Luận án đã có những đóng góp mới như sau: 1. Về lý luận : 1. Luận án đã thu thập, hệ thống hoá và tổng hợp kết quả đạt được của các công trình, đề tài nghiên cứu trong nước và nước ngoài liên quan đến năng lực cạnh tranh của doanh nghiệp nói chung và doanh nghiệp dệt may nói riêng. 2. Luận án đã hệ thống hoá và luận giải một số vấn đề lý luận cơ bản về doanh nghiệp; Cạnh tranh và năng lực cạnh tranh của doanh nghiệp trong nền kinh tế thị trường ở nước ta; Xây dựng khung lý thuyết để đánh giá năng lực cạnh tranh của doanh nghiệp, trong đó có doanh nghiệp dệt may thông qua việc phân tích nội hàm khái niệm, nội dung và những nhân tố tác động,…. 2. Về thực tiễn 1. Kết quả nghiên cứu giúp cho các nhà nghiên cứu, các nhà quản lý cấp trung ương và địa phương có cái nhìn đầy đủ và toàn diện hơn về phương diện tiếp cận và đánh giá năng lực cạnh tranh của doanh nghiệp dệt may. Mặc dù có nhiều công trình nghiên cứu về VINATEX và các lĩnh vực hoạt động của VINATEX, nhưng chưa có công trình nào thực hiện một cách đầy đủ và quy mô, đảm bảo tính khái quát về năng lực cạnh tranh của VINATEX trong bối cảnh hội nhập quốc tế sâu rộng như hiện nay. 2. Kết quả nghiên cứu giúp các nhà nghiên cứu và cơ quan quản lý nhà nước về doanh nghiệp thấy được thực trạng hoạt động, những thành tựu, hạn chế và nguyên nhân của tồn tại hạn chế về năng lực cạnh tranh của VINATEX, một Tập đoàn tiêu biểu về Ngành Dệt may của Việt Nam. 3. Bằng phương pháp thu thập, tổng hợp dữ liệu thực tiễn, phân tích, đánh giá thực trạng năng lực cạnh tranh của VINATEX trong bối cảnh hội nhập quốc tế giai đoạn 2016-2020. Chỉ ra một số hạn chế là ảnh hưởng đến năng lực cạnh tranh của VINATEX, như: Hiện tại năng lực cạnh tranh của Tập đoàn Dệt May Việt Nam chưa cao so với các nước sản xuất cùng loại sản phẩm dệt may và cũng chưa tương xứng với tiềm năng sẵn có; Hầu hết các DN may sản xuất sản phẩm thời trang xuất khẩu với tỷ trọng hơn 80%, nhưng chủ yếu theo phương thức sản xuất gia công CMT, đây là phương thức xuất khẩu đơn giản nhất và mang lại giá trị gia tăng thấp nhất trong chuỗi giá trị may toàn cầu của ngành Dệt may. 4. Đề xuất các giải pháp để VINATEX, Hiệp hội Dệt may Việt Nam và các cơ quan quản lý liên quan đến doanh nghiệp dệt may có thể tham khảo, qua đó góp phần nâng cao năng lực cạnh tranh của Ngành dệt may Việt Nam trong bối cảnh hội nhập quốc tế. Trong đó có những giải pháp mang tính đột phá, như: Trong thời gian tới, VINATEX cần phải thực hiện quản trị tinh gọn, hiện đại, tăng năng lực cạnh tranh trong thị tường dệt may nội địa và quốc tế; Xây dựng chuỗi cung ứng hoàn chỉnh với tiêu chí sản xuất xanh, bền vững, tận dụng công nghệ 4.0 trong quản trị và sản xuất kinh doanh. VINATEX phải thực hiện minh bạch thông tin trong quá trình hội nhập thì mới đáp ứng được yêu cầu của các hiệp định đã ký, như EU có những yêu cầu cao, nghiêm ngặt về nguyên tắc xuất xứ, môi trường, lao động… với sản phẩm dệt may 3. Kết luận Đề tài nghiên cứu của Luận án góp phần cập nhật và bổ sung những vấn đề lý luận cơ bản về cạnh tranh và nâng cao năng lực cạnh tranh của doanh nghiệp. Phân tích, đánh giá những kết quả đạt được và tồn tại về năng lực cạnh tranh của Tập đoàn Dệt May Việt Nam trong giai đoạn 2016-2020. Từ đó đề xuất một số giải pháp nhằm nâng cao năng lực cạnh tranh của VINATEX và ngành dệt may Việt Nam thời gian tới. Công trình nghiên cứu này có thể là tài liệu tham khảo cho những ai quan tâm đến năng lực cạnh tranh của doanh nghiệp và doanh nghiệp dệt may.
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITY OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY NGUYEN GIA SON IMPROVEMENT OF COMPETITIVENESS OF VIETNAM NATIONAL TEXTILE AND GARMENT GROUP IN THE CONTEXT OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC INTEGRATION SUMMARY OF PHD THESIS IN ECONOMICS Hanoi, 2022 The thesis is completed at: Hanoi University of Business and Technology Supervisors: Prof Dr Vu Van Hoa Assoc.Prof Dr Nguyen Dinh Kiem Reviewer 1: Reviewer 2: Reviewer 3: The thesis will be defended in front of the School-level Thesis Evaluation Council Location: PhD Thesis Defense Room A503 at Building A, Hanoi University of Business and Technology Time: at hour day month 2022 INTRODUCTION 1.Rationale Textile and garment is a sprearhead economic sector that has been making great contributions to export turnover, creating jobs and solving socio-economic issues of the country Vietnam textile and garment has entered top largest textile and garment exporting countries in the world, including: China, India, Turkey, Vietnam and Bangladesh Contributing to the position of Vietnam textile and garment industry in the current context of international economic integration, it is impossible not to mention the role of Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group (VINATEX) Since its establishment (1995), VINATEX has shouldered the historical role of the Vietnam Textile and Garment Industry, taking on the mission of overcoming the shortcomings of the subsidy period, transforming from administrative to business accounting under the market mechanism, with the focus on export to the international market And also from having to compete in the international market, the Group has always improved its operation, invested heavily and restructured continuously to meet the needs of customers and partners Those two strengths contribute to helping VINATEX overcome difficulties and challenges to grow continuously and become a prestigious economic group with a national and regional strong position With the viewpoint that competitiveness is synonymous with maintaining and enhancing competitive advantages, some economic experts believe that the competitiveness of the enterprise is the ability to build, maintain and use and create new advantages, gain higher productivity and quality than those of competitors, occupy a large market share, generate high income and develop sustainably The factors that make up the competitiveness of the enterprise are: Quality, supply ability, specialization level of inputs; Manufacturing industries and supporting services for the enterprise; Customer requirements for product and service quality; Position of the enterprise compared to its competitors For 25 years of construction and development, VINATEX has grown from an enterprise with 100% State capital and owned by the State into the textile and garment industry in Vietnam and internationally However, in recent times, the competitiveness of Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group has not been high compared to other countries manufacturing the same type of textile and garment products and not commensurate with the available potential; Limit in quality of human resources and the proportion of workers without basic training have been still high; There is no planning and construction of a sustainable source of raw materials for the industry The source of raw materials and accessories mostly depends on foreign countries, the method of export processing is main, etc There are many reasons leading to this situation, of which the very important reason is: The State and some localities related to textile and garment activities have not really created a driving force for the development of VINATEX in particular and the textile and garment industry in general; Labor productivity is not high, the management model of VINATEX has not kept up with the development pace in the world market; The chain link between member enterprises for the common benefit of the Group is not effective Systematic research, comprehensive assessment of activities and factors related to the competitiveness of VINATEX are very necessary today, thereby giving effective solutions for improving the competitiveness of VINATEX in particular and Vietnam textile and garment industry in general in the context of comprehensive international economic integration From the above fact, inheriting relevant theoretical issues and operating results of Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group, the author chooses “Improvement of competitiveness of Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group in the context of international economic integration” topic as the one for PhD thesis majoring in Business management Research objectives 2.1 General objective The research topic of the thesis further clarifies the theoretical issues about the competitiveness of the enterprises in general and textile and garment enterprises in particular in the current context of international integration, thereby assessing the actual situation and develop solutions to help Vinatex improve its competitiveness in the textile and garment industry in Vietnam and internationally in the coming time 2.2 Specific objective - Systematize the theoretical basis of enterprises and their competitiveness, including textile and garment enterprises - Research the current competitive situation of VINATEX in the textile and garment market in Vietnam and in the world - Recommend solutions for improving the competitiveness of VINATEX by 2025, with a vision to 2030 Research questions (1) What is the competition and competitiveness of the enterprise? (2) On which aspects is the content related to the competitiveness of the enterprise assessed? (3) How is the actual situation of VINATEX's competitiveness and supply chain participation in the domestic and international textile and garment market in 2016-2020 period? What are the limitations and weaknesses in competitiveness and the causes of such limitations? (4) What solutions are needed to improve the competitiveness of VINATEX in the context of international economic integration in the coming time? Research subject and scope 4.1 Research subject: Theoretical and practical bases for competitiveness of the enterprise in the context of international economic integration 4.2 Research scope - Regarding space: Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group (VINATEX) - Regarding time: Vinatex's business activities in 2016-2020 period and proposed solutions by 2025, with a vision to 2030 New contributions of the thesis 5.1 Theoretical contribution The thesis has systematized and explained a number of theoretical issues about the enterprise; Competition of the enterprise in the market economy in our country; Built a theoretical framework to evaluate the competitiveness of the enterprise Quantitative and qualitative criteria to evaluate the competitiveness of the enterprise; pointed out the objective and subjective factors affecting the competitiveness of the enterprise Therefore, the result of the study will make certain contributions to the completion of the theoretical framework on improving the competitiveness of the enterprise and textile and garment enterprises in Vietnam 5.2 Practical contribution - Research result helps researchers, central and local managers have a more complete and comprehensive view of an approach and assessment of competitiveness of textile and garment enterprises - The research result helps researchers and state management agencies on enterprises to see the actual operation situation, achievements, limitations and causes of existing limitations in the competitiveness of VINATEX, a typical Group of Vietnam textile and garment industry - Propose solutions for VINATEX, Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association and management agencies related to textile and garment enterprises to refer to, thereby contributing to improving the competitiveness of Vietnam textile and garment industry in the context of international integration - Although there are many research works on VINATEX and VINATEX's fields of operation, none of them has been implemented fully and on a large scale, ensuring the generality of VINATEX's competitiveness in the current context of intensive international integration - This research work can be a reference for those who are interested in the competitiveness of enterprises and textile and garment enterprises Research methods: *Methodology: The research is based on the method of dialectical materialism and historical materialism This is the common basis for any perception in the research process In addition, the research on the topic always adheres to the guidelines and lines of the Party, policies and laws of the State on socio-economic development in general, and development of Vietnam textile and garment industry in particular, without separating the development objective of the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association *Theoretical synthesis, analysis and systematization: The author collects documents from different sources, categorizes and systematizes them into a coherent logical structure according to each scientific issue *Data collection, statistics, synthesis and analysis: Collect secondary data sources from financial statements, annual reports, year-end reports related to VINATEX's competitiveness; Annual review meeting of Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association, data from a number of organizations; Statistical yearbook…for the research process *Desk research method: By systematically utilizing information technology applications, the Internet, communication network, etc., the author has consulted a lot of useful information for the research process *Expert method: The author screens and inherits some theories from textbooks, survey results and some practical assessments of economists, economic experts at conferences, seminars, reports on scientific research topics, and theses in the same industry to better clarify the conclusions drawn from the research process * Method of comparison, collation, inference: Based on the secondary information sources collected, filtered, classified and processed as mentioned above, the author analyzes, compares, collates in order to assess the actual situation of the research subject Structure of the thesis In addition to the introduction, conclusion, table of contents, list of abbreviations, list of tables, figures, references, the thesis is arranged in chapters: Chapter 1: Overview of research works related to the thesis topic Chapter 2: Theoretical bases for competitiveness of the enterprise Chapter 3: Actual situation of improvement of competitiveness of Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group Chapter 4: Solutions for improving competitiveness of Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group in the context of international economic integration CHAPTER OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH WORKS RELATED TO THE THESIS TOPIC 1.1 INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH WORKS RELATED TO THE THESIS TOPIC In the market economy with the context of increasingly expanding globalization and international economic integration, competition is a common phenomenon and has important implications for economic development in countries The research on competitiveness and the theory of competition has also appearred from very early with famous schools in the world such as: classical competition theory, neoclassical competition theory and modern competition theory These theories have clarified the nature of competition, the role and impact of competition, modes of competition, etc In addition to classical economists and classics, competition theories are associated with famous names of perfect competition school such as w.s.Jevos, A.Coumot, L.Walras, Marshall and the modern competition school such as E.Chamberlin, J.Robinson, J.Schumpeter, R Boyer, M.Aglietta, Michael Porter, Michael Eairbank,… However, competitiveness and the systematic study of competitiveness was started quite late and only since the 1980s until now According to the combined results of researches on competitiveness by British economists Buckley, Pass and Prescott, in 1988 there were very few accepted definitions of competitiveness And M.E Porter - a world leading expert on competitiveness pointed out that until 1990, competitiveness was still not fully understood and there was no universally accepted definition In 1996, Waheeduzzan et al stated that "competitiveness is still one of the misunderstood concepts" Until 2004, Henricsson et al pointed out that the concept of competitiveness was still controversial among policymakers, economists, journalists and scholars In studies on competitiveness, some authors such as Thorne (2002, 2004), Momay (2002, 2005), Flanagan et al (2007) showed that since the 1990s, the theory of competitiveness in the world had entered the "boom" period with a large number of published research works 1.2 DOMESTIC RESEARCH WORKS RELATED TO THE THESIS TOPIC Domestic research works on competitiveness of enterprises in recent years have also been interested by many researchers and scholars Researches mainly focused on two main directions, including research on competitiveness and solutions for improving competitiveness of enterprises in an industry; Research on internal factors affecting competitiveness of enterprises 1.3 GENERAL OVERVIEW OF RELATED RESEARCH WORKS, THESES THAT NEEDS TO BE REFERRED Although there are differences in objectives, tasks, content and research scope, the above studies have directly or indirectly solved problems related to competition, competitiveness of enterprises in general and garment and textile enterprises in particular and have achieved research results 1.4 RESEARCH GAPS AND ORIENTATION FOR FURTHER RESEARCH OF THE THESIS 1.4.1 Research gaps: 1.4.2 Orientation for further research of the thesis SUBCONCLUSION OF CHAPTER CHAPTER THEORETICAL BASES FOR COMPETITIVENESS OF THE ENTERPRISE 2.1 OVERVIEW OF THE ENTERPRISE 2.1.1 Concept Theoretically, there are many ways to understand the enterprise because in the end, from any angle to approach the enterprise, there will be the concept of the enterprise from that angle It is also natural because the enterprise, like many 13 2.3.1 Overview of international economic integration Economic integration, understood in a stricter way, is the institutional binding of economies This concept was proposed by Béla Balassa in the 1960s and was accepted mainly in academia and policymaking [33] More specifically, international economic integration is a process of proactively doing two things at the same time: On the one hand, link each country's economy and market with regional and world markets through efforts to open up and promote the liberalization of the national economy; and on the other hand, join and contribute to the building of regional and global economic institutions [34] 2.3.2 Vietnam's perspective on international economic integration In the context when the scientific and technical revolution has been increasingly developing and playing an important role in the world's socioeconomic life, establishing a guideline of economic, scientific and technical cooperation with other countries is an urgent need for Vietnam's renovation process Moreover, in the early 90s of the twentieth century, international economic integration became a tendency of the times, took place strongly in many aspects with the appearance of many economic and trade blocs in the world For a country with an inferior and backward economy like Vietnam at that time, international economic integration was the way to shorten the gap with other countries in the region and the world, bring into play the advantages and find ways to overcome limitations through learning from the experiences of other countries 2.3.3 Impacts of international economic integration on Vietnam textile and garment industry In recent years, Vietnam's international economic integration has created many opportunities and challenges for the development of strategies and production and business activities of the textile and garment industry 14 2.4 FACTORS AFFECTING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF THE ENTERPRISE 2.4.1 Objective factors 2.4.2 Subjective factors from the enterprise 2.5 EXPERIENCE IN IMPROVING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF FOREIGN ENTERPRISES, LESSONS FOR VIETNAM NATIONAL TEXTILE AND GARMENT GROUP 2.5.1 China's Experience 2.5.2 India's Experience 2.5.3 Thailand’s Experience 2.5.4 Some lessons learned on improving competitiveness that can be applied to Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group SUBCONCLUSION OF CHAPTER CHAPTER ACTUAL SITUATION OF IMPROVEMENT OF COMPETITIVENESS OF VIETNAM NATIONAL TEXTILE AND GARMENT GROUP 3.1 OVERVIEW OF VIETNAM NATIONAL TEXTILE AND GARMENT GROUP 3.1.1 Development process of Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group 3.1.2 Overview of Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association 3.2 ACTUAL SITUATION OF COMPETITIVENESS OF VIETNAM NATIONAL TEXTILE AND GARMENT GROUP IN 2016-2020 PERIOD 3.2.1 Building of business strategies and plans of Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group 15 - Build operational strategy Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group built a development strategy for 2016-2020 period and adjusted for each year in accordance with the reality of the domestic and international textile and garment market 3.2.2 Business result of Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group In 2016-2020 period, Vinatex promoted its role as the political nucleus, leading the comprehensive implementation of all work aspects, maintaining annual growth, maintaining its position in the supply chain and being Vietnam's largest textile and garment producer, demonstrating its leading role and orientation for the development of the national textile and garment industry 3.2.3 Research and development of products and brand name of Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group Research and production of a variety of products Building and development of brand name of Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group 3.2.4 Actual position situation of Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group in the global textile and garment supply chain Since September 2011, VINATEX has become a member of the the International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF), has a direct connection with the textile industry of many countries around the world; receives update of the latest information about the textile industry in the world; participates more deeply in the global textile supply chain; have the opportunity to interact with leading economic experts about future development trends At the same time, this is a great opportunity for VINATEX to introduce Vietnam textile and garment industry to its customers and partners, expand export markets and call for investment in fields where the industry is still facing difficulties 16 3.2.5 Quality of human resources of Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group 3.2.6 Risk management of Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group Since Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group operated under the model of a Joint Stock Company, the Board of Directors and the Executive Board have agreed on the viewpoints and implemented as follows: (1) Always consider risk management to be the focus and the factor providing reasonable assurance for the achievement of the Group's objectives (2) Risk management is not risk minimization but it is necessary to fully analyze risks, optimize the correlation between risks and opportunities, and know how to accept risks at a reasonable level (within permissible limit of the Group) (3) Risk management is only effective when it is implemented throughout all fields, at all staff levels and must be carried out by qualified personnel with the support from methods and techniques for risk identification and assessment in a diverse manner and according to different fields (4) Risk management must always be improved, meet the requirements of relevant standards, stay relevant and respond to all changes that the Group faces, in order to keep up with the advanced approaches of enterprises in the same industry in the region and the world, promote the suitability of the system and integrate into the Group's system Accordingly, Ernst & Young Vietnam Limited is assisting the Group in reviewing, improving and implementing the corporate risk management framework at the Group's parent company, including regulations on risk supervision and management structure; the role of stakeholders in the risk management process; procedures for identifying, assessing, reporting and managing risks; criteria and standard forms for identification, assessment, reporting and management of risks, list of key risks 17 3.3 ANALYSIS OF COMPETITIVENESS OF VIETNAM NATIONAL TEXTILE AND GARMENT GROUP ACCORDING TO MICHAEL PORTER'S FIVE FORCES MODEL OF COMPETITION 3.3.1 Potential competitors in the textile and garment industry Along with the products of the Information Technology, Electronic Industry, the products of the Vietnam Textile and Garment industry in which Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group plays a key role also bring high export value in total national export turnover 3.3.2 Competitive advantage in the textile and garment industry Production factors - Human resources: With a population of more than 96 million people (in 2019), Vietnam is a country in the golden population period; the labor force accounts for a high proportion of total population over 50% (GSO 2019); The average population growth rate in the current period is about 1.33% Young human resources are associated with strengths such as good health, dynamism, quick absorption of new technologies and easy mobility If they receive cultural training, skills training and professional qualifications development, labor productivity in Vietnam will increase Thus, the current human resources of Vietnam can only bring competitive advantages in terms of quantity and in professional quality These two advantages create a premise to develop in terms of quality, develop basic elements into high-end, popular into specialized ones, this will be an urgent issue that needs to be preferentiallysolved - Physical assets and infrastructure: According to the "Global Competitiveness" report of the World Economic Forum, Vietnam's infrastructure score has improved in recent years, showing strong growth and supported by larger foreign direct investment inflows Demand conditions 18 - According to the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association, with a population of more than 96 million people, the current consumption of textile and garment accounts for about - 6% of people's spending, equivalent to about USD 3.5 billion, which shows that this is a very potential market for domestic textile and garment enterprises For the past time, we have focused on production for export demand and not paid attention to the domestic market, so the market share of domestic textile and garment products accounts for a modest proportion of less than 10% Recently, there have been a number of enterprises focusing on promoting the development of the domestic market but the effectiveness is not high because they have to compete with many sources of goods from countries in the region and around the world Supporting and related industries 3.3.3 Bargaining right of customers and Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group supplier Bargaining right from customers - Buyers often have power to make frequent and large purchases; Buyers can switch offers at low cost; It is economical for buyers to buy from several companies at once; Buyers are able to integrate vertically… In fact, the bargaining power of domestic customers in the textile and garment industry is quite high And the Textile and Garment Group has met the needs of millions of fastidious domestic customers by diversifying product lines: Supplier’s bargaining right - The power of suppliers in Vietnam textile and garment industry in general and VINATEX in particular is high In fact, the textile and garment industry is one of the industries that are directly and quite heavily affected by the Covid-19 pandemic Not only is the production interrupted due to dependence on imported raw materials and accessories but also the consumption and output in many major markets face difficulties At the moment, Vietnam 19 textile and garment industry is facing a double impact when the source of imported raw materials and accessories has not yet stabilized, a series of major customers in the EU and US markets continuously cancelled and postponed orders, making the industry lose more than VND 3,000 billion every month and about million people were unemployed This number is expected to continue to increase in the next few months, if the Covid-19 pandemic is not controlled In which, the biggest impact is the lack of imported raw materials and accessories supply from the markets of China, Korea, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Due to the shortage of imported raw materials and accessories sources, textile and garment enterprises have to adjust their plans, rearrange production lines from woven to knitwear, reduce working hours, downsize workers, etc to ensure maximum production efficiency 3.4 ASSESSMENT OF ACTUAL SITUATION OF COMPETITIVENESS OF VIETNAM NATIONAL TEXTILE AND GARMENT GROUP IN 2016-2020 PERIOD 3.4.1 Achieved results On the basis of the analysis of the actual situation of competitiveness in the 2016-2020 period of VINATEX, an overall assessment of actual situation of achieved results on the following aspects: Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group always fulfills its business plan, contributing to the growth of export turnover of the textile and garment industry and the growth of the economy Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group has implemented the planning and direction of the Prime Minister approved in Decision No 36/2008/QD-TTg dated March 10, 2008 on the development strategy of the textile and garment industry by 2020; Decision No 42/2008/QD-BCT dated November 19, 2008 on approving the master plan on development of the textile and garment industry by 2015, with an orientation to 2020, Decree No 111/2015/ND-CP effective on January 1, 2016, is one of six fields in the list of 20 supporting industry products prioritized for development of Vietnam, in order to promote the development of the textile and garment supporting industry Enhancing the quality of corporate governance Enterprises ensure enough jobs for employees, strictly abide by the Law on Social Insurance and establish trade unions; 100% of employees join grassroots trade unions In addition, the Group always pays attention to and directs the improvement of the working environment; builds policies related to reasonable salary, bonus and welfare; builds a harmonious relationship between the interests of employees and the interests of the enterprise in order to achieve sustainable development in the process of promoting international integration Annually, the Group subsidizes employees in difficult circumstances about VND billion/year Building supply chains in the industry and actively participating in global supply chains in the context of international economic integration VINATEX represents the Vietnam Textile and Garment Industry in terms of production capacity, brand and position on the map of global textile and garment production - supply; Benefits on a large scale of production and consumption compared to the Textile and Garment industry For the past years, Vinatex has built a strategy of linking yarn - weaving - dyeing for sewing finish chain to gradually change the production method from CMT to FOB and to ODM Enterprises in the Group will connect with each other to form a complete supply chain, increase competitiveness and provide customers with package products Successfully building and developing Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group brand VINATEX has gradually built its brand with products supplied to domestic and foreign markets The fact has created brand reputation and responsibility to customers when buying products through the following actions: With any product, when customers have complaints about quality, all claimed products will be temporarily revoked If the test result shows that the quality is not 21 satisfied, the products will not be allowed to be sold in the market; Willing to replace and return unqualified products to bring customers peace of mind and comfort when shopping For example, when coming to Vinatex Fashion Center, customers will be free to choose for themselves beautiful, delicate, easy-to-wear costumes at very reasonable prices Especially in many times of the years, the Center offers customers nearly 2,000 discount codes up to 69% Many products of Viet Tien discount up to 40%, Phong Phu 30%, Nha Be 30%, Kico 40%, Virgo 30%, Towel Viet 49%, Thien Phuc 40% 3.4.2 Some shortcomings and limitations Firstly, limitation in competitiveness: Secondly, limitation in the quality of human resources Thirdly, limitation in technology and investment Fourthly, limitation in the application of brand communication tools, Fifthly, the legal corridor to create a reciprocal environment is lacking and not specific to the industry, 3.4.3 Causes of shortcomings and limitations Subjective causes Objective causes SUBCONCLUSION OF CHAPTER CHAPTER IMPROVEMENT OF COMPETITIVENESS OF VIETNAM NATIONAL TEXTILE AND GARMENT GROUP IN THE CONTEXT OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC INTEGRATION 4.1 TENDENCY OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC INTEGRATION AND COMPETITION IN VIETNAM TEXTILE AND GARMENT INDUSTRY 22 4.1.1 Changes in product demand structure and textile and garment supply chain in the global market Currently, retailers and branded marketers have increasingly asserted their role as supply chain coordinators in replacement of the position of manufacturers in the world textile industry They actually become the ones who make most of the important decisions such as where to buy or import from, price, product circulation process They also concurrently control many aspects of the manufacturing process such as design, fabric sourcing, delivery time, quality and price With the near-absolute advantage of information (in terms of volume, quality and speed), retailers increasingly play a pivotal role in design and sales and are preparing for manufacturing own branded products As a result, from being the main customers of manufacturers, retailers have turned into competitors of such manufacturers This fundamental structural change in the supply chain has resulted in the transfer of power in the supply chain from the hands of manufacturers to the hands of retailers and brand marketers supplier -driven supply chain has transformed into a buyer-driven supply chain 4.1.2 The role of FDI sector in the development of Vietnam textile and garment industry In most of the textile and garment export countries, the FDI sector continues to play an important, even key role in many countries In these countries, the FDI sector is the bridge that helps the textile and garment industry integrate with the global market This is especially true for Vietnam According to data of Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association, this sector's export turnover accounts for more than 60% of total textile and garment export turnover from Vietnam Not only that, the products of FDI enterprises generally have a higher quality, thus such products may enter higher-end market segments and bring more profits 23 4.2 ORIENTATION OF IMPROVEMENT OF COMPETITIVENESS IN VIETNAM TEXTILE AND GARMENT INDUSTRY 4.2.1 International economic integration in Vietnam textile and garment industry Currently, Vietnam has signed 16 free trade agreements For the Textile and Garment industry, the fundamental benefit from FTAs is the opportunity to expand export markets through the reduction of tax rate and import tax of partners Previously signed FTAs within the framework of ASEAN and ASEAN plus (ASEAN signed with partners in China, Korea, Japan, India, Australia New Zealand), including bilateral FTAs with Korea and Japan all applied simple rules of origin, just need to sew into clothes to be eligible for preferential tax rate and import tax 4.2.2 Development strategy of Vietnam textile and garment industry The Ministry of Industry and Trade issued Decision No 3218/2014/QDBCT on approving the development planning of Vietnam textile and garment industryby 2020, with a vision to 2030 This decision clearly states the viewpoint of developing the textile and garment industry in a modern, efficient and sustainable direction; Strongly shift production from processing to purchasing raw materials and semi-finished products, ensure quality improvement, diversify export products and meet increasing domestic needs; create many jobs for the society; improve competitiveness, firmly integrate into the regional and world economy, 4.2.3 Strategy for development and improvement of competitiveness of Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group For 2021-2025 period, with a vision to 2030, VINATEX sets out the objectives of innovation, accelerating business restructuring, ensuring stable development and maintaining a pivotal role in Vietnam textile and garment industry: 24 4.3 GROUNDS FOR GIVING SOLUTIONS 4.3.1 Difficulties for the textile and garment industry Up to now, the pandemic situation has still been complicated in the world Even the negative impact of the pandemic may last in the next 1-2 years In that context, it is difficult for textile and garment enterprises to come up with a stable solution As predicted, in 2021-2022, textile and garment export will continue to face difficulties because in the post-pandemic period, people's income is still very limited; The purchasing power of the domestic market will still be stagnant, without a breakthrough growth 4.3.2 Advantages for the textile and garment industry The Prime Minister has directed: Party committees, authorities and localities continue to pay attention to and facilitate textile and garment enterprises to develop Not only land, but also favorable locations for the textile and garment industry need to be planned Currently, most places have not yet produced Yarn and Dye due to environmental pollution But new technology completely can control this problem And if we fail to complete the technology of Yarn, Dye , C/O for the products will be not able to be completed? In addition to the local planning, the whole industry also needs to have studies to ensure environmental issues, towards the implementation of greening the Vietnam textile and garment industry 4.4 SOLUTIONS FOR IMPROVING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF VIETNAM NATIONAL TEXTILE AND GARMENT GROUP Based on the development orientation of the textile and garment industry of the Government and Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association, along with the actual situation of operation result in 2016-2020 period of VINATEX, opportunities and challenges in the coming time are predicted In order to achieve the objectives for 2021 - 2025 period, VINATEX must identify business in an market that is uncertain, difficult to accurately forecast and unable to make 25 long-term plans as before The Group needs to constantly update the changing situation of the market, come up with new plans and shift production in a timely manner, and synchronously implement the following solutions: 4.4.1 Group of solutions for improving financial, administrative and executive capacity 4.4.2 Group of solutions for sustainable development 4.4.3 Group of solutions for human resource development 4.4.4 Group of solutions for investment and technology development 4.4.5 Group of solutions for improving the integration capacity of the global textile and garment supply chain 4.4.6 Group of solutions for enhanccing competitive advantage 4.4 CONDITIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF SOLUTIONS 4.4.1 Recommendations to the Government 4.4.2 Recommendations to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs 4.4.3 Recommendations to the Ministry of Finance and the State Bank of Vietnam 4.4.4 Recommendations to Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association SUBCONCLUSION OF CHAPTER CONCLUSION 26 For the topic“Improvement of competitiveness of Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group in the context of international economic integration”, the author has studied: (i) Supplement the general theory of competition and competitiveness of enterprises (ii) Quite carefully assess actual situation of competitiveness of Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group in the context of international economic integration in 2016-2020period (iii) On that basis, propose a number of solutions for improving the competitiveness of Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group in the coming period The content of the baseline study has answered research questions and gaps about improving the competitiveness of Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group in the context of international economic integration The research result of the Topic can be considered and applied to ministries, branches, state management agencies on textile and garment enterprises of Vietnam and VINATEX as well as VITAS, from the stage of planning and strategy building, organization of implementation to contribute to the improvement of competitiveness of Vietnam textile and garment industry in general and VINATEX in particular During the research process, the thesis cannot avoid shortcomings that need to be improved The author is looking forward to receiving attention and comments of teachers for the Thesis to be further improved Best regards from the Author of the Thesis! LIST OF RELATED RESEARCH WORKS PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR 27 Nguyen Gia Son (2021), Solutions for promoting competitive advantages of Vietnam textile and garment industry - Journal of Corporate Finance Issue 06/2021, pp 30-33 Nguyen Gia Son (2018), Improvement of competitiveness of VINATEX in Integration - Journal of Corporate Finance Issue 12/2018, pp 2830 ... management agencies related to textile and garment enterprises to refer to, thereby contributing to improving the competitiveness of Vietnam textile and garment industry in the context of international... Quantitative and qualitative criteria to evaluate the competitiveness of the enterprise; pointed out the objective and subjective factors affecting the competitiveness of the enterprise Therefore,... The enterprises that know their competitors, know to satisfy the needs and tastes of customers better than competitors, know how to take the initiative with suppliers of goods and take advantage