UNIT 9: UNDERSEA WORLD TiÕt 55 + 56 UNIT 9 – LESSON 1: A. READING Planning date: Jan 2nd Teaching date: Jan 3rd and 5th I. Objectives: 1. Education aims: Students read about the undersea world. 2. Knowledge: a. General knowledge: The oceans and the undersea world. b. Language: The present simple tense. Vocabulary concerning undersea world like: whale, jellyfish, shark, ..... 3. Skills: Speaking : talk in pairs and in groups. Reading comprehension: Matching and Table completion exercises. II. Anticipated problems:Students may lack vocabulary on undersea world. III. Teaching aids: board, textbook, chalk. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1. Warmup:( 3 mins) Aim:Sts get used to the topic. + Networks: Sts are required to work in groups of 3 or 4 to make a list of words related to the names of the animals in the sea in written form. The group with the longest list will be the winner. 2. Before you read( 12 mins) Aim: Prepare information and vocabularies for the topic. + Work with a partner 1: Ask sts to look at the map and give Vietnamese names for the oceans on the map. Allow sts to discuss in pairs in 2 minutes. Get feedback and give remarks. + Work with a partner 2: Sts are required to do in the same way as in “ work with a partner 1” to name the sea animal in each picture. Ask some sts to report. Listen and give remarks. + Vocabulary: Provide the sts with new wordsphrases: + Gulf(n): VÞnh + challenge(v): th¸chthøc + Subma`rine(n): Tµu ngÇm + `organism(n): c¸ thÓ + Biodi`versity(n): sù ®a d¹ng sinh häc + at stake(phr) : Cã nguy c¬ tuyÖt chñng = in danger Read each wordphrase 3 times and ask the sts to repeat it. Leave the sts 1 minute to selfpractise reading the words. Ask 45 sts to read all the wordphrases aloud in front of the class Listen and help the sts to read the wordsphrases correctly. 3. While you read:( 20 mins) Aims: Read the passage for information to do the tasks. + Set the scene: You are going to read a passage about undersea world. Read it and then do the tasks that follow. + Task 1:Fill in each space with a suitable from the box. Ask sts to read the passage and do task 1. Sts are required to compare their results with their partners. 5 sts are required to do the task orally in front of the class (1 st 1 time). Listen and help sts to do the task correctly. + Task 2: Answering Questions: Ask sts to work in pairs to read the passage again and answer the questions in task 2. Require sts to underline the information that supports the answers. Sts are required to compare their answers with another pair. Ask 56 sts to read their answers aloud in front of the class (1 st 1 time). Give correct answers. 4. After you read:( 9 mins) Aims: Give the summary of the passage. Sts are required to work in pairs to fill in each numbered space with a wordphrase in the box. 8 sts represent by reading aloud the answers. Listen and help sts to do their task well. 5. Homework:( 1 min) Learn the summary of the reading passage. Work in groups of 34 students Give the lists to the teacher Work in pairs and do the work orally. Some sts report. + Pa`cific ocean: Th¸i b×nh d¬ng + At`lantic ocean: §¹i t©y d¬ng + `Indian ocean: Ên ®é d¬ng + `Arctic ocean: B¾c b¨ng d¬ng + An`tarctic ocean ( southern ocean): BiÓn nam cùc. Listen and copy down. Do as they have done in the previous part Some sts report. + Picture1: Seal + Picture2: Jellyfish + Picture3: Turtle + Picture4: Shark Self correct Listen and then copy down Listen and repeat. Read these words
GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MƠN TIẾNG ANH 10 HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN UNIT 9: UNDERSEA WORLD TiÕt 55 + 56 UNIT – LESSON 1: A READING Planning date: Jan 2nd Teaching date: Jan 3rd and 5th I Objectives: Education aims: - Students read about the undersea world Knowledge: a General knowledge: - The oceans and the undersea world b Language: - The present simple tense - Vocabulary concerning undersea world like: whale, jellyfish, shark, Skills: - Speaking : talk in pairs and in groups - Reading comprehension: Matching and Table completion exercises II Anticipated problems:- Students may lack vocabulary on undersea world III Teaching aids: board, textbook, chalk IV Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up:( mins) - Aim: Sts get used to the topic - Work in groups of 3-4 students + Networks: - Give the lists to the teacher - Sts are required to work in groups of or to make a list - Work in pairs and the work of words related to the names of the animals in the sea in orally written form - Some sts report - The group with the longest list will be the winner + Pa'cific ocean: Thái bình d¬ng Before you read( 12 mins) + At'lantic ocean: Đại tây dơng - Aim: -Prepare information and vocabularies for the topic + 'Indian ocean: ấn độ dơng + Work with a partner 1: + 'Arctic ocean: Bắc băng dơng - Ask sts to look at the map and give Vietnamese names for + An'tarctic ocean ( southern the oceans on the map ocean): BiÓn nam cùc - Allow sts to discuss in pairs in minutes - Listen and copy down - Get feedback and give remarks - Do as they have done in the + Work with a partner 2: previous part - Sts are required to in the same way as in “ work with - Some sts report a partner 1” to name the sea animal in each picture + Picture1: Seal + Picture2: - Ask some sts to report Jellyfish - Listen and give remarks + Picture3: Turtle + Picture4: + Vocabulary: Shark - Provide the sts with new words/phrases: - Self- correct + Gulf(n): Vịnh + challenge(v): tháchthức - Listen and then copy down + Subma'rine(n): Tàu ngầm - Listen and repeat + 'organism(n): c¸ thĨ - Read these words silently + Biodi'versity(n): đa dạng sinh học - Soms sts read these words aloud + at stake(phr) : Cã nguy c¬ tut chñng = in danger and others listen GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MƠN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN - Read each word/phrase times and ask the sts to repeat it - Leave the sts minute to self-practise reading the words - Ask 4-5 sts to read all the word/phrases aloud in front of the class - Listen and help the sts to read the words/phrases correctly While you read:( 20 mins) - Aims: Read the passage for information to the tasks + Set the scene: - You are going to read a passage about undersea world Read it and then the tasks that follow + Task 1:Fill in each space with a suitable from the box - Ask sts to read the passage and task - Sts are required to compare their results with their partners - sts are required to the task orally in front of the class (1 st/ time) - Listen and help sts to the task correctly + Task 2: Answering Questions: - Ask sts to work in pairs to read the passage again and answer the questions in task - Require sts to underline the information that supports the answers - Sts are required to compare their answers with another pair - Ask 5-6 sts to read their answers aloud in front of the class (1 st / time) - Give correct answers After you read:( mins) - Aims: Give the summary of the passage - Sts are required to work in pairs to fill in each numbered space with a word/phrase in the box - sts represent by reading aloud the answers - Listen and help sts to their task well Homework:( min) - Learn the summary of the reading passage - Self-correct - Listen to the teacher - Read the passage and then the task - Share their answer with their partners - Some sts report tiny investigate gulf biodiversity samples - Work in pairs to ask and answer - Compare their answer with other pairs - Some pairs report 75% They that by using modern devices They bring samples to the scientists to study We can learn about the temperature, depth, and the marine population They are : + the bottom depending + current independing + tiny organism - Work in pairs to the task - sts report three-quarters mysterious modern discovery plants and animals huge biodiversity closely connected - Others listen TiÕt 57 UNIT – LESSON 2: B SPEAKING Planning date: Jan 3rd Teaching date: Jan 7th I Objectives: Education aims: - Students know about some actions to protect the oceans Knowledge: a General knowledge: - Students can talk about the protection of the oceans b Language: "Should" and the simple present Vocabulary on undersea world Skills: - Speaking about undersea world - Reading and ordering the importance to protect the oceans II Anticipated problems: - Students may not know many new words on the topic III Teaching aids: Textbook, chalk, board IV Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Homework - checking: (7 mins) GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MÔN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN - Ask sts to write the new words on the board - Ask others to answer the questions of the reading passage Before you speak: (13 mins) Aims:to focus sts on the topic and introduce the new words and phrases used to talk about the protection of the oceans + Task 1: There are some actions that should be taken to protect our oceans Put the actions in order of importance and say what we should or shouldn’t - Ask sts to look at the task and give sts some new words: - rubbish (n): rác rởi - pollute (v): gây ô nhiÔm - dispose (v) of sth: vøt bá - 'herbicides (n): thc diƯt cá - 'pesticide (n): thc trõ s©u - Ask sts to read the new words aloud - Ast sts to work in pairs, using should or shouldn’t to put the actions in order of importance and talk about these actions - Go around to help sts if necessary - T may give sts some suggested phrases: What you think of How you feel about + V- ing What’s your opinion of Well, I think In my opinion we should - Ask some sts to give their opinions While you speak( 15 mins) Aims: Sts practise discussing the consequences of the threats to the oceans and some solutions - Ask sts to skim the sentences in Task and find the new words - Explain some new words: hunt (v ) explosive ( n) spill ( v ) tanker ( n ) Ask sts to work in groups of three or four to discuss the consequences of the threat to our oceans listed in Task and offer some solutions - Give sts some suggestions: Threats Consequences Solutions Beaches are polluted - place plastic bags filled with water in proper dustbins plastic bags 2.Whales are extinct/ - not hunt or sell hunted for disappear whale products food 3.Explosives - a lot of fish - be banned are used to died catch fish Oil is filled polluted -clean the sea from tanks water water/punish captain - One student write the new words on board - Others answer the questions - Listen to the T - Write down the new words and practise reading them - Work in pairs to the task - Sts may answer: I think that action( f ) is the most important because if we learn all we can know about the oceans we will understand their values and try to protect them - read the sentences and find the new words - Listen and take notes - Work in group of three or four GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MƠN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN - Go around to help sts if necessary 4.After you speak: ( mins) Aims: Sts report what they have discussed Task 3: Report to the class what your group has discussed - Ask some representatives to report their group’s opinions in front of the class - Listen and ask others to listen to give their opinions Homework: (1min) - Write a passage about the threats to our oceans and the solutions - Some sts report their opinions in front of the class - Others listen and give remarks TiÕt 58 UNIT – LESSON 3: C lIsTENING Planning date: Jan 5th Teaching date: Jan 9th I Objectives: General knowledge: - Sts know about the whales Language: - Parts of the world - Vocabulary on sea animals Skills: - Listening: choose True/ False statements, answer the questions - Speaking: - Talk about whales II Anticipated problems: - Too many new words - The tape's quality is not very good III Teaching aids: - Textbook , tape, pictures of whales and other sea animals IV Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Homework checking:(7 mins) One sts talks about what people should to protect the One st presents Others listen and oceans give remarks Before you listen:(10 mins) Aims: to focus sts on the topic and review/ introduce the words and phrases used in the listening text - Discuss in groups a Focus sts on the picture of a whale and ask sts to answer the following questions: Some sts stand up and give their - What animal is the largest in the world? answer - What you know about whales? - Why people think whales are not fish? Sts copy the words and phrases - Why people keep hunting whales? - Ask some sts to give their answer b Introduces some new words - 'mammal (n): the animal that raise the young on milk - whaling (n): hunting whales - krill(n): tiny shellfish found in the seas (whales feed on krill) - Listen and repeat - mig'rate(v): to move from one place to another - Read the words in pairs and according to season correct each other’s mistakes - conser'vation (n): taking care of st, the prevention of - Some individuals read the words loss, damage aloud - feeding / bearing ground (n): the place where a species - Look at the map, recall parts of of animal find food/ give birth the world, the oceans and discuss - an/a/the increase/ decrease in st(phr): where there are cold waters - International whaling Commission: an organization - Listen to the T responsible for the number of whales hunted - Work in pairs to guess if the - measure(n): an action taken to achieve a purpose statements are true or false - Read the words and ask sts to repeat - Listen to the tape and the task - Ask sts to read the words in pairs GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MƠN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN - Ask some sts to read the words again - Ask sts to refer to the map of the world in the textbook (p 94) and revise parts of the world, the oceans and discuss where there are cold waters While you listen:( 17 mins) + Task 1: Aims: Sts practise listening and marking True/ False statements - Tell sts that they are going to listen to a talk about whales - Ask sts to work in pairs, look at the statements given and guess if they are true or false - Ask sts to listen to the talk and tick the right column to indicate their answer and underline the false information T plays the tape twice - Ask sts to compare their answer in pairs - Check sts’ answer - Play the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction + Task 2: Aims:Sts practise listening for specific information by answering given questions - Ask sts to have a look at the questions in the textbook and read them in pairs and make sure they understand them T encourages sts guess the answer to the questions - Ask sts to listen to the tape once or twice again to answer the questions Sts can note down important information - Ask sts to compare their answer in pairs - Check sts’ answer - Play the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction After you listen:(10 mins) - Ask sts to work in pairs and tell each other about the whales using the following information: largest- 30 -200 -most intelligent - cold water - North South- Pacific - Atlantic - krill - in danger - hunting - The Eskimo - not protect - disappear - Move round to check the activities and to make sure that sts are working effectively - Ask two sts to present in front of the whole class - Check and give remarks Homework:(1 min) Write a short paragraph about the whale - Compare their answer - Give their answer F It's the largest animal on earth T T F They are in danger because some people are still killing them for food T - Check their answer and then correct their work if they have the wrong answer - Work in pairs to read the questions and try to answer them - Listen and the task - Gives their answer It is about 30 metres in length and over 200 tons in weight It is because there is a lot of krill - their favourite food They are the cold waters in the North and the South of the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean Heavy hunting They have asked the International Waling Commission to stop most whaling If we didn't take any measures to protect whales, this kind of animal would disappear forever - Check their answer, and then correct their work if they have the wrong answer - Work in pairs to talk about whales - Two sts present TiÕt 59 UNIT – LESSON 4: D WRITING Planning date: Jan 6th Teaching date: Jan 10th I Objectives: Education Aims: - Students can write a paragraph to describe information from a table Knowledge: a General knowledge: - Information about the sperm whale and the dolphin b Language: - Language used to describe animals - The present simple tense Skills: - Reading: read the sample paragraph - Speaking: work in pairs to find information to complete the table GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MƠN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN - Writing: write a paragraph to describe the facts and figures provided in the table II Anticipated problems: difficulty in using the information to write a full paragraph III Teaching Aids: - board, textbook, chalk IV Procedures: Teacher's activities Students' activities Homework checking :( mins) - Ask one st to talk about whales - Listen to their friend and give - Ask other sts to listen to their friend and give remarks remarks - Check and give remarks - Listen to the teacher Before you write:( 20 mins) - Listen to the teacher carefully - Aims:to get sts to read the sample paragraph and to - Copy these words into theit help them to prepare vocabulary and information before notebooks they write + Task 1: - Listen to the teacher and then read - Introduce the situation these words in chorus and - Explain some new words: individually + sperm whale (n): a kind of whale that is hunted for an - Read the paragraph in pairs and oily substance in its head the task + 'carnivore (n): an animal that eats meat + squid (n): mùc èng - Share their answer with their + ges'tation period (n): the process of carrying the young friends baby inside the mother's body - Present their ideas + life span (n): the period from birth to death + Range and habitat: all oceans + en'trapment (n): sù m¾c bÉy Prefer the waters with high squid + 'offspring (n): c¸i populations - Ask sts to listen to the teacher and repeat , then write + Size: these words into their notebooks Male: 18 m in length, 54,000 kg in - Ask sts to work in pairs to read the paragraph and then weight complete the table that follows Female: 12 m in length, 17,000 kg in - Move round to help if necessary weight - Ask sts to compare their ideas with other pairs - Draw a table on the board and ask some sts to go to the - Listen to the teacher board and complete the table - Look at the board and give remarks - Work in pairs to read the table and + Task 2: try to understand the information - Ask sts to work in pairs in minutes to read the second - Do the writing task table with some information about the dolphin - Move round to help if necessary - Read their writing: ( a sample While you write:( 10 mins) paragraph) - Aims: Sts practise writing a paragraph that describes the Dolphins are not fish They are facts and figures about the dolphin mamals that live in the water - Ask sts to use the information in the table and write a Dolphins among the most intelligent paragraph about the dolphin basing on the information in on Earth Although they can be found the table in all oceans in the world, dolphins - Let sts write in 10 minutes prefer coastal waters and bays The - Move around to conduct the activity size of dolphins varies greatly The After you write:( mins) smallest dolphin is just about 50kg in Aims: to get feedback and check sts' work weight and 1.2 metres in length - Get feedback by asking some sts to read their work while the largest o9ne can weigh up aloud to 8,200 kg and is 10 metres long - Ask some other sts to give remarks Dolphins are carnivores and they eat - Check and give the correct answer mostly fish A female dolphin gives - If there is enough time, T can have sts exchange their birth to one calf every two years GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MÔN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN writing among sts within a group so that they can check their friend's work and give remarks Homework: ( 1min) - Part D ( page 67- workbook) after a gestation period of eleven to twelve months TiÕt 60 UNIT – LESSON 5: e language focus Planning date: Jan 10th Teaching date: Jan 12th I Objectives: Education Aims:- Students know how to pronounce the sound /ɪə/, /əʊ/ and /ʊə/ correctly - Students revise the use of "should" and conditional sentence type 2 Knowledge: + Language: - Pronunciation: /ɪə/, /əʊ/ and /ʊə/ - Should - Conditional sentence type Skills: + Speaking: - Work in pairs to discuss the exercises + Reading: - Read words and sentences aloud - Read the sentences silently to the exercises II Anticipated problems: - Sounds with some sounds in Vietnamese III Teaching aids: - board, chalk, textbook IV Procedures: Teacher's activities Students' activities Homework checking: ( 5mins) - One st read the text aloud in - Ask one st to read the text about the blue whale front of the whole class - Ask another st to give remarks - Give remarks - Check and give a mark - Listen to the teacher Pronunciation:( 10 mins) - Aims: to introduce three sounds /ɪə/,/eə/ and /ʊə/ and - Write down three sounds help sts to practise these sounds - Listen to the teacher and a Write three sounds on the board and pronounce them repeat clearly twice, then ask sts to repeat - Look at the book , listen and - Tell sts how to pronounce these sounds accurately repeat - Ask them to look at the textbook, listen and repeat /ɪə/ /eə/ /ʊə/ - Then ask sts to work in pairs to read the words again so here pair poor that they can check for each other dear chair sure - Move around to help clear square tour - Ask two sts to read again and give remarks b Ask sts to look at sentences in page 101 in the book - Read these words in pairs and - Ask them to work in pairs to read the sentences and then check for their partners find out the words containing sound /ɪə/, sound /eə/ and sound /ʊə/ - Look at the book and work in - Ask them to work in minutes pairs - Move around to conduct the activity - Answers: - Ask one st to report and other sts to give remarks /ɪə/ - Check and give the correct answers /eə/ /ʊə/ - Ask some sts to read these sentences aloud beer where sure - Listen and give remarks dear wear poor Grammar: ( 29 mins) Aims: to revise the use of " should" and conditional sentence - Read the sentences type and have sts Ex1, EX and EX3 - " Should " is a modal verb that a Should: is used to give advice - Ask sts to tell the T the use of "should" - Some sts give examples: - Ask sts to give examples with "should" and "shouldn't" eg: You should get up early in the - Ask sts to EX1 morning + Exercise 1: People shouldn't hunt GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MÔN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN - Ask sts to look at Ex1 and to the task - Ask sts to the exercise individually and then compare their answers in pairs - Move round to conduct the activity - Check the exercise sentence by sentence - Listen and give remarks - Introduce the use of " I think/ I don't think should "by using some examples: eg: Joana and Andrew are planning to go skiing this weekend You think it's a bad idea You; I think you should stay at home I don't think you should go skiing thid weekend - Explain why " I don't think should " is preferred to " I think shouldn't ." - Ask sts to EX2 + Exercise 2: - Ask sts to Ex individually and then share the answers with their friends - Move round to help if necessary - Ask two sts to this exercise on the board - Ask one st to give remarks - Check and give remarks b Conditional sentence type 2: - Review the form and the use of conditional sentence type by giving some examples: eg: If my grandfather were still alive, he would be 100 today If I had a lot of money, I would lend you some - Ask sts to read the examples and point out the form as well as the use of conditional sentence type + Note: " were" is used with all persons - Ask some sts to give examples - Ask sts to EX3 + Exercise 3: - Ask sts to the task in pairs - Go round to conduct the activity - Ask some pairs to read sentence by sentence - Listen and give remarks Homework ( min) - Part B ( page 54 - workbook) TiÕt 61 + 62 whales - Do Ex - Some sts sts report their work sentence by sentence You should look for another job He shouldn't go to bed so late You should take a photograph She shouldn't use her car so much He should put some pictures on the wall - Look at the examples and listen to the teacher - Listen to the teacher - Do this EX individually - Some sts report I think smoking should be banned, especially in restaurants I don't think you should go out this evening I think he should resign - Listen to their friends and their teacher - Read the examples and point out the form and the use of conditional sentence type 2: + Form: If- clause, main clause S + V( P.S), S + would + V + Use: an unreal situation at present or in the future - Do Ex in pairs - Some sts report would take pressed refused wouldn't be wouldn't get didn't come closed down 10 borrowed UNIT 10: CONSERVATION UNIT 10 – LESSON 1: A READING GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MƠN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN Planning date: Jan 14th Teaching date: Jan 16th and 17th I Objectives: Education aims: - Students improve their knowledge about conservation Knowledge: a General knowledge: - Knowledge about conservation b Language: - The present simple tense - Vocabulary concerning conservation Skills: - Speaking : talk in pairs and in groups - Reading comprehension II Anticipated problems: - words, and knowledge about conservation III Teaching aids: board, textbook, chalk IV Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up:( mins) + Network - Ask sts to work in groups of or - Work in groups to discuss - Ask sts to give a list of the animals which are in danger of extinction - Some sts report the list in front of - After minutes, the group which has the longest list the class will be the winner Before you read:( 10 mins) - Think of the answers - Sts are required to answer the questions given in the part: Have you ever visited a zoo or a forest? What animals are you interested in? Why? - Students give answers orally Do we need to protect animals and forests? - others listen + For each question, 2-3 sts are required to answer - Copy down these words into their orally notebooks + Vocabulary: - Listen and repeat - Provide the students with some new words/phrases - Practise reading these words by +Variety(n): a large number of different kinds themselves + Species(n): = kind, type - Some sts read these words again + Eliminate(v): = disappear, remove aloud (1 student/ time) + Destruction(n) destroy(v) destructive(Adj): sù ph¸ - Work individually hủ + Hydroelectric dam(n): ®Ëp thủ ®iƯn - Try their best to the task + Circulation(n): Sù chuyÓn ®éng circulate(v) - Ask some sts to report + Overnight(Adv): in a very short period of time 2.a 3.d 4.b - Read each word/phrase times and ask sts to repeat 1.c it -Listen and self-correct the exercise - Leave sts minute to self-practise - Ask 4-5 sts to read all the word/phrases aloud in - Sts the work individually front of the class - Listen and help sts to read the words/phrases correctly - Highlight or underline the While you read:( 20 mins) important information + Task 1: Matching - Ask sts to read the passage independently and match - 6-7 students orally while others watch the words or phrases in A with their meaning in B T - Tell sts to refer to Vocabulary for help and encourage T T T them try to guess the meanings of the words in the F( two last sentences of paragraph context of the reading B) - Call on some sts to read and explain their answers F(last sentence of paragraph C) aloud in front of the class - Self-correct the work - Get feedback and give correct answers + Task 2: True or False - Work in groups of 3-4 students - Ask sts to read the passage more carefully and GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MÔN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN decide whether the statements are true(T) or false(F) Correct the false information - Ask sts to highlight or underline the information in the passage that help sts to find the correct answers - - sts are required to give answers in front of the class(1 st/ 1answer) - Listen and help sts to the exercise correctly + Task 3: Main ideas - Ask sts to work in groups of 3-4 to choose the most suitable idea for each paragraph - Call on some representatives to read their choice for each paragraph in front of the class - Get feedback and give correct answers After you read:( mins) Questions - Answers - Ask sts to work in pairs to give answers to the questions - Go round to help the students with their work - 3-4 sts are required to give answers to one question orally in front of the class( st/1 time) - Listen and help sts to give correct answers Homework:( min) - Ask sts to write a paragraph of about 60 words on the sequence of losing forest, how important water is, and what we should for the future of our planet orally - Some sts report A.3 B C - Self-correct - Work in pairs orally We wouldn't be able to use many plants to treat various dangerous diseases Animals wouldn't have a place to live in Mankind and most plants and animals can't survive without water We should stop polluting the environment and destroying plants and animals TiÕt 63 UNIT 10 – LESSON 2: B SPEAKING Planning date: Jan 17th Teaching date: Jan 19th I Objectives: Education aims: - Students know about the new kind of zoo Knowledge: a General knowledge: advantages and disadvantages of the new kind of zoo b Language: - The passive voice Skills: - Asking and answering about the new kind of zoo - Showing agreement or disagreement about the new kind of zoo - Reporting on discussion results II Anticipated problems: - Students may not know some new words in this topic III Teaching aids: Textbook, chalk, board IV Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up ( minutes ) - Ask sts some questions: -Sts answer: Have you ever visited the zoo? Yes, I have/ No, never What did you see there? I saw many animals there Where are all the animals in the zoo? They are in the cages - Introduce the new lesson: We are going to discuss the new kind of zoo where wild animals can live in their natural habitat 2.Before you speak:( 10 minutes) Aims: Sts can discuss the questions about the features of the new kind of zoo + Task 1: Read the paragraph and answer the questions - Ask sts to read through the two paragraphs - Read two paragraphs silently - Give sts some new words: 10 GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MƠN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN 22 It’s an awful _ your wife couldn’t come I was looking forward to meeting her A sorrow B harm C shame D shock 23 Of course I’m a Christian I expect everyone who works here to be a Christian too A and B but C since D then 24 He is a little bit in his left ear, but if you speak clearly he will hear what you say A disabled B diseased C dead D deaf 25 scientists have observed increased pollution in the water supply A Lately B Late C Later D Latter 26 He left his book at home, he’s always so A forgetting B forgotten C forgetful D forgettable 27 If only he told us the truth in the first place, things wouldn’t have gone wrong A should have B had C would have D have 28 Mr and Mrs Hudson are always _ with each other about money A arguing B shouting C discussing D annoying 29 He enjoyed the dessert so much that he accepted a second when it was offered A helping B pile C sharing D load 30 She remember the correct address only _ she had posted the letter A after B afterwards C since D following 31 It was impossible for her to tell the truth so she had to _ a story A invent B lie C imagined D combine 32 The children did not know the _ by which the game was played A customs B facts C orders D rules 33 Mr and Mrs Black were delighted when they to sell their house quickly A risked B succeeded C managed D could 34 I’ll have to _ to you, otherwise he will hear A whistle B say C whisper D shout 35 Can you tell me the of these shoes? A expense B charge C price D amount V Find out ONE mistake in each sentence that needs correcting 36 She can sing very beautiful and dance very gracefully but she cannot any difficult math exercise A B C D 37 With this type of exercise, reads the questions first and then read the text to find the correct answers A B C D 38 Children nowadays seem to be more intelligenter than their parents when they were at the same age A B C D 39 When I came in, my father was talking to anyone so I went out quietly A B C D 40 I want to try on the blue skirt over there Can you showing me the changing room A B C D TiÕt 93 Planning date: WRITTEN TEST - CORRECTION Teaching date: - - } 11 { - - 21 - - } 31 { - - - } 12 - | - 22 { - - 32 - - - - - ~ 13 - - - ~ 23 { - - 33 - - } { - - 14 - - - ~ 24 - - - ~ 34 - - } - | - 15 { - - 25 { - - 35 - - } GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 ~ 53 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MÔN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN - | - - 16 - - } - 26 - - } - 36 { - - - { - - - 17 { - - - 27 - | - - 37 { - - - - - - ~ 18 - - - ~ 28 { - - - 38 - | - - 19 - - - ~ 29 { - - - 39 - - } - - | - - 20 - | - - 30 { - - - 40 - - - ~ - | - - UNIT 16: HISTORICAL PLACES TiÕt 94 UNIT 16 - LESSON 1: A READING Planning date: Teaching date: I Objectives: Education aim: - Sts know about Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam Knowledge: a General knowledge: Sts can talk about Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam b Language: Sts can recall more about: - The simple past tense - Vocabulary to talk about historical places Skills: - Reading for general ideas and specific information - Choosing the best suitable words and guessing in context - Deciding on True or False statements - Discussing in group II Teaching aids: - Textbook, blackboard, chalk, … III Anticipated problems:- Students may not have sufficient words to talk about the topic IV Procedure Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up: Network (5minutes) - Ask students to work in groups of 3-4 students - Ask the students to name some historical places in Vietnam - Work in groups - After minutes, the group which has the longest list will be the winner Before you read: (8 minutes) Aims: To provide students with words/phrases about historical places Students are required to work in pairs to answer the questions in the textbook - Go around to offer help S - Work in pairs - Ask some S to answer the questions - Listen and help S to give correct answers Suggested answers: Co Loa Citadel Hoa Lu Capital Con- Son- Kiep Bac Site Den Hung Remains, Quang Tri Citadel, Hue Imperial City Hoi An City, - Some S answer the etc questions Yes, it is It is the first university of Vietnam Van Mieu- Quoc Tu Giam was founded in 1070 by the Ly Dynastry It is one of the most visited places in Hanoi - Give S some new words: * The new words/phrases are: + Confucian ( a): ngời theo đạo Khỉng, nhµ nho GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 54 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MÔN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN + engrave ( v): khắc, trạm trổ + stelae ( n): bia đá + banyan trees ( n): đa + tortoise ( n): rïa Read each word/phrase times and ask the students to repeat it Ask 4-5 students to read all the word/phrases aloud in front of the class (1 student/ time) Listen and help the students to read the words/phrases correctly While you read: (20 minutes) Aims: Read for information to the task, and the tasks Task 1: Guesing in context - Ask the students to read the passage indepently then find the italicised words in task - Write these words on board: Originally, representative, memorialise, engrave, flourish - Ask S to go back to the text to locate and underline these words and try to guess the meanings - T might want to check that S understand all these words by callingon some S to tell the meanings in Vietnamese - S are required to compare their answers with their partner - Call on students to read and explain their answers aloud in front of the class - Feedback and give correct answers: * Key: b a c b c Task 2: Deciding on True or False statement - Ask S read the text more carefully and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) Correct the false information - Ask s to the task individually and then check their answers with their friend - Ask some representatives to give their choice orally in front of the class and explain their answers - Listen and help S to give the right answer Answer: F ( it was built in 1070) T F ( from 11th century to 18th century) F ( it is an example of well- preseved traditional Vietnamese architecture) T T After you read: (10 minutes) Aims: S can talk briefly about Van Mieu- Quoc Tu Giam - Ask S to work in groups of or and prepare a talk about Van Mieu- Quoc Tu Giam, using the suggestions in the textbook - Go round to help the students with their work - Ask some S to talk in front of the class and give feedback Suggested talk: Van Mieu- Quoc Tu Giam is a historical and cultural relic of Vietnam, which attracts a great number of visitors every year Van Mieu- Quoc Tu Giam was built originally by the Ly dynasty in 1070 in Hanoi Quoc Tu Giam was considered the first university of Vietnam, which was established on the grounds of Vietnam Royal exams used to take place here and the first comers were honoured by having - Read after the T and then read individually - Listen and take notes - - Work individually - Some S the task orally while others listen - Read the text and the task individually - Check the answers with a partner - Some S present - Listen to the T - Work in groups - S take turn to talk about Van Mieu- Quoc Tu Giam GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 55 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MÔN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN their names carved on the stone stelae These talae were carried on the backs of giant tortoises, which can still be seen today Homework: (2 minutes) - Write a passage about Van Mieu- Quoc Tu Giam TiÕt 95 UNIT 16 - LESSON 2: B SPEAKING Planning date: Teaching date: I/ Objectives Education aims: - Sts know about the historical places Knowledge: - General knowledge: Sts can talk about a historical place - Language: The simple past tense Vocabulary on a historical place Skills: - Asking and answering questions about a historical place - Talking about historical places II/ Anticipated problems: vocabulary to talk about the topic III/ Teaching aids: Textbook, chalk, board, handouts IV/ Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm- up: (5 minutes) Aims : get used to the topic - Introduce the game: You are going to work in groups to match - Work in group the names of different historical places of interest in Hanoi with their English translatations - Give the answers.: Chïa Mét Cét a Presidential Palace 1-e 2- h 3- i Cét Cê Hµ Néi b Temple of Literature 4- b 5- c 6- a B¶o tàng Cách mạng c Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum 7d 8j 9- f Văn Miếu d National Museum of Ethnology 10- e Lăng Hồ Chủ Tịch e Co Loa Citadel Phđ chđ TÞch f National Museum of Fine Arts Bảo tàng Dân tộc g One Pillar Pagoda học Bảo tàng Lịch sử h Flag Tower of Hanoi Bảo tàng Mỹ thuật i Revolution Museum 10 Thµnh Cỉ Loa j Vietnamese National History Museum - Go around to observe and check that S work - Check with the whole class Before you speak: (8 minutes) Aims: : focus sts on the topic and introduce the words and grammar used in the task Task 1: Ask and answer about President Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum - Ask S to study the fact sheet of the monuments and explain new - read the fact sheet and listen to the T words if any + stand : place + late( adj): nguyên, cố cựu + maintenance ( n): bảo dìng - Ask S to read the model conversation in the textbook Read the model - Ask S some questions as examples - Ask S to work in pairs to ask and answer about President Ho conversation - Answer the teacher’s Chi Minh’s Mausoleum questions GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 56 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MÔN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN - Go around to help S - Call on some pairs to perform in front of the class Suggested questions: + Where is it located? + When did the construction start? + When did the constuction finish? + How many floors are there? + What is the use of each floor? + What time is it open? + What time is it closed? + Is photography allowed inside? While you speak: (20 minutes) Aims: Sts can ask and asnwer about the two historical places Task 2: An information gap activity - Introduce the task: S going to ask and answer about Hue Imperial City and Thong Nhat Conference Hall - Give S some new words: + World Cultural Heritage:Di sản văn hoá giới + Comprise (v): bao gåm + The Royal Citadel: Hoµng thµnh + The Imperial Enclosure: Thµnh néi + The Forbidden Purple City: Tư cÊm thành + Admission: giá vé vào cửa + Reunification Hall: Dinh Thống + To be heavily damaged: bị phá hủ nỈng nỊ + Air bombardment: nÐm bom + Chamber: phßng - Ask S to work in pairs - In their pairs, Ss will take turn to ask and answer about two histirical places using the questions in task - Go around to check and offer to help - Call on some pairs to perform in front of the class and give feedback After you speak: (10 minutes) Aim: S can talk about the historical place they have been to Task 3: - Introduce the task: S are going to work in groups to ask and answer questions about a historical place they have been to - Remind S to take notes of their friends’ talk while listening so that they can report in front of the class - Go around to help S - Call some S to report their findings - Give corrective feedback Homework: (2 minutes ) Write a paragraph to talk about a historical place - Work in pairs - Some pairs present in front of the class - Listen and take notes TiÕt 96 UNIT 16 - LESSON 3: c listenING Planning date: Teaching date: I Objectives: General knowledge: - Sts know some information about PelÐ, the most famous footballer Language: - Vocabulary on football - The simple past tense Skills: - Listening: Listen and fill in the table, and answer the questions GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 57 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MƠN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN - Speaking: Talk about important events in Pele's life II Anticipated problems: the name of Pele III Teaching aids: - Tape, cassette player, textbook, chalk, board IV Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Homework checking:(7 mins) - Ask one st to talk about some World Cup - One st presents tournaments - Others listen and give remark - Listen and give remarks - Work in groups to talk about their Before you listen:(12mins) favourite football players Aims: to focus sts on the topic and to review/ introduce the words and phrases used in the listening - Discuss the players in the pictures text - Some sts stand up and give their a Ask sts to work in groups and talk about their answers favourite football players, the name of their football Pele Maradona Zidane clubs, their nationalities Barthez Beckham - Ask sts to work in groups again to look at the pictures in the textbook and discuss the football players in the pictures - Copy the words and phrases b Introduce some new words - as a/ an : When he/ she was a/an - Listen and repeat - kick (v):( miming) - Read the words in pairs and correct -control(v): to make people/ things what you each other’s mistakes want - Some individuals read the words - participate in (v): take part in aloud - ambassador(n) đại sứ Sts listen to the T - promote(v):to help the progress of st Sts work in pairs to have a look at the -Read the words and ask sts to repeat table - Ask sts to read the words in pairs - Ask some sts to read the words again - Listen and the task While you listen:(17 mins) - Compare their notes + Task 1: - Some sts report Aims: Sts practise listening for specific information by Year Events filling in a table (1) Born in Brazil - Tell sts that they are going to listen to a talk about 1940 Pele 195 (2) Joined in a Brazilian - Ask sts to have a look at the table in pairs and make football club sure they know what information they need to fill in (3) First world cup the blanks 1962 championship - Ask sts to listen to the tape twice and take short (4) 1200th goal notes to fill in the table 1974 - Ask sts to compare their answers in pairs 197 (5) Retired - Ask some sts to report - Play the tape once again, stop the tape where - Check their answer, and then correct necessary and conduct the correction their work if they have wrong + Task 2: answers Aims: Sts practsce listening for specific information by Sts work in pairs to read the answering questions questions - Ask sts to read the questions in pairs and make - Listen and the task sure they understand the questions - Compare their answer - Ask sts to listen to the tape twice and take short - Some sts report notes to answer the questions He was fanous for his powerful - Ask sts to compare their answer in pairs kicking and controlling the ball - Ask some sts to report He participated in World Cups GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 58 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MÔN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN - Play the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction After you listen:(8 mins) - Ask sts to work in pairs and use the information in the table and the answers in Task to talk about important events in Pele's life - Move round to check the activities and to make sure that sts are working effectively - Ask some sts to present in front of the whole class - Check and give remarks Homework:(1 min) - Write a short paragraph about Pele He played for an American football club before he retired He became an international ambassador for the sport - Check their answer, and then correct their work if they have the wrong answer - Work in pairs to talk about Pele's life - Some sts present TiÕt 97 UNIT 16 - LESSON 4: D WRITING Planning date: Teaching date: I Objectives: Education Aims: - Students can describe a chart Knowledge: a General knowledge: - Student knows how to read the information in a chart b Language: - Language used to describe a chart - The past tenses Skills: - Reading: read the model description - Speaking: discuss in pairs - Writing: write a description II Anticipated problems: - Students are not familiar with this type of writing III Teaching Aids: - board, textbook, chalk IV Procedures: Teacher's activities Students' activities Homework checking :( mins) - Ask one st to talk about the ancient town of Hoi - Listen to their friend and give An remarks - Ask other sts to listen to their friend and give remarks - Listen to the teacher - Check and give remarks - Read the chart and try to understand Before you write:( 20 mins) the information in the chart - Aims: to get sts to know how to write a - Work in pairs to ask and answer and description of a chart then share their answer with their + Task 1: friends - Firstly, ask sts to look at the chart and explain the - Present their ideas information in the chart The USA had the biggest number of - Ask them to look at the chart and then answer visitors to Vietnam in 2001 the questions in pairs 99,700 visitors - Move around to help if necessary Australia did - Ask sts to compare their answer with other pairs No, it isn't - Get feedback and give remarks France did - Introduce some useful words/expressions that The number of American visitors to sts can use when describing a chart Vietnam in 2002 increased by 29,497 in + Beginning: Answer the question: " What does the comparison with that in 2001 chart show?" - Listen to the teacher - Answer: The chart shows The chart presents some information - Copy down these words into their +Expressions: As we can see from the chart, notebooks It can be seen from the chart that According to the chart, - Do the writing task + Verbs: increase >< decrease - Read their writing: ( a model GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 59 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MÔN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN reduce, rise, + Adverbs: rapidly, quickly, sharply, steadily, etc + Comparatives and superlatives While you write:( 10 mins) - Aims: Sts practise describing the chart + Task 2: - Ask sts to write a description of the chart - Ask them to use the answers to the questions above to write - Let sts write in 10 minutes - Move around to conduct the activity After you write:( mins) Aims: to get feedback and check sts' work - Get feedback by asking some sts to read their work aloud - Ask some other sts to give remarks - Check and give the correct answer - If there is enough time, T can have sts exchange their writing among sts within a group so that they can check their friend's work and give remarks Homework: ( 1min) - Part D (page 95 - workbook) description) " The chart shows the number of visitor arrivals to Vietnam from the USA, France and Australia in 2001 and 2002 The statistics were provided by Vietnam National Administration of Tourism It is clear from the chart that the number of visitors to Vietnam from the USA, France and Australia in 2002 is higher than that in 2001 According to the chart, the USA had the biggest number of visitors to Vietnam with 230,470 visitors in 2001 and 259,967 in 2002 France ranked second with 99,700 visitors in 2001 and 111,546 in 2002 " TiÕt 98 UNIT 16 - LESSON 5: E LANGUAGE FOCUS Planning date: Teaching date: I Objectives: Education Aims: - Students know how to pronounce the sound /ʒ / and / ʃ / correctly - Students revise: - Comparatives and superlatives Knowledge:+ Language: - Pronunciation: / ʒ / and/ ʃ / - Comparatives and superlatives - Making comparisons Skills: + Speaking: - Work in pairs to discuss the exercises + Reading: - Read words and sentences aloud - Read the sentences silently to the exercises II Anticipated problems: - Students may forget the knowledge about comparisons III Teaching aids: - board, chalk, textbook IV Procedures: Teacher's activities Students' activities Homework checking: ( 5mins) - Ask two sts to read the description of the chart - Two sts read the announcements they wrote at home aloud aloud - Ask another st to give remarks - Check and give marks - Give remarks Pronunciation:( 10 mins) - Listen to the teacher - Aims: to introduce two sounds /ʒ / and / ʃ / and help sts to practise these sounds - Write down two sounds a Write two sounds on the board and pronounce - Listen to the teacher and repeat them clearly twice, then ask sts to repeat - Look at the book , listen and repeat - Tell sts how to pronounce these sounds /ʒ/ /ʃ/ accurately television shop / ʃ / : a voiceless sound pleasure machine / ʒ / : a voiced sound measure Swedish - Ask sts to pay attention to the length of two GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 60 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MÔN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN sounds - Ask them to look at the textbook, listen and repeat - Then ask sts to work in pairs to read the words again so that they can check for each other - Move around to help - Ask two sts to read again and give remarks b Ask sts to look at sentences in page 175 in the book - Ask them to work in pairs to read the sentences and then find out the words containing sound /ʒ / and sound / ʃ / - Ask them to work in minutes - Move around to conduct the activity - Ask one st to report and other sts to give remarks - Check and give the correct answers - Ask some sts to read these sentences aloud - Listen and give remarks Grammar: ( 29 mins) Aims: to revise comparatives and superlatives, and making comparisons, and have sts EX1,EX2 and EX3 a Comparatives and superlatives: - Firstly ask sts to look at the examples and revise the comparative and superlative form of the adjectives E.g: My house is smaller than your house My house is the smallest in this street Exercise is more difficult than exercise Exercise is the most difficult in this book - Ask sts to tell the T the comparative and superlative form of the adjectives - Listen to the S and give remarks - Notes: Irregular adjs good => better => the best bad => worse => the worst far => further/farther => the furthest/farthest - Ask sts to EX + Exercise 1: - Ask sts to Ex in pairs and then share the answers with their friends - Move round to help if necessary - Ask some pairs to report - Check and give remarks + Exercise 2: - Ask sts to read the requirement and the example carefully - Ask sts to the Ex individually - Move round to help if necessary - Ask sts to share their ideas with their friends - Ask two sts to write the sentences on the board - Read these words in pairs and check for their partners - Look at the book and work in pairs - Answers: /ʒ/ /ʃ/ pleasure shouldn't Asia shop illusions washing - Read the sentences - Listen to the T - Look at the examples - One st tells the T the comparative and superlative form of the adjectives: Adjectives Comparatives Superlatives Short adjs .- er the .est long longer the longest hot hotter the hottest Long adjs more the most expensive more expensive the most ex - Some sts report young => younger => the youngest happy => happier => the happiest big => bigger => the biggest busy => busiest => the busiest - Listen and correct their work if necessary - Read the requirement and the example carefully - Do the Ex individually My sister is younger than me Who is the oldest in the class? Concord used to be the fastest passenger plane in the world - Listen to the teacher - Do the exercise in pairs - Some sts report: v so more the the v than of v - Listen and correct their work if necessary GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 61 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MÔN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN - Ask other sts to give remarks b Making comparisons: - Ask sts to EX3 + Exercise 3: - Ask sts to Ex3 in pairs and then share the answers with their friends - Move round to help if necessary - Ask some sts to report in front of the whole class - Check and give remarks Homework ( min) - Part B( page 91 - workbook) TiÕt 99 Test yourself f Planning date: Teaching date: I Objectives: Aims: - Sts revise what they have learned in unit 15 and unit 16 Knowledge: - General knowledge in unit 15 and unit 16 - Language: pronunciation and grammar in the above units Skills: listening, speaking and writing II Teaching aids: textbook, chalk, board III Procedures: Teacher's activities Students' activities Homework checking:( mins) - One st gives remarks - Ask one st to Ex in the workbook on the board - Look at the textbook and read the - Ask one st to give remarks statements - Give remarks and marks - Listen carefully and the task The new lesson:( 39 minutes) - Work in pairs to discuss their answers - Ask sts to part II, part III and part IV at home in - Some sts report advance to save time three friends capital - Give sts the time duration for each part : part II: 10 crowds noisy minutes, part III: 10 minutes, part IV: 15 minutes interesting - Ask sts to listening in class EX 4: larger the longest the worst - work in groups to share their ideas happier the most popular - Some sts stand up to report 2.1 Listening: C A A A A - Ask sts to read the requirement of the task - Discuss in groups - Play the tape twice and ask sts to the task - Answers: - Ask sts to share their ideas with their partners Their house, which is quite big and - Get feedback and play the tape again so that sts modern, can check their answers The new English teacher, who I met - Ask other sts to give remarks yesterday, - Check and give feedback Sandra has got a new job with Capital 2.2 Reading: Insurers, which is a much - Ask sts to work in groups to compare their answers - Compare their answers with their - Ask some sts to report his/ her answers aloud parners - Listen and check - Answers: 2.3 Grammar: bigger best 2.3.1 Non-defining Relative Clauses: better more polluted - Ask sts to discuss their answers in groups more stressful - Ask some sts to write on the board - Read their writing aloud GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 62 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MÔN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN - Ask two other sts to give remarks - Check and give the correct answers 2.3.2 Comparisons: - Ask sts to share their answers with their friends - Ask some sts to report: - Check and give remarks 2.4 Writing: - Ask some sts to read their writing aloud - Ask some sts to give remarks Homework: ( min) - Part A ( Page 85 - workbook) "Taipei, which is the capital city of Taiwan, was founded in the 18th century It has a population of 2.3 million It is the country's most exciting city, but the weather there is very humid and not very pleasant Taipei is a busy city, and the streets are always full of people It is famous for excellent museums." - Listen to the teacher's remarks TiÕt 100+101 LESSON 1: THE 2ND TERM REVIEW Planning date: Teaching date: CONTRAST 1- With although/even though/while/whereas/though; Although I asked her, she didn’t come I asked her, she didn’t come, though Even though I asked her, she didn’t come (more emphasized) While Nam is a quick boy, his sister is very slow Nam is a quick boy whereas his sister is very slow 2- With however/nevertheless She’s beautiful However; I don’t like her She’s beautiful I, however, don’t like her Paul says he is poor Nevertheless, he has bought a new car 3-With despite/in spite of In spite of the rain, we went swimming yesterday (Although it rained, we went swimming yesterday.) Despite the rain, we went swimming yesterday In spite of/despite + N/Phrases Despite losing, we were satisfied (Although we lost the game, we were satisfied.) V Rewrite the following sentences I can't come because I have to look after my neighbour's children - If I _ 2."I wouldn't go swimming on a day like this, if I were you , Tom" - Brian advised _ I haven't been to the dentist for two years - It is _ People say that he has been all over the world - He is _ I have to write letters , but I hate it - I hate 6.We went out in spite of the heavy rain - Although _ It's nearly twenty years since my father saw his brother - My father 8."You stole the money, Joe, didn't you!" said the inspector - The inspector accused _ 9.Although I admire Shakespeare's comedies, I cannot agree that they are any superior to his tragedies -In spite of 10 He gave me a lift to the station and I didn’t miss the train - If 11.When was America first discovered, Peter?" Mary asked - Mary asked _ GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 63 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MƠN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN 12.If he doesn't start work right away, he 'll never finish it - Unless _ TiÕt 102 + 103 Planning date: LESSON 2: THE 2ND TERM REVIEW Teaching date: The English vowel sounds: There are 20 vowels in the English language, 12 of them are pure vowels (single vowels), and the left eights diphthongs (combination of two vowels) - The 12 pure vowels: / I - i: /, / e - æ/, / o - o:/, / - a: /, / u- u:/, / ә - з/ - The diphthongs: / ei - - oi /, / au - әu /, / iә - eә - uә / * Notes: Triphthongs and other vowel sequences: / aiә /: fire, hire, tyre, buyer, wire, flyer, iron,… / әuә /: slower, lower, grower, sower, mower,… / auә /: flower, power, tower, shower, sour, flour,… / eiә /: greyer, player, layer, payer, prayer,… / oiә /: employer, destroyer, royal, loyal, annoyance,… The English consonants sounds: There are 24 consonants in English, which are divided into voiceless and voiced consonants as they are shown below: 2.1 Voiceless consonants: / p /, / f /, / /, / t /, / s /, /∫ /, / t∫ /, / k /, / h / 2.2 Voiced consonants: / b /, / v /, / /, / d /, / z /, / Ʒ /, / dƷ/, / g /, / l /, /m /, / n /, / ŋ /, / r /, / w /, / j / The English consonant clusters: 3.1 / s / + / p, t, k, f, m, n, w, j / spy, stay, sky, smile, snow, sleep, swear, suit, speak,… 3.2 / p / + / l, r, j /: plough, play, proud, pray, pure, purify,… 3.3 / t / + / r, w, j /: tree, try, twin, twice, tune, tunic,… 3.4 / k / + / l, r, w, j /: plan, clay, crown, cry, quite, quick, cure, curious,… 3.5 / b / + / l, r ,j /: blind, blow, blown, brown, bring, brick, beauty, bureau,… 3.6 / g / + / l, r /: glass, glance, grass, grow,… 3.7 / d / + / r, w, j /: draw, dress, dwell, duty, duke,… 3.8 / f / + / l, r, j /: fly, flat, free, frozen, few, fuse,… 3.9 / / + / r, w /: throw, throat, thwart, thwack,… 3.10 / v / + / j /: view, viewer,… 3.11 / ∫ / + / r /: shrink, shriek,… 3.12 / m / + / j /: music, mule,… 3.13 / n / + / j /: new, nude,… 3.14 / spr /: spread, spray, … 3.15 / str /: strand, stray, string,… 3.16 / skr /: scratch… 3.17 / spj /: spure, spurious, … 3.18 / spl /: splendid, split,… 3.19 / stj /: stupid, student,… 3.20 / skj /: skew, skewer,… 3.21 / skw /: square, squash,… TiÕt 104 Planning date: THE 2ND TERM TEST Teaching date: NỘI DUNG ĐỀ 601 I Choose one word whose stress pattern is different Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D 01 A difference B internet C suburban D character 02 A favourite B beautiful C effective D popular 03 A evolve B exist C enjoy D enter 04 A success B passion C medium D aspect 05 A visit B attraction C government D borrowing 64 GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MƠN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN II Read the following passage and decide which word ( marked A, B, C, and D) best fits each of the blanks by circling its corresponding letter A, B, C, and D: Tonight I am going to stay in and watch television There is a film on that I want to see It is (6) a policeman trying to find the man who killed his brother I saw it last year _(7) _ the cinema It was too late at night and I fell asleep (8) the end so I can’t remember (9) _ happened I don’t (10) _ watch much TV There are too (11) _stupid quiz shows and boring programs about politics I sometimes watch the News (12) I don’t enjoy it There is never (13) _ good news - just wars and disasters I don’t think that there are (14) comedy programs They should put on more They cheer me (15) _and make me laugh And, of course, I’d like to see more exciting movies! 06 A amuse B along C around D about 07 A at B by C on D in 08 A before B after C below D behind 09 A which B what C that D all 10 A probably B really C possibly D usually 11 A lot B much C more D many 12 A but B because C if D what 13 A less B any C all D some 14 A extra B enough C few D fewer 15 A in B off C on D up III Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D 16 A book B look C floor D good 17 A good B food C soon D noon 18 A month B thank C youth D than 19 A child B change C cheap D chorus 20 A cake B manage C hate D mate IV Choose from the alternatives given (marked A, B, C, and D) one best to complete each sentence Identify your answers by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D 21 to an accident in the High Street, traffic is moving very slowly on the London road A Because B Through C Owing D Since 22 It’s an awful _ your wife couldn’t come I was looking forward to meeting her A sorrow B harm C shame D shock 23 Of course I’m a Christian I expect everyone who works here to be a Christian too A and B but C since D then 24 He is a little bit in his left ear, but if you speak clearly he will hear what you say A disabled B diseased C dead D deaf 25 scientists have observed increased pollution in the water supply A Lately B Late C Later D Latter 26 He left his book at home, he’s always so A forgetting B forgotten C forgetful D forgettable 27 If only he told us the truth in the first place, things wouldn’t have gone wrong A should have B had C would have D have 28 Mr and Mrs Hudson are always _ with each other about money A arguing B shouting C discussing D annoying 29 He enjoyed the dessert so much that he accepted a second when it was offered A helping B pile C sharing D load 30 She remember the correct address only _ she had posted the letter A after B afterwards C since D following 31 It was impossible for her to tell the truth so she had to _ a story A invent B lie C imagined D combine 32 The children did not know the _ by which the game was played A customs B facts C orders D rules 33 Mr and Mrs Black were delighted when they to sell their house quickly GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 65 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MƠN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN A risked B succeeded C managed 34 I’ll have to _ to you, otherwise he will hear A whistle B say C whisper 35 Can you tell me the of these shoes? A expense B charge C price V Find out ONE mistake in each sentence that needs correcting D could D shout D amount 36 She can sing very beautiful and dance very gracefully but she cannot any difficult math exercise A B C D 37 With this type of exercise, reads the questions first and then read the text to find the correct answers A B C D 38 Children nowadays seem to be more intelligenter than their parents when they were at the same age A B C D 39 When I came in, my father was talking to anyone so I went out quietly A B C D 40 I want to try on the blue skirt over there Can you showing me the changing room A B C D TiÕt 105 Planning date: THE 2ND TERM TEST - CORRECTION Teaching date: - - } - 11 { - - - 21 - - } - 31 { - - - - - } - 12 - | - - 22 { - - - 32 - - - ~ - - - ~ 13 - - - ~ 23 { - - - 33 - - } - { - - - 14 - - - ~ 24 - - - ~ 34 - - } - - | - - 15 { - - - 25 { - - - 35 - - } - - | - - 16 - - } - 26 - - } - 36 { - - - { - - - 17 { - - - 27 - | - - 37 { - - - - - - ~ 18 - - - ~ 28 { - - - 38 - | - - 19 - - - ~ 29 { - - - 39 - - } - - | - - 20 - | - - 30 { - - - 40 - - - ~ - | - - KẾT THÚC CHƯƠNG TRÌNH TIẾNG ANH 10 35 TUẦN – 105 TIẾT (CHỈNH LÝ NĂM 2011) GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 66 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MÔN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 67 ... down 10 borrowed UNIT 10: CONSERVATION UNIT 10 – LESSON 1: A READING GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MÔN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN. .. silently - Give sts some new words: 10 GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MƠN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN + sensitive (adj): be affected... Ask sts to read the words in pairs GIÁO VIÊN: ĐỖ VĂN BÌNH – binhbac72@gmail.com; www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 GIÁO ÁN GIẢNG DẠY MÔN TIẾNG ANH 10 – HỌC KÌ I - BAN CƠ BẢN - Ask some sts to read the words