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  • However, this activity has also revealed many shortcomings and limitations, and has not fully satisfied the demand. One of the reasons affecting the above performance is the training policies of the state; contents, programs and methods of training officers have not addressed the different factors that are specific to the sector; the system of legal documents on training is still insufficient, incomplete and cumbersome; the management apparatus on training also have shortcomings and lack of synchronization. The coordination between levels in the training of officers is still not close and inconsistent because the legal documents do not clearly define the functions and tasks of each agency and the training institution … Besides, the capacity of the contingent of officers in charge of management and training is still weak and the number is still limited. The system of training facilities for public security forces is not strong enough; Equipment and facilities for training facilities are limited, not suitable for updating and equipping with knowledge, skills and working methods for training.

  • 5. Research questions and hypotheses

    • 7. Scientific and practical significance of the dissertation

Nội dung

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS / / NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION PHOUVANH SIPHOMTHAVIBOUN TRAINING OF PUBLIC SECURITY OFFICERS OF THE LAO PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Specialization: Public Management Code: 34 04 03 SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL DISSERTATION ON PUBLIC MANAGEMENT HA NOI – 2021 This work is finished at: NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Scientific supervisors: Assoc Prof, Ph.D Triệu Văn Cường Assoc Prof, Ph.D Hoàng Mai Reviewer 1: Reviewer 2: Reviewer 3: This dissertation shall be defended before the academy-level dissertation evaluation council Venue: Doctoral defense room – meeting room … house … National Academy of Public Administration No.77, Nguyen Chi Thanh, Dong Da, Ha Noi Time: at … day …… month …… year 20…… This dissertation can be accessed in The National Library of Vietnam and Library of National Academy of Public Administration INTRODUCTION Rationale The Lao People's Revolutionary Party (Lao PRP – abbrv “the Party”) and the state of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) always determine that the training of public security forces plays a crucial role and consider the development of personnel as a decisive factor for the development of the country, thereby contributing to the achievement of the State’s targets in the new period The strategy on training the public security forces of the Lao PRP and the Lao State determines the need to make a breakthrough in three basic contents, including: sufficient quantity; better and higher quality; and more effective mechanisms and regulations According to the guiding viewpoints of the Party, policies and laws of the Lao PDR on training, especially the Resolution of the 10th National Congress of the Party; Resolution of the 4th Plenum of the Party (10th-tenure) on strengthening the Party building and rectification, preventing and repelling the deterioration of political ideology, morality, lifestyle, and manifestations of "self-evolution", “self-transformation” internally; Resolution of the 7th Plenum of the Party Central Committee (10th-tenure) on focusing on building a contingent of cadres at all levels, especially at the strategic level, with sufficient quality, capacity and prestige on par with tasks; Resolution No 16-NQ/TW dated March 12, 2018 of the Politburo on continuing to renovate and arrange the organizational structure of the Ministry of Public Security to be streamlined, effective and efficient; Decree No 01/2018/ND-CP dated August 6, 2018 of the Government defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Public Security, Resolution No 17-NQ/DU dated 28/28 10/2014 of the Central Public Security Party Committee, in the coming time, the education and training of public security forces should be further promoted The public security forces are the decisive factor for the success of all operations, especially in the armed forces Therefore, all congresses, especially since the 13th national congress, have clearly defined 04 basic and cross-cutting objectives as follows: Building a revolutionary, regular, elite, and gradually modernized people's public security forces Resolution No 30-NQ/TW of the Central Executive Committee (10th-tenure) on "Strategy to protect the Fatherland in the new situation" affirms that "Building a revolutionary, regular, elite, and gradually modernized People’s Police with raised combat strength which is truly the loyal and reliable force of the Party, State and people as well as the core force for the defense of the Fatherland” These views are also concretized in Article 56 of the 2015 Constitution: “The State builds a revolutionary, regular, elite, gradually modernized People's Police, being the core in performing the task of protecting national security, ensuring social order and safety, and preventing and fighting against crime” Accordingly, the training of People's Public security forces has achieved positive results: The content of the training program and teaching methods are constantly innovated, ensuring scientific characteristic and modernity, contributing to improving the sense of initiative as well as self-study and self-research ability of the learners, through which the quality of training is gradually improved The collection of fields and professions of training continues to be perfected and expanded in the direction of diversification; the contingent of lecturers and managers of training courses are increased in quantity and gradually improved in quality; facilities and teaching equipment are improved in the direction of modernity and synchronization; domestic and international cooperation in training has been expanded which brings practical effects However, this activity has also revealed many shortcomings and limitations, and has not fully satisfied the demand One of the reasons affecting the above performance is the training policies of the state; contents, programs and methods of training officers have not addressed the different factors that are specific to the sector; the system of legal documents on training is still insufficient, incomplete and cumbersome; the management apparatus on training also have shortcomings and lack of synchronization The coordination between levels in the training of officers is still not close and inconsistent because the legal documents not clearly define the functions and tasks of each agency and the training institution … Besides, the capacity of the contingent of officers in charge of management and training is still weak and the number is still limited The system of training facilities for public security forces is not strong enough; Equipment and facilities for training facilities are limited, not suitable for updating and equipping with knowledge, skills and working methods for training In such circumstance, in order to successfully fulfill the responsibilities assigned by the Party, State and people, the public security force has to be proactive, active, comprehensively renovate, and further improve the quality and effectiveness of various aspects in their work, in which professional training is one of the breakthrough, strategic and long-term solutions For the above reasons, in order to better meet the demand for training work for public security officers, the candidate selects the topic of "Training of public security officers of the Lao People's Democratic Republic" to implement her doctoral dissertation on public management Purpose and mission of the research 2.1 Purpose The dissertation studies the theoretical and practical basis of training of public security forces in Lao PDR, and, thus, proposes some solutions to innovate the training of public security forces in Lao PDR 2.2 Mission In order to achieve the said purpose, the dissertation sets some specific missions as follows: - To systematize domestic and foreign research works related to the topic; on that basis, determine the research contents to be inherited and the issues that need to be further researched - To analyze and clarify the theoretical basis for training of public security forces - To analyze and assess the current situation; to discover the reasons of the advantages and limitations of the training of public security forces of the Lao PDR - To propose solutions to improve the training of public security forces of the Lao PDR in the coming period Subject and scope of the dissertation 3.1 Research subject The training of public security forces 3.2 Scope of the research - Content: The dissertation studies the training of public security forces, with a focus on the group of leaders because within scope of a dissertation, it is not possible to study the training of all officers from all levels who have different professional expertise Therefore, the dissertation only focuses on the group of leaders, namely: - The Lao Ministry of Public Security: Director, Deputy Director - Provincial level: Director, Deputy Director of Provincial Public Security - District level: Chief/deputy officer - Space: In Lao PDR - Time: The dissertation was conducted from 2015 to 2020 It researched the theoretical basis and reality of the training of public security officers in Laos since the issue of Decree No 27/CP dated September 16, 2015 of the Government on the Strategy to train public security officers to meet the demands of national construction and national defense in the period of 2016-2020 Theoretical method and research methodology 4.1 Theoretical methodology This dissertation is based on the theoretical methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism of Marxism–Leninism 4.2 Research methodology The main research methodologies of the dissertation are as follows - Document analysis: This method is employed to analyze both primary and secondary documents Primary documents include relevant legal documents and Party documents, official statistics of competent state agencies Secondary documents include articles, journals, and conclusions of analyses made by other authors This method is used in all four chapters of the dissertation - Synthesis: This method is used to synthesize data and knowledge gained from document analysis, interviews, and expert consultation The synthesis aims to give the dissertation the author's own interpretations, comments and suggestions This method is used in all four chapters of the dissertation - Comparison: This method is applied to study experiences of foreign countries, thereby drawing lessons learned and selecting reasonable kernels appropriate to the conditions and circumstances to apply to Laos This method is mainly employed in chapter of the dissertation - Sociological investigation: This method is used to provide data to prove the reality of training of public security officers in Laos Specifically, the content of sociological investigation methods in the dissertation is used as follows: The dissertation uses the method of distributing evaluation questionnaires to 510 officials, of which 150 questionnaires are given to the officials belonging to the leadership group of the Lao Ministry of Security, 54 to the officers belonging to the leading group of provincial public security, and 306 to the officers belonging to the group of leaders of the district level Respondents of the questionnaires not have to provide their names and signature to ensure the objectivity of the collected information The survey received 500 responses Survey period: From October 2019 to November 2019 Based on the results of the questionnaires, the dissertation uses the analytical data processing method on the statistical software SPSS to ensure high accuracy In addition, the dissertation also uses a number of other complementary research methods such as historical method, inductive method, deductive method, etc to provide more scientific arguments and practical implementation of the topic Research questions and hypotheses 5.1 Research questions The dissertation addresses the main research questions as follows: - What are the roles, characteristics and contents of the training activities for officers at all levels? - What is the current circumstance of training activities for officers at all levels in Lao PDR? Advantages, disadvantages and causes? - What basic solutions should be implemented to innovate the training of officers in Lao PDR? 5.2 Hypotheses The dissertation examines the following contents First, training of public security forces plays an important role in the development of human resources in the Lao PDR Second, in recent years, the training of public security officers at all levels has achieved certain achievements, contributing to improving the quality of training of public security forces However, there are still certain limitations and it is necessary to continue to strengthen training activities for officers at all levels Third, based on the important role of training of public security forces at all levels, it is necessary to strengthen activities in this field in the orientation of ensuring autonomy and self-responsibility in training as well as to improve inspection, examination and supervision of the quality of training activities for officers at all levels Scientific contributions of the dissertation The dissertation of “Training of public security officers of the Lao People's Democratic Republic” is the first in-depth study on this issue Accordingly, the dissertation provides some new contributions as follows: - On the basis of studying and inheriting existing documents of Laos and other countries in the world, the dissertation proposes the concept and content of training of public security officers in Laos The dissertation also conducts analysis of factors affecting training activities of public security officers - Assessing the current situation, determining the reasons of the achievements and shortcomings of the current situation of training of public security officers in Laos - Proposing innovative solutions for training public security officers in Laos in line with the orientations of the police sector Scientific and practical significance of the dissertation - The majority of public security officers possess professional experience and good moral and lifestyle qualities - Public security officers in Laos are rigorously selected, formally trained, have strong political skills, and have good professional qualifications - Public security officers have a sense of strict discipline and operate in the capital and localities of the country - Public security officers are equipped with knowledge about the national history, the history of the Party, the security forces and the political values of the Laotian tribes 2.1.2 Definitions and characteristics of training of public security officers Definition of training of public security officers Training of public security officers is the process of enriching and updating new knowledge, practical experience and professional qualities with the aim of helping the trainees to perfect their skills and techniques to perform their assigned responsibilities and tasks, which facilitate the development of the organization The training improves their capacity to perform their actual work as well as maintains the development of public security force so as to meet the current and future personnel needs of the public security forces Characteristics of the training of officers First, the training of officers shall be comprehensive in terms of political theory, moral quality, profession, management skills and practical performance Second, the training shall be carried out scientifically with a specific program and plan Third, as officers are frequently rotated to other tasks and areas of operation, the training for officers must be conducted regular and timely Fourth, as the expertise and profession of the public security forces changes continuously with knowledge and skills being supplemented and modernized, the training programs and materials for officers must always be renewed and updated Fifth, in order to improve the training quality, it is necessary to combine different forms of training 13 2.1.3 Significance of officer training The training of officers in public security forces is a crucial task in the building of the socialist rule-of-law state, which shall meet the revolution’s requirements and tasks in the period of accelerating industrialization and modernization and active integration to the region and the global in a deep and wide manner 2.1.4 Subjects of officer training The Party promulgates thematic resolutions on the training in accordance with the situation in each period The content of the resolutions defines the viewpoints, directions, goals as well as responsibilities of ministries, provinces and districts for this work The Party shall lead the State to concretize resolutions of the central, ministries, provinces and districts into specific programs and plans for officer training activities Based on the resolutions and directives of the Central Government, the Ministry of Public Security shall develop resolutions, programs and projects, and so forth to direct its subordinate units at all levels The party committee of the Ministry of Public Security shall implement the next steps in the training; mastering the capacity of officer training institutions; determine funding sources for service and support; etc The provinces and districts concretize the resolutions of the Ministry of Public Security, directing relevant agencies and departments in the provinces and districts to develop training plans The Ministry of Public Security, considering the needs, shall review and approve the training subjects, report to its superior party committees and directly participate in the training of public security forces in practice and in the locality, motivating and managing cadres who perform training service The subjects who conduct trainings for the officers are the educational institutions of the Ministry of Public Security, namely: Laos General Political Department’s educational institute, Laos National Public Security Academy, and Laos people’s police academy shall provide the lecturers and organize the courses in accordance with the annual programs, contents, and plans of the Ministry, provinces and districts 2.1.5 Contents and methods of training 14 Training contents: - General awareness - In-depth skills and professional knowledge in accordance with the pre-designed topics - Knowledge and leadership skills for incumbent officials and officials in the succession planning to improve management and administration capacity For example, the training program on leadership and management skills at departmental, provincial and district levels Forms of training: First, professional activities at people's public security educational institutions, periodic seminars, workshops and presentations Second, short-term full-time courses Third, remote training (online) and certificate examinations Training methods: The main training method for the public security forces in the Lao PDR is in the training institutions such as Laos National Public Security Academy and educational institutes of the Ministry of Public Security, which is also called as training at institutions 2.1.6 Training procedures The training procedures shall include the following basic steps: - Step 1: Determine needs for training - Step 2: Determine studying requirements - Step 3: Planning a training program - Step 4: Implementing the training plan - Step 5: Assessment of the implementation 2.2 Factors affecting the training 2.2.1 Political viewpoints 2.2.2 System of policy and legislation 2.2.3 Qualification and capacity of lecturers 2.2.4 Characteristics of the participants 2.2.5 Contents, program, materials 2.2.6 Investments in facilities and finance for the training 2.2.7 Globalization and international integration 2.3 Experience in training public security forces in some countries and lessons learned for the Lao PDR 15 2.3.1 Experience of some countries Experience of the United Kingdom and the Republic of France Experience of Vietnam Experience of some Southeast Asian countries 2.3.2 Lessons learned for the Lao PDR Lessons on raising awareness of officer training Lessons on organizing, building the programs and implementation plans Lessons on determining, building contents for training in accordance with the tasks in the new period Lessons on the supervising, assessing, and lesson learned after the training Chapter THE CURRENT SITUATION OF TRAINING OF PUBLIC SECURITY FORCES IN THE LAO PDR 3.1 Overview of the public security forces in the Lao PDR 3.1.1 The public security forces in the Lao PDR * Organizational apparatus of the public security forces of the Lao PDR The Ministry of Public Security of the Lao PDR consists of 01 Minister and 03 Deputy Ministers Within the Ministry of Security, the affiliated agencies include: Office, Department of Foreign Relations, Department of Reconnaissance, Department of Household Management and Facility Building, Department of Information, Department of Investigation, Department of Examination Inspection, Department of Historical and Scientific Research, Department of Prisons and Rehabilitation, Department of Fire Prevention and Fighting, Department of Environmental Protection, Department of Forensic Engineering, National Academy of Public Security, Academy of People's Police The affiliated High Command consists of Mobile Police High Command, the Armed Police High Command and the Guard High Command The General Departments includes: General Department of Public Security (General Department no.502), General Department of Police (General 16 Department no.503), General Department of Politics (General Department of no.501) and General Department of Logistics and Technology (General Department no.507) In the whole country, there are 18 provincial public security and municipal public security As of 2018, the Ministry of Public Security has 24 generals 3.1.2 Contingent of department-level officers The Lao Ministry of Public Security consists of 04 general departments and 01 office The structure of the general departments is as follows: General Department of Politics (15 departments), General Department of Public (13 departments), General Department of Polic (14 departments), General Department of Logistics (12 departments) In total there are 54 departments The office is divided into 07 specialized departments to serve the operation of the ministry These socio-political organs operate in an orderly manner, making an important contribution to improving the political courage and sense of responsibility of cadres and officers in the processes of studying, training, fighting and supporting 3.1.3 Contingent of provincial department – level officers - According to statistics of the Lao Ministry of Public Security, the total number of provincial department – level officers who are directors and deputy directors are 54 as of 31 December 2020 There are 18 provinces in the Lao PDR 3.1.4 Contingent of district- level officers According to statistics of the Lao Ministry of Public Security, the total number of district – level officers who are chief and deputy chief are 445 as of 31 December 2020 3.2 Actual situation of public security forces training 3.2.1 Legal basis of public security forces training in the Lao PDR 3.2.2 Subjects of training Subjects of training Laos General Political Department’s educational institute, Laos National Public Security Academy, Laos people’s police academy shall provide the lecturers and organize the courses in accordance with the annual programs, contents, and plans of the Ministry, provinces and districts Implementation of training plans 17 The leaders of the Lao Ministry of Public Security assess the plan, consider the demand for training and allocated budget, and sign the annual training plan and assign the tasks to the affiliated units to implement Assessment of training This activity is mostly based on the feedbacks or acceptance test of trained officers to summarize and determine the extent to which the training process's objectives have been achieved 3.2.4 Actual situation of developing content, programs and methods of training The Lao Ministry of Security has organized the implementation of Central regulations quite fully and synchronously Currently, the training of officers in general includes domestic and overseas training Domestic training includes political theory, expertise and professional knowledge, knowledge and skills of state management and specialized management, IT, foreign languages, and ethnic minority languages Content of overseas training includes specialized knowledge, experience sharing, management skills, leadership and specialized management, international integration knowledge and experience The application of training programs for the job title of Public Security Officer is in accordance with the Prime Minister's Decision No 172/QD-TTg dated February 25, 2016 approving the plan for training officers in the 2016– 2025 period - Forms and methods of training of job titles for officers 3.3 General assessment of the actual situation of public security forces training in the Lao PDR 3.3.1 Achievements and reasons Achievements The training of officers of the Ministry of Security of Laos has been implemented in various forms and contents resulting many positive changes so far The work of fostering political theory, state management knowledge, supplementing knowledge, standardizing and improving professional qualifications for officers have been enhanced, expanded and maintained regularly The training of officers has also contributed to creating resources, supplementing and bringing about significant changes in all aspects 18 The content of the training program has gradually been innovated in the direction of focusing on training to standardize standards and equip the contingent of officers with professional knowledge and skills in various service areas Methods and forms of organizing training are renewed in the direction of being appropriate to the reality and situation of officers, helping officers to promptly perceive, grasp, handle and solve problems that arise during the execution of the task Reasons for the achievements First, the training of public security forces has received serious attention of the Party and the State Second, the planning for training to standardize job titles, job positions and improve qualifications and skills for the public security forces has been executed annually in accordance with the procedural sequence 3.3.2 Shortcomings and causes Shortcomings First, training quality has not met the demand in the contemporary situation Second, the mindset on training does not reflect the nature of training, especially it does not adhere to the requirements of capacity building Third, the training procedure is not conducted in a scientific manner Fourth, the assessment of training is not comprehensive Causes First, the leaders’ awareness of the role of public security forces has not been adequate and commensurate with the real situation Second, legal system, regulations, policies, compensation as well as training remuneration for the officers are not completed Besides, there are continuous changes in the job title standards Third, content and quality of the program and materials are not sufficient; programs, textbooks, methods and forms of training sometimes are not appropriate to certain subjects Fourth, the training facilities of the ministry have not been adequately invested to meet the demand Fifth, there is a lack in quantity and quality of the lecturers 19 Sixth, there are a number of officers who not have proactive in studying, participating the training courses as a formality and to get the certificate only They not pay sufficient attention to quality and professional knowledge improvement Seventh, despite being raised, compensation and policies for the officers participating in the training course are still low Eighth, the examination and assessment of the training courses are still a mere formality The examinations are too general that does not reflect the outcomes of training courses Assessment after the training courses is not conducted frequently and there is no responses from the officers who participate in the training courses and their managing units Chapter VIEWPOINTS AND SOLUTIONS TO INNOVATE THE TRAINING OF PUBLIC SECURITY FORCES IN THE LAO PDR 4.1 Viewpoints on training of public security forces in the Lao PDR 4.1.1 Viewpoints of the Party and the State First, it is necessary to replace the general, theory-based training by skill-based training for each type of subjects Second, the training shall be conducted synchronously, which means that the training shall be put in the overall state administration reform and in the course of executing a specific task Third, the training shall be conducted frequently Fourth, the training outcomes shall be controlled However, there are shortcomings in the training over the years 4.1.2 Goals of training in the period of 2020 - 2030 - General goals: Continue consolidate the contingent of public security forces in department, provincial department and district levels in the period of 2020-2025 Build the contingent of officers with strong political courage, good moral quality, meeting standards in all aspects Improve capacity for management and administration of official duties, meeting task requirements 20 - Specific targets: 97% of officers obtain bachelor degree in the period of 2020 – 2025 At least 90% of officers have immediate level or higher in political theory 90% officers are trained with knowledge and skills in state administration, national defense, national security, and IT [58] 4.1.3 Determining demands and developing plans for training Currently, the trend of globalization and international integration is taking place strongly in all aspects, and Laos is not out of that common development trajectory Therefore, the requirements for maintaining political stability, public security and social order are very large The act of determining the target and requirements to maintain political stability, public security and social order in the new circumstance can only be achieved when a contingent of qualified officers is built They must possess political ideological stance and all the necessary skills and qualifications to meet the job requirements 4.2 Solutions to innovate the public security forces in the Lao PDR 4.2.1 Innovate the mindset from knowledge training to capacity building This is not simply a change in the method of training officers, but a change in the approach and mindset about the training In order to develop the capacity of officers, the basic issue is to have officers actively and proactively participate in the training process Accordingly, the officers must actively acquire knowledge, share experiences and effectively apply knowledge and experiences to perform their duties The training program should be designed as to focus on major orientations, such as action orientation, task performance orientation, problem identification and resolution orientation, national protection strategy orientation, ensuring social order and safety, serving the people in the present and in the future 4.2.2 Raising awareness and mastering the thought of chairman Kaysone Phomvihane on training cadres in general and public security forces in particular The officers must innovate their awareness of the role and position of the training of public security forces Specifically, to 21 provide basic and systematic training, and at the same time, to consider the training of officers as a basic and regular task and measure to standardize and improve the capacity and qualifications of officers It is necessary to eliminate the thought that the training merely serves the purpose to get degrees, to meet the standards of ranks and grades, or to meet the criteria of the training work Therefore, it is necessary to renew thinking by assessing qualifications, capacity, professional skills, needs, etc to classify the learners, in which special attention should be paid to young officers who are going to be the main and important sources of personnel in the future It is crucial to raise awareness of the idea of "learning to work", "learning to your job well", and not to consider the training of officers as a "cost", but to consider it a "smart and profitable investment" 4.2.3 Innovate the training programs so as to be modern and appropriate to the job requirement If the previous training program for officers was strictly structured, the program for the current period shall have an appropriate extent of flexibility Rather than general training, now it is necessary to design the training in the manner of personalization In other words, the training program for officers must be developed to meet the requirements of supplementing professional knowledge and skills that the officers need, rather than providing them with knowledge and skills they already possess or no longer relevant 4.2.4 Improve the quality of the contingent of lecturers First, it is necessary to combine the contingent of visiting lecturers and the contingent of permanent lecturers in the training facilities Second, in order to develop the lecturer quality, the lecturers shall participate in in-depth training courses, especially to learn from the experience of the neighboring provinces and the developed countries to enrich teaching experiences as well as to approach the new teaching methods Third, a currently popular trend which is effective is to build a contingent of concurrent lecturers 4.2.5 Continue innovating the teaching methods and raising the active learning of learners 22 - Actively engage the learners’ participation - Actively exchange, organize discussions, suggest new and emerging practical issues to stimulate the learners’ expression when teaching adult learners - Apply the teaching methods based on the learners - Promote innovating and active teaching methods - Use visual images and technology in teaching - Use hypothetical situations, exercises, or ask students to share the real situations during the training process 4.2.6 Promulgate incentive and remuneration regimes for officers who have the spirit of learning to improve their professional qualifications The Ministry of Public Security is advised to have an appropriate and worthy reward system for officers who have good academic records, apply what they have learned to their work, and have initiatives that are widely applied in the unit A long-term training regime is necessary to create a basis for personal development of each officer It is necessary to consider policies on rotation, planning and appointment to create conditions for officers in charge of training to develop their careers 4.2.7 Invest in facilities for training To restructure the training facilities in a “lightweight” manner so as to facilitate the strict direction and management of the Lao Ministry of Public Security Allocate State budget for training facilities such as: Lao General Department of Politics and Security, Lao People’s Security Academy, Lao People’s Police Academy, and other training facilities 4.2.8 Strengthen frequent assessment works for training activities In order to assess the quality and outcomes of the training, it is necessary to focus on “output” assessment, especially the final results of training “Output” assessment means to evaluate the participants immediately after a course finishes based on the criteria on professional qualification, knowledge, and practical skills The assessment can be conducted with checklists before and after the training The checklists shall be developed carefully consisting of 23 questions and practice assignments to assess the situation of the officers before and after a training course 24 CONCLUSION Training of public security forces is an urgent matter that the Party and State invest in to build a contingent of competent and qualified public security officers to meet the requirements of the industrialization, modernization of the country, and the process of building a rule of law state in the context of international integration The training of officers, albet the achievements, still has shortcomings and limitations which are resulted from both subjective and objective reasons Therefore, overcoming these shortcomings and limitations requires appropriate time, solutions and methods Based on the theoretical and practical foundations of the training of officers, the author has proposed a system of solutions and grouped them into groups of basic solutions, and at the same time proposed a number of recommendations to effectively implement the solutions mentioned earlier The solutions and recommendations given by the author of the dissertation are based on the theory and practice of training officers In order for the system of solutions mentioned above to be concretized into the reality to improve the efficiency of training of public security forces in general and the training of officers in particular, it is necessary to implement uniformly and synchronously In addition, the prompt attention and guidance of the Party, State and the Ministry of Public Security of Laos are necessary The challenges and requirements posed to the Lao PDR today are, on the one hand, difficulties and obstacles On the other hands, it is a driving force which innovates the training in a practical and effective manner This will gradually increase the quality of the public security forces Although training is not the only measure to improve the quality of officers, it is one of the key, long-term measures in the process of improving the quality of the personnel of Lao Ministry of Public Security Inadequacies and limitations in training will be gradually solved to contribute to building a contingent of officers performing their duties most effectively Over the years, the training of public security officers has always been carefully implemented by the Party and the State And the Lao 25 Ministry of Public Security is not outside the general guidance and direction of the Party and the State on the training of officers Through 04 chapters of the dissertation, on the basis of theory on officer training and analysis of the current situation of training officers in the past 05 years, the dissertation has shown that the officers’ quality is still low Professional qualifications and knowledge of political theory, state management as well as necessary skills in the integration process of officers are quite high In the dissertation, the author also made statistics on the results of training officers over the past years, and draw comments and assessments about this work These data contributes to gradually improve the standards of job titles and professions for each specific target group In addition, the dissertation has also shown the learners' evaluation of the content and training program, teaching methods, facilities; and post-training performance These assessments form the basis for determining the effectiveness of the training At the same time, the dissertation also shows that the current demand for training of officers is very high In order to partly provide a way to solve the shortcomings in the training of public security forces, the dissertation also points out the orientations and solutions to improve the effectiveness of the training in the coming time based on aspects of this work such as: solutions for facilities, teaching methods, lectures, etc However, within the scope of a dissertation, the researcher cannot go into details and comprehensively clarify the training for public security forces The author hopes this will be done in her following studies in the near future 26 LIST OF THE AUTHOR’S PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED WORKS Innovate the training and retraining of public security officers in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Education and Society Journal issue no.1859, November 2018 Roles of the training of public security officers in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Education and Society Journal issue no.1859, December 2018 Develop the procedure for training of Ministry of Public Security of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, State Management Review, National Academy of Public Administration, issue no.275, December 2018 27 ... Party and State on protection of national security and maintenance of social order and safety; perform unified management of national security protection and social order and safety maintenance;... Academy, and Laos people’s police academy shall provide the lecturers and organize the courses in accordance with the annual programs, contents, and plans of the Ministry, provinces and districts... the lecturers and organize the courses in accordance with the annual programs, contents, and plans of the Ministry, provinces and districts Implementation of training plans 17 The leaders

Ngày đăng: 24/08/2021, 10:04



