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TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC TÀI CHÍNH – MARKETING KHOA THƯƠNG MẠI BÀI THI KẾT THÚC HỌC PHẦN MÔN: VẬN TẢI VÀ BẢO HIỂM HÀNG HÓA XUẤT NHẬP KHẨU MÃ LỚP HỌC PHẦN: 2231702052101-09 LỚP: CLC- 20DTM06 GVHD: Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Loan Sinh viên thực hiện: Họ tên MSSV Trương Mỹ Hân 2021009048 Vũ Ngọc Minh Anh 2021009018 Bùi Thị Yến Nhi 2021009104 Tăng Tú Như 2021009111 TP HỒ CHÍ MINH - Tháng 12/2022 PHỤ LỤC Câu 1: Quy trình phát hành & lưu chuyển Master B/L House B/L thực tế 1.1 Thu thập Master B/L House B/L thực tế với thông tin rõ ràng dán vào MS Word 1.2 Vẽ sơ đồ phát hành lưu chuyển bước Master B/L House B/L 1.2.1 Sơ đồ phát hành luân chuyển bước Master B/L House B/L 1.2.2 Diễn giải quy trình lưu chuyển bước Master B/L House B/L 1.3 Trình bày khác biệt House B/L FIATA B/L Câu 2: Trình bày nội dung điều kiện bảo hiểm 10 2.1 Trình bày rủi ro bảo hiểm theo điều kiện (hoặc điều khoản) C, B, A ICC (2009) 10 2.2 Trình bày khác biệt ICC (2009) ICC (1982) 11 1/ 15 PHỤ LỤC HÌNH Hình 1 Master B/L Hình House B/L Hình Sơ đồ phát hành luân chuyển Master Bill House Bill 2/ 15 BẢNG PHÂN CÔNG NHIỆM VỤ Họ tên Trương Mỹ Hân Vũ Ngọc Minh Anh Bùi Thị Yến Nhi Tăng Tú Như Công việc cụ thể đóng góp Tỷ lệ % tham gia đóng góp tồn tiểu luận - Tìm Master B/L House B/L.(1.1) -Diễn giải quy trình phát hành luân chuyển bước Master B/L, House B/L.(1.2) -Tổng hợp 100% -Sự khác biệt House B/L FIATA B/L(1.3) -Rủi ro bảo hiểm theo điều kiện C, B, A ICC (2009)(2.1) -Sự khác biệt House B/L FIATA B/L(1.3) -Khác biệt ICC(2009) ICC(1982)(2.2) - Tìm Master B/L House B/L(1.1) -Vẽ sơ đồ quy trình phát hành luân chuyển bước Master B/L, House B/L(1.2) 3/ 15 100% 100% 100% Câu 1: Quy trình phát hành & lưu chuyển Master B/L House B/L thực tế 1.1 Thu thập Master B/L House B/L thực tế với thông tin rõ ràng dán vào MS Word Hình 1.1.1 Master B/L 4/ 15 Hình 1.1.2 House B/L 5/ 15 1.2 Vẽ sơ đồ phát hành lưu chuyển bước Master B/L House B/L 1.2.1 Sơ đồ phát hành luân chuyển bước Master B/L House B/L Hình 1.2.1 Sơ đồ phát hành luân chuyển bước Master B/L House B/L 6/ 15 1.2.2 Diễn giải quy trình lưu chuyển bước Master B/L House B/L Note: Full Name Role Minh Nguyen MINH NGUYEN IMPORT EXPORT AND SERVICES COMPANY Shipper Tan Kim Lien TAN KIM LIEN PTY LTD Consignee Ngo Phat NGO PHAT TS CO., LTD Forwarder in POL Airwave AIRWAVE (AUSTRALIA) PTY LTD Forwarder in POD Cosco Shipping COSCO SHIPPING Shipping agent • Issuing process Master B/L and House B/L: Step 1: After accepting the freight rate, MINH NGUYEN sends the booking request to NGO PHAT Step 2: NGO PHAT will base this booking request and send it to COSCO SHIPPING for booking space Step 3: COSCO SHIPPING receives a booking request from NGO PHAT and confirms the availability of space by issuing an Empty Release Order Step 4: NGO PHAT sends Empty Release Order to MINH NGUYEN Step 5: MINH NGUYEN takes the Empty Release Order and goes to CY for stuffing cargo (Marks & Nos.Container/ Seal No is FCIU5908963/ 8995643) 7/ 15 Step 6: MINH NGUYEN delivers the cargo container to NGO PHAT Here, MINH NGUYEN asks to use Sea Waybill, does not issue original B/L Step 7: NGO PHAT delivers the cargo container to COSCO SHIPPING Step 8: The cargo container is loaded on vessel CSCL LIMA 050S and transported BY COSCO SHIPPING LINE Step 9: COSCO SHIPPING issues Master B/L for NGO PHAT no COSU6204206990 on March 4, 2019 Step 10: NGO PHAT issues House B/L (Sea Waybill) for MINH NGUYEN no NPCO10115051 on March 4,2019 • Rotation process Master B/L and House B/L: Step 11: NGO PHAT sends Master B/L and relative documents to Airwave in destination port Additionally, NGO PHAT informs the Airwave about the use of Sea Waybill Then, the shipment was considered to have been released TAN KIM LIEN can come to pick up the goods without presenting the original House B/L Step 12: MINH NGUYEN sends necessary documents include the origin Sea Waybill to the so that TAN KIM LIEN can receive the goods in due time Step 13: Cargo container is transported to destination port Step 14: COSCO SHIPPING’S agent in destination port sends arrival notice(A/N) to AIRWAVE Step 15: AIRWAVE’S agent issues new A/N and sends to TAN KIM LIEN Step 16: AIRWAVE presents A/N and other required documents stated on the A/N for getting D/O and then pass this Master D/O to TAN KIM LIEN Step 17: TAN KIM LIEN presents A/N and other required documents stated on the A/N to AIRWAVE for getting the House D/O Step 18: TAN KIM LIEN uses Master D/O and House D/O to work with port and receive the goods 1.3 Trình bày khác biệt House B/L FIATA B/L House B/L Specification Based on consolidation of cargo 8/ 15 FIATA B/L Based on transshipment Definition House B/L is a bill of lading that the forwarder company’s logo may appear on the bill, but not the shipping companies The actual buyer is the consignee at HBL, not the shipper FIATA Bill of Lading or FIATA B/L or F.B/L is a combined or multimodal transport document of the “carrier type” Is issued by: Is issued by multi-modal transportation agent -Freight Forwarder Insurer -NVOCC (Non vessel operating common carrier) -Consolidator (acting as a shipper for the real cargo owner) Insurer’s responsibility Characteristics Issuer is accountable as a carrier for delivering a shipment to the designated port Issuer assumes complete liability from the time goods are received for shipment until they are delivered to the consignee -The ICC (international chamber of commerce) has not authorized this B/L) The FBL has received ICC approval and complies with the UNCTAD/ICC Rules for Multi-modal Transportation Documents -House Bill Lading does not belong to any organization The house bill lading format bill of lading can be used by any freight forwarder -House Bill Lading does not allow transshipment 9/ 15 -The FBL document’s copyright belongs to FIATA The standard FBL format multi-modal bill of lading may only be used by freight -House Bill Lading forms are usually white forwarders that are FIATA members -In addition to multimodal transport, FBL transport documentation can be used for singlemodal marine or land transit from port to port -FBL printed on blue paper The FBL transport documents have the FIATA logo in the center Câu 2: Trình bày nội dung điều kiện bảo hiểm 2.1 Trình bày rủi ro bảo hiểm theo điều kiện (hoặc điều khoản) C, B, A ICC (2009) Insured risk ICC (A) ICC (B) ICC (C) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Fire and Explosion Ships/vehicles ran aground, sunk, and capsized The transport vehicle overturned and derailed Vessels collide, or vehicles collide with any external object other than water 10/ 15 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Unloading goods at the port of refuge Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, lightning strikes Throw the goods off the ship, or the goods are swept out of the boat by the water Sacrifice the common loss General average and salvage costs Sea, river, and lake water overflowing into ships, barges, holds, containers, or cargo storage Loss of the entire package dropped from the ship or dropped during loading/unloading Water overflows into the side of the ship The pirate, theft and non-delivery 2.2 Trình bày khác biệt ICC (2009) ICC (1982) ❖ Difference • In term use: -Goods converted to the subject of insurance Officials are replaced by employees (Clause 4.3) Guarantees are replaced by insurance companies (Clause 17) • Risks excluded from lack of packaging or delivery: 11/ 15 - ICC 1982 excludes incomplete or nonconforming packaging even if a third party does it (e.g., third-party supply or packaging) - ICC 2009: Exclusions are currently limited to the following: the insured or his employees are solely responsible for the incomplete or unsuitable packing or preparation of the goods; these were done before the effective date of this coverage • Exclusion risk for which the immediate cause is the delay Article 4.5 - ICC 1982 provides: "Loss, damage or expense which is directly attributable to delay even if an insured peril causes the delay." • Exemption risk due to default - Clause 4.6 - ICC 1982 provides for the disclaimer of the insurer as follows: "Loss, damage or expense due to insolvency or financial insufficiency of the owner, manager or manager ship, charterer or operator" - ICC 2009 further provides that this exclusion applies only if, before or at the time the subject-matter insured is loaded on board the vessel, the policyholder becomes aware of the owner's insolvency The inability of the charterer to pay may impede the duration of the sea voyage • Exempt risks from the use of nuclear weapons or radioactive substances -ICC 2009 modified some of the languages used in ICC 1982 to make them more relevant to reality Detail: - "Derived from" becomes "directly or indirectly caused by or arising from." ICC 2009 mentions that direct or indirect losses arising from the above risks have been eliminated Because weapons, especially nuclear weapons, cause immediate and long-term consequences, indirect consequences are huge - "Weapon of War" is expanded to "Any Weapon or Equipment." This change has a broader scope as it is more than just weapons They were used for war and nonwar purposes, such as terrorism, which may include a new weapon known as a "dirty bomb" or a device that releases radioactive material Terrorists can use this weapon to poison large areas • Exempt risk due to acts of terrorism ICC 2009 has been expanded to reflect increased harm as well as an increase in incentives Accordingly, under no circumstances will this insurance cover loss, damage, or expense caused by any person acting on behalf of or in connection with acts of coercion or violence intended to overthrow, overthrow or influence any organization or government, whether legally established or not • Spatial coverage and time coverage -According to ICC 1982, goods are truly insured only when they leave the warehouse or place of storage at home stated in the policy to commence transit Until ICC 2009, coverage is in effect from when the goods are first moved to the 12/ 15 warehouse or storage location (specified in the policy) for direct loading on the conveyance vehicle Onto the vehicle or transport vehicle to initiate the delivery -Termination of coverage under ICC 2009 is the completion of discharge rather than on delivery as in ICC 1982 • This provision of ICC 2009 (Article 10.1) continues to be more specific than that of ICC 1982 ICC 2009 avoids using the term "held most cover" in ICC 1982, instead specifying what the insured should and other related events -Article 10.2 of ICC 2009 was added to ICC 1982 to deal with situations involving "ghost ships," undocumented ships, and taking cargo delivery Shipping is to go to another place and then sell the goods Accordingly, insurance is deemed to be in force if the destination of the means of transport changes and the insured and their employees change Due to unspecified location changes, ICC 2009 has been revised to better suit and protect the insured's interests • Insurance benefits -Clause 15, ICC 1982 provides: This insurance shall not apply to the carrier's interests or any other third party in charge of receiving and securing the goods -Article 15, ICC 2009 has more specific and clear provisions on this This insurance covers explicitly the Insured who may claim or another person acting on their behalf in a practical policy, otherwise known as an authorized person This insurance will not be extended to other benefits 13/ 15 Nguồn tài liệu: https://www.scribd.com/document/402748304/So-sanh-ICC-1982-va-ICC-2009docx?fbclid=IwAR16lhClCVUDHGjCRf3k8KTXIp9S11TWjl_I2kj1WoS4gTz5xg Qc5xFXAgw https://www.msig.com.vn/vi/bao-hiem-doanh-nghiep/bao-hiem-hang-hoa-vanchuyen?fbclid=IwAR16POpWanGAaWQiMKfFhMkrUx08rxKdhB2QWaxNwSr wtls822mLMhoK1mI 14/ 15
Ngày đăng: 06/12/2022, 08:54
à tên (Trang 4)
Hình 1.1.1
Master B/L (Trang 5)
Hình 1.1.2
House B/L (Trang 6)
Hình 1.2.1
Sơ đồ phát hành và luân chuyển các bước của bộ Master B/L và House B/L (Trang 7)