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Trang 6 SESSION 1: Introduction to the Course By the end of the session, students will be able to: - understand and remember some key definitions of translation - identify the difference

ĐẠI HỌC HUẾ TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ TS TRẦN THỊ THẢO PHƯƠNG THỰC HÀNH BIÊN DỊCH CHUYÊN ĐỀ (Tài liệu học tập dành cho Sinh viên Tiếng Anh) HUẾ, 2021 SPECIALISZED TRANSLATION PRACTICE 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SESSION 1: Introduction to the Course What is translation? 1.1 Key definitions from translation experts and theorists 1.2 Definitions of translation under Vietnamese translators’ eye: 1.3 Summary 1.4 Questions for discussion Why Is Translation So Important? What is specialised translation? 10 2.1 Specialised translation and specialised text 10 2.2 Semi-specialized texts 10 2.3 General texts 11 2.4 Some uses of "specialized translation" and its synonyms 11 Major challenges in specialised translation 12 4.1 Questions for discussion 12 4.2 Some most common issues 12 3.3 Notes 13 Skills to succeed as a professional translator 13 5.1 Why translation is a skill? 13 5.2 What skills a professional translator need? 13 Practice 14 Further practice 15 SESSION 2: STEPS AND TECHNIQUES IN TRANSLATION 16 Steps in translation (adapted from Alireza Ghadi, 2010) 16 STEP 1: BROWSING THROUGH THE TEXT 16 STEP 2: THE ANALYSIS OF A TEXT 16 STEP 3: IDENTIFY NEW WORDS OR PHRASE THAT DIFFICULT TO TRANSLATE 17 STEP 4: IDENTIFY SENTENCE STRUCTURES (GRAMMATICAL PATTERNS) 17 STEP 5: PRELIMINARY TRANSLATION 17 SPECIALISZED TRANSLATION PRACTICE STEP 6: SECOND TRANSLATION 17 STEP 7: CHECKING THE FIRST DRAFT 17 STEP 8: SEEK FOR COMMENTS AND FEEDBACK 17 STEP 9: RECHECK, POLISH YOUR TRANSLATION 17 Qualities of an ideal translation (ABC) 17 Practice 18 Newmark’s translation techniques 19 Further reading 20 Practice 20 Further practice 22 SESSION 3: TEXT TYPES IN TRANSLATION 23 Questions for discussion 23 Text types and translation strategies 24 Practice 25 Further practice 26 SESSION 4: DEVELOPING VOCABULARY IN TRANSLATION 27 Creating a translation glossary 27 1.1 What is a translation glossary? 27 1.2 What are the benefits of using a translation glossary? 27 1.3 An example of a simple glossary 28 What to include in your translation glossary? 29 (1) Your key terms 29 (2) Definition & Explanation 29 (3) Preferred translations of terms 30 Further reading 30 Practice 30 Further practice 30 SESSION 5: CONVENTIONS OF NAMES AND TITLES OF ORGANIZATIONS AND INSTITUTIONS IN AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT 31 Practice 31 Practice 33 Further practice 33 SPECIALISZED TRANSLATION PRACTICE SESSION 6: TRANSLATION PRACTICE: BROCHURES/ LEAFLETS 34 Practice 34 Further practice 35 SESSION 7: REVIEW AND PRACTICE 36 Questions for review 36 Practice 36 Practice 39 Further practice 40 SESSION 8: PROGRESS TEST 41 SESSION 9: TRANSLATION PRACTICE: SHORT NEWS 42 Practice 42 Practice 43 SESSION 10: TRANSLATION PRACTICE: GUIDELINES/ MANUALS 45 Practice 45 Further practice 47 SESSION 11: TRANSLATION PRACTICE: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 48 Practice 48 Further practice 50 SESSION 12: TRANSLATION PRACTICE: LEGAL DOCUMENTS 51 Practice 51 Further practice 53 SESSION 13: TRANSLATION PRACTICE: ENCYCLOPEDIC ENTRIES 54 Practice 54 Further practice 55 SESSION 14: EXTRA-CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES 56 SESSION 15: REVIEW AND FEEDBACK 57 SPECIALISZED TRANSLATION PRACTICE GENERAL INTRODUCTION this work is designed and has been compiled for use as a course material of Specialized translation 1: Agriculture and rural development for EFL students at the Faculty of English, Hue University, University Of Foreign Languages it includes 15 sessions and are presented following a combination of theme- and task-based approaches to realizing the expected learning outcomes among the students of the course The main objective of this course is to provide English majors specialising in translation with the basic knowledge and skills in translating various specialised texts related to Agriculture and Rural development topic SPECIALISZED TRANSLATION PRACTICE SESSION 1: Introduction to the Course By the end of the session, students will be able to: - understand and remember some key definitions of translation - identify the differences between a general document and a specialised document - understand major challenges in specialised translation and skills to be successful as a professional translator - be initially familiarized themselves with specialised translation through translating a semi-specialised text What is translation? 1.1 Key definitions from translation experts and theorists According to Bell (1998): (1) Translation is the expression in another language (target language) of what has been expressed in one language (source language), preserving semantic and stylistic equivalencies (2) Translation is the replacement of a representation of a text in one language by a representation of an equivalent text in a second language In the “Dictionary of Translation Studies” (1997, p 1981), Shuttleworth and Cowie emphasizes: “ Translation An incredibly broad notion which can be understood in many different ways For example, one may talk of a translation as a process or a product, and identify such subtypes as literary translation, technical translation, subtitling and machine translation; moreover, while more typically it just refers to the transfer of written texts, the term sometimes also includes interpreting.” According to Brislin (1976, p.1) translation is a general term referring to the transfer of thoughts and ideas from one language to another, whether the language is in written or oral form, whether the languages have established orthographies or not; or whether one or both languages is based on signs, as with signs of the deaf Another expert, Wilss (1982, p.3), states that translation is a transfer process which aims at the transformation of a written source language text (SLT) into an optimally equivalent target language text (TLT), and which requires the syntactic, the semantic, and the pragmatic understanding and analytical processing of the source text Syntactic understanding is related to style and meaning Understanding of semantics is meaning related activity Finally, pragmatic understanding is related to the message or implication of a sentence This definition does not states what is transferred Rather, it states the requirement of the process Nida and Taber (1982, p.12) see translating as a process of reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language SPECIALISZED TRANSLATION PRACTICE message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style In other words, translation is a transfer of meaning, message, and style from one SLT to the TLT In the order of priority, style is put the last Here the things to reproduce (transfer) is stated, message Newmark (1991, p.27) defines the act of translating very briefly It is the act of transferring meaning of a stretch or a unit of language, the whole or a part, from one language to another 1.2 Definitions of translation under Vietnamese translators’ eye: Dịch hoạt động bao hàm hiểu ý nghĩa văn tạo văn mới, tương đương ngôn ngữ khác- gọi ngơn ngữ đích (target language), hay dịch (Wikipedia) Hoạt động hay tiến trình chuyển tải, từ ngôn ngữ đến ngôn ngữ khác (Wikipedia) Biên dịch (translation) việc chuyển đạt lời lẽ, ý tưởng văn (text) từ ngôn ngữ sang ngôn ngữ khác lời lẽ, ý tưởng tương đương hình thức chữ viết Ở Việt Nam giờ, người ta gọi tượng biên dịch, cịn phiên dịch lại dùng để công việc thông dịch, thông ngôn, hay nôm na dịch nói (interpreting) Trong thuật ngữ phiên dịch, văn hiểu có hình thức từ (word), đoản ngữ (phrase), câu (sentence), cú đoạn (paragraph), đoạn văn (passage), hay sách (book) Danh từ chuyên môn gọi ngôn ngữ đem chuyển ngữ ngôn ngữ gốc hay ngôn ngữ nguồn (source language) ngôn ngữ chuyển ngữ ngôn ngữ hay ngơn ngữ đích (target language) Nói khác đi, ta phiên dịch từ tiếng Anh sang tiếng Việt, tiếng Anh ngơn ngữ gốc (ngơn ngữ nguồn) cịn tiếng Việt ngơn ngữ (ngơn ngữ đích), ngược lại Nói đến biên/phiên dịch nói đến ngôn ngữ Nếu ngôn ngữ mớ danh pháp, tên đặt cho toàn ý niệm chung vũ trụ, đâu đâu, việc phiên dịch từ ngôn ngữ sang ngôn ngữ khác dễ dàng, giản dị, khơng có đáng nói Trong trường hợp dịch từ Anh sang Việt chẳng hạn, ta việc thay tên tiếng Anh dùng ý niệm tên tiếng Việt tương đương có sẵn dùng ý niệm xong Thí dụ "table" "cái bàn", "book" "quyểnsách'", "woman" "đàn bà", v.v… Nhưng thực tế vậy, người ta khám phá vô số chứng cho thấy ngôn ngữ diễn tả, tổ chức thực thể vũ trụ SPECIALISZED TRANSLATION PRACTICE cách, cộng đồng ngôn ngữ chia cắt kinh nghiệm, mổ xẻ giới theo nhãn quan cuả người nói ngơn ngữ Dưới vài thí dụ điển hình cho thấy ngơn ngữ phản ảnh giới quan người nói tiếng ngữ ảnh hưởng cuả nghệ thuật phiên dịch 1.3 Summary → In general, translation can be understood as: ✓ a process by which a spoken or written utterance takes place in one language which is intended or presumed to convey the same meaning as a previously existing utterance in another language (Rabin, 1958) ✓ the transfer of thoughts and ideas from one language (source) to another (target), whether the languages are in written or oral form or whether one or both languages are based on signs (Brislin, 1976) ✓ a situation-related and function-oriented complex series of acts for the production of a target text, intended for addressees in another culture/language, on the basis of a given source text (Salevsky, 1993) ✓ Any utterance which is presented or regarded as a ‘translation’ within a culture, on no matter what grounds (Toury, 1995) (quoted in Pöchhacker, Franz Introducing Interpreting Studies, 2004: 11-12) Key terms to remember Translating: the process ( to translate; the activity rather than the tangible object); •A translation: the product of the process of translating (i.e the translated text); •Translation: the abstract concept which encompasses both the process of translation and the product of that process SPECIALISZED TRANSLATION PRACTICE 1.4 Questions for discussion In pairs, try to complete this sentence: A good translation is… (một dịch tốt là…) ……………… For example: A good translation • is characterized by a accuracy, b logic, c clarity, d and formality • must fulfill the function required by the text in (SL) • must consider to whom the translation is meant for Why Is Translation So Important? Only about 10% of people in the world speak English There exists a large opportunity to reach out to markets other than the English-speaking ones, with the help of translation services SPECIALISZED TRANSLATION PRACTICE Internet adoption around the world is increasing; people are transacting over the net much more than they did before Hence, it is important to translate your web content into other languages Many developing markets, such as China, Brazil, Mexico, etc., have little business communication in English People in such countries continue to communicate in their own language Translation helps in cutting across language barriers and interacting with people in such countries Literary texts, books, and novels need to be translated into various languages so that they can be read by people in other countries What is specialised translation? 2.1 Specialised translation and specialised text Specialized translation is a term and concept used in the translation business and in translation schools A text to be translated is specialized if translating it calls for knowledge in some field that would not normally be part of a translator's or translation student's general knowledge Specialized texts are produced by technical or specialist writers, or more specifically, texts which relate to technological subject areas or texts which deal with the practical application of very specialized information All in all, translating specialized texts requires a high level of subject knowledge and mastery of the relevant terminology and writing conventions Generally, there are some features that characterize specialized texts as the followings: Specialized texts: ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ often contain bullets, and numbered items often contain short sentences contain no humor use specific terminology Some translation businesses make a three-way distinction between 'general' texts (calling only for general knowledge of a field), 'semi-specialized' texts (calling for advanced knowledge of a field) and '(highly) specialized' texts (calling for detailed knowledge of a subject, such as jet engines or commercial law) The price charged per word will then vary with the degree of specialization Many texts have parts which are general and parts which are specialized or highly specialized 2.2 Semi-specialized texts The author of this sort of text also has the purpose of explaining a specific topic, but a technical text's language and structure distinguish it from other types as it contains specific terminology to address the SPECIALISZED TRANSLATION PRACTICE 10

Ngày đăng: 06/02/2024, 06:48

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