As a final year English student at Duy Tan University, I have acquired extensive knowledge, skills, and practical experience through my academic studies and diverse learning opportunities I firmly believe that English serves as a universal language, facilitating effective communication among people from different backgrounds.
The translation field has become increasingly diverse, encompassing various sectors such as economics, culture, politics, education, social issues, science and technology, tourism, literature, and more The recent pandemic has significantly impacted our economy, prompting a focus on the positive aspects of economic organization and problem-solving This approach not only helps manage individual actions but also addresses the underlying issues within organizations Additionally, my growing understanding of economists' successes has provided valuable insights that will benefit my future endeavors.
I aimed to deepen my understanding of economics, focusing on how individuals and society utilize limited resources to produce essential goods and services and distribute them among community members.
- To show my ability in translating and interpreting documents.
- To improve some skills in translation as well as analysis of difficult points or something to easy to make misunderstand
- To have more opportunities to get more knowledge about major in translation
- To translate text smoothly and naturally
- To analysis complicated words, phrases, idioms, structures, contexts, …etc.
- To give some implications and solutions for teaching and learning English,especially translation.
This book explores the dual aspects of group dynamics, highlighting both the reasons behind group failures and the keys to their successes Each chapter delves into critical factors that the authors examine and discuss However, this paper will concentrate exclusively on chapter 11 due to time constraints.
The chapter that we choose to translate is the book
“Wisher Getting Beyond Group Think to Make GroupSmarter” from pages 181 to pages 294, include 5000 words.
The book has 13 chapters and I choose chapter 11 to translate The name of chapter 11 is “Prediction Markets”.
This is a part of the book “Wisher Getting BeyondGroup Think to Make Group Smarter” by Cass Sunstein,2004.
The book “Wisher Getting Beyond Group Think to Make Group Smater” includes two parts and thirdteen chapters It is organized as follows:
Chapter 1: From High Hopes to Fiascos
Chapter 6: Eight Ways to Reduce Failures
Chapter 7: A Framework for Improvement: Identifying and Selecting Solutions
Chapter 8: When Are Crowds Wise?
Chapter 9: How to Harness Experts
Chapter 10: Tips for Using Tournaments
This book presented through the following main parts:
Chapter I includes rationale, aims and objectives, scope of study, text features, text length and text organization
Chapter II is theoretical background about translation
Chapter III is the original version of chapter 11
“Prediction Market”, which is followed by my suggested translation
Chapter IV contains the analysis of some typical difficult words, phrases and structures
Chapter V consists of difficulties which I encounter and solutions which help me overcome these drawbacks
Chapter VI will be the summary of findings, experiences I gained through this graduation paper and some suggestions which I wanted to send to my university and department
Translation is the process clearly presenting the relation between at least two languages: source language and target language
There are many different definitions of translation given by some well-known linguistic experts as follows:
“Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language.”
“Translation is a process of rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text.”
“Translation is the process of conveying messages across linguistic and cultural barriers.”
Understanding the various types of translation and their corresponding methods enhances our ability to identify and comprehend them effectively By familiarizing ourselves with these translation types, we can minimize errors during the translation process.
J.C Catford categorizes translation into two types: full and partial Full translation involves converting every element of the source text into its equivalent in the target language, ensuring a comprehensive representation of the original content.
Example: I got the first job of my life at a bakery
I got my first job ever at a bakery, where I learned the ins and outs of the baking process and the importance of customer service Working in this vibrant environment allowed me to develop new skills and build relationships with both coworkers and customers This experience not only introduced me to the world of baking but also taught me valuable lessons about teamwork and dedication.
Example: Already, violence has increased since former U.S President
Donald Trump’s administration reached an agreement with the Taliban in February 2020
Bạo lực tăng đáng kể từ khi cính quyền cựu tổng thống Hoa Kỳ Donald Trump đạt được thỏa thuận với Taliban vào tháng 2 năm 2020.
2.2.2 Total vs Restricted Translation ٭ Total translation is defined as replacement of SL grammar and lexis by equivalent target language grammar and lexis with consequential replacement of SL phonology/graphology by (non-equivalent) target language phonology/ graphology.
Example: Everyone must follow the law.
Everyone is required to adhere to the law Restricted translation involves substituting source language text with equivalent text in the target language, focusing on a single level, such as phonology or graphology, or one of the two levels of grammar and lexis.
In this type of translation, the phonology of the source language is primarily substituted with its equivalent in the target language, while other significant replacements are minimal Consequently, the grammar and vocabulary of the source text often persist in the target text, with only a few specific grammatical or lexical deviations occurring during the translation process.
In phonological translation, sometimes grammatical or lexical changes may result accidentally.
In graphological translation, sourse language graphology is replaced with equivalent target one without other considerable replacements.
Example: Internet => in-tơ-nét 2.2.5 Transliteration
Transliteration is a multifaceted process that involves the phonological translation of source language graphological units into their corresponding target language equivalents Initially, the graphological units of the source language are substituted with their phonological counterparts Next, these phonological units are converted into equivalent phonological units in the target language Finally, the target language phonological units are transformed into the appropriate graphological units.
2.2.6 Free, literal, and word-for-word translation
A “free” translation is always unbounded while
“word-for-word” translation generally means what it says.
"Literal" translation occupies a middle ground between extreme translation methods It often begins as a "word-for-word" translation but adapts to the grammar of the target language by incorporating additional words and altering sentence structures As a result, it can transform into a group-group or clause-clause translation.
Example: He who laughs today may weep tomorrow
• Free translation: Cười người chớ vội cười lâu
• Literal translation: Cười người hôm trước hôm sau người cười
• Word-for-word translation: Hôm nay anh ấy cười, ngày mai có thể khóc.
Word-for-word translation involves placing the target language directly beneath the source language, maintaining the original word order This method translates each word based on its most common meaning, regardless of context, often resulting in a literal translation of cultural terms Typically employed in the pre-translation phase, word-for-word translation serves as a foundational step in the translation process.
Example: I want to buy a new dress.
Tôi muốn mua một chiếc váy mới.
Literal translation serves as a pre-translation process where grammatical structures from the source language are converted to their closest equivalents in the target language In this approach, lexical words are translated individually, without considering the surrounding context.
Example: I will deal with this problem
Tôi sẽ giải quyết vấn đề này.
A faithful translation strives to accurately convey the original meaning within the grammatical limits of the target language It effectively transfers cultural nuances while maintaining the original text's grammatical and lexical uniqueness The goal is to remain true to the author's intentions and the overall expression of the source language.
Example: Raining cats and dogs
This approach emphasizes the aesthetic value of the source language text, prioritizing its beautiful and natural sound over strict adherence to meaning It avoids jarring elements like assonance, wordplay, or repetition in the final translation Additionally, it opts for culturally neutral terms for less significant cultural words instead of direct cultural equivalents, making minor concessions to enhance readability for the audience.
Example: There is a pierce dog in the house.
Có một con chó giữ ở trong nhà.
Free translation reproduces the matter without the manner, or the content with out of the form of the original.
It is a kind of meaning-based translation and usually a paraphrase much longer the original, a so-called “intra- lingual translation” This is the “freest” form of translation.
Example: I looking for my dog.
Tôi đang kiếm con chó của mình.
Adaptation is a specialized form of translation primarily used for plays and poems, where the original theme, characters, and plots are maintained while transforming the source language's cultural elements into those of the target language This process often involves rewriting the text by a recognized dramatist or poet to ensure cultural relevance and artistic integrity.
Example: the sound of music.
This method reproduces the “message” of the source text but tends to distort nuances of meaning by favoring colloquialisms and idioms where these do not exist in the original.
Example: Better luck next time
Thua keo này ta bày keo khác
Communicative translation is a method focused on conveying the precise contextual meaning of the original text, ensuring that both the content and language are easily understood and accessible to the target audience.
The translation should reflect accurately the meaning of original text Nothing should be arbitrarily added or moved, though occasionally part of the meaning can be “transpose”.
Example: If the weather hadn’t been so sad, we could have gone out.
Chúng ta sẽ đi ra ngoài nếu thời tiết tốt hơn.
In translation, it's essential to maintain a close alignment between the order of words and ideas in the original text This adherence is crucial for preserving the form and sequence of words In English, emphasis can be achieved through techniques like inverting word order and employing specific structures, such as "No sooner … than," "It was/is … that," and "Only by …".
Example: No sooner had I left home than my grandmother went back
Ngay khi tôi rời khỏi nhà thì ông bà đến
The levels of formality in language significantly influence translation outcomes To achieve an accurate translation, it is essential for translators to carefully consider how the writer or speaker establishes tone, distinguishing between formal or fixed expressions and personal expressions.
Example: Distinguished Guests => Kính thưa các vị khách vị
A translator should generally maintain the original style of the text; however, if the source material is poorly written or excessively repetitive, it is acceptable for the translation to address these issues for the benefit of the reader.
Example: Would you like to drink coffee or tea?
Bạn muốn uống cà phê hay trà?
One of the important and difficult parts of the translation is idiom “Idiomatic expressions are notoriously untranslatable These include similes, metaphors, proverbs, sayings, jargons, slangs, colloquialisms and phrasal verbs”
If translators cannot directly translate the expressions, they should consider some followings:
Preserve the original word, in inverted commas.
Keep the original expression, with a literal explanation in brackets.
Use a non-idiomatic or plain prose translation.
Example: as strong as a horse
A common criticism of translation is its lack of naturalness, often due to the translator's strong adherence to the original text To overcome this, translators can benefit from setting the source material aside and translating a few sentences aloud from memory This practice helps to reveal natural thought patterns in the target language that might be overlooked when focused solely on the source text.
Nguyên tắc ngón tay cái.
To produce a high-quality translation, it is essential for translators to have a strong grasp of various theories, categories, methods, and principles of translation Additionally, understanding and applying the fundamental rules of translation is crucial for achieving accuracy and coherence in the translated text.
“Translation Theory” - Nguyen Manh Quang, I have some following rules:
"Proximity" refers to "nearness" in English To ensure clarity in language, a Modifier should be positioned close to the word it modifies, whether the Modifier is a single word, a phrase (such as a P-group, V-ing(ed) group, or Inf-group), or a clause.
Example: (1) Peter hit his classmate only on the head.
=> Peter đánh bạn cậu ta chỉ vào đầu thôi.
(2) Peter hit his classmate on his only nose.
=> Peter đánh vào cái đầu duy nhất của bạn mình.
(3) Peter hit only his classmate on the nose
=> Peter chỉ đánh mình bạn cậu ta vào đầu.
In English, mistakes caused by incorrectly placing the position of modifiers are called misplaced modifiers.
The speech elements of the same grammatical function must be performed in an only similar structural form.
Similar structural form may be either a single word, a P-group, V-ing/ed group, Inf-group or an S-group (clause).
More specifically, when sentence elements have the same grammatical function, a Noun must be parallel toNoun, an Adjective parallel to an Adjective
Example: My younger brother likes playing soccer, learning math and watching comedy programs. The Rule of conjunctions of Coordinating Form
The rule of parallelism is strictly used when we are expressing a series of similar ideas in which we have to use conjunctions "AND" and "OR"
Example: (1) I like walking and playing badminton.
(2) Are you coming or not? The Rule and Correlative Conjunctions
Correlative conjunctions are those such as BOTH AND, EIHER OR, NEITHER NOR, NOT ONLY… BUT ALSO, etc
Example: (1) Neither Elly nor her husband likes cat.
(2) Singer Dong Nhi is not only pretty but also very talented.
Prediction markets have emerged as a powerful tool for accurately forecasting events, often outperforming traditional deliberating groups Their effectiveness warrants attention, as they not only enhance the quality of deliberation but also provide valuable insights into collective intelligence Additionally, prediction markets can serve as beneficial instruments for various private and public organizations, offering practical applications in decision-making processes.
P2 Hayek and the Price System
To understand prediction markets, we should begin with Friedrich
Hayek, the great twentieth-century critic of socialism and economic
Thị trường dự đoán đã chứng minh sự thành công trong việc dự đoán các sự kiện, thường vượt trội hơn so với các tổ chức có chủ đích Những thị trường này cần được chú ý vì chúng cung cấp những hiểu biết quan trọng, cải thiện cuộc thảo luận và phản ánh tri thức tập thể Hơn nữa, thị trường dự đoán thực tế có thể là công cụ hữu ích cho cá nhân và tổ chức công cộng.
To understand prediction markets, it's essential to begin with Friedrich Hayek, a prominent critic of socialism and economic planning in the 20th century Hayek highlighted the significance of free markets, particularly as a mechanism for gathering and integrating information His most notable contribution to social theory is encapsulated in his influential works.
In his essay, Hayek argues that the primary benefit of prices is their ability to aggregate the diverse knowledge and preferences of individuals, capturing far more information than any central planner or governing body could manage He highlights the unique and unshared nature of information, underscoring the limitations of centralized decision-making.
A well-functioning market must consider the dispersed and often contradictory bits of knowledge, which encompass not only facts about products but also individual preferences and tastes Hayek emphasizes the significance of this unorganized information in shaping market dynamics and ensuring effective decision-making.
Hayek nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng của thị trường tự do, đặc biệt là trong việc thu thập và kết nối thông tin Đóng góp nổi bật nhất của ông cho tư tưởng xã hội được thể hiện qua tiểu luận ngắn nhưng sâu sắc năm 1945 mang tên “Việc Sử Dụng Tri Thức vào Xã Hội.”
Trong bài tiểu luận, Hayek nhấn mạnh rằng lợi thế chính của giá cả là khả năng tổng hợp kiến thức và sở thích của khách hàng, điều mà không thể đạt được bởi bất kỳ kế hoạch nào từ một nhóm hay ban trung ương Ông chỉ ra rằng thông tin không được chia sẻ một cách hoàn chỉnh và thường mâu thuẫn, bao gồm không chỉ các sự kiện về sản phẩm mà còn cả sở thích và thị hiếu của người tiêu dùng Tất cả những yếu tố này cần được xem xét trong một thị trường hoạt động hiệu quả Hayek cũng khẳng định rằng kiến thức quan trọng nhưng không được tổ chức sẽ không thể được coi là khoa học theo nghĩa quy tắc chung, mà là kiến thức về hoàn cảnh cụ thể của thời gian và địa điểm.
Hayek argues that the fundamental economic challenge lies in effectively utilizing the vast, unorganized, and dispersed knowledge possessed by individuals He emphasizes that no single person or centralized authority can fully access or comprehend this wealth of information The collective knowledge of diverse individuals far surpasses that of even the most knowledgeable and carefully selected group of experts, highlighting the limitations of central planning in addressing economic issues.
Aristotle was right in his hopes for deliberation, Hayek shows that the possibility of surpassing the quality of the few best thinkers certainly does hold for free markets.
Hayek nhấn mạnh rằng vấn đề cốt lõi là làm thế nào để tổng hợp kiến thức, điều này không thể được coi là khoa học theo nghĩa của những quy luật chung, mà là kiến thức về hoàn cảnh cụ thể của thời gian và địa điểm.
Theo Hayek, vấn đề kinh tế cốt lõi là cách kết hợp kiến thức phân tán và không tổ chức, mà không ai hay nhóm nào có thể giải quyết triệt để Các nhà hoạch định trung ương không thể tiếp cận toàn bộ kiến thức mà nhiều cá nhân sở hữu, và kiến thức này thường vượt trội hơn so với những chuyên gia được lựa chọn cẩn thận Điều này dẫn đến câu hỏi liệu Aristotle có đúng về hy vọng của sự suy xét hay không, nhưng Hayek đã chỉ ra rằng chất lượng kiến thức mà một số tư tưởng gia xuất sắc không thể nắm bắt được sẽ được thể hiện rõ trong thị trường tự do.
Hayek emphasizes that when the challenge lies in synthesizing information, the price system often provides the most effective solution In scenarios where knowledge is widely distributed among individuals, prices serve as a remarkably concise and precise mechanism for coordination and signaling.
They incorporate dispersed knowledge and in a sense also broadcast it, because the price itself operates as a signal to all
P6 Even better, the price system has a wonderfully automatic quality, particularly in its ability to respond quickly to change If fresh information shows that a product – a television, a car, a tablet, a watch
– doesn’t work, people’s demand for it will rapidly fall, and so too the price And when a commodity suddenly becomes scare, its users must respond to that event In
Theo Hayek, thị trường hoạt động rất hiệu quả không phải vì mỗi người tham gia có thể thấy tất cả thông tin, mà bởi vì giải pháp tốt nhất thường đến từ hệ thống giá cả Trong một hệ thống mà kiến thức về các sự kiện liên quan được phân tán giữa nhiều người, giá cả đóng vai trò như một công cụ điều phối, báo hiệu chính xác và nhanh chóng Giá cả không chỉ là tín hiệu cho mọi người mà còn kết hợp kiến thức phân tán và trong một ý nghĩa nào đó, chúng cũng tự quảng bá.
Hệ thống giá cả có khả năng tự động điều chỉnh nhanh chóng, phản ứng hiệu quả với sự thay đổi của thị trường Khi thông tin mới xuất hiện về một sản phẩm như ti vi, ô tô hay máy tính bảng không còn hoạt động tốt, nhu cầu và giá cả sẽ giảm nhanh chóng Sự phản ứng kịp thời của người tiêu dùng là rất quan trọng trong tình huống này Theo quan điểm của Hayek, thị trường hoạt động hiệu quả nhờ vào việc thông tin liên quan được truyền đạt đến mọi người thông qua giá cả.
Hayek emphasizes that the price system functions as a remarkable mechanism for registering changes and facilitating communication among producers He deliberately uses the term "marvel" to jolt readers from their complacency regarding this intricate system According to Hayek, the price system embodies an extraordinary collective intelligence, as it aggregates individual knowledge and establishes the right incentives This complexity arises because no single participant can perceive all its characteristics, making price the essential means of conveying relevant information.
P7 Vì vậy, Hayek đính chính rằng
Hệ thống giá không chỉ là một phép ẩn dụ mà còn được ví như một cỗ máy ghi lại sự thay đổi, hoặc một hệ thống viễn thông giúp các nhà sản xuất theo dõi các chỉ tiêu Hayek mô tả quá trình này như một kỳ công, nhằm gây sốc cho người đọc về sự thỏa mãn mà chúng ta thường có với hoạt động của cơ chế Theo ông, hệ thống giá là một cơ chế thông minh, thu thập thông tin từ nhiều nguồn khác nhau, vừa dựa trên kiến thức của mọi người, vừa không thể tạo ra động lực phù hợp.
P8 To be sure, there is a real question of whether Hayek was right or whether markets might also encode mistakes and confusion (as behavioral economists Robert,
Vocabulary is essential for effective document translation, as words can have multiple meanings and may not fit the context perfectly While dictionaries provide definitions, relying solely on them can lead to inaccuracies It’s crucial for translators to thoughtfully select words to ensure clarity and precision in their translations.
Multi-meaning words are those that possess multiple definitions in the dictionary Their usage relies heavily on the specific context or sentence in which they appear, allowing for the most appropriate meaning to be conveyed While I often encounter challenges when selecting these words, I typically revisit the original text to grasp its intended meaning, enabling me to choose the most fitting words for clarity and coherence.
Indeed, such markets often seem to do better than deliberating groups (P1)
According to the Oxford Dictionary, there are three meaning of “deliberate”:
[1] (adjective) done on purpose rather than by accident
[2] (adjective) (of a movement or an action) done slowly and carefully
[3] (verb) to think very carefully about sth, usually before making a decision
The term "deliberate" has multiple definitions in the dictionary; however, in this context, it serves as an adjective Therefore, I opted for the primary meaning, which translates to "chủ đích" in Vietnamese.
Suggested version: Quả thực, những thị trường như vậy dường như thường làm tốt hơn những tổ chức có chủ đích.
Hayek intentionally uses the term "marvel" to emphasize the extraordinary nature of the processes at play, aiming to jolt readers from their complacency regarding how these mechanisms function.
Acoording to the Oxford Dictionary, the word
[1] a wonderful or surprising person or thing
[2] wonderful results or things that have been archieved
Based on the context of this sentence, I choose the second meaning to translate into Vietnamese version, the word “marvel” means “kỳ công”
Hayek mô tả quá trình này như một kỳ công, nhằm gây sốc cho người đọc về sự thỏa mãn mà chúng ta thường có với hoạt động của cơ chế, coi đó là điều hiển nhiên.
The firm created a prediction markets, in which its employees could place “bets” about a variety of outcomes of importance to the company.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word “bet” has two meaning:
[1] to risk money on a race or an even trying to predict the result
The term "bet" can imply both "to wager" and "to predict," but in this context, the most appropriate interpretation is "to wager." This usage highlights the certainty of a situation or outcome, emphasizing the significance of the statement.
Công ty đã phát triển một thị trường dự đoán cho phép nhân viên "đặt cược" vào nhiều kết quả khác nhau, từ đó thể hiện tầm quan trọng của công ty.
In countless domains, their forecasts have proved extremely accurate, with prices generally operating as probabilities (P15)
According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word
“domain” has some meaning as:
[1] an area of knowledge or activity; especially one that sb is responsible for
[2] lands owned or ruled by a particular person, government, … especially in the past.
[3] a set of websites on the Internet which end with the same group of letters, for example “.com”, “.org”
[4] The range of possible values of a particular variable
The term "domain" has various definitions in the dictionary, but it holds a singular, relevant meaning in this context For the Vietnamese translation, I selected the most fitting definition to ensure it aligns with the intended message of the sentence.
Suggested version: Ở vô số lĩnh vực với giá cả hoạt động chung như xác suất, các dự đoán của họ là cực kỳ chính xác
Translating idioms and phrasal verbs poses significant challenges, as it requires a comprehensive understanding of the entire phrase's meaning An idiom is defined as a collection of words whose meaning differs from the literal interpretation of its individual components, while a phrasal verb consists of a verb combined with an adverb or preposition, creating a new meaning To achieve accurate translation, one must find equivalent expressions in the target language (TL) that convey the same meaning.
By and large, the outcomes of Google’s prediction markets turned out to be stunningly accurate (P11)
In Oxford dictionary, this word has many meanings as follows:
[1] to use a control to switch a piece of equipment on or off, or to adjust it to change the amount of what it is producing
[2] to become, change into, or come to be something.
[3] to shape a piece of wood while it is attached to a machine that spins it.
[4] to move in a circle around a fixed point or line.
There are two meanings for the word “turn out” such as: “quay”,
“hướng về”, chuyển đổi” và “đã trở nên” However, in this context of the sentence, I think the meaning “đã trở nên” is the most suitable.
Suggested version: Nhìn chung, kết quả thị trường dự đoán của Google có đã trở nên chính xác đến kinh ngạc.
Example 6: The blind leading the blind
In particular, Shiller argues that informational cascades and herd behavior affect stock prices, with investors following one another in a process of the blind leading the blind (P8)
The idiom "the blind leading the blind" refers to individuals who lack experience or knowledge yet attempt to guide others It highlights the irony of inexperienced individuals directing others, emphasizing the potential pitfalls of following misguided leadership.
Shiller nhấn mạnh rằng các tầng thông tin và hiệu ứng bầy đàn có tác động lớn đến giá cổ phiếu, khi những nhà đầu tư thiếu kinh nghiệm và kiến thức vẫn dẫn dắt người khác theo cách của mình.
Specific terms pertain to a particular field and pose a significant challenge in the translation process Successful translation necessitates the translator's comprehensive understanding of the subject matter in both languages.
The likely answer lies in the marginal-trader hypothesis, which emphasizes the behavior of a small group of traders who are less susceptible to biases (P30)
The "marginal trader hypothesis" refers to theories and marginal relationships within economics In Vietnamese, this concept is translated as "học thuyết giao dịch cận biên," highlighting its significance in economic analysis.
Câu trả lời có thể được tìm thấy trong học thuyết giao dịch cận biên, nhấn mạnh đến hành vi của một nhóm giao dịch nhỏ với ít định hướng.
A distinct bias that might be expected to affect prediction markets is the favorite-long-short bias often seen in horse races (P31)
The noun phrase "favourite long-short bias" presents challenges in translation To address this, I employed a free translation method that aligns with the context of the sentence My proposed Vietnamese translation for this phrase is "định hướng của sự ưa chuộng lâu dài-ngắn hạn."
A simple sentence has one main clause and no subordinate clause It expresses a complete thought.
A number of years ago, Hewlett-Packard (HP) and the California Institute of Technology initiated a project to study prediction markets as an information aggregation mechanism involving product sales (P20)
A number of years ago: Averbial phrase of time
Hewlett-Packard (HP) and the California Institute of
a project to study prediction markets as an information aggregation mechanism involving product sales: O
This is a simple sentence that has two subjects linked together by conjunction “and”
Suggested version: Cách đây vài năm, Hewlett-Packard (HP) và Học Viện
Công Nghệ của California đã khởi xướng một dự án nghiên cứu thị trường nhằm dự đoán doanh thu sản phẩm, sử dụng cơ chế tổng hợp thông tin hiệu quả.
Many companies are now using prediction markets to aggregate diverse views.
Suggested version: Bây giờ, nhiều công ty đang sử dụng thị trường dự đoán để tổng hợp các quan điểm đa dạng.
A compound sentence contains at least two independent clauses There two independent clauses can be combined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction or with a semicolon
The coordinators are as follows: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so (The first letter of each of the coordinator spells
FANBOYS) Except for very short sentences, coordinators are always preceded by a comma.
The market's final forecast predicted 50.9 percent of the national vote for President Obama and 48.4 percent for Mitt Romney; the final tally was 50.6 percent for Obama, 47.8 percent for Romney (P25)
The market's final forecast predicted 50.9 percent of the national vote for
President Obama and 48.4 percent for Mitt Romney
; the final tally was 50.6 percent for Obama, 47.8 percent for Romney
Independent clause 2 This is compound sentence, and two clauses are linked together by a coordinating semicolom “;”
The final market forecast predicts a national vote distribution of 50.9% for Obama and 48.4% for Mitt Romney, with the final tally showing Obama at 50.6% and Romney at 47.8%.
A complex sentence consists of at least one independent clause and one dependent clause Dependent clauses may provide information about the subject using words like "who" or "which," indicate time with terms such as "since" or "while," or express causal relationships through "because" or "if." Complex sentences with noun clause
A noun clause is a dependent clause that functions as a noun It can be a subject, object, complement or in apposition to a noun.
A noun clause can function as a subject or object of a sentence.
Noun clauses are subordinate clauses functioning as nouns and typically begin with words like how, that, what, and when These clauses can serve various roles in a sentence, including subjects, direct objects, and objects of a preposition While noun clauses are frequently used in English, their usage is less common in Vietnamese.
Hayek argues that the primary benefit of prices lies in their ability to aggregate the diverse knowledge and preferences of numerous individuals, capturing a wealth of information that surpasses what any central planner or governing body could compile.
The primary benefit of prices lies in their ability to consolidate the knowledge and preferences of numerous individuals, integrating a wealth of information that surpasses what any central planner, organization, or board could compile.
The central advantage of prices lies in their ability to aggregate the knowledge and preferences of numerous individuals, incorporating far more information than any central planner or governing body could gather This concept serves as a noun clause functioning as the direct object of the sentence, while also acting as an object modified by the verb "claims."
Trong bài tiểu luận, Hayek nhấn mạnh rằng giá cả đóng vai trò quan trọng trong việc tổng hợp kiến thức và sở thích của khách hàng Ông cho rằng không có nhóm hay ban lập kế hoạch nào có thể thu thập và kết hợp nhiều thông tin hơn so với cơ chế giá cả, từ đó tạo ra sự hiệu quả trong việc phân bổ tài nguyên.
Participants made forecasts about when products would launch, their likely success, and many other prospects (P10)
The clause “when products would launch, their likely success, and many other prospects” is a noun clause which makes function as the object of the preposition “about”.
Suggested version: Những người tham gia đưa ra dự đoán vào lúc sản phẩm được đưa ra, khả năng thành công của họ và nhiều triển vọng khác.
For Hayek, the key economic problem is how to incorporate that unorganized and dispersed knowledge. (P4)
The clause “how to incorporate that unorganized and dispersed knowledge” is a noun clause which plays the role of a subject complement
“the key economic problem”, provides a deeper description and clarification of the subject.
Suggested version: Đối với Hayek, vấn đề kinh tế mấu chốt là cách để kết hợp các kiến thức không tổ chức và phân tán đó. Complex sentence with adverbial clause
An adverbial clause is a dependent clause that serves the purpose of an adverb in a sentence These clauses are essential for adding depth to sentences and are categorized into eight distinct types: time, place, manner, reason, condition, concession, purpose, and comparison.
And when a commodity suddenly becomes scare, its users must respond to that event (P6)
The dependent clause “when a commodity suddenly becomes scare” is an adverbial clause playing as an adverbial The subordinate conjunction used is
“when” so this is an adverbial clause of time.
Suggested version: Và khi một mặt hàng đột nhiên trở nên báo động, người sử dụng nó phải phản ứng lại sự việc đó.
Because participants stand to gain or lose from their investments, they have a strong incentive to use (and, in that sense, to disclose) whatever private information they hold (P13)
The dependent clause "because participants stand to gain or lose from their investments" serves as an adverbial clause of reason, with the subordinate conjunction "because" clearly indicating the rationale behind the statement.
Người tham gia có động lực mạnh mẽ để sử dụng và tiết lộ thông tin cá nhân của mình, vì họ có thể thu được lợi ích hoặc chịu thiệt hại từ các khoản đầu tư của mình.
Although the market runs on token credits, participation is encouraged through prizes: the top investors receive a $200 gift certificate and, even more coveted, a special embroidered shirt (P18)
The phrase "although the market runs on token credits" serves as an adverbial clause of concession, highlighting a contrast with the main statement The author employs the subordinating conjunction "although" to emphasize this distinction effectively.
Mặc dù thị trường đang hướng tới thẻ tín dụng có mã thông báo, nhưng việc tham gia vẫn được khuyến khích thông qua các giải thưởng hấp dẫn Các nhà đầu tư hàng đầu có cơ hội nhận phiếu quà tặng trị giá 200 đô la và có thể nhận thêm một chiếc áo sơ mi thêu đặc biệt.
The markets were organized so that securities existed for intervals of sales (P21)
The phrase "so that securities existed for intervals of sales" functions as an adverbial clause of purpose, utilizing the subordinate conjunction "so that" to convey its intent.
Suggested version: Các thị trường được tổ chức để chứng khoán tồn tại trong khoảng đầu tư bán hàng.
If this point holds in general, prediction markets might not be accurate with respect to highly improbable events (P32)
The phrase "If this point holds in general" functions as a conditional adverbial clause, typically outlining the conditions relevant to the main clause of a sentence.
As we all know, English Translation – Interpretation is a very common language, but I still have to deal with a lot of difficulties.
When I was a student at Duy Tan University, I was exposed to a variety of lessons and skills that were taught and directed by professors Not only have I studied a variety of fields, but I've also worked in a professional and pleasant environment However, despite the lessons I learned in school, I continue to face difficult problems.
Because when switching from one language to another, every language has its own unique characteristics.
I often struggle with a limited vocabulary and insufficient knowledge in the field I'm translating, which makes it challenging to find the right terms, phrases, or idioms This leads me to explore multiple translation options and decipher the meanings of words with various interpretations Consequently, I invest excessive time searching for and researching suitable translations across websites, the internet, and dictionaries.
When translating complex sentences from a source language to a target language, mastering grammar is crucial I often encountered lengthy and intricate sentences that took me days to comprehend and translate accurately This challenge, combined with time constraints, left me feeling overwhelmed and powerless at times Nevertheless, I persevered and managed to overcome these obstacles, ultimately completing my graduation paper successfully.
After completing my graduation thesis, I significantly enhanced my translation skills and problem-solving abilities To refine my paper, I utilized original texts and relevant documents from my field, meticulously clarifying challenging terminology and structures I consulted various resources, including the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionary, and Vdict Dictionary online, to ensure accurate interpretations Additionally, I engaged in discussions with friends to gain further insights.
I applied my knowledge to thoroughly analyze the structure, grammar, and vocabulary of the text, recognizing the importance of each sentence component in the translation process To ensure accuracy, I carefully reviewed the document in both English and Vietnamese Additionally, I strive to achieve a natural and fluid translation whenever possible.
When addressing challenges, it is essential to approach them with caution and patience We should focus on generating positive outcomes through careful planning and dedicated practice By establishing a structured schedule, we can enhance our skills and expand our knowledge across different areas.
To cultivate a more positive mindset and create a relaxed atmosphere, I engaged in social activities with friends, shared my thoughts with family, and enjoyed comedies and music Despite facing various challenges during the translation process, I committed myself to overcoming them and delivering the best possible version.
Completing my graduation paper on the book "Wisher: Getting Beyond Group Think to Make Groups Smarter" provided me with valuable insights into the advantages of collaboration This resource enriched my understanding and allowed me to enhance my knowledge and skills acquired at Duy Tan University It also guided me toward relevant documents related to my future career, reinforcing the importance of teamwork in professional development.
The graduation paper holds significant importance for me and fellow English majors at Duy Tan University's Faculty of English Although time constraints may lead to potential errors in word usage, structural analysis, and phrase translation, the unwavering support from my supervisor, family, and close friends has been instrumental in helping me complete this crucial academic work.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the dedicated instructors at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, whose invaluable contributions have significantly enhanced my academic understanding of English over the past four years.
I would like to give some suggestions for Faculty of Foreign Languages - Duy Tan University:
Professors should enhance students' translation analysis skills by offering diverse and engaging teaching materials that cater to their abilities By incorporating a wide range of topics, educators can create enriching learning experiences that motivate students to practice and deepen their understanding of translation.
Duy Tan University's Faculty of Foreign Languages aims to create an environment that enhances practical experience for students By offering more opportunities for translation and interpretation practice beyond the classroom, the department can help students build their confidence and skills.
I hope Duy Tan University will offer relevant extracurricular courses that allow students to engage in diverse projects This initiative would provide valuable experience and knowledge, ultimately boosting students' confidence in completing their graduation papers.
1 Nguyễn Mạnh Quang (2013) Translation Theory Textbook
Department of Foreign Languages, Duy Tan University.
2 Stephen P Robbins, Timothy A Judge (2012) Organizational Behavior Pearson Education.
3 Lawrence J Gitman, Carl Mcdaniel, Amit Shah, Linda Koffel, Bethann Talsma, James C Hyatt (2018) Introduction to Business.
4 Wisher Getting Beyond Group Think to Make Group Smarter” by Cass Sunstein, 2014.
5 Trần Thị Thơ (2008) Basic English Grammar Department of
Foreign Languages, Duy Tan University.
7 Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary (1995), Cambridge University Press.
11 sentence
12 clauses/
13 bs-place/
14 bs-time/