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Bài Bám Sát Unit 15 - AV11-CB

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NGÂN PHƯƠNG VY BÀI BÁM SÁT UNIT 15 – ENGLISH 11 ~ 1 BÀI BÁM SÁT TIẾNG ANH 11 (Theo Chuẩn Kiến Thức – Kỹ Năng) UNIT 15 1. Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part. 1. A. foot B. moon C. good D. look 2. A. flight B. mile C. worldwide D. lift 3. A. space B. safe C. crash D. rename 4. A. feat B. death C. reason D. leap 5. A. engineer B. speed C. speech D. succeed 2. Choose the word with the different stress pattern. 1. A. cosmonaut B. gravity C. technical D. precisely 2. A. biography B. independent C. achievement D. psychology 3. A. aboard B. extreme C. failure D. occur 4. A. enormous B. weightlessness C. astronaut D. national 5. A. attention B. accident C. impossible D. unfortunate 3. Complete each sentence with a suitable word in the box. A. milestone B. mission C. shuttle D. orbit E. weightless F. leap G. portable, achievements, feat, space 1. A new satellite has been put into around the Earth. 2. A lot of people now are interested in travelling through to other planet. 3. Astronauts work in conditions when they are on spacecraft. 4. The voyage to the moon carried out by Yang Liwei, China's first astronaut marked an important in the history of exploration. 5. Building such a long tunnel is a brilliant of engineering. 6. Do you have the right stuff to plan a space ? 7. The equipment to bring with you for a camping trip is lightweight, and easy to store. 8. The service between London and Edinburgh has been improved a lot. 9. Look before you ! 10. Scientific are now less prominent than a decade ago. 4. Choose the best answer. 1. Facts of space can be established by observation and A. experiment B. landing C. marking D. experience 2. Gagarin was as a national hero after his successful flight into space. A. named B. renamed C. become D. honoured 3. Is this the first time that you've home? A. fly B. flown C. flew D. flying 4. Who was the first human being to foot on the moon? A. stand B. stop C. set D. share 5. Man wants to travel to the moon to find out the answers to some questions about life outside the Earth. A. certain B. uncertain C. certainty D. certainly 6. When did our country a communications satellite? A. launch B. interest C. carry D. lift 7. It's not clear precisely how the body would to the extreme changes in temperature? A. react B. revisit C. remind D. resign 8. Gagarin could never get back to the moon because of a accident. A. tragedy B. tragic C. tragically D. tragedies 9. When an astronaut travels into space, if there is a technical , he can never return to the Earth. A. death B. success C. failure D. venture NGÂN PHƯƠNG VY BÀI BÁM SÁT UNIT 15 – ENGLISH 11 ~ 2 10. When spacemen travel into space they have to face uncertainties because they do not know what may happen. A. big B. wide C. large D. enormous 5. Complete each sentence with CAN / CAN'T /COULD / COULDN'T and the correct form of BE ABLE TO. 1 he understand what you were talking about? 2. My sister play tennis now. She's having a fever. 3. I walk when I was less than a year old. 4 you tell me what time it is, please? (in a polite way) 5. My grandfather was very weak, but he walk without any help last night. 6. I would like to play the piano. 7. How long have you drive? 8. I'll help you later. 9. Will man live on the moon one day? 10. My brother ride a bike when he was 10 years old. 11. Finally, she visit her birthday place. 12. We haven't play tennis for a long time 13. For a long time, Alec and Iris play tennis together. Alex loves it. Iris has just started taking lessons, but she still play well. 14. I heard there was a fire in your building yesterday. Was anyone hurt? - No, the firefighters get everyone out of the building. 15. He park a car, but he drive in traffic yet. 6. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting. 1. Luke (A) has passed his (B) driving test, (C) now he (D) can be driving a car. 2. They were (A) so busy; they (B) cannot (C) write me (D) a text message. 3. She (A) had done (B) more work (C) in one day than her husband can (D) do in three days. 4. Your cousins rarely (A) feel like (B) going to the cinema, (C) don't (D) they? 5. 1 (A) used to be to stand (B) on my head but I (C) can't be able (D) to do it now. 6. Yuri Gagarin (A) became the (B) first man (C) to be able to travel into space (D) on April 12 th , 1961. 7. Your grandparents (A) can hardly (B) ride (C) a bike, (D) can't they? 8. Jenny was (A) unable (B) leaving the hospital (C) only four days after the operation, (D) was she? 9. Everyone (A) likes (B) be able to sleep late (C) on Sundays, (D) don't they? 10. (A) Everybody congratulated (B) the astronauts (C) about their successful (D) into space. 7. Choose the best answer. 1. My uncle was very clever. He speak four languages. A. could B. can C. will be able to D. couldn't 2. My father wasn't at home when I phoned, but I contact him later. A. would B. couldn't C. wasn't able to D. was able to 3. A little boy fell into the river but some men rescue him. A. was able to B. couldn't C. were able to D. wouldn't 4. He had forgotten to bring his camera so he couldn't take any photos of the wedding, ? A. didn't he B. hadn't he C. could he D. doesn't he 5 came in the post, did it? A. Something B. All C. Anything D. Nothing 6. You have to practise your Spanish in Mexico, ? A. won't you B. don't you C. haven't you D. will you 7. Nobody could read or write at the age of two, ? A. couldn't they B. could he C. could they D. couldn't he 8. You and 1 are busy now, ? A. aren't I B. aren't you C. aren't they D. aren't we 9. Let's travel to the moon some day, ? A. do we B. should we C. shall we D. will we 10. Those boys rarely do their homework, ? A. don't they B. are they C. aren't they D. do they 11. is here with her, are they? A. Nobody B. They C. People D. Everybody NGÂN PHƯƠNG VY BÀI BÁM SÁT UNIT 15 – ENGLISH 11 ~ 3 12. Write a biography of Neil Armstrong, ? A. will you B. do you C. don't you D. won't you 13. Mary a new car for a very good price. She paid 30% less than the regular retail cost. A. could buy B. was able to buy C. was unable to buy D. couldn't buy 14. It was her friend who the scholarship, not Ann. A. was able to receive B. was received C. could be given D. could be received 15. Your uncle used to work here, ? A. didn't he B. did you C. used he D. doesn't he 8. Read the passage and answer the questions. For those who believe the costs of space exploration are greater than the benefits, George Delucas, an astronaut who flew on the 1992 Columbia mission, says, "There will always be people who would like to put an end to space travel, but I don't think that is what our population wants or needs. Our country has always been excited about exploration and the pursuit of knowledge". This quote generalizes the attitude many Americans have towards the space program. When the Apollo 11 crew successfully landed on the moon, the crew and millions of Americans were filled with pride and a sense of accomplishment. What citizens do not realize is how much knowledge and new technology the United States gained through Apollo 11 and the other space missions. Some of these citizens do not believe a vital need for the space program exists. To them, the space program is just a waste of money and human lives. The recent Columbia disaster that resulted in the loss of seven American lives only supports their argument. However, it is impossible to measure the loss of life and money over the advances in knowledge, technology, and medicine. 1. According to George Delucas, an astronaut, are the costs of space exploration greater than the benefits? 2. What was the attitude that Americans have towards the successful moon landing of the Apollo 11? 3. What don't most citizens realize after the success of the Apollo 11? 4. What are benefits from the space program, irrespective of the loss of life money in the recent Columbia disaster? 9. Choose the best word to complete the passage. Until all urgent and important matters in this globe have been so money bumped on space (1) is of no meaning. It is not a common sense at all to invest million dollars researching and (2) food: astronauts (for space exploration purpose), (3) everyday thousands of people are starving. Furthermore, the (4) of outer space only serves a minor group of people if the majority is even not well-educated. Those in areas or third-world (5) do not even know how to prevent common threatening diseases (6) AIDS and lung cancer. Then, some may (7) that the purpose of space exploration discover new lands, new energy resources or to discourage potential threat to our globe. (8) , is it effective to do so while other alternatives available? Lands on earth are no yet (9) used. New energy resources (e.g. solar and nuclear energy) have not yet been widely- used. Threats of plagues have not yet been prevented. All of these need money. That is (10) costly space discovery programs are a waste of money. 1. A. exploration B. conquest C. orbit D. ship 2. A. making B. cooking C. doing D. producing 3. A. which B. what C. while D. why 4. A. discover B. discovery C. discoveries D. discovering 5. A. national B. nations C. international D. country 6. A. as B. unlike C. likely D. like 7. A. quarrel B. talk C. speak D. argue 8. A. Nevertheless B. Therefore C. Moreover D. In addition 9. A. effectively B. effective C. effect D. effectiveness 10. A. how B. what C. why D. when 10. Complete the question tags. 1. My hair needs cutting, ? 2. Your little sister has no time to go to the hair dresser's, ? 3, It’s a beautiful day, ? NGÂN PHƯƠNG VY BÀI BÁM SÁT UNIT 15 – ENGLISH 11 ~ 4 4. The hunters expected to be paid for the snakes they caught, ? 5. Mrs. Green kept on criticizing your work, ? 6. They had better make Terry teach Janet, ? 7. Miss White used to hear them shout greetings to each other, ? 8. Those men have heard that the minister has resigned, ? 9. It will be an exciting experience for her, ? 10. Canoeing down the river would be very interesting, ? 11. Most cats enjoy being fed, ? 12. Take much care when being in such a big city, ? 13. You'd rather stay in because it's raining heavily, ? 14. Astronauts are often weightless in space, ? 15. The cattle ate a lot of grass, ? 11. Choose one sentence that has the same meaning as the original one. 1. It's impossible to get a visa to America easily these days. A. We can't find it possible to get a visa to America easily these days. B. We are unable to get a visa to America these days. C. To get a visa to America is impossible. D. You can only get a visa if you go to America. 2. She might not have heard what I said. A. She may not hear what I say. B. She could hear what I said: C. It's possible that she didn't hear what I said. D. She would be able to hear what I said. 3. We are able to do many useful things thanks to the Internet. A. The Internet makes it possible to do many useful things. B. It's useful to do many things with the help of the Internet. C. Many useful things can be thanked by the Internet. D. We can't do anything useful without the Internet. 4. There were not enough seats for all the people in the conference room. A. Some of the people could not find a seat in the conference room. B. There were a few seats for some people in the conference room. C. Some people without a seat couldn't sit in the conference room. D. There were few seats for some people to sit in the conference room. 5. It was so dark that we could not see. A. It was too dark for seeing anything around us. B. It was too dark to see us. C. It was too dark for us who couldn't see anything. D. It was too dark for us to see. 6. We couldn't answer those difficult questions. A. Those questions were difficult enough for us not to be able to answer them. B. Those questions were too difficult for us to answer. C. Those questions were enough difficult so that we couldn't answer them. D. Those difficult questions couldn't be for us to answer. 7. The heavy snow prevented her from getting to work on time. A. She couldn't get to work on time because of the heavy snow. B. The heavy snow allowed her to get to work on time. C. The heavy snow couldn't make her get to work on time. D. She was able to get to work on time in the heavy snow. 8. He couldn't help buying that used car because it was such a bargain. A. The car was so expensive that he couldn't buy it. B. The car was too expensive for him not to buy it. C. The car was cheap enough for him to buy it. D. The car was so expensive that I couldn't help him buy it, 9. The police questioned two robbers but neither of them could speak English. A. The police questioned two English robbers in English, B. Two robbers who could not speak English were questioned by the police. C. Neither of the robbers was questioned in English by the police. D. Either of the men could answer the police's questions in English. NGÂN PHƯƠNG VY BÀI BÁM SÁT UNIT 15 – ENGLISH 11 ~ 5 10. I can't stand this weather. It's getting worse and worse. A. The weather is making me worse. B. The weather is not better, so I can't stand up. C. I can't stand up in this bad weather. D. I can't stand this bad weather any more. ANSWER KEY UNIT 15 1. 1B 2D 3C 4D 5A 2. 1D 2B 3C 4A 5B 3. 1. orbit 2. space 3. weightless 4. milestone 5. feat 6. mission 7. portable 8. Shuttle 9. leap 10. achievements 4. 1A 2D 3B 4C 5B 6A 7A 8B 9C 10D 5. 1. Could 2. can't 3. Could 4. Could 5. was able to 6. be able to 7. been able to 8. be able to 9. be able to 10. was able to (could) 11. was able to 12. been able to 13. couldn't; can 14. Could 15. is able to; is not able to 6. 1D 2B 3A 4C 5A 6C 7D 8B 9B 10C 7. 1A 2D 3C 4B 5D 6B 7C 8D 9C 10D 11A 12A 13B 14C 15A 8. 1. No, they aren't. 2. They were filled with pride and a sense of accomplishment. 3. They don't realize how much knowledge and new technology the United States gained through Apollo 11 and the other space missions. 4. They are the advances in knowledge, technology, and medicine. 9. 1A 2D 3C 4B 5B 6D 7D 8A 9A 10C 10. 1. doesn't it 2. does she? 3. isn't it 4. didn't they 5. didn't she 6. hadn't they 7. didn't she 8. haven't they 9. won't it 10. wouldn't it 11. don't they 12. will you 13. wouldn't you 14. aren't they 15. didn't they 11. 1B 2C 3B 4A 5D 6B 7A 8A 9B 10D . NGÂN PHƯƠNG VY BÀI BÁM SÁT UNIT 15 – ENGLISH 11 ~ 1 BÀI BÁM SÁT TIẾNG ANH 11 (Theo Chuẩn Kiến Thức – Kỹ Năng) UNIT 15 1. Choose the word with the different. never return to the Earth. A. death B. success C. failure D. venture NGÂN PHƯƠNG VY BÀI BÁM SÁT UNIT 15 – ENGLISH 11 ~ 2 10. When spacemen travel into space they have to face uncertainties. is here with her, are they? A. Nobody B. They C. People D. Everybody NGÂN PHƯƠNG VY BÀI BÁM SÁT UNIT 15 – ENGLISH 11 ~ 3 12. Write a biography of Neil Armstrong, ? A. will you B. do

Ngày đăng: 23/01/2015, 13:00

