Kiến thức thái độ thực hành về bệnh động kinh của giáo viên_KNOWLEDGE_ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE ON EPILEPSY AMONG SCHOOL TEACHERS IN THINGANKYUN TOWNSHIP_ YANGON 1.Introduction Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological problems of childhood and adolescent.Regarding current status of epilepsy in Myanmar, it is common and ranks as third among neurological diseases (HtinZawSoe .2013). Teachers are important role in giving health education to the children , and more influencing on the children than their parents.So teachers should have knowledge about epilepsy and first aid measures of seizure.2.Objectives2.1.General objectiveTo study knowledge ,attitude and practice on epilepsy among school teachers in Thingankyun Township.2.2 .Specific Objectives To find out the sociodemographic characteristic of school teachers To assess the knowledge and attitude of the school teachers toward epilepsy.To identify the practice of school teachers on epileptic children To determine the association between socio demographic characteristic of school teachers and their knowledge, attitude and practice on epilepsy 3.Research Methodology3.1.Study design Crosssectional descriptive study 3.2.Study area Thingankyun township in Yangon Region3.3.Study period From September to December, 2014.3.4.Study population School teachers from four Basic Education High Schools (BEHS) in Thingankyun Township , Yangon. Inclusion criteria Selected school teachers from 4 BEHS in Thingankyun Township, Yangon Both genders (male and female) were included. Exclusion criteria Those who were not willing to participate
KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE ON EPILEPSY AMONG SCHOOL TEACHERS IN THINGANKYUN TOWNSHIP, YANGON Dr Swe Mar Myint Lwin MBBS, MPH Assistant Lecturer Department of Epidemiology University of Public Health, Yangon 1.Introduction Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological problems of childhood and adolescent Regarding current status of epilepsy in Myanmar, it is common and ranks as third among neurological diseases (Htin-Zaw-Soe 2013) Teachers are important role in giving health education to the children , and more influencing on the children than their parents So teachers should have knowledge about epilepsy and first aid measures of seizure 2.Objectives 2.1.General objective To study knowledge ,attitude and practice on epilepsy among school teachers in Thingankyun Township 2.2 Specific Objectives To find out the socio-demographic characteristic of school teachers To assess the knowledge and attitude of the school teachers toward epilepsy To identify the practice of school teachers on epileptic children To determine the association between socio demographic characteristic of school teachers and their knowledge, attitude and practice on epilepsy Conceptual Framework 3.Research Methodology 3.1.Study design - Cross-sectional descriptive study 3.2.Study area - Thingankyun township in Yangon Region 3.3.Study period - From September to December, 2014 3.4.Study population- School teachers from four Basic Education High Schools (BEHS) in Thingankyun Township , Yangon Inclusion criteria Selected school teachers from BEHS in Thingankyun Township, Yangon Both genders (male and female) were included Exclusion criteria Those who were not willing to participate 3.5.Sample size determination The formula , n = z2 p q /d2 is used for sample size determination n = sample size z = reliability co-efficient at 95% confidence level p = proportion of school teachers with good knowledge of epilepsy = 0.5 q = – 0.5 = 0.5 d = desired precision = 0.07 z2 p q /d2 = 1.962 × 0.5 × 0.5 /0.072 = 196 For non-response rate, 10% of sample size is added to calculated sample size Therefore final sample size is 196 + 20 = 216 participants 3.6.Sampling procedure Sampling method was two stages simple random sampling method Firstly four Basic Education High schools in Thingankyun Township were selected randomly and then teachers were also randomly selected among these four selected BEHS from this Township 3.7.Data collection methods and tools Before data collection, pre-test was done with semi structural and self administered questionnaires (n=15) 3.8.Data management and analysis The data analysis were done by using SPSS 16.0 software Frequency distribution tables were drawn to describe the proportion of categories of variables For continuous variables, was presented as means and standard deviation Chi Square test was used to find association between variables α was set at 0.05 for statistical significant 10 187 29 Presence Not Presence number of school teachers Figure 1.10 Distribution of presence of family member/relative with epilepsy among school teachers 22 Knowledge, Attitude and Practice level Regarding knowledge, 53.2 % of teachers had low level of knowledge All of the teachers had heard about the epilepsy and 9.7% of teachers thought that epilepsy was a kind of insanity and 3.7% answered that epilepsy was a contagious disease 4.2% of teachers had wrong knowledge that smoking can cause epilepsy and 24.5% answered that epilepsy was a blood disorder Half of teachers 50.5% did not know that epilepsy can be treated with anti-epileptic drugs 14.4% thought that person with epilepsy should avoid schooling and 23.1% answered that person with epilepsy should avoid routine works 23 Regarding attitude, 53.2% of teachers had poor level of attitude 34.3% of teachers agreed that epilepsy was one of the mental disorders and 9.3% agreed that epilepsy was a fearful and incurable disease Half of teachers 50.5% disagreed that the student with epilepsy may be as intelligent as other students Some 11.6% agreed that child with epilepsy should be placed in a special classroom 24 Regarding practice, 53.7% had poor level of practice Regarding the question of “If you see a person or a student getting seizure in front of you, what would you ?” ,most of teachers chose wrong methods of first aid measures 86.1% answered that they would put something into the mouth of that person during attack of seizure 33.8% answered that they would restrain the epileptic person during attack of seizure 24.5% of teachers answered that they would apply the oilment on the body of the epileptic person 26.4% answered that they would place the key into the hands of epileptic person to stop seizure 43.7% answered that they would ask to inhale inhaler or onion to epileptic person 25 In this study, junior assistant teachers had higher knowledge level about epilepsy than primary assistant teachers and senior assistant teachers (p=0.003) Senior assistant teachers had higher level of good attitude toward epilepsy than junior assistant teachers and primary assistant teachers (p=0.001) There was no statistically significant association between socio demographic characteristic of school teachers and level of practice and also between knowledge and attitude and practice (p>0.05) 26 Table (1) Frequency distribution of level of knowledge regarding epilepsy (n= 216) Knowledge level Number Percent High level 101 46.8 Low level 115 53.2 mean=15.97 median=16 SD= 5.619 minimum=1 maximum= 31 27 Table (2) Frequency distribution of level of attitude among school teachers (n=216) Attitude Number Percent Good 101 46.8 Poor 115 53.2 mean= 47.79 median= 47.0 SD=4.66 minimum=34 maximum= 61 28 Table (3) Frequency distribution of level of practice on epilepsy (n=216) Practice Number Percent Good 100 46.3 Poor 116 53.7 mean= 7.34 medium=7 SD= 1.858 minimum=1 maximum= 12 29 Conclusion As epilepsy is more common in younger age groups and school children, teacher’s knowledge, attitude and practice on epilepsy become an important one Discrimination and misbelieves concerning epilepsy is still present in both developing and developed countries around the world till nowadays In this study, overall level of knowledge, attitude and practice on epilepsy among school teachers were at the lower level 30 Recommendation 1.Giving more effective health education strategies to school teachers via TV/radio , newspaper and journal Coordinating with school health programs and epilepsy projects Doing more in depth and area wide studies and researches among other professional levels concerning epilepsy to get more information 31 Limitation of Study The followings were some limitations in this study Using self administered questionnaire Cross-sectional study (snap shot) The study was done in only one Township 32 R EF ERE NC ES CIT ED Ahmad M 2011, Epilepsy: Stigma and Management, Current Research in Neuroscience, 1: , 1-14 Alikor EA and Essien AA 2005, Childhood epilepsy: 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