SA DUNG LIEN TlTfiNG TRDNG QDA TRINH KHAM PHA TRI THUll Mill CHD HDC SINH QUA DAY HDC HINH HOG TliS V O X U A N IVIAI" Ngay nhdn bdi 29/03/2016; ngdy sua chua 14/04/2016; ngdy duyit ddng 19/04/2016 Ab[.]
SA DUNG LIEN TlTfiNG TRDNG QDA TRINH KHAM PHA TRI THUll Mill CHD HDC SINH QUA DAY HDC HINH HOG TliS V O X U A N IVIAI" Ngay nhdn bdi: 29/03/2016; ngdy sua chua: 14/04/2016; ngdy duyit ddng: 19/04/2016 Abstract: Currently, problem-solving method has been applied by teachers in teaching mathematics al high school, encouraging students to engage in mental activities (imagining, expressing, conjecturing and convincing) to promote understanding and get knoioledge In this article, we propose a process of organizing cognitive activity to apply imagination for teaching geometry at high school in order to improve mathematics learning quality Keywords: Imagination, discover neu) knowledge, teaching geometry T huyet lien tudng la mgt ttpngnhunqthuyetquan trpng cua tam li hpc, nhieu quan diem cua thuyet naydadupcvandungtrongquatrinhdayhpc Theo li thuyet nay, su nhd Igi mot s u vat, hien tuong nao dan tdi sunhcf laisuvat, hien \\sm^ khac ggi la Sen tudng Lien tudng giup cho chu the nhan tlit>c thay dugc moiquanhegiiJa cac doituong nhan thu'c v6i nhau, giup ngudi lioc l