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English 8 week 30

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PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES 1/ Warm-up: 7’ Matching - Ask Ss to match the form of passive voice with the right tense.. - Lead to the lesson.[r]

Week: 30 Period: 88 Date of preparing: 12/03/2018 Date of teaching: 15/03/2018 UNIT 13: FESTIVALS LESSON 5: WRITE I OBJECTIVES: After the lesson, students can write a report on a festival II PREPARATIONS: Textbook, posters III PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES 1/ Warm-up: (7’) - Show the picture to introduce the topic 1- What festival is it? 2- How many competitions are there in the rice-cooking festival? - Lead to the lesson STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - Answer some questions about the topic 1- It is rice – cooking festival 2- There are three competitions: waterfetching, fire- making, rice- cooking - Listen 2/ Pre-writing: (13’) - Ask Ss to read the dialogue page 121 again - Read the dialogue again, then work in - Have Ss give the answer groups to complete the report in minutes 1/ Complete the report with one suitable - Give the answer word: - Listen, repeat, then copy down (1) rice- cooking (6) traditional (2) one (7) bamboo (3) water-fetching (8) six (4) run (9) separate (5) water (10) added - Ask Ss to brainstorm some activities at - Brainstorm school festivals in Vietnamese, then give the nhảy bao bố kéo co Activities meaning in English cấm hoa chạy * New words:  rope-pulling : kéo co hóa trang  dressing : hóa trang  sack-jumping : nhảy bao bố  running : chạy  flower- making: cắm hoa - Ask Ss to practice, then check: What and Where - Practice, then as directed 3/ While-writing: (15’) - Ask Ss to answer some questions, and write into a short passage a What is the name of the festival?(Bad Ss) b Where were the festival held?(Bad Ss) c How long did the festival last?(Bad Ss) d How many activities were there? e What did you think about the festival? - Answer the questions and write individually a school festival b It was held …( at Lieng Trang school/ in the yard) c It lasted …( one day/ half a day ) d There were … ( three competitions ) e I thought the festival was… (interesting/ wonderful) - Ask Ss to write the passage into the notebook - Write the passage 4/ Post-writing: (8’) - Call some Ss read their passage and correct the mistake - Read the passage and correct 5/ Homework: (2’) - Have Ss prepare Unit 13: Language focus - Write assignment IV COMMENTS: Week: 30 Period: 89 Date of preparing: 13/03/2018 Date of teaching: 16/03/2018 UNIT 13: FESTIVALS LESSON 6: LANGUAGE FOCUS I OBJECTIVES: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to use passive form, compound noun, reported speech II PREPARATIONS: Textbook, sub-board III PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES 1/ Warm-up: (7’) Matching - Ask Ss to match the form of passive voice with the right tense Simple present S + was / were + Ved / V3 + by O Simple past S + will + be + Ved / V3 + by O Simple future S+ am/ is/ are+Ved/V3 +by O Present perfect S+ have/has+been+Ved/V3+by O - Lead to the lesson 2/ Exercises: (30’)  Exercise 1: (p.128) - Explain the task - Ask Ss to complete the sentences use passive form - Remark and give the correct answers a were performed d will be held b was decorated / put e was awarded c is made f was written  Exercise 2: (p.128, 129) - Show the picture and explain the task - Call some pairs correct (1) jumbled (3) broken (4) scattered (2) broken (5) pulled  Exercise 3: (p 130) - Present an example and ask Ss how to make a compound word STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - Match - Listen - Read the word in the box - Complete the sentences - Give feedback - Work in pairs to complete the dialogue by using present perfect in passive form - Give the answers - Remind Noun+V-ing compound word - Explain the new words * New words:  bull (n): bò đực  fight (v): đánh  export (v): xuất - Ask Ss to write the sentences - Remark and give the correct answers a) It’s a fire-making contest b) It’s a bull-fighting festival c) The US has a big car-making industry d) Last week…held a flower-arranging contest e) Viet Nam is a rice-exporting country f) This is a clothes-washing machine  Exercise 4: (p 130) - Remind Ss how to change into reported speech * Reported Speech : Present tense  past tense Can  could Must  had to Now  then this  that - Ask Ss to write sentences in groups - Ask Ss to give feedback a He said he was a plumber b He said he could fix the faucets c He said the pipes were broken d He said the new pipes were expensive e He said we had to pay him then 3/ Consolidation: (6’) - Give task (Bad Ss) * Rewrite the sentences: People sing Christmas songs every where  Christmas songs Mai says: “ I can make this cake “ Mai said that Japan is a country which exports a lots of cars  Japan is a 4/ Homework: (2’) - Have Ss prepare unit 14- Getting started & Listen and read - Take note - Write the sentences in the notebook - Give the answers - Listen and copy down - Write in groups - Give feedback - Write sentences Christmas song are sung every where Mai said that she could make that cake Japan is a car- exporting country - Write assignment IV COMMENTS: Week: 30 Period: 90 Date of preparation: 16/03/2018 Date of teaching: 19/03/2018 UNIT 14: WONDERS OF THE WORLD LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED - LISTEN AND READ I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to able to know more about famous places on the world II PREPARATIONS: Textbook, pictures, cassette III PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES 1/ Warm-up: (8’) Matching - Ask Ss to match the pictures with the names STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - Observe and match The Pyramids Sydney Opera House Stonehenge Ha Long bay - Lead to the lesson 2/ Presentation: (12’) - Teach some vocabulary II Listen and read: New words:  Clue (n) : gợi ý  Bored ( a ) # happy  Rule ( n ) : luật lệ - Check: jumbled words - Ask Ss to guess the answers What are Hoa, Nga and Nhi playing? Does Nhi know to play the game? How you know? - Listen - Repeat in chorus and guess the meaning, then write down - Do as directed - Guess the answers 3/ Practice: (15’)  Activity 1: - Ask Ss to listen to the tape twice and answer the questions - Elicit the structure Structure: - Listen and read, then check the answers - Pay attention and take note S + V + Question word + to-inf Ex : I don’t know how to play it I know where to buy ticket They are playing a guessing game No “I don’t know how to play it.” - Ask Ss to make the sentences (Bad Ss) I / not know / what / She / know / where / go - Make the sentences individually I don’t know what to She knows where to go  Activity 2: - Ask Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs - Call some pairs present the dialogue - Practice in pairs - Play of roles Nga and Nhi 4/ Production: (8’) - Ask Ss to work in groups to complete the summary - Ask Ss to give the answers (1) game (5) The USA (2) place (6) Golden (3) clue (7) right (4) Viet Nam (8) was 5/ Homework: (2’) - Learn by heart structure - Practice the dialogue again - Prepare “Speak + Listen” - Work in groups to complete the summary - Give feedback - Write assignments IV COMMENTS: ... COMMENTS: Week: 30 Period: 89 Date of preparing: 13/03/20 18 Date of teaching: 16/03/20 18 UNIT 13: FESTIVALS LESSON 6: LANGUAGE FOCUS I OBJECTIVES:... Week: 30 Period: 90 Date of preparation: 16/03/20 18 Date of teaching: 19/03/20 18 UNIT 14: WONDERS OF THE WORLD LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED... written  Exercise 2: (p.1 28, 129) - Show the picture and explain the task - Call some pairs correct (1) jumbled (3) broken (4) scattered (2) broken (5) pulled  Exercise 3: (p 130) - Present an example

Ngày đăng: 28/11/2021, 17:07

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