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3.Skills: Speaking: - Make and respond to formal requests using MIND Listening: Listen to monologues / dialogues within 80-100 words for general or detailed information Match the places [r]

Unit 11 Traveling around Vietnam I Objectives: Topic: - Places, Holidays and vacations, Competences: - Express interest - Make and respond to formal requests - Make suggestions - Complete a narrative 3.Skills: Speaking: - Make and respond to formal requests using MIND Listening: Listen to monologues / dialogues within 80-100 words for general or detailed information Match the places to their correct positions on the map *Lưu ý: + Học sinh trung bình: Do phần Listen Tapecript dài khó Giáo viên điều chỉnh dạng tập dễ nghe điền từ thiếu, tìm đoạn hội thoại hỏi đường đơn giản để đọc cho học sinh làm nghe Reading : Read for information about places of interest in Vietnam Writing : Students will be able to: Write the story Grammar: - Requests with: Would / Do you mind if … ? Would / Do you mind + verb-ing …? - ed and -ing participles Vocabulary: - Words describing vacation: seaside, resort, temple, waterfall, … - Names of resorts: Ha Long Bay, Mount Rushmore, Napa Valley, … water fall, canoe, limestone, stream, magnificent, sunbath, oceanic institude, paddle, rescue, … II Unit plan: Unit 1: A visit from penpal (6 periods) Period : Getting started- Listen and read Period 2: Speak Period 3: Listen Period 4: Read Period 5: Write Period 6: Language focus Period 67 Date of preparing: 18/2/2021 Unit 11- traveling around vietnam Lesson 1: getting started (P.98) - LISTEN AND READ (p.98- 100) A.Objectives: Aims: : - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to know the places of interest in Viet Nam, Help ss understand and practice the dialogue between Hoa and Tim at the airport Listen and read a dialogue and check the sentences Ss can use some expressions to express their interest - The knowledge needs to get: + Standard knowledge: Practice the dialogue and check the sentences + Advanced knowledge: Ask and answer questions about the dialogue -Basic language: + Vocabulary: seat(n) ; exciting(a); crop (n); sugar cane(n) + Structures : - “Ed” and “ing” participles - Would/ Do you mind if I…? Would/ Do you mind + V(ing)…? Practice skill: - Practice listening, reading Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice the dialogue and check the sentences Educate ss to learn hard and love their motherland, country B Preparations Teacher: lesson plan, English 8-book, computer, projectors Students: review the grammar points and vocabulary, English 8-book, C Techniques: - Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work - Some techniques can be used: Jumbled words, Matching, bingo, T/F, Q & A D Procedure : I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today? Class 8B 8C Date of teaching 23/02/2021 24/02/2021 Teacher’s activities II Warm up: (5’)Jumbled words - Write the topic “ Places of interest “ on the Absent students Ss’activities - Team work board Places of interest Ha long bay Nha Rong harbor - Ask each team to connect the words to make the right phrases for places of interest and write them on the board as fast as possible => Ngo Mon Gate, Ha long Bay, The Temple of Literature, Nha rong Harbor III New lesson: *Getting Started: Matching: - Write the topic on the board: Places of interest - Divide class into two teams Ask Ss to open their books (p.98) and match the names with the pictures - Team work - Call on some Ss to give their answers - Ask Ss to open their books and match the names with the pictures - Call on some Ss to give their answers *Match the places of interest in Viet Nam with their names : a Ngo Mon Gate b Nha Rong Harbor c The Temple Literature d Ha Long Bay - Call some Ss to read the proper names aloud Step Pre- reading: (8’) Pre- teach vocab: - Elicit some new words from ss - crop (n): vô mïa - sugar cane (n): c©y mÝa ( It is used to - Listen and repeat in chorus, individual - Guess the meaning - Copy make sugar ) - buffalo (n): tr©u (explanation) - forty- minute drive = The drive takes 40 minutes * Checking vocab: Bingo - Teacher – Ss - Individual and choral + Guiding questions : - Set the scene: The Jones come to Vietnam and Hoa meets them at the airport Now listen to the conversation between Mr and Mrs Jones and Hoa - Put the chart with questions on the board a Where does Hoa meet The Jones ? b Is it the first time The Jones have visited Viet Nam? c How they travel to Ha Noi ? d What they see along the road to Ha Noi ? e What would Tim like to ? - Ask Ss to think about the questions in a few minutes - Have Ss listen to the tape while reading the dialogue - Get Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions - Call on some pairs to give their answers - Feedback : a Hoa meets The Jones at the airport b Yes, it is c By taxi d They see a boy riding a water buffalo, rice paddies, corn and sugar cane fields e He would like to take a photo - Whole class - Pair work -Ss think about the questions in a few minutes - Ss listen to the tape while reading the dialogue - Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions - Ss to listen to the tape and say out True or False Step While- reading(15’) - Ask Ss to listen to the tape and say out True or False - Some groups of five to - Read the sentences aloud and call on some practice the dialogue in front Ss to answer , then have them correct the false of class sentences and get them to write in their notebooks a T b T c F -> … in a taxi d T e.T f F -> … Not only rice and corn but also sugar canes are grown around Ha Noi - Call on some groups of five to practice the dialogue in front of class - Correct their pronunciation - Ss to read the dialogue again , discuss with them and ask them to pick out the sentences containing the situations mentioned below - Individual Step Post – reading: (8’) Discussion - Ask Ss to read the dialogue again, discuss with them and ask them to pick out the sentences containing the situations mentioned below * to express interest : - I,d like you to meet my parents … - It is nice to meet you … - It is great to be in Viet Nam - I would to sit with Tim … * to express a request : - Would you mind sitting in the front seat … - Would you mind if I took a photo? IV Summary: (5’) - Retell the main points of this lesson: use some expressions to express their interest V.Homework: (2’) - Learn by heart new words and some structures to give some examples - Do exercises in workbook - Prepare for the next period: Speak *Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… Date of preparing: 18/ 02/ 2021 Period 68 Unit 11- traveling around viet nam Lesson 2: speak (P.100- 101) A.Objectives: Aims: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make and respond to formal requests using “ mind” and make suggestions Practice skill: - Practice speaking -The knowledge needs to get: + Standard knowledge: Make and reply to the requests and suggestions + Advanced knowledge: Make and reply to the requests and suggestions well -Basic language: - take a photo (v): chụp ảnh - officer (n): nhân viên - vegeterian (a): người ăn chay - coin (unc): tiền xu - botanical garden (n): vườn bách thảo Would/ Do you mind + V- ing …? Would you mind if I + Verb (Past simple) …? Do you mind if I + Verb ( Present simple ) ? Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to make and reply to the requests and suggestions B Preparations Teacher: lesson plan, English 8-book, computer, projectors Students: review the grammar points and vocabulary, English 8-book, C Techniques: - Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work - Some techniques can be used: W & W, word cue drill D Procedure : I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today? Class 8B 8C Date of teaching 23/02/2021 24/02/2021 Teacher’s activities II Warm up: (5’) What does it say ? - Choose a student and ask him/ her to go to the front of the class with his/ her back to the board Absent students Ss’activities - Whole class so that he/ she can not see what is written on the board - Write the information on the board - Ask the rest of the class try to help the student guess what is written on the board by asking questions until he / she says out right the words on the board Example: Yes, I Ss ask : Do you like your teacher? Or Every day Ss ask: How often you have a shower? III New lesson: Step Pre- speaking: (8’) Introduce the topic of the speaking and some structures Pre- teach vocab: - take a photo (v): chơp ¶nh - officer (n): nhân viên - vegeterian (a): ăn chay - coin (unc): tiền xu - botanical garden (n): vờn bách thảo +Checking vocab: What and where Structures : - Set the scene : Remind Ss of the exchanges between Hoa and Mr Jones and between Hoa and Tim in the last dialogue and elicit the sentences from Ss Model sentences : A : Would you mind sitting in the front seat of the taxi? B : No problem A : Would you mind if I took a photo? B : Not at all => Used to make and respond to formal requests Form : Would/ Do you mind + V- ing …? Would you mind if I + Verb (Past simple) …? Do you mind if I + Verb ( Present simple ) ? - Teacher – Ss - Listen and repeat in chorus, individual - Guess the meaning - Copy - Ss of the exchanges between Hoa and Mr Jones and between Hoa and Tim in the last dialogue and elicit the sentences from Ss - Ss to copy and give some more examples with suggested words - Whole class Responses : + Agreement: No, I not mind / No, of course no / Not at - Some pairs to practice in all / Please / Please go head front of class + Disagreement: I am sorry , I can not / I am sorry , it is impossible - Ss work in pairs , , I d prefer you did not / I d rather you did not - Get Ss to copy and give some more examples with suggested words Cue words drill : move your car ? (v ) go out with me ? ( x) wait for me ? (x) Get / coffee ? (v) Smoke ? (x) - Call on some pairs to practice in front of class Step While – speaking (15’) - Ask Ss to work in pairs + Open pairs : Get or pairs to demonstrate the exchanges + Close pairs : get the whole class to practice all the exchanges - Give feedback Mapped dialogue You Tourist officer Excuse me ! Yes ? I would like to visit a market Would you Not at all mind suggesting one ? How about goping to Thai Binh Market ? That sounds It opens from about interesting Thank am to pm you You are welcome + Open pairs: Ask some pairs to demonstrate the dialogue + Closed pairs : have Ss open their books and use the information / 101 to practice other dialogues Group : Markets Group : Museums Group3 : Restaurants Group : Stamps Group : Zoo and Botanical Garden - Pair work - Teacher – Ss - Side - side - Open pairs->Close pair - Some volunteers from each group to practice in front of class - Teacher – Ss + Open pairs : Get or pairs to demonstrate in the class Step Post – speaking (8’) *Role play -Ss practice in pairs S1 is a tourist and other is a tourist information officer at AG -T corrects mistakes -S1: a tourist -S2: a tourist information officer at AG The tourist want to visit somewhere in AG and the tourist information officer suggests some places IV Summary: (2’) To make and respond to formal requests using “ mind” and make suggestions V Homework: - Learn by heart new words and some structures to give some examples - Do exercises in workbook - Prepare for the next period: Listen *Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………… Date of preparing: 18/02/2021 Period 69 Unit 11- traveling around viet nam Lesson 3: listen (P.102) A.Objectives: Aims: - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to listen and match the places in the box to their correct positions on the map -The knowledge + Standard knowledge: Practice listening and matching the places + Advanced knowledge: Ask and answer questions about the dialogue Look at the map and retell the places -Basic language: - highway (n), starve, past , book (v) 2.Skill: - Practice listening, reading Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to listen to the dialogue Educate ss to learn hard and love their motherland, country B Preparations Teacher: lesson plan, English 8-book, computer, projectors Students: review the grammar points and vocabulary, English 8-book, C Techniques: - Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work - Some techniques can be used: Jumbled words, guessing, Q&A D Procedure : I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today? Class 8B 8C Date of teaching 26/02/2021 27/02/2021 Teacher’s activities II Warm up: (5’) Jumbled words -Ss write the letter in the correct words -T gives feedback - ohelt = hotel - metlpe = temple - gaapdo = pagoda - rsenratuat = restaurant Absent students Ss’activities - Team work - sbu sationt = bus station - daor = road *We’re going to know about the place direction about some places of interest in Vietnam III New lesson *Pre-listening(8’) Pre teach: - highway (n) = ®êng cao tèc - (to) starve = ®ãi - (to) past = ®i qua + Checking vocab: R&R Guesing: - Set the sence:“The Browns family is going around Hanoi and they are talking about the directions to places in the maps Listen to them and match the places to the correct positions on the map - Put the map on the board and ask Ss to identify the places -What’s it? ( a bridge / a river ) -Where is the Tourist Information center? ( on the High way ) -Where is the bridge? ( across the river on the High way ) - Have Ss guess their correct positions on the map - Call on some Ss to read their predictions and write them on the board - Listen and repeat in chorus, individual - Guess the meaning - Copy - Ss guess their correct positions on the map - Ss to read their predictions and write them on the board - Teacher – Ss - Whole class - Individual - Individual - Copy down Answer Key: a) restaurant b) hotel c) bus station d) pagoda e) temple *While- listening(15’) - Ask Ss to list the places on the maps - Play the tape or times - Ask Ss to compare their answers with their friends - Call on some Ss to read their answers and give the correct answers Answer key : a) restaurant b) hotel c) bus station d) pagoda e) temple - Play the tape once more to check the answers ( pause at some important paragraph ) +Answer these questions:  Questions : Do they go back to the hotel when Tim’s tired? Does Mrs Brown go to the pagoda? Where is the restaurant? How are they going to get to the pagoda when they are at the hotel?  Answer key : Yes, they Yes, she does It’s in Ho Tay Road They’re going to walk over the bridge and take the first road on the left (on foot) *Post-listening(8’) *Ask and tell the way to places: You are at the Tourist Information Center Ex: Can you tell me the way to the restaurant? -Go along DaLat Street, turn right at the first corner It’s on the right (Summary the dialogue ( listening )) - Work in pairs - Ss work in pairs , asking and answering the questions - Call on some pairs to demonstrate for the class IV Summary: (6’) To listen and match the places in the box to their correct positions on the map V.Homework: 2’ - Learn by heart new words and some structures to give some examples - Do exercises in workbook - Prepare for the next period: Read *Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… .. .Period 67 Date of preparing: 18/ 2/2021 Unit 11- traveling around vietnam Lesson 1: getting started (P. 98) - LISTEN AND READ (p. 98- 100) A.Objectives: Aims: : -... …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… Date of preparing: 18/ 02/ 2021 Period 68 Unit 11- traveling around viet nam Lesson 2: speak (P.100- 101) A.Objectives: Aims: - By... motherland, country B Preparations Teacher: lesson plan, English 8- book, computer, projectors Students: review the grammar points and vocabulary, English 8- book, C Techniques: - Model-Talk-Practice, individual

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2021, 13:24

