Objectives of the project1.1.1 Common goals The topic "Research on perceived service quality of customers at the front desk of Vinpearl Condotel Riverfront Da Nang" wasstudied through th
Đà Nẵng, Năm 2022
Người hướng dẫn khoa học: ThS Lê Đình An
Người phản biện: Bùi Uyên Phương
Khóa luận sẽ được bảo vệ tại Hội đồng chấm KLTN họp tại Trường Đại học Duy Tân,
vào hồi giờ ngày tháng năm 20
Có thể tìm hiểu KLTN tại Thư viện
Trường Đại học Duy Tân
Trang 3CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Objectives of the project
1.1.1 Common goals
The topic "Research on perceived service quality of customers
at the front desk of Vinpearl Condotel Riverfront Da Nang" wasstudied through the following influencing factors: service process,staff, facilities and convenience
1.3 The urgency of the process
Through the research essays of the students of the Institute ofTourism Research and Training from the previous term I found thatmost of the assignments on improving service quality at VinpearlCondotel Riverfront Da Nang pointed out the actual situations thatthe facility encountered, but the articles did not clearly showsolutions to improve the quality of services On the facility side,Vinpearl Condotel Riverfront Da Nang has been focusing on thecustomer's service quality perception, collecting customer opinionsthrough the evaluation form of the facility's service quality.However, the establishment only stops at the reference level to drawexperience, has not yet provided a specific measurement scale for in-depth analysis and evaluation of this issue
Therefore, "Research on perceived service quality ofcustomers at the front desk of Vinpearl Condotel Riverfront Da
Trang 4Nang" will clarify the influencing factors more deeply than researchessays from key through data collection, data processing and analysismethods And this research is very important for the establishment inplanning appropriate and sustainable strategies to improve theperceived service quality of customers in the coming time Because
of the time limit, in this article, we only study the following fourfactors: service process, staff attitude, facilities and convenience
1.4 The structure of the graduation thesis
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Theoretical foundations and research modelsChapter 3: Research Methods
Chapter 4: Research results
Chapter 5: Discussion and recommendations
2.1 General overview of the hotel
2.1.1 Hotel concept and hotel business Hotel concept Hotel business activities
2.1.2 Products of the hotel
2.1.3 Characteristics of hotel products
2.2 General overview of perceived quality of hotel services
2.2.1 Concept and relationship between perceived service and service quality
2.2.2 Characteristics of perceived quality of hotel services
2.3 Staff – manager
2.4 Service Process
2.5 Facilities
Trang 52.6 Research model of service quality under customer's perception and satisfaction
Figure 2.3 Perceived service quality model (Parasurama, Zeithaml
& Berry, 1998)
2.7.1 Proposed research model
Figure 2.4 Research proposal model of the author
2.7.2 Research hypothesis
3.1 Overview of Vinpearl Condotel Riverfront Da Nang
Address: 341 Tran Hung Dao, An Hai Bac ward, Son Tra district, DaNang city
Trang 73.2 Research process
Figure 3.2 Research process
3.3 Methods of data collection
3.4 Methods of data processing and analysis
3.4.1 Descriptive statistical analysis methods
3.4.2 Method of testing the reliability of the scale Cronbach's Alpha by coefficient
3.4.3 Exploratory factor analysis method EFA
Table of
Preliminaryresearch: Interview,group discussion
Interviews collected
dữ liệu
Trang 83.4.4 Correlation regression analysis method
3.5 Building a scale
The questionnaire was built from the proposed scale
Please indicate your own thoughts and evaluations by ticking () in the number box that matches your choice through the questions in the sections below with the following convention:
1: Very Bad 2: Bad 3: Average 4: Good 5: Very Good
NV4 Staff can communicate with guests in popular
languages (Vietnamese, English, Korean) 1 2 3 4 5NV5 Staff is always ready to actively serve you 1 2 3 4 5
Service process
PV2 Accurate and professional service process 1 2 3 4 5
PV4 During the stay, the staff provides general
Trang 9HH1 Landscape, the view of the hotel is attractive 1 2 3 4 5HH2 Equipment commensurate with star standards 1 2 3 4 5HH3 The layout of areas and facilities to meet your
HH4 Equip and ensure safe means of rescue, rescue
TL1 Location of hotel is convenient for arrival and
TL2 Personal care facilities are always available
TL3 The swimming pool is always ready to serve you 1 2 3 4 5TL4 Convenient to go to local tourist attractions 1 2 3 4 5
General satisfaction
HL1 Meet the expectations of guests about the
HL2 You will come back to the hotel in the future 1 2 3 4 5HL3 You will recommend the hotel to your friends
HL4 You satisfied when using the service at the hotel 1 2 3 4 5
Other comments from customers: ……… Part II CUSTOMER INFORMATION
2 Age:
Trang 10Under 30 years old From 30 to under 40 years old
From 40 to under 50 years old
From 50 to under 60 years old Over 60 years old
3 Income:
Under 10 million 10 to less than 15 million VND
15 to less than 20 million VND Over 20 million VND
State cadres and civil servants Business
Officials and employees in enterprises (not the State)
7 The number of times you use Vinpearl Condotel Riverfront Da Nang:
Used 3 times Used more than 3 times
Source: Appendix 2, Bui Uyen Phuong (2022), Graduation Thesis.
4.1 Research results
4.1.1 Description of the study sample
The process of distributing survey samples and collecting data willstart from 01/2022 to 04/2022 with a total of 250 samples emitted,
250 samples collected, with a valid number of 185 samples Thus,the database that has been processed and analyzed is 185 samples
Table 4.1 Describe the characteristics of the survey sample
No Characteristics of the survey Frequency Percentage
Trang 111 Under 30 years old 32 17.3
2 From 30 to under 40 years old 39 21.1
3 From 40 to under 50 years old 72 38.9
4 From 50 to under 60 years old 27 14.6
5 Over 60 years old 15 8.1
Family status
2 Married but no children 59 31.9
3 Married and have children 61 33.0
1 Under 10 million VND 76 41.1
2 10 to less than 15 million VND 59 31.9
3 15 to less than 20 million VND 30 16.2
Trang 12Total 185 100.0
Current job
1 State cadres and civil servants 53 28.6
2 Officials and employees in
enterprises (not the State) 61 33.0
if Item
Scale Variance if Item Deleted
Corrected Item-Total Correlation
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted
Trang 13NV4 14.5568 7.922 799 885
Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of the scale "Staff" is 0.911(>0.6) The total correlation coefficient of all observed variables isgreater than 0.3 Thus, the reliability of this scale is satisfactory
(2) Reliability of the “Facilities” scale
The Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient of the "Facilities" scale
is 0.898 (>0.6) The total correlation coefficient of all observed variables
is greater than 0.3 Thus, the reliability of this scale is satisfactory
Table 4.3 Reliability of the “Facilities” scale
Cronbach’s Alpha = 0,898 Scale Mean
if Item Deleted
Scale Variance if Item Deleted
Corrected Item-Total Correlation
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted
(3) Reliability of the scale “Service process”
Table 4.4 Reliability of the scale “Service process”
Cronbach’s Alpha = 0,942
Trang 14Scale Mean if
Item Deleted
Scale Variance if Item Deleted
Corrected Item-Total Correlation
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted
(4) Reliability of the scale “Convenience”
The Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient of the
"Convenience" scale is 0.906 (>0.6) The total correlation coefficient
of all observed variables is greater than 0.3 Thus, the reliability ofthis scale is satisfactory
Table 4.5 Reliability of the scale “Convenience”
Cronbach’s Alpha = 0.906 Scale Mean if
Item Deleted
Scale Variance
if Item Deleted
Corrected Item-Total Correlation
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted
Trang 15TL2 11.8757 5.577 763 889
(5) Reliability of the scale “Perceived value of service”
Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient of the scale "Perceivedvalue of service" is 0.864 (>0.6) The total correlation coefficient ofall observed variables is greater than 0.3 Thus, the reliability of thisscale is satisfactory
Table 4.6 Reliability of the scale “Perceived value of service”
Cronbach’s Alpha = 0.906 Scale Mean if
Item Deleted
Scale Variance
if Item Deleted
Corrected Item-Total Correlation
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted Exploratory factor analysis EFA
(1) Factor analysis of observed variables belonging to the group
of independent variables
KMO coefficient = 0.859 > 0.5, so factor analysis is
Trang 16appropriate with research data According to the test results Bartlett'sstatistic is 2689,069 with Sig significance level = 0.000 < 0.05indicates that the data used for factor analysis are completelyappropriate.
Table 4.7 KMO coefficient test and Bartlett's test of independent
KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Table 4.8 Total explanatory variance of the independent variables
Total Variance Explained
Trang 17There are 4 factors extracted based on the criterion ofeigenvalue greater than 1, so these 4 factors summarize theinformation of 19 observed variables included in EFA in the bestway The total variance that these 4 factors extracted is 76.604% >50% The scales achieve convergence value is reasonable becausethere is no item measuring 2 factors and all the factor weights arehigh (>0.5) and all have convergent value.
(2) Factor analysis of observed variables belonging to the group ofdependent variables
Table 4.10 KMO coefficient test and Bartlett's Test of independent
KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Table 4.11 Total explanatory variance of the dependent variable
Total Variance Explained
Trang Correlation analysis Regression analysis
The general equation is built:
SATISFACTION= Beta 0 + Beta 1 X 1 + Beta 2 X 2 + Beta 3 X 3 + Beta 4 X 4
+ Beta 5 X 5 + e i
In which: X1: Employee (NHANVIEN); X2: Facilities (CSVC); X3: Service Process (QTPV); X4: Convenience (SUTIENLOI); ei: Wrongnumber
Performing the second linear regression analysis, the results are
obtained in Table 4.14 as follows:
Table 4.14 Results of 2 nd linear regression coefficient analysis
Trang 19Model Unstandardize
d Coefficients
Std Error
of theEstimate
The results of the regression analysis show that the coefficient
of determination R2 = 0.238, the statistic F = 18,805 with sig
Trang 20significance < 1% Thus, the estimated regression function is suitableand 3 independent factors NHANVIEN, CSVC, SUTIENLOIexplain 23.8% variation in visitor satisfaction and perception.
- Statistics Durbin – Watson = 1,959 approximation value 2.Therefore, autocorrelation does not occur
- VIF variance exaggeration factors have very small valuesand are far from the recommended threshold of 8 Therefore,multicollinearity does not occur
• The normalized linear regression has the form
Trang 21CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Discussion of research results
Through regression analysis and hypothesis testing, there are:
3 factors affecting the customer's perception of service quality in thefront office, Vinpearl Condotel Riverfront Da Nang are (1) Staff, (2)Facilities, (3) Convenience In which, the Facility factor has the mostinfluence on the customer's perception of service quality in theLobby department, Vinpearl Condotel Riverfront Da Nang with thecoefficient β = 0.295, the second biggest influence is weak Thefactor Multiplier with β = 0.257, the Convenience factor has the 3rdinfluence with β = 0.252 One variable excluded from the model due
to statistical uncertainty (Sig > 0.05) is the Service Process factor
5.2 Conclusions of the project
5.3 Policy Implications
5.3.1 Facility Factor
- Maintain, maintain, and develop the design of the mainlobby, corridor, bedroom, convenient, beautiful campus, scent,creating a good relaxing environment for customers when coming tothe resort
- Provide support staff information, support department orphone number to contact when customers need support clearly andmake sure customers know this information
- Regularly change the decoration ideas and arrange freshflowers in the main hall according to special occasions or monthlythemes Create a more beautiful color space and attract manycustomers to take souvenir photos here
- Forming many buses (shuttle bus) to take customers to visitthe central area, the trips are spread evenly throughout the day for the
Trang 22convenience of guests.
- During the peak season, the establishment needs to openmore parking spaces at the existing basement B2 to serve the parking
of customers during their stay
- It is necessary to arrange more fire extinguishers in thebedroom corridors, the main hall in case of the risk of fire accidents,which guests can use in time
- The establishment needs to research and arrange morereception rooms (Lounge) for VIP customers, or customers whomust wait for a long time because the room has not been able tomeet
5.3.2 Staff
- Maintain and develop staff recruitment The facility cooperateswith universities in Da Nang city to access well-qualified humanresources Satisfy the needs of the hotel to ensure staff in the process
of providing services to customers
- Periodically check on professional qualifications, foreign languageskills, to assess the level of current employees of the company
- Cost-effective planning between training existing employees orhiring new employees, or a combination of both Depending on thetime, make a detailed plan for each proposal
- Regularly offer courses on professional skills and foreign languages
to improve staff qualifications
- Build a system to evaluate employees according to KPI at work,associated with salary and bonus to motivate employees at work
- There are clear policies and roadmaps on salary, bonus, periodicsalary increases, or with employees who have a lot of dedication tothe company