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ENGLISH 9- SEMESTER Date: August, 24th ,2014 Period 1: REVISION  Objective: - By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to remind the forms, the uses of tense or vocabulary they’ve learnt  Language focus: Vocabulary: Grammar:  Teaching aids: lesson plan, sub-board,…  Procedure: I.Grammar: Present perfect tense: - Call Ss to remind, ask Ss to make examples and then give the form and the uses a) Use: b) Form: Have/ Has + P2 c) Example: We have learnt English for years / since 2008 Have you ever been to Boston? I haven’t met Mi Tam yet * Note: The P.P tense often goes with” for, since, never, ever, just, already…” Past progressive tense: ? How is the past progressive verb formed? ? What is it used for? - Ask Ss to give the uses, the form and then make some examples with positive, negative and affirmative a) Use: to express an action that waas happening in definite time in the past b) Form: Was/ Were + V.ing c) Example: I was reading an English book at pm yesterday They weren’t playing tennis at that time last Sunday Passive form: - Ask Ss to write the form of passive on the board FORM: Be + P2 Ex: The book was bought for me by my mother - Call Ss rremind the rules of changing from active to passive * Note: There are tenses in active, we also have tenses in passive Reported Speech: ? Some kinds of reported speech * Statement: S + said +( that) + S + V ( lui thi)… * Yes / No question: S + asked + if/whether + S + V ( lui thi)… * Requests: S + asked / told + O + to-V … Note: Verbs in reported speech, we must move a tense back Modal verbs: - Call Ss to name some modal verbs they have learnt and distinguish the to use these modal verbs: must, can could, may, ought to, should,… ( Especially, to make requests, offers, …) Comparision: - Comparision with “ like, ( not) as…as, ( not) the same as, different from,…” Ex: English is different from Math - Comparative and superlative Adj Adverbs of place and adverbs of manner in English sentence; - Adverbs of place - Adverbs of manner Requests: - Would / Do you mind + V.ing…? - Would / Do you mind if…? Other structures: a) Enough: - Call a student to write the strusture with “ enough”: S + be ( not) + Adj + enough + to-verb… b) In order to / so as to: -> adverbs of purpose c) Verb forms: + “ed” and “ ing” participles + verb + to-verb + question word befope to-infinitive II Test yourself: * Multiple choice: Choose the best answer: 1, My mother showed me how clothes a to make b making c make d made 2, These houses 100 years ago a are built b built c were built d build 3, Our teacher asked us we liked to go camping in the coming festival a whether if b if c what d if whether 4, My family has decided DaLat in the summer a to visit b visit c visited d visits 5, I always remember _ off the light before going to bed a turn b turning c to turn d turned 6, Life in the city is different life in the country a with b of c from d to 7, I prefer tea _ coffe a rather b than c more d.to 8, The fresh air in the countryside is good for our a healthy b health c healthful d healthily 9, My computer hasn’t since last week a worked b work c working d works 10, Are you in detective films? a interested b interesting c interest d interests Keys: 1A, 2C, 3B, 4A, 5C, 6C, 7D, 8B, 9A, 10A III Consolidation: - Introduce English to Ss in general Date : August, 27th, 2014 Period 2: UNIT : A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL LESSON : GETTING STARTED & LISTEN AND READ I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will make a new topic: - introduce with a pen pal about Viet Nam, especially in Ha Noi and some famous places in Ha Noi II.LANGUAGE CONTENTS : Grammar: - The past simple ( review) Vocabulary : - correspond (v) –be impressed by (v) - mosque (n) - depend on (v) - pray ( - keep in touch (v) - friendliness (n) - Mausoleum (n) III.TEACHNIQUES: Networks, True/ false statements , matching IV.TEACHING AIDS: Cassette, tape, books, pictures, poster V PROCEDURE: T’s and Ss’ activities Content WARM UP: - T asks Ss “ If you have a pen pal comes to HN, where will you take her/him to go? “ - Ss can use English or VN to answer - T will give some famous places after Ss answer - Ss take note - T says “Imagine that a foreign pen pal is coming to stay with you for a week What activities would you like to during the visit? The pictures in the book may help you.” - Ss look the pictures and give the name of pictures S Tim e 7’ NETWORK Places in Ha Noi - HN Opera House : Nhà hát lớn - HCM Mausoleum: Lăng Bác Hồ - Temple of Literature: Văn miếu QTG - Museum of History:Bảo tàng lịch sử - One Pillar Pagoda: Chùa cột *.GETTING STARTED a) Temple b) Literature temple c) Dong xuan Market d) Museum e) Historical palace * Chatting: 20’ - Do you have any pen pal? - Where does she/ he from ? - T asks Ss some questions: - Ss answer freely - Have you met him/her? - If she/ he visits TN, what will you introduce him/her? PRESENTATION : * New words : - T introduces the content of new lesson - Correspond (v):(change by -“Lan has the pen pal and this is the first letter): liên lạc qua thư time this friend has come to HN You listen - Be impressed by : (v) ( translate) bị ấn tượng to the text and find new words” .Friendliness ( n): ( translate) thân thiện - T gives new words on the board and Ss - Mausoleum ( n): ( picture) lăng mộ guess meaning of new words - T reads new words twice, Ss listen and - Mosque (n): ( picture) nhà thờ hồi giáo repeat - Pray (v) (action) : cầu - T checks new words by playing “Rut out nguyện - Peaceful atmosphere (n): and remember “ fresh air - Ss take note - Keep in touch: ( translate ) giữ liên lạc *The grammar: - T explains the grammar + Used to + V- inf : 10’ - Ss take note làm việc - T gives some sentences on the board and QK không Ss guess the content of lesson * EX : Lan used to walk - Then Ss listen to the tape twice and Ss read past the mosque on the the text before the class (individually.) way to her primary school - T gives Ss listen to the text again, and * GUESSING GAME : choose the correct option TRUE/ FALSE - Some Ss give the answer on the board STATEMENTS - T corrects 3’ Lan’s pen pal comes from Malay - Ss read the text and correct the guessing Kuala Lumpur is a small - T corrects and Ss take note - Ss work in group to exercise, and some city 3.The girls visited Hang groups give the key on the board Luoc street on Monday - T corrects 4.They will write letter to - Ss take note each other again * Answer 1.f 2.h 3.a e 5.b c 7.g i PRACTICE * Choose the correct option to complete the sentences Answer 1.C 2.B 2’ 3.D 4.B *Answer ( guessing ) T F F PRODUCTION * Matching 1.Hoan kiem lake a.Q.trường Ba Đình 2.HCM’s stilt house b Nhà hát lớn 3.Ba Dinh square c Hồ Tây 4.One Pillar Pagoda d Chùa cột 5.HN Opera House e Hồ hoàn kiếm 6.West lake f Văn miếu 7.Temple of Literature g Nhà sàn BH 8.HCM Mausoleum h Lăng HCM HOMEWORK - Learn new words and model sentence by heart Date of making: 22/ 08/ 2010 Period 3: UNIT : LESSON : Date of teaching:23/ 08/ 2010 A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL SPEAK + LISTEN I OBJECTIVES: After finishing the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Make and respond to introduce - Scan for special information - Know the way to realize some things through the listening II LANGUAGE CONTENTS: Grammar: - The simple past ( review ) Vocabulary : - church (n) - industrial (adj) III TECHNIQUES: Introduce myself, who does what, mapped dialogue, Guessing IV TEACHING AIDS: Pictures, books , chalk Poster, cassette, tape V PROCEDURE : T’s and Ss’ activities Content Time - T checks two Ss I.WARM UP : 5’ - Ss give the answer on the1.Find it in English: board - Hồ Tây - T corrects and gives the-văn Miếu marks -cầu nguyện * Answer - thân thiện 1/ New words: West Tay, -nhà thờ Hồi giáo temple of Literature, Supply the correct verbs : pray, a/ I used (live ) in the countryside friendliness, b/ He is used to ( talk) in class mosque c) My sister (use ) this paper to write a letter * Check exercise page ( ex.book) 2/ a) to live b) talking II SPEAK c/ used to use 1.PRE – SPEAKING: 10’ *“Introduce myself” - T divides the class into 6- My name’s Lan groups, - I am 15 years old every group has 0r students.- There are three members in my family - I like reading books and watching TV in my free time - The first student in every - Her name’s Lan group will say about herself/- She is 15 years old himself - There are three members in her family - She likes reading books and watching TV in her free time -Then the second student in* New words : group responds -Industrial ( adj ) : ( translate): công nghiệp - Ss in group continue to- Church ( n) ( picture ) : chuøa practice ( modeling sentence) - T gives the new words - T reads the words twice and Ss take note 10’ - Ss make sentence with the words - T introduces the situation in2: Put the dialogue in the correct order and lesson : copy it into your exercise book: “Nga is talking to Maryam Put….the correct order to make2 WHILE – SPEAKING: a complete one” - Now you are talking to Maryam’s friends Introduce yourself - Ss work in group and give the1 Answer: answer on the board – c– 5– b– 4– d– 2– e– 3– a– - T gives the correct answer 2.Making the dialogue : - Ss take note A: Are you Paul? -Ss practice the dialogue before B That’s right I am the class.( work in open pair ) A Very nice to meet you Let me - T says” Now you use theintroduce myself My name’s Tuan I am 15 information in the book andyears old make similar dialoguesB Me too Do you live in HN? introducing yourself toA Yes, I Is it the first time you have Maryam’s friends.” been to HN? B.Yes, it is the first time HN is a very nice city People here are very friendly and very hospitable - T introduces some informationA Where you live in England? Do you about Yoko, Paul and Jane live in a city? B I live in Liverpool It is an industrial city in the North of England Have you ever been - Then Ss work in close pairs there? -Some pairs practice theA No, I hope I will be able to go there next dialogue summer before the class POST – SPEAKING : ” who does what” - T gives some information - She likes VN people, about - She lives in a busy big city three persons in book - She’s from Tokyo - Ss listen and guess who is - Who is she? ( she is Yoko) that III.LISTEN: PRE – LISTENING: * Chatting :( hang six pictures on the board ) - What is the difference between picture1 and in a? ( In picture 1, we aren’t allowed - T says” You look at theto walk on grass In picture 2, we aren’t allowed pictures and find the differencesto pick flowers) of them“ - Ss look at the pictures and find - What is the difference between picture 2’ - Then T explains and in b? ( In picture 1, the bus is red and its number is 103 In picture 2,the bus is blue and its number is 130) - What is the difference between picture and in c? ( In picture 1, it is the Mexican restaurant In picture 2, it is the American 7’ one : hamburgers) * Guessing : True/ false statements: Tim and Carlo walk in the park They will catch the bus having number 130 Tim asked Carlo not to walk on the grass WHILE – LISTENING : -T asks ss to give T/F sentences ( open the tape ) -ss give the answer: *Answer Ex: 1/T a) b) c) 2/T * Correct the guessing 3’ 3/F T F T - T asks ss to listen to the tape POST – LISTENING : 2’ -ss listen and give answer Mapped Dialogue - Lan: Are you free, Mary? I want to take you Thang Loi park - Mary: Oh, yes I really like walking in the park - Lan: Be careful You’re walking on the grass you will kill the grass - Mary: Oh, sorry I didn’t see the sign IV.Production: V HOMEWORK : -Learn new words and the dialogue by heart - Do exercises 2,3 pages 6- in ex book * Questions 1.Do you know about Malaysia ? 2.How many populations are there in Malaysia ? -  THE END  - Date: September, 5th 3013 Period 5: UNIT : LESSON 4: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL READ I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to : - know more information about Malaysia One of the members of the Association of South East Asian ( ASEAN ), II LANGUAGE CONTENTS: Grammar: - The simple present ( review),- The simple past ( review) Vocabulary: - Association of South East Asian Nations (n)= ASEAN - Divide (v) - religion ( n) -Official (adj) - Comprise(v) - region (n) III TECHNIQUES: Guessing game, True/ False statements, Matching IV TEACHING AIDS: Pictures, book, chalk, poster V PROCEDURE: activities T’s and Ss’ Content I WARM UP : Tim e 5’ - T hangs the world map on GUESSING GAME the board and explains the 1/ This country borders with Laos and game Cambodia It has many tourist attractions - T gives some information The major cities are Bangkok, Chang Mai - Ss guess what that What country is it? ( Thai lan ) country is 2/.It is one of the cleanest country in the - T says “ Today we will world The country and the capital city share learn about Malaysia, a the same name Its population is about member country of Asian.” million people What country is it? ( Singapore) 3/.It is the country in ASIAN It has the Petronas Twin Towers The capital city is Kuala Lumpur What country is it ? (Malaysia) II Reading: PRE – READING : 15’ * New words : - Association of South East Asian Nation - Comprise (v): ( translation): bao gồm - T gives some new words - Divide (v) : = separate : chia - Ss guess meaning of new - Region (n) : area : vùng, miền words - Islam (n): ( situation) : Đạo hồi - T reads new words twice - Official ( adj): ( translation) : thức - Ss listen and repeat , Ss - Religion (n) : (situation): tôn giáo take note - Buddhism(n): ( situation) : Đạo Phật ... meaning of new words - T reads new words twice, Ss listen and - Mosque (n): ( picture) nhà thờ hồi giáo repeat - Pray (v) (action) : cầu - T checks new words by playing “Rut out nguyện - Peaceful... gives the-văn Miếu marks -cầu nguyện * Answer - thân thiện 1/ New words: West Tay, -nhà thờ Hồi giáo temple of Literature, Supply the correct verbs : pray, a/ I used (live ) in the countryside... Official ( adj): ( translation) : thức - Ss listen and repeat , Ss - Religion (n) : (situation): tôn giáo take note - Buddhism(n): ( situation) : Đạo Phật - T checks the words by playing “ Rub out

Ngày đăng: 22/03/2023, 15:59
