Education is the most powerful weapon one can use to change the world. It is humans who have used education as a magical tool to create great strides in human history, pulling us out of the dark, boring, painful, sick, and physical fatigue of manual labor and many other problems. In the recent context, when the whole of humanity is trying to find new steps and find a strong human resource in the future, above all, each country must constantly innovate, and have policies to improve the national education system. Education has created the progress of science and technology, indirectly changing the world through the training of people with superhuman brains and excellent skills. A question arises: Is it too soon for children to get acquainted with science? and the answer is “No”, because science is not only something sublime, but it has to wait until children grow up to
Major: English for Translation and Interpretation
Supervisor: Nguyen Thi Kim Man, M.A.
DA NANG – MAY 2023
Trang 2Supervisor : Nguyen Thi Kim Man, M.A.
Examiner : Truong Thi Hue, M.A.
Le Thi Oanh, M.A.
Thai Trinh Thao Nguyen, M.A.
The paper will be orally defended to the dissertation board Time: 18 th May, 2023
Venue: Duy Tan University
The original of the paper is accessible for purpose of reference at:
- The Library of Duy Tan University
1.1 Rationale
Education is the most powerful weapon one canuse to change the world It is humans who have usededucation as a magical tool to create great strides inhuman history, pulling us out of the dark, boring,painful, sick, and physical fatigue of manual labor andmany other problems In the recent context, when thewhole of humanity is trying to find new steps and find
a strong human resource in the future, above all, eachcountry must constantly innovate, and have policies toimprove the national education system
Education has created the progress of science andtechnology, indirectly changing the world through thetraining of people with superhuman brains andexcellent skills A question arises: Is it too soon forchildren to get acquainted with science? and theanswer is “No”, because "science" is not onlysomething sublime, but it has to wait until children
Trang 4grow up to understand; but also a simple phenomenonthat appears right in front of children's eyes every day.The integrated teaching method is graduallybecoming popular and loved by students because of itspracticality and high applicability Therefore, thisteaching method has not been applied in preschool,elementary, and middle school but also in high school.Integrated teaching is a teaching perspective that aims
to develop learners' qualities and abilities so that theycan apply their acquired knowledge and skills to solvereal-life situations Therefore, science is a tool toarouse curiosity in children, thereby stimulatingcuriosity and discovery Letting children explore ontheir own not only helps children remember longer butalso helps develop their patience
And in order for children to gain usefulknowledge from a young age without imposing toomuch on them, science is the best method to helpchildren learn while playing and acquire knowledge atthe same time and soft skills are essential for future
Trang 5development When something is beyond explanatory, children will ask questions Askingquestions about the unknown will help childrendevelop communication skills, exchange with people,and help them better understand themselves and theworld around them.
self-Stemming from the importance of science to thedevelopment of young children and the fact that thereare many shortcomings in the problem that very fewparents are willing to answer their children's scientificquestions they ask As well as having littleopportunity for children to have access to nature andscience, I conducted research on the topic: "Science"
1.2 Aims and Objectives
1.2.1 Aims
This graduate paper deals with the education ofchildren at an early age, and the most emphasis on thefield of science From there, helping people have adeeper look at the importance of education in generaland science in particular
Trang 6In addition, this study will provide information
on integrated teaching methods for children fromkindergarten through high school Not only those whowork in the education industry but also parents canrefer to them to be able to educate their children
In addition, a completed thesis will reflect thelearning process, capacity as well as the knowledgethat I have acquired during the past 4 years
Trang 7- Introducing people to more about the field ofscience education in the book.
1.3 Scope of Study
In this graduation paper, I presented a suggestedtranslation from the source language in English to thetarget language in Vietnamese of Chapter 8 of the
CURRICULUM” by “Suzanne Krogh, And PamelaMorehouse” , second edition in 2014
In addition, we want to suggest an analysis of the original version as well as the difficult words, phrases, and structures during the translation process.
1.4 Method of Study
The tools that I used in the process of makingthis graduation paper are the knowledge I have learnedand practiced during the past 4 years For myself, thisresearch work is considered a job I do as a translatorbecause I can apply all the knowledge that I have tobring the best possible translation Through that, I also
Trang 8accumulated a lot of vocabulary as well as usefulinformation on educational topics.
In conclusion, the process of comprehending andattempting to grasp the meaning of a text in the sourcelanguage (SL) and then translating it into the targetlanguage (TL) is called translation The translatorplays a role of a bridge allowing one language,culture, or society to communicate with another
2.1.2 Types of Translation
According to J C Catford, there are eightmethods of translation, namely full and partialtranslation, total and restricted translation,phonological translation, graphological translation andfree, literal, and word-for-word translation Full vs Partial Translation Total vs Restricted Translation
Trang Rank-bound vs Unbounded Translation
as the translator translate better Meaning Form Register Idiom Style and Clarity Source Language Influence
2.2.2 Methods
There are eight methods of translation based onNewmark; word-for-word, literal, faithful,
Trang 11semantic, adaptation, free, idiomatic, and communicative. Word-for-word Translation2.2.2.2 Literal Translation
Trang 12CHAPTER 3 SUGGESTED TRANSLATION 3.1 Original Version
3.1.1 Text Features
The book “ THE EARLY CHILDHOODCURRICULUM” has a total of 13 chapters dividedinto 3 parts I would like to choose to translate andanalyze chapter eight of the book “THE EARLYCHILDHOOD CURRICULUM” by “Suzanne Krogh,and Pamela Morehouse” , second edition in 2014 Themain content of this chapter will revolve around thefield of Science along with the integration of thecurriculum and learning on demand
3.1.2 Text Length
The book “ THE EARLY CHILDHOODCURRICULUM” includes 3 parts with 13 chapters.Because the time is limited, I just have translatedchapter 8 is “SCIENCE” of this book with nearly 4971words
Trang 133.1.3 Text Organization
The book “ THE EARLY CHILDHOODCURRICULUM” has a total of 13 chapters dividedinto 3 parts I choose Chapter 8 of this book totranslate This chapter has the name “ Science”
3.1.4 Text Source
The text “SCIENCE” is in The book “ THEEARLY CHILDHOOD CURRICULUM” The authorare Suzanne Krogh, and Pamela Morehouse, secondedition in 2014
3.2 Translated Version
The suggested translation is divided into two columns and begins from page thirteen to page forty-eight The suggested translation consists of fifty-five pages with both original version and suggested version I numbered the paragraphs from one to fifty-five
so that for the reader would be easier to follow the text meaning.
Trang 14CHAPTER 4 ANALYSIS 4.1 Vocabulary
4.1.1 Polysemantic
• Example 3: “At the preoperational stage,
children understand objects by physically handlingthem, turning them over to see all sides, and feelingthe differences in surface.”
Trang 15[6] a stagecoach (= a large carriage pulled byhorses that was used in the past to carry passengers,and often mail, along a regular route)
In generally, the noun “stage” is often used with the meaning “sân khấu” In this case, I think the second meaning is suitable for “stage”, so I choose the meaning of the word “stage” as “giai đoạn”
according to Glosbe Dictionary
Suggested Version: Ở giai đoạn tiền thao tác, trẻ
hiểu các đồ vật bằng cách cầm vào chúng, lật chúnglại để xem tất cả các mặt và cảm nhận sự khác biệttrên bề mặt
4.1.2 Phrasal Verbs
• Exmaple 7: “Noting that the devaluing of
science education had produced a situation in whichAmerican schools no longer produced graduates
sufficiently knowledgeable to take on scientific and
technological jobs and that the populace as a wholehad become, yet again, scientifically illiterate, the
Trang 16National Science Foundation (NSF) announced inearly 1989 a $50 million development project for
In this sentence, we find that the structure “take
on” has meaning as “to agree to responsible for something/somebody” (Oxford Dictionary) That’s
mean “gánh vác/ đảm nhận” in Glosbe Từ Điển so I
choose the equivalent meaning in Vietnamese as
“đảm nhận”.
Usually, "take over" is the most common phrasal verb when people mean the phrase "đảm nhận" But here, I also found a phrasal verb that also means "đảm
nhận” is “take on”.
Suggested Version: Lưu ý rằng việc giảm giá trị
của giáo dục khoa học đã tạo ra một tình huống trong
đó các trường học ở Mỹ từ lâu đã không còn đào tạo
ra những sinh viên tốt nghiệp có đủ kiến thức để đảm
nhận các công việc khoa học, công nghệ và toàn bộ
dân số một lần nữa trở nên mù chữ về khoa học, QuỹKhoa học Quốc gia (NSF) ) đã công bố vào đầu năm
Trang 171989 một dự án phát triển trị giá 50 triệu đô-la chogiáo dục tiểu học.
Example 5: “One major intent of the project was to
move away from text-oriented, read-and-recite
learning; another was to integrate science with other
curricular areas.”
[P.17, L.19 – L.23]
In the above sentence, two independent clauses
are joined by a semicolon “;”
- The first clause is
One major intent of the project was
Trang 18S V
to move away from text-oriented, read-and-recite learning
- The secone clause is
Another was to integrate science with other curricular areas
Suggested Version: Một mục đích chính của
dự án là loại bỏ việc học tập theo định hướng văn bản,đọc và đọc thuộc lòng; mục đích khác là tích hợp khoahọc với các lĩnh vực ngoại khóa khác
4.2.3 Complex Sentence Complex Sentences with Adverbial Clause
Example 9: “Although they can see varying
viewpoints and physical relationships, they have ahard time theorizing about possibilities.”
[P.29, L.3-L.6]
Trang 19These sentence uses the subordinating conjuntion
“Although” to join two clauses and I analyze as
- “Although” conjunction is used in concession
The structure used in this sentence is:
Although + S + V + O, S + V + O + C Suggested Version: Mặc dù chúng có thể quan
sát thấy nhiều góc nhìn và mối quan hệ thể chất khác
nhau, nhưng gặp khó khăn trong việc đưa ra giả
thuyết về các khả năng
Trang Complex Sentence with Adjective Clause (or Relative Clause)
Example 6: “The story has been told (Forman &
Kuschner, 1983) of a teacher who showed a
four-year-old boy a caterpillar and an anesthetized butterfly.”
This complex sentence has two clauses:
- The independent clause is:
The story has been told (Forman & Kuschner, 1983) of a teache r
a four-year-old boy a caterpillar and an anesthetized butterfly.
Trang 21O OThis relative clause provides information about theperson mentioned in the main sentence, and is
connected to the main sentence by the word "who".
In the sentences above, "who" beginning the relative clause “who showed a four-year-old boy a
caterpillar and an anesthetized butterfly.” is used to
refer to the object "a teacher" mentioned in the
previous sentence It helps readers or listeners easilyassociate and understand the information in the text
Besides, the best translation for "a teacher who
showed a four-year-old boy" would be “người giáo viên người mà cho một cậu bé 4 tuổi xem" To make
the sentence more natural, I chose to translate version
"người giáo viên đã cho một cậu bé 4 tuổi xem".
Suggested Version: Câu chuyện đã được kể
(Forman & Kuschner, 1983) về một giáo viên đã cho
một cậu bé bốn tuổi xem một con sâu bướm và một
con bướm đã được gây mê
Trang Complex Sentence with Noun Clause
Example 13: “How children look at concrete
objects is an important place to begin.”
with the word “how”.
"An important place to begin" is a noun phrase
that acts as complement in a sentence
Suggested Version: Cách trẻ em nhìn vào các đồ
vật cụ thể như thế nào là một nơi quan trọng để bắt đầu
4.2.4 Compound-Complex Sentence
Example 17: “Science education took a backseat
to study about human rights, and, in 1976, when the
Trang 23National Science Foundation studied the status of science education in the United States, it was found that study of science in the elementary schools had
- In object 2, we can analyze as follows:
The word “that” is used to begin the noun clause:
Trang 24study of science in the elementary schools had virtually disappeared
S2 V2
- Dependent clause: “when the National Science
Foundation studied the status of science education
in the United States”
- The subordinator "when" joins 2 clauses that are independent clause 2 and dependent clause,
"and" to join the two independent clauses
Additionally, it includes a dependent clause that starts
with a subordinating conjunction "when" to provide
Trang 25additional information about the second independent clause.
Suggested Version: Giáo dục khoa học nhường
chỗ cho việc nghiên cứu về quyền con người, và vào
năm 1976, khi Quỹ Khoa học Quốc gia nghiên cứu
tình trạng giáo dục khoa học ở Hoa Kỳ, người ta thấy rằng nghiên cứu khoa học ở các trường tiểu học hầu như đã biến mất
4.2.5 Passive Voice
Example 18: “For the next 20 years, with funds
provided by the federal government, projects were
instituted ranging from course development to
graduate degrees for science teachers.”
The passive form of this sentence is:
WAS/WERE + PAST PARTICIPLE Suggested Version: Trong 20 năm tiếp theo, với
kinh phí do chính phủ liên bang cung cấp, các dự án
đã được thiết lập từ phát triển khóa học đến cấp bằng
tốt nghiệp cho giáo viên khoa học
Trang 264.2.6 Special Structure Sentences with Dummy Subject “It”
Example 22: “It is important to point out that
during the late 1700s education was primarily forthose who could afford to pay for it.”
The real subject of the sentence is the clause
"education was primarily for those who could
afford to pay for it"
The use of "it" in this case is a common way to
introduce a clause and emphasize the importance ofthe following idea
Suggested Version: Điều quan trọng cần chỉ ra là
vào cuối những năm 1700, giáo dục chủ yếu dành cho những người có đủ khả năng chi trả cho nó