-Ss go to the board to write their answers.. -SS go to C.B to write.one student-one word -In two minutes, the group write more correct words are winners 8’ II Pre speaking : .Pre teach.
Trang 1Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 8.
+ Lesson 1 : Getting started & Listen and Read
+ Lesson 2 : Speak + Listen + Lesson 3 : Read
+ Lesson 4 : Write + Lesson 5 : Language Focus
Period 92 : Unit 15 - Computers – Lesson 1 – Getting started / Listen and Read – Page
• Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use “present perfect with yet/
already” and read a dialogue about “printer”to understand main ideas and details.
• Materials : Posters, cassette recorder.
• Procedure.
5’ I )Warmer :
-Brainstorming /.Groupwork./ Getting Started / P 138
Possible Answer Key :
-Save time
-Help us learn more effectively with visual aids
-Can keep information long and safety
-Help us relax by providing interesting games and music
-T explains how to do
-SS work in groups and make a list of the benefits of computers
in daily life
-T corrects
14’ II ) Pre reading :
.Pre teach.
-printer (n) máy in (visual)
-(to) connect : kết nối (Situation)
-socket (n) : ổ cắm (Realia)
-Manual (n) : sách hướng dẫn sử dụng, sổ tay
-(to) be under guarantee : trong thời gian bảo hành
*Exchange :
-T elicits.
-SS guess.
-T models.
-SS repeat chorally first, then individually.
-T puts the words on the board -T checks meaning and pronunciation.
-T gives an exchange.
Trang 2A : Have you done your homework yet ?
B : Yes, I have already finished
*Present perfect with “yet / already” :
Have / has + P.P
-Yet :( chưa, vẫn chưa) : dùng trong câu phủ định và câu
hỏi, diễn tả 1 hành động chưa hồn tất và kết quả vẫn còn
ở hiện tại Thường đứng ở cuối câu
-Already : (đã … rồi) : dùng trong câu khẳng định : diễn
tả 1 hành động đã hồn tất tại thời điểm đang nói ở hiện
tại Thường đứng giữa trợ động từ : “have” và QKPT
-How many people are there in the dialogue ? Who are
they ? =>Nam and Mr Nhat
You will read a conversation between Mr Nhat and Nam
about “printer”
Listen and Read / 138.
*Pre questions : Where did Mr Nhat buy the printer ?
-T introduces the structure.
-T sets the scene
.T asks –Ss answer orally
16’ III ) While reading (Stage) :
-Fact or Opinion (Thực tế hay ý kiến cá nhân)
2 / P.139
Answer key :
a.F b.O c.O d.F e.F f.O
Listen and Read / 138.
-T gets SS to read the dialogue and do the task in groups -SS work in groups to check -Feedback
-Ss go to the board to write their answers
-T corrects
-T presses the tape
-SS listen with book-open -SS practice in pairs
8’ IV ) Post reading (Stage) :
Topic : Advantages and disadvantages of computer
-T gives the topic
-T gets students to discuss in groups of four
-T checks some groups
2’ V )Homework :
-Learn vocabulary
-T says and writes
“Homework” on C.B
Trang 3-Do exercise 1-2 / P 90-91.
-Prepare “Speak+Listen” / P.139-141.
-SS copy.
Trang 4Period 93 : Unit 15 - Computers – Lesson 2 – Speak + Listen – Page 139-141
• Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able give and respond to opinions about
computers / listen to the way to get a drink from a machine.
• Materials : Posters, cassette recorder, magnified copies of pictures from the textbook.
• Procedure.
Contents Teacher’s and students’activities
5’ I )Warmer :
-Network / Groupwork.
-T gives the topic.
-T divides the class into two groups -SS go to C.B to write.(one student-one word)
-In two minutes, the group write more correct words are winners
8’ II ) Pre speaking :
.Pre teach.
-Monitor ( n) : màn hình (Visual)
-Screen (n) : màn hình (Synonym)
-Mouse (n) : con chuột (Visual)
-(to) adjust the knob : điều chỉnh nút vặn (Translation)
-Circle (n) : hình tròn (Visual)
-Triangle (n) : hình tam giác ( Visual)
-(to) insert coins : nhét, đưa đồng xu vào (Situation)
*Trong cuộc sống hàng ngày chúng ta thường xuyên phải
đưa ra ý kiến của mình và đáp lại ý kiến của người khác
Trong bài học hôm nay chúng ta sẽ học kỹ hơn về chủ đề
.Picture a / b / c / d
1.Foreign food / eating foreign food.
2.Comic books / reading comic books.
3.Driving / learning to drive a car.
4.Walking in the rain.
Answer key : a.3 b.2 c.4 d.1
-T elicits.
-SS guess.
-T models.
-SS repeat chorally first, then individually.
-T puts the words on the board -T checks meaning and pronunciation.
-T sets the scene
-SS match the pictures with the correct phrases
-T gives Feedback
Trang 57’ III)Controlled practice :
-Picture drill.( picture a - d )
Ex : I think computers are useful.
So do I / I disagree I think they are unnecessary.
-Repetition drill 2 / P.140.
-Make similar dialogues.
2 / P.140 Suggested answers :
a)A : ……… my printer.
B : ……… ?
A : I won’t print I think it’s broken.
B : No You didn’t turn it on.
A : Oh ! Sorry.
b)A : I’m having problems with my monitor.
B : What’s wrong ?
A : The screen is too dark I think it’s broken.
B : I don’t think so Let me see You should adjust the knob.
A : Oh ! Thank you I didn’t know that.
c)A ……… mouse.
B : ……… ?
A : it doesn’t work I think it’s broken.
B : No You didn’t check the plug.
A : Oh ! Sorry.
-T runs through vocabulary -T models
-SS repeat chorally
-SS practice in pairs
-SS repeat chorally
-SS practice in pairs
-SS make similar dialogues in pairs
-(One pair – one dialogue)
-T checks some pairs at random
6’ IV)Free Practice (Production) :
-Discussion / Groupwork.
Topic : Write 2 sentences about computers, beginning
with “ I think / I don’t think”
-SS work in groups of four to discuss the question
-Feedback./-SS answer orally
5’ *Pre Listening :
-Hôm nay chúng ta học về quy trình mua đồ uống tự
-Pre questions
1.What do computers programmers use flow chart
for ?
2.Does this flow chart show how to get a drink from
a machine ?
-T sets the scene
-SS answer the questions orally
Trang 67’ *While listening :
*Listen / P.141 / Answer key : Start find a machine a)Do you have a correct change ?
b)Yes c)What do you want to drink ? Lemon soda
Insert coins & press button d) take it.
Computers programmers use flow chart to help people
understand how events are sequenced All the shapes on this
chart have a particular meaning For example, the circles indicate
a starting or stopping point, the triangles are questions and the
ovals are answers.
This flow chart shows how to get a drink from a machine Next
ask yourself if you have the correct change When the answer to
this question is “yes”, ask yourself what you want to drink For
example, lemon soda Finally, insert the coins and press the
button to choose the drink you want Once the drink appears, you
may take it from the machine.
-T presses the tape
-SS listen and complete the flow chart
-T gives feedback
* Post Listening :
Flow chart
-SS retell how to get a drink from
a machine in English and Vietnamese
2’ V )Homework :
-Learn vocabulary
-Write 4 sentences about advantages and
disadvantages of computers
-Prepare “Read” / P.141-142
-T says and writes “Homework”
on C.B
-SS copy.
Trang 7Tuần 32 Period 94 : Unit 15 - Computers – Lesson 3– Read – Page 141-142.
• Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read a text about applications of
computers in our life / schools.
• Materials : Posters, cards.
• Procedure.
5’ I )Warmer :
-T gives the topic.
-T divides the class into two groups -SS go to C.B to write.(one student-one word)
-In two minutes, the group write more correct words are winners.
14’ II ) Pre reading :
.Pre teach
-(to) store information : lưu trữ thông tin (Situation)
-(to) send message : gửi tin nhắn (Explanation)
-(to) receive information : nhận thông tin
-Telephone line (n) : đường dây điện thoại
-(to) access : truy cập ( Situation)
-Freshman (n) : sinh viên năm thứ nhất (Situation)
(college campus : khuôn viên trường đại học /
Computer bulletin board : bản tin điện tử)
*Máy tính có rất nhiều ứng dụng trong nhiều lĩnh vực
trong cuộc sống hàng ngày Trong tiết hôm nay chúng
ta sẽ tìm hiểu về những ứng dụng này
-True-False statements Predictions
1 / P.141-142
Answer key :
a T b.T c.T d F e.T f.T
-T elicits.
-SS guess.
-T models.
-SS repeat chorally first, then individually.
-T puts the words on the board -T checks meaning and pronunciation.
-T sets the scene
-SS guess
-SS compare with their partners -SS go to the board to write
Trang 815’ III ) While reading :
*Comprehension questions.
.Lucky numbers.
Answer key 2 / P.142
a)It doesn’t have a library All the information
normally found in a library is now stored in the
university’s computers
b)All the information is available through the
c)A computer and a telephone line
d)With a bulletin board on the internet, a great
number of people can get access to the bulletin and
exchange information quickly
e)T should note that nowadays more and more people
complete their college degree through distance
education programs online
-SS read the text and check their predictions.
-SS read the text again and answer the questions
-T asks – SS answer orally
-T gives Feedback
9’ IV ) Post reading :
Topic : Applications of computers in our life/ schools.
-SS write in groups.(on posters -SS put their posters on the board -T corrects
2’ V )Homework :
-Learn vocabulary
-Write 5 sentences about benefits of computers
-Do exercises 3-4 / P 91-92
-Prepare “Write” / P 142-143
-T says and writes “Homework” on C.B
-SS copy.
Period 95 : Unit 15 - Computers – Lesson 4 – Write – Page 142-143
Trang 9• Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write the instructions on how to
use the printer.
• Materials : Posters, pictures.
• Procedure.
Contents Teacher’s and students’activities
5’ I )Warmer :
Topic : Đây là 1 trong các trang thiết bị hiện đại
- - - = printer (7 letters)
-T gives the topic
-SS guess one letter each time -The group ( find out the word ) are winners
15’ II ) Pre writing :
.Pre teach.
-Paper input tray (n) : khay đưa giấy vào (Visual)
-Monitor screen (n) : màn hình (Visual)
-Power button (n) : nút mở điện (Situation)
-Icon (n) : ký hiệu (Translation)
-Output path (n) đường / lối ra (Translation)
*Trong bài học hôm nay chúng ta sẽ được học cách
viết hướng dẫn sử dụng máy in
1 / P.142.
Answer key : a.3 b.1 c.6 d.2 e.4 f.5
-T elicits.
-SS guess.
-T models.
-SS repeat chorally first, then individually.
-T puts the words on the board -T checks meaning and pronunciation.
-T sets the scene
-T introduces
-SS work in groups match the words / phrases with the correct pictures
-SS go to C.B to write their answers
-T corrects
15’ III ) While writing :
*Bây giờ các em hãy nhìn vào tranh và từ cho sẵn
trong SGK Hãy viết cách hướng dẫn sử dụng máy
-T runs through vocabulary -SS write individually
Trang 10-Write-it-up
Suggested writing : a)Plug in the printer and turn on the power
b)Remove the old paper and load the new paper in
the paper input tray
c)Wait for the power button to flash
d)Have the pages appeared on the computer screen
e)Click the printer icon on the screen and wait for a
few seconds
f)The printed paper will get out from the output path
in a minute
-T goes around to help some SS
8’ IV ) Post writing :
*Sharing and Comparing.
-SS compare their assignments with a partner’s.
-SS change their assignments and correct “mistakes”.
-T puts “ sentences which contain mistakes on C.B.
-T and SS correct.
2’ V )Homework :
-Learn vocabulary
-Rewrite the passage completely
-Prepare “Language Focus” / P 144-146
-T says and writes “Homework”
on C.B
-SS copy.
Trang 11Period 96 : Unit 15 - Computers – Lesson 5 – Language Focus - Page 144-146
• Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use present perfect with “yet,
already”, comparison of present perfect and past simple.
• Materials : Posters, cards.
• Procedure.
Contents Teacher’s and students’activities
5’ I )Warmer :
-Grids /.Groupwork
Infinitive Past Past participle
Tell Be Find See Have Hear Fall Break
-T divides the class into two groups.
-SS go to C.B to write.(one student-one verb)
-In two minutes, the group write more correct verbs are winners.
8’ II ) Present perfect :
A : Have you finished your homework yet ?
B : Yes, I have already done it What about you ?
A : I haven’t done it yet.
*Present perfect : (already / yet)
S + have / has + already + P.P (đã … làm / rồi)
S + haven’t / hasn’t + P.P + yet Have / has + S + P.P + yet ? (not … yet / yet : chưa, vẫn chưa)
=>Đã làm tính đến hiện tại.
Chưa làm tính đến hiện tại.
*Mẹ của Ba vừa đi chợ về Cô ấy muốn Ba làm 1 số việc
nhà trong khi cô đi chợ Ba đã ghi những việc phải làm vào
nhật ký và đánh dấu () vào những việc đã làm.
*Các em hãy nhìn vào nhật kí của Ba và hồn thành đoạn hội
-T gives an exchange
-T reviews the form
-T explains
-T sets the scene
-T runs through vocabulary
Trang 12thoại vớ “Yet/ already”.
-Gapfill / 1 / P.144 Answer key : -I have already finished it.
-I haven’t cleaned and tidied it yet.
-I have already turned it off.
-I have already called and told her to have -lunch with us.
-SS do the exercise in pairs -Feedback
-SS go to the board to write their answers
-T corrects
8’ *Để hiểu rỏ hơn về cách dùng của thì htht với “yet/
already”, chúng ta làm bt 2 Luyện tập theo cặp, hỏi và trả
lời về những chuyến bay như ví dụ trong bài.
Ex : Has the flight to Vientiane daparted yet ?
Yes It has already departed.
Has the flight from Los Angeles arrived yet ?
No It hasn’t arrived yet.
2 / P 144-145 / Practice in pairs
-T sets the scene.
-T gives an exchange.
-T explains the example.
-T runs through vocabulary.
-SS work in pairs and practice -Feedback.
-T checks some pairs.
8’ III )Finished / incomplete action :
Ex : She has been to HCM city.
(Finished action)
She has gone to HCM city
(Incomplete action)
-Grids / Grouwork
3 / P.146 Answer key : Finished action Incomplete action a
f g
-T gives an example
-T explains the structure
-T sets the scene
-T runs through vocabulary
-SS do the exercise
-SS go to the board to tick
-T corrects
7’ IV)Present perfect / Simple past :
-Gapfill /.Pairwork
4 / P.146 Answer key : 1.Have seen / Did … see / saw
2.Haven’t had / 3.Have been / 4.Have heard
5.Happened / 6.Had / 7.Fell / 8.Broke
-T reviews the simple past and present perfect
-T sets the scene
-T runs through vocabulary -SS do the exercise in pairs -T corrects
Trang 139.Has …arrived / has / did … arrive / arrived
7’ V) Production :
Write sentences, using the present perfect with already
and yet :
1.David / lesve / the party.
->David has already left the party.
2.I / not receive / his letter.
->I haven’t received his letter yet.
3.The manager / come / the office ?
->Has the manager come to the office yet ?
4.It / stop / raining ?
->Has it stopped raining yet ?
5.We / see / that film.
->We have already seen that film.
-SS do the exercise in pairs
-SS go to the board to write
-T corrects
2’ VI )Homework :
-Learn these structures
-Do exercise 5-6-7 / P.92-95
-Prepare Unit 16-Getting Started and Listen & Read
-T says and writes “Homework”
on C.B
-SS copy.