Major: Theory and Methodology of Teaching Informatics
Code: 9140111
HA NOI-2024
Full name of scientific instructors
1 Dr Do Trung Kien
2 Assoc.Prof.Dr Trinh Thanh Hai
Reviewer 1: Assoc.Prof.Dr Dao Thai Lai - The Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences
Reviewer 2: Assoc.Prof.Dr Nguyen Danh Nam - Thai Nguyen University Reviewer 3: Assoc.Prof.Dr Tran Dang Hung - Hanoi University of Industry
The thesis will be defended in front of the Thesis Assessment Council atUniversity level held at Ha Noi National University Of Education at,
date month year 2024
The thesis can be found at the library: Hanoi National Library, Ha NoiNational University Of Education
Trang 31 Hua Thi Toan (2021) Use of practical case methods in teaching of general informatics to enhancing problem solving capacity for students at the Thai Nguyen
University of Agriculture and Forestry Journal of Education Management Vol 13,
No 4, pp 91-95.
2 Hua Thi Toan, Trinh Thanh Hai (2021) Current status of the job competencies of students at the University of Agriculture and Forestry, Thai Nguyen University Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on innovation in learning
instruction and teacher education (ILITE 2) University of Education Publishers pp 312-325.
3 Trinh Thanh Hai, Le Minh Cuong, Nguyen Thi Loan, Hua Thi Toan, Tran Trung Tinh, Nguyen Truong Son (2021) Teaching Informatics towards developing
professional capacity for university students Technology and Education, VNU
Publishing House.
4 Hua Thi Toan (2022) The status of it application competence of students of
Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education Vol 8 Issue 6, pp: 1267:1275.
5 Hua Thi Toan, Do Trung Kien, Trinh Thanh Hai (2023) Contextual teaching
and learning - Advantages, challenges, and suggestions for Vietnam HNUE Journal
of Science Vol 68, Issue 3A, pp 163-175.
6 Hua Thi Toan, Trinh Thanh Hai, Do Trung Kien (2023) Competence framework of information technology for students of Thai Nguyen University of
Agriculture and Forestry International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol 12, No 4, December 2023, pp 2101~2110 (Scopus Q3).
7 Hua Thi Toan, Trinh Thanh Hai (2023) The effects of digital technology on training information technology for Agricultural engineers at Thai nguyen University
of Agriculture and Forestry TNU Journal of Science and Technology 229(04): pp 37
Trang 41 The purpose of Research Writing
(1) Stem from the National Digital Transformation Program In the decisionapproving the National Digital Transformation Program dated June 03, 2020,agriculture is one of the eight priority sectors for digital transformation Theapplication of digital technology is expected to change the professional work inagriculture and forestry (A&F) To perform these tasks, workers need the ability
to operate and apply information technology (IT), digital technology, andmodern devices
(2) Stem from the issue of human resource needs for digital transformation.One of the major challenges facing the A&F sector today is a drastic shortage ofhigh-quality human resources According to statistics from the Vietnam Institute
of Statistics Science, in 2020, Vietnam lacked approximately 3.2 trainedworkers in the A&F and fisheries sectors The number of workers in this sectorcontinues to decrease significantly in 2022 (1,6%) and 2023 (0,6%)
(3) Stem from research results on competence based teaching Context-basedteaching (CBT) has been researched and proven to be an effective approach tohelp students (Student) develop and acquire the necessary competence
(4) Stem from the needs of employers (Employer) According to manyemployers, graduates often face difficulties in applying their knowledge inpractice
Based on these reasons, we chose the topic: “Context-based InformaticsTeaching to Enhance Agriculture and Forestry Students’ IT ApplicationCompetence in Their Career”
2 Research Objectives
Based on theoretical and practical research results, the thesis proposesContext-based Informatics Teaching Method to Enhance A&F Students’ ITApplication Competence (ITAC) in Their Career
4.2 Organize experimental activities at Thai Nguyen University ofAgriculture and Forestry
Trang 55 Research Hypothesis
If suitable pedagogical measures are proposed in Context-based InformaticsTeaching for A&F students, their ITAC will be enhanced
6 Research question and tasks
Research question: What issues have been addressed in research on applying
IT skills in the workplace and teaching IT in context? What is context-basedteaching? How has context-based teaching been implemented to enhancestudents' IT application skills? What specific measures are needed to improvestudents' IT application skills through context-based teaching?
Research question and tasks: 6.1 Synthesize theoretical basis on ITAC,Context-based Informatics Teaching to Enhance A&F Students’ ITAC in TheirCareer 6.2 Clarify basic concepts; Identifying specific indicators of ITAC inthe A&F profession; Surveying, analyzing the current status of ITAC in thecareer of A&F students and enhancing this competence for students 6.3.Propose necessary, feasible, and effective solutions in the process of Context-based Informatics Teaching to Enhance A&F Students’ ITAC in Their Career.6.4 Conduct pedagogical experiments (PE) to affirm the feasibility, correctness,and effectiveness of the proposed measures
7 Research Methods
7.1 Theoretical research methods; 7.2 Group of practical research methods:Questionnaire Survey; Interview; Observation; Expert-based method; Casestudy method; Mathematical statistics method; Delphi method
8 Novel Contributions of the Thesis
8.1 Theoretical contribution
Supplement, clarify theoretical basis on Context-based Informatics Teaching
to Enhance ITAC in the Career; Identify specific indicators of ITAC in thecareer of A&F students
8.2 Practical contributions
Analyze, clarify the current situation regarding ITAC and factors affectingthe development of ITAC in the career of A&F students; Propose 03 specificmeasures to implement Context-based Informatics Teaching to Enhance A&FStudents’ ITAC in the Career; Provide useful materials for those interested inteaching Informatics and adopt CBT in developing competence in general andprofessional competence specifically for students
9 Arguments for Thesis Defense
9.1 The theoretical basis identified and presented in the thesis is suitable forContext-based Informatics Teaching to Enhance A&F students’ ITAC in theircareer
Trang 69.2 The levels of manifestations and the required levels of ITAC expressed
in the A&F profession proposed by the thesis are appropriate for evaluating thedevelopment of ITAC in A&F students when implementing Context-basedInformatics Teaching
9.3 Research and apply pedagogical measures proposed in Context-basedInformatics Teaching are expected to enhance A&F students’ ITAC in theircareer; Help students achieve the required levels of competence for Employersregarding ITAC
10 Structure of the Thesis
In addition to the Introduction, Conclusion, References, and Appendices, thethesis content consists of four chapters:
Chapter 1: Theoretical Basis of Context-based Informatics Teaching toEnhance A&F students’ ITAC in their Career
Chapter 2: Current Status of Context-based Informatics Teaching to EnhanceA&F students’ ITAC in their Career
Chapter 3: Measures for Context-based Informatics Teaching to EnhanceA&F students’ ITAC in their Career
Chapter 4: Pedagogical Experiments
THEIR CAREER 1.1 Overview of Research Issues
This section provides an overview of research on ITAC; studies onInformatics teaching to develop ITAC for students; and research on context-based teaching (CBT) Research results indicate that ITAC is a mandatorycompetence for today's workers According to numerous studies, ITAC ofgraduates does not meet employers' requirements; however, there are no studiesaimed at enhancing this competence for A&F students CBT is an effective andappropriate approach to enhancing professional competence for students, butthere is limited research on implementing CBT in Informatics teaching for A&Fstudents
The research directions on CBT in Informatics teaching for students cover 03main issues: the role of CBT; considerations when implementing Context-basedInformatics teaching; and teachers' perspectives and support during CBTimplementation
1.2 Information Technology Application Competence in Careers
1.2.1 Some Basic Concepts
The career of an A&F engineer involves professional activities related toproduction, business, and management in agriculture and forestry; research andapplication of technology to create new products, improve technical processes,and enhance the quality of professional activities in A&F
The professional competence of an A&F engineer is the ability to flexiblyapply knowledge, skills, and attitudes to successfully perform professionalactivities related to state management of agriculture and forestry; research,implement, and develop techniques and products in agricultural and forestryproduction and business
ITAC in A&F careers is the integration of knowledge, skills, and attitudes inapplying IT and digital technology to perform professional activities related toproduction, business, and management in agriculture and forestry; research andapplication of technology to create new products, improve technical processes,and enhance productivity, quality, and efficiency of work in A&F
1.2.2 Basis for Determining IT Application Competence Indicators in Agriculture and Forestry
The thesis determines the indicators based on three criteria:
IT Skills and Competence Standards: refers to IT proficiency requirementsfor the workers according to Circular 03/2014 by the Ministry of Informationand Communications
Trang 8Educational Program Output Standards: based on the output standards ofuniversities: Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, BacgiangAgriculture and Forestry University, Vietnam National University ofAgriculture, and University of Agriculture and Forestry – Hue University.
Agriculture and Forestry Career Analysis: based on the circular on jobpositions in the agricultural and rural development sector; job descriptions inrecruitment announcements by government agencies, companies, enterprises,and cooperatives in the A&F sector
1.2.3 Process of Determining IT Application Competence Indicators in Agriculture and Forestry
Step 1: Use the expert method to gather opinions to adjust the structure andcontent of the draft framework for ITAC indicators in A&F
Step 2: Use the Delphi method to finalize the ITAC indicators in A&Fthrough the following process:
Figure 1.3: Steps to Determine ITAC Indicators in A&F
After the process, the thesis proposes a framework of ITAC indicators inA&F with 7 component competence and 20 specific indicators as follows:
Table 1.8: Framework of ITAC indicators in A&F
- Conduct the first round of Delphi with 35 experts
- Analyze and synthesize results from Delphi Round 1
- Based on Delphi Round 1 results, design the Delphi Round 2 questionnaire
Trang 9professional field (UI3);
(2) Detection of
IT Application
4 Understand IT applications in the workplace (DO1);
5 Propose IT applications to improve and enhance workefficiency (DO2);
6 Understand the benefits and harms of the Internet (EP1);
7 Implement security measures and risk prevention whenusing the Internet (EP2);
8 Search for, process, and use information on the Internet
to support professional activities (EP3);
10 Use computers and smart agricultural devices (UT2);
14 Build, update, and manage specialized database (SA4);
15 Use GIS and remote sensing software in the A&F field(SA5);
16 Apply blockchain technology and e-commerce in A&Fproduction and business (SA6);
Trang 10The thesis describes the levels of IT application competence across 5 specificlevels as follows:
Level 1: No or very little understanding of IT applications, unable to use ITapplications
Level 2: List the roles of IT applications, able to perform some simple tasks,but skills are not yet proficient
Level 3: Present the functions of IT applications, able to apply IT in theirwork
Level 4: Can analyze how to apply IT applications, proficiently performingtasks that enhance work efficiency
Level 5: Evaluate IT applications, proactively propose implementationmethods, and guide other students to effectively use IT applications in theirwork
1.3 Overview of context-based teaching
1.3.1 Concept and Characteristics of Context
Concept: In teaching Informatics to Agriculture and Forestry students, thereal context refers to situations, conditions, and environments aimed at applying
IT in daily life, learning, and A&F professions, helping students develop ITAC Characteristics: Contexts originate from real-world issues, are familiar andrelevant to the learners, and suitable for learners’ cognition Each contextincludes specific situations and tasks directly related to the course content
1.3.2 Concept and Characteristics of Context-Based Teaching
Concept: Context-based teaching (CBT) in Informatics for Agriculture andForestry students is an approach based on the application of IT in general workand professional activities related to production, cultivation, resourceexploitation, business of agricultural and forestry products, and socialinteractions to create contexts used in teaching Informatics This aims toenhance ITAC in students' careers
to adjust their learning methods, promotes interaction, and peer learning; it muststimulate learners’ engagement
Trang 11Finally, the learning outcomes of students in CBT are assessed continuouslythroughout the learning process in various forms.
1.4 Opportunities to Enhance IT Application Competence for Students through Context-Based Teaching
1.4.1 Appropriateness of Context-Based Teaching in Developing Students' Competence
1.4.2 Factors Affecting Context-Based Teaching to Enhance IT Application Competence for Students
Conclusion of Chapter 1
Chapter 1 has reviewed domestic and international research related to thetopic Regarding CBT, the thesis identified research trends in educationalscience in general and Informatics teaching in particular, outlining roles,challenges, and considerations when implementing this approach In terms ofITAC, the thesis finds that this is a critical competence for workers, butgraduates’ ITAC does not meet employers' needs
While many studies have proposed methods to develop ITAC throughteaching Informatics, none have addressed using professional contexts toenhance A&F students’ ITAC in their Career Therefore, this research is bothnovel and urgent
To clarify the potential of CBT in developing general professionalcompetence and specific ITAC in careers, the thesis detailed the concept andcharacteristics of contexts, providing illustrative examples to clarify contexttypes in teaching Additionally, the concept and characteristics of CBT werepresented and illustrated through specific examples, forming the basis forunderstanding and implementing this approach in practice
Through literature review, analysis of specific bases, and expert consultationusing the Delphi method, the thesis clarified the indicators of ITAC componentsand performance levels of each indicator These foundations are crucial fordeveloping and evaluating the proposed measures Based on the identified CBTcharacteristics, the thesis proposed opportunities to enhance students' ITACthrough context-based teaching and factors influencing this process
2.1 Characteristics and Content of Informatics Training for Agriculture and Forestry Students
2.1.1 General Information about Training Program and Learning Environment for Agriculture and Forestry Students
The thesis surveys the expected learning outcomes and the structure of thetraining programs through information available on the websites of thefollowing universities: Tay Bac University, Bacgiang Agriculture and ForestryUniversity, University of Agriculture and Forestry – Hue University, Ho ChiMinh City University of Agriculture and Forestry, and Thai Nguyen University
of Agriculture and Forestry The results show that the informatics courses can bedivided into two main groups: the group of modules providing basic knowledge
of informatics and the group of modules applying IT
2.1.2 Group of Modules Providing Basic Knowledge of Informatics
This group includes 02 courses: General Informatics (GIS) and AppliedInformatics
GIS Module: Helps students develop competence in understanding IT,exploiting, processing information, and avoiding risks on the Internet, usingtechnical means, applying software, and social skills Thus, this course helpsstudents achieve the expected learning outcomes of the training program as perCircular 03/2014
GIS Application Module: Contributes to training students in competencedeveloped previously and developing software application competence,identifying IT application opportunities, and professional development Hence,this module is crucial in developing ITAC and helping students achieve theexpected learning outcomes in the training program
2.1.3 Group of Modules Applying IT
This group of modules provides students with specialized knowledge andskills in their profession, incorporating IT applications to support specific tasks.The IT applications provided in these modules include devices, software, andtechnologies used in collecting, analyzing, and managing information related toagriculture and forestry The ITAC primarily enhanced through these modulesare software application competence and technical means usage competence
Trang 132.2 Required Levels of IT Application Competence for Agriculture and Forestry Students
To determine the required levels for each indicator of ITAC, the thesisfollows these specific steps:
Step 1: Analyze job market trends for agricultural and forestry engineers inrecent years
Step 2: Predict the necessary competence levels
Step 3: Gather feedback from employers on the predicted competence levelsStep 4: Conduct preliminary testing on a limited sample to check competencelevels of student
Step 5: Establish the required levels for each competence component
Step 6: Describe detailed indicators for each competence level
2.3 Survey and analysis of current situation of context-based Informatics teaching to improve the professional competence for students majoring in Agriculture and Forestry
2.3.1 Survey on current situation of Informatics context-based teaching to improve the professional competence for students majoring in Agriculture and Forestry
The process of organizing the survey on current situation of IT applicationcompetence of students majoring in Agriculture and Forestry is carried outthrough 3 specific stages as follows:
Figure 2.2: Stages of research organization
Designing survey forms Selecting scale
Collecting opinions and finalizing STAGE 1: DESIGN
Determining survey location Identifying samples
Analyzing scale Analyzing results Assessing results