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HANOI UNIVERSITY OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDIES GRADUATION PAPER A STUDY ON INTEGRATING LISTENING - SPEAKING SKILLS TO ENHANCE THE SPEAKING SKILL FOR THE THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH MAJORED STUDENTS AT HUBT NGHIÊN CỨU VỀ VIỆC TÍCH HỢP KỸ NĂNG NGHE – NÓI ĐỂ CẢI THIỆN KỸ NĂNG NÓI CHO SINH VIÊN NĂM BA CHUYÊN NGÀNH TẠI HUBT HANOI, 2023 HANOI UNIVERSITY OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDIES GRADUATION PAPER A STUDY ON INTEGRATING LISTENING - SPEAKING SKILLS TO ENHANCE THE SPEAKING SKILL FOR THE THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH MAJORED STUDENTS AT HUBT NGHIÊN CỨU VỀ VIỆC TÍCH HỢP KỸ NĂNG NGHE – NĨI ĐỂ CẢI THIỆN KỸ NĂNG NÓI CHO SINH VIÊN NĂM BA CHUYÊN NGÀNH TẠI HUBT Field: English Language Name: Student’s code : Course : Superviser : HANOI, 2023 CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I, the undersigned, hereby certify my authority of the study project report entitled “A Study on Integrating Listening - Speaking skills to Enhance the Speaking Skill for The Third-Year English Majored Students at HUBT” submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor English Language Except for the indicated reference, no other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the text of the graduation paper Hanoi, 2022 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Ms Phan Phương Thúy, for her guidance, stimulating suggestions, support and encouragement Without her patience and understanding, this written work would not have been possible Furthermore, I want to extend thanks to the people who took part in the surveys and provided me with valuable data during this research Especially, I am deeply indebted to my friends from Faculty of English Language Studies and my family who always supported me with patient love, precious advices and enabled me to complete this work Finally, because of limitation of time and knowledge, some mistakes are unavoidable, thus, I wish to get your understanding and sympathy I really expect and highly appreciate your suggestions and contribution to better my graduation paper TABLE OF CONTENT CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii TABLE OF CONTENT .iii LIST OF ABBREVIATION v LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES vi PART A: INTRODUCTION .1 Rationale for the study Objectives of the study Research question .2 Scope of the study .2 Design of the study PART B: DEVELOPMENT Material Collection 1.1 Theoretical background .4 1.1.1 Overview of listening 1.1.2 Definition of Speaking 1.1.3 Importance of integrating listening skill and speaking skill 1.2 The survey 11 1.2.1 Participants 11 1.2.2 The survey questionnaire 11 Data Analysis 12 2.1 Perception of English majored students at HUBT of integrating Listening and Speaking skill 12 2.1.1 Perception of English majored students at HUBT of integrating Listening and Speaking skill 12 2.1.2 The perception of the importance of interegrating listening skill and speaking skill 13 2.2 The benefits of integrating listening and speaking skill 13 2.2.1 Enhance background knowledge .13 2.2.2 Put the knowledge of the target language in practical situations 14 2.2 Challenges of integrating speaking skill and listening skill 15 2.3 Some suggestions to overcome the challenges 16 Results 17 PART C: CONCLUSION 20 Recapitulation 20 Limitation of the study 20 Suggestion for further studies 21 REFERENCES 22 LIST OF ABBREVIATION Vocab: Vocabulary P: Page i.e.: id est (that is) e.g.: exempli gratia (for example) HUBT: Hanoi University of Business and Technology ESL: English as Second Language EFL: English as a Foreign Language LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Table 2.1 HUBT third-year English majors’s perception of integrating listening skill and speaking skill Table 2.2: The importance of integrating listening skill and speaking skill Table 2.3: Influence of Vocabulary and Word Expression Table 2.4: Benefits of practicing the target language in practical situations Table 2.5: Challenges of integrating Speaking skill and Listening skill Table 2.6: Suggestions to overcome the challenges ABSTRACT Nowadays, global integration takes huge effects on a wide range of fields on daily life, thus, there are more and more chances as well as requirements to communicate with people from other countries in the world And English, which is considered as the most common language used in almost nations and on official cases, become more essential now than ever To achieve success in four macro skills; Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking, vocabulary is known as the basic constituent; and how to learn it effectively is a matter faced by every student, particularly in EFL or ESL context Recently, a number of learning methods have been applied by professors and educators to investigate their effects and also show that different learners have their own strategy to boost their knowledge In the limit of this thesis, some workable and practical modus are mentioned to help people in concern improving vocabulary in specific and English skills in general In addition, it will figure out some wrong routines during this process and propose some solutions to advance learning approaches The findings will hopefully be useful for those who are interested in the topic as well as for further researches PART A: INTRODUCTION Rationale for the study English has long been a common language of the world, just using English you can communicate with more than 1.5 billion people on this planet English is used everywhere, from everyday life such as communication, movies, music to international business, conferences and organizations all use English for exchange According to the trend of globalization, it is impossible not to master English The English learner, from elementary pupils to students, from worker to government employers study English with the interest and enthusiasm But Vietnamese students, especially the English major students have a lot of difficulties in learning and practicing English speaking skill They often fall into confusion when speaking English because lack of professional knowledge, confidence, and the good learning method as well Interesting extra- activities prevent them from practicing and improving English That is the main reason why they not get the effective result in learning English, especially the English speaking skill Due to the above, I make effective methods in Speaking English by integrating listening and speaking skill with the hope that this can help the English major students at Ha Noi University of Business and Technology will study English speaking skill better in the near future That is the reason why I decided to choose the research with the title “A study on integrating Listening - Speaking skills to enhance the speaking skill for English - majored students at Hanoi University of Business and Technology Objectives of the study  Show the benefits of integrating Listening-Speaking skill to Enhance Speaking skill for the third-year English majored students at HUBT  Find out the challenges of students in integrating Listening-Speaking skill  Help students to work out their best approach to overcome the challenges and enhance Speaking skill Research question The study is conducted to answer the following questions:  What are the benefits of integrating listening and speaking skill to enhance speaking skills?  What are the challenges of integrating listening and speaking skill to learn speaking skills?  What can the students to integrate listening and speaking skill to enhance of speaking skill effectively? Scope of the study The study is about integrating listening and speaking skill to enhance of speaking skill for the third year English majored students at HUBT Because of the limitations of time and knowledge, this study cannot cover the whole issue of both two skills It only focuses on the benefits and solutions use integrating listening and speaking skill to enhance of speaking skill Moreover, the study could not touch all the students at HUBT, it was confined requisite to speaking effectively Articulation draws on pronunciation, whereas self-monitoring focuses on self-repair in speech production Within this framework, listening is essential for learners to enhance their background knowledge, vocabulary and grammar repertoire, and accurate pronunciation for advanced language learning Furthermore, the use of bottom-up and topdown processing for promoting listening skills provides additional opportunities for learners to focus on linguistic form Listening provides input in second language acquisition for coming to good terms with grammatical structures, lexical units, and phonological awareness Assigning students to a speaking activity after listening is a useful way to push them to put their knowledge of the target language in practical situations Exposing learners to the target language can encourage them to use it more independently Moreover, immersing them in a realistic setting to allow them to practice speaking boosts their confidence (Mart, 2019) Based on the previous surveys, this study is based on two last surveys to explore the benefits of integrating listening and speaking skill for the third year English majored students at HBUT 1.1.4 Benefits of integrating listening and speaking skill The attainment of proficiency in oral production hinges upon four fundamental processes: Conceptualization, Formulation, Articulation, and Self-monitoring (Levelt, 1989) While conceptualization refers to background knowledge, formulation deals with language skills which are considered a requisite to speaking effectively Articulation draws on pronunciation, whereas self-monitoring focuses on self-repair in speech production Within this framework, listening is essential for learners to enhance their background knowledge, vocabulary and grammar repertoire, and accurate pronunciation for advanced language learning Furthermore, the use of bottom-up and top10 down processing for promoting listening skills provides additional opportunities for learners to focus on linguistic form 1.2 The survey 1.2.1 Participants The data utilized in this research paper was gathered from a survey carried out among 100 HUBT third-year English majors who are 50 males and 50 females in classes TA24-04, TA24-06, TA24-07, TA24-08, TA 24-16 on 15th June, 2022 Then, the answers were collected at the same day 1.2.2 Methods This paper is conducted according to Quantitative Methods A questionnaire with multiple choice questions was given to the target population 1.2.2 The survey questionnaire The survey questionnaire consists of questions; divided into two main parts: one is for personal details and one for facts and opinions Personal details include questions about general information of the participants Facts and opinions are for the purpose of clarifying three research questions studying the use integrating listening and speaking skill to enhance of speaking skill of English major juniors at HUBT The first part of the questionnaire with two questions is to get the perception of English majored students of integrating listening and speaking skill to learn speaking skills of third-year English majored students in HUBT The third and the fourth question are to answer the benefit of integrating The fifth question shows the challenges of integrating listening and speaking to learn Speaking skill The last part of the questionnaire, the method to use integrating listening and speaking skill to enhance of speaking skill 11 Data Analysis 2.1 Perception of English majored students at HUBT of integrating Listening and Speaking skill 2.1.1 Perception of English majored students at HUBT of integrating Listening and Speaking skill For you, what is integrating listening Number skill and speaking skill? Percentages Combining listening and speaking at the 60 same time 60% Listening before speaking 20 20% Speaking before listening 15 15% I not know about integrating listening skill and speaking skill 5% Table 2.1 HUBT third-year English majors’s perception of integrating listening skill and speaking skill The table 2.1 presents for HUBT third-year English majors’s perception of integrating listening skill and speaking skill There are four sentences to answer the question about integrating listening and speaking skill In which, the highest is “combining listening skill and speaking skill” with three-fifths participants; and the people who not know about integrating listening and speaking is lowest (5%) The other belongs to listening before speaking (20%) and speaking before listening (15%) This means that the HUBT third-year English majored students have good knowledge about integrating 2.1.2 The perception of the importance of interegrating listening skill and speaking skill How you rate the importance of Percentages integrating listening and speaking skills? 12 Moderately important Very important Important Slightly important Not important 7% 70% 15% 5% 3% Table 2.2: The importance of integrating listening skill and speaking skill Table 2.2 displays data on students' perceptions of the importance of integrating listening and speaking skills to hen cane speaking skill with a classification into five levels, from moderately important to not important It is clear that the number of students who rated English speaking skill as very important has the highest percentage with seven-tenths and the number of students who thought English speaking skill as not important has the lowest percentage, with only 3% It suggests that almost every students participating in this study are aware of the importance of integrating listening skill and speaking skill to improve speaking skill 2.2 The benefits of integrating listening and speaking skill 2.2.1 Enhance background knowledge How can integrating listening and speaking skill help you enhance background knowledge? Percentages Raising vocabulary 50% Improving grammar 10% Improving pronunciation 40% Table 2.3: Influence of Vocabulary and Word Expression What is shown in the table 2.3 is factors which help students enhance their background knowledge through integrating Listening and Speaking skill A half of participant agreed that they can raise vocabulary based on integrating these skills Nearly the same with vocabulary, improving 13 pronunciation ranks at the second position with two-fifths of the participants’ selection And the final is improving grammar which is the lowest choice with only 10% selected 2.2.2 Put the knowledge of the target language in practical situations What is the benefits of putting the knowledge of the target language in practical situations when integrating listening and speaking skill? Number Percentages Exposing learners to the target 60 60% Immersing students in a realistic setting 36 36% Others 4% Table 2.4: Benefits of practicing the target language in practical situations The table 2.4 shows that the benefits of practicing the target language in practical situations It is oblivious that exposing learners to the target is the highest selection with three-fifths participants Besides, the participants can be immersed in a realistic setting when integrating listening and speaking skill, so that they can improve their speaking skill; which is selected by more than one-thirds of total participants This results are nearly the same with research of Mart (2019): Listening provides input in second language acquisition for coming to good terms with grammatical structures, lexical units, and phonological awareness Assigning students to a speaking activity after listening is a useful way to push them to put their knowledge of the target language in practical situations Exposing learners to the target language can encourage them to use it more independently Moreover, immersing them in a realistic setting to allow them to practice speaking boosts their confidence 14 2.2 Challenges of integrating speaking skill and listening skill What are your difficulties in integrating Speaking skill and Listening skill? Percentages Lack of background knowledge 12% Lack of facilities 20% Lack of environment 64% Other 4% Table 2.5: Challenges of integrating Speaking skill and Listening skill The table 2.5 presents for challenges of English majored students at HUBT in integrating listening skill and speaking skill More than three-fifths participants choose that they are lack of environment When being students at high school, they tried to learn grammar to overcome English tests; they ignore listening and speaking skills This is the main reason that leads to unconference in communicating, learning inside classroom is not enough for them to practice while some have problems with facilities which are selected by one-fifths of students These students are normally lack of facilities such as: laptop, internet, and so on Next is lack of background knowledge including grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and so on It has small part with 12% This indicates that the input of HUBT for English majored students is quite hopefully for the future Finally, the other give their opinion that they have other problems such as unconfident, nervous, poor listening skill Thus, it is recommending that students should understand about the difficulties and overcome the problems in speaking skill and listening skills as soon as possible 2.3 Some suggestions to overcome the challenges What should you to overcome the challenges to Percentages 15 integrate speaking skill and listening effectively? Create the environment to practice 60% Learn through social network 70% Listen to favorites movies or songs 90% Practice Speaking as much as possible 68% Record your voice 50% Table 2.6: Suggestions to overcome the challenges Somethings are shown in the table 2.6 are quite hopeful for both dynamic and shy students The result shows that these suggestions are very useful for them, because they can practice speaking based on their characteristic at everywhere and anytime It is the reason why “Listen to favorite’s movies or songs” and “Learn through social network” are selected the most Listening to favorite movies or songs is highest, which is selected by majority participants This is the best way for very students, who are shy in communicate directly; even people can practice everywhere at any time When people listen to movies or songs, their ears is not only listen, but also unconsciously receive information; this creates English environment naturally and help them improve listening skill as well as speaking skill Listening to English songs can help listeners master and use certain grammar patterns correctly in everyday conversation Besides, listening to English songs is the great way to improve pronunciation and accent Because singing along with favorite English songs helps students to reduce the accent and learn more about how to link words together when they speak, which greatly improves their pronunciation In addition, watching movies is a great way for you to improve English, especially listening and speaking skills Films are not usually created for English language learners – they are made for native English speakers Therefore, the language is exactly how you hear it in real 16 life – it is spoken quickly, with native accents and pronunciation and using many idioms and colloquial expressions This will help students to raise vocabulary when speaking and diversify context when listening Learning English through social network is quite high choice In the fact that, almost students have their own technology equipment such as mobiphone, laptop or computer, etc It is easy for them to connect or access social network Social network is an information system that provides the network user community with services of storing, providing, using, searching, sharing and exchanging information with each other, including the service of creating personal websites, forums, chat online Through social network they can join group chat of English to enhance their speaking skill, or even video call with foreign friends Next, one of the effective ways is “practice speaking as much as possible” Firstly, they can talk with your friends who are English majored students or who are interested in learning English Even, they can try to get over speaking English twenty-hour challenge Finally, “Record your voice” are 50% which is the smallest selection; however, it is also an effective method to help students use integrate Listening skill and Speaking skill to enhance Speaking skill When you record your voice and listen again to check, this impacts both your two skills If you make mistakes, you can know and improve or fix these errors to be a good speaker Results Based on the survey above, the paper obtained the following results Based on the survey above, the paper obtained the following results: The first is the perception of integrating listening and speaking skill The results show that being the third year students of Faculty of English Language 17 Studies, most of them have good knowledge about integrating listening and speaking skills which means combining two English skills in order to become more effective Besides, they have awareness that intergrating these two skills is very important to enhance speaking skill, which is approved by 70% in total participants in this survey However, to integrate listening and speaking effectively, students should raise their knowledge about the benefits and the difficulties of this method The second is the benefits of integrating listening skill and speaking skill to enhance speaking skill There are many advantages of integrating two skills such as: enhance background knowledge including enhance vocabulary, improve grammar and correct pronunciation The result shows that integrating two skills, students can enhance vocabulary and pronunciation the most Besides, integrating speaking and listening skills can help students practice the target language in practical situations by exposing learners to the target and immersing students in a realistic setting The next is challenges that students may face with integrating speaking skill and listening skill to enhance speaking skills The survey shows that students not have environment to practice directly, lack of background knowledge as well as lack of facilities and other problems such as nervous, poor listening skill These challenges are basically popular for most of students in HUBT, especially Covid 19 have just been controlled The students had to stay at home for a long time for social distancing That a reason why lack of environment is the highest choice of most students The final is suggestions to integrate speaking and listening skill to enhance speaking effectively by creating the environment to practice, learning through social network, listening to favorite movies or songs, practicing speaking as much as possible, and recording your voice These suggestions are judged quite hopefully for students in HUBT by result that 18 there is no choice under 50 percentages So it is suggested that students should combine these suggestions to reach higher efficient in improving speaking skill through integrating listening and speaking skills 19 PART C: CONCLUSION Recapitulation To sum up, after doing the research which based on primary data, it is clearly seen that it is very useful and important for the third year English majored in HUBT to integrate listening skill and speaking skill to enhance speaking Therefore, they have to understand the benefits of integrating two skills including improving background knowledge and practicing the target language in practical situations; the challenges such as lack of environment to practice, lack of background knowledge, lack of facilities or others So that, the participants can base on the suggestions above to overcome the challenges Besides, students should enhance their vocabulary and grammar, practice speaking English as much as possible or learn through social network or learn through their favorite songs or movies and so on to have natural reflex, vocabulary and word expression; confidence Limitation of the study Although the study has certain strong points such as collection methods, namely survey questionnaires for students, due to limited time, lack of sources, the researcher’s ability, and other unexpected factors, it is obvious that the study has got a number of short-comings First of all, due to the limited time, experience to some extent, the researcher could not conduct other methods such as interviews, observation or tests which can make the obtained results more reliable Secondly, due to the limitation of the word count in a graduation paper, the researcher only focused on students in the English majors which account for a small number of students at HUBT Therefore, the result of the study may not be generalized Besides, the researcher could not cover all the 20 aspects of speaking skill In addition, the techniques used in this research are selected from different reliable but limited sources In spite of the mentioned limitations, I hope that this exploratory research will contribute to improving better English speaking skill for students Suggestion for further studies Because of the limitation, this study could not cover all aspects of speaking skill Besides, the study only focuses on benefits, challenges and solutions for English majored students at HUBT in order to help them improve their speaking skill through integrating speaking and listening skills For further studies, to get better results, researchers should conduct other methods to collect data Together with using survey questionnaires, interviews, observation or tests are also necessary to get more persuasive conclusions All in all, although the study cannot avoid the limitation, the research has been completed under the guidance of the supervisor and self-effort Any comments and criticism will be highly appreciated for better further studies 21 REFERENCES Nunan, (1995) “Language Teaching Methodology”: A Textbook for Teachers NY: Phoenix Ltd., (p 593) Brown, H D (1994) Teaching by Principles-An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy Prentice Hall Regents Burns, A., & Joyce, H (1997) Focus on Speaking Sydney: National Center for English Language Teaching and Research Eckard and Kearny (1981), Florez (1999), Howarth (2001) Process Speaking Preparing to Repeat Yourself MET, 10(1), 39-44, and Abd El Fattah Torky (2006) Abd El Fattah Torky, S (2006) Florez, M A (1999) Improving Adult English Language Learners’ Speaking Skills ERIC Digest (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No ED: 435204) Bygate, M (1987) Speaking Oxford: Oxford University Press Goh, C (2008) Metacognitive Instruction for Second Language Listening Development: Theory, Practice and Research Implications RELC Journal: A journal of language teaching and research in Southeast Asia, 39(2), 188-213 Mansouri, B & Mantero, M (2019) Knowledge Construction in Concept-Based Language Instruction In J Liontas (Ed.), The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching, 1-8 Mart, Ç, T & Khajavi (Reviewing Editor) (2019) A comparison of form-focused, content-based and mixed approaches to literature-based instruction to develop learners’ speaking skills Cogent Education, 6(1), 1-27 22 QUESTIONNAIRE A STUDY ON INTEGRATING LISTENING - SPEAKING SKILLS TO ENHANCE THE SPEAKING SKILL FOR ENGLISH I am Ninh Thi Kim Ngan who is a student of Faculty of English Language Studies at Hanoi University of Business and Technology I am doing “A Study on Integrating Listening - Speaking Skills to Enhance the Speaking Skill for English - Majored Students at Hanoi University of Business and Technology” This questionnaire is designed to help me obtain data for my research project I highly appreciate your opinions which are apparently to the completion as well as the quality of our paper Thank you for your cooperation! Part I: Personal Details Gender: A Male B Female Are you English majored students at HUBT? A Yes B No What year are you a student? A The first- year B The second-year C The third-year D The fourth-year Part 2: Facts and Opinions Question 1: For you, what is integrating listening skill and speaking skill? A B C D Combining listening and speaking at the same time Improving listening skill before speaking skill Improving speaking skill before listening skill I not know about integrating listening and speaking skills Question 2: How you rate the importance of integrating listening and speaking skills? A B C D Moderately important Very important Important Slightly important 23 E Not important Question 3: How can integrating listening and speaking skill help you enhance background knowledge? A Raising vocabulary B Improving grammar C Improving pronunciation Question 4: What is the benefits of putting the knowledge of the target language in practical situations when integrating listening and speaking skill? A Exposing learners to the target B Immersing students in a realistic setting C Others Question 5: What are your difficulties in integrating Speaking skill and Listening skill? A B C D Lack of background knowledge Lack of facilities Lack of environment Other Question 6: What should you to overcome the challenges to integrate speaking skill and listening effectively? A B C D E Create the environment to practice Learn through social network Listen to favorites movies or songs Practice Speaking as much as possible Record your voice 24 ... SPEAKING SKILL FOR THE THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH MAJORED STUDENTS AT HUBT NGHIÊN CỨU VỀ VIỆC TÍCH HỢP KỸ NĂNG NGHE – NÓI ĐỂ CẢI THIỆN KỸ NĂNG NÓI CHO SINH VIÊN NĂM BA CHUYÊN NGÀNH TẠI HUBT Field: English

Ngày đăng: 11/12/2022, 10:12



