Tài liệu quản lý vận hành - Chương 8 Chiến lược vị trí
PowerPoint presentation to accompany Heizer/Render - Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e 8-1 Qu n Tr V n Hành ả ị ậ Chi n l c v trí ế ượ ị Ch ng 8ươ PowerPoint presentation to accompany Heizer/Render - Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e 8-2 Tóm l cượ ♦ Gi i thi u công ty Tòan c u : FEDERAL EXPRESSớ ệ ầ ♦ T M QUAN TR NG CHI N L C C A V TRÍẦ Ọ Ế ƯỢ Ủ Ị ♦ CÁC Y U T nh h ng Đ N CÁC QUY T Đ NH Ế Ố Ả ưở Ế Ế Ị V TRÍ:Ị ♦ Năng su t lao đ ngấ ộ ♦ T giá và r i ro c a đ ng ti n ỷ ủ ủ ồ ề ♦ Chi phí ♦ Thái đ ộ ♦ T ng đ ng v th tr ng, nhà cung c p và đ i th ươ ồ ề ị ườ ấ ố ủ c nh tranh ạ PowerPoint presentation to accompany Heizer/Render - Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e 8-3 Tóm l c – ti p t cượ ế ụ ♦ PH NG PHÁP ĐÁNH GIÁ CÁC PH NG ÁN ƯƠ ƯƠ V TRÍ Ị ♦ Ph ng pháp s p h ng y u t ươ ắ ạ ế ố ♦ Phân tích đi m hòa v n v trí ể ố ị ♦ Ph ng pháp h ng tâm ươ ướ ♦ Ph ng pháp v n t i ươ ậ ả ♦ CHI N L C V TRÍ CHO D CH V Ế ƯỢ Ị Ị Ụ ♦ L a ch n V trí theo chu i khách s n ư ọ ị ỗ ạ ♦ Công nghi p Marketing t xa ệ ừ ♦ Các h th ng thông tin đ a lý ệ ố ị PowerPoint presentation to accompany Heizer/Render - Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e 8-4 M c tiêu c a vi c h c ch ng nàyụ ủ ệ ọ ươ Khi h c xong ch ng này ng i h c có th : ọ ươ ườ ọ ể Hi u đ c ể ượ : ♦ M c tiêu c a chi n l c v trí: ụ ủ ế ượ ị ♦ Các đ c đi m v trí tòan c u ặ ể ị ầ ♦ T ng đ ng v th tr ng ươ ồ ề ị ườ ♦ H th ng thông tin đ a lý (GIS)ệ ố ị Mô t và Gi i thích đ c :ả ả ượ ♦ 3 ph ng pháp gi i quy t v n đ v v trí ươ ả ế ấ ề ề ị ♦ Các y u t nh h ng đ n quy t đ nh v trí ế ố ả ưở ế ế ị ị PowerPoint presentation to accompany Heizer/Render - Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e 8-5 Federal Express ♦ Nh n m nh vào v trí trung tâmấ ạ ị ♦ u đi m:Ư ể ♦ D ch đ n đ c nhi u v trí v i s chuy n bay ít h n ị ế ượ ề ị ớ ố ế ơ ♦ Đ a hàng lên các chuy n bay k p th i h n ư ế ị ờ ơ ♦ Gi m đ c các ch m tr và th t l c do ph i trung ả ượ ậ ễ ấ ạ ả chuy n các chuy n bay vì công ty ch u trách nhi m ể ể ị ệ tòan b t khâu nh n – chuy n – phát cho khách hàng ộ ừ ậ ể PowerPoint presentation to accompany Heizer/Render - Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e 8-6 M c tiêu c a chi n l c v trí ụ ủ ế ượ ị C c đ i l i ích v v trí đ i v i ự ạ ợ ề ị ố ớ công ty PowerPoint presentation to accompany Heizer/Render - Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e 8-7 Các quy t đ nh v đ a đi m trong ế ị ề ị ể công nghi p ệ ♦ T p trung vàoậ Chi phí ♦ Doanh thu thay đ i ít gi a hai đ a đi m ổ ữ ị ể ♦ Đ a đi m là y u t chi phí chính: ị ể ế ố ♦ nh h ng đ n chi phí Ả ưở ế v n chuy n và ẩ ể s n xu t (VD lao đ ng)ả ấ ộ ♦ Chi phí thay đ i đáng kổ ể Gi a các đ a đi m ữ ị ể © 1995 Corel Corp. PowerPoint presentation to accompany Heizer/Render - Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e 8-8 Các quy t đ nh v v trí trong d ch v ế ị ề ị ị ụ ♦ T p trung vào doanh thuậ ♦ Chi phí thay đ i ít gi a các th tr ng ổ ữ ị ườ ♦ V trí ch u nh h ng ch y u b i doanh ị ị ả ưở ủ ế ở thu ♦ nh h ng b i s l ng Ả ưở ở ố ượ khách hàng ti p xúcế ♦ nh h ng b i s l ngẢ ưở ở ố ượ Doanh nghi p ệ PowerPoint presentation to accompany Heizer/Render - Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e 8-9 Căn b n – Các quy t đ nh v trí ả ế ị ị ♦ Là các quy t đ nh dài h n ế ị ạ ♦ R t khó thay đ i ấ ổ ♦ nh h ng t i chi phí c đ nh và bi n đ i Ả ưở ớ ố ị ế ổ ♦ Chi phí v n chuy n ậ ể ♦ Có khi t i 25% c a giá bán ớ ủ ♦ Các chi phí khác : Thu , L ng, ế ươ M c tiêu: ụ C c đ i l i ích c a v trí đ i v i ự ạ ợ ủ ị ố ớ doanh nghi p ệ PowerPoint presentation to accompany Heizer/Render - Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e 8-10 Chu i các quy t đ nh v v trí ỗ ế ị ề ị Country © 1995 Corel Corp. Region/Community © 1995 Corel Corp. Site © 1995 Corel Corp. [...]... Affecting Location Selection - Continued ♦ Quality-of-life issues in the community (including all levels of education, cost of living, health care, sports, cultural activities, transportation, housing, entertainment, religious facilities) ♦ Foreign exchange Including rates and stability ♦ Quality of government (including stability, honesty, attitudes toward new business - whether overseas or local)... Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e Location Evaluation Methods ♦ Factor-rating method ♦ Locational break-even analysis ♦ Center of gravity method ♦ Transportation model PowerPoint presentation to accompany Heizer/Render Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e © 1995 Corel Corp Factor-Rating Method ♦ Most widely used location technique ♦ Useful for service & industrial... Operations Management, 7e Locational Break-Even Analysis ♦ Method of cost-volume analysis used for industrial locations ♦ Steps ♦ ♦ ♦ Determine fixed & variable costs for each location Plot total cost for each location (Cost on vertical axis, Annual Volume on horizontal axis) Select location with lowest total cost for expected production volume ♦ Must be above break-even PowerPoint presentation to accompany... ♦ Other ♦ ♦ Lower shipping cost ($2,500/car less) New plant & equipment would increase productivity (lower cost/car $2,00 0-3 000) Region/Community Decision Factors ♦ Labor ♦ Lower wages in South Carolina (SC) ♦ Government incentives ♦ ♦ $135 million in state & local tax breaks Free-trade zone from airport to plant ♦ No duties on imported components or on exported cars PowerPoint presentation to accompany... Corel Corp Factor-Rating Method ♦ Most widely used location technique ♦ Useful for service & industrial locations ♦ Rates locations using factors ♦ ♦ Tangible (quantitative) factors ♦ Example: Short-run & long-run costs Intangible (qualitative) factors ♦ Example: Education quality, labor skills PowerPoint presentation to accompany Heizer/Render Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management,... incentives, taxes, unemployment compensation) PowerPoint presentation to accompany Heizer/Render Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e Factors Affecting Location Selection - Continued ♦ Environmental regulations ♦ Utilities (including gas, electric, water, and their costs) ♦ Site costs (including land, expansion, parking, drainage) ♦ Transportation availability (including... Factors Country 1 Country 2 Country 3 Country 4 Similarity in language 5 1 5 4 Work ethic 4 2 3 1 Tax rates 3 3 2 5 Inflation 3 5 5 5 Availability of raw materials Interest rates 2 3 4 4 3 2 5 5 50 43 35 48 Social and Cultural Aspects Economic factors Total Rating Points PowerPoint presentation to accompany Heizer/Render Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e Global Competitiveness... Bangladesh …………………… Honduras ……………………… Bolivia……………………… … PowerPoint presentation to accompany Heizer/Render Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e 1 2 3 4 11 15 35 58 72 73 74 75 Ranking Corruption A score of 10 represents corruption free Rank 1 Finland 2 Denmark 3 New Zealand 4 Singapore 16 Israel & U.S.A (Tied) 21 Japan 57 China 79 Russia 90 Nigeria 91 Bangladesh... cost for expected production volume ♦ Must be above break-even PowerPoint presentation to accompany Heizer/Render Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e Locational Break-Even Analysis Example You’re an analyst for AC Delco You’re considering a new manufacturing plant in Akron, Bowling Green, or Chicago Fixed costs per year are $30k, $60k, & $110k respectively Variable... an expected volume of 2,000 cases per year? © 1995 Corel Corp PowerPoint presentation to accompany Heizer/Render Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e Locational Break-Even Crossover Chart Annual Cost 200000 n kro A 150000 Chicago 100000 en Gre ling Bow 50000 Akron lowest cost Bowling Green lowest cost Chicago lowest cost 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Volume PowerPoint . Heizer/Render - Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e 8- 1 Qu n Tr V n Hành ả ị ậ Chi n l c v trí ế ượ ị Ch ng 8 ơ PowerPoint presentation to accompany Heizer/Render - Principles. to accompany Heizer/Render - Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e 8- 6 M c tiêu c a chi n l c v trí ụ ủ ế ượ ị C c đ i l i ích v v trí đ i v i ự ạ ợ ề ị ố ớ công. Corp. PowerPoint presentation to accompany Heizer/Render - Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e 8- 8 Các quy t đ nh v v trí trong d ch v ế ị ề ị ị ụ ♦ T p trung vào doanh