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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINNG MINITRY OF HOME AFFAIRS NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION BOUNKHAM PHONMANY ORGANIZATION OF THE PROVINCELEVEL STATE ADMINISTRATIVE APPARATUS OF LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Specialization: Public Management Code: 34 04 03 SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL DISSERTATION ON PUBLIC MANAGEMENT Ha Noi, 2021 This work is finished at: NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Scientific supervisors: Assoc Prof PhD Nguyễn Thị Thu Vân Ph Nguyễn Thị Hà Venue: Doctoral defense room – meeting room … house Reviewer 1: Reviewer 2: Reviewer 3: This dissertation shall be defended before the academy-level dissertation evaluation council … National Academy of Public Administration No.77, Nguyen Chi Thanh, Dong Da, Ha Noi Time: at … day …… month …… year 20…… This dissertation can be accessed in The National Library of Vietnam and Library of National Academy of Public Administration INTRODUCTION Rationale Local government is the governmentorganized within a certain territorial administrative unit Local administration plays a very important and indispensable role in the state administrative management system These are the levels responsible for implementing the Constitution, laws and regulations of their superiors as well as planning and implementing local socio-economic development plans Lao PDR gained its independence on December 2, 1975 After gaining independence, from 1976 to 1978, the country's management authoritywas largely concentrated in the central government At this time there was no clear decentralization of management between local and central governments All management activities were mainly concentrated at the central level In 1991, the first Constitution was promulgated According to this Constitution, the state apparatus was systematically reorganized from the central to the grassroots Thus, the issue of reforming the government apparatus has been noticed by the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (Lao PRP) since the early stage In 1991, the organization of the state administrative apparatus in general and the local state administrative apparatus in particular was a matter of interest to many countries around the world, including developed countries and the developing ones, especially the countries which is in the process of transferring from a regime to a serving administration as Lao PDR However, the organization of the province-level state administrative apparatus of the Lao PDR still has many shortcomings as follows - The system of legal documents regulating the organization and operation of province-level state administrative apparatus is not really complete Despite of a new Constitution and a local administrative law promulgated in 2015, it still lacks a number of relevant regulations - The organizational structure of the apparatus is still cumbersome, and the arrangement of the apparatus is not methodical Excluding the provincial People's Councils, regarding the state administrative agencies at the provincial level, Lao PDR has 16 departments and agencies at department-level Although the department-level agencies are included in the organization of the province-level state administrative apparatus, most departments are under the management of the superior central ministries in line organization This causesdifficulties for the cadres and administration in the locality - The decentralization, and separation of managerialpower between the central and local authorities is still not clearly demarcated from each other in many contents In recent years, Lao PDR has paid attention to the decentralization and separation of powers from the government to the local government In reality, however, there are still many problems with the decentralization and separation of power between the central and local governments In some contents, the decentralization and separation of powers are not clear that causesoverlaps or gapsbetween the central and local governments during the course of operation - International integration, which is becoming increasingly extensive, requires a synchronous and compact state administrative apparatus at provincial level to meet the requirements of innovation and integration In the process of developing the country, the organization of state administrative has implemented many changes to respond tofactualdemands, especially when conducting the renovation and international integration Because Lao PDR carries out the innovation while still researching and learning, the organization and operation of the state administrative apparatus are still inadequate - The contingent of cadres and civil servants of the provincial government is still limited; the assignment, arrangement, and placement of civil servants in positions still has some shortcomings In the context of limitedintellectual level, qualifications and capacity of public servants in general and thoseworking for the province-level government in particular is still limited Meanwhile, the arrangement of civil servants is not reasonable Therefore, the quality and working performance of civil servants are nothigh - Facility conditions are inadequate and outdated, not synchronized In general, Lao PDR is still a poor country with low average-income, poor and backward infrastructure; tools and working facilities are not adequate and asynchronous Regarding the theoretical issue, in Lao PDR, there are many studies on the issue of organization of state apparatus under different aspects and levels However, the number of methodical studies on the organization of the local state administrative apparatus in general and the province-level state administrative apparatus in particularis very limited Particularly regarding the organization of provincelevel government, there are no studies conducted with public management approaches Accordingly, the theoretical basis for the organization and operation of the local state administrative apparatus has not been completed Therefore, the author chooses the topic "Organization of the province-level state administrative apparatus of Lao People's Democratic Republic" for theirdoctoral dissertation in public management Research purpose and missions 2.1 Research purposes The purpose of the study is that on the basis of theory and reality, the dissertation proposes the views and solutions to perfect the organization of the province-level state administrative apparatus of Lao PDR in accordance with the practical conditions of the said country 2.2 Research mission - Research and systematize relevant studies, thereby pointing out the contents and results that the studies have studied as well as pointing out the gaps - Develop a theoretical framework for the organization of the state administrative apparatus at the provincial level - Analyze and evaluate the actual situation of the organizational structure of the province-level state administrative apparatus of Lao PDR, pointing out the achievements, the limitations and the causes of the limitations, as a basis for proposing solutions - Propose number of solutions to improve the organization of the province-level state administrative apparatus of Lao PDR Subject and scope of research - The subject of research is the organization of the state administrative apparatus at the provincial level of Lao PDR - The scope of research is the organization of province-level state administrative apparatus of Lao PDR from 2015 to 2020 with a vision to 2030 Methodology and research methods - The dissertation is based on the basis of the dialectical and historical materialism methodology of Marxism-Leninism - The specific research methods employed when conducting the research include: Document research method; practical summaries; analysis, synthesis, comparison; expert interview Scientific hypothesis and research questions 5.1 Scientific hypothesis The current state administrative apparatus organization of Lao PDR is still quite cumbersome compared to the population size and number of cadres and public servants There are overlaps in management authority between the central government and the province-level government for someprovince-level state administrative agencies If the organization of the province-level state administrative apparatus of the Lao PDR is perfected, the quality and performance of the provincial government will be improved 5.2 Research questions - What are the contents of the organization of the provincelevel state administrative apparatus? - What are shortcomings of the organization of the provincelevel state administrative apparatus of Lao PDR, and the causes of the shortcomings? - What measures should be taken to overcome the limitations of the province-level administrative apparatus of Lao PDR? New contributions of the dissertation Once successful, the dissertation will contribute in terms of theory: providing the definition of the organization of the provincelevel state administrative apparatus; pointing out basic models to organize the state administrative apparatus at the provincial level (the power decentralization model, the power concentration model and the mixed model between decentralization and centralization); clarifying the method of operation of the organization of the state administrative apparatus at the provincial level (working under the collective regime, the headship regime, the coordination regime) At the same time, some reference values for Lao PDR were drawn on the basis of studying the organization of the province-level state administrative apparatus of other countries The research results provide analysis and assessment of the current situation of organizational models, method of operations, and decentralization mechanism of the province-levelstate administrative apparatus of Lao PDR according to the 2015 Constitution and the 2015 Law on Local Administrative The research results suggest a number of viewpoints and solutions to improve the organization of the province-level state administrative apparatus of Lao PDR at present Scientific and practical significance 7.1 Scientific significance The research results of the dissertation enrich the theoretical basis for the organization of the province-levelstate administrative apparatus 7.2 Practical significance The research results of the dissertationwill contribute to the basis for the organization of the province-level state administrative apparatus to help managers and policy makers build and issue institutions related to the organization of the province-levelstate administrative apparatus so as to bestrict, adequate and consistent with local situation over time The dissertation will be able to serve as a reference for organizations and individuals to study the organization of the province-level state administrative apparatus of Lao PDR, as well as for teaching and research in the field of administrative science, which is alsobeneficial to graduate students, graduate students and individuals and organizations interested in researching the organizational structure of the state administrative apparatus at the provincial level Structure of dissertation In addition to the introduction, conclusion, and list of references, the content of the dissertation consists of chapters Chapter LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Results of the previous relatedstudies Relevant studies have focused on the following First, these studies have a general consensus in affirming the position and role of the state administrative apparatus in the state apparatus Second, improving the organization of the state administrative apparatus is an important concern in the process of organization and operation of state agencies Third, a number of studies on the organization of the state apparatus have built a theoretical basis and properly assessed the actual situation of the organization of the state apparatus Fourth, some studies on local government have mentioned the organizational reform of the state administrative apparatus Fifth, studies on the organization of state apparatus in order to build a rule-of-law state have provided the author with models of state administrative organization for reference 1.2 Issues for research The overview of the relevant studies shows that the studies on the organization of the apparatus from the perspective of public management are still limited Particularly,the organization of the province-level state administrative apparatus of Lao PDR has not been studied intensively and systematically Therefore, the dissertation needs to continue to study the organization of the local state administrative apparatus in the following contents First, the organization of the province-level state administrative apparatus of Lao PDR is hierarchical However, there are organizations which are jointly managed by two agencies Those organizations are required to be studied Second, the organizational structure and operation of the local government at the provincial level (including the province-level People's Council) and the relationship between the People's Council and the governor or mayor is a space for the dissertation to research Third, the decentralization between the central government and organization of the state administrative apparatus at the provincial level Chapter SCIENTIFIC BASIS FORTHE ORGANIZATION OFPROVINCE-LEVEL STATE ADMINISTRATIVE APPARATUS 2.1 State administrative apparatus at provincial level 2.1.1 The definition of the province-level state administrative apparatus Province-level state administrative apparatus is understood as a system of agencies or divisions of the state administrative agency 10 - The socialization of public administrative services for the state administrative apparatus at the provincial level shall be implemented Chapter SITUATION OF THE ORGANIZATION OF THE PROVINCE-LEVEL STATE ADMINISTRATIVE APPARATUS OF LAO PDR 3.1 Overview of the state apparatus of the Lao People's Democratic Republic 3.1.1 Introduction to the organization of state apparatus of Lao PDR According to the 2015 Constitution, Lao PDR is a democratic country in which all power is of the people, by the people and for the benefit of the people Chapter of the Constitution stipulates: The Government is the executive organ of the State, having full power over the management and supervision of the whole country The government consists of 18 ministries and ministry-level agencies Regarding local administration, there are 17 provinces, capital city, namely Vientiane Thus, there are 18 administrative units at the provincial level The new feature of local government under the 2015 Constitution is that at the provincial level there is a People's Council 3.1.2 Introduction to the organization of the provincial administrative apparatus of the Lao PDR - The organizational structure of the province-level state administrative apparatus The organizational structure of the province-level state administrative apparatus of Lao PDR includes: Offices of provinces 17 and city; Departments and department-equivalent agencies; Provincial Inspector - The personnel structure of the organization of the state administrative apparatus at the provincial level The personnel structure of the organization of the provincelevel state administrative apparatus of Lao PDR includes: Governor, mayor; deputy governor, deputy mayor; chief of provincial and city offices and heads of departments; deputy chief of office, deputy heads of departments 3.2 Organization of the state administrative apparatus at the provincial level of Lao PDR 3.2.1 The organizational model of the state administrative apparatus at the provincial level With the promulgation of the Constitution in 2015 and the Law on Local Administration in 2015, the departments belonged to the line organizationalso changed according to the changes of their superior specialized agencies Currently, the departmentsbelonged to the line organization at the local (province-level) are not the same.Some provinces have 16 departments and departmentequivalent agencies, others have 20 departments and departmentequivalent agencies, depending on actual conditions of the province For agencies under provincial offices, some provinces have divisions or divisions Functions and tasks of province-level state administrative agencies also changed to suit the new model 3.2.2 Method of operation of the organization of the state administrative apparatus at the provincial level Administrative agencies of provinces and cities are provincelevel administrative agencies that have the role of state 18 administrative management in terms of politics, administration, economy, culture - society, defense and security protection, diplomacy, training and use of human resources, protection and use of natural resources, the environment and other resources in the locality, directing and inspecting the organization and implementation of development plans and strategies for districts, towns and cities within their management areas, to implement resolutions of meetings of the provincial people's councils The method of operation of the provincial administrative agencies of Lao PDR is through meetings A meeting of provincial administrative agencies is held once a month though, in case of necessity and urgency, extraordinary meetings may be held with the consent of the governor or mayor Over the course of operation, the organization of the state administrative apparatus of the Lao PDR in general and the organization of the province-level state administrative apparatus in particular has to coordinate with other agencies 3.2.3 Decentralization mechanism between central government and provincial government The Government is the highest state administrative agency.In addition to the provisions in the law, the Government promulgates a number of regulations on the organizational structure of the system of state administrative management agencies at all levels The implementation of decentralization and separation of powers of management authority in the state administrative system in recent years has been carried out according to specific regulations and principles For provinces and cities, the Government has decentralized and defined functions, tasks and powers for a number 19 of areas such as ensuring social order and security, international relations and cooperation according to the Government’s decisions… The coordination relationship between central administrative agencies and local administrative agencies at provincial level is also relatively clearly regulated, especially between three areas: planning, project and budget; coordinate in approving plans and budgets; on cadres and civil servant management In the Lao PDR, the process of decentralization, coordination, and assignment of certain tasks to the local authorities is being well implementedaccording to the Government's Sam Sang(“Three Builds”)program proposed and deployed across the country 3.3 General assessment of the organization of the state administrative apparatus at the provincial level of Lao PDR 3.3.1 Strengths - The organization of the state administrative apparatus distinguishes the state administrative apparatus at the provincial level from the district and village levels - Specialized agencies of province-level state administrative apparatus organizations receive direction from specialized ministries and local authorities - Functions, tasks and powers of province-level state administrative apparatus organizations concentrate on administrative management - The working mechanism of the province-level state administrative apparatus organization is simpler and more decisive 20 3.3.2 Weaknesses - Some regulations on the organizational structure of the local administrative apparatus are still unreasonable - The organization of the state administrative apparatus at the provincial level is quite cumbersome - The organization of the state administrative apparatus lacks stability; division and separationoccurfrequently - The organization of province-level state administrative apparatus of rural and urban areas has not been distinguished 3.3.2 The cause of the limitations - Functions, tasks and powers of province-level state administrative agenciesare not closely and clearly defined, but overlapped - The working style of the state administrative apparatus is not really methodical - The decentralization between central and local governments is still limited - The working capacity of cadres and civil servants of province-level state administrative agencies is still limited - The facilities and technical equipment are still inadequate and backward Chapter ORIENTATIONS AND SOLUTIONS TO PERFECT THE ORGANIZATION OF THE PROVINCE-LEVEL STATE ADMINISTRATIVE APPARATUS OF LAO PDR 4.1 Orientation to perfect the organization of the province-level state administrative apparatus of Lao PDR 4.1.1 Objectives and requirements 21 to improve the organization of the province-level state administrative apparatus of Lao PDR - Completing the state administrative apparatus in the overall reform of the state administrative apparatus and the political system renovation - Building and perfecting the state administrative apparatus in association with economic reform - Strengthen the capacity of state administrative agencies and law-based social management - The process of perfecting the state administrative apparatus must be carried out cautiously, firmly, with focus - Building a contingent of professional civil servants, meeting the requirements and objectives of multi-sectoral and multi-field state management - Having a strategy in building and perfecting the state administrative apparatus to avoid the risk of fragmentation and lack of synchronization - Building and perfecting the state administrative apparatus must be conductedin consideration of the reality and specific conditions of the Lao PDR 4.1.2 Viewpoints on improving the organization of the province-level state administrative apparatus of Lao PDR - Ensure the leadership of the Lao People's Democratic Party - Ensure state power belongs to the people - Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of state management - It must carry out in sync with the reform of the local political system 22 - It must be appropriate to urban and rural characteristics 4.2 Some solutions to improve the organization of the province-level state administrative apparatus of the province in Lao PDR 4.2.1 Perfecting the institution on the organization of the state administrative apparatus at the provincial level Regarding the local government apparatus, it is necessary to continue to legislate and perfect regulations on functions, tasks, powers, and effective coordination mechanisms among organizations and agencies at the same level In which, it is necessary to pay attention to promulgating new regulations on the organization of specialized agencies under the People's Committees of province and municipality; on the establishment, reorganization and dissolution of administrative organizations They are the Government's Decree stipulating the organization of specialized agencies under the People's Committees cities;Government's of Decree provinces and centrally-governed providing for the establishment, reorganization and dissolution of administrative organizations Besides, in order to organize the province-level state administrative apparatus in a professional manner, it is necessary to supplement regulations on working methods of the organization of the province-level state administrative apparatus; on the coordination between the organization of the province-level state administrative apparatus and other organizations and agencies in the political system; and, on the integrity of the cadres and civil servants Accordingly, the Prime Minister's Decision on culture of civil service shall be issued 23 4.2.2 Promote decentralization and separation of powers between central state administrative agencies and local state administrative agencies The decentralization and separation of powers between central state administrative agencies and local state administrative agencies must be based on certain principles: the levelwhich performs management effectively shall be assigned; the Government agrees that centralized state management in line organization shall be performed in a number of sectors such as defense - security, diplomacy, taxation, treasury, customs and banking; ensuring the principle that isregarding atask in an area, only one agency or organization is assigned to assume the prime responsibility for implementation and take main responsibility; implementing the decentralization of the organization of apparatus for the local government; payroll management is always associated with the organization of apparatus, so decentralizing the organizational apparatus for local governments will be associated with the decentralization of payroll management For the locality, it is necessary to create an open mechanism which empowers initiative Local authorities have the right to consider and decide whether to merge, dissolve, establish or not to establish any departments in accordance with the socio-economic conditions in the locality The Central Government issues only general regulations on the number of deputies; and localities are entitled to make specific arrangements, as long as the authority is not exceeded 4.2.3 Consolidate the organization of the state administrative apparatus at the provincial level 24 It is necessary to continue reviewing and transferring tasks that state agencies not have to carry out to organizations, individuals, businesses or social organizations Province-level state administrative agencies only perform state management over sectors and fields within the province-level territory Autonomy in payroll and finance shall be assigned to eligible units The public-private partnership model in public services shall be implemented On the basis of functional delineation, it is necessary toreorganize the organizational apparatus of province-level state administrative agencies in order to reduce focal points and intermediaries Regarding the arrangement and consolidation of the organization of agencies under the provincial governors and mayors, the direction is to specify a framework on the number and structure of organizations, personnel, and deputy levels of specialized agencies under the governor and mayor which shall be appropriate to the local characteristics Research and merge a number of agencies and units with similar functions and tasks; review and arrange the internal organizational structure of departments, branches and agencies under governors and mayors to ensure streamlined, effective and efficient operation 16 departments and department-level agencies shall adjust, rearrange and consolidate their personnel in order to reduce focal points and be able to manage multi-sectors and fields Several departments shall be merged to reduce the number of departments and agencies from 16 to 13 25 4.2.4 Renovating the working style of province-level state administrative organizations In order to renovate the working style of province-level state administrative organizations, it is necessary to pay attention to the following contents: Tasks of cadres and civil servants of provincelevel state administrative organizations are concretized according to their working positions For heads of the agency, strengthen accountability in directing and administering the agency's tasks Province-level state administrative organizations need to maintain close, rhythmic and regular coordination to take the initiative in advising and proposing to leaders effectively Regarding the renovation ofworking methods of provincelevel state administrative organizations, it is necessary to implement a number of measures: simplify administrative procedures, strengthen discipline and administrative discipline for province-level state administrative organizations 4.2.5 Capacity building for cadres and civil servants of province-level state administrative apparatus organizations To improve the capacity of cadres and civil servants of the province-level state administrative apparatus organization, it is necessary to pay attention to the synchronization of the steps The following aspects shall be taken in to account in the recruitment of civil servants: qualifications, attitude and health At the same time, it shall be associated with the review, adjustment, retraining, screening, and implementation of the principlethat the personnel are subject to being promoted, demoted, employed or dismissed The process of recruiting civil servants shall be implemented so as to preserve democracy, publicity and objectivity 26 in order to recruit qualified people to the civil service rank; develop and implement a rigorous selection and appointment process; publicize requirements and standards of civil servants to be recruited; participate with the selection committee in checking the candidate's profile, preparing the exam content for the civil servant ranks to be recruited Training and retraining shall be taken into account The personnel who are selected for training and retraining must have appropriate expertise It is necessary to renovate the content of training and fostering cadres and civil servants, focusing on fostering Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of President Kaysone Phomvihan Methods of training and fostering shall combine formal training with other forms of fostering, combining training and fostering in schools with practice outside of schools, with an incentive and compulsory regime for self-learning and self-studying Assessment shall be innovated Evaluation of cadres and civil servants must be based on certain standards and principles Evaluation process shall be conducted constructively, adhering to the principle of democratic centralism The content of the assessment must cover both aspects of ethical qualities and work capacity The conclusion of the assessment must be public and democratic in the spirit of solidarity, comradeship and co-workers It is necessary to offerincentives and disciplines timely The incentive must be given objectively and fairly to maintain accuracy and to create anself-improvementmovement among each cadre and civil servant In addition to commendation Discipline must be applied to cadres and civil servants who are lazy, fail to perform assigned tasks or fail to complete assigned tasks; breach of discipline regulations 27 4.2.6 Modernize the facilities of the organization ofprovincelevel state administrative apparatus Ensure working conditions (offices, equipment) in accordance with the State's regulations, andtimely replacement of old and damaged equipment when required Timely amend and supplement unreasonable regulations on financial and public asset management Simultaneously, study and expand the implementation of the contracting mechanism for a number of financial regimes to ensure flexibility and promote the initiative of serviceagencies Increase the use of contract work, including hiring experts The allocation of funds to the units should be clearly defined, avoiding overlap in payment and settlement Strengthen the application of information technology in consulting, research, administration and service Build e-government in order to enhance connectivity, integration, sharing and reuse of information, enhance monitoring capacity, limit duplication, save costs and deployment time of state agencies; gradually improve flexibility when building and deploying information system components according to actual conditions CONCLUDE Through the above contents, it can be seen that the dissertation has achieved some main research results as follows: First, the dissertation has summarized relevantstudies The organizational structure and operational methods of the provincelevel state administrative agency is a knowledgegap for the dissertation to explore 28 Second, the dissertation has systematized the general theoretical issues about the province-level state administrative apparatus and the organization of the state administrative apparatus at the provincial level The organization of the state administrative apparatus at the provincial level has a number of unique characteristics and principles and is influenced by many different factors Third, on the basis of studying the organization of the province-level state administrative apparatus of Vietnam, the dissertation draws reference values for Lao PDR Fourth, the state administrative apparatus of Lao PDR is organized in a hierarchical model At the provincial level, there are 18 administrative units The province-level state administrative agency is constituted of 16 departments and department-equivalentagencies Fifth, the organization of state administrative apparatus at the provincial level has advantages such as there isdistinction between the state administrative apparatus at the provincial level and at the district and village levels; specialized agencies promptly receive direction from specialized ministries; the working mechanism of the province-level state administrative apparatus organization is simpler and more decisive However, the organization of the province-level state administrative apparatus of Lao PDR is not really streamlined The reason is that the functions, tasks and powers of the state administrative agencies at the provincial level areoverlapped and have not been closely and clearly defined; the working style of the province-level state administrative apparatus is not really methodical; decentralization between central and local is limited; working capacity of the contingent of cadres and civil servants of 29 province-level state administrative agencies is still limited; facilities and technical equipment are still poor and backward Sixth, the improvement of the state administrative apparatus shall be in harmony with the overall reform of the state administrative apparatus and the renovation of the political system, combining the completion of the state administrative apparatus with economic reform Seventh, in order to improve the organization of the provincelevel state administrative apparatus of Lao PDR, the following solutions should be implemented: Completing the institution on organization of the state administrative apparatus at the provincial level with the promulgation of the Government's Decree stipulating the organization of specialized agencies under the People's Committees of provinces and centrallygovernedcities; Government’s Decree onregulating the establishment, reorganization and dissolution of administrative organizations; Decision of the Prime Minister on civil service culture Decentralization shall be strongly conducted toward local government To consolidate provincial department-level agencies;the current 16 departments and agencies should be adjusted, reorganized and consolidatedinto 13 departments and department-equivalent agencies To renovate the working style of province-level state administrative organizations with the simplification of administrative procedures, and at the same time strengthening disciplines and regulations To carry out capacity building of cadres and civil servants of province-level state administrative apparatus To ensure working conditions and strengthen application of information technology in consulting, research, administration and service 30 LIST OF THE AUTHOR’S PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED WORKS Boukham Phonmany (2020), “Innovating management mode in provincial state administrative apparatus in Lao”, Review of Finance, Vol.3, Issue 3, 2020 Boukham Phonmany (2020), “Perfecting the organization of province-level administrative apparatus in Lao PDR”, Economy and Forecast Review, Issue 29 – October 2020 31 ... same level In which, it is necessary to pay attention to promulgating new regulations on the organization of specialized agencies under the People's Committees of province and municipality; on the... is necessary to pay attention to the synchronization of the steps The following aspects shall be taken in to account in the recruitment of civil servants: qualifications, attitude and health At... still not clearly demarcated from each other in many contents In recent years, Lao PDR has paid attention to the decentralization and separation of powers from the government to the local government

Ngày đăng: 21/10/2021, 17:23



