renovate the contents, apply methods and forms of legal education for cadets Research works on legal education in the schools of domestic authors basically perceive legal education as a specific process or activity, through the contents, methods and forms of organization so that subjects can influence the objects to achieve a defined educational goal These works not directly discuss legal education for cadets in the MOSs, but are worth referring to explain the need for strengthening legal education for cadets in MOSs at the present 8 Research works on legal education for cadets in MOSs all point out the social origin of cadets' violations in order to select appropriate methods and forms of organizing the legal education These studies give the author more scientific basis to propose measures of legal education for cadets in a close and correct manner with the object of study However, approaching the issue from perspective of educational science can be as follows: So far, there have been no studies that explain basically, systematically, and intensively about legal education for cadets in MOSs at the present The published research works on legal education for cadets in MOSs are mainly through the legal teaching; there are no works that adequately outline the characteristics, objectives, contents, methods and forms of legal education for cadets, and point out ways and means to improve the quality of legal education for cadets in MOSs at the present 1.3.2 Issues for the thesis to deal with Firstly, from the researches related to the topic, the dissertation continues to study in depth the basic concepts of the topic, explain nature, logi of legal education; analyze characteristics, contents, methods, forms and factors that affect the legal education process for cadets in MOSs Secondly, from theoretical foundation of legal education for cadets in the MOSs, the dissertation clarifies the practical basis of the research issue, in which it clarifies the current status of legal education awareness and current status of legal education for trainees in MOSs in current situation Thirdly, although a number of published studies mention measures to improve the effectiveness of legal teaching and published for cadets in MOSs, the proposals are approached under perspectives of Educational theory and history Therefore, it poses new requirement for the thesis to continue to study and propose the system of published for cadets in the current context Conclusion of Chapter Research works on legal education in schools have been studied by different educators at home and abroad from different aspects This helps the author to have more materials to clarify the theoretical and practical foundation of legal education for cadets in MOSs in the current period However, there is not yet a comprehensive and specific study of legal education for cadets in MOSs under perspectives of Educational theory and history Hence, it is to confirm that the thesis is an independent scientific work that does not duplicate any published researches Chapter THE RATIONALE OF LEGAL EDUCATION FOR CADETS AT MILITARY OFFICER SCHOOLS AT THE PRESENT 2.1 Theoretical issues on law and legal education 2.1.1 The concept of law and legal education The concept of law Legislation is a system of general mandatory rules that are promulgated or recognized by the state and ensures the implementation, demonstrating the will of the ruling class and regulating social relations to be developed in accordance with the interests of their class From the concept above, the law has the following characteristics: (1) Law is the expression of the will of the ruling class (2) Law is a system of generally binding rules of conduct (3) Law is set by the state and ensured with implementation The concept of legal education Legal education is a purposeful, organized process to coordinate with the educator and educational subjects in order to raise their awareness, foster their emotions, attitudes, beliefs and train the law-breaking habit and to urge all citizens to take initiative in strictly implementing the law The above concept shows that: (1) Legal education is the expression of the interaction between legal education subject matter and legal education object; (2) Legal education only really achieves the goals set when the object of education really self-conscious, actively turning the objective law requirements into their own internal needs; (3) Legal education has always followed the program and specific contents, based on modern scientific methods and forms of education, and in line with the characteristics of the economic, cultural lifestyle of the object of education; (4) Legal education must achieve the above three goals: awareness, attitudes and behaviors 2.1.2 Characteristics of the nature of legal education The nature of legal education is the process of transforming the provisions of the Constitution into laws of the individual through the organization of life, activities and exchanges in the legal culture environment, in order to form and develop the awareness and behavior of citizens, according to the educational objectives defined 2.1.3 Logic of the legal education process As other educational processes, legal education must go through three basic stages: the stage of awareness, the stage of belief formation, and the stage of habits practice The stages of the legal education process have a dialectical relationship that interacts closely with one another 2.2 Theoretical issues of legal education for cadets in military 10 officer schools 2.2.1 The concept of legal education for cadets in military officer schools Legal education for cadets in military officer schools is a purposeful, coordinated, and organized process between the educator and the subject of education to help cadets transform the requirements, norms, values of law and discipline into qualities of military personality that meet the goals and requirements of the schools The concept has identified some of the following contents: (1) Objective of legal education is to foster cadets with proper awareness, attitudes and behavior (2) Educators are the pedagogical forces involved in education including: Indirect forces: are party organizations, command organizations, mass organizations in schools (from party committees, schoolboard, board of directors, functional departments, Youth organizations and Military Councils); Direct forces: are lectures who teach law and managers in the cadet unit Cadets are both the subject of the educator and the object of legal education (3) Educational subject are cadets at military officer schools They are military personnel who have been recruited in all fields, trained to become commanders or professional officers (4) Program and content of legal education: The legal education program consists of a system of knowledge structured into syllabus, modules, topics and educational activities The contents of legal education include the principles of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's ideology, the viewpoints of the Communist Party of Vietnam on the State and law; norms of law (5) Legal education method is conducted through studying, mastering, living through the regular activities of building, political, social, labor production to legal education for cadets (6) Form of legal education is based on the nature of the interaction between the educator and the subject of education in the form of general education, private education and educational exchange (7) Means of legal education include all material foundations, technical equipment and facilities for teaching and legal education at schools (8) The results of legal education are assessed by the level of cognitive development, emotional attitudes and behavioral habits of cadets according to the educational objectives 2.2.2 Characteristics of legal education for cadets in military officer schools Firstly, the subject of legal education is the teacher, the commander, the comrade of cadets in the military officer schools Secondly, cadets at military officer schools are military personnel who have been carefully selected in all aspects, have moral qualities, cultural qualifications, sense of law observance, discipline, volunteer for long-term service in the Army 11 Thirdly, program, content, methods and forms of legal education for cadets at military officer schools are varied and appropriate for each subject and subject Fourthly, the legal education process for cadets is an activity that takes place in a heavily structured military pedagogical environment aimed at fulfilling educational objectives and tasks at schools Fifthly, legal education for cadets in military officer schools is always dialectical, closely linked to the teaching of law Sixthly, legal education for cadets at military officer schools is closely linked to the political, ideological, moral, and aesthetic education process 2.2.3 The content, methodology, form and facilities for legal education for cadets in military officer schools Content of legal education for cadets at military officer schools Content of legal education includes: (1) Understanding the principles of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's ideology, revolutionary road of the Communist Party of Vietnam (2) Basic knowledge about the Constitution and laws of the State of Vietnam (3) Education for cadets firmly grasps "International treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a member, international agreements [59, p.11] (4) Educate cadets to master the legal documents on national defense Legal education method for cadets in military officer schools The educational method is much diversified through teaching, education, self-education and building legal culture in the units Form of legal education for cadets at military officer schools Based on the nature of the interaction between the educator and the subject of education, there are general forms of education, private education and exchanging education Firstly, form of general education: These are the forms of education is used for the cadets collectible, this form of education has the following basic forms: (1) Organize general education according to topic (2) Organize education according to topic (3) Organize education according to the collective living regime Secondly, form of private education: the educator will conduct dialogue, confide in and communicate directly with the individual subject of education about the contents of the Constitution and the law, in order to achieve the stated educational objectives Thirdly, form of exchanging education: It is the method used by educators in organizing educational exchanges between individuals and groups of cadets, between cadets and non-military organizations and individuals in order to achieve the objective of legal education 12 Facilities, technical facilities for legal education for cadets in military officer schools School facilities include lecture halls, laboratories, specialized classrooms, parade-ground, ground, barracks The system of textbooks, materials and technical means for teaching and educating cadets 2.2.4 The current requirements for legal education for cadets in military officer schools Firstly, legal education for cadets must meet the goal, the fundamental reform requirements, comprehensive education and training in the military officer schools Secondly, legal education for cadets must thoroughly understand the practical point of view Thirdly, legal education for cadets must constantly bring into play the active and creative role of educational subjects Fifthly, legal education must be renewed and synchronized in content, methods and forms of legal education for cadets 2.3 Factors affecting the legal education of cadets in military officer schools in the current context 2.3.1 Impacts from socio-economic conditions to legal education for cadets 2.3.2 Impact from the requirement to build a socialist state of Vietnam 2.3.3 Impact from the level of completion of the system of legal documents 2.3.4 Impact from the program, the training content of the school 2.3.5 Impacts from the quality and capacity of the legal education subject 2.3.6 Impact from the characteristics of the object of legal education Conclusion of chapter Access to legal education is viewed as a process requiring that educational subjects must identify the components of legal education formation (including objectives, content, methods and forms) .) Thereby clarifying the nature, logic, characteristics, requirements and factors affecting the legal education in military officer schools the current context Chapter PRACTICAL LEGAL EDUCATION FOR CADETS IN THE CURRENT MILITARY OFFICIER SCHOOLS 3.1 General overview of military officer schools 3.1.1 Brief overview of the organization system of military officer schools 13 The military officer schools are part of the military organization system, and are part of the country's education and training system, including: academies, institutes These schools meet the requirements of training military officers for: Ground Force, Navy Force, Air and Air Defense Force, Border Defense Forces, Marine Police and other agencies and other agencies and units under the Ministry of Defense; training of masters, doctors, engineers, bachelors of science, technical staff, and scientific and technological research institutions in general, military science and technology in particular Up to now, there are 22 institutes, military officer schools, military universities and colleges About organization: There are academies, Army officer Colleges, Political Officers College under the Ministry of Defense; The remaining academies and schools are assigned to the General Departments, the Military Forces and the Border Guard Command, the Government Cipher Committee Based on the responsibilities and duties of training military officers according to the scale and nature of military operations, the schools set up various training models Types of training: Long-term formal training; training for a short time; parttime training In each type of training, there are training levels according to the educational level (college, bachelor, master, doctor); training by sector, specialization (advisory commander, politician, professional commander, technical commander ) and training by position (the officer in detachment level, the officer in tactical campaign the officer in, teacher ) 3.1.2 Characteristics of education and training in military officer schools - Objectives, training requirements of the military officer schools - Programs, training content in the military officer schools - Organization of cadet management in the military officer schools - The educational milieu in the military officer schools is well organized 3.2 Brief overview of the legal education status for cadets in the military officer schools * Purpose of the survey It aims to collect practical data about the state of the art of legal education and the status of legal education for cadets in current military officer schools * Content of the survey - Examining the status of legal education awareness for cadets in military officer schools - Examining the actual situation of legal education for cadets in military officer schools * Object, location, time of the survey - Object of the survey: Survey 96 lectures managers and 818 cadets at a number of military officer schools 14 - Location of the of the survey: Consists of the following institutions: Political Officers College, The Army officer College No1, Artillery Officer Military School, Technical Officer Military School, Vietnam Academy of Border Defense Force and some typical units in the army - Time of the survey: The data used for the thematic study was investigated and surveyed from 2015 up to now * Survey method - Study documents, resolutions, directives, reports summarizing the work of education and training, advocacy and dissemination of legal education of army and military officer schools - Questionnaire surveys (anklet) combined with in-depth interviews with teachers, managers and cadets in military officer schools - Observes the teaching and legal education of teachers, managers and cadets in military officer schools - Talks with a number of teachers, managers and Cadets - Communicate with some teachers, commanders, managers and cadets at some schools and units - Consult some experts who have experience in educating cadets - The thesis uses the mathematical statistical methodology and IBM SPSS Statistics 20 software to process the status of legal education for cadets in military officer schools as a basis to propose measures to improve the quality and effectiveness of legal education for cadets in current military officer schools * Survey tool - Questionnaire on current state of legal awareness, legal education and legal education status for cadets in military officer schools (for teachers, managers s) Questionnaire on current state of legal awareness, legal education and legal education status for cadets in military officer schools (for cadets) * How to conduct the survey The survey was conducted in phases: Phase 1: Design and pre-test - Step1: Design Based on theoretical basis in chapter 1, the authors of the thesis design toolkit include: Questionnaires, interviews with teachers, managers s, cadets and cadet activity observation sheets, each type of questionnaire contains 15 items (Appendix 2) - Step2: Pre-test In order to test the reliability of the questionnaire, the investigator conducted the test at Political Officers College, The Army officer College No1, Artillery Officer Military School, Technical Officer Military School, 15 Vietnam Academy of Border Defense Force using the method of assessing the correlation between items in the same domain (Internal Consistency methods), using Cranach’s Alpha correlation model Phase 2: Official investigation: To understand the current state of legal, legal education and the state of legal education for cadets in military officer schools How to proceed: - The thesis author selects the cadets to ensure that the proportion of cadets in political majors, commanding officers and technical expertise is balanced - For the questionnaire for teachers, managers, conduct instructions and explain directly how to do, and then collect - For the questionnaire for the cadets, conduct the instruction and explain how to it, and then collect the classroom - For the interview, select 15 cadets in the second year, third year to interview and 10 teachers, managers of Political Officers College, The Army officer College No1, Artillery Officer Military School, and Technical Officer Military School, Vietnam Academy of Border Defense Force In addition, observe the activities of studying, training and maintaining discipline to build the regular life style of cadets to have more accurate and complete information on legal education Phase 3: Processing survey results Using statistical mathematical methods for data processing, the data obtained after the survey was processed by IBM SPSS Statistics 20 software Parameters and statistical operations used in the study are descriptive statistical analysis and statistical analysis of reasoning - Descriptive statistics use indicators such as mean, standard deviation, frequency and percentage of responses to closed questions - In statistical analysis, the author uses statistics such as: Analysis, comparison and binary correlation analysis The Pearson correlation coefficient r is used to measure the linear correlation between two quantifiers, r is from -1 to +1 Showing that: r = 0: Two variables have no correlation; < r �1: Two variables have a positive relationship; -1 �r < 0: Two variables have a negative correlation The degree of relationship is based on probability coefficients (Sig.) When Sig � 0.05, the value of r is valid for the relationship between the two variables To evaluate the reliability of the toolkit in this study, the thesis utilized Cranach’s Coefficient Alpha The reliability of each sub scale is considered to be low if the coefficient  < 0.4 The reliability of the scale is considered low if the coefficient  < 0.6 The formula is as follows: 16 R XX K � �i2 �  1 � � K  � 2x � In which: R XX = Correlation coefficients; K = number of items of i2 = the covariance value of each specific item of the test;  2x = variance value of the whole test; �i = Sum of the variance values the test; of all items of the test Assessing the scale of legal qualities in terms of perceptions, attitudes and behaviors have  ˃ 0.4 and the reliability of the value scale  ˃ 0.6 This data shows that the reliability of the scale is high 3.3 Current status of legal awareness and legal education for cadets in military officer schools 3.3.1 The status of legal awareness of cadets Basically, cadets are aware of the law, have a sense of respect and observance of the law, know how to apply the law in the process of learning at school and protect legal rights and interests However, there are still some cadets who are not fully aware of the law and cannot distinguish between different law sections 3.3.2 Status of awareness about the role of legal education for cadets The majority of teachers, managers and cadets in the military officer schools appreciate the role of legal education aimed at helping cadets shape the development of legal qualities However, there are still a number of teachers, managers and cadets in the military officer schools who not really appreciate the need for legal education 3.4 Legal education status for cadets in military officer schools 3.4.1 Status of implementation of legal education objectives for cadets The school has implemented the legal education objectives for cadets on all three criteria: the cognitive, attitude, behavior However, schools only focus on equipping them with knowledge rather than fostering attitudes, emotions and legal behaviors The results are just average 3.4.2 Actual implementation of programs and contents of legal education for cadets Status of legal education program implementation for cadets The program of legal education for cadets has been has been interesting and built quite diverse and has attracted the attention of cadets However, the program of the training for military officers still have duplication; Educational programs at the units are also simple with 17 the activities of law practice day, practice, duty of duty, exchange, discussion, cultural and legal activities are evaluated on an average level Status of implementation of legal education content for cadets Fundamentally, the content of legal education for cadets at military officer schools is structured to ensure relatively scientific, logical; Step by step harmonious combination of equipping knowledge with fostering feelings, beliefs, practice habits of law along with political education, ideology, ethics, lifestyles, working methods and behaviors for cadets However, the legal education for cadets in military officer schools is still at an average level, not really creating the knowledge, attitude and legal behavior that are sustainable for cadets 3.4.3 Status of legal education methods for cadets Surveying the application of legal education methods to cadet’s shows that the schools have actively applied diverse groups of educational methods to ensure that they are close to the major and subjects However, specific methods of legal education such as: The use of color teams, practice methods, practice to practice and experience habits of law is not really paid attention 3.4.4 Current status of legal education organization for cadets Schools have used various forms of legal education However, individual forms of education and educational exchanges are less commonly used than general education forms (GPA from 2.77 to 2.89) 3.4.5 Status of forces involved in legal education for cadets Basically, pedagogical forces in the school have all qualities, capacity, promote the role of responsibility, concern care and guidance orientation, and organize the implementation of legal education for cadets However, the coordination between the forces is not tight, the capacity of some teachers, managers is still limited, and the role of the Youth Union is not promoted 3.4.6 Current status of material facilities, technical facilities for legal education for cadets The facilities and technical facilities at the schools have been initially invested in and applied more and more effectively in legal education for cadets However, the system of billet, lecture halls, libraries, textbooks and technical facilities in service of teaching and education of some schools have deteriorated and failed to meet the requirements of legal education 3.4.7 The status of evaluating the results of legal education for cadets Legal education results have helped cadets in military officer schools grasp basic legal content However, there are still units that not really clarify the meaning of legal norms, lack of practicality leading to not transform knowledge into legal attitudes and behaviors 18 3.4.8 A general assessment of the status of legal education for cadets in military officer schools Advantages Firstly, the Board of Director (the School-Board) and the authorities at the military officer schools have frequently paid attention to legal education for cadets Secondly, the teachers and managers have attached great importance to fostering legal qualities for cadets Thirdly, most cadets abide by law and discipline Fourthly, the content, methods and forms of legal education for cadets in schools are gradually being reformed * The cause of the advantages Firstly, the Board of Director (the School-Board) of military officer schools has regularly grasped the documents of the superior Secondly, the competent authorities have performed well the function of advising the Board of Directors (the School-Board) of the schools to strictly guide the legal education process Thirdly, the teachers and managers of military officer schools have been strengthened, both quantitatively and qualitatively Fourthly, cadets have a proper understanding of the meaning and role of legal education in the shaping of the personality of the military officer Disadvantages Firstly, some functional departments, teachers and managers not really attach importance to legal education for cadets Secondly, the coordination between the functional departments, the faculty and the cadet manager in legal education for cadets is not tight Thirdly, contents, methods and forms of legal education for cadets are still slow to innovate Fourthly, the awareness and behavior of law enforcement of some cadets is limited Fifthly, the construction of cultural and legal environment is not really considered * The cause of the disadvantages Firstly, the awareness of teachers, managers and cadets in legal education schools is limited Secondly, the quality and capacity of educational objects is limited Thirdly, motivation, sense of responsibility, methods of learning skills, training, and experience the sense of legal behavior of some cadets is not good 19 3.5 Current status of factors affecting legal education for cadets in military officer schools Legal education outcomes for cadets at military officer schools are subject to subjective and objective factors The two most influential factors, however, are the moral quality and organizational capacity of the legal education subject and the characteristics of the legal education objects This has shown that the role of the subject and the object of education have a great influence on the outcome of the legal education of the cadets Conclusion of chapter Over the past years, military schools have identified objectives, developed programs, selected content, applied different methods and forms of education to foster and improve the quality of law, discipline for cadets However, legal education for cadets in military officer schools is currently limited, the results of legal education for cadets is not commensurate with the objective of training requirements and still in average level Chapter LEGAL EDUCATION FOR CADETS IN CURRENT MILITARY OFFICIER SCHOOLS AND PEDAGOGICAL EXPERIMENTS 4.1 Legal education for cadets in military officer schools 4.1.1 Determine the purpose of legal education for cadets in accordance with the duties and responsibilities of future military officers Defining the objective of educating the legal consciousness and behaviors in the model of training for cadets is a measure to play the role of directing and guiding the steps and steps of the legal education process In essence, it is necessary to clarify the objective of legal education to ensure concrete and practical, close to each specialized discipline and professional responsibility of military occupation of cadets 4.1.2 Renovation of content, methods and forms of education towards the formation of legal qualities for cadets This is an important measure that directly contributes to raise the legal awareness and attitude for cadets Therefore, it is necessary to continue to supplement, develop, enrich the program and content; Applying diverse, flexible, innovative methods and forms of legal education for cadets 4.1.3 Organize practice activities to practice legal habits and behaviors for cadets This is a basic way to raise the legal awareness for cadets Through experience, all activities of cadets will be maintained in accordance with 20 the Constitution and the law, military orders, creating a unified understanding and action, timely finding out the weaknesses to guide and regulate the behavior of cadets in accordance with the law, regulations, military regulations 4.1.4 Maximize the process of self-education, self-experience, self-training habits of legal behavior for cadets This is a means of ensuring that legal education is ongoing It is a process of self-accumulation of experience, proper behavior to form habits, good behavior in accordance with the requirements of military operations, helps cadet to be self-confident, self-restrained, calmly handle the relationships according to the standards of law and discipline 4.1.5 Be active in building the legal culture environment in the schools Building a legal culture environment is an important way to help cadets further enhance their legal behaviors and minimize legal violations Therefore, in order to form a lifestyle, habits of law-abiding behavior for cadets of educational content should be directed to building a military-disciplined military environment; Establishing positive relationships in the school associated with the construction of scenery of military culture environment "green, clean, beautiful" 4.1.6 Close collaboration between pedagogical forces in the legal education process for cadets Coordination between pedagogical forces has a unified meaning in the objectives, time, place, contents, methods and forms of organization and materials to ensure legal education activities in order to create synergy in organizing, directing and orienting cadets to study, experience, practice the law and disciplines Relationship between legal education measures for cadets Each legal education measure has a closely interrelated dialectical relationship in achieving the objective of providing legal education to cadets 4.2 Pedagogical experiments 4.2.1 General issues of experiment Purposes, tasks and hypotheses of experiment * Purpose of experiment: verify the correctness of the hypothesis and the feasibility of proposed legal education solutions * Task of experiment: carry out pedagogical activities through the learning organization, experience and training of legal qualities for the experimental subject to draw conclusions assessing the feasibility of using legal education for cadets in the current military officer schools * Hypotheses of experiment: raising the awareness of the cadets' positive attitude of behavior depends greatly on the method and 21 organization of education Thus, the legal education process for cadets in the military officer schools if attention is paid to reforming the method and organization of education, it will raise awareness, attitudes and legal behaviors for cadets Range, location and object of experiment * Range of experiment: The experiments were conducted through learning with 02 lectures, 01 essay, 01 exam in State and Law subjects, 02 self-evaluation and evaluation, 02 observations to assess perceptions, attitudes and behaviors of cadets * Location of experiment: Location 1: The Army officer College No1 And Location 2: Political Officers College * Object of experiment: the second year and third year cadets, majoring in training commanders and political officers The number of cadets is divided into two classes with the same number of cadets and the same initial learning quality, forming a pair of control and experiment Force and time of experiment * Force of experiment: the thesis author with collaborators who are teachers, manager in Army officer College No1 And Political Officers College * Time of experiment (divided into phase) + Phase 1: from 3/2017 to 5/2017 + Phase 2: from 9/2017 to 11/2017 Content, methods of experiment and method of measuring and evaluating the results of experiment * Content of experiment: Solution 4.1.2 In renewing the method, the form of legal education for cadets * Methods of experiment: Controlled experiments 4.2.2 Process of experiment Preparation: Step1: Determining the criteria and scale of the experimental results, Step2: Fostering empirical collaborators, Step3: Analyzing program and course objectives, Step4: Making plans and compiling lesson plans, Step5: Preparing guarantee material Experimental implementation: Include experimental lectures, seminars, examinations and observations End of experiment: checking and processing of experimental results, both quantitative and qualitative - Quantitative: Use of SPSS software to process data after a field trip between two experimental and control groups + The formulas used in the statistics section are: (1) mean: To calculate the average of the scores, the average of the cadets in the two experimental and control classes is calculated by the formula: 22 x = n x i i [14, tr.22] n 2 (2) Variance (S ), calculated for both S x and S y S2 =  n x i i  x  [14, tr.30] n (3) Standardized deviation: Used to describe the degree of dispersion of the data around the mean value S=  n x i i  x  n [14, tr.30] (4) Quantitative test (t) To determine the reliability of the difference between the mean of the experimental and control groups y t=(x- ) n S x S2y [14, tr.63] Search tkd in the Cadet Distribution table to find the probability of reliability: if tkd > t , the difference between the two mean values x is meaningful, in which: n: Total number of cadets y : Average score for the control group ni : Total cadets which has xI point S2x: Variance of the experimental group xi: Value of point xi S2y: Variance of control group yi: Value of point yi Sx: Standard deviation of the experimental group x : GPA of the experimental group Sy: Standard deviation of the control group (5) The probability value p (p-value) of the test T-test occurs randomly (SPSS stands for p-value is sig.) Then there are two hypotheses: (1) if the sig > 0.05, the difference in the results of the experimental and control classes was completely random, i.e no difference effect was observed (2) If sig ≤ 0.05, the difference is non-random, that is, the measure used to influence the experimental class produces a change compared to the control class The results are statistically significant (6) Correlation coefficients Pearson: It helps to compare the correlation between the cadet's perceptions, attitudes and behaviors obtained after 23 experiment When sig

Ngày đăng: 24/10/2018, 09:29


