Quá trình phát triển nguồn nhân lực công nghệ thông tin ở Việt Nam từ năm 1993 đến năm 2020.Quá trình phát triển nguồn nhân lực công nghệ thông tin ở Việt Nam từ năm 1993 đến năm 2020.Quá trình phát triển nguồn nhân lực công nghệ thông tin ở Việt Nam từ năm 1993 đến năm 2020.Quá trình phát triển nguồn nhân lực công nghệ thông tin ở Việt Nam từ năm 1993 đến năm 2020.Quá trình phát triển nguồn nhân lực công nghệ thông tin ở Việt Nam từ năm 1993 đến năm 2020.Quá trình phát triển nguồn nhân lực công nghệ thông tin ở Việt Nam từ năm 1993 đến năm 2020.Quá trình phát triển nguồn nhân lực công nghệ thông tin ở Việt Nam từ năm 1993 đến năm 2020.Quá trình phát triển nguồn nhân lực công nghệ thông tin ở Việt Nam từ năm 1993 đến năm 2020.Quá trình phát triển nguồn nhân lực công nghệ thông tin ở Việt Nam từ năm 1993 đến năm 2020.Quá trình phát triển nguồn nhân lực công nghệ thông tin ở Việt Nam từ năm 1993 đến năm 2020.Quá trình phát triển nguồn nhân lực công nghệ thông tin ở Việt Nam từ năm 1993 đến năm 2020.Quá trình phát triển nguồn nhân lực công nghệ thông tin ở Việt Nam từ năm 1993 đến năm 2020.Quá trình phát triển nguồn nhân lực công nghệ thông tin ở Việt Nam từ năm 1993 đến năm 2020.Quá trình phát triển nguồn nhân lực công nghệ thông tin ở Việt Nam từ năm 1993 đến năm 2020.Quá trình phát triển nguồn nhân lực công nghệ thông tin ở Việt Nam từ năm 1993 đến năm 2020.Quá trình phát triển nguồn nhân lực công nghệ thông tin ở Việt Nam từ năm 1993 đến năm 2020.Quá trình phát triển nguồn nhân lực công nghệ thông tin ở Việt Nam từ năm 1993 đến năm 2020.Quá trình phát triển nguồn nhân lực công nghệ thông tin ở Việt Nam từ năm 1993 đến năm 2020.Quá trình phát triển nguồn nhân lực công nghệ thông tin ở Việt Nam từ năm 1993 đến năm 2020.Quá trình phát triển nguồn nhân lực công nghệ thông tin ở Việt Nam từ năm 1993 đến năm 2020.Quá trình phát triển nguồn nhân lực công nghệ thông tin ở Việt Nam từ năm 1993 đến năm 2020.Quá trình phát triển nguồn nhân lực công nghệ thông tin ở Việt Nam từ năm 1993 đến năm 2020.
Trang 2Science instructor:
1 Associate Professor, Dr Hoang Hai Ha
2 Associate Professor, Dr Dao Tuan Thanh
Reviewer 1: Associate Professor, Dr Dinh Quang Hai
Reviewer 2: Associate Professor, Dr Nguyen Manh Ha
Reviewer 3: Dr Nguyen Thi Hoai Phuong
The thesis will be defended before the School-level Thesis Committee meeting at
Hanoi University of Education at … hour … day … month … year…
Thesis can be found at the library: National Library, Hanoi
or Library of Hanoi University of Education
Trang 31 Reason for choosing the topic
Human resources are the endogenous capacity that governs other resources, and are
"the decisive factor in promoting the development and application of science and technology, restructuring the economy, transforming the growth model, and are a major benefit the most important competitive advantage, ensuring fast, effective and sustainable development".
The 11th, 12th and 13th Congresses of the Party advocate that developing human resources,especially high-quality human resources, is one of the country's three strategicbreakthroughs
At the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, the worldeconomy entered a new period of development Based on breakthrough achievements inscience and technology, the knowledge economy was born, the trend of globalization andinternational integration became an inevitable trend of countries The third and fourthindustrial revolutions have a strong impact on all countries The most outstandingachievement of science and technology during this period is IT IT has become a strongmainstream in the globalization trend, creating a great driving force in economic and socialdevelopment There is no developed economy in the world that does not possess a powerful
IT platform Competition in IT between countries is happening extremely quickly If youslow down, other countries will overtake
In that context, Vietnam has become aware of the need to develop IT In 1993,Vietnam had a policy of developing IT to meet the requirements of economic, socialdevelopment and international integration In 1997, Vietnam officially opened the nationalportal to the global information network (Internet) and then provided it for people to use In
2000, the Communist Party of Vietnam advocated promoting the application of IT to servethe cause of industrialization and modernization of the country These are events that createbreakthroughs in IT development in Vietnam
From 1993 to 2020, after nearly 30 years of construction and development, IT hasdeveloped spectacularly, becoming one of the fastest growing fields in Vietnam In 1993,the IT industry began to be built From a small economic sector, contributing only about 0.5
% of GDP in 2000, it has become one of the economic sectors with the highest growth rate,highest labor productivity, and largest export value, is the country's key economic sectorand has a rapid growth in the region
This development recognizes the continuous efforts of the Party, State, organizationsand individuals when joining hands and contributing to the development of a field ofscience and technology, a new economic sector in Vietnam, in which IT human resourcesplay the most important role The Communist Party of Vietnam has determined:
"Developing information technology human resources is a key and decisive factor for theapplication and development of information technology" IT is not only a field of science,technology, and an economic sector, but also the infrastructure of infrastructure, promoting
Trang 4the development of other economic and social sectors Therefore, developing IT humanresources is also important for the development of all fields of politics, economics, culture,society, defense and security.
However, starting from a poor, backward country with a low scientific andtechnological foundation, the conditions for IT development in Vietnam are still limited.One of the biggest limitations is that IT human resources have not yet met the requirements
of domestic economic and social development, and have not created strong competition inthe international arena The current situation of IT human resource development still hasmany shortcomings, from planning, training, attracting, remunerating, using, to quantity,quality, and structure The issue of developing IT human resources continues to be a bigproblem for the country during the current period of digital transformation That situationrequires multi-dimensional research on the process of developing IT human resources inVietnam as a basis for policy makers to research, develop and promulgate guidelines andpolicies so that IT human resources in Vietnam can develop effectively and meet the needs
of society
Reconstructing the multidimensional picture of IT human resource development inVietnam from 1993 to 2020, clarifying the development process, drawing out achievements,limitations, characteristics, and impacts is a valuable issue profound theoretical and practicalsignificance However, up to now, this issue has not been fully researched and has not beenapproached from the perspective of Historical science
Based on the above reasons, we chose the issue " The process of developing information technology human resources in Vietnam from 1993 to 2020" as the research
topic of the PhD thesis, major Vietnam history
2 Research subjects and scopes of the thesis
2.1 Research subjects
The research object of the thesis is the process of developing IT human resources inVietnam from 1993 to 2020
2.2 Research scopes
- Regarding space: The thesis researches IT human resources in Vietnam, but
focuses mainly on central agencies (ministries, ministerial-level agencies), provinces,centrally run cities and IT enterprises In addition, to clarify the context of impact,implementation activities, evaluation and comments on the process of developing IT humanresources in Vietnam, the thesis mentions the spatial scope of a number of countries othercountries such as countries in Southeast Asia, America, Japan, Korea
- About time: The thesis focuses on research from 1993 to 2020
In 1993, Resolution No 49/CP dated August 4, 1993 of the Government on "IT
development in Vietnam in the 90s" was an important event, marking a turning point in the
development of Vietnam's IT human resources The resolution advocates building the first
IT faculties at key universities in the country, along with many other important policies,
Trang 5opening the process of building and developing IT human resources in Vietnam during theperiod renew.
2020 is the end of the implementation phase of many guidelines and policies on ITand IT human resource development in Vietnam according to documents such as: "Approval
of the Master Plan for IT human resource development until 2015 and orientation to 2020”; Approving the Project "Making Vietnam soon become a strong country in IT and
communications" of the Prime Minister
The thesis also expands the scope of research before 1993, in order to clarify thecurrent situation of IT and IT human resources in Vietnam before 1993 and the necessity ofdeveloping the country's IT human resources in the 90s of the twentieth century
From 1993 to 2020, the thesis is divided into two periods: 1993 2005 and 2006
-2020 In 2006, the Law on Information Technology was born, officially legislating ITapplication and development activities, developing IT human resources in Vietnam This isalso the first year that the State has a policy of strongly developing non-publicestablishments, accepting market mechanisms in university training in the fields ofengineering - technology and vocational training Creating and developing IT humanresources has developed in both quantity and quality
human resource development to 2015 and orientation to 2020 " including human resources
in IT training; professional human resources in IT, electronics, and telecommunicationsworking in businesses and industries; human resources for IT applications of agencies,organizations and businesses; officials, employees and all citizens use and apply IT
The scope of IT human resources mentioned above is very wide Within theframework of the thesis, we focus on research including: (1) IT, electronics, andtelecommunications human resources trained in universities, colleges and vocationalschools; (2) Professional human resources in IT, electronics, telecommunications in ITbusinesses and industries; (3) Human resources specialized in IT in state administrativeagencies On that basis, the thesis researches the process of developing IT human resources
as a whole of activities aimed at building and developing IT human resources (quantity andquality), meeting economic development requirements, society of Vietnam throughplanning, training, fostering, attraction policies, incentives and international cooperation
3 Research purposes and tasks
3.1 Research purposes
The research purpose of the thesis is to reconstruct the process of developing IThuman resources in Vietnam from 1993 to 2020 through stages, evaluate the achievements,
Trang 6limitations, and draw out the characteristics and impacts of the process of developing IThuman resources to the socio-economic development of the country.
3.2 Research tasks
The thesis aims to solve the following tasks:
Firstly, from the overview of the research situation, we point out gaps in research and
issues that need to be focused on solving
Second, analyze factors affecting the process of developing IT human resources in
Vietnam from 1993 to 2020, such as the world and Vietnamese context; guidelines andpolicies of the Party and State; Current status of IT human resource development inVietnam before 1993
Third, clarify the process of developing IT human resources in Vietnam from 1993 to
2020 in the following aspects : planning; training and fostering; attract, use, reward andcooperate internationally
Fourth, analyze the characteristics and evaluate the impact of IT human resource
development from 1993 to 2020 on the economic, political, cultural, social, defense andsecurity situation of Vietnam
4 Document sources
During the process of researching the thesis topic, the author exploited and useddifferent sources of documents:
- First, primary sources of documents: The author has exploited and used archival
sources at the National Archives Center III, including records related to the process ofpromulgation and decision-making on approval of documents IT development programsand projects and IT human resources of the Prime Minister Besides, there are reports of theNational Program Steering Committee on IT, the Government Office and ministries andbranches on the situation of IT deployment and IT human resource development in theperiod 1993 - 2007 The thesis also uses a large number of documents, includingResolutions, Decisions, and Directives of the Politburo, the Government, the Ministry ofPosts and Telecommunications (before 2007), and the Ministry of Information andCommunications (since 2007 to 2020), Ministry of Education and Training Some laws,especially the 2006 Law on Information Technology
- Second, secondary sources: Including statistical documents (the thesis uses a lot of
data from the "Vietnam ICT Yearbook" of the Ho Chi Minh City Informatics Association;
"White Paper on IT and Vietnam Communications", "Report on readiness index for development and application of IT and Communications in Vietnam (Vietnam ICT index)" of
the Ministry of Information and Communications; statistical data of the General StatisticsOffice ) Besides that there are reports, works, research topics, books, theses, dissertations,articles in magazines, seminars, the Internet these are reference documents that covermany aspects different aspects of IT human resource development, helping the thesis toconduct comprehensive and in-depth research
Trang 75 Research methods
The thesis is researched on the basis of the methodology of Marxism-Leninism,especially dialectical materialism and historical materialism and the policies and guidelines
of the Communist Party of Vietnam
The thesis was carried out through the combined use of many research methodstypical of Historical science, in which historical method and logical method are the twomain research methods The thesis also uses other research methods such as synthesis,statistics, analysis, sociological investigation, in-depth interviews, comparison and contrast,expert methods to solve research tasks of thesis
The historical method is used to reconstruct a comprehensive picture according to thehistorical process of influencing factors and implementation activities on the development
of IT human resources in Vietnam from 1993 to 2020, based on collecting and researchingdocuments from different sources
The logical method is used to study the process of developing IT human resources inVietnam in a general form, thereby finding out the nature and laws of motion of thisprocess
The logical method combined with the historical method is used to describe theprocess of developing IT human resources in Vietnam from 1993 to 2020, and at the sametime find the nature and laws of development, and evaluate the results results, characteristicsand impacts of that process
Synthetic and statistical methods to synthesize data on planning activities, trainingand fostering activities, salaries, incentive levels and results achieved in IT human resourcedevelopment
The analytical method aims to clarify the process of developing IT human resources,clarifying the data compiled in the thesis
The comparative method is used in the thesis to compare the results of the awarenessprocess and implementation activities between years, periods and between Vietnam and anumber of other countries in the Southeast Asia region
The expert method is used by the thesis to exploit the opinions of informationtechnology experts to clarify some specialized concepts and terms about IT and the impact
of human resources IT
The thesis also uses the actual survey method using questionnaires and in-depthinterviews to supplement, appraise, and compare documents, clarifying the situation of IThuman resource development The author of the thesis conducted an online survey of 264 ITstudents from a number of universities and colleges in Hanoi (Hanoi University of Science andTechnology, Hanoi National University, Hanoi University of Education, Phuong Dong PrivateUniversity and Hanoi Polytechnic College of Technology) The survey subjects are studentsfrom the third to fifth year, enrolled from 2020 or earlier Among them, there are 118 third-yearstudents (accounting for 44.7 %), 119 fourth-year students (accounting for 45%) and 27 fifth-year students (accounting for 10.3%) Survey period is from September to November 2022
Trang 8In addition, the thesis author conducted in-depth interviews with 11 people, including
01 representative of the Ministry of Information and Communications, 01 representative ofthe IT Center (Ministry of Science and Technology), 02 IT officers, 02 IT lecturers and 02
IT workers in the enterprise, 03 managers in the IT enterprise The interview period wasconducted from September to October 2022 and June, July 2023
6 Contribution of the thesis
- The thesis is an in-depth research project, objectively and scientificallyreconstructing a multi-dimensional picture of the process of developing IT human resources
in Vietnam from 1993 to 2020 Research results The thesis contributes to providing asystem of historical knowledge about the process of developing IT human resources inparticular, contributing to clarifying the process of building, developing, promotingindustrialization, modernization and international integration of Vietnam in generally
- Through systematic research on concepts of human resources, human resourcedevelopment, IT, ICT, information technology human resource development, the thesis hastheoretical meaning discussion for researchers
- In terms of documents, the thesis has gathered and systematized document sourcesrelated to the process of developing IT human resources in Vietnam, overviewing theresearch situation on IT and IT human resources of different countries authors at home andabroad These materials contribute to promoting research activities on IT in general and IThuman resources in particular
- The research results of the thesis contribute to clarifying the characteristics of theprocess of developing IT human resources in Vietnam from 1993 to 2020 and the impact ofthat process on the political, economic, and cultural situation, society, defense, security
- The thesis points out the advantages, difficulties, achievements, and limitations of
IT human resources in Vietnam It is a reference source for researchers and policy makers inresearching, building and implementing activities to develop IT human resources inVietnam in the coming time
- The research results of the thesis are reference documents in researching andteaching Modern Vietnamese History in general, and History of the Communist Party ofVietnam in particular
7 Layout of the thesis
In addition to the introduction, conclusion, references and appendices, the content ofthe thesis divided into 4 chapters:
Chapter 1: Overview of research situation related to the thesis topic
Chapter 2: Building and developing information technology human resources inVietnam in the period 1993 - 2005
Chapter 3: Promoting the development of information technology human resources
in Vietnam in the period 2006 - 2020
Chapter 4: Comments on the process of developing information technology human
Trang 9resources in Vietnam from 1993 to 2020
1.1 Some related concepts
Based on the research situation of domestic and foreign authors and organizations,the thesis author mentions a number of concepts to further clarify the theoretical basisrelated to the thesis topic, including:
- Concept of human resources
- Concept of human resource development
- Information technology concept
- Concept of information and communication technology
- Concept of IT human resources and IT human resource development
1.2 Research situation related to thesis topic
1.2.1 Research on information technology and information technology human resources abroad
Research on IT and IT human resources abroad has been mentioned by many
researchers, and has reference value for the thesis, typically: “Information Technology:
History, Practice and Implications for Development” by Eichen, Kyle; “Information Technology - An Introduction for Today’s Digital World” by Richard Fox; “Human Resource Development for Information Technology” of the Economic and Social
Commission of Asia and the Pacific; “Human Resource Development for Information
Technology” by Catherine M Sleezer et al The above documents are valuable reference
sources, as well as a database to compare and contrast the development of IT humanresources in Vietnam and draw lessons learned in the future Build scale, training andfostering programs, make statistics and forecasts, develop policies to attract IT humanresources, build and develop e-Government
1.2.2 Research on information technology and information technology human resources development in Vietnam
- Research on IT in Vietnam mainly focuses on the IT development process and therole of IT in socio-economic development Research projects all confirm that IT in Vietnam,although still a very young economic sector, is gradually becoming an essential factor,capable of penetrating deeply into all fields and serving as a bridge for exchange betweencountries part of global society IT, along with other high-tech industries, has profoundlytransformed economic, cultural, and social life, and has even created a true revolution inhuman life
Trang 10- Regarding the development of IT human resources in Vietnam, the works mainlyfocus on research on the current state of development, forecasting, training and research on
attracting, remunerating and using IT human resources Typical works include: article "Training
IT human resources: thoughts of insiders" by Nguyen Thuc Hai (2005), article " Developing IT human resources in Vietnam: Current status and solutions" by Nguyen Thi Thanh Lien (2010) ,
thesis "The compatibility between the capabilities of IT graduates and the needs of the industry"
by Bui Ngoc Tuan (majored in Educational Management 2014), thesis "Managing the IT
vocational training process at college level, approaching quality assurance" by Khong Huu Luc
(major in Education Management, 2018), thesis "State management of IT industry in Vietnam" by
To Hong Nam (major in Public Management, 2019), thesis "Policy to attract and use high-tech
human resources in telecommunications enterprises" by Do Van Quang (major in Science and
Technology Management technology, 2020)…
1.3 Some comments and thesis issues that need to be researched
1.3.1 Some comments on the research results of published works related to the thesis topic
- Research projects on IT and IT human resources abroad have contributed toclarifying the world's history of IT development, the role of IT in economic and socialdevelopment, and experiences in developing IT human resources of some countries
- IT in Vietnam is also a topic that has been researched in many different works,especially from 2006 to present, in which, some works refer to the history of ITdevelopment and contribute to clarifying the process development of IT human resources.Regarding the process of developing IT human resources in Vietnam, research worksdiscuss a lot about the current situation and solutions, education and training, and at thesame time, initially point out the advantages, difficulties, and advantages, limitations in IThuman resource development However, the works mainly focus on analyzing the currentsituation of IT human resources in the short period, from the perspective of economicmanagement, human resource management, business administration, political economy, andmanagement education there are only a few research works from a historical perspective,but they are general research on IT, not focusing on clarifying the process of developing IThuman resources from 1993 to 2020
Currently, there are no studies from the perspective of historical science on theprocess of developing IT human resources in Vietnam from 1993 to 2020
1.3.2 Thesis issues that need to be researched
From the overall analysis of the research situation related to the thesis topic, it showsthat, from the perspective of historical science research, a number of issues have not beenresearched in depth and need to be clarified show, including:
- Firstly, factors affecting the process of developing IT human resources in Vietnamfrom 1993 to 2020
Trang 11- Second, the process of implementing specific activities on developing IT humanresources in Vietnam from 1993 to 2020 and the results achieved.
- Third, characteristics of the process of developing IT human resources in Vietnam
- Fourth, the impact of the process of developing IT human resources in Vietnam oneconomics, politics, culture, society, defense and security
Conclusion of chapter 1
of IT around the world The above context creates requirements, motivation, and conditionsfor human resource development, requiring workers to constantly study to master andimprove their qualifications to be able to control, use, and master technology In thatcontext, human resources are quickly intellectualized and comprehensive humandevelopment becomes the central task of society
Trang 12progress During the process of opening up and international economic integration, frombeing surrounded by sanctions, Vietnam has developed foreign relations with almost allcountries, attracting many foreign investment capital to develop its economics, science andtechnology, education, training
During the innovation process, the Party and State are increasingly aware of the role of
IT and IT human resources IT and Internet infrastructure are focused on development.Along with the process of changing awareness about IT and innovating education andtraining, Informatics has been introduced into teaching in high schools Since 1990, theMinistry of Education and Training has decided to implement experimental IT teaching inmore than 100 high schools In the 1993 - 1994 school year, Informatics was taught atspecialized high schools for all three grades 10, 11, and 12 From 2000 to 2004, Informaticswas increasingly popularized in high schools In the 2004 - 2005 school year, the Ministry ofEducation and Training stipulates that Information Technology is taught and learnedappropriately and effectively at all levels of education, at the high school level, as an electivesubject at the elementary level, at the Middle School level and as a compulsory subject at theHigh School level This is a very important policy and measure to prepare the younggeneration to access modern IT knowledge and facilities, creating a broad basis for quicklyselecting and training a team IT professional
2.1.2 Current status of information technology and information technology human resource development in Vietnam before 1993
Vietnam soon realized the importance of electronics and information technology.Since 1962, it was sent to train the first team in electronic engineering and informationtechnology, then achieved some important results in the 60s and 70s of the twentiethcentury However, due to many reasons, in reality electronic engineering, informationtechnology and IT human resources have not really been given adequate attention By theearly 90s of the twentieth century, IT and IT human resources in Vietnam became slowlydeveloping In order for Vietnam to integrate with the region and the world in theinformation era, the problem is to effectively exploit the country's information andintellectual factors, promote the strength of human resources and investment for IT humanresource development
2.1.3 Guidelines and policies of the Party and State in the period 1993 - 2005
Entering the period of innovation, the need for information and the development of
an information economy is becoming increasingly necessary in Vietnam The Party andState are increasingly aware of the need for development IT and IT human resources.During the period 1993 - 2005, many guidelines and policies on IT human resourcedevelopment were issued by the Party and State Typically, Resolution No 49/CP on
"Development of IT in Vietnam in the 90s" of the Government in 1993, Decision 211/TTg on
"Approval of the National Program on IT" of the Prime Minister In 1995, Resolution No.
07/2000/NQCP on "Building and developing the software industry in the period 2000
Trang 13-2005" of the Government and Directive No 58/CTTW " On Promote the application of IT to serve the cause of industrialization and modernization of the country" of the Politburo in 2000,
Directive No 29/2001/CT-BGDDT on "Strengthening teaching, training and application of
IT in education sector in the period 2001-2005" of the Ministry of Education and Training in
2001, Decision No 331/QD-TTg on "Approval of the IT human resources development
program from now until 2010" of the Prime Minister in 2004 The role of IT human resources
was more fully realized and initially invested in development, especially training andfostering activities
2.2 Activities to build and develop information technology human resources
2.2.1 Master plan
During the period 1993 - 2005, Vietnam has not issued any specialized documents on
IT human resource development planning, but it has been integrated into the Party's and theParty's guidelines, policies, projects and schemes on IT development Government Shown inthe following table:
Table 2.1 Planning for IT human resource development in Vietnam
period 1993 - 2005
Criteria Goals need to be achieved
By the year 2000 By the year 2005 Developing
- Open retraining classes to convert alarge number of officials, engineers orgraduates from other fields (math,physics, economics, engineering )into information technologyspecialists
- The target is to reach 20,000 people,
of which more than half areprogrammers, about 1/4 are systemanalysts and 1/4 are other types ofspecialists
- Take advantage of all possibilitiesfor international cooperation totransfer technology and train IT
- Develop IT education andtraining
- Teaching English andteaching IT majors in English
- Trained an additional 50,000
IT experts, including about25,000 highly qualified expertsand professional programmers,fluent in English, with thequality of experts in the IT field
on par with the average level ofother countries in the worldarea
- Take advantage of allpossibilities for internationalcooperation to transfertechnology and train IT humanresources
Trang 14Universalize knowledge andskills in using computers andthe Internet to 50% of officials,civil servants and publicemployees.
- IT application training for studentsstudying science, engineering andeconomics fields other thanInformatics
- Disseminate knowledge and equipthe ability to use computers
Universalize knowledge andskills in using computers andthe Internet to 100% ofuniversity and college students;50% of vocational high school,vocational high school, andhigh school students; 30% ofmiddle school students and aportion of the population are inneed
However, in the period 1993 - 2005, many contents of planning activities were stillqualitative and difficult to implement, only stating the number of training needed but notspecifying its overall structure Because there is no guiding structure, educationalinstitutions do not have appropriate implementation plans
2.2.2 Training and fostering in the country
Since 1993, seven IT faculties of key universities across the country wereestablished By 1998, the faculties began to promote their leading role in training, partiallymeeting urgent needs IT human resources On average every year, each department trains 100
to 200 new students following a 4-year program; At the same time, every year, we train 200
to 300 more students who have university degrees in other fields In addition, many otheruniversities and colleges throughout the country are given all conditions to establish IT orelectronics and telecommunications departments
Since 2000, implementing Directive No 58/CTTW of the Politburo, universities,colleges and professional schools have been given priority to increase the scale of ITtraining, open majors, open IT departments, and combine electronics - informationtechnology - telecommunications and information technology with other specialized fields.The training of IT human resources is conducted to diversify many types of training,gradually increasing the scale and quality of training In 2000, the country had 42universities and 36 colleges offering IT training, with a target of about 4,000 students By