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Tiết số 1. REVIEW Date of preparing: 1 st July, 2010. Date of teaching: 22 nd July, 2010 1. Aims: - To introduce the contents of TA 11. 2. Structures/grammar: - To revise the conditional sentences and some tenses of English. 3. Teaching aids: - Handouts, textbooks. 4. Procedure: Class Date of teaching Absent students 11A1 WARM - UP (3’) Games: Brainstorming: T. asks and guidelines sts to answer a question. I visited Halong - T. checks and announces the results. 1. Presentation (5’). - T. gives out some statements and asks sts to discuss. a/ They have an accident because they drive carelessly. → If b/ It rained heavily so he stayed at home. → If - Sts. answer and compare with their partner - peer correct. a/ If they didn’t drive carelessly they wouldn’t have an accident. b/ If it hadn’t rained he wouldn’t have stayed at home. - T. set the task: * If - clause/ conditional sentences. + Type 1: if + simple present tense - future tense + Type 2: if + simple past tense - subject + would/could + verb. + Type 3: if + past perfect tense - subject + would/could have + verb(pp). Nguyễn Hoàng Linh - Lesson plan 11 Page 1 What did you do last summer? 2. Practice (15’). - T. gives some handouts and asks sts to complete in pairs. - Sts write down on the board and then compare with their partners. ? Correct the right tense of the verb in parentheses. a/ If she (not study) hard she will fail the exam. b/ If Lisa (be) taller she would find a good job. c/ James would have won the game if he (not play) too badly. d/ If he (not came) late he would have seen his old teacher. - Sts: answer keys. a/ doesn’t study. b/ were c/ hadn’t played. d/ hadn’t come - T. summarizes and repeats the main points of the situations above. - T. gives other handouts to further practice: ? Match up the two halves of the sentences. Write them in full and pay attention to the use of verb tenses. 1. Water freezes If a) It’s very windy 2. I’ll meet you at 3.00 b) he had enough money. 3. The plane will be late c) I finish in time 4. Mick would have helped you d) It’s below zero. 5. He would visit New York e) you’d asked him - Answer keys: * 1 - d 2 - c 3 - a 4 - e 5 - b - T. checks and corrects if necessary. - T. gives other handouts to improve If - clauses. ? Multiple choice. 3. Production (20’). - T. guides sts to take a survey TA 11 in groups ? Answer the following questions. 1. How many units are there in TA 11 ? 2. How many parts in each Unit ? /What are they ? 3. How many themes/topics are there in TA 11 ? /What are they ? 4. Where do you find the main aims of each lesson ? 5. Where do you find your exercises ? 6. How many test yourself are there in TA 11 ? 7. Where do you find new vocabulary ? HOMEWORK (2’) - T. guides to prepare Unit 1. * Comments: Nguyễn Hoàng Linh - Lesson plan 11 Page 2 Tiết số 2. UNIT 1. FRIENDSHIP LESSON 1. READING Date of preparing: 2 nd July, 2010 Date of teaching: 23 rd July,2010 I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to develop such reading micro- skills as for specific ideas, skimming for general information, and guessing meaning in context. After that to use the information they have read to discuss the topic. II. Teaching aids. - Textbook, Handouts. III. Anticipated problems. Sts may need help with the discussion task, so T. should be ready to help them. IV. Procedure. Organization: Class Date of teaching Absent students 11A1 Time Steps Work arrangement 6’ 10’ WARM - UP Brainstorming. ? What is your best friend like talkative - T. divide the class into 4 groups and gives a handout. T. asks sts to complete as much information as possible. PRE - READING. Discussion the picture and poem - T. asks the whole class to look at the picture on page 12 and asks them some quesions: + What are the girls and boy doing in the picture ? + How do they feel ? + What does the picture tell you ? Suggested answers: + One boy is playing the guitar, and the other girls and boys are singing. + They seem very happy because I can see their smile. + The picture tells me that friends can happily do many things together Group work Pair work & whole class Nguyễn Hoàng Linh - Lesson plan 11 Page 3 her/his name ? 6’ 5’ - T. asks sts to work in pairs to read the short poem on page 13 and answer the question: “What do you think of the friend in the poem” → The friend in the poem is very dedicated and thoughtful. Pre - teaching Vocabulary - lasting (adj) = lifelong (adj) continuing a long while - to be concerned with smt: - rumour (n) tin đồn - trust (n) = the belief that smb/smt is good, honest - sorrow (n) = a feeling of great sadness. - pursuit (n) sự đam mê, - If there is some time left, T. may ask some sts to make sentences with the words to check. WHILE - READING. Setting the scene You are going to read a passage about the qualities of a long lasting friendship. While you are reading, do the tasks in the texbook. Task 1 Instruction: Fill each black with one of the words in the box. - T. writes these words on the board. _ acquaintance, incapable of, mutual, unselfish, give- and - take, friend, loyal to, suspicious. - After that T. instructs sts to read the passage quickly and pause at the key words. - Sts guess the meaning of the word based on the context in the sentences. - T. checks and corrects if necessary by asking them to provide the words in Vietnamese. - T. explains and guides to do Task 1. - Sts scan the passage again and work individually to complete the task. - T. asks sts for their answers and tells them to explain their choice. 1. mutual 2. incapable of 3. 6. loyal to 7. suspicious. Task 2. Instruction: You should read the passage again and decide which of the choices A, B, C or D most adequately sums up the ideas of the whole passage. - sts should read the text carefully and try to summarize it in the sts’s own words. + st should make sure the main idea chosen sums up the entire text and not just one idea within it. Whole class, individual work & pair work Whole class, individual work & pair work Nguyễn Hoàng Linh - Lesson plan 11 Page 4 6’ 10’ 2’ - T. gets feedback and corrects answer. * Answer: B Task 3. Instruction: You have to answer the six questions in the book. - T. asks sts how to do this task. T. should instruct them to skim the six questions/ underline the key words/ look for questions words like “why” which indicates sts should read for specific thing like a reason. - T. asks sts to work individually to do the task, then discuss their answers with their peers. POST - READING. - T. asks sts to work in pairs to discuss the qustion in the book “Why do we need to have friends ?” - T. go around to help sts when necessary. - T. calls on sts to report their ideas to class - T. gives feedback. HOMEWORK. - T. summarizes the main points of the lesson. - T. asks sts to learn all of the new words. Comments: Whole class, individual work & pair work Pair work & whole class Whole class. Nguyễn Hoàng Linh - Lesson plan 11 Page 5 TiÕt sè 3. UNIT 1. FRIENDSHIP LESSON 2. SPEAKING Date of preparing: 4 th July, 2010 Date of teaching: 24 th July, 2010 1. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, sts will be able describe the physical characteristics and personalities of their friends, using appropriate adjectives. 2. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts. 3. Anticipated problems: Sts may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic, so T. should be ready to provide help. 4. Procedure: Organization: Class Date of teaching Absent students 11A1 Tim e Steps Work arrangement 8’ Warm - up Competition game - Word search - T. divides the class into small groups of 3 - 4 students. Then T. distributes the following puzzle handouts for sts to do in groups. - T. draws or prepares two big copies of the word search and hangs on the board. T. calls two pairs of sts to go to the board and ask them find all the adjectives. - T. gets feedback and checks. The adjectives in the box below are hidden in the puzzle. Find them quickly tall caring medium beautiful handsome humorous honest understanding sincere l l a t f a z w q s d h a n d s o m e i m e d i u m p f j n c a r i n g u y x c Group work Nguyễn Hoàng Linh - Lesson plan 11 Page 6 12’ c a r i n g a d e e b e a u t i f u l r w y u i d q z a f e q h o n e s t a d k v b f z k u y r e a u n d e r s t a n d Pre - speaking Task 1. Instruction: You are going to look at the picture of four people on page 15 and describe them in pairs. - Before letting sts do the task, T asks them to read Useful language on page 16. T. may ask if sts know the meanings of the adjectives provided. - T. elicits or teaches some words. * Vocabulary: - forehead (n): trán - crooked (adj): mũi khoằm. - T. may ask sts to provide some adjectives/ expressions used to describe people’s appearance. T. may also give sts a handout of these adjectives and expressions. Describing people’s appearance Height tall, medium, short Build slim, plump, overweight, well- built Hair long, short, shoulder-length straight, wavy, black, grey, red Face oval, round, large, square Eye small, big, blue Nose straight, crooked, Chin pointed, double Lips thin, full, narrow Forehead broad, high Skin white, pale, General appearance beautiful, handsome, pretty, plain Age in one’s late teens/ in one’s early twenties - T. asks sts to work in pairs to describe the people in the picture, and then calls on some sts to present their answers. T. gives feedback. Suggested answer: Whole class & pair work Nguyễn Hoàng Linh - Lesson plan 11 Page 7 10’ 13’ 2’ While - speaking. Task 2. Instruction: You are going to discus and number the personalities in order of importance in friendship and then report the results. - Before sts do the task, T. asks them to look at the list of adjectives provided in the book. T. asks if sts understand these adjectives or not. - T. can elicit or explain some adjectives quickly - caring(adj): chu đáo - hospitable (adj): hiếu khách. - modest (adj): khiêm tốn. - Sts discuss and take notes of the ideas, and then sts will report the result to the whole class. - T. calls on some sts to report the results of their discussion. Sts’ answer may be: My group thinks that being caring is the most important in friendship because when friends care about each other, they will know when to share happiness or difficulty with their friends Post - speaking. Task 3. Instruction: Imagine that you have a friend who has just won he first prize in Mathematics. A journalist is going to interview you about your friend. - Before sts perform the interview in pairs, T. gets sts have a look at their roles on page 16 and the suggestions on page 17. - T. elicits the questions they may ask: * What does he/ she look like ? * What does he/ she like doing in his/ her free time ? * What are his/ her hobbies ? - T. may also make clear the meanings of some adjectives. - T. call on some pairs to perform the interview. - T. elicits feedback and gives final comments Homework. - T. summarizes the main points of the lesson. - T. asks sts to do extra exercises as homework. *Comment: Whole class & group work Whole class & pair work Whole class. Nguyễn Hoàng Linh - Lesson plan 11 Page 8 Tiết số 4. UNIT 1. FRIENDSHIP LESSON 1. LISTENING Date of preparing: 6 th July, 2010 Date of teaching: 29 th July, 2010 1. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to develop such listening mirco- skills as intensive listening for specific informtion and taking notes while listening. 2. Teaching aids: - Textbook, cassette tapes, handouts. 3. Anticipated problems: - Sts may not be familiar with the not-taking task, so T. should provide them some tips to deal with the task. 4. Procedure Organization: Class Date of teaching Absent students 11A1 Tim e Steps Work arrangement 7’ Warm - up Brainstorming: Match the words in column A with their definitions in column B - The aim of this activity is to help sts to revise the vocabulary items sts learnt in the previous lesson. - T. divides the class into groups of 3 - 4 students. Then T. uses the handouts for sts to do in their own groups. Column A Column B 1. good-natured a. pleased to welcome guests; generous and friendly to visitors. 2. Helpful b. showing kindness; making you feel relaxed and as though you are among friends. 3. Modest c. spending a lot of time studying or reading. 4. Friendly d. giving or willing to give freely. 5. quick-witted e. kind, friendly and patient when dealing with people 6. hospitable f. able to think quickly; intelligent. 7. Studious g. not talking much about your own abilities or possessions. 8. Patient h. always telling the truth, and never stealing or cheating 9. Honest i. willing to help somebody 10. Generous j. able to wait for a long time or accept annoying behaviour or difficulties without becoming angry. * Answer keys: 1-e 2-i 3-g 4-b 5-f 6-a 7-c 8-j 9-h 10-d Group work Nguyễn Hoàng Linh - Lesson plan 11 Page 9 10’ 10’ - T. gets feedback and comments on their answers Pre - listening Talking about your best friend. - T. asks sts to discuss he questions on page 17 in pairs. - T. calls on some sts to give their answers and comments on their answers. - T. gets sts to guess what they are going to listen about. Vocabulary Pre- teaching - Before eliciting/ Pre- teaching the new words. T. helps sts to pronounce the words given in the book. T. reads aloud first and ask sts to repeat in chorus and individually. + apartment building (n) + sense of humour (n) Eg. she has no sense of humour. + give smb a ring = phone smb. + go through a rough time (n) - T. gets sts to make sentences with the words and corrects While - listening Task 1. Instruction: You are going to listen to Lan and Long talk about their best friends. Decide whether True/False Statements. - T. instructs and guidelines sts to read the statements to understand and use or underline the key words: Eg. shared/ unfriendly - Listen to the tape and pay attention to the key words. - Decide whether the statements are True or False based on what they can hear. - T. plays the tape once for sts to do the task. - T. asks for sts’ answers and writes them on the board. - T. plays the tape the second time for sts to check their answers. - T. asks sts to work in groups of 4 to compare their answers. - T. checks sts’ answers by calling on some sts and asks sts to explain their answers. If sts can’t answer, T. plays the tape one or two times and pauses at the answer. * Answer keys: + Lan’s talk: 1. F (they used to live in the same building there) 2. F (It is what people think) 3. T 4. F (Lan went to Do Son first and then called Ha, so Ha Whole class Individual work, group, work & whole class Nguyễn Hoàng Linh - Lesson plan 11 Page 10 [...]... work in pairs and checks their answers Suggested answers: Lan Long How and where did they meet? - They used to live in the same apartment building in Hanoi - Lan went on holiday in Do Son and met Ha What do they like about their friends? - Ha is very friendly and helpful - Ha is sociable because she has got many friends in Do Son Post- listening 8’ - T gets sts to work in pairs to answer the following... Lesson plan 11 Tiết số 13 UNIT 3 - LESSON 2: SPEAKING th Date of preparing: 7 August, 2010 1 Objectives: By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to - Use appropriate language to talk about parties and arrange how to plan them - Use appropriate language to invite people to come parties 2 Teaching aids: Texbook 3 Anticipated problems: Sts may have difficulty in arranging in English 4 Procedure: Organization:... experience Listen and answer True or False questions Put a tick () in the appropriate box - Before Ss listen and do the task, T gets them to read through the statements to understand them and underline WHILE YOU LISTEN Nguyễn Hoàng Linh - Lesson plan 11 key words For example, the key words in the first statement are “Christina” and “businesswoman” -T checks with the whole class and asks them to guess... listen and do the task -Then T gets Ss to find a partner to check their answers with -T checks the answers with the whole class If many Ss cannot answer the questions, T plays the tape one or two more times and pauses at the answers for them to catch Answer: 1 T 2.F (13 years ago) 3 F (in the kitchen) 4 F (she was sleeping) 5.T 10’ Task 2 Instruction: You are going to listen to the story again and fill... in note forms, not full sentences -After playing the tape, T gets Ss to work in pairs and check their answers -T calls on some Ss to give the answers T provides correct answers if necessary If many Ss cannot complete the task, T might want to let Ss listen one more time and pause at the answers for them to catch Answer: 1 small 2 everything 3 family 4 replaced 5 took 6 appreciate Individual work, pair... idea organization and development, and checking for other language mistakes Procedures: Organization: Class Date of teaching 11A1 Absent students 1 Warm-up (5 minutes) Purpose: For students to revise words to describe people they have learnt and to motivate students to learn Page 12 Nguyễn Hoàng Linh - Lesson plan 11 Description: Teacher shows Ss some pictures with lively emotions or actions and elicits... sequence of events and guessing meaning in context Use the information they have read to discuss the story 2 Teaching aids: Textbook and handouts 3 Anticipated problems: Sts may need help with the discussion task, so T should be ready to help them 4 Procedures: Organization: Class Date of teaching 11A1 Absent students Nguyễn Hoàng Linh - Lesson plan 11 Page 17 Time Steps Work arrangement Warm - up 5’ Vocabulary... class and gives Whole class final comments afterwards: Note:- the format, the organization/ language/the tenses 8’ 3’ Homework - T summarises the main points of the lesson - T asks sts to revise their letters and rewrite a full letter Whole class * Comments: Tiết số 11 UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES LESSON 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS Date of preparing: 25th July, 2010 Page 28 Nguyễn Hoàng Linh - Lesson plan 11 Date... Practice - T gets sts to do Exercise 2 individually and then find a partner to check their answers with Answers: 1 broke/ was playing 2 wrote / was 3 was working / broke 4 Individual work & Pair work Exercise 3 and whole class a) Presentation - T reviews the form, meanings and uses of the past Page 30 Nguyễn Hoàng Linh - Lesson plan 11 10’ perfect and compares it with simple past Eg After they had left... statements to understand them Sts underline the key words to decide what they need + sts go back to the passge and locate the key words in the passage and find the answer - T gets sts to check their answers with a peer T checks the answers with the whole class Answers: 1 birthday party / 2 both / 3 both / 4 wedding / 5 wedding/ 6 wedding / 7 birthday Task 2 - T checks if sts can identify and correct the . their answers. - T. checks sts’ answers by calling on some sts and asks sts to explain their answers. If sts can’t answer, T. plays the tape one or two times and pauses at the answer. * Answer. survey TA 11 in groups ? Answer the following questions. 1. How many units are there in TA 11 ? 2. How many parts in each Unit ? /What are they ? 3. How many themes/topics are there in TA 11 ? /What. pairs and checks their answers. Suggested answers: How and where did they meet? What do they like about their friends? Lan - They used to live in the same apartment building in Hanoi - Lan