In today's technologically advanced society, communication within households has become a significant concern, as family members often struggle to connect with one another Despite the rise of social media, where individuals frequently share their lives online, genuine interactions and sharing among family members are increasingly rare This shift towards digital communication has led to a decline in meaningful conversations, further constraining familial relationships.
I chose to translate the book "Handbook of Family Communication" by Anita L Vangelisti (2007) to deepen my understanding of contemporary communication methods within the social sector This exploration aims to enhance my knowledge of how individuals interact in today's culture.
I chose to translate Chapter 4 of the "Handbook of Family Communication" into "Communication in Marriage" due to time and capacity limitations This section was selected because effective communication between couples significantly influences the longevity of their relationship.
I have a strong interest in social issues, especially those related to family dynamics, which motivated me to deepen my understanding of this subject With my knowledge of social topics and translation skills, I aim to achieve a comprehensive translation that will be well-received.
This is why I picked An Analysis of the Suggested Translation of the Book
“Handbook of Family Communication” by Anita L.Vangelisti, 2007 as the topic for my graduation paper.
Aims and Objectives
- To present the ability to translate and analyze a document
- To gain more knowledge about social field
- To summarize knowledge I learned in during four years of university
- To have a suggested translation for students studying to read and refer
- To analyze complicated words, phrases, idioms, contexts, and etc.
- To help myself improve in translating
- To give some implications and solutions for teaching and learning English, especially translation.
Scope of the Study
To grasp the complexities discussed in the book, this paper will concentrate solely on chapter 4, comprising 3,619 words, due to time limitations It will examine the challenges encountered in the translation process, highlighting the application of English grammar, syntax, and the semantics of the vocabulary used within the chapter.
This book consists of 07 parts with 30 chapters Due to limited time, I decided to translate and analyze chapter 04 "Communication in Marriage" of the book
This chapter addresses common communication issues faced by couples and explores their impact on daily life, personal relationships, and psychological well-being It also presents research-based solutions designed to mitigate these challenges and improve communication dynamics.
Chapter 4 of the book, titled "Communication in Marriage," spans pages 83 to 96 and consists of over 3,500 words This chapter delves into the essential role of effective communication in fostering a healthy marital relationship.
The book is organized into seven sections and thirty chapters The book has
Part I: Family Definitions, Theories, and Methods
Chapter 1: Theories of Family Relationships and A Family Relationship
Chapter 2: Studying Family Communication: Multiple Methods and Multiple
Part II: Communication Across the Family Life Course
Chapter 3: Research on Mate Selection and Premarital Relationships: What Do
Chapter 6: Keeping All Five in the Air: Jiggling Famiy Communication at
Chapter 7: An Exploration of the Marital and Family Issues of the Later-Life
Part III: Communication in Various Family Forms
Chapter 8: Communication in Intact Families
Chapter 9:Communication in Divorced and Single-Parent Families
Chapter 11: The Family Lives of Lesbians and Gay Men
Chapter 12: Communication, Families, and Exploring the Boundaries of
Part IV: The Relational Communication of Family Members
Chapter 13: Mothers and Fathers Parenting Together
Chapter 14: The Developmental Origins of Communication: Interactional
Chapter 15: Communication Competencies andSociocultural Priorities of
Chapter 16: Parent - Child Communication During Adolescence
Chapter 17: Extended Family and Social Networks
Chapter 19: Communication, Conflict, and the Quality of Family
Chapter 21: Emotion and Communication in Families
Chapter 22: Social Support Communication in Families
Chapter 23: Imagining Families Through Stories and Rituals
Part VI: Communication and Contemporary Family Issues
Chapter 24: Discourses on Diapers and Dirty Laundry: Family
Communication About Child Care and Housework
Chapter 25: The Mass Media and Family Communication
Chapter 26: Technology and the Family
Chapter 27: The Influence of Drugs and Alcohol on Family Communication: The Effects That Substance Abuse Has on Family Members and the Effects That
Family Members Have on Substance Abuse
Chapter 28: Violence and Abuse in Families
Chapter 29: Family Influences on Health: A Framework to Organize Research and Guide Intervention
Chapter 30: The Family of the Future: What Do We Face?
This text comes from the book “Handbook of Family Communication ” edited by Anita L Vangelisti - the Jesse H Jones Centennial Professor of Communication at the University of Texas at Austin
During my four years at Duy Tan University, I gained extensive knowledge and skills in English, culminating in this graduate thesis aimed at enhancing my vocabulary and understanding of linguistic structures This work also reflects my awareness of social and cultural issues, showcasing my comprehensive education in the field.
Translation Theory
Translation is a concept that varies based on individual perspectives across different life domains, and as such, it lacks a definitive definition Linguists worldwide have proposed various interpretations of translation, highlighting its subjective nature and the diverse approaches to understanding this intricate process.
“Translation is the expression in another language (target language) of what has been expressed in one language (source language), preserving semantic and stylistic equivalencies.”
(Peter Newmark , A Textbook of Translation)
“Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (source language) by equivalent textual material in another language (target language)”
(Catford, J.C (1965), A Linguistic Theory of Translation, Oxford)
“Translation is a process of conveying messages across linguistic and cultural barriers”
(Tudor Ian, Dr (1965), About translation theory, Cambridge)
Translation encompasses various types, each requiring a specific strategy to effectively convey the meaning from the source language to the target language Understanding these different translation methods is essential for ensuring a smooth and accurate translation process.
According to J.C Carford in Catford, J.C (1965), “ A Linguistic Theory of
Translation”, there are two categories of translation : Full and Partial.
(i) Full translation: In the process of translation, every part of the entire text in the source language is submmitted by the equivalent in the target language
They got there early, and they got really good seats
→ Họ đến đó sớm và họ có chỗ ngồi thật sự tốt.
(ii) Partial translation: There are some parts of the source language that are not translated but put into the target language.
“Áo dài” là một trong những trang phục truyền của phụ nữ Việt Nam
→ “Ao dai” is one of the tranditional costumes of Vietnamese women
Total translation refers to the complete replacement of all levels of the source language text with target language material However, the term can be misleading, as it is not feasible to fully replace every level of the source language in the target language, despite the concept of total replacement being present.
There is a legend about a bird which just once in its life, more sweetly than any other creature on the face of the earth.
→ Có một truyền thuyết về một con chim chỉ hót một lần trong đời, nhưng nó hót ngọt ngào hơn bất cứ loại chim nào trên trái đất này.
"Restricted translation refers to the process of substituting source language text with equivalent target language content, but limited to a single level This can occur at either the phonological or graphological level, or it may focus solely on one of the two grammatical or lexical levels."
In America, they eat what they can, and they can what they can’t.
→ Ở Mỹ, họ ăn những gì ăn được và đóng hộp những gì không ăn được.
Language into the closest sound in the target language Meanwhile, transferred word translation means transferring a word in sources language into target language.
Beafsteak → Bít tết Guitar → Ghi ta
Transliteration is essential for accurately representing words or phrases from one language to another that uses a different writing system By employing diacritics or digraphs, transliteration effectively addresses the challenges posed by varying character counts between different alphabets.
Principles and Methods of Translation
When identifying suitable translation methods, we will conduct translation based on exact principles to have a good translation In the book Blackwell Duff A,
(1990), “Translation”, O.U.P, Alan Duff gave the following principles:
Alan Duff, in his work "Translation," emphasizes that translation should accurately reflect the original text's meaning without any arbitrary additions or omissions A skilled translator must adhere to this principle to ensure fidelity to the source material.
- The meaning of original text must be clear, if not, we must find out the uncertain points.
- Some words are “loaded”, that is, are they containing underlying implications? (“correct me if I’m wrong…”suggests “I know I’m right”)
- Is the dictionary meaning of a particular word the most suitable one.
- Anything in the translation sounds unnatural or forced.
In translation, maintaining the original order of words and ideas is crucial, especially for legal documents such as contracts and guarantees However, variations in language structure may necessitate adjustments in word form and order To clarify emphasis, underline the key words in the original text when uncertain.
Languages vary significantly in their formality levels, particularly in contexts like business letters To effectively navigate these differences, translators must identify formal or fixed expressions versus personal expressions that reflect the writer's or speaker's tone.
Idioms is one of the important parts in the translation According to A.Duff,
“Idiomatic expressions are notoriously untranslatable These include similes, metaphor, proverbs, sayings (as good as gold), jargons, slangs, colloquialisms and phrasal verbs.”
If translators cannot directly translate the expressions, they should consider some followings:
- Preserve the original word, in inverted commas.
- Keep the original expression, with a literal explanation in brackets.
- Use a non-idiomatic or plain prose translation.
A Duff, in his Translation , gives some advices that the translator should retain the style of the original Nevertheless, if there are the written negligence or tedious repetition in the text without implications, the translator may, for the readers’ sake, right the short comings.
One common criticism of translation is that it often doesn't sound natural, primarily due to the translator's strong reliance on the original text To overcome this issue, a useful technique is to set the source material aside and translate a few sentences aloud from memory This approach encourages the use of natural thought patterns in the translator's first language, which may be overlooked when focusing solely on the source language.
Translators require effective translation strategies to ensure smooth and accurate translations from the original language to the target language A strong understanding of various translation methods is essential for translators to achieve this goal M.A Nguyen Manh Quang outlines several key translation methods in his book, which are crucial for enhancing the translation process.
Word-for-word translation refers to an interlinear translation where the target language is positioned directly beneath the source language This method maintains the original word order and translates each word directly, using the most common meanings without considering context It often involves a literal translation of cultural terms Typically, word-for-word translation is utilized during the pre-translation phase.
He is a student → Cậu ấy là một học sinh
Literal translation serves as a pre-translation process, where the grammatical structures of the source language are converted to their closest equivalents in the target language In this approach, lexical words are translated individually without considering the surrounding context.
This programme is sponsored by Walls
→ Chương trình này do hãng Walls tài trợ
This approach strikes a balance between the literal interpretation of words in the source language and the syntactic structures of the target language By considering the context, it aims to deliver a more accurate representation of the original text's meaning.
The thing that must be protected is not your body
→ Cái cần phải giữ không phải là xác của anh.
Semantic translation emphasizes the importance of aesthetic quality in the source language (SL) text During the translation process, the translator must enhance the final version to eliminate assonance, wordplay, or jarring repetitions In such instances, less significant cultural terms may be translated using culturally neutral or functional equivalents rather than direct cultural counterparts, allowing for minor adjustments to better suit the readership.
She has a sunny smile on her face.
→ Cô ấy có gương mặt với nụ cười tỏa nắng.
Adaptation is commonly employed in translating plays and poetry due to its flexibility as a translation method This approach allows for the preservation of themes, characters, and plots while transforming the cultural elements of the source language into those of the target language, resulting in a rewritten text that resonates with the new audience.
“The Scarlet Letter” → “Nét chữ ô nhục”
This translation method conveys the original message by utilizing equivalent expressions in the target language It is essential to incorporate idioms specific to the target language to accurately express ideas However, idiomatic translation can sometimes obscure subtle meanings by prioritizing colloquialisms and idiomatic phrases that may not be present in the source text.
Blood is thicker than water
→ Một giọt máu đào hơn ao nước lã
This translation method generates a text that lacks the original style, form, or content, while still preserving the intended meaning Essentially, it reflects the process of paraphrasing, where phrases are altered yet the original sense remains intact.
Usually it is a paraphrase much longer than the original.
That guy is as poor as a church mouse.
→ Anh ta nghèo rớt mồng tơi.
Communicative translation focuses on conveying the precise contextual meaning of the original text while ensuring that both the content and language are easily understood by the reader This method is especially effective for translating conventional phrases and proverbs, as it incorporates cultural nuances The goal of communicative translation is to evoke the same response in the target language reader as the source text does in its original language.
Hoan Kiem is an enchanting body of water, a peaceful oasis away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
→ Hồ Hoàn Kiếm là một hồ nước đẹp, yên tĩnh nằm ở trung tâm ồn ào.
[1] The most common reason for which people seek professional help is relationship problems (Veroff, Kulka, &
Douvan, 1981), and poor communication is the relationship problem most frequently identified by couples
Marital therapists identify dysfunctional communication as the most common and harmful issue faced in couples therapy (Broderick, 1981; Geiss & O’Leary, 1981) Consequently, extensive research has been dedicated to understanding communication dynamics within marriage, as highlighted by studies available in PsychINFO.
(1967–2002) search using the key words marital and communication yields 2,062 entries, whereas the same search of
Sociofile (1974–2002) turns up 416 entries Similar searches using the key words love and marital yield 501 and
The study of communication emerges as a dominant theme, as evidenced by the 213 references cited While these figures require a more in-depth analysis of the papers' content for comprehensive understanding, they suggest a significant focus on communication within the research.
Hầu hết mọi người tìm đến sự giúp đỡ của chuyên gia vì các vấn đề về mối quan hệ, với sự hạn chế trong giao tiếp là vấn đề phổ biến nhất ở các cặp vợ chồng Các bác sĩ trị liệu hôn nhân cũng chỉ ra rằng rối loạn chức năng giao tiếp là một vấn đề thường gặp và nghiêm trọng, gây khó khăn cho họ trong việc hỗ trợ các cặp đôi này.
Nhiều nghiên cứu đã chỉ ra tầm quan trọng của giao tiếp trong hôn nhân Một tìm kiếm trên PsychINFO từ năm 1967 đến 2002 với từ khóa “hôn nhân” và “giao tiếp” đã cho ra 2.062 mục nhập, cho thấy sự quan tâm lớn đến chủ đề này Tương tự, một tìm kiếm trên Sociofile từ năm 1974 cũng xác nhận xu hướng nghiên cứu về giao tiếp trong mối quan hệ hôn nhân.
Năm 2002, có 416 mục nhập liên quan đến nghiên cứu hôn nhân, trong khi các từ khóa “tình yêu” và “hôn nhân” thu hút lần lượt 501 và 213 lượt truy cập Mặc dù không thể phân tích sâu các số liệu này mà không có thông tin chi tiết về nội dung, nhưng có thể kết luận rằng nghiên cứu về giao tiếp là một chủ đề nổi bật trong tài liệu hôn nhân.
The study of communication in marriage is complex, drawing from various disciplines, each with its own traditions This chapter does not aim for a comprehensive review but highlights significant findings and suggests new research directions It is structured into three sections: the first offers a historical overview of marital communication research, focusing on communication and psychology; the second emphasizes key findings; and the third outlines future research avenues necessary for a deeper understanding of marital communication.
Số lượng tác phẩm về giao tiếp trong hôn nhân là một thách thức lớn cho các nhà văn, bởi lĩnh vực này có nhiều góc nhìn từ các lĩnh vực khác nhau, mỗi lĩnh vực lại có ranh giới riêng giữa truyền thống và các phụ ngành Chương này không nhằm cung cấp một đánh giá toàn diện mà chỉ tập trung vào một số phát hiện quan trọng và đề xuất những hướng nghiên cứu mới trong lĩnh vực giao tiếp hôn nhân.
Chương này được chia thành ba phần: Phần đầu tiên giới thiệu bối cảnh lịch sử của giao tiếp trong hôn nhân, nhấn mạnh các khía cạnh giao tiếp và tâm lý Giai đoạn này tạo nền tảng cho phần thứ hai, nơi các phát hiện quan trọng được trình bày Cuối cùng, giai đoạn thứ ba xác định các hướng nghiên cứu cần thiết để nâng cao hiểu biết về giao tiếp trong hôn nhân.
[3] Although the study of marriage is an interdisciplinary endeavor, two disciplines have been at the forefront of research on marital communication.
Both communication and psychology are relatively new fields in the study of marital communication, with systematic research in these areas developing only in recent years.
In the early 1900s, social reform initiatives aimed at addressing the negative impacts of challenging economic and social conditions on families marked the beginning of a new era in family studies.
1900s (Jacob, 1987) An important element of this emerging science was the attention devoted to relationships between spouses and family members
Nghiên cứu về hôn nhân là một lĩnh vực liên ngành, trong đó giao tiếp và tâm lý học đóng vai trò chủ chốt Mặc dù cả hai ngành này còn tương đối mới mẻ trong việc nghiên cứu giao tiếp trong hôn nhân, nhưng những công trình nghiên cứu trong lĩnh vực này đã bắt đầu xuất hiện từ sau những năm gần đây.
Vào đầu thế kỷ 20, những nỗ lực cải cách xã hội nhằm đối phó với tác động tiêu cực của điều kiện kinh tế và xã hội đối với gia đình đã đánh dấu một bước khởi đầu quan trọng trong nghiên cứu gia đình (Jacob, 1987) Thời kỳ này chứng kiến sự chú ý đặc biệt đến các mối quan hệ giữa vợ chồng và các thành viên trong gia đình.
[4] Indeed, Burgess (1926) defined the family in terms of its interaction, namely, as “a unity of interacting personalities” (p.5) However, it was not until 1959 that this definition gave rise
Burgess (1926) đã định nghĩa gia đình là “sự thống nhất của các tính cách ảnh hưởng đến nhau” (trang 5), nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng của sự tương tác trong gia đình Tuy nhiên, định nghĩa này chỉ được công nhận trong một ấn phẩm thực nghiệm vào năm 1959 bởi Hess và các cộng sự.
Handel’s qualitative analysis of internal family dynamics in 1959 marked a significant shift in the study of marital communication, which had previously relied on large-scale surveys by sociologists to explore factors influencing marital satisfaction Nye (1988) reflected on the evolution of this research over 50 years, noting that early studies, such as those by Burgess and Cottrell in 1939, sought to correlate various individual characteristics with marital success, achieving a correlation coefficient of approximately 0.50 Despite this initial progress, Nye suggested that advancements in understanding marital dynamics had stagnated over the decades.
Năm 1959, nghiên cứu về động lực nội bộ gia đình đã được phân tích định tính, đánh dấu một bước tiến trong việc hiểu biết về giao tiếp trong hôn nhân Trước đó, các khảo sát quy mô lớn do các nhà xã hội học thực hiện đã chỉ ra mối tương quan giữa sự hài lòng trong hôn nhân và giao tiếp Để đánh giá lại 50 năm nghiên cứu trong lĩnh vực này, Nye (1988, trang 315) đã chỉ ra rằng từ rất sớm, vào năm 1939, Burgess và Cottrell đã thu thập mọi đặc điểm cá nhân có thể và tương quan chúng với sự thành công trong hôn nhân, tạo ra hệ số R.
50 Đó là một khởi đầu không tệ, nhưng chúng ta đã không tiến độ nhiều ngoài thời điểm đó trong 50 năm.”
[5] Research on family communication as a specialty area in the communication discipline was inaugurated by two dissertations (Fitzpatrick, 1976; Rogers,
1989, it had built sufficient momentum to be established as an interest group in the National Communication