Tầm quan trọng của chiến lược quản trị nhân tài với hiệu quả hoạt động của doanh nghiệp, áp dụng cho Công ty viễn thông Mytel và một số kiến nghị để Mytel trở thành nhà mạng lớn nhất Myanmar
In Myanmar, mobile telecommunications companies have been placed in the position of having to come up with strategies to deal with the increased level of competition in the business The effective deployment of human capital is more important to competitive success than the accumulation of physical assets As a result of the players' intense competition for the limited number of available skills, there has been a decline in talent The research sought to determine whether or not talent management techniques play a significant role in the overall success of a telecommunications firm in Myanmar in general and particularly Mytel company
The research was founded on four different theories like the human capital theory, the expectation theory developed by Maslow and Lawler, the resource-based theory, and the talent-based theory The research was in the form of a survey that used descriptive and analytical methods For the purpose of this research, the target group consisted of the 336 employees working for Mytel Company
The data were gathered by the researcher via the use of questionnaires After collecting the data, they were coded, adjusted, and then prepared for analysis The research used the quantitative method of data analysis, which are most suited for assessing open-ended questions on the one hand and closed questions on the other Descriptive statistics, such as frequencies, percentages, the mean, and standard deviation, were used in the analysis of quantitative data Content analysis was used, on the other hand, in order to make sense of the qualitative data To determine the extent of the impact that each independent variable has on the target variable, a multiple regression model was used The findings were written forth in the form of tables, charts, and figures
According to the findings of the research, talent acquisition methods have a significant impact on the level of performance achieved in their business, however talent retention have only a minor impact It was abundantly evident that the success of an organization is significantly impacted by factors such as staff dedication, organizational motivation, the rate at which individuals leave the business, and the effectiveness of efforts to reduce employee turnover In accordance with the findings of the research, there is a significant link between talent development and performance, as well as between career advancement and performance to a significant degree This factor had a big impact on the success of the company, which led to important career advancements like professional counseling and setting career goals In line with the findings of the study, the career advancement had the most impact on the performance of telecommunication firms, followed by the factors of talent attraction and talent retention The study found that the talent development had the least impact on the performance of firms
Using the findings of the study, organizations need to understand the concept of talent management in order to effectively harness and leverage intangible assets within the firm in order to achieve a competitive advantage Additionally, the study suggests that employees should be appreciated for better performance Non-monetary bonuses, such as incentive, recognition, and study leave, should also be provided by firms to employees to an acceptable and sufficient degree In turn, the manager should enact measures that encourage and assist businesses in adopting and implementing strategic talent management in order to discover and develop their people' full potential and use it to optimal use in boosting business success The research suggests that businesses should maintain and uphold best practices for strategic talent management in order to make the most effective use of their talents and skills Moreover, the research suggests that businesses should conduct regular audits to ensure that strategic talent management programs are being fully implemented
Successful companies implement talent management programs as one of the human resource development strategies they implement These programs assist the company in its efforts to recruit and retain competent and talented employees, which in turn helps the company to improve its performance While in Thailand, where talent management is considered a construct with three dimensions (strategic, structural, and ideological), and the country views the atmosphere for innovation and organizational performance as single-dimensional concepts According to the findings, the linkages that exist between the many facets of talent management and organizational performance are mediated by an environment that fosters creative thinking
To put an organization in a position to achieve high performance through talent management, its main focus should be on creating an environment that encourages and develops the unique creative potential of each of its workers (Hongal, 2020)
It has been observed that talent management, organizational development, and the job motivation of employees all have a significant and positive relationship with one another in China However, the majority of firms fail to properly promote, reward, and retain the one-of-a-kind abilities of their staff (Wang, 2022) As a consequence of this, workers often switch jobs in the hope of settling into a group to which they can contribute These kinds of businesses have a tendency to go for human resources who possess a high degree of experience and abilities, only to wind up losing those resources in the end because they do not have an efficient talent management strategy in place Talent management is becoming more important in contemporary human resource management as a consequence This is due to the fact that when staff' talents are recognized and nurtured, not only does it lead to an improvement in their productivity, but it also leads to a rise in their job happiness, motivation, and a high staff retention rate The activities of HRM, including as recruiting and selection, training and development, performance assessment, and succession planning, are all designed to complement the role of talent management, if not pioneer it Therefore, the process of talent management encompasses any HRM activity that helps workers to be more productive, efficient, and motivated to remain in their current positions The concept of talent management entails assigning the right personnel to the right position (Kenny, 2019)
There is a favorable correlation between the components of talent management, such as employee recruitment, selection, engagement, and retention, and the success of 30 different firms in India This ensures that the staff members are making the most of their talents to contribute to the success of the business The majority of businesses, both in the public and private sectors, have made talent management a priority in order to guarantee that they hire the appropriate personnel This is because talent management is a relatively new topic This is because talent management has been linked to the effective hiring, keeping, and training of employees (Matthew, 2015)
In Asia, the effect of talent management strategy has not yet been well experienced to the same degree as in other regions The notion of talent management is relatively new in India However, it is a tough thing to quantify The influence of talent management on organizational performance may be problematic, particularly in settings in which the company regards as talents only those people who play a strategic role in the business In today’s fast-paced, globally connected, and intensely competitive business climate, effective talent management is essential to the survival of any profit-driven corporation It is important for businesses to educate and retrain their employees so that they may cultivate the skills and abilities they need in their workforce In addition to this, it was discovered that talent management has an effect on the performance of both national and multinational companies, however the performance of small and medium-sized companies in the Indian business climate has not been positively impacted by this innovative method (Latukha, 2016)
In ASEAN, the talent management refers to an integrated system of recruitment, development, and retention of the necessary human capital across all levels of an organization This concept is currently at the forefront of business agendas within ASEAN Because there is a lack of skilled laborers in Southeast Asia, effective talent management is projected to continue to be an operational need, particularly in the fields of science, engineering, and technology The role that talent management plays in realizing an organization's strategy and so obtaining a competitive advantage is one of the primary reasons for the significance of this function In Thailand, talent is a fluid mixture of framed experience, values, contextual information, and expert insight that is created by social interactions among individuals and organizations depending on a particular time and location These interactions can take place anywhere from a single conversation to a multi-year apprenticeship In addition, it is widely acknowledged that one develops skill as a result of a usefully ordered accumulation of information gained either via direct experience, conversation with others, or inference Because of this, it follows that in order to make the process of accumulation easier, businesses need to modify both their culture and their reward systems This should be done so that employees are encouraged and willing to share their experience and knowledge with others, while at the same time they are building up their knowledge as an asset for the organization In addition, despite the fact that talent assets are founded on the experience and knowledge of people, companies offer the structure physical, social, and in terms of resource allocation necessary for knowledge to be transformed into organizational competencies (Piansoongnern, 2014)
Companies are focused on preserving their position at the top of their industries in terms of customer service, product uniqueness, and earnings In this sense, they have firmly established talent management as an integral component of their expansion plan Both the management of talent and the preparation of a succession plan are very important in order to guarantee the long-term viability of a company (Khan, 2019) Strategies for talent management are crucial and necessary in businesses that want to cultivate and improve the performance of their staff When implemented by firms, talent retention techniques like succession planning, career advancement, and employee motivation do, in fact, boost the performance of their employees when such methods are applied The methods for identifying and developing talent that are put in place by businesses not only improve the performance of their personnel in the present but also ensure their performance in the future This research also comes to the conclusion that there is a statistically significant link between ways to keep talents and how well they do their jobs
Research on management considers company performance to be one of the most essential characteristics, and it is without a doubt the single most important indicator of a firm's level of success The field of telecommunication is poised to become one of the most important and cutthroat competitive ones in the industrial sector of the future The combined effects of the industrial revolution and the digital revolution have caused the telecommunication sector to expand its activities in order to adapt the expansion of technical innovation and meet the rising expectations of consumers in all nations (Gomez-Mejia, 2014) Nowadays, this industry has been confronted with an increasing level of unpredictability of the business environment and the competitiveness of the market as a consequence of the internationalization of business, the shift from a production-based economy to a knowledge-based economy, the growth of information and communication technology, and they have also increased the level of competition in the market (Hitt & Hoskisson, 2016)
The examination of a company's performance in relation to its aims and objectives is what is meant by the term "organizational performance." Performance is the outcome of all of the activities and plans that are carried out by the company Performance is an indicator that indicates how successfully an organization is able to fulfill its goals, and it is known as organizational performance The efficiency and effectiveness with which an organization accomplishes its goals may be used as a measure of the performance of the organization There are three key outcomes that are assessed inside of corporate organizations, and these are the accounting, market, and shareholder value (Al-Matari, 2014)
Company performance is predicated on the assumption that an organization has voluntarily joined together to combine their knowledge, skills, and other resources in order to accomplish a common goal How well an organization achieves its goals may be defined by comparing actual output with projections made at the outset Company performance can be classified as financial or non-financial (Ahmed, 2016) The financial performance such as revenue, market share, new product introduction, product quality, marketing effectiveness, and shareholders' return measured through total shareholder return and economic value added are all examples of metrics that can be used to evaluate an organization's success The effectiveness of an organization is measured across three criteria The first factor is how well the firm converts inputs into finished products The profitability of a business is the second one The difference between a company's market value and its book value is the third (Bogicevic, 2016)
Research gap
Despite a number of significant developments in the activities that fall under the umbrella of talent management, such as the increased interest in branding, employee engagement, and the benefits of being an employer of choice, talent management activities often lack the integration strategy that is necessary to secure the flow of talent that organizations will require in the future For example, the rising interest in employer branding, talent retention, and the benefits of being an employer of choice In recent years, talent management has been a subject of focus and emphasis for a significant number of professionals working in the field of human resources However, organizations and practitioners should not jump on the bandwagon of talent management just because talent management is fashionable Instead, they should ask what issues talent management is designed to solve, such as reputation, attraction, engagement, leadership development, or succession planning Every business faces the difficulty of talent management since they all compete for the same pool of available talent (Cappelli, 2014)
Due to competition for the few available talents, there has been loss of talent in the telecommunication sector The competition has compelled Myanmar telecommunication companies to come up with strategies to compete In that, talent management has recently garnered an increasing amount of interest This has been ascribed to the great competition that exists amongst companies for the same pool of talented employees, which has resulted in a shortage of talented employees In order to cater to the ever- evolving requirements of their clientele, businesses should recruit and hire qualified, professional, and competent employees in order to attain higher levels of productivity while simultaneously lowering their operating expenses
As a result of the ever-increasing level of competition in the industry of telecommunication, some companies, such as Ooredoo, have decided to collapse their operations in Myanmar, and MPT has decided to sell themselves to a Japanese company because of their persistently poor performance
The literature review that was conducted on this subject in Myanmar focused on a problem that was specific to a firm rather than a problem that was prevalent across an entire industry For instance, Aung (2014) conducted a study on the efficiency of strategic talent management in Telenor Company
He discovered that local businesses have no effective talent management structures, and that the majority of their strategies are enclosed in the contracts with their employees These strategies make it less likely that employees will leave a company before the end of a set amount of time This is especially important if the company has trained the employees
Yee (2019) investigated talent management at MPT and discovered that human resource practices impact both the companies' images and their level of competitiveness within the industry Htaik (2022) investigated employee engagement at Myint & Associates Telecommunication Ltd and came to the conclusion that positive employee engagement is the result of effective talent management practices and that this has a positive influence on the competitive advantage of the company The research conducted by Naing
(2019) on the connection between critical success factors and talent management at Telecom International Myanmar Co., Ltd found that once the role between strategy and talent has been defined, then the other facets of strategic management such as resource allocation, organizational structure, product innovation, and target markets can be configured to bolster talent advantages and reduce talent weaknesses in the workforce In addition, he has mentioned that learning chances for a business which already has a talent advantage could be more beneficial than learning opportunities for a rival that has identical learning possibilities This is something that he has pointed out There is a knowledge vacuum since none of the literature that was evaluated concentrated on the influence that talent management strategy conducts on performance of Myanmar telecommunication firms As a result, this gap needed to be filled.
Research objectives
The overarching purpose of the research was to identify the influence that different talent management strategy has impacted on the performance of Myanmar telecommunication firms, such as the following:
- To determine the impact of talent acquisition on the overall performance of telecommunications firms
- To analyze how the implementation of talent retention affects the overall performance of telecommunications firms
- An examination of how talent development influenced the performance of telecommunications firms
- An analysis of the impact of career advancement on the performance of telecommunications firms.
Research questions
The goal of the research was to establish whether or not talent management techniques play a significant part in the overall success of Mytel The following questions served as the compass for the study as (1) to analyze how the relationship between talent development and career advancement is, and (2) to how is the impact of talent attraction, talent retention, and talent development on the performance of telecommunication firms.
Research scope
The main goal of this research is to conduct an in-depth analysis of the competitive landscape that operators face in Myanmar, with a particular emphasis on the manner in which these operators employ people management strategy as an essential component to achieve a competitive advantage The majority of the material of the study was devoted to analyzing the implementation of the talent strategy at Mytel, which was based on the responses of 336 Mytel staff members to a survey The data for the analysis are from the years 2019 to 2021, which cover the time period in which Mytel made the most significant and impressive strides toward its development since it first entered the Myanmar telecoms industry in 2017 The research includes some suggestions for possible next steps This is also brought up in discussions with senior management in order to evaluate, choose, and execute across the organization while ensuring positive results initially.
Human capital theory
A number of researchers contributed to the conceptualization of the idea of human capital; nevertheless, Romer (1989) and Nafukho (2004) are generally regarded as the most influential Earlier, economists were of the opinion that humans and their talents should be considered a kind of capital These economists calculated the worth of individuals and their skills using the cost-of-production method and/or the capitalized profits method The human capital theory is built on the premise that individuals and businesses make investments in human capital not on the basis of the profits they will get in the here and now but rather on the returns they will realize in the future, both monetarily and otherwise Various areas of an individual's life can be considered investments, including but not limited to education, training, knowledge acquisition, advancement opportunities, and activities that promote health The decision to invest in human capital can be thought of in the same way as any other investment decision, regardless of the type of investment being made, because it is focused on a comparison between the rates of return that equate the present values of earnings after the investment and rates that could be obtained elsewhere (Goldin, 2016) The current study makes use of human capital theory as it can be linked to the factors that have contributed to the adoption of employees' attraction with expected returns of high profits and productivity for the firm This is why the theory being used in this thesis is being carried out.
Expectation and motivation theory
The expectation and motivation theory are predicated on the assumption that an employee's efforts will ultimately result in performance, and that performance will ultimately result in rewards (Lawler, 1973) Rewards could be either positive or negative, depending on the situation The more favorable the incentive, the greater the likelihood that employee will have a high level of motivation On the other hand, the chance that an employee will be motivated goes down in direct proportion to how the bad the incentive is The expectation theory is another explanation of work motivation that is believed to be reasonable (Pinder, 2014)
According to Barba-Sánchez (2010), expectation theory contends that employees will be inspired to exert a high level of effort when they believe that doing so will lead to a positive performance appraisal; that a positive performance evaluation will lead to organizational rewards such as bonuses, higher salaries, or promos; and that the rewards will satisfy the employees' individual objectives
According to the theory of job satisfaction proposed by Judge and Timothy (2020), the intensity of a tendency to behave in a particular manner is proportional to the certainty with which the individual anticipates that the behavior will be followed by a particular outcome and to the degree to which the individual values that outcome The primary tenet of this school of thought is that workers should be rewarded monetarily in accordance with the amount of effort they put into their occupations and the level of success they achieve there Therefore, this theory is significant in solving the problem of talent retention in the sense that an employee would select whether or not to perform work responsibilities depending on their perceived capacity to complete the task and receive a compensation that is equitable
One of the most significant difficulties that firms must also contend with is the challenge of retaining their best employees in the VUCA environment that are vulnerable, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (Aruna,
2015) Stability inside the organization has been reduced to fragility, which is having an impact on interactions with customers; managers are under a lot of pressure, conflict is unavoidable, and relationships are likely to be negatively impacted These patterns have an impact on the organization's competitiveness, making it more challenging for businesses to compete successfully in the market (Lado and Wilson, 2014) Employees that are dedicated, productive, and reliable are an organization's most valuable (and perhaps riskiest) asset (Elliott, 2014) The endurance of employees enables businesses to gain considerable benefits and strengths via the expertise and experience of their employees It is very important to find and keep the workers who are the best fit for the organization in terms of skills and qualifications For this reason, the process of finding new employees is essential with regard to the cost-cutting mechanisms related with employee retention As a result, it is essential for businesses to have absolute certainty on the candidate's appropriateness for the position, the rationale for their selection, and the procedures for managing them (Arnold, 2015) There are competitions going on in many different kinds of businesses and markets As a result of the influence that sustainability has, it is essential for businesses to successfully manage the strategies of their employees in order to be successful It is widely held inside the company that highly gifted workers are critical to the business's overall success As a result, the procedures of talent management are both basic and crucial Metrics of performance that are accurate and reliable may be of assistance to businesses during the aggregate analysis of assets, which can help businesses realize their full potential and achieve more success (Cascio, 2014)
The economic environment of Myanmar is confronted with three significant obstacles Firstly, a significant number of senior managers will reach retirement age during the next 10 to 15 years This indicates that the present generation of individuals participating in the talent system will go to the next level, and it is essential that they be work ready Second, the fertility rate in Myanmar has not grown for several years, which, when combined with the condition of internal warfare between the government army and some rebel groups, has contributed to the lack of population growth in the country This results in a condition of declining human capital, which means that the pool of talent that is accessible will continue to shrink Third, Myanmar is also affected by what is known as the "brain drain phenomenon," which occurs when a large number of individuals who have experience and abilities go for chances outside of Myanmar This further reduces the number of people who possess the necessary competences The necessity for businesses in Myanmar, regardless of size, whether small, medium, or big, to avoid falling victim to the talent gap may be expressed using these formulae In addition to this, it offers chances for businesses to compete in the environment in which they operate and to be sustainable from the point of view of people management The potential organizational crisis that was discussed before may have a remedy in the form of Myanmar enterprises first acknowledging the dangers that are linked with the current scenario and then taking steps to mitigate these dangers This may be accomplished by maximizing the use of available competence resources and developing innovative talent management solution approaches, both of which will help with the retention of existing staff members Employees are an organization's lifeblood, and as such, keeping them should be considered a primary requirement for achieving and maintaining organizational success Regardless of the kind of organization or its rules, businesses make it a priority to develop comprehensive strategies for managing their human resources in order to satisfy the needs of their workforce (Huselid, 2015).
Resource based theory
The resource-based of the organization is concerned with the linkages between an organization's internal resources (including human resources, which are one of those internal resources), strategy, and organizational performance Rather than just matching human resources with the organization's present strategic goals, emphasis is placed on the cultivation of human capital in order to foster the maintenance of a prolonged advantage over competitors
Goldin (2016) says a company will have a competitive advantage if it is adopting a value-creating strategy that no other rival is also implementing On the other hand, a company will have a sustainable competitive advantage if a value-creating strategy is not synchronously being applied by competitors and competitors are unable to copy the benefits of this strategy In this scenario, the company will have an advantage over its rivals that is competitive over the long term in order to evaluate the connection between a company's resources and its capacity to maintain a competitive edge over time, Khan
(2019) conducted research on extensive empirical indicators: valuations, rareness, imitability, and substitutability In the course of his investigation, he elucidated three primary ideas that are pertinent to the topic at hand: firm resources, comparative position, and sustainable competitive advantage It is possible to classify a company's resources into three categories: physical (Kabue, 2016), organizational, and the third one, human capital Human capital is the primary focus of this particular research endeavor
Khan (2019) says that to understand the basis of a competitive advantage, the company's resources are likely to be both diverse and stable, with a total of four possible traits The first characteristic of a valuable resource is its utility in efficiently and successfully implementing the organization's plan Second, it must be a limited resource that your present and potential rivals do not already control The third quality of a valuable resource is its imitability, which ensures that rivals not only don't have it but also can't get it Finally, the resource is not substitutable, which implies it cannot be duplicated and there are no comparable alternatives offered by competing businesses He developed a resource-based model to demonstrate this relationship between the company's resources and the potential to generate a sustainable competitive advantage This model is the interaction between the immobile resources of the firm, which are rare, and the sustainable development of the firm's competitive advantage This model can be used by organizations to analyze their resources to determine whether or not they have the potential to generate a sustainable competitive advantage Because only people who have the relevant competences can grasp, define, and evaluate all of the many types of resources and their relevance to the assessment criteria, this idea is vital for efficiently executing career and development as a human component.
Talent based theory
According to the talent-based theory of the firm, talent is the only resource that can provide a sustainable competitive advantage As a result, the firm's attention and decision making should concentrate primarily on talent and the core competencies that can be derived from it, the theory postulates The company has a reputation for being an institution that excels at talent integration It is not responsible for either the acquisition or the formation of organizational talent; rather, this responsibility falls on the person and is a precondition for it Talent is something that lives in and with individual people; a company's role is to just integrate the talent that is owned independently by its employees by providing structural provisions for the coordination and cooperation of specialized talent workers That is to say, the company places an emphasis on the organizational processes that are carried out through these structural arrangements It is through these processes that employees engage in the processes of talent development, retention, and deployment (Al Ariss, 2014)
What we mean when we talk about "talent management" may be characterized and explained in a variety of different ways at this point in time However, as a number of scholars have pointed out, many widespread beliefs are supported by evidence (e.g., Collings & Mellahi, 2019; Lewis & Heckman, 2016; Silzer & Dowell, 2018) The first point of view emphasizes the human resource aspect, and as a result, the definition of talent (e.g., Byham, 2015; Peters, 2016; Ready, Hill, & Conger, 2018); the second viewpoint defines talent management as "a process by which employers anticipate and meet their needs for human capital" (Cappelli, 2014); and the third viewpoint considers talent management to be a tool for achieving economic outcomes (e.g., Lockwood, 2016; Gandossy & Kao, 2014) We adhere to the second viewpoint, which holds that talent management is a unique process that places a distinct emphasis on those individuals within an organization who hold the potential to provide that organization with a competitive advantage through effective management of those individuals in a manner that is both effective and efficient, so assuring the company's continued competitiveness over the long term In light of this fact, an integrated talent management strategy may incorporate HR operations such as recruiting and placement, training and development, appraisal and remuneration, and concentrate on the viewpoints that workers have from the point of view of their respective companies
Many businesses have a severe lack of understanding when it comes to the concept of talent in relation to the philosophy of talent-based success Objections are raised over a wide variety of projects developed and carried out within the plans of various organizations They point to the possibility of inconsistency in the management of talent As a result of this, it has been suggested that the phrase "talent management" should be replaced with "talent development," which refers to the process of cultivating an environment that is advantageous to the identification, growth, and utilization of talent An organization that fosters the growth of talents is one that pays attention to the evolution of their culture and concurrently sees the fruits of that effort in the form of outcomes; this ensures that talented people are provided with possibilities for self-identity The procedures themselves are the success factors that should arise so that individuals actually desire to offer everything of themselves that it is feasible to give, and even more (Judge, 2017) Thus, this theory is pertinent to the investigation since it contributes to a better understanding of how learning and growth take place It also represents the management style that rejects haphazardness and substitutes it with a continual improvement of working environment and management This style of management is also known as lean management
There have been a number of studies conducted on talent management, such as the one conducted by Mathew (2016), who investigated the role that talent management plays in improving the performance of organizations (Practices in Select Organizations in India) A questionnaire was sent out to the company in order to obtain the necessary information for the study There will be both descriptive and inferential testing carried out The findings demonstrated that effective personnel management has a considerable impact on the overall success of a business The findings might be helpful for formulating plans for the recruitment and talent retention, as well as for their continued education and professional advancement
Latukha (2016) found that effective talent management has an impact on the performance of a company The survey was the major instrument for achieving the goal of the study, which was the collection of primary data Methods such as the correlation coefficient, the t-student distribution, and descriptive analyses were applied in order to do analysis on the data that was collected According to the findings of the study, effective talent management has a beneficial effect on the overall performance of the firm It was also found that the talent management system has an effect on the performance of multinational and national enterprises, but that the small and medium-scale firms in China's economic environment have not profited from this new method Because of this, the study suggests that a talent management strategy should be used for all of the employees within the company who have special talents and that companies should differentiate between their talent management and the total human resources management style of the company The study also says that companies should keep their talent management plan separate from how they handle their human resources as a whole.
Yee (2019) research, a case study of MPT was conducted to investigate talent management as a potential source of competitive advantage The purpose of the study was to investigate the potential role that talent management plays at MPT as a competitive advantage source The researcher conducted interviews with senior executives at MPT who were participating in the strategic management of organizational talent in accordance with the parameters of a case study design that had been selected for the investigation The researcher used the interview guide that had been developed for him or her as a means of collecting data, and content analysis was the method that was utilized in order to examine the data It would appear from the findings that the selection of the strategy for talent management has a significant impact on the success of the business The findings of the study indicated that efficient talent management has an impact on the financial health of an organization This was demonstrated by increased total revenue over the years following the implementation of the strategy, as well as increased levels of productivity and market share
Talent management, succession planning, and company strategy were the main topics of Aung (2020) research on Telenor (the 2nd Operator in Myanmar) Employee data has been analyzed to see how well they handle talent management The data was analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative methods The study's findings showed a link between people management, succession planning, and business strategy generally The ideas and ramifications of the research findings are presented for both academics and professionals
Htaik (2022) focused on the things that were thought to affect talent management practices in Myanmar's mobile phone distribution companies The design of this study was a descriptive cross-sectional survey People who worked for Myint & Associates Telecommunication Ltd and its franchises were the focus of this study In this study, only data collected from a questionnaire was used The results show that the organization's talent management practices align the workforce so that employees can understand how their goals link to and support the organization's overall goals The organization also uses the core parts of talent management, such as performance, compensation, and learning management, succession planning, and working with social networking resources that apply to their organization
This research is armed to make a contribution to the current body of knowledge about talent retention and talent development In point of fact, the findings of this study offer businesses with policy suggestions that directly target the most significant influencers on the retention of employees Even though the subject of talent management is brought up very often, there have only been a few empirical studies that have investigated the effect that talent management has on the performance of organizations Despite this, a number of studies that have been published relate talent management to the success of organizations The majority of these studies take an interdisciplinary approach (for example, Huselid and Becker, 1998; Ringo, Schweyer, DeMarco, Jones, and Lesser, 2008); however, some of them concentrate on particular fields of study or specialized sample groups canon (for example, DiRomualdo, Joyce, and Bresion, 2019; Joyce, Herreman, and Kelly, 2017; Gandossy & Kao, 2014); and others are case study-focused (Notably, the vast majority of research comes from web-based investigations (e.g., Axelrod, Handfield- Jones & Welsh, 2011; Guthridge & Komm, 2018; Ringo et al., 2018) As a consequence of this, the findings of these research almost always point to a beneficial connection between talent management and the performance of organizations
2.5 The impact of talent management strategy on the firm performance
According to Cheraisi (2020), in an era in which the skills and knowledge of employees provide a company with a competitive advantage, the importance of recruiting and retaining talented staff cannot be ignored In this era, the skills and knowledge of employees give a company a competitive advantage The practice of looking for potential workers and encouraging them to submit applications for open positions in a business is referred to as recruitment It is possible to define selection as the process by which an
The impact of talent management strategies on the firm performance 26 1 Talent attractions
According to Taylor (2018), in order for an organization to remain competitive, it is necessary for the business to combine ideas and talents from both inside the organization and from outside the organization This would promote variety and synergy within the corporation When looking for new employees, many companies first look outside the company for qualified candidates This is done for a variety of reasons, including corporate culture and the fact that managers have a difficult time keeping the employees who produce the best results and preventing them from leaving for other jobs In order to facilitate employee advancement inside the company, talent- management companies will have conducted employee surveys to learn about their skills and aspirations in the workplace We form hypotheses based on these theories, such as:
H1: Talent attraction has a positive impact on the performance of a firm 2.5.2 Talent retention
Any company can improve its image as an employer by keeping employees for extended periods of time This contributes to employer branding A strong and favorable employer brand is essential to attracting top talent and keeping it, regardless of the sector in which the business operates According to Adeosun (2020), the culture of an organization plays a role in discriminatory decisions This culture includes an understanding of management, work-life harmony, and employer branding, all of which are regarded as important factors in an employee's decision to remain with a particular organization Motivating work and providing an environment that encourages personal growth and professional development have proven to be critical factors in successfully retaining outstanding personnel Managers have a significant impact on this aspect of the business An inquiry had been made into the impact that employees' perceptions of their ability to maintain a healthy work-life balance have on their decisions on whether or not to remain with a given company Companies who have effective talent management strategies that have been applied see an increase in their rate of employee retention It addresses critical employee issues while also improving the company's position in the competitive landscape The firm's reputation also improves, and it evolves into a unique and appealing place to work, both of which contribute to the increased likelihood that important workers will remain with the company We form hypotheses based on above theories, such as:
H2: talent retention has a positive import on the firm performance 2.5.3 Talent development
According to Anwar's definition of the term, Talent development is
"the process of creating and unleashing human knowledge through training and development for the purpose of improving performance." Training and performance in the workplace are indeed receiving a lot of attention these days Individuals engage in a process that is referred to as workplace learning whenever they participate in education and development programs, training programs, or other forms of experiential learning in preparation for a future obligation at work
Management of talent to entice and keep talented employees Talent management methods guarantee that the correct people desire to join the firm and successfully attract new talented employees to the business This helps the company both attract and keep brilliant personnel In addition, skilled individuals are recognized and respected, and there are incentives in place to encourage them to remain employed (Brundage & Koziel, 2010; Ringo et al.,
2018) In order for the firm to both develop and retain its talent, it has to be aware of what the talent wants and, as a result, it must devise an incentive structure that is tailored to what they want When this occurs, the gifted persons' esteem requirements are satisfied, and as a consequence, they exhibit a greater level of work satisfaction and drive (Maslow, 1954) In addition, the firm's current specialized programs help to appreciate its talented employees highly and keep them by providing them with meaningful work and unique incentives This helps the company to retain its talented employees Beechler and Woodward (2014) and DeConinck and Johnson (2015) found that showing appreciation and acknowledgment to employees led to increased levels of commitment and work satisfaction among their subjects Herzberg, Mausner, and Bloch Snyderman (2018) found similar results In addition, the use of this method is required to improve the quality of the work being produced since real-world experience is the most important teacher (Kolb,
1984) When an employee works with a firm for a longer period of time, they are able to acquire a better degree of company-specific knowledge and credentials Additionally, as customer happiness is determined by work quality (Evans & Jack, 2013) and staff commitment (Reichheld, 1993), this method is the reason why satisfaction levels are generated increased levels of pleasure for the consumer In conclusion, this method increases the profitability of the company since both the dedication of the workforce and the contentment of the customers are critical components of a value chain that generates profit (Reichheld, 1993) The requirements for talent development are efficiently recognized and satisfied, and alternatives and career pathways are mapped out at the same time As a consequence of this, talents want to enhance abilities that are specifically important to the organization (Ready & Conger, 2017; Ringo et al., 2018) Base on that info, the Author form hypotheses based on above theories, such as:
H3: Talent development has a positive import on the firm performance 2.5.4 Career advancement
Career advancement refers to the process of developing a series of milestones and chances for individuals to attain while remaining with the same business There is no guarantee of promotion just because one chooses a certain career route It is not necessary for a given career path to lead to progress in order for it to promote cross-functionality and rising responsibility
The use of talent management as a means to facilitate succession planning cuts down on the amount of time required to locate and recruit suitable candidates for leadership and professional positions Whether they are internal successors or candidates from outside the firm, the emphasis is on fulfilling the requirement for the appropriate individuals with the correct competences at the precise moment they are required This is true regardless of whether the candidates are coming from within or outside the organization (Cappelli, 2014; Hill, 2016) According to the findings of prior research, proactive internal succession planning brings to a reduction in transaction costs, which in turn leads to a rise in company profitability (Sebald et al., 2015; Steinweg, 2019) Additionally, smooth succession may help prevent the loss of institutional knowledge and increase the quality of work in a variety of ways For instance, information and best practices can be personally handed from one leader to the next (Conway, 2017) Because work quality is a primary factor in determining levels of customer happiness (Evans & Jack,
2013), implementing this method results in an increase in levels of customer satisfaction Moreover, if leaders inform talent about their future and the promising paths open to them, then talent will trust the leaders as long as the leaders deliver on the promise when the talent comes out This is only the case if leaders inform talent about their future and the promising paths open to them reply to their demands; this honesty is a distinguishing component in the process of creating trust (Mayer, Davis, & Schoorman, 2015) Then, according to the expectancies theory developed by Vroom (1964), this approach convinces talent to demonstrate considerably greater levels of talent motivation, provided that the promised succession is the consequence of the strategy's implementation because of the individual's own motivation, the skill has assurance relies on what he is able to do, and he presupposes that he will get what has been promised to him We form hypotheses based on above theories, such as:
H4: Career advancement has a positive import on the firm performance 2.5.5 Research Model
Based on the theory of the factors of talent management strategy affecting the performance of firm The author has built 4 hypotheses as above:
H1: Talent attraction has a positive impact on the performance of a firm H2: talent retention has a positive impact on the firm performance H3: Talent development has a positive impact on the firm performance H4: Career advancement has a positive impact on the firm performance
From four hypotheses built above, the author proposes a specific research model for the thesis as the model below:
Research designation
This study is in the form of a survey and makes use of descriptive and analytical methods Its goal was to provide a description of, as well as an analysis of, the views and behaviors of the respondents who were being investigated In that, the quantitative statistics method is a method of collecting information and data in the form of arithmetic and statistical data The goal of this method is to gain fundamental and general information about the study object for the purposes of statistical analysis Data and information are typically gathered by means of a comprehensive survey, and then the results of that survey are typically applied to a sizeable cross-section of the population After conducting data gathering in a methodical and impartial manner, the information was subsequently evaluated with the use of IBM SPSS program
According to Siedlecki (2020), this kind of descriptive research is an example of a systematic empirical inquiry In this study, the researcher does not possess direct influence on the independent variables since their expressions have already taken place Talent management strategies were an independent variable in this research, while organizational performance was the dependent variable.
Target population
To develop a study about a specific group of people, events, or things, researchers use the term "Target population" (Draugalis, 2009) Management employees of several Myanmar telecommunication companies make up the study's intended sample The target population was 336 total employees.
Sampling technique is the systematic selection of a subset of a population to collect data from which generalizations may be made about the full population A statistically significant sample is a random selection of individuals from a larger population A sampling frame is a list of units or components from a population from which to draw a sample, and a proper sampling size should be relevant This means that it should: include things directly connected to the study issue; be comprehensive by covering all relevant objects; and be accurate and up to date (Siedlecki, 2020) Thus, the population was comprised of managers of Mytel company Respondents were selected and sampled using a method of stratified random sampling for this investigation In this way, sampling eliminates the possibility of selection bias in conclusions drawn from the sample data A basic random sample was taken from each group, with the population standing in for the heterogeneous group and the various tiers of management for the homogeneous groupings The ability to divide a population into distinct subsets is made possible by using stratified random sampling If we use a randomly chosen sample, we can use different methods depending on the stratum studying (Omair, 2014) This can improve the statistical accuracy of sample.
Data-gathering tools
This research uses questionnaires to obtain data Open-ended questions were used because they enable the respondent to provide an in-depth and started to feel response without feeling held back in disclosing any information, whereas closed-ended questions were implemented in an attempt to save time and money as well as to enhance an easier analysis because they are in immediate usable form This was done in contrast to the use of closed- ended questions for the purpose of making the analysis easier Studies that are conducted through the use of questionnaires often have low costs, and the administration of these studies does not take up a significant amount of time
As a means of data collection, we utilized both closed-ended questions similar to a Likert scale and open-ended questions The author performs a Likert scale with five points, ranging from "strongly disagree" (1), “disagree” (2),
“neutral” (3), “agree” (4) and "strongly agree" (5), in order to measure all of the issues The respondents were given a choice between the options on the scale, and they selected the one that most closely matched their point of view The data was then encoded in such a way that it could be easily incorporated into the regression model (Nemoto, 2014)
Table 3.1 Talent attraction, base on Adeosun (2020)
1 When a vacancy emerges, my company makes time to interview possible candidates T1-1
2 My company has a solid understanding of the HR recruiting process and rules T1-2
3 My company consistently hires top-tier talent T1-3
4 My company devotes time and resources to fill a position T1-4
5 My company makes certain that openings do not remain available for an extended amount of time T1-5
Table 3.2 Talent retention, base on Adeosun (2020)
Employees at my firm are nominated for numerous corporate awards (such as on-the-spot and circle-of- excellence awards)
2 My organization recognizes outstanding performance in a number of ways T2-2
3 Where appropriate, my organization gives verbal or written acknowledgment for an individual's effort T2-3
4 My firm distributes raises equitably, based on individual achievement T2-4
5 My firm makes certain that pay is competitive in the market T2-5
6 My organization recognizes and rewards great achievement in our personnel T2-6
Table 3.3 Talent development, base on Anwar (2014)
1 My company genuinely cares about supporting its employees' advancement and development T3-1
2 My company conducts objective evaluations of people with developmental needs T3-2
3 My company has a one-on-one coaching staff T3-3
4 My company always gives honest feedback for developmental purposes T3-4
5 My company actively creates developmental opportunities for subordinates T3-5
6 My manager has official career-planning meetings with my team members T3-6
Table 3.4 Career advancement, Author’s own base on the situation of Mytel
1 My company's manager insists on the importance of retaining high-quality staff T4-1
2 My company's management focuses on concerns concerning employee development T4-2
3 My company emphasizes the need to recognize exceptional performance T4-3
4 My company ensures that all employees are empathetic to the personal and familial requirements of others T4-4
Table 3.5 The performance of the firm, Author’s own base on the situation of Mytel
1 The number of patents and international awards my company receives every year is very large T5-1
2 New investment areas with high efficiency T5-2
3 My company's brand value grows rapidly every year T5-3
4 My company is always at the top of the list for the best working environment T5-4
5 The company's profit is increasing, and it will be higher than the previous year next year.
Data collection procedures
The process of gathering information about the variables of interest and quantifying them is referred to as data collection In this study, some of the questionnaires, which are the research instruments for collecting primary data, were either handed over to respondents or dropped off at their homes for them to self-administer, while others were given out in the context of interviews The questionnaire had been designed in total of thirty-five questions, which were broken up into two distinct sections: one for personal information and the other for a list of assertions In the first portion of the survey, participants were asked to supply information about themselves, including their gender, educational level, number of years in the workforce, and working sectors During the second part of the survey, respondents were asked to give their responses using a Likert scale The second part is a collection of four sections to investigate: talent attraction, talent retention, talent developing and career advancement.
Data processing and analysis
The information that was gathered was then coded, modified, and cleaned before being made suitable for analysis All these qualitative and quantitative methodologies for data analysis were utilized in this research project These approaches are suitable for examining open-ended and closed- ended questions, respectively The IBM SPSS Statistics program was used as the primary instrument for coding, processing, and analyzing the data from the proposed research This software also served as the primary tool for presenting and analyzing the data
Descriptive statistics were used to evaluate the quantitative data, including frequency distributions, percentage breakdowns, means, and standard deviations Percentages are useful, as noted by Almalki (2015), for a few reasons First, they clarify data by limiting it to a range from 0 to 100 The data is then normalized to a scale of 100 so that comparisons may be made more easily Content analysis was used to decipher the qualitative data The method involves counting and analyzing the occurrences of particular words or meanings and concepts and drawing conclusions about the information conveyed The strength or relationship between variables was determined by regression analysis on the statistical model A multiple regression model was used to find out how the independent variables impact the dependent variable The performance of telecommunication firms was regressed against four variables: talent attraction, talent retention, talent development, and career advancement strategy The equation of multiple regression model such as: Y= a0 + a1X1 + a2X2 + a3X3 + a4X4 + ε In that:
Table 3.6 The Multiple regression model equation
IBM SPSS software was used to conduct a regression analysis, which revealed the connection between the explanatory and response variables Correlation analysis was used to figure out the relationships between independent factors and the dependent variable Multiple regression analysis was used to figure out the relationships between the dependent variable and all independent factors
In this study, a relationship was established between four independent variables, which are the instruments available to achieve the outcomes, and the dependent variable, which is the outcome (the performance of telecommunication firms) This research focuses on the performance of telecommunication firm base on some of factors such as talent attraction, talent retention, talent development and career advancement The purpose of the regression analysis was to determine whether or not the variables have significant relation with a dependent variable and to imply the relative strength of various independent variables' impacts on a dependent variable Additionally, the regression analysis was conducted in order to determine whether or not the variables have significant correlation with a dependent variable.
Overall information of Mytel and talent management in Viettel
Mytel is a major telecommunications company in Myanmar and one of the four national carriers Mytel is operated as a joint venture between the Myanmar military and Viettel, which is owned by Vietnam's army Mytel was granted a telecommunications license on January 12, 2017 The company is run as a joint venture Viettel owns forty nine percent of it, the Myanmar military owns twenty eight percent of it through Star High Public Company, and a group of local companies owns the remaining twenty three percent through Myanmar National Telecom Holding Public Co.; Ltd
As soon as Mytel decided to join the Myanmar telecommunications market, it became one of the best places to work in this country Mytel's success today is not just because of well-thought-out business plans, but also because it has a good human resource system Indeed, Mytel values work skills more than degrees When hiring people, Mytel pays a lot of attention to how well they can do their jobs Mytel said that a skilled worker can quickly figure out what to do and get the job done Also, they find solutions to their work problems quickly and build their skills A degree is a nice addition to a job candidate's resume, but it doesn't show their full potential
Only hire personnel who fit the corporate culture Mytel only hires people who fit in with its corporate culture during the hiring process So, during the probationary period, they must not only show their managers that they are knowledgeable and capable, but they must also take courses on the history, culture, and rules of Viettel and Mytel's businesses and go through a month of military training During that difficult time, Viettel will figure out which candidates are right for its business and decide whether or not to hire them
Comprehensive leader At Viettel, at work, a leader must have all the qualities to perform three roles: expert, leader, and operator Accordingly, they must be highly qualified, good leaders, and able to manage their subordinates Along with that, they must be able to plan company management strategies and arrange personnel effectively The success of the business will depend on how well they plan and carry out their plans
Change up who does each job Viettel's method for managing its human resources is not fixed in place Instead, the company rotates its employees regularly based on the work and business situation Because of this, Viettel's business strategy changes from time to time, and the company must rotate its employees to match This helps Viettel employees get closer to each other, which makes work easier and more convenient At the same time, it's a way for Viettel and all their subsidiaries to make sure that leaders, employees, and the group as a whole stick together and work well together This is also Viettel's plan for managing and developing the people who work there
Manage and supervise daily tasks Viettel always supports its employees in their jobs and in all other business activities So, Viettel will always run and keep an eye on each employee's daily work to see how far they've come and how responsible their work is They can then use this information to judge their abilities and think about giving them a raise This is also a way for Viettel to look for new things that can help the group grow.
Description of research data
In this research, the author chose as a sample a set of 350 employees working for Mytel Company After collecting and analyzing the data, the author removed 14 samples that did not meet the standards Thus, the research sample used for data analysis remained at 336 employees The author used software SPSS version 20 for analysis, and the results are as follows:
Table 4.1 Sampling description Criteria Frequency (person) Ratio (%)
Cronbach’s Alpha reliability analysis
4.3.1 Test the reliability of the Talent attraction
Table 4.2 The Outstanding statistics of the Talent attraction scale
Table 4.3 The Item Total statistics of the Talent attraction scale’s variables
Talent attraction scale includes 5 observed variables, respectively: T1-
1, T1-2, T1-3, T1-4 and T1-5 The result of Cronbach's alpha is 0.817, which is greater than 0.5 The total variable correlation of 5 observed variables T1-1 is 0.748, T1-2 is 0.821, T1-3 is 0.749, T1-4 is 0.769 and T1-5 is 0 805 respectively They are all greater than 0.3 Therefore, it can be concluded that the scale is reliable
4.3.2 Test the reliability of the Talent retention scale
Table 4.4 Statistics reliability of the Talent retention scale
Table 4.5 Item Total Statistics reliability of the Talent retention’s variables
Talent retention includes 6 items, respectively: T2-1, T2-2, T2-3, T2-4, T2-
5 and T2-6 The result of Cronbach's alpha is 0.810, which is greater than 0.5 The correlation of the total variables of the six variables observed is respectively, T2-1 is 0.599, T2-2 is 0.713, T2-3 is 0.488, T2-4 is 0.554, T2-5 is 0.635 and T2-6 is 0.467 They are all greater than 0.3 Therefore, it can be concluded that the scale is reliable
4.3.3 Test the reliability of Talent development scale
Table 4.6 Talent development reliability statistics
Table 4.7 Item Total Statistics reliability of the Talent development’s variables
Talent development scale includes 6 observed variables, respectively: T3-1, T3-2, T3-3, T3-4, T3-5 and T3-6 The result of Cronbach's alpha is 0.848, which is greater than 0.5 The total variable correlation of the variables respectively is good T3-1 is 0.733, T3-2 is 0.638, T3-3 is 0.585, T3-4 is 0.684, T3-5 is 0.706 and T3-6 is 0.479 They are all greater than 0.3 Therefore, it can be concluded that the scale is reliable
4.3.4 Test the reliability of the Career advancement scale
Table 4.8 Career advancement reliability statistics
Table 4.9 Item-Total Statistics reliability of Career advancement’s variables
The Career advancement scale includes 5 observed variables, respectively: T4-1, T4-2, T4-3, T4-4 and T4-5 The result of Cronbach's alpha is 0.782, which is greater than 0.5 Total variable correlation of 5 observed variables are respectively, T4-1 is 0.604, T4-2 is 0.431, T4-3 is 0.612, T4-4 is 0.500 and T4-5 is 0.696 They are all greater than 0.3 Therefore, it can be concluded that the scale is reliable
4.3.5 Test the reliability of the Firm performance
Table 4.10 Statistics reliability of Film performance scale
Table 4.11 Item-Total Statistics reliability of the Film performance variables
The firm performance scale includes five observed variables, respectively: T5-1, T5-2, T5-3, T5-4, and T5-5 The result of Cronbach's alpha is 0.815, which is greater than 0.5 The correlation of the total variables of the observed variables is, respectively, T5-1 being 0.760, T5-2 being 0.558, T5-3 being 0.603, T5-4 being 0.603, and T5-5 being 0.545 They are all greater than 0.3 Therefore, it can be concluded that the scale is reliable.
Exploratory factory analysis of variable
4.4.1 EFA test results of the independent variable
After reliability analysis, all the items are confirmed to be reliable to explain their scales Therefore, 21 items are used to conduct exploratory factor analysis
Table 4.12 KMO and EFA test result of independence variables
From the results in table 4.4.1 shows the value KMO = 0.833> 0.5 (satisfying the requirements) and the coefficient Sig = 0.000 50% (satisfying the requirement)
Table 4.13 The total variance explained of EFA for the independent variable
Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared
Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings Total % of
16 100.000 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis
There are six factors cited based on the Eigenvalue criterion greater than 1, so these six factors summarize the information of 21 observation variables that best include EFA The total variance of these six factors was quoted as 65.903% > 50%, so the six factors cited were interpreted as 65.903% data variability of 21 observed variables participating in the EFA As a result of the rotation matrix (Table 4.4.2), 21 analytical variables are analyzed into six factors; all factors have a factor loading coefficient greater than 0.5 and have no bad idea
The rotation matrix results in 3 factors being drawn, and the factors all have coefficients greater than 0.5 (satisfying the requirements) As follows:
Table 4.14 Rotation matrix of exploratory factor analysis EFA is independent variable
4.4.2 EFA test results of the dependent variable
Table 4.15 KMO and Bartlett's of EFA for the dependent variable
From the result table 4.4.4 shows the value KMO = 0.759 > 0.5 (satisfying the requirements) and the Coefficient Sig = 0.000 50% and the stopping point when extracted is 2.905 > 1, both satisfy the condition One factor is drawn from the analysis
Table 4.16 The total variance explained of EFA for the dependent variable
The rotation matrix results of factors drawn and the factors all have coefficients greater than 0.5 (satisfying the requirements) As follows:
Table 4.17 Rotation matrix of EFA for the dependent variable
Regression Analysis
The Pearson correlation coefficient, which has the symbol r as its symbol, is a measurement that determines how strongly two variables are associated linearly with one another It basically does the following: it attempts to draw a line of best fit through the data of two variables, it indicates how far away all of these data points are from this line of best fit, and it identifies the early development of the multicollinearity when the independent variables have similarities to each other
A correlation is a number that ranges from -1 to +1 and measures the degree to which two different variables are associated with one another When the value of the correlation is positive, it suggests that there is a positive link; when the value of the correlation is negative, it suggests that there is an inverse relationship
Pearson correlation analysis was performed by the researcher before conducting a regression analysis to check the multicollinearity phenomenon between the variables The average representation of the elements is named with the command Transform, Compute, Variable, Mean as follows:
Table 4.18 Coding mean representations of factors
No Factor name Number of observed variables
Pearson correlation between the dependent variable (Firm performance – T5) with 04 independent variables including T1, T2, T3, T4:
Considering the correlation matrix, it is clear that the linear correlation between the independent variables and the dependent variable has sig coefficients all less than 0.05, so it is eligible for regression analysis The correlation matrix table in Table 4.4.8 shows that the correlation coefficient between the independent variables and the dependent variable is quite high and correlated in the same direction
Talent attraction (T1) is positively correlated with the value of performance of firms (T5), with a coefficient of 0.203 and a p-value of 0.000 The result is statistically significant at α = 0.05, mean that if the talent attraction independence variable is increasing it will impact positive on the performance firms (T5)
Study results can be seen in the data about the relationship between talent retention (T2) and the performance of telecommunication firms, where the p-value for this correlation is 0.349, which is statistically significant (α 0.05) Further study indicates a significant positive correlation between talent development (T3) and performance of firms (r = 0.436, p = 0.000)
In addition, a p-value = 0.000 and a correlation coefficient of 0.656 demonstrate a strong relationship between career advancement (T4) and the performance of firms (T5)
Nonetheless, the positive correlation suggests that the aforementioned conditions lead to improved performance of telecommunication firms This is consistent with the findings of Goldin (2016), who contends that a company will have a competitive advantage when it employs a value-creating strategy that is neither synchronously being implemented by any of its competitors This interpretation is supported by the evidence presented above
4.5.2 Verify multivariate linear regression model
In this study, a regression model was used to test the hypothesis regarding the relationship between the performance of telecommunication firms and various talent strategies, including talent attraction, talent retention, talent development, and career advancement
The results of the regression analysis are presented below:
Table 4.20 Results of regression analysis
From the results of the linear regression analysis shown in Table 4.4.9, it is clear that the regression model has a coefficient of determination value (R-Squared) of 0.505 This means that all of the independent variables (talent attraction, talent retention, talent development, and career advancement) explain 50.5% of the variation of the dependent variable.This agrees with the theory developed by Lawler (1973), who says that an employee's effort will result in performance, and performance will result in reward
To test the suitability of the overall linear regression model, use the F- test performed in this research model The F-test helps the researcher understand whether the dependent variable is linearly correlated with all the independent variables Hypothesis H_0 is set as follows: = = = = = 0 The results of F-test of the linear regression model of this study are as follows:
Table 4.21 Test results of the appropriateness of the regression model
In Table 4.4.10, It displays the ANOVA result, which confirmed the model's predictive performance and, consequently, its statistical significance, because the Sig = 0.00 was less than α = 0.05 and F calculated (F = 84.381) was larger than the critical F value Employee activities, job enlargement, promotion opportunities, and a career progression are examples of effective career advancement, as mentioned by Pinder (2014), and these findings support their relevance The model coefficients include the unstandardized and standardize coefficients, which help to reflect the trend of the regression model and quantify the significance all variables
In other words, there exists a linear relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable in the research model The study performed linear regression analysis by Enter method The results of the study after analysis were obtained as follows:
Table 4.22 Results of regression analysis
B Std Error Beta Tolerance VIF
From the above result we lose the value of Sig all show high reliability, both 0.5 (the minimum is 0.695)
Base on the result in Table 4.4.11, the linear equation become: Y 0.425 + 0.147X 1 + 0.145X 2 + 0.283X 3 + 0.624X 4
It was determined that the performance of telecommunication firms will be 0.425 if all variables (talent attraction, talent retention, talent development, and career advancement) were kept constant
The results also show that, if all other independent variables are set to zero, a one-unit increase in the talent attraction would raise the performance values of telecommunication firms by 0.147 This variable is significant because it has a value of 0.000 less then α = 0.05 This agrees with Amelia (2016) claim that a company's brand is what brings in the best employees
The results show that 0.145 increase in the value of performance of telecommunication firms would come from a one-unit increase in the values of talent retention This variable is significant because it has a value of 0.002 less then α = 0.05 This is similar to what Pinder (2014) says, who says that sufficient individual factors don't boost motivation and can even make people unhappy if they aren't good enough, but that motivators can boost motivation if the employee believes the rewards are good enough
According to the results of the study, an organization's talent acquisition has a considerable and substantial impact on the company's success It was abundantly obvious that a significant influence on performance was supplied by recruiting, compensation strategy, and corporate branding as a direct outcome of the talent acquisition These three factors were found to have a significant impact on the performance of the organization
In addition, the study concludes that talent retention has an impact on the performance of telecommunications companies that is somewhere between modest and large This is because the majority of firms choose to keep their personnel on staff, which in turn has a significant impact on the organization's performance It was also clear that both the meetings of the organization and the needs of each member have a moderate effect on how the organization works
It was also determined that talent development has a significant effect on the performance of telecommunications firms Researchers found that initiatives like career advancement, incentives, and training programs for employees had the greatest impact on the performance of firm
The study revealed that career advancement has a large, beneficial impact on the performance of telecommunications companies This is because professional counseling, the identification of career objectives, the development of skills and capabilities, and the identification of deficiencies to attain career goals have a significant impact on performance
The study result also shows that career advancement had the greatest effect on the performance of telecommunication firms, followed by talent attraction, then talent retention while talent development had the least effect on the performance of Myanmar telecommunication firms
Through the use of an evaluation of perceived performance, we aimed to characterize various talent management techniques and the influence they have on the overall performance of organizations We demonstrate why talent management is an investment that is worth making by demonstrating the impact that pursuing a plan for talent management has on the success of a firm We discovered that talent management practices that had a strong emphasis on a firm's strategy had a statistically significant beneficial influence on company profitability and brand equity This impact was much greater than the impact of any other focus of talent management At both the organizational and the human resource level, talent management methods that are used to assist succession planning have the least significant influence on the performance of the company, particularly with regard to non-financial outcomes It would appear that this has always been a part of conventional approaches to managing human resources; however, it is now carried out in a more effective manner According to our findings, implementing a strategy with the goal of recruiting and keeping talent has the largest influence on the results relating to human resources, highlighting the importance of this factor for increasing the quality of work and its presentation expertise level The emphasis placed on the development of talent had a statistically significant and favorable impact on the majority of the performance measures that were taken into consideration This demonstrates how important it is to pay attention to the demands of employees and to exceed their expectations Being a member of a privileged group, being seen, and being acknowledged are all likely to have a measurable impact on an individual's level of job motivation
In general, these techniques have a direct effect on the motivation of talented individuals Positions for talented people, either because those talented people want to remain in an elected employee pool or because those talented people want to move into a trust and investment account that is offered by the firm.
According to the findings of the study, for businesses to successfully obtain a competitive advantage through the exploitation and utilization of intangible assets inside the firm, organizations must have a comprehensive understanding of the idea of talent management In this specific case, Mytel managers ought to work toward increasing the proportion of staff members committed to evaluating and improving the organization's talent pool The adoption of talent management in the company needs to have the backing of the firm's senior management to be successful For this strategy to work, Mytel and its employees need to know a lot about talent management
The study also suggests that rewards for improved performance should be given to employees Mytel manager should also provide employees with valuable non-monetary benefits, such as awards, recognition, and holiday leave Employees' sense of safety at work would improve if they had access to higher social security benefits The employees will be encouraged to put up a greater effort in order to achieve their company objectives
The research suggests that Mytel should provide all of their workers with training programs and career advancement opportunities The training that is offered should be applicable to encourage employees to be more productive, which will ultimately lead to an increase in talent retention Additionally, all Mytel employees should to eligible for scholarships and sponsorships of different forms
According to the above study results, Mytel managers should establish policies that encourage and support the company's adoption and implementation of strategic talent management This will allow a company to discover the full potential of employees and effectively utilize that potential to improve their performance This will ensure that the company has staff who are competent and talented, who are able to collaborate toward the same goals, and who share the same vision as the company
In addition, the report suggests that Mytel should do frequent audits to ensure that strategic talent management strategies are being executed in their entirety In order to tap into and make the most of the entire potential of employees, positions have to be assigned based on their talents and capabilities Because of this, the level of professionalism, originality, and innovation displayed by the staff members, as well as the quality of their contributions, will all improve The research suggests that Mytel should preserve and sustain strategic talent management best practices to make the most of their talents and abilities in order to compete effectively in the field of telecommunications, which is plagued by intense levels of competition This will help them improve the organization's performance and give them access to the most talented people
Finally, Mytel needs to continually apply the concept that "if you know how to exploit a skill, you must also know how to eliminate weak people" or risk falling behind the competition By the rules of the market economy, this is a necessary condition for the objective screening of potential employees In addition, the influence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution makes this need all the more pressing as many manufacturing processes, including those involved in the production of Mytel and commercial operations, are automated in favor of machines and software Workers will need a high level of expertise That's why employees must be screened And that calls on everyone to stretch their boundaries, elevate their own standards, and grow as individuals Mytel only retains employees who have a genuine desire to do their jobs every day and who are committed to improving themselves via training and experience Mytel should set standards for its employees and regularly and seriously evaluate their worth based on things like job performance, democracy, publicity, and openness The fast rate of societal change requires us to examine our deepest beliefs and the sources of our strength Mytel can only be strong if it keeps the strength inside The "nourish, attract, and retain talent" strategy has been crucial in making Mytel what it is today Only by having talented individuals on staff can Mytel achieve success The author thinks that Mytel can become the market leader in Myanmar if they use this information and build on what their predecessors have done.
Limitations and orientation future research
To begin with, the research object and scope are unique to the Mytel Company Meanwhile, Mytel has fifteen departments and four centers with about 8,000 employees, so it is not possible to represent all the company's employees So, it is suggested that future studies look at the company as a whole so that the results are more general and representative Second, according to the findings of the study that used 336 different survey samples, this percentage represents just around 4.2% of the overall workforce Because of this, the number of survey samples utilized in subsequent research has to be increased The bare minimum for the size of the sample should be 800 people, which represents 10 percent of the total number of employees at the business
The findings of this study indicate a potentially fruitful connection between talent management strategies and organizational performance; nevertheless, we are unable to yet establish a relationship between the two in terms of cause and effect Additionally, this data has to be validated by comparing it to many other financial measures and statistics However, the findings of this study make it feasible to do more research and analysis on the subject of how talent management is seen at the level of the workforce.
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APPENDIX I The survey for talent management strategy
Totally Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Totally Agree
Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
10 When a vacancy emerges, my company makes time to interview possible candidates
11 My company has a solid understanding of the HR recruiting process and rules
Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
12 My company consistently hires top-tier talent
13 My company devotes time and resources to fill a position
14 My company makes certain that openings do not remain available for an extended amount of time
15 Employees at my firm are nominated for numerous corporate awards (such as on- the-spot and circle-of-excellence awards)
16 My organization recognizes outstanding performance in a number of ways
17 Where appropriate, my organization gives verbal or written acknowledgment for an individual's effort
18 My firm distributes raises equitably, based on individual achievement
19 My firm makes certain that pay are competitive in the market
Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
20 My organization recognizes and rewards great achievement in our personnel
21 My company genuinely cares about supporting its employees' advancement and development
22 My company conducts objective evaluations of people with developmental needs
23 My company has a one-on- one coaching staff
24 My company always gives honest feedback for developmental purposes
25 My company actively creates developmental opportunities for subordinates
26 My manager has official career-planning meetings with my team members
27 My company's manager insists on the importance of retaining high-quality staff
Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
28 My company's management focuses on concerns concerning employee development
29 My employer emphasizes the need to recognize exceptional performance
30 My company ensures that all employees are empathetic to the personal and familial requirements of others
31 The number of patents and international awards my company receives every year is very large
32 New investment areas with high efficiency
33 My company's brand value grows rapidly every year
34 My company is always at the top of the list for the best working environment
35 The company's profit is increasing, and it will be higher than the previous year
Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
1 Test the reliability of the Talent attraction
Table 4.3 The Outstanding statistics of the Talent attraction scale
Table 4.4 The Item Total statistics of the Talent attraction scale’s variables
2 Test the reliability of the Talent retention scale
Table 4.5 Statistics reliability of the Talent retention scale
Table 4.6 Item-Total Statistics reliability of the Talent retention’s variables
3 Test the reliability of the Talent development scale
Table 4.7 Talent development reliability statistics
Table 4.8 Item total Statistics reliability of the talent development’s variables
4 Test the reliability of the Career advancement scale
Table 4.9 Career advancement reliability statistics
Table 4.10 Item-Total Statistics reliability of Career advancement ’s variables
5 Test the reliability of the Firm performance
Table 4.13 Statistics reliability of Film performance scale
Table 4.14 Item-Total Statistics reliability of the Film performance variables
EFA test results of the independent variable
Table 4.15 Summary of coefficients' statistical results in EFA discovery factor analysis
Table 4.16 The total variance explained of EFA for the independent variable
Table 4.17 Rotation matrix of exploratory factor analysis EFA is independent variable
EFA test results of the dependent variable
Table 4.18 Synthesize the results of EFA for the dependent variable
Table 4.19 The total variance explained of EFA for the dependent variable
Table 4.20 Rotation matrix of EFA for the dependent variable
Table 4.21 Coding mean representations of factors
2 Verify multivariate linear regression model
Table 4.23 Results of regression analysis
Table 4.24 Test results of the appropriateness of the regression model
Table 4.25 Results of regression analysis
B Std Error Beta Tolerance VIF
3 Multiple regression equations and conclusions about the hypotheses
Table 4.26 The impact level of factors in the research model
Table 4.27 Hypothesis of testing result
H1: Talent attraction has a positive impact on the performance of Mytel company 002