For the above reasons, the author of the thesis chose the topic “Criminal liability of persons under 18 years old committing crimes from a comparative legal perspective” to carry out the
1 The urgency of the thesis
Since its establishment, our Party has always paid attention to
the young generation Regarding the issue of handling persons under 18 years old committing crimes, the consistent viewpoint of the Party and the State is: “Reduce prison sentences, expand the application of fines, and non-custodial reform for some types of crimes” This is also a requirement,
requiring us to continue to research and improve the provisions
of the Criminal Code Meanwhile, according to statistics from the Supreme People's Court, the practice of applying criminal liability to persons under 18 years old committing crimes shows a huge difference between the rate of people under 18 committing crimes and the application of judicial measures, between prison sentences and three non-deprivation of liberty penalties for persons under 18 years old committing crimes This situation requires the improvement of the legal system, the improvement of the provisions of the Criminal Code on the criminal liability of persons under 18 years old committing crimes in order to comprehensively institutionalize the viewpoints, policies and guidelines of the Party in ensuring the best interests of persons under 18 years old committing crimes
Trang 2For the above reasons, the author of the thesis chose the topic
“Criminal liability of persons under 18 years old committing crimes from a comparative legal perspective” to carry out the doctoral thesis with the desire to build a basic theoretical system on the criminal liability of persons under 18 years old committing crimes and learn good experiences from Germany, Canada, Singapore and China in order to propose convincing and feasible directions for improving the provisions of the Vietnamese Criminal Code on the criminal liability of persons under 18 years old committing crimes
2 Purpose and research tasks of the thesis
Purpose: to build a basic theoretical system on criminal liability of persons under 18 years old committing crimes and propose directions for perfecting the provisions of the Vietnamese Criminal Code on criminal liability of persons under 18 years old committing crimes Tasks: 1) To build a basic theoretical system on criminal liability of persons under
18 years of age who commit crimes including definition, characteristics, nature, content, scope, form and bases for regulating criminal liability of persons under 18 years of age who commit crimes; 2) To compare the provisions on criminal liability of persons under 18 years old committing crimes in the criminal laws of Vietnam, Germany, Canada, China and
Trang 3Singapore; 3) To deeply explain the requirements and directions for perfecting the provisions of the Vietnamese Criminal Code on criminal liability of persons under 18 years old committing crimes
3 Subjects and scope of the thesis
Research subjects: theories on criminal liability of persons under 18 years old committing crimes; provisions of international law and criminal law of Vietnam, Germany, Canada, China and Singapore on criminal liability of persons under 18 years old committing crimes
Regarding the scope: provisions on criminal liability of persons under 18 years old committing crimes in international law and current laws of Vietnam, Germany, Canada, China and Singapore
4 Methodology and research methods of the thesis
The thesis is based on the dialectics of Marxism The main research methods used in the thesis include:
Chapter 1: Method of analysis and method of synthesis; Chapter 2: Method of analysis, method of comparative law,
method of multidisciplinary research, method of logical
information processing, method of synthesis; Chapter 3:
Analytical methods, logical information processing methods, synthesis methods
Trang 45 Structure of the thesis
In addition to the Introduction and overview of the thesis, the content of the thesis is structured as follows:
Chapter 1: Theoretical issues on criminal liability of persons
under 18 years old committing crimes
Chapter 2: Criminal liability of persons under 18 years old
committing crimes in the criminal laws of Vietnam, Germany, Canada, China and Singapore
Chapter 3: Requirements and solutions to improve the
provisions on criminal liability of persons under 18 years old committing crimes in the Vietnamese Criminal Code
1.1 Inherited thesis issues
First: A system of different viewpoints on theoretical issues on
criminal liability and some theoretical issues on criminal liability of persons under 18 years old committing crimes, including: definition, characteristics, nature, content, scope, and form of criminal liability; handling philosophies, theoretical issues on criminal policy, and interpretations of international standards for persons under 18 years old
committing crimes Second: Analysis and evaluation of
regulations on criminal liability of persons under 18 years old
Trang 5committing crimes in the laws of Vietnam, Germany, Canada,
China, and Singapore Third: Some interpretations on the
requirements for improvement and proposals for improvement
of regulations of the Vietnamese Criminal Code on criminal liability of persons under 18 years old committing crimes
1.2 Issues that the thesis continues to study
First: The basic theoretical system on criminal liability of
persons under 18 years old committing crimes includes the definition, characteristics, nature, content, scope, and form of criminal liability; the bases for regulating criminal liability of persons under 18 years old committing crimes in the laws of
countries Second: Compare the provisions of criminal law of
Vietnam, Germany, Canada, China, and Singapore on criminal liability of persons under 18 years old committing crimes, explain the causes of similarities and differences, and evaluate the reasonableness and applicability in Vietnam of those
differences; Third: Analyze specific requirements and indicate
directions for perfecting the provisions of the Vietnamese Criminal Code on criminal liability of persons under 18 years old committing crimes
1.1 Concept of criminal liability of persons under 18 years
of age committing crimes
Definition: Criminal liability of persons under 18 years of age
committing crimes is a special case of criminal liability, which
is the adverse legal consequences that persons under 18 years
of age must bear before the state due to the commission of crimes through which education and reformation are not aimed at punishing persons under 18 years of age committing crimes
In the correlation between criminal liability and criminal liability of persons under 18 years of age committing crimes,
in essence, criminal liability of persons under 18 years of age who commit crimes is a special case of criminal liability in general because persons under 18 years of age are still young,
so their cognitive and behavioral control abilities are not yet as complete as those of adults Therefore, crimes committed by persons under 18 years of age have a lower level of fault than crimes committed by adults Therefore, it can be affirmed that the application of criminal liability to persons under 18 years
Trang 7of age who commit crimes has a lower punitive meaning and
a higher educational meaning
The nature of criminal liability for persons under 18 years of age who commit crimes is the condemnation of the state against persons under 18 years of age who commit crimes; the content of criminal liability of persons under 18 years of age who commit crimes is the rights and obligations of the state (the party imposing criminal liability) and the corresponding obligations and rights of persons under 18 years of age who commit crimes (the party subject to criminal liability); The scope of criminal liability for persons under 18 years of age who commit crimes begins from the time the person under 18 years of age commits the crime and ends when the person under 18 years of age who commits the crime completes the sentence or judicial measure, has his/her criminal record erased, is exempted from criminal liability or punishment, is pardoned or amnestied, the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution expires, the statute of limitations for execution of the sentence expires
1.2 Forms of criminal liability for persons under 18 years
of age who commit crimes
Forms of criminal liability for persons under 18 years of age
who commit crimes include: 1) Punishment: Punishment is the
Trang 8most severe form of coercive responsibility; 2) Judicial measures: less severe than punishment, with the effect of supporting or replacing punishment; 3) Criminal record:
Criminal record is a trace of the offender's conviction
Basis for prescribing criminal liability for persons under
18 years of age committing crimes
The prescribing of criminal liability for persons under 18 years
of age who commit crimes in the criminal laws of countries is based on the philosophies of handling persons under 18 years
of age who commit crimes, the criminal policies of each country and international standards on justice for persons under 18 years of age
2.1 Punishment for persons under 18 years of age committing crimes
The results of the study on the penalty system for persons under 18 years of age committing crimes in Vietnam, Germany, Canada, China and Singapore show that the penalty
Trang 9systems of these countries have many similarities but also many differences Similarities of the penal systems include: Similarities: 1) The countries studied (except Germany) all have differentiated penal systems for people under 18 who commit crimes, including property penalties, penalties of deprivation of liberty, and penalties that do not deprive of liberty; 2) All five countries studied do not apply the death penalty to people under 18 committing crimes; 3) All five countries studied apply imprisonment to people under 18 committing crimes; 4) Fines are applied in most of the countries studied; 5) Among the countries studied, two countries, Vietnam and China, have provisions for a type of punishment that restricts the freedom of convicted persons under 18 years of age for a certain period of time; 6) The lightest penalty in the penal system applies to people under 18 years of age who commit crimes under Vietnamese law and Canadian law is a penalty of public warning and condemnation for people under 18 years of age who commit crimes
Differences: 1) In the laws of Canada, China, and Singapore, there are specific penalties that have never appeared in the Vietnamese Criminal Code or the criminal laws of the remaining countries; 2) Only China and Singapore still maintain the provision of life imprisonment for people under
Trang 1018 who commit crimes; 3) Among the above countries, the system of penalties for people under 18 committing crimes in German law is the least diverse and there is no differentiation
in the type of penalty Germany only prescribes one type of penalty applicable to people under 18 committing crimes, which is imprisonment; In contrast to Germany and completely different from the remaining countries such as Vietnam, China and Singapore Canadian criminal law prescribes a separate system of penalties for people under 18 committing crimes, which is different from the system of penalties in the Criminal Code
2.2 Judicial measures for under-18 offenders
Although the names are different, all countries stipulate that the measures are of a legal nature, which are judicial measures
in handling under-18 offenders Judicial measures applied to under-18 offenders in the five countries can be divided into four groups: 1) Educational measures; 2) Reprimand and warning measures; 3) Short-term or intermittent detention measures; 4) Economic measures Compared to the other countries, Vietnam stipulates the least diverse system of judicial measures applied to under-18 offenders, with only one measure being education at a reformatory school
2.3 Criminal records for under-18 offenders
Trang 11Most countries (except Canada) stipulate a range within which under-18 offenders do not have a criminal record In cases where a person under 18 commits a crime with a criminal record, the provisions on the conditions for expungement of criminal records are similar across countries Among the five countries, Canada and Singapore provide longer expungement periods for under 18 offenders than the other countries
3.1 Requirements to improve the provisions of the Vietnam Criminal Code on criminal responsibility of persons under 18 years of age who commit crimes
3.1.1 Requirements related to our Party's policies and guidelines on criminal responsibility of people under 18 who commit crimes
Some basic contents of the Party's policies and guidelines on people under 18 who commit crimes are as follows: 1) The consistent viewpoint of our Party and State on handling people
Trang 12under 18 who commit crimes is mainly to educate and help them correct their mistakes, develop healthily and become useful citizens for society; 2) Continue to build and perfect legal regulations on people under 18 who commit crimes Regularly summarize the practical implementation of laws on people under 18 to propose directions for amending and supplementing the Criminal Code and some related laws Research and promulgate laws on people under 18; 3) In addition to handling adult criminals, the Communist Party of Vietnam emphasizes the role of developing and educating adults so that they do not commit crimes or re-offend
3.1.2 Requirements related to the practical application of the law in the fight against crimes committed by people under 18 years old
During the 10-year period from 2015 to 2024, 34,355 defendants under 18 years old who committed crimes were brought to trial, of which 10 defendants were declared not guilty by the Court, accounting for 0.03%, 66 cases were declared exempt from criminal liability or punishment by the Court, accounting for 0.2%, 144 defendants were applied judicial measures, accounting for 0.42%, and the number of defendants who were mainly punished, accounting for 99.35% (33,676 defendants) People's Courts at all levels nationwide