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DUY TAN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGLISH BUI TU VI – GRAD UATIO N PAPER IN ENGLI SH LINGU ISTICS - 2022 BUI TU VI AN ANALYSIS OF THE SUGGESTED TRANSLATION OF THE BOOK “HANDBOOK OF FAMILY COMMUNICATION” BY ANITA L.VANGELISTI, 2007 GRADUATION PAPER IN ENGLISH LINGUISTICS DA NANG, 2022 DUY TAN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGLISH GRADUATION PAPER AN ANALYSIS OF THE SUGGESTED TRANSLATION OF THE BOOK “HANDBOOK OF FAMILY COMMUNICATION” BY ANITA L.VANGELISTI, 2007 Major : English for Translation – Interpretation SUPERVISOR : VO THI PHUONG THAO STUDENT : BUI TU VI CLASS : K24NAB1 STUDENT CODE : 24203114634 DA NANG , 2022 Graduation Paper Supervisor : Vo Thi Phuong Thao, MA ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This graduation paper could not have been completed without the invaluable help, guidance and encouragement of my dear teachers, friends and family First of all, I would like to thank my teacher Vo Thi Phuong Thao, who went ahead and supported, helped and provided me with necessary documents I consider myself extremely lucky to have her as my supervisor She always answered my questions in a frank and timely manner, so that I could successfully complete this graduation report Next, I would like to express my sincerest thanks to the teachers of Faculty of English of Duy Tan University, who have provided me with invaluable knowledge during my years of study at the school, allowing me to be independent believe in the future In addition, I would also like to thank all of my classmates for supporting and sharing experiences with me during my years at university Finally, I would like to thank my family, who have always supported and guided me, and most importantly, have always been by my side, supporting me to complete my graduation report on time I wish you good health and great success! Yours sincerely ! BUI TU VI Student : Bui Tu Vi Class : K24NAB1 Code: 24203114634 Graduation Paper Student : Bui Tu Vi Supervisor : Vo Thi Phuong Thao, MA Class : K24NAB1 Code: 24203114634 Graduation Paper Supervisor : Vo Thi Phuong Thao, MA STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP Except where reference is made in the text of the thesis, this thesis contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in the whole or in part from a thesis by which have qualified for or been awarded another degree or diploma No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the thesis This thesis has not been submitted for award of any degree or diploma in any other tertiary institution Danang May 9th , 2022 BÙI TÚ VI Student : Bui Tu Vi Class : K24NAB1 Code: 24203114634 Graduation Paper Supervisor : Vo Thi Phuong Thao, MA ABSTRACT Political speeches in English and Vietnamese are a ‘fertile land’ where this study can investigate and discover the basic characteristics of argumentation power of antithesis and stylistic features of rhetorical devices in antithesis Based on the analysis result of the achieved statistical information detected from the embedded cultural elements, argumentation as well as politics, this study will (a) explain some concepts involved, (b) point out argumentation power of antithesis and stylistic features of rhetorical devices in antithesis in English political speeches and then in Vietnamese political speeches (c) discover the similarities and differences of these features in political speeches between the two languages Next, the implications for language teaching and learning, for translators as well as anyone who are interested in political speeches are put forward Finally, further researches are suggested for those who are in favor of this topic to go on perfecting this research Student : Bui Tu Vi Class : K24NAB1 Code: 24203114634 Graduation Paper Supervisor : Vo Thi Phuong Thao, MA ABBREVIATIONS A : Adverb Adj : Adjective C : Complement Co : Object Complement Cs : Subject Complement Et al : (Et Alia) : And others O : Object S : Subject V : Verb Student : Bui Tu Vi Class : K24NAB1 Code: 24203114634 Graduation Paper Student : Bui Tu Vi Supervisor : Vo Thi Phuong Thao, MA Class : K24NAB1 Code: 24203114634 Graduation Paper Supervisor : Vo Thi Phuong Thao, MA TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP .ii ABSTRACT iii ABBREVIATIONS .iv CHAPTER 1.INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Aims and Objectives 1.2.1 Aims 1.2.2 Objectives 1.3 Scope of the Study 1.3.1 Text Features 1.3.2 Text Length 1.3.3 Text Organization 1.3.4 Text Source CHAPTER 2.THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 2.1 Translation Theory 2.1.1 Full vs Partial Translation 2.1.2 Total vs Restrivted Translation 2.1.3 Phonological Translation 2.1.4 Transliteration 2.2 Principles and Methods of Translation 2.2.1 Principles of Translation Meaning Form Register .9 Idiom Style and Clarity Student : Bui Tu Vi Class : K24NAB1 Code: 24203114634 Graduation Paper Supervisor : Vo Thi Phuong Thao, MA Source language influence 2.2.2 Methods of Transaltion 10 Word – for – word Translation .10 Literal Translation 10 Faithful Translation 10 Semantic Translation .11 Adaptation Translation 11 Idiomactic Translation .11 Free Translation .12 Communicative Translation 12 CHAPTER 3.SUGGESTED TRANSLATION 13 CHAPTER 4.ANALYSIS 40 4.1 Vocabulary 40 4.1.1 Words 40 4.1.2 Phrasal Verbs 44 4.2 Structures 46 4.2.1 Simple Sentences 46 4.2.2 Compound Sentences .48 4.2.3 Complex Sentences 50 Complex Sentences with Noun Clauses 50 Complex Sentences with Adjective Clauses 52 Complex Sentences with Adverbial Clauses 54 4.2.4 Compound Complex Sentences 56 4.2.5 Sentence in Passive Sentences 58 CHAPTER 5.DIFICULTIES AND SOLUTIONS .61 5.1 Difficulties .61 5.2 Solutions 63 CHAPTER 6.CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 65 6.1 Conclutions .65 6.2 Suggestions 66 Student : Bui Tu Vi Class : K24NAB1 Code: 24203114634 Graduation Paper 53 Supervior: Vo Thi Phuong Thao, MA tiếp có phải hậu (thay phản ánh đặc điểm có nhân) hay khơng câu hỏi đặt Karney Bradbury (1995), meta-phân tích, nhận thấy kích thước ảnh hưởng nhỏ (r = -06 đến -25) sử dụng hành vi giao tiếp để dự đoán mức độ hài lòng vợ chồng sau này.” 4.2.5 Sentence in Passive Sentences The passive voice is used to show interest in the person or object that experiences an action rather than the person or object that performs the action SUBJECT + NEW SUBJECT V + + TO BE + V-PII O + BY O Forms of passive: Tenses Simple Active S+V+O S + be + PP.2 + by + O S + am/is/are + V-ing + O S + am/is/are + being + PP.2 + by + O S + has/have + PP.2 + O S + has/have + been + PP.2 + by + O S + V-ed + O S + was/were + PP.2 + by + O S + was/were + V-ing + O S + was/were + being + PP.2 + by + O S + had + PP.2 + O S + had + been + PP.2 + by + O S + will/shall + V + O S + will + be + PP.2 + by + O Present Present Continuou s Present Perfect Simple Past Past Continuou s Past Perfect Simple Passive Future Future S + will/shall + have + PP.2 Perfect +O Student : Bui Tu Vi S + will + have + been + PP.2 + by + O Class : K24NAB1 Code: 24203114634 Graduation Paper Be + going 54 Supervior: Vo Thi Phuong Thao, MA S + am/is/are + going to + S + am/is/are + going to + be + PP.2 + V+O by + O to Model S + model verb + V + O Verbs Example 30 : S + model verb + be + PP.2 + by + O Research on family communication as a specialty area in the communication discipline was inaugurated by two dissertations (Fitzpatrick, 1976; Rogers, 1972) completed in the 1970s (Whitchurch & Dickson, 1999) [P.5] - Tense : Simple Past - S : “Research on family communication as a specialty area in the communication discipline” - V : “was inaugurated” - by O : “by two dissertations (Fitzpatrick, 1976; Rogers, 1972) completed in the 1970s (Whitchurch & Dickson, 1999).” Suggested translation : “Nghiên cứu giao tiếp gia đình xem lĩnh vực chuyên môn kỷ luật giao tiếp, khởi xướng hai luận án ( Fitzpatrick - 1976; Rogers - 1972 ) hoàn thành vào năm 1970 (Whitchurch Dickson - 1999).” Example 31 : The dominance ratio was also related to husbands' frequency of feeling understood by the wife and his satisfaction with several communication behaviors (e.g., the couple's ability to talk things out, the ease with which complaints and problems are discussed) [P.13] - Tense : Simple Past - S : “The dominance ratio” - V : “was also related to” - O : “husbands' frequency of feeling understood” - by O : “by the wife and his satisfaction with several communication behaviors (e.g., the couple's ability to talk things out, the ease with which complaints and problems are discussed).” Student : Bui Tu Vi Class : K24NAB1 Code: 24203114634 Graduation Paper 55 Supervior: Vo Thi Phuong Thao, MA Suggested translation : “Tỷ lệ chiếm ưu liên quan đến tần suất người chồng cảm thấy vợ thấu hiểu hài lòng người chồng với hành vi giao tiếp ( ví dụ: khả nói chuyện hai vợ chồng, dễ dàng hòa hợp việc thảo luận phàn nàn vấn đề).” Student : Bui Tu Vi Class : K24NAB1 Code: 24203114634 Graduation Paper 56 Supervior: Vo Thi Phuong Thao, MA CHAPTER DIFICULTIES AND SOLUTIONS 5.1 Difficulties At the university, I have been taught many translation skills through theorical as well as practical subjects However, translating and analyzing correctly the text is so hard These subjects give me a lot of skills and background knowledge to solve a text and make me more familiar with the translation However, every language has its particular characteristic and expression In addition, the grammar, lexis, syntax or specific terms also affect the quality of suggested version Thus, correctly translating a text from English into Vietnamese is a difficult task To get right, natural, smooth and interesting suggested versions, translators are required to have deep specific knowledge about the field they are translating as well as understand structure, lexis used in the text Translation is also a challenge when the translator must reconstruct the original text in the form of source language to target language, especially they must give a concise and exact translated version which is easy for readers to understand Therefore, being a amateur translator, I also had many problems during the translation process: First, as we know, vocabulary is very important to build up a text Vocabulary may express the special idea of the author as well as the diversity of language Thus, it is such a difficult element that we must pay more attention For example, there are many words with multi-meaning in English, so finding out the most exact meaning is very difficult These different meanings of the multi-meaning word often make me confused and chose wrong one to translate The multi-word units with a lot of meanings in dictionary require that I have to understand the context and the author’s ideas to choose the suitable meanings Besides, I translated a literature document, so I met up with many specific terms However, lacking the knowledge in this field made it difficult for me when converting theses terms into target language The specific terms require accurate equivalents, but sometimes, I also don’t know how to solve with these ones, because I can’t use a normal meaning to transfer Moreover, these one are usually not defined in the dictionary, so it is a challenge to translate these terms Student : Bui Tu Vi Class : K24NAB1 Code: 24203114634 Graduation Paper 57 Supervior: Vo Thi Phuong Thao, MA In addition, untranslated words and synonyms also result in a lot of difficulties in the translation process With the untranslated words, we can’t depend on the dictionary to get their meanings In many cases, we can’t find out the meaning of these words or the meanings aren’t suitable for the context of the text Hence, to solve these words, I need to understand the main author’s idea, then choose their best equivalents in Vietnamses Besides, synonyms, idioms and expressions are also the elements that make me hard to translate Next, grammar is also a very hard element that we must pay double attention to because there are differences of grammar between languages, so I was in a difficult case to solve the grammar in the text The grammar in two languages is so different There are many structures that are very popular in English but not existed in Vietnamese, for example empty subject structure So translating this structure is a challenge for translators because they must understand the author’s idea, then use another structure in Vietnamese to express Finally, the difference in the custom of using language is an element that we must focus Vietnamese people usually use active voice to express their ideas or intentions, but the passive voice is more used in English That is the reason why many times I translated unnatural and rough The complex structures including relative clause, noun clause, reduced clause, etc usually make me confused in the translation process This kind of structure is very complex and we often misunderstand the ideas if we don’t have a firm knowledge about grammar or we are not careful to analyse sentences In brief, it is uneasy to translate a text successfully To have exact versions, translators have a deep knowledge not only about the field that they are translating, but also about structure, lexis in both two languages 5.2 Solutions In the translation process, meeting up with difficulties is inevitable However, I have my own way to solve these problems Firstly, I read whole original text to get the main idea of the author before translating, because I could cover the content of the text and had an overall view In Student : Bui Tu Vi Class : K24NAB1 Code: 24203114634 Graduation Paper 58 Supervior: Vo Thi Phuong Thao, MA this process, I also focused and marked all the difficult words and phrases that I felt hard to translate Besides, I also highlighted the structures that made me confused or not understood Then, I would read it carefully again and tried my best to translate them If I thought my versions were not exact, I would ask my supervisor to get some advice And she would show me how to analyse these challenged structures or the way to get the best meanings for difficult words In addition, I also went to library or searched in the internet to find out the documents related to this topic These documents would give me background about the literature field and it was very useful to solve some hard words such as specific terms Secondly, for ttranslators, dictionaries are indispensable, so I am not exception In the translation process, I used many kinds of dictionary, such as: English - Vietnamese dictionary of Linguistic Institute, Lac Viet dictionary, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Lingoes Essential Dictionary, etc to find out the best meanings To some concepts, places I don’t know, I searched them in the internet to determine what they are However, not every time we can find the words’ meaning in the dictionary Thus, in this cases, after looking up the meanings of difficulty words in dictionary even on the internet, I put them into the proper contexts., then I compared the meanings of the word in dictionary and the context in which they occur I considered carefully whether the meanings are suitable and exact or not However, with some words that were not involved in the dictionary, I had to base on the context to gain the suitable meanings Thirdly, with the challenging structures, I would carefully analyse them to determine their elements It was very useful to deeply understand structures of the sentences to avoid being confused If there are any structures that I wasn’t sure or didn’t remember, I would review to master them in order to get the best result Deeply understanding about the function of words or structures in the sentence is very essential to correctly analyze and translate Knowledge about target language is also necessary to translate successfully and correctly When translating the text, we need depend on the context to give better meanings Student : Bui Tu Vi Class : K24NAB1 Code: 24203114634 Graduation Paper 59 Supervior: Vo Thi Phuong Thao, MA In short, in the translation process, translators must usually face up with many challenges If they don’t have a firm knowledge about structure as well as grammar, they are so easy to get the mistakes and I am not exception I also had a lot of difficulties when translating this text However, I tried my best to find out the way to resolve and give the best suggested version Student : Bui Tu Vi Class : K24NAB1 Code: 24203114634 Graduation Paper 60 Supervior: Vo Thi Phuong Thao, MA CHAPTER CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 6.1 Conclutions In the process of completing my graduation paper, I realized that I had many shortcomings Four years studying at the university, I was taught a lot of knowledge and skills to become a good translator But through my graduation paper, I knew that what I learned is only a small part in the large knowledge This paper helped me raise my ability in analysis and expressions Besides, I would not be able to complete my graduation report without the wholehearted guidance of Ms Vo Thi Phuong Thao, my supervisor In addition, because of expertise and limited time, my translation will not avoid errors in terms of sentence analysis, specialized vocabulary, translation methods, etc And sometimes when I encounter the lexical ambiguity, I not choose the appropriate meaning I hope to receive the teachers' comments and objective comments Through the translating process, I knew that I lacked vocabulary in both source language and target language There were many words that I didn’t know their meanings, that makes me difficult to translate Moreover, the lack of Vietnamese lexis also resulted in clumsily expressing an idea into Vietnamese, even having no expression although I understood what the author want mention Thus, improving the vocabulary is very important and necessary Morever, when translating a certain field, the specific knowledge about it plays an important rule to get an exact translation Thus, the translator must study many fields in the purpose of preparing background to completely understand the idea that author expresses Having specific knowledge will help translators easy to translate exactly This graduation paper also showed that my grammar was not good Firstly, there were many sentences I wrongly analysed One of the reasons was that I remembered some knowledge about grammar and syntax Through this paper, I realized my shortcomings as well as had a good chance to reimprove my understanding Student : Bui Tu Vi Class : K24NAB1 Code: 24203114634 Graduation Paper 61 Supervior: Vo Thi Phuong Thao, MA In the process of translating and analysing this graduation paper, I also learned many useful things My translation skill is more improved Now, I know how to deal with the problems in the original text to have a good suggested version A lot of time, I can’t tranfer words or phrases that aren’t defined in the dictionary However, recently, I know how to guest these meanings based on the context This is very wonderful I also learned the way using equivalents in TL to express ideas Challenging structures are also a difficulty that I must pay more attention Nevertheless, after finishing my graduation paper, I can easily analyse them to get the best result Once again, I would like to sincerely thank Duy Tan University for giving me a good learning environment and good experiences I would also like to extend my deep thanks to all the teachers who have been dedicated to teaching me, giving me valuable knowledge and experience during the four years of studying at the school, and I especially would like to say thank you very much for my supervisor, Ms Vo Thi Phuong Thao, who commented and taught me during the reporting period In addition, I would like to thank my family and friends, who encouraged and helped me during the graduation 6.2 Suggestions 6.2.1 Implications for learning It is very necessary for students to inprove the knowledge in all fields because in the future, the students will meet many documents of various fields, so having background knowledge about that field will help them avoid many confused in translating Moreover, mastering the structure, syntax, semantic, etc will help you easily to understand the idea of author, that avoids confusion and mistakes in the translation process To become a good translator, students need to improve English as well as focus on the mother tongue In many cases, students can understand all the ideas that the author expressing However, due to lacking of vocabulary in the mother tongue, they can’t express those ideas into Vietnamese Improving Vietnamese will help them translate more naturally and smoothly Student : Bui Tu Vi Class : K24NAB1 Code: 24203114634 Graduation Paper 62 Supervior: Vo Thi Phuong Thao, MA Reading comprehension is one skill that the students must improve to become a good translator With this skill, they can deeply understand the topic that the author mentioned to avoid the mistakes in the translation process Moreover, it also help students when guessing some difficult words 6.2.2 Implications for teaching After completing my graduation report, I would like to give some suggestions for the Faculty of English as well as Duy Tan University as follows: Firstly, I realize that students not have many opportunities to practice English while sitting in school Hence, I hope the school can create many English practice subjects or English clubs, etc so that students can improve their soft skills and improve their own level Second, as a major in English Translation and Interpretation, students' analytical and expressive skills are very important for me I hope the lecturers will give students more translation exercises, sentence structure analysis, and words with mutil-meaning Thirdly, in addition to translation-interpreting skills, I find that students react very slowly when practicing communicating with foreigners, causing embarrassment and avoidance when communicating in English I hope the school creates more opportunities for students to interact with foreigners In the end, I think there is limited time to this graduation report, so there are many questions about this report We hope you can arrange more time for students to prepare this report better Student : Bui Tu Vi Class : K24NAB1 Code: 24203114634 Graduation Paper 63 Supervior: Vo Thi Phuong Thao, MA REFERENCES BOOK Amato, P R (1996) Explaining the intergenerational transmission of divorce Journal of Marriage and the Family, 58, 628–640 Barker, C., & Lemle, R (1984) The helping process in couples American Journal of Community Psychology, 12, 321–336 Baumeister, R F., Exline, J J., & Sommer, K L (1998) The victim role, grudge theory, and two dimensions of forgiveness In E L Worthington (Ed.), Dimensions of forgiveness: Psychological research and theological perspectives (pp 79–106) Philadelphia: Templeton Press Beach, S R H (2001) Marital and family processes in depression: A scientific foundation for clinical practice Washington, DC: APA Press Nguyễn Mạnh Quang (2013) Translation Theory Textbook Department of Foreign Languages, Duy Tan University Trần Thị Thơ (2008) Basic English Grammar Department of Foreign Languages, Duy Tan University DICTIONARIES https://dictionary.cambridge.org/vi/ https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/ http://tratu.soha.vn/ https://tienganhtflat.com/ http://www.lingoes.net/ https://www.macmillandictionary.com/ Student : Bui Tu Vi Class : K24NAB1 Code: 24203114634 Graduation Paper 64 Supervior: Vo Thi Phuong Thao, MA SUPERVISOR’S COMMENTS Student : Bui Tu Vi Class : K24NAB1 Code: 24203114634 ... TAN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGLISH GRADUATION PAPER AN ANALYSIS OF THE SUGGESTED TRANSLATION OF THE BOOK “HANDBOOK OF FAMILY COMMUNICATION” BY ANITA L.VANGELISTI, 2007 Major : English for Translation. .. some of the translation methods given by M.A Nguyen Manh Quang in the book Translation Theory Word – for – word Translation Word-for-word translation is often meant by an interlinear translation. .. There are many types of translation, but in the process of translating the meaning from the original language to the translation language, the translator needs a translation or a translation strategy

Ngày đăng: 26/06/2022, 13:14



