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LESSON Week 28 Date of composing: ………………… Period 83 : Date of teaching : ………………… Unit 13 : ACTIVITIES Lesson 1: SPORTS ( A1,2) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to know the10 popular sports that American teenagers usually play & talk about the popular sports that VNese teenagers usually play II/ Languagge contents *Grammar : past simple tense , adverb * Voc : skateboarding , roller –skating , roller –blading …… III/ Techniques : kim’s game , pre-qs , comprehension qs , survey… IV/ Skills : reading ,speaking V/ Teaching aids :text book , pictures , posters… VI/ procedures Time Stages & Contents T’s activities Sts activities 4’ I/ Warmer : Kim’s games -guides sts to play -play the games Badminton , soccer , table-tennis , tennis , the games swimming , volleyball , baseball , basket ball 12’ II/ Pre-reading Pre-teach voc -skateboarding (n) : trượt ván -roller-skating (n) :trượt patanh( giầy có bánh xe -follows the steps -follow the T nằm dọc đế giày for presenting Voc -roller blading (n) : trượt patanh( giầy có bánh xe nằm bốn gốc) -football (n) : bóng bầu dục -choice (n) : chọn lựa -survey (n) : điều tra Checking : R & R Pre-Qs -asks sts to predict -predict the How many the most popular sports were there in the answer answer America ? What are they ? 20’ III/ While- reading 1.Read the passage & answer the Qs -run through -listen 2.Comprehension Qs a.What sport was the first position ? -asks sts to read the - read the b.What sport was the tenth position ? passage & answer passage & c.What sport was the most popular choice ? the Qs answer the Qs d.Did many teenagers like table-tennis ? -gives feedback 8’ IV/ Post-reading : survey -asks sts to -interview their Name Sports like best interview their friends soccer badminton walking Tablefriends to complete tennis the table 1’ Ex.Exchange S1: What sport you like best ? S2: I like table-tennis V/ Homework -Learn the newwords by heart -Write the As on notebook -gives sts the tasks -do the tasks LESSON Comments: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Week 28 Period 84 : Date of composing: ………………… Date of teaching : ………………… Unit 13 : ACTIVITIES Lesson : SPORTS ( A3,5) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to know how to use an adjective & adverb to talk about sports II/ Languagge contents *Grammar : adjectives & adverbs * Voc : safe , strict , careless , sudden…… III/ Techniques : pelmanizm , matching , pictures drills , write it up… IV/ Skills : speaking , writing V/ Teaching aids :text book , pictures … VI/ procedures Time Stages & Contents T’s activities Sts’ activities 4’ I/ Warmer : pelmanizm -guides sts to play -play the games play swim run cycle the games swimmer cyclist player runner 12’ II/ Presentation 1.Pre-teach voc -safe (adj) : an toàn -skillful (adj) : điêu luyện -strict (adj) : nghiêm khắc -careless (adj) : bất cẩn -lifeguard (n) : người bảo vệ Checking : R & R 2.Matching ADJ ADV 1.good a.skillful 2.slow b.quickly 3.skillful c.slowly 4.bad d.badly 5.safe e.well 6.quick f.safely *The formation of an adv: ADJ + LY = ADV 3.Presentation : picture He’s a good soccer player He plays well Meaning : VNese Form : S + be + (a/an) + adj + N -follows the steps for presenting Voc -follow the T -asks sts to match -match -check & correct -gives example -presents the form meaning… -have a look -listen & takenote S + V + adv -ADJ : bổ nghĩa cho danh từ -ADV : bổ nghĩa cho động từ LESSON 18’ III/ Practice : pictures drill Ex Exchange: -run through the -listen & repeat S1: He’s a skillful volleyball player pictures & does S2: Yes, he plays skillfully model first 1.He’s a slow swimm -practice in pairs -controls sts to 2.She’s a bad tennis player practice 3.She’s a quick runner 4.She’s a safe cyclist 10’ IV/ Futher practice Write it up a.He / runner / is / a / quick -asks sts to write a -write b.quickly / He / runs complete sents c.I / player / am / bad / a d.badly / I / tennis / play 2.Change the Adjs in brackets to Advs -asks sts to change Keys Adjs to Advs - change Adjs to clearly, carefully, sefely, carelessly, stricly Advs 1’ V/ Homework -Learn the newwords by heart -gives sts the tasks -do the tasks -Do the ex.in workbook -Make sents using adj& adv Comments ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Week 29 Period 85 : Date of composing: ………………… Date of teaching : ………………… Unit 13 : ACTIVITIES Lesson : SPORTS ( A4) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to get some information about walking & its’ advantages II/ Languagge contents *Grammar : review the past simple tense * Voc : to increase , participant , organize , to win the prize… III/ Techniques : shark attack , pre-Qs , comprehension Qs , discussion… IV/ Skills : readind , speaking V/ Teaching aids :text book , poster … VI/ procedures Time Stages & Contents T’s activities St’s activities 4’ I/ Warmer : shark attack -guides sts to -play the W-A-L-K-I-N-G play the games games 10’ II/ Pre-reading 1.Pre-teach voc LESSON -(to) increase : gia tăng -(a) participant : người tham gia -(to) organize : tổ chức -(to) win the prize : đoạt giải -(a) competition : thi Checking : slap the board 2.Pre-Qs a.What sports activity does the writer take part in ? b.What does WFF & WTS mean ? 20’ 10’ 1’ III/ While –reading 1.Read the text & find the answers Comprehension Qs a.Why did the school children organize the WFF ? b.What are the two activities of the club ? c.How far is it from the school to the beach ? d.Which day of the week is the WTS day of the club ? e.Who often take part in the WTS day ? IV/ Post-reading: discussion a.Are there any sports activities in your school? b.What sports you take part in? c.What sports you like ? d.What are the advantages of walking ? -follows the steps for presenting Voc -follow the T -asks sts to predict the answer -predict the answer -run through -listen -asks sts to read the passage & answer the Qs -gives feedback - read the passage & answer the Qs -run through -asks sts to discuss with their friends & gives ideas -listen -work in groups & answer the Qs V/ Homework -Learn the newwords by heart -gives sts the -do the tasks -Write the answers on notebooks tasks Comments: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Week 29 Period 86 : Date of composing: ……………… Date of teaching : ……………… Unit 13 : ACTIVITIES Lesson : COME & PLAY ( B1) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to speak & write the invitation , know how to accept & refuse the invitation II/ Languagge contents *Grammar : modal verbs : should , ought to have to * Voc : ought to , a table-tennis paddles , spare… III/ Techniques : brainstorming , T/F prediction , comprehension Qs , mapped dia.… IV/ Skills : listening , speaking V/ Teaching aids :text book , poster , tape -recorder… VI/ procedures Time Stages & Contents T’s activities Sts’ activities 4’ I/ Warmer : Brainstorming badminton -guides sts to play -play the games tennis the games soccer sports LESSON volleyball chess table-tennis 10’ 20’ 10’ II/ Pre-listening 1.Pre-teach voc -ought to (modal v) : phải , nên -(a) table-tennis paddle : vợt đánh bóng bàn -spare (adj) : thừa , dư Checking : R & R 2.T/ F prediction a.Nam invites Ba to play table-tennis b.Nam ought to finish his homework before he plays table-tennis c.Ba also has to finish the question for English tomorrow d.Nam doesn’t have the table –tennis paddles III/ While-listening 1.Listen & check T / F Key : a F b.T c.F d.T 2.Listen & answer the Qs a.What should Nam before he plays tabletennis ? b.When will Nam be ready ? c.What will Ba ? d.How many paddles does Ba have ? Structures * Modal sent I ought to finish the homework before I play table-tennis I also have to finish this question… *Form : should S+ ought to + Vo …… must *Meaning : translate into VNese *Usage : dùng diễn tả lời khuyên -Should : dùng diễn tả lời khuyên bình thường -ought to : dùng diễn tả lời khuyên mạnh should & nghiêng bổn phận -must = have to : dùng diễn tả lời khuyên mức độ mạnh IV/ Post-listening : Mapped dialogue ☺Ba ☺Nam Would…….basketball? → ….sorry I can’t Why not? → I should………… Can……… Friday ? → Yes, I can Allright.See… seven → Ok.Bye -follows the steps for -follow the T presenting Voc -run through -asks sts to predict whether they’re T or F -plays the tape -predict T or F -listen to the tape & the tasks -asks sts to listen & check T/ F , answer the Qs -gives feedback -listen & takenote -presents the modal verbs : form , meaning , usage… -presents the dia -listen & practice the dia in pairs LESSON Bye 1’ V/ Homework -Learn the newwords by heart -gives the tasks -do the tasks -Practice mapped dia at home Comments ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Week 29 Period 87 : Date of composing: ……………… Date of teaching : ……………… Unit 13 : ACTIVITIES Lesson : COME & PLAY ( B2) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to know how to accept & refuse the invitation II/ Languagge contents *Grammar : modal verbs : should , ought to have to * Voc : III/ Techniques : brainstorming , gap-fill , role play…… IV/ Skills : listening , speaking V/ Teaching aids :text book , posters , tape -recorder… VI/ procedures Time Stages & Contents T’s activities St’s activities 4’ I/ Warmer :Brainstorming should -guides sts to play -play the games could must the games ought to Modal have to Verbs can 10’ II/ Pre-speaking 1.Pre-teach voc 2.Listen & complete the dia Ba : Come & play……… (1), Nam -plays the tape - listen & Nam : I’m sorry , I can’t complete the dia Ba : …….(2) not ? Nam : I ………(3)clean my room -asks sts to listen & Ba : ………(4) you play on Friday ? complete the dia Nam : Yes , I can Ba : All right See you ………(5) seven Nam : Ok Bye -gives feedback Ba : Bye Keys basketball Why 3.should 4.Can 5.at LESSON 20’ III/ While speaking Change the underlined details using the information in the box -asks sts to make - make similar a volleyball similar dia.using dia.using the should /visit / grandmother the information in information in the the weekend / Saturday afternoon the box box b.chess ought to / help /dad Wednesday night / o’clock -gives the helps c.badminton must / go / dentist Saturday morning / 10 o’clock 10’ IV/ Post-speaking : Role-play Ask sts to make their own dia with the partners -asks sts role play -role play 1’ V/ Homework -Practice the dia at home -gives the tasks -do the tasks Comments : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………… Week 30 Period 88 : Date of composing: ……………… Date of teaching : ……………… Unit 13 : ACTIVITIES Lesson : COME & PLAY ( B3) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to know more about the scuba-diving, use could, couldn’t to talk about ability in the past II/ Languagge contents *Grammar : could & coiuldn’t + V(o) * Voc : surface , stay underwater , scuba-diving , invent…… III/ Techniques : shark attack , bingo , T/F prediction , comprehension Qs , grid… IV/ Skills : reading , writing V/ Teaching aids :text book , poster … VI/ procedures Time Stages & Contents T’s activities Sts’ activities 4’ I/ Warmer:shark attack O-C-E-A-N -guides sts to play -play the games the games 12’ II/ Pre-reading 1.Pre-teach voc -surface (n) bề mặt -(to) stay underwater : nước -(a) special breathing equipment dụng cụ thở đặc biệt -(a)scuba-diving : môn lặn có bình khí nén -(to) invent : phát minh invention (n) -(to) explore : thám hiểm -(a)vessel : tàu , thuyền -follows the steps for presenting Voc -follow the T LESSON Checking : Bingo T/ F prediction -run through F Most of the world’s surface is land -asks sts to predict -predict T or F T Before the invention of special breathing whether they’re T equipment, man couldn’t swim freely underwater or F F Now, scuba-diving is a popular sport F Jacques Cousteau invented special TV cameras T We can learn more about the undersea world thanks to Jacques Cousteau’s invention 20’ III/ While-reading 1.Read the text & check T / F Answer the Qs a.Do we know very little about the oceans -run through -listen b.Who can stay underwater for a long time with special breathing equipment? -asks sts to read the - read the c.What could the diver after the invention of passage & answer passage & this equipment? the Qs answer the Qs d.What did a Frenchman, Jacques Cousteau -gives feedback invent? e.When did he die? f.What can we explore now? 8’ IV/ Post-reading : Grids -asks sts to write -write in groups invention verbs sentences about the invention -special -explore the Before special by using the cues in breathing ocean breathing the grids equipme -learn about equipment, we -gives feedback nt the sea couldn’t explore the ocean, couldn’t learn about the sea Electricit -read all Before electricity y night we couldn’t read -watch T.V all night , couldn’t -listen to watch T.V… music… 1’ V/ Homework -Learn the newwords by heart -gives sts the tasks -do the tasks -Write the answer on notebook Comments ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………… Week 30 Period 89 : Date of composing: ……………… Date of teaching : ……………… Unit 14 : FREETIME FUN Lesson : TIME FOR T.V(A1 ) LESSON I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to talk about the activities in freetime , express an interest II/ Languagge contents *Grammar : like/ prefer + to V * Voc : adventure , cricket , series , to guess…… III/ Techniques : kim’s game , T/ F prediction , multiple choice , discussion… IV/ Skills : reading , speaking V/ Teaching aids :text book , poster … VI/ procedures Time Stages & Contents T’s activities Sts’ activities 15’ I/ Test 15’ minutes -asks sts to the -do the test test 10’ II/ Pre-reading 1.Pre-teach voc -(an) adventure : phiêu lưu -follows the steps -follow the T -(a) series : phim truyền hình nhiều tập for presenting Voc -(to) guess : đoán -(a) cricket : dế Checking : R & R T/ F prediction -run through a.Hoa doesn’t have a TV -asks sts to predict -predict T or F b.Hoa’s family watches TV every night whether they’re T c.Hoa’s aunt and uncle don’t like watching TV or F d.Lan usually read e.Sometimes Hoa & her uncle play chess 12’ III/ While-reading 1.Read the dia & check T/ F -run through -listen a.T b.F c.T d.F e.T 2.Chose the best answer ( page 140) -asks sts to read the - read the passage Key dia & choose the & answer the Qs a C bA cB dC eD best answer Structure -gives feedback I’d like to come and watch that They prefer to other things -presents the -listen & takenote Form : S +would like / prefer + to V structure Meaning : translate into Vnese Usage : diễn tả sở thích 7’ IV/ Post-reading : Discussion 1.Do you like watching TV? -run through -listen 2.How often you watch TV? -asks sts to discuss -discuss the Qs 3.When you watch it? the Qs in groups 4.At home or other places? 5.What programs you like watching ? 1’ V/ Homework -Learn the newwords by heart -gives the tass -do the tasks -Write the answer on notebook Comments: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… LESSON ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… Week 30 Period 90 : Date of composing: ……………… Date of teaching : ……………… Unit 14 : FREETIME FUN Lesson : TIME FOR T.V(A2 ) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to express & respond an invitation II/ Languagge contents *Grammar : would you like, you want … * Voc : a cow boy movie , a detective movie , a cartoon…… III/ Techniques :shark attack , network , drill , mapped dia.… IV/ Skills : reading , speaking V/ Teaching aids :text book , poster … VI/ procedures Time Stages & Contents T’s activities St’s activities 4’ I/ Warmer:shark attack -guides sts to play -play the games I-N-V-I-T-A-T-I-O-N the games 12’ II/ Pre-speaking 1.Pre-teach voc -follows the steps -follow the T -a cowboy movie: film cao bồi for presenting Voc -a detective movie ; phim trinh thám -a cartoon : phim hoạt hình - a documentary : phim tài liệu Checking : W & W 2.Network Shall we + V(o) Do you want to +V? an invitation Let’s+V Would you like+to V? Sounds good agree -guides sts to play the games -play the games -run through -listen & repeat yes, let’s Sure I’d like that What a great idea! answer I’m sorry, but …… disagree I’d like to, but Thanks a lot, but No, thanks 18’ III/ While –speaking 1.Drill a.You / see a cowboy movie 10 LESSON Jakarta Indonesia V/ Homework -Learn the newwords by heart -gives sts the -do the tasks -Prepare A ,4 tasks Comments ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………… Week 34 Period 102 : Date of composing: ………………… Date of teaching : ………………… Unit 16 : PEOPLE & PLACES Lesson 2: FAMOUS PLACES IN ASIA ( A 3,4) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to get some informations about another destinations in Asia & listen to complete the pilot’s schedule II/ Languagge contents *Grammar : modal verbs * Voc : monument , attraction , ancient , resort… III/ Techniques : shark attack ,pre qs , comprehension Qs , grid… IV/ Skills : reading , listening V/ Teaching aids :text book , poster , tape-recorder VI/ procedures Time Stages & Contents T’s activities St’s activities 4’ I/ Warmer:Shark attack D-E-S-T-I-N-A-T-I-O-N -guides sts to play -play the games the games 12’ II/Pre-reading 1.Pre-teach voc - monument( n ): tượng đài -follows the steps -follow the T - attraction ( n ): hấp dẫn for presenting - ancient ( a ): cổ xưa Voc - resort ( n ): khu an dưỡng - coral ( n ) :san hô - shadow puppet show ( n ): buổi trình diễn múa rối nước -(to) admire : chiêm ngưỡng Checking : Bingo -listen 2.Pre-qs -run through -predict Write some famous destinations in Asia -asks sts to predict the answers 18’ III/ While-reading 1.Read the text & answer pre-qs -run through -listen 2.Comprehension Qs -asks sts to -read the text & a.The passage mentions three kinh of tourist answer the Qs answer the Qs attrctions What are they ? -gives feedback b What kinh of attrctions you prefer ? 1’ 25 LESSON 10’ IV/ Post-reading: listening (B3) Listen then complete the schedule Mon Bangkok & Singapore Tues Singapore Wed Jakartar Thur Bali Fri Bali Sat Hongkong Sun Back to Ha Noi -plays the tape -asks sts to listen & complete the schedule -gives feedback 1’ - listen & complete the schedule V/ Homework -Learn the newwords by heart -gives sts the -do the tasks -Write the asnswer on notebook tasks Comments: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………… Week 35 Period 103 : Date of composing: ………………… Date of teaching : ………………… Lesson 3: FAMOUS PLACES IN ASIA ( B 1) Unit 16 : PEOPLE & PLACES I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to talk about General Giap & give the name of some famous history places II/ Languagge contents *Grammar : review the past simple * Voc : a quiz , a battle , to lead , to defeat… III/ Techniques : chatting , pre qs , comprehension Qs , T/ F prediction… IV/ Skills : listening , reading V/ Teaching aids :text book , poster , tape-recorder VI/ procedures Time Stages & Contents T’s activities St’s activities 4’ I/ Warmer : Chatting When did the battle of Dien Bien Phu -asks sts some Qs -answer the Qs happen ? Who was Commander –in-Chief in the battle of Dien Bien Phu ? 3.Did The People’s Army of Viet Nam won the battle of Dien Bien Phu ? 12’ II/ Pre-listening 1.Pre-teach voc -a quiz : câu đố -follows the steps -follow the T -a battle : trận đánh for presenting -a General : vị tướng Voc -(to) lead : lãnh đạo -(to) defeat : đánh bại -a forces : lực lượng -(to) be famous for : tiếng về… Checking : bingo 2.Pre-Qs -listen 26 LESSON a.What is Liz doing ? b.Who is Ba & Liz talking about ? 18’ 10’ III/ While-listening 1.Listen & answer pre –qs Key a.She is studying for a history quiz b.They are talking about General Giap 2.Listen & choose T/ F a.Liz knows a lot about General Giap b.The People’s Army of Viet Nam defeated the French in 1956 c The People’s Army of Viet Nam won the battle of Dien Bien Phu d.General Giap was born in 1920 e.Ba does like history f.Liz will lend Ba some history books Keys a.F b.F c.T d.F e.T f T IV/ Post-litening : Answer the Qs 1.Who’s Vo Ngguyen Giap ? 2.What’s he famous for ? 3.What happened at Dien Bien Phu ? 4.Is Ba good at history ? 1’ -run through -asks sts to predict the answers -predict -listen & answer pre –qs -listen & answer pre –qs -run through -listen -plays the tape -asks sts to listen & choose T / F -gives feedback - listen & choose T/F -run through the Qs -asks sts toread the dia & answer the Qs -gives feedback -listen - read the dia & answer the Qs V/ Homework -Learn the newwords by heart -gives the tasks -do the tasks - Write the name of some famous history places in your province Comments ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………… Week 35 Period 104 : Date of composing: ………………… Date of teaching : ………………… Lesson 4: FAMOUS PLACES IN ASIA ( B 2) Unit 16 : PEOPLE & PLACES I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to talk about some famous people in these fields ( science , sports , literature , music , movies…) II/ Languagge contents *Grammar : my favorite …., I prefer………., why….because * Voc :… III/ Techniques : kim’s games , gap fill , pairs work… IV/ Skills : speaking V/ Teaching aids :text book , poster VI/ procedures Time Stages & Contents T’s activities St’s activities 27 LESSON 4’ 10’ I/ Warmer : Kim’s games Clever , powerful , strong , gentle , kind , pretty , handsome , funny , fast , good , beautiful II/ Pre-speaking 1.Pre-teach voc Complete the dia with the words in the box Keys 1.like 2.prefer 3.guess favorite 20’ -guides sts to play the games -play the games -asks sts to complete the dia -gives feedback -complete the dia III/ While-speaking 1.Practice the Dia.with the partners -asks sts to -practice the 2.Make their own dialogue about famous people practice the dia dia they know A :Do you like …… ? B : No , not very much I prefer…… -asks sts to - make their A: Why ? make their own own dialogue B: Because ……………… dialogue about about famous A: I guess so famous people people they B : What about you ? they know base know base on A: My favorite ……….is ……… on the dia above the dia above B : Really ? A: Yes , I think she/ he is……… 10’ IV/ Post-speaking : Free-speaking Nam : Who is your favorite singer ? -asks sts to talk -talk about a Lan : Cam Ly about a famous famous people Nam : Why ? people they like they like Lan : Because she’s beautiful & sings well -gives the helps Asks sts to make their own dia base on the dia above 1’ V/ Homework -Practice the dia with friends -gives the tasks -do the tasks -Prepare B4 Comments: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………… Week 35 Period 105 : Date of composing: ………………… Date of teaching : ………………… Unit 16 : PEOPLE & PLACES Lesson 5: FAMOUS PLACES IN ASIA ( B 4) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to get some information about Thomas Edision & Hans Christian Andersen II/ Languagge contents *Grammar : review the past simple tense * Voc : a bulb , a gramophone , an actor , to establish… III/ Techniques : shark attack ,pre qs , comprehension Qs , interview… IV/ Skills : reading , speaking V/ Teaching aids :text book , poster … VI/ procedures 28 LESSON Time 4’ Stages & Contents I/ Warmer : Shark attack I-N-V-E-N-T-I-O-N T’s activities II/ Pre-reading 1.Pre-teach voc -a bulb : bong đèn -a gramophone : máy hát đĩa -an actor : diễn viên -(to) establish : thiết lập -(to) grow up : trưởng thành -a fairy tales : truyện cổ tích -an author : nhà văn Checking : W & W 2.Pre-Qs Asks sts to look at the pictures & answer the Qs a.Who are they ? b.What they ? 20’ III / While-reading 1.Read the text & answer pre-qs 2.Comprehension Qs a.Who was Thomas Edison ? b.What was his most famous invention ? c.How many inventions did he invent during his life time? d.When did he die ? e.Who was Hans Christian Andersen ? f.Where did he grow up ? g.What did he write ? h.When did he become famous for the fairy tales ? 10’ IV/ Post-reading : Interview Student A : a newspaper reported is going to interview Thomas Edision Asks many Qs as possible Student B : Thomas Edision use the information in the reading passage to answer the Qs Ex Exchange A : Where were you born , Mr Edision ? B : I was born in 1847 Then change the roles Student A is Hans Christian Andersen Student B is a reporter Complete the interview 1’ V/ Homework -Learn the newwords by heart -Write the answer on notebook Comments St’s activities -guides sts to play the games -play the games -follows the steps for presenting Voc -follow the T 10’ 29 -run through -asks sts to predict the answers -listen -predict -run through the Qs -asks sts toread the dia & answer the Qs -gives feedback -listen -asks sts to interview their friends -interview - read the dia & answer the Qs -gives the help -gives the tasks -do the tasks LESSON ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………… Week 36 Period 106 : Date of composing: ………………… Date of teaching : ………………… Unit 16 : PEOPLE & PLACES Lesson 6: FAMOUS PLACES IN ASIA ( B 5) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to listen & write the biography about Uncle Ho II/ Languagge contents *Grammar : review the past simple tense * Voc : to leave , to found , to form , to declare… III/ Techniques : chatting , bingo , T / F prediction , grid… IV/ Skills : listening , writing V/ Teaching aids :text book , poster , tape recorder… VI/ procedures Time Stages & Contents T’s activities St’s activities 4’ I/ Warmer: Chatting 1.Do you know Uncle Ho ? -asks sts some Qs -listen & answer 2.When was he born ? about uncle Ho 3.When did he die ? Where was he born ? 12’ II/ Pre-listening 1.Pre-teach voc -(to) leave : rời khỏi -follows the steps -follow the T -(to) found : thành lập for presenting -(to) form : rèn luyện , huấn luyện Voc -(to) declare : tuyên bố -independence (n) : độc lập Checking : bingo T/F prediction a.Ho Chi Minh was born in 1980 b.He left Viet Nam when he was 21 years old -listen c.He spent six years in Paris , one year inMoscow -run through -predict d.He formed the Viet Minb in 1940 -asks sts to e.Ho Chi Minh died in Hue in 1969 predict T/ F 18’ III/ While-listening 1.Listen & check T / F -plays the tape -listen & check a.F b.T c.T d.F e.F T/ F 2.Listen & complete the table Year Place Date of birth 1890 Kim Lien Left VN 1911 Nha rong -asks sts to listen -listen & complete the Worked in hotel 1900s London & complete the table table Went to another 1917 Paris country Moved again 1923 Moscow -gives feedback Founded Vietnamese 1930 VN 30 LESSON Communist Party Formed Viet Minh 1941 Viet Nam Front Became President 1945 Vn Died 1969 Ha Noi 10’ IV/ Post –listening : Writing Asks sts to write about Ho Chi Minh using the -asks sts to write -write information above about Ho Chi Ho Chi Minh was born in 1890 in Nghe An Minh using the Province , in the village of Kim Lien He left Viet information Nam in 1911 above 1’ V/ Homework -Learn the newwords by heart -gives sts the -do the tasks -Write the passage about Uncle Ho on notebook tasks Comments ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………… Week 36 Period 107 : Date of composing: …………………Date of teaching : ………………… LANGUAGE FOCUS I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to review about adjs , advs , modal verbs , like/ dislike , why-because , simple past , simple present … II/ Languagge contents *Grammar : review adjs , advs , modal verbs , like/ dislike , why-because , simple past , simple present * Voc : III/ Techniques : brainstorming , gapfill , role play… IV/ Skills : reading , speaking V/ Teaching aids :text book , poster , pictures… VI/ procedures Time Stages & Contents T’s activities St’s activities 4’ I/ Warmer : brainstorming should -guides sts to play -play the games Can / could the games Modal vrebs May / might Ought to / must 40’ II/ Activities 1.Activity : A Check the correct box -gives the exercise -have a look Adjective Adverb -asks sts to check -do the tasks dangerrous correct box , then slowly complete the sents skillfully good bad -gives feedback quickly 31 LESSON * signal : ly B.Complete the sentences page 162 Keys : A quickly B slowly C good D dangerous E skillfully 2.Activity 2: Modal verbs 1/ Role play : on page 162 -reviews modal -listen 2/ Make a similar dialogue verbs 3/ Use should or ought to to give some advice Keys : -asks sts to role play -role play a) She should go to see the doctor b) She should take an umbrella c) She ought to take a blanket d) She should get a lemonade -presents mapped Activity : like/ dislike Mapped dialouge dia.& asks sts to -practice mapped Look the menu Decide which items to order practice dia Use the words in the box on page 165 to help you A: What would you … to eat ? ( like ) B: I… like sring rolls ( would ) -asks sts to check the A: … you like beef salad ? ( would ) correct tense -check the correct B: No, I don’t like…… ( beef salad ) tense 4.Activity : Check the correct tenses on -gives feedback page 166 Keys : a present b present c past d future e past f.present g.present h past -asks sts to role play i present j future -role play 5.Activity : Why - because Role play A: What is your favorite color ? B : blue A: Why ? B: Because it’s peaceful A: This is my favorite, too, I prefer pink because it’s warm 1’ III/ Homework -Do the exercises on workbook -gives sts the tasks -do the tasks -Review from unit to unit 16 Comment ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………… Week 36 Period 108 : Date of composing : ………………… Date of teaching : ………………… REVISION I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to review the phonetics from unit to unit 14 32 LESSON II/ Languagge contents * Voc : phonetics III/ Techniques : shark attack , multiple choice , odd one out… IV/ Skills : reading , speaking V/ Teaching aids :text book , poster … VI/ procedures Time Stages & Contents T’s activities Sts’ activities 4’ I/Warmer : Shark attack -guides sts to -play the P-H-O-N-E-T-I-C-S play the games games 40’ II/ Activities Pick out the words that has the different main stress from the others -gives the -have a look 1.a cartoon b.gather c.allow d.detective exercise 2.a.import b.vessel c.disease d.diet -asks sts to -do the task 3.a.minority b.socialize c.robber d.viewer choose the 4.a.explore b.diver c vesse d.competition words in which 5.a.measure b material c beautiful d useful 6.a dentist b doctor c invent d moderate has the different main stress 7.a.gather b.energy c.television d.program -givesfeedback 8.a.temple b.defeat c.attraction d.depend 9.a.amusem b.industry c.outdoors d.dizzy ent 10a.selectio b.complete c.dectective d.contest -gives the -have a look n exercise Pick out the words underlined that has the different -asks sts to -do the task pronunciation from the others choose the 1.a.rest b desk c.gently d series words whose 2.a.awake b.plate c.taste d.gather underlined part 3.table b.happy c.pateint d stay is pronounced 4.a.washed b.helped c.called d.opened differently from 5.a.wanted b.needed c.died d.painted the other words 6.a.name b.mate c.thank d.play -givesfeedback 7.a.both b.cold c.old d.how 8.a.book b.choose c.look d.good 9.a.desk b.spell c.street d.there 10.a.hat b.car c.class d.bag -asks sts to pick - pick out that Pick one out that is different group with the other out that is is different 1.a bought b lived c went d made different group group with the 2.a.teacher b parent c sister d brother with the other other 3.a banana b durian c noodles d papaya -gives feedback 4.a beef b chicken c pork d fish 5.a.badmint b.volleyball c.pop d.basketball on 1’ III/ Homework -Review unit9 to unit 14 to the second term exam test Comment: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 33 LESSON …… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …… Week 37 Period 109 : Date of composing : ………………… Date of teaching : ………………… REVISION I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to review the important grammartical point and structures II/ Languagge contents * Grammar :tenses , modal verbs , adjs , advs , why-because , too,so , either , neither……… III/ Techniques : brainstorming , multiple choice IV/ Skills : reading , speaking V/ Teaching aids :text book , poster … VI/ procedures 34 Time 4’ Stages & Contents I/ Warmer : brainstorming Simple present Simple past 20’ tenses LESSON T’s activities Sts’ activities -guides sts to play the games -play the games -T.reviews tenses -follow the T & takenote -T reviews some important grammar points -listen & takenotes -gives exercise -have a look -asks sts to choose the best answer -choose the best answer Simple future II/ Revision 1.Simple present tense Form : S + V ( s /es ) … Note : To be : is/am/are To have : has/have Ex1 : I …… some new friends A has B to have C am having D have 2.Present progressive tense Form : S + is/am/are + Ving … 20’ Ex1 : They … soccer now A play B is playing C am playing D are playing Ex2 are you……TV ? yes I am A watch B watching C to watch D watches 3.Simple future S + will + V0 Ex : We will … him next week A visit B to visit C visiting d visits Simple past : KÑ S + V2 / V ed Note : to be : was /were PÑ : S + didn’t + V0 NV : … did + S + V0 …? 5.Grammartical points : - Prepositions : in, on, at… - Modal verbs : should, ought to… - too, so/ either/ neither - Adjectives / adverbs 6.Structures: - How far is it from to ? - How much ? how often… - Prefer + Ving / to infinitive - Like + Ving / to infinitive… - Let’s + Vo Making suggestion/ invitation… III/Practice : Muliple choice He is a soccer player a well b good c care d carefully She _to clean her room a ought b should c must d can Would you like _dinner at my house tonight a have b to have c having d has You should your hands before meals a to wash b washes c wash 35d washed She speakes English a quick b quicker c quickly d LESSON Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… Week 37 Period 110 : Date of composing : ………………… Date of teaching : ………………… REVISION I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to write a paragraph about 40-50 words using the prompts II/ Languagge contents * Grammar :tenses , prepositions , articles… III/ Techniques : shark attack , prompts… IV/ Skills : writing V/ Teaching aids :text book , poster … VI/ procedures Time Stages & Contents T’s activities St’s activities 4’ I/ Warmer: shark attack -guides sts to play the -play the games P-A-R-A-G-R-A-P-H games 40’ II/ Activities I/ Write the letter with the given words Dear Hoa, 1.Your dad / I / hope / you / be / fine ………………………………………… …………………… -gives exercises -have a look 2.It / be / nearly / harvest time / again / and / we / be / work/ hard /farm ………………………………………… …………………………… 3.Your grandfather / talks / a lot / you / and / hope / you / be / well -asks sts to write a ………………………………………… paragraph using the -write …………………………… prompts I / receive / letter / your aunt / last week / and / she /write / lots / you ………………………………………… …………………………… 5.I / hope / you / be / take / care / yourself -gives feedback / because your aunt / be / busy ………………………………………… …………………………… 6.Remember / wash / iron / own clothes ………………………………………… …………………………… 7.Your dad / I / be / going / visit / you / Ha Noi / after / harvest ………………………………………… …………………………… 36 LESSON Love, Mom II/ Write about Kien using the information below Fullname : Tran Van Kien…………………………… School : Nguyen Du school…………………………………… …… Class : 7A……………………………………… ……… Address : 66 Ham Long street Ha Noi………………………… Age : 12……………………………………… … Weigh : 41……………………………………… … Height : 1m 40cm………………………………… III/ Complete the story about Ba using the given words 1.Ba / go / dentist / yesterday/ because / he / be / sick ………………………………………… …………………………… 2.The doctor / ask / Ba / questions ………………………………………… …………………………… 3.Ba / said / he / eat / spinach / last night ………………………………………… …………………………… 4.The doctor / said / he / must / wash / spinach / carefully ………………………………………… …………………………… 5.Vegetables / often / have / from / farm / on them / and / dirt / can / make / people / sick ………………………………………… …………………………… 6.The doctor / give / Ba / medicine / make / him / feel / better ………………………………………… …………………………… IV/ Complete the story about Minh using the given words 1.Minh / be / sitting / Dr Lai’s surgery 37 -gives the exercises -have a look -asks sts to write a paragraph using the prompts -write -gives feedback LESSON ………………………………………… …………………………… 2.She / be / check / his teeth ………………………………………… …………………………… 3.Minh / be / nervous / and Dr Lai / notice this ………………………………………… …………………………… She / smile / Minh / and / tells / him / not / worry ………………………………………… …………………………… 5.She explain / one / his / teeth / have / cavity ………………………………………… ……………………………… She / advice / Minh / have to / brush / teeth / regularly 7.Dr Lai / fill / cavity / tooth / and / he feel / pleased ………………………………………… …………………………… V/ Complete the passage using the given words 1.1960s , most people / Viet Nam / not have / Tv set ………………………………………… …………………………… 2.The people / with / Tvs / be / popular ………………………………………… ………………………… the evening / the neighbors / would / gather / around / TV ………………………………………… ……………………………… 4.They / would / stay / until / TV programs / finish ………………………………………… …………………………… 5.Viet Nam / be / different / now ………………………………………… …………………………… 6.Many families / have / T.V set / and / life /be / more / comfortable ………………………………………… …………………………… 7.But / neighbors / not spend / each 38 LESSON other / as well as / they / / the past ………………………………………… …………………………… 1’ IV/ Homework -Review unit9 to unit 14 to the second -gives the tasks -do the tasks term exam test Comments: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………… Week 37 Period 111 : Date of composing : ………………… Date of teaching : ………………… THE SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 39 [...]... 12’ II/ Pre-listening 1.Pre-teach voc -a quiz : câu đố -follows the steps -follow the T -a battle : trận đánh for presenting -a General : vị tướng Voc -(to) lead : lãnh đạo -(to) defeat : đánh bại -a forces : lực lượng -(to) be famous for : nổi tiếng về… Checking : bingo 2.Pre-Qs -listen 26 LESSON 7 a.What is Liz doing ? b.Who is Ba & Liz talking about ? 18’ 10’ III/ While-listening 1.Listen & answer... teaching : ………………… CORRECT Week 33 Period 97 : Date of composing: ………………… Date of teaching : ………………… Unit 15 : GOING OUT Lesson 1 : VIDEO GAMES ( A1 ) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to give & respond the advices about video games II/ Languagge contents *Grammar : don’t + V(o) * Voc : amusement center , addictive , arcade 17 LESSON 7 III/ Techniques : shark attack , open prediction... LESSON 7 1.would / watch / you / to / What / like ? …………………………………………… 2.to / evening / What / is / this / do/ going / Mai ? ……………………………………………… … 3.at / Let’s / 7. 00/ the / watch / news ……………………………………………… 4.to/ hear/ the/ teenagers/ pop/ like/ lastest/ music ……………………………………………… 5.sports/ Ba/ taking / in/ part/ prefers ……………………………………………… 6.cowboy/ like / watch / a / I’d /to / film ……………………………………………… 7. this... -do the tasks dangerrous correct box , then slowly complete the sents skillfully good bad -gives feedback quickly 31 LESSON 7 * signal : ly B.Complete the sentences page 162 Keys : A quickly B slowly C good D dangerous E skillfully 2.Activity 2: Modal verbs 1/ Role play : on page 162 -reviews modal -listen 2/ Make a similar dialogue verbs 3/ Use should or ought to to give some advice Keys : -asks sts... for breakfast ……………………………………………… ……… 5.I’m a bad swimmer I swim………………… 6.My brother is a ………tennis player He plays well 7. Let’s see a detective film What about………………… ? 8.You ought not to watch T.V too late You shouldn’t……………………………… 3.Rearrange the given words to make meaningful sents 16 -gives the exercise -have a look -T explains the way to do it -listen & do the task -checks & corrects -listen -gives... sts to read the - read the text T.V……. (7) would stay until the T.V text again & choose again & choose program finished VN is different ….(8) the words to fill in the the words to fill in More families ……(9) a T.v set and …… blanks the blanks (10) is more comfortable But neighbors don’t …….(11) each other as well as they did in the past -gives feedback Keys 1.people 7. they 2.not 8.now / today 3.T.V 9.have... như là thói quen 3.Prefer + V ing : thích làm chuyện này hơn làm chuyện kia 13 -follows the steps for presenting Voc -follow the T -asks sts to predict the answer -predict -run through the Qs -asks sts to read the dia & answer the Qs -gives feedback -listen -presents the structures - read the dia & answer the Qs -listen LESSON 7 4.Prefer + to –inf : diễn tả ý thích cái gì hơn cái gì Ex She likes playing... table -gives feedback 24 LESSON 7 Jakarta Indonesia V/ Homework -Learn the newwords by heart -gives sts the -do the tasks -Prepare A 3 ,4 tasks Comments ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………… Week 34 Period 102 : Date of composing: ………………… Date of teaching : ………………… Unit 16 : PEOPLE & PLACES Lesson 2: FAMOUS... -play the games , show , song , singer the games 12’ II/ Pre-reading 1.Pre-teach voc -(an) audience = viewer :khán giả -follows the steps -follow the T -(a) contest: cuộc thi for presenting Voc -(a) contestant : người dự thi , thí sinh -(to) perform : biểu diễn -(a) band : ban nhạc 14 LESSON 7 -(a) satellite : vệ tinh Checking : bingo 2.T/ F prediction T 1 Pop music is the short form of “popular music”... why….because * Voc :… III/ Techniques : kim’s games , gap fill , pairs work… IV/ Skills : speaking V/ Teaching aids :text book , poster VI/ procedures Time Stages & Contents T’s activities St’s activities 27 LESSON 7 4’ 10’ I/ Warmer : Kim’s games Clever , powerful , strong , gentle , kind , pretty , handsome , funny , fast , good , beautiful II/ Pre-speaking 1.Pre-teach voc 2 Complete the dia with the words ... form meaning… -have a look -listen & takenote S + V + adv -ADJ : bổ nghĩa cho danh từ -ADV : bổ nghĩa cho động từ LESSON 18’ III/ Practice : pictures drill Ex Exchange: -run through the -listen... -follow the T -a battle : trận đánh for presenting -a General : vị tướng Voc -(to) lead : lãnh đạo -(to) defeat : đánh bại -a forces : lực lượng -(to) be famous for : tiếng về… Checking : bingo 2.Pre-Qs... He plays well 7. Let’s see a detective film What about………………… ? 8.You ought not to watch T.V too late You shouldn’t……………………………… 3.Rearrange the given words to make meaningful sents 16 -gives the

Ngày đăng: 21/04/2016, 20:03

