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OBJECTIVES: Help students practice using the words and phrases relating to energy- saving, understand the dialogue and the ways to save energy.. TEACHING AIDS: - Cassette player, picture[r]

(1)LESSON PLAN UNIT 6: THE ENVIRONMENT Division of lesson: Week: Period: Date : Period: 37 Period: 38 Period: 39 Period: 40 Period: 41 Lesson: Getting started & listen and read Lesson: Speak+Listen Lesson: Read Lesson: Write Lesson: Language focus UNIT : THE ENVIRONMENT Lesson : - Getting started - Listen and read I AIM : Help students learn about some problems of the environment Especially, some activities to save the environment II LANGUAGE CONTENTS : Grammar : - Condictional sentences – type Vocabulary : - garbage dump (n) - deforestation (n) - dynamite (n) - Shore (n) - pesticide (n) - sand (n) - pollute (v) - pollution (n) - to spray (v) III TECHNIQUES : - Matching - Networks - Open prediction - Discussion - What & where - Chatting - Slap the board IV TEACHING AIDS: - Cassette, tape, pictures V PROCEDURE S: TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT - T asks Ss some questions WARM UP : - Ss answer freely * Chatting : - What you think about the environment now? - Is it clean or dirty? - What did people to destroy the environment? - T says “ Today we’ll learn about the environment Now you look at the pictures in book on page 47 and match with words in box” - T explains new words - Ss guess meaning of new words - T reads new words twice - Ss listen carefully and repeat 1.GETTING STARTED * New words : - Garbage dump (n) : a place where the garbage is stored : baõiraùc - Deforestation (n): cutting down the trees in the forest (2) - Ss take note - T checks new words by playing “ Slap the board” - Ask Ss to match these environmental problems to the pictures in the textbook - Ss individually and then Ss give the answer on the board - T corrects and Ss take note - T says “The environment is becoming pollution, so what should we in order to save environment” - Ss discuss with a partner - Then Ss give some ways to save the environment by playing “ Networks” - T says “ Mr Brown and some volunteer conservationists are going to clear the beach Can you guess what they there.” - T gives new words on the board - Ss guess the meaning of words - T reads new words twice and Ss repeat - Ss take note - T checks new words by playing “what and where” - T explains the grammar - Ss take note - T gives sentences on the board and asks Ss guess - Ss work in groups to answer the questions - Ss give the keys on the board for some purposes such as : farming , selling : tàn phá rừng - Dynamite (n): ( translate): thuoác noå - Spray (v) : ( action): phun - Pesticide (n): (real object boï Slap the board Matching: (environmental problems to the pictures on page 47) Key: abcdef- Air pollution Spraying pesticides Garbage dump Water pollution Deforestation Dynamite fishing PRESENTATION: Networks: Save the environment Cleaning up the streets collecting the trash planting trees, LISTEN AND READ * New words : - Shore = beach : baõi bieån - Sand (n) : caùt - Rock (n) : (real object) : đá, hòn đá, tảng đá - Disappointed (adj.) ( situation): thaát voïng - Spoil = destroy:taøn phaù, phaù huyû - Pollute (v)( translate) : laøm oâ nhieãm, gaây oâ nhieãm - Pollution (n)( translation): Sự ô nhiễm What and where * Grammar : Conditional type If – clause Main - clause - simple present - will + V-infinitive Ex : - If we work hard, We will make this beach a clean and beautiful place again - If I have more time, I will visit old friends * GUESSING ( OPEN PREDITION) What is Mr Brown going to do? What is Mrs Smith going to do? What is Mr Jones going to do? (3) How many groups does Mr brown devide volunteer conservationists? - T opens the tape twice - Ss listen carefully - Ss answer the questions - T checks and helps Ss correct - Ss take note - T asks Ss to read the text individually - T asks Ss to read the passage again, and ask Ss to match the names in column A with the tasks in column B Then write the full sentences - Ss work in group and give the keys on the board - T calls on some Ss to read the full sentences - T corrects and gives correct answer - Ss take note - T has Ss read the passage again and answer the questions in b) - T asks Ss to compare their answer with friend - T goes around the class and provides necessary correction - Ss give the answer on the board - T corrects and gives correct answer and marks PRACTICE : The answer Mr Brown is going to give the bags for the volunteer conservationists Mrs Smith is going to cook a picnic lunch for them Mr Jones is going to collect all the bags Mr Brown divides volunteer conservationists into three groups a) Match the names in column A with the tasks in column B * The answer: 1) Group : (f) walk along the shore 2) Group : (e) check the sand 3) Group : ( b) check among the rocks 4) Mr Jones : (a) collect all the bags and take them to the garbage dump 5) Mrs Smith : (c) provide a picnic lunch for everyone 6) Mr brown: (d) give out the bags b) Answer/ P.48 Marks Key: The speaker is Mr Brown The listeners are members of volunteer conservationists They are on the beach They are going to the beach If they work hard, they will make the beach clean and beautiful again soon - T lets Ss work in group of three or four and discuss questions & in the book - Then, T calls on some Ss to answer the questions PRODUCTION: Discussion: loud in front of the class Have you ever done anything similar? If yes, what - T helps if possiple di you do? Where did you do? If the polluttion continutes, what might happen? - T guides her Ss to homework HOMEWORK: (4) - Learn new words and the grammar by heart - Do: exercise 2/P 41- 42 (WB) - Prepare Unit - Speak * New words - Reduce (v) - Wrap (v) COMMENTS: 1.ÖU ÑIEÅM : 2.KHUYEÁT ÑIEÅM : Week: Period: UNIT : THE ENVIRONMENT Lesson 2: Speak +Listen (5) Date: I AIM : Help students practice persuading their friends to protect the environment and know more about the environment problems and the solutions II LANGUAGE CONTENTS : Grammar : - I think you should - Why not ? - Why don’t we ? - What/ How about ? - If would be better if you Vocabulary : - banana leave (n) - wrap (n) - dissolve (v) - trash (n) - garbage bin (n) - exhaust fume (n) - sewing (n) - pump (v) - spill (v) III TECHNIQUES : - Discussion - Jumbled words - Lucky numbers - Rub out and remember IV TEACHING AIDS : - Extra-board V PROCEDURE : TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT a pollution c achieved b conservationists d Deforestation - T asks Ss work in pairs, then Ss give the answer on the board - T gives the correct words - T says “ in order to try to persuade someone to something to protect the environment We can use the following sentences.” - T gives model sentences on the board - T explains the way to use model sentences and reads them twice - Ss take note and repeat WARM UP : Jumbled words opnitilulo = pollution mpud = dump iar = air sptesecidi = pesticides psary = spray PRE – SPEAKING : * Model sentences : - I think you should .: toâi nghó chuùng ta neân - Won’t you ? taïi baïn khoâng ? - It would be better if you … : seõ toát hôn neáu baïn ……… - Why don’t you ? taïi baïn khoâng ? - Why not ? taïi khoâng ? - What/ How about ? coøn thì ? * New words : - Banana leave (n) ( real object ): laù chuoái - lotu leave (n) ( real object): laù sen - Wrap (v) ( action ): goùi - Dissolve (v): change something from soild and liquid condition: tieâu huûy - Trash = garbage (n): raùc (6) - T reads the ideas cue given in the box and find new words - Garbage bin (n) (picture): thùng raùc - Exhaust fume (n) : (situation): khoùi thaûi Rub out and remember - T gives new words on the board - Ss guess meaning of new words and take note - T reads new words twice - Ss listen and repeat - T checks new words by playing “ Rub out and remember” - T writes all the new words on the board in both English and Vietnamese Rub out all English words and ask Ss to go to the board, write these words again according to equivalences 3.WHILE – SPEAKING : - T asks Ss to read the persuading expressions and the ideas cues given in the textbook carefully Make sure Ss understand all of the ideas suggested - T lets Ss work in pairs, persuade their partner to things to protect the environment as example - T goes around and provide help if necessary - T calls on some pairs to practice the dialogue before the class - T corrects - Ss take note a) Try to presuade your partner to the following things to protect the environment Ex: A : I think it would be better if we use banana leaves instead of paper or plastic bags to wrap food B : Why ? How come ? A : Because plastic bags are very hard to dissolve, they will cause pollution And if we use less paper, we can save trees in the forests That’s how we can save the invironment * Suggestion: 1) A : I think it would be better if we reuse and recycle bottles and cans B : Why ? How come ? A : Because reusing and recycling bottles can reduce garbage and save natural resources 2) A : Why don’t we put garbage bins around the school yard ? B : What for ? A : To prevent lazy students from throwing trash That’s how we can keep the school yard clean and protect the environment b) Find possible answer to the questionnaire LUCKY NUMBERS T asks Ss to individually to find the answers to the questionnaire - T checks by playing “ Lucky members “ The answer write on both sides of the paper, recycle used paper Lucky number save plastic bags, clean and reuse don’t throw waste and garbage into the 8 How can we save paper ? Lucky number How can we use fewer plastic bags ? How can we reduce water pollution? Lucky number How can we prevent littering ? How can we reduce air pollution ? How can we reduce the amount of gabage we produce ? (7) streams, lakes, even oceans Lucky number throw garbage into the waste bins use less private vehicles and don’t release pollutants into the air try to use and recycle things - Ask Ss to work in close pairs - Ss pairs practice the dialogue before the class - T corrects - Ss take note T asks Ss to work in group discussing what they should or shouldn’t T provides some necessary words - Ss guess meaning of new words - T reads new words twice and Ss take note - T reviews new words by playing “slap the board” - T divides class into small groups and asks them to guess how the ocean is polluted - T calls some Ss to explain their ideas in front of class - T says “ you are going to listen to a report on how our oceans are polluted Study the notes carefully then listen to the tape and complete the notes” c) Now discuss with a partner the best way to protect the environment Suggestion: 1) A : I think it would be better if we recycle used paper B : How can we that? I think only factory can A : What about writing on sides of the paper? Everyone can that B : Good idea! Let’s that 2) A :Why not save plastic bags by using banana leaves to wrap food? B : But not all food can be wrapped with banana leaves ! A : How about saving plastic bags, cleaning them and reusing them B : That’s a good idea Let’s that 4.POST – SPEAKING : Discussion: should - use banana leaves instead of plastic bags - put garbage bins around the school yard shouldn’t - throw waste or garbage onto water PRE – LISTENING : * New words - Raw sewing (n): untreated waste water: nuớc thải chưa qua xử lí - Oil spill (n) ( translate): dầu thải/ đỗ - Pump (v): ( tranlate): bôm - regulation(n) = rule: quy luaät, noäi quy - marine life(n):plants and animals of the occean:sinh vaät bieån Slap the board * Guessing: How the ocean is polluted Fisrtly : raw sewing is pumped directly into the sea Second : ………………… dropped into the sea Thirdly : oil spill ………………………………… Next : …………………………………………… Finally : ………………………………………… (8) 3.WHILE – LISTENING : - T plays the tape more than once if necessary - T gets Ss to listen to the tape and complete the notes - Ask Ss to compare the answers with their partners - Call on some Ss to read aloud the answer - T corrects -Ss take note * The answer How the ocean is polluted Firstly : raw sewing is pumped directly into the sea Secondly : garbage is dropped into the sea Thirdly : oil spill come from ships at sea Next : waste materials coem from factories Finally : oil is washed from the land POST – LISTENING : - T divides class into two teams Each team gives one sentence to have words in the box Which team the best sentences is the winner Noughts and crosses - T guides her Ss to homework HOMEWORK : Garbage Pollution Recycle Paper Trash Reuse Banana Raw sewing Exhaust fume leaves Ex: - We should put garbage in the garbage bin - Leanr model sentences and new words by heart - Do exercise 3/P.42 (WB) - Prepare Unit - Read COMMENTS 1.ÖU ÑIEÅM : 2.KHUYEÁT ÑIEÅM : (9) Week Peiriod Date : UNIT : THE INVIRONMENT Lesson : Listen I AIM : Help students complete the information notes about ocean pollution through a report And Ss will use new words in the right context by playing words games and engaging in different class activities II LANGUAGE CONTENTS : Grammar : - simple present Vovabulary : - raw sewing(n) - pump(v) - Oil spill(n) - marine life(n) - regulation(n) III TECHNIQUES : - Networks - Noughts and crosses - Slap the board - Guessing IV TEACHING AIDS : - Cassette, extra-board V PROCEDURE : TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT Marks Persuade their parnerts to things to protect the - T checks two students environment - Ss present their work before the class Check ex page 42 in workbook - T remarks and gives marks - T asks Ss to play “ networks” about causes to pollution - Ss give ideas on the board WARM UP: NETWORKS Causes to pollution (10) - T follows and gives the help if necessery Suggestion: - gabage - smoke from factories - exhaust from vehicles - cutting down the trees, forests PRE – LISTENING : - T provides some necessary words - Ss guess meaning of new words - T reads new words twice and Ss take note - T reviews new words by playing “slap the board” - T divides class into small groups and asks them to guess how the ocean is polluted - T calls some Ss to explain their ideas in front of class - T says “ you are going to listen to a report on how our oceans are polluted Study the notes carefully then listen to the tape and complete the notes” * New words - Raw sewing (n): untreated waste water: nuớc thải chưa qua xử lí - Oil spill (n) ( translate): dầu thải/ đỗ - Pump (v): ( tranlate): bôm - regulation(n) = rule: quy luaät, noäi quy - marine life(n):plants and animals of the occean:sinh vaät bieån Slap the board * Guessing: How the ocean is polluted Fisrtly : raw sewing is pumped directly into the sea Second : ………………… dropped into the sea Thirdly : oil spill ………………………………… Next : …………………………………………… Finally : ………………………………………… 3.WHILE – LISTENING : * The answer - T plays the tape more than once if necessary - T gets Ss to listen to the tape and complete the notes - Ask Ss to compare the answers with their partners - Call on some Ss to read aloud the answer - T corrects -Ss take note How the ocean is polluted Firstly : raw sewing is pumped directly into the sea Secondly : garbage is dropped into the sea Thirdly : oil spill come from ships at sea Next : waste materials coem from factories Finally : oil is washed from the land POST – LISTENING : - T divides class into two teams Each team gives one sentence to have words in the box Which team the best sentences is the winner - T gives the homework on the board - Ss take note Noughts and crosses Garbage Pollution Recycle Paper Trash Reuse Banana Raw sewing Exhaust fume leaves Ex: - We should put garbage in the garbage bin HOMEWORK : - Learn new words by heart (11) - Do exercise 5/P.43-44(WB) - Prepare unit - Read New words + junk yard, Foam, Hedge, Rubbish COMMENTS ÖU ÑIEÅM: KHUYEÁT ÑIEÅM : Week: Period: Date : UNIT : THE ENVIRONMENT Lesson : Read I AIM : Help students understand the poem with some old English about the environment II LANGUAGE CONTENTS : Grammar : - simple present and simple future Vocabulary : (12) - junk – yard (n) - treasure (n) - hedge(n) - nonsense (n) III TECHNIQUES : - Rub out and remember -What ……… If ? - Guessing - Matching IV TEACHING AIDS : - Extra- board - tin(n) -silly(a) V PROCEDURE: TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - T checks two students - Ss give the answer on the board - T corrects and gives marks * The answer a a c a - T has Ss work in groups, ask and answer the following questions about poetry - foam(n) CONTENT Marks 1.Fill the blanks with the most suitable words or phrases 1……… air is one of the many problems we have to solve a polluted b dust c pleaseant 2.I’ll be in trouble if I ………… My passport a lose b will lose c lost 3.If it is raining this evening, I ……… a will go out b go out c won’t go 4.I’m disappointed ……… people have spoiled this area a that b when c if WARM UP : Questions: - Do you like poetry? - Do you often read poetry? - Who is your favorite poet? - Have you ever read a poem in English? - What is it? Do you understand it? - T says “ today we’ll learn the poem about the environment Before reading the poem, we discuss to some new words in order to understend the lesson easily” - T gives new words on the board - Ss guess meaning of new words - T reads new words twice and Ss listen carefully and then repeat - T corrects new words by playing “Rub out and remember” - Ss take note PRE – READING : - T gives examples to review the conditional Reviews: conditional sentence type * New words -Junk- yard = dump (n): nơi chứa đồ phế thải - Treasure (n): a place put many money, gold, silver: kho baùo - Tin (n): (real object): thieác - Foam (n) ( picture): boït - Hedge (n) = fence: haøng raøo - Nonsense (n) (translate): noùi baäy, voâ lyù - Silly (adj) : ( translate ): ngớ ngẫn * Rub out and remember (13) sentence type - Ss take note Ex: - If the pollution goes on, the world will end up like a second hand junk yard - If we throw trash into the street, it will polllute the environment - T says “In this poem, a mother and her son are having a picnic in a park The son sees that the place is polluted He asks his mother the problems of pollution You listen carefully and answer the question” * Guessing How many people are there in the poem ? What is their relationship ? Where are they ? What problem of the environment is mentioned in the poem ? What did his mother think about pollution? - Ss read the poem and answer the questions - T says “ Now you read a poem about environment again Please scan the poem and answer the following questions.” - Ss work in pairs And then Ss practice the answer before the class - T corrects - Ss read the poem silent and try to understand meaning of the poem - T can divide the poem into the following phrases ( 1-2; 3-4-5-6 ; 7-8 ; –10 ; 11-12-13-1415-16; ) - T encourages Ss to guess the meaning of the word if they don’t know some words - Ss work in group - T gets Ss to compare their answer with a friend - T calls on some Ss to answer the questions - T corrects - Ss take note - T asks Ss to read the poem more carefully and answer the questions This task can be done in pairs - T calls on some Ss to read their answers aloud WHILE – READING : * The answer there are two ( mum and son ) probably in the forest or park pollution His mother thinks the world will end up like a second – hand junk – yard a Match each word in A to an appropriate explanation B MATCHING A junk – yard end –up treasure foam stream hedge folk B a a row of things forming a fence b people c a piece of land full of rubbish d a flow of water e mass of dubbles of air or gas f valuable or precious things g reach a state of The answer 1.c 2.g 3.f 4.e 5.d 6.a 7.b b) Answer If the pollution goes on, the world will end up like a second hand junk yard (14) in class - T corrects - Ss take note - T divides the class into two teams (team A and B) - Each group gets sentences with only “ If” half - Team A read its half and team B have to complete the sentence with the iead on the to protect our environment - T gives the homework on the board - Ss take note The mother thinks orthe folk pollute the environment but not her and son If the boy keeps on asking such questions, his mother will take him home right away No Because he is right: if he throws the bottles that will be polluting the woods The poet wants us to learn that everyone is responsible for keeping the environment from pollution Ss’ own answer POST – READING : WHAT IF ? Ex: Team A: - If you throw rubbish into street, Team B : - it will pollute the environment HOMEWORK: - Learn by heart new words, conditional sentence type - Do exercise /P.45 (WB) - Preapare Unit - WRITE + review a complaint letter Question : How many parts does a complaint letter have? What are they? COMMENT 1.ÖU ÑIEÅM : 2.KHUYEÁT ÑIEÅM : _ Week Period: Date : UNIT 6: THE ENVIRONMENT Lesson 5: Write (15) I OBJECTIVES : Help students practice writing a complaint letter with the right format and language II LANGUAGE CONTENTS: Grammar: - the simple present ( review ) Vocabulary: - refreshmen (n) - frog (n) - float (n) - toad (n) III TECHNIQUES: - Matching - ordering statements IV TEACHING AIDS: - Extra-board V PROCEDURE: TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT Marks - T checks two Ss 1.New words: - hàng rào, bọt, quí giá, đống khối - Ss give the answer on the board - T corrects and gives marks Supply the correct verbs - If she meets you, she ( give) you a book - I will call you if I ( have) free time * Answer: 1/ hedge; foam ; precious; mass 2/ - will give ; - have 3.Check exercise page 45 (WB) WARM UP: - Divide class into four small groups Give them an A size paper Ask them to write the main parts of a formal letter on the paper in a good position - The team which has enough necessary details and finish in the shortest time is the winner Brainstorming: ( What is a formal letter ? ) * Answer: Sender’s address Receiver’s address Situation Body Signature PRE- WRITING: - T says “ Today we will learn to write a complaint letter A letter has five sections Now you match what five section are ” - Ss work in pairs, then Ss give the answer on the board - T corrects - Ss take note Matching: Situation Complication Resolution Action Politeness * Answer : d) a) a) mentions the problem b) ends the letter politely c) makes a suggestion d) states the season for writing e) talk about future action c) e) b) (16) - T says “ Mr Nhat wrote a complaint letter to the director of L & P company in HCM The five sections of the letter are not in the right order Label each section with appropriate letter S, C, R, A, or P” - Ss work in group - T corrects - T asks Ss to read the aloud the letter with the correct order - T asks Ss - Ss answer freely - T gives new words and reads - Ss take note and repeat Then slap the board The director L& P Transport Company 431 Le Loi Boulevard Dear Sir/ Madam R S A C 26 Tran Phu Street Ha Noi Octorber 9, 2003 I would suggest that your company should tell your drivers to clean up all the trash on the ground before leaving I am writing to you about the short stop of your trucks around my house on their way to the north I look forward to hearing from you and seeing good response from your company When the truck of your company has a short break on the streets around my house, the drivers have left lots of garbage on the ground after their refreshment When the truck leave the place, the ground is covered with trash and a few minutes later there is smell and flies Faithfully Tran Vu Nhat - Have Ss to work in group, write a letter to the head of local authorities to complain about the way of catching fish in the lake behind your house Follow S, C, R , A, P format P - Ss work in group Each group writes one part - Ss give the answer on the board - T corrects - “ Have you ever seen people use electricity to - Ss take note catch fish?” where? “ * New words: - Float (v) ( situation) : nồi, trôi - Frog (n) ( picture) : ếch, nhái - Toad ( n) ( picture) : cóc Slap the board WHILE – WRITING : Suggestion: 12 Hong Ha street Tan Chau town, Tay Ninh province - T gives some statements - Ss work in groups to put the statements in the correct order - Ss give the answer on the board February, 3rd, 2009 Dear Mr President I am writing to you about the problem of fish catching in the lake behind my house I am very worried because they don’t use fishing rod or net but use electricity to catch fish After a short (17) - T corrects - T guides her Ss to homework time they leave the lake, a lot of small fish die and float on the water surface Other animals such as frogs, toads and even birds have also died from electric shock waves I would suggest the local authorities should prohibit and fine heavily anyone using this way of catching fish I am looking forward to hearing from you and seeing the actions taken to protect the environment from the local authority Your faithfully XXXXX POST -WRITING : Ordering statements: 1) Sincerely, Tom Baker 2) I suggest they should lower the volume after pm 3) I am writing the noise caused by Karaoke shop near my house 4) I am looking forward to hearing from you and seeing how you can solve this problem 5) Dear Mr President 6) They play music very loudly, so I can not study in the evening and sleep at night * Answer : -3 -6 -2 -4 -1 5.HOMEWORK : - Learn the format of a complain letter and new words by heart - Do exercises 5, 6, pages 43, 44 (WB) - Prepare Unit - Language focus /P.53-56 + Adj & Adv + As/ Because/ Since + Adj + Clause + Conditional sentence type COMMENTS ÖU ÑIEÅM: KHUYEÁT ÑIEÅM : Week Period: UNIT 6: THE ENVIRONMENT Lesson :Language Focus (18) Date I OBJECTIVES: Help students practice the adverbs correctly Understanding the use of adjectives and adverbs, adverb of clause and the conditional sentence type II LANGUAGE CONTENTS: Grammar: + adj & adv + adverb of clause ( As/ Bacause/ Since) + Adj + that – clause + Conditional type Vocabulary : III TECHNIQUES: - Jumbled words - Complete the dialogues, sentences - Matching IV TEACHING AIDS: - Pictures, extra-board V PROCEDURE : TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - T checks ss’ homework CONTENT * Check exercises 5,6,7 pages 43,44 (WB) 1.WARM UP: - Ss jumbled words individually to remember some adjectives Jumbled words ( some adjectives ) 1) wols = slow 2) asd = sad 3) dogo = good 4) pahapy = happy 5) temrexe = extreme 6) qkuci = quick 7) eaubtyulf = beautyful LANGUAGE FOCUS : - T explains the use of adjectives and adverbs - Ss follow and take note * Activity 1: Change the adjective into adverbs + Adjectives ( “adj” or “a”): bỗ nghĩa cho danh từ và đại từ Ex: He is a good teacher Adj N Ex: She is beautiful S Adj + Adverbs ( adv): bỗ nghĩa cho loại từ nào trừ danh từ và đại từ Ex: My teacher teaches English well V adv Ex: It is a very beatiful house Adv adj Ex: Newpapers are widely read all over the world V adv (19) - T lets Ss know how to change the adjectives into adverbs - Ss as T guides, then they the exercise to apply + Formation of adverbs from adjectives : Adj + ly = Adv + Use : We use adverbs of manner to modify the verb It usually goes after the main verb Adjective Extreme Good Happy Sad Slow Adverbs Extremely Well Happily Sadly Slowly Key: a extremely b slowly c sadly d happily e well - T introduces the adverb clauses of reason and explains by examples - Ss follow, take note and the exercise to apply * Activity 2:Join the pairs of sentences together Use because, as, or since Adverb clauses of reason As Because + clause Since EX: It’s very hot We can’t sleep well  Bacause/ As/ Since it’s very hot, we can’t sleep well He failed the exams He is too lazy  He failed the exams because/ as/ since he is too lazy - T explains the structure and lets Ss practice in pairs the struture by completing the dialogue in the book - Some pairs are called on to read the completed dialogues aloud * Answer: a) Ba is tired because/as/since he stayed up late watching Tv b) I have a broken leg because I fell over while I was playing basketball c) I’m going to be late for school because/as/since the bus is late d) I broke the cup because/as/since I was careless e) I want to go home because/as/since I feel sick f) I’m hungry because/as/since I haven’t eaten all day * Activity 3: Complete the dialogue Use the words in brackets Adj + that – clause (20) - T gives the correct answer Form: S + Be + Adj + that- clause Ex: I am pleased that you are working hard Ex: She is happy that her son gets 10 marks * Moät soá adj theo sau laø that-clause: Afraid - lucky Disappoited - pleased Glad - sure Happy - sad Helpful - excited Hopeful - amaized Sorry b) Mrs Quyen : When are you going on vacation with your family, Sally? Mrs Robinson: Tomorrow, I’m excited that I can go to Da Lat this time c) Lan: I’m sorry that I broke your bicycle yesterday Tien: Don’t worry I can fix it d) Liz: I forgot to tell you I was going to Lan’s place Mr Robison: I’m disappointed that you did not phone me about it e) Miss Lien: Congratulations! Nga: I’m amazed that I could win first prize - T helps Ss remember the condictional sentences – type1 - Ss the exercise to apply * Activity 4: Match each half- sentence in column A with a suitable one in column B + Conditional sentences - type 1: If - clause Main – clause - Simple present - Will + V-inf - Be ( is, are, am) - Simple present Ex:1) If she studies hard, she (pass) the first exam  If she studies hard, she will pass the first exam 2) They will visit Hue if they ( have) more time  They will visit Hue if they have more time * Answer: e 2.a 3.c 4.d 5.b Exercise 5: Complete the sentences: Key: b -, the environment will become seriously polluted c -, we will have more shade and fresh air (21) - T guides her Ss to homework d -, the vegetable will become poisonous and inedible e , we will live happier and healthier life HOMEWORK : - Learn the grammar by heart - Do exercises 9,10 page 46 in ex.book - Prepare Unit - Getting started & Listen and read * answer: What should we to reduce/ save energy ? COMMENTS ÖU ÑIEÅM: KHUYEÁT ÑIEÅM : LESSON PLAN UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY Division of lesson Period: 42 Period: 43 Period: 44 Period: 45 Period: 46 Period: 47 Lesson: Getting started & listen and read Lesson: Speak Lesson: Listen Lesson: Read Lesson: Write Lesson: Language focus *********** (22) Date : Week period UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY Lesson 1: - Getting started - Listen and read I OBJECTIVES: Help students practice using the words and phrases relating to energy- saving, understand the dialogue and the ways to save energy II LANGUAGE CONTENTS: Grammar: - Simple present ( review ) - Suggest + V(-ing) Vocabulary: - bill (n) - plumber (n) - drip (v) - crack (n) - faucet (n) - enormous (adj) III TECHNIQUES: - Brainstorming - Rub out and remember - Rub out and remember - True-false prediction - Word cue drill IV TEACHING AIDS: - Cassette player, pictures, extra-board V PROCEDURE: TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - T checks two Ss - Ss give the answer on the board - T corrects and gives marks CONTENT Marks 1.Check exercise 9,10 page 46 in ex.book 2.Cirle the correct word: 1) The weather was so ( awful/awfully) yesterday 2) You didn’t look very (happy/ happily) last night 3) All the classrooms were (bad/badly) painted 4) He fell and hurt himself quite (bad/badly) *Answer: 1) awful 2) happy 3) bad 4) badly WARM UP: - T introduces new lesson by asking Ss look at pictures in part in Getting started ( 30 seconds) - Ss work in group and make a list of things the family could to save energy - T opens the pictures and corrects 1.GETTING STARTED Brainstormimg ( save energy ) * New words: - Turn off (v) (action): tắt ( đèn) - Faucet (n) (picture): vòi nước Ex: - We should turn off the lights when unnecessary - We should turn off the TV and radio when noboby watches or listens - We should turn off the foucet when there is enough water supply (23) 2.PRESENTATION: - T says “ Now we will learn about the dialogue, Mrs Vui is talking with her neighbor, Mrs Ha about her water bill You will listen to the tape once and fine the new words” - Ss listen to the tape and find new words - T gives the words on th board - T reads the words twice and Ss repeat - Ss take note - T checks the words by playing “ Rub out and remember” - Then T explains the grammar - Ss listen and take note - T hang the poster of statements on the board and asks Ss to guess which statements are true or false - Ss work in pairs and guess LISTEN AND READ * New words: - Bill (n) ( real object): hoá đơn- Crack (n) ( situation): vết rạn, nứt - Plumber (n)( situation): thợ nước - Drip (v) (action): nhoû gioït - Faucet (n) (picture): vòi nuớc - Enormous (adj) = big : lớn, nhiều Rub out and remember * The grammar: S + suggest + V-ing Ex: - She suggests playing table tennis - They suggest ( go) to Hue They suggest going to Hue True-False prediction: Mrs Ha is worried about her water bill Mrs Mi gives Mrs Ha advice on how to save water Mrs Ha has checked the pipes in her house and found no cracks Mrs Ha suggests getting some tool to check cracks in the pipes Mrs Mi suggests taking shower to save water PRACTICE: - T plays the tape once and Ss listen carefully - Ss work in pairs to practice the dialogue aloud (3 pairs) - T asks Ss to read the dialogue again and decide the statements in the boxes are True or False Then Ss correct the false ones - Ss work in pairs, then Ss give the answer on the board - T corrects - Ss take note - T gives cued words on the board - Ss work in pairs to make suggestions about saving energy Some pairs present their work - T corrects and marks a Practice the dialogue with a partner: b True or False? Check the boxes Then correct the false statements: Key: 1-T 2-T 3- F (Mrs Ha hasn’t checked the pipes yet) 4- F (Mrs Mi suggests getting a plumber to check cracks in the pipes) 5- T PRODUCTION: Word cue-drill: turn off/ lights/ before/ leave/ room get a plumber/ make sure there/ no cracks in the pipes repair dripping faucets take/ shower/ instead/ having/ baths 5.HOMEWORK: (24) - T guides her Ss to homework - Learn new words and the grammar by heart - Do exercise page 48 in ex.book - Supply the correct verbs: 1) He enjoys ( read) comics 2) Mr Tan decided ( buy) this bike 3) My mother suggests ( turn off ) the lights when going out - Prepare Unit - Speak * Write two sentences with : - I suggest - I think we should COMMENTS ÖU ÑIEÅM: KHUYEÁT ÑIEÅM: Week period Date: UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY Lesson 2: Speak I OBJECTIVES: Help students practice making suggestions to suggest ways to save energy II LANGUAGE CONTENTS: Grammar: Making suggestions and responding -Let’s - Why don’t we ? - I suggest - How/ What about ? - Shall we ? Vocabulary : (25) III TECHNIQUES: - Whispering game IV TEACHING AIDS: - Pictures, extra-board V PROCEDUCE: TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - T checks two Ss - Ss give the answer on the board - T corrects and gives marks - Discussion CONTENT Marks Check exercise page 48 New words: vết nứt, nhỏ giọt, vòi nước, thợ nước, lớn – nhiều Supply the correct verbs: a) I suggest ( turn on ) Tv b) They ( not meet) him yet c) She likes ( live) in HCM City * Answer: Crack, drip, faucet, plumber, enormous a) Turing off b) haven’t met c) living T divides the class into two teams A and B line up WARM UP: the players and whispers a message to the first Whispering game: person of both group A and group B the game only ( we must save energy by turning of the TV) starts when both players know the message Then Ss whisper the message to the next players in his group successively until the last player gets the message The team which can repeat the message PRE- SPEAKING : first and correctly receives a point - T explains the model sentences - Ss listen and take note - T asks Ss to make sentences with the model sentences - Ss work in pairs Suggestions I think + V(ing) I think we should Shall we ? Why don’t we+ V(inf)? How about+ V(ing) ? What abou + V(ing) ? Let’s + V( inf) ? Response Ok That’s a good idea All right No, I don’t want to I prefer to Let’s WHILE – SPEAKING : - T uses the pictures page 59 and asks Ss to make suggestions - Ss give the answer on the board - T corrects - Ss take note a) Make suggestions about how to save energy: A)- I suggest fixing the faucet - I think we should should turn off the faucet B) – I think we should turn off the gas fire/ gas cooker C) I suggest turning off the fan D) I think we should turn off the air conditioner E) Why don’t we turn off the TV when no one watches it F) I think we should turn off the faucet G) I suggest going by bike instead of motorbike H) I suggest going to school by bus / Let’s go to school by bus (26) - Ss work in group of four Practice the dialogue( example) page 59 - Then Ss make the plan to save energy b) Work in group of four Work out an action plan to save energy for your class Possible answer: 1) A: I sugges going toschool by bike instead of going by motorbike to save energy B: That’s a good idea C: How about making posters on energy saving and hanging them around our school? D) Great ! Let’s that 2) A: I think we should turn off all the lights before the class B: That’s a good idea C: What about going school by bus? D: Great! Let’s take bus to school every day POST – SPEAKING: - Ss work in group and use the structures in the table to make suggestions Discussion : Make suggestions about how to study English better/ help poor people/ be a goog students… + Ss’ own answer HOMEWORK: - T guides her Ss to homework - Learn suggestions and response by heart - Do exercises 5,6 pages 49/ 50 in ex.book - Prepare Unit Lesson Listen COMMENTS ÖU ÑIEÅM: KHUYEÁT ÑIEÅM: Week period Date: UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY Lesson 3: Listen I.AIMS: (27) Help students review to make and respond to suggestion and know more about solar energy II LANGUAGE CONTENTS: Grammar: Review: Suggestion Vocabulary: - Solar(a) - panel(n) - install(v) - nuclear power(n) - effective(a) III TECHNIQUES: - Gap filling - Rub out and remember - True or false prediction - Correct mistakes IV TEACHING AIDS: - Cassette player, extra-board V PROCEDURES: TEACHERS AND STUDENTS ACTIVITIES CONTENT Marks Make suggestions and responses on how to save - T checks four students’ homework energy in the house Do exercises 5,6 pages 49/ 50 in ex.book WARM UP: - Ss are giuded to network about the energy Network: Sun win Energy Water T: explains the lesson and gives the words Ss: take note T: guides Ss to read and then she lets them rub out and remember oil… PRE-LISTENING: Pre-teach: - Solar (a): thuéc vÒ mÆt trêi - Panel(n):tÊm kim läai - nuclear power(n): n¨ng lîng h¹t nh©n - effective(adj): hiÖu qu¶ - install(v): cài đặt Rub out and remember - T asks Ss to look at the statements on page 60 and has a True/False prediction/ P.60 they work in pairs and guess which statements are true and which one are false -Ss give feedback -T has Ss listen to the tape twice and check their WHILE-LISTENING: prediction Keys: -T gets Ss to correct the false sentences and call some T for the answers - T gives Ss the key F - Most of our electricity comes from the use of coal, gas, oil, nuclear power F 1% of solar energy………………… - T has Ss look at ex 4b on page 60 and work in pairs to T guess the words in the blanks F 2015 -Ss give feedback -T has Ss listen to the tape again and fill in the gaps If b Listen again and fill in each blank with one word you hear Ss can’t finish, let them listen once more -T calls some Ss for the answer -T gives Ss the key Key: (28) T: gives tasks Ss: take note - T guides her Ss to homework effective pollution countries store roof instead POST-LISTENING: Correct mistakes: I suggest turn off the lights I think we should taking shower What about go to school by bike? Keys: turning Take going HOME WORK: - Do the exercises again - Learn vocabulary - Prepare unit lesson read - Read the passage and then answer the questions COMMENTS ÖU ÑIEÅM: KHUYEÁT ÑIEÅM: Week: period UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY Date: Lesson 4: Read I AIMS Help students know more about how north American, European saves energy II LANGUAGE CONTENTS: Grammar: (revision) Vocabulary: - scheme(n) - consumer(n) - innovation(n) - ultimately(adv) III TECHNIQUES: - Chatting - Matching - Discussion - Multiple choice IV TEACHING AIDS: Pictures, cassette V PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT (29) T: asks Ss question Ss: practice in groups WARM UP: Chatting How can we to save electricity? Suggested answers - Turning of the lights when we not use them - Using ordinary bulb instead of one - …………………… PRE-READING: T: gives and explains Ss: guess the meaning T: guides Ss to read T: lets Ss read the text and then choose the best summary Ss: practice individually and give the key T: corrects * New words: - scheme(n): kế hoạch - consumer(n): khách hàng - innovation(n):sự đổi - ultimately(adv): cuối cúng, tóm lại Matching WHILE-READING: a Multiple choice: Key: North America and European countries are interested in saving money and natural resources b Answer the questions: keys T: asks Ss to read the passage again and then answer They are interested in products that will not only the questions work effectively but also save energy Ss: practice in pairs and then write the answers on the To spend less on lighting we replace an ordinary board 100 watt-light bulbs by using energy saving T: corrects bulbs She will pay US $ The purpose of the labeling scheme is to tell the consumers how energy efficient each model is, compare with the other appliances in the same category POST- READING: T: gives questions and asks Ss to discuss Ss: practice in pairs T: corrects and gives marks T: gives the tasks Discuss - Why should we save energy? - What should we to save money and natural resources? * Suggested answers - Because we can save money as well as natural resources - Use solar energy instead of coal, gas, oil - Turn off the faucets, TV, radio when we not use them - Reduce the amount of water and electricity we use - …………………………… HOME WORK: - Answer the questions again - Prepare: unit lesson write Match A with B page 61 (30) COMMENTS ÖU ÑIEÅM: KHUYEÁT ÑIEÅM: Week period Date: UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY Lesson 5: Write I.AIMS: Help students write a simple speech and present it before the class II LANGUAGE CONTENTS : Grammar: Vocabulary : - sum up(v) - attention(n) - solid(a) - draft(v) III TECHNIQUES: - Jumbled words - Matching IV TEACHING AIDS : Extra-board V PROCEDURE : detail(n) - Ordering TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS -Call some Ss to read the passage in the text book WARM – UP : aloud and write some words.Answer the question -Why should we save energy? PRE – WRITING : -Write the words are in a random order on the board -Divide the class into two team Ss from two teams go to the borad and write the correct words -The team which write more correct words first win the game -Vocabulary : Jumbled words 1.usm pu = sum up 2.ioatnetnt = attention 3.aeidtl = detail 4.disosl = solid 5.fradt = draft A speech usually has three parts: Introduction , -Introduce the three parts of a speech: Introduction , Body and Conclusion Body, Conclusion -Have Ss match each part of a speech in column A to a a) Match each part of a speech in suitable function in column B column A to a suitable function in -Give feedback column B A Parts of a speech Introduction B Function A.summing up what you have (31) 2.Body 3.Conclusion -Ask Ss some questions to check their answers said B.getting people’s attention and telling them what you are going to talk about C.giving details in easy-to – understand language 1- B 2- C 3- A Questions: +What does the introduction do? +What ‘s the function of the body? -Have Ss put the sections in b) on page 62 in correct order to form a speech WHILE WRITING: -Call on some Ss to read aloud the speech Ordering -Help Ss present the speech before class naturally b)Put the following sections in the correct place to complete a speech Answer: 1.Good evening, ladies and gentlemen I’m Professor Roberts and tonight I’m going to tell you how to save money 2.Most of us use too much gas You can reduce this amount by: -Traveling by bicycle or public transport -Having a mechanic check your motorbike regularly 3.If you follow these simple rules, not only will you save money, but also the environment will be cleaner c)Choose one of the following topics and prepare a speech c)Choose one of the following topics and prepare -Divide the class into groups a speech -Ask each group to write a speech about one of these +Reduce garbage topics: +Reusing paper -Move around and help Ss when they have difficulties +Saving energy in the kitchen in writing -Call one of each group to present the speech before class -Correct their mistakes T guides Ss to homework POST WRITING : Topic: Saving energy in the kitchen Suggested answer: Good morning ladies and gentlement, My name is ……and today I’m going to tell you how to save money Most of us use too much electricity, especially in the kitchen You can reduce this amount by: -Turning off the lights before leaving the kitchen -Preparing food carefully before turning on the stove -Keeping refrigerator door closed If you follow these simple rules, you’ll not only save money, but also conserve the resource HOMEWORK : - Copy down one of these speeches in their notebooks (32) Prepare for Languagefocus(Unit 7) the next period: COMMENT ÖU ÑIEÅM: KHUYEÁT ÑIEÅM: Week period Date: UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY Lesson 6: Language focus I AIMS Help students practice connectives, phrasal verbs and making suggestions II LANGUAGE CONTENTS : Grammar: - connectives - phrasal verbs - making suggestions Vocabulary: III TECHNIQUES: - Complete the sentences IV TEACHING AIDS : Extra-boards, pictures V PROCEDURE : TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS WARM UP: - T checks Ss the previous lesson by asking - How many parts are there in a speech? questions - What’s the function of each part? - Ss answer, T corrects and marks -Ask Ss to think of connectives that they’ve leant -Have Ss go to the board and write down the connectives -Give feeback -Ask Ss to give Vietnamese meanings -Have Ss work individually to the exercise -Ask Ss to work in pairs to compare their answers -Have some Ss raed aloud the completed sentences -Check their pronunciation and the meaning ACTIVITY :Connectives - And, but, or, because, so, therefore, however,… 1.Complete the sentences Use the correct connectives a.and b.but c.because d.therefore e.or f.so g.and h.However ACTIVITY : phrasal verbs -Provide Ss verbs + prepositions and then ask them 2.Compplete the sentences Use the phrasal verbs in the box: to match the verbs with the pictures on page 64 -Give Ss the meaning of the prasal verbs a look after b.go on c.Turn on -Have Ss work in pairs to ex d.looked for e.turn off (33) -Call some Ss to give the answers -Ask some Ss to read the completed sentences aloud ACTIVITY : Make suggestions Suggest + V-ing Ex: I suggest walking to school -Remind Ss the way to make suggestion with “suggest” a your class wants to help the poor in the neighborhood of your school -Ask Ss to make more sentences -Introduce the situation of ex a), and explain how to it -Then ask Ss to the ex individually -Call some Ss to write their sentences on the board -Call some to read aloud -Correct and give the keys -I suggest collecting some money -I suggest collecting unused clothes -I suggest organizing a show to raise money -I suggest giving lassons to poor chilren -I suggest helping poor families with their chores … Suggest + that + S + should… Ex: I suggest that we should walk to school b Your friends wants to improve his / her English The following ideas may help you: Ex: I suggest (that) you should work harder on your pronuciation -I suggest (that) you should write sentences with new words -I suggest (that) you should speak English I suggest that you should buy a new dictionary I suggest that you should some reading every day HOMEWORK : - T guides her Ss to homework - Do the exercises again - Write sentences using connectives - Review the lesson from unit to unit for TEST COMMENT ÖU ÑIEÅM: KHUYEÁT ÑIEÅM: (34) TEST Week: period: Date : I OBJECTIVES: Help students check their knowledge after a period of units II CONTENTS: I Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others: (1m) A polluted A environment A beach A whole B spoiled B recycle B clean B who C divided C dynamite C instead C how D collected D littering D leave D hour II-Choose the best answer (2ms) I suggest the local authorities should (protect / prohibit / exhibit / examine) and fine heavily anyone using electricity to catch fish (35) The labeling (letter / word / scheme / bill) tells the consumers how energy efficient each model is, compared with other appliances in the same category The body of a speech is used to give (attention / details / summary / plans) in easy –to-understand language If it is raining this evening, I (will went out/ don’t go out/ go out / won’t go out) She decided not to go out for meal (but / because / so / and) she were too tired In order to save electricity, an ordinary 100 –watt light bulb can be replace by (an energy-saving bulb / a 100watt light / an electric bulb / alamp) Who is going to (look for / look up / look after / look out) your children when you’re at work? Mary’s eyes are weak, (but / however / and / so) she has to wear glasses III- Rewrite these sentences, beginning with the words given (2ms) Why don’t we tell him about that? (Using: Suggest + v-ing) 110 1 I suggest The weather was bad, so the children didn’t go swimming (using: because)  Because I think she should study harder this semester (Using: suggest + that )  I suggest that They won’t get good marks if they don’t study hard (Using: conditional sentence type1)  If they study IV.Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs provided (1m) Turn on – turn off – look for – look after – go on I am going to a suitable school for my children Please the light, it’s getting dark here The woman had to _4 children after her husband died Could you _the radio? I’m trying to finish this assignment V Read and answer the questions: (2ms) Our oceans are becoming extremely polluted Most of this pollution comes from the land, which means it comes from people First, there is raw sewage, which is pumped directly into sea Many countries, both developed and developing, are guilty of doing this Secondly, Ships drop about six million tons of garbage into the sea each year Thirdly, there are oil spills from ships A ship has an accident and oil leaks from the vessel This only pollutes the water, but also kills marine life Next, there are waste materials from factory Without proper regulations, factory owner let the waste run directly into the rivers, with then leads to the sea And finally, oil is washed from land This can be the result of carelessness or a deliberate dumping of waste Questions: Where the ocean pollutions come from? How many tons of garbage the ships drop into the sea? What will happen to the marine life if the water is polluted? Is oil washed from the land? VI WRITING: Prepare a speech for your classmates: (2ms) - How to study better? Prepare the lessons at home Do the exercises and homework regularly Get information actively III COMMENTS: ÖU ÑIEÅM: KHUYEÁT ÑIEÅM: (36) LESSON PLAN UNIT 8: CELEBRATIONS Division of lesson Week period Date: Period: 50 Period: 51 Period: 52 Period: 53 Period: 54 Lesson: Getting started & listen and read Lesson: Speak + Listen Lesson: Read Lesson: Write Lesson: Language focus *********** UNIT 8: CELEBRATIONS Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read (37) I AIMS: Help students know more about the popular celebrations in the world II LANGUAGE CONTENTS : Vocabulary : - occur (v) - decorate (v) - freedom (n) - slavery (n) - jewish (n) - parade (n) Grammar: Relative clauses III TECHNIQUES: - Network - Pre-questions - complete the table - Matching IV TEACHING AIDS : - Pictures, Cassette player, Extra-board IV PROCEDURE : TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES -Let Ss think of the name of the celebrations all over WARM the world they’ve known Network -Give feedback - Have Ss look at the icons on page 65 and match them with the suitable name of the celebration in groups - Call some Ss from each group to answer - Give feedback CONTENTS UP: Celebrations GETTING STARTED Work with your partner Match the icons with the names of the celebrations they represent: Key: 1.Easter 2.Wedding 3.birthday 4.Christmas 5.Mid-fall Festival 6.Lunar New year PRESENTATION: -Introduce the celebrations “Tet” , “Passover”, and “Easter” -Ask Ss some questions and call some Ss to give the answers - Ss answer freely - Teach vocabulary by explanation, synonym -Get Ss to copy the words in their books -Ask Ss to repeat the words chorally and individually LISTEN AND READ Questions: - When are they celebrated? - What people do? New words: -occur (v) = happen(v) -decorate (v): trang hoµng, trang trÝ -freedom (n): sù tù -slavery (n): sù n« lÖ - Jewish (n): Ngêi Th¸i - Let Ss rub out and remember to check their - parade (n): cuéc diÔu hµnh - Passover(n): LÔ qu¸ h¶i vocabulary Rub out and remember Model sentences: (Relative clauses) Families members who live apart try to be together at Tet - Present the model sentences Easter is a joyful festival which is celebrated in many - Ss copy down countries (38) Questions: - Ss guess to answer the questions before reading the How many celebrations are mentioned in the text? text What are they? PRACTICE - Let Ss listen to the tape and correct their answer - Have Ss read silently to check their answer again - T gives the answer -Have Ss work in groups to complete the word map on page 66 -Call some Ss from each group to give the answers -Correct and give the keys Key: Three celebrations are mentionted in the text They are Lunar New Year, Passover and Easter Compete the table Celebratio n Tet When Activities Food Country In late January or early february Sticky rice cake Vietnam Passover In late March or early April Cleaning and decorating homes, and enjoying special food Eating special meal Isael Easter Around the same time as Passover Special meal called Seder Chocola te sugar eggs Watching colorful In many countries -Get three students to look at the grids and introduce PRODUCTION: the celebrations Tet – Passover – Easter Introduce the celebrations:Tet, Passover and Easter -Get feedback Suggestion: “Tet is the most important celebration in Vietnam It is in late January or early February On this occasion, people clean and decorate their homes They wear new clothes and family memers enjoy together special food such as sticky rice cake Every one in VN feels happy on Tet Holiday - T guides Ss to homework HOMEWORK: - Answer the questions again - Prepare: Unit – Speak + Listen + The way to give and respond to compliments on page 66 , 67 +New words: * acquaintance (n) * trusty (adj) * Auld land syne =The good old days COMMENTS: ÖU ÑIEÅM: KHUYEÁT ÑIEÅM: (39) Week TEST CORRECTION period Date : I OBJECTIVES: Help students recognise and correct their mistakes in order to have more expriences for another test II ANSWER KEY: I.Tape transcript Are you looking for a cheap ,clean,effective source of power that doesn’t cause pollution or waste natural resources?Look no further than solar energy from our sun.at present,most of our electricty comes from the use of coal,gas,oil,or nuclean power.This power cuold be provided by the sun.One percent of the solar energy that reaches the Earth is enough to provide power for the total poplution (40) Many countries are already using solar energy.Solar panels are placed on the roof of a house and the Sun’s energy is used to heat water.The energy can be stored for a mumber of days,so on cloudy days you can use solar energy too 1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F II.1B 2B3D 4C 5C 6D 7D 8D 9D 10C 11D 12A III 13 scheme 14.won’t go out 15 because 16 so IV.17.look for 18.turn on 18 look after 19.turn off V.1d 2a 3c 4b VI Most of this pollution comes from the land ( people, ships, factories, ) 2Ships drop about six million tons of garbage into the sea each year 3If the water is polluted the marine life will be killed 4Yes, it is VII 1. I suggest telling him about that 2. I suggest that she should study harder this semester III REMARKS ABOUT STUDENTS’ ANSWER: Statistics: CLASS UNDER MARKS % Class 9a Advantages: - Students know the way to the excercises in the test - Students the excecises themselves Disavantages: - Students don’t remember vocabulary - Students don’t know to define the tenes - Student lose the basic of knowledge - Students don’t prepare for the test before taking it IV CONSOLIDATION: TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - T gives the exercise on the extra board - Ss work in pairs to the excercie Some pairs present their work - T helps them correct and marks - T guides her Ss to home work ABOVE MARKS % CONTENT I EXERCISE: Circle the best answer (with key) Can you turn the TV? I have a headache and don’t want to watch it a on b off c up d down My sister is very tired , she still has to cook dinner for the family a so b however c and d but Lan suggests to the zoo at weekend a to go b went c going d go Hoa often looks her sister when her mother is out of town a over b at c for d after Which would you prefer, tea coffee? a but b so c and d or The children laughed - as they watched (41) comics a happy b happily c happiness d unhappy If you smoke too much, you respiratory problems a will get b get c got d to get Mr.Tuan is a He often installs and repairs water pipes a plumber b electrician c dentist engineer II HOMEWORK: - -Prepare: Unit – getting started +Listen and read COMMENTS ÖU ÑIEÅM: KHUYEÁT ÑIEÅM: Week 27 period 52 Date: UNIT 8: CELEBRATIONS Lesson 2: Speak + Listen I AIMS: Help students practice giving and responding to compliments, listening to a song to fill in the missing words II LANGUAGE CONTENTS : (42) Vocabulary : - active (adj) - nominate (v) - charity (n) - trusty (adj) - Activist (n): - Nomination (n) - acquaintance (n) - Auld land syne =The good old days Grammar: III TECHNIQUES: - Rub out and remember - Guessing IV TEACHING AIDS : - Pictures, Cassette player, Extra-board IV PROCEDURE TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT - Have Ss review adj - Get Ss to make sentences: SPEAK/P66-67 1.WARM UP: + I have + a/ an adj + friend EX: I have an active friend I have a beautiful friend I have a clever friend … PRE-SPEAKING: - T pre-teaches vocabulary - Ss take note, practice reading and give the maening of words Then they rub out and remember - active (adj) -activist (n): người hoạt động tích cực (translation) - nominate (v): ghi danh, meänh danh, choïn - Nomination (n) (translation) - charity (n): lòng từ thiện, hội từ thiện (explanation: kindness in giving help to the poor) Rub out and remember - Set the scene: Trang has just won the first prize in the English speaking contest What does Mai say to pay Trang a compliment? And what does Trang respond? - Ask students how to give and respond to compliments Set the scene between Mai nad Trang Mai: Well done, Trang Trang: Thanks *Give a compliment -Well done -That’s a great / an excellent… -Let me congratulate you on… *Respond to a compliment -Thanks -It’s nice of you to say so -That’s very kind of you -Ask Ss to look at the pictures and give them cues -have Ss practice giving and responding the compliments -Have Ss to work in pairs, to read the situation on page 66, 67 then give and respond to compliments -Give feedback -Call on some pairs of students to act out WHILE-SPEAKING: Keys b Mother: Well done, huyen Huyen: Thanks , Mom c.Friends: Congratulations on your nomination, Tuan Tuan: It’s nice of you to say so d You: That’s an excellent drawing, Hoa Hoa: That’s very kind of you to say so POST-SPEAKING: - Divide the class into teams: A, B, C and D (43) - Have students work in groups to think of situations in which they can give compliments - Ask team A to give situation, team B, C, D to make up the dialogue - Have the teams take turns giving the situations - Give good marks for the teams which give good situations and make up suitable dialogue * Suggested answers: a Situation 1: Tam has just passed the graduation examination Friends: Congratulation! Tam: Thanks a lot b Situation 2: Hoa make an excellent report on saving energy Hoa: It’s very kind you to say so c Situation 3: Lan got high mark for Math You: Well done Lan: It’s very nice of you to say so d Situation 4: Ba has just won the school swimming championship Friends: Congratulations on your great efforts, Ba Ba: Thank you very much LISTEN/ P.68 1.WARM UP: -Let Ss listen to the song “Happy new Year” -Then ask them some questions +Do you like it? +Can you sing this song? +When is it often sung? -Introduce “Today we’ll listen to a song sung at New 2.PRE-LISTENING: year Eve” New words: +Do you know the name of the song? -acquaintance (n): người quen -Teach Ss some new words -trusty (adj): thật sự, chân thành -Guide the Ss to say the new words -Auld land syne =The good old days - Have Ss to guess the words in the blanks before listening to the tape - Give feedback Guessing: Let Ss listen to the song twice and check their guess WHILE-LISTENING: -Listen to the song again and correct their filling -Listen to the song again sentence by sentence then teach Ss to sing it loudly -Call some to sing the song in front of the class - T guides her Ss to homework COMMENTS Keys a days b take c mind d hand e.kindness POST-LISTENING : Practice singing the song HOMEWORK: - Write situations with the compliments, the response to the compliments into their notebooks - Sing the song by heart - Prepare: Unit – Read/P 68-69 +What you know about father’s, mother’s day? +In Viet Nam, Is Mother’s or Father’s Day celebrated? (44) Week 28 Period 52 Date: UNIT 8: CELEBRATIONS Lesson 3: Read I AIMS Help students know more about the opinions, feelings, and memories of children about their father on the Father’s day in the U SA and in Australia II LANGUAGE CONTENTS : Vocabulary : - hug (n), - considerate (adj) - generous (adj) (45) - priority (n) - sense of humor (n) - distinguish (v) - terrific (adj) Grammar: Relatives Clauses III TECHNIQUES: - Rub out and remember - Matching - Writing - Chatting IV TEACHING AIDS : - Pictures, Extra-board IV PROCEDURE TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS - Have Ss listen to the song “Cha Yeâu” 1.WARM UP: - Have Ss sing it at the same time if they like Listen to the song “Cha yêu” Chatting + What you think about your father? -Ask Ss some questions: +Is your father the best person in the world? -Call some one to answer -Setting the scene: On Father’s Day in Australia and in the USA, children show their love to their fathers by giving their father presents , cards - T introduces vocabulary by explaination - Ss take note, practice reading and give the meaning of the words Then they Rub out and Remember -Have Ss say the words in chorus -Rub out the words one at a time but leave the Vietnamese translation -When all the English words are ruibbed out , go through the VietNamese list and get Ss to call out the English equivalent Ask Ss to think of the adj that children use to talk about their fathers -Give feedback - Have Ss work in pairs to match the details with the suitable names before reading the text PRE – READING: New words -hug (n): ôm(khi chào nhau) -considerate (adj): ân cần, chu đáo -generous (adj): rộng lượng -priority (n): Sự ưu tiên -sense of humor (n): Khiếu hài hước -distinguish (v): phân biệt -terrific (adj): tuyệt vời, kì diệu Rub out and Remember Matching: A B RITA ‘s farther always put his family in the first position, got married, he was very sad Is proud of him because he is a considerate and children JANE Is always a little girl of her father although she had children BOB Received the best education from him 3.WHILE READING : - Ss read the text and check their work Some pairs perform their work in front of the class - Give the feedback Key: A RITA JANE BOB B Received the best education from him Is always a little girl of her father although she had children ‘s farther always put his family in the first position, got married, he was very sad Is proud of him because he is a considerate and children -Have Ss read the opinions, feelings and memories of children about their fathers on Father’s Day in Australia and the USA again and work in pairs to Answers: a to her dad answer the questions on page 69 b He is possibly dead These ideas may tell about -Give feedback (46) -Ask Ss to write the answers on the blackboard -Have Ss practice asking and answering the questions in open pairs and then closed pairs that…how much you are missed…I now have children, Dad c His sense of humor d The best person in the world, a teacher, a care taker, a friend… -Have Ss write their feelings, opinions, and memories about their fathers Three passages are POST READING: examples Marks - Have some Ss read this paragraph in front of class Writing: Write a short paragraph (about 50 words) to - T remarks and marks show their opinions, feelings, and memories about their father - T guides her Ss to homework HOMEWORK: - Answer the questions again - Learn vocabulary - Prepare: Unit: – Write/ P.70 + Prepare new words + Do you think it is necessary to have a day to celebrate for your Mum and another for your Dad? Why? COMMENTS Week 28 period 53 Date: UNIT 8: CELEBRATIONS Lesson 4: Write I OBJECTIVES: Help students know more about the opinions, feelings, and memories of children about their father on the Father’s day in the U SA and in Australia II LANGUAGE CONTENTS : Vocabulary : -enhance (v) - a day off (n) (47) -support (v) -nationwide (adv): Grammar: III TECHNIQUES: - Jumbled words - Rub out and remember - Ordering the outline IV TEACHING AIDS : - Extra-board IV PROCEDURE: TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS - Call Two Ss to read the cards and answer the WARM UP: questions Marks Read the text Answer the questions on page 69 - Ss jumbled words in teams Jumbled words: calerbetoni = celebration tratidoni = tradition folwres = flowers pirtase = parties ftigs = gifts fleenigs = feelings rebemern = remember spicale = special PRE – WRITING: New words: -enhance (v): thóc ®Èy - a day off (n): ngµy nghØ -support (v): cung cÊp -nationwide (adv): tßan quèc, toµn d©n Rub out and remember -Ask Ss to keep their books closed, show the outline on the board Ordering the outline: -Get Ss to put the parts in the correct order -(1) Give details about: -When celebrate, in what season, or what month (why)? -How to celebrate : having parties, sending cards… -What special gift to give -What special food to offer (2) State whether or not you think your idea will be supported and you hope the day will be celebrated nationwide (3) Tell your friend the reason for celebrating this day 3.WHILE-WRITING: -Have Ss write in groups to a friend to tell him / her Answer keys: about why they want to celebrate Mother’s day or – -2 Father’s Day in VietNam and how to celebrate it The outline on page 70 will help Ss to write easily -Have Ss share their writing with their other groups POST-WRITING : and correct their misstakes -Ask some Ss to read aloud their writing before Suggested ideas First paragraph: class In my opinion, it is neccesary/ important / essential to -Correct their mistakes have a day to celebrate for our parents Reasons:-Children will have a special day to express (48) their feelings, memories and love for their parents -We have an chance to enhance family traditions -Members of families can have a chance to get together, to know one another and to help one another Second paragraph: -When to celebrate: First Sunday of April: Sunday is a day off so everybody is free from work or study -April is in late spring or early summer, and the weather is generally fine at this time of the year, many activities can happen outdoors -How to celebrate: It is not necessary to have parties but it’s a good idea to have lunch or dinner with all members of the family Children should give their parents flowers, send them cards, or bring them a special cake -Children should serve their parents the food that they like best Third paragraph: I believe the idea will be supported and the day will be celebrated nationwide because everybody loves their parents and wants their parents to be happy - T guides her Ss to homework HOMEWORK: -Rewrite a letter in your notebook - Prepare: Unit – Language focus + Relative clauses + Adver clauses of concession COMMENTS Week 29 Period 54 Date: UNIT 8: CELEBRATIONS Lesson 5: Language focus I AIMS: Help students practice relative clauses and adverb clauses of concession with “though / although / even though” II LANGUAGE CONTENTS : Vocabulary : Grammar: Relative clauses and adverb clauses of concession III TECHNIQUES: - Join sentences - Complete the sentences (49) IV TEACHING AIDS : - Extra-board IV PROCEDURE: TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS - Have Ss sing the song WARM UP: -Write two sentences on the board -Then combine into one using “Who” -Ask Ss to remark (the same with which) -Note down the grammar point Song: Auld Lang Syne ACTIVITY : Relative pronoun Ex: - That girl is my friend She is very clever  That girl who is very clever is my friend Form and use: -Who- Which : replace the pronoun - Who is used for people - Which is used for things -Have Ss work in pairs to Ex1 They have to Join the sentences Use relative clauses join the sentences, using relative clauses Ex: -Tet is a festival Tet occurs in late January or early -Call some Ss to read their sentences aloud February -Call some to write on the board Tet is a festival which occurs in late January or early February Key: a Auld Lang Syne is a song which is sung on New Year’s Eve b This watch is a gift which was given to me by my aunt on my 14th birthday c My friend Tom, who sings Western folk songs very well, can compose songs d.We often go to the town cultural house, which always opens o public holidays e.I like reading books which tell about different peoples and their cultures f.On my mom’s birthday my Dad gave her roses, which were very sweet and beautiful g Judy like the full-moon festival, which is celebrated in mid-fall very much h Tomorrow I’ll go to the airport to meet my friends, who come to stay with us during the christmas ACTIVITY : -Have Ss look at pictures on page 71 to Describle each of the peole in the pictures Use relative clauses describe each of the people in the pictures, using Ex:I am the boy who is wearing a white T-shirt Relative Clauses - My Aunt Judy is the woman who is holding Jack -Have Ss work in pairs and then read aloud each sentences before class -Mom is the woman who is sitting in an armchair / -Call some Ss to write on the board receiving a gift from the little girl -Correct and give the keys -Dad is the man who is standing behind my sister -Linda is the little girl who is wearing a pink dress / giving a gift to mom -grandmother is the woman who is wearing a violet blouse / giving a gift to the baby -Uncle John is the man who is wearing a pink jumper -Jack is the little boy who is sitting on his mother’s leg ACTIVITY : Even though/ though / although + adverbial clause of concession -Set the scene: “Thu Ha is not satisfied with her 3.Join the sentences Use the words in brackets The first preparations for Tet Thu Ha has decorated her (50) house and made plenty of cakes” -Ask Ss to combine two sentences above into one by using a connective- eventhough -take note and ask Ss to copy -Have Ss to Ex individually They have to join the sentences, using though , although, or even though -Call on some Ss to read aloud their sentences and correct their mistake -Have Ss look at the pictures on page 72-73 and complete the sentences, using correct tense of the verbs -Use the sentences a as example Ask Ss to use correct tense of the verbs and cues iven below each oicture -Get Ss to work in pairs -Call on some Ss to read aloud their sentences, taecher corrects their mistakes is done for you  Thu Ha is not satisfied with her preparations for Tet even though she has decorated her house and made plenty of cakes a Thu Ha is not satisfied with her prepararions for Tet even though she has decorated her house and made plenty of cakes b Although we don’t have a Mother’s day in VietNam, Day and I have special gifts and parties for my mom every year on the 8th of March c We wnet to Ha Noi to watch the parade on the National Day last year even though we live in Nam Dinh d Many tourists enjoy festivals in Viet Nam though they not understand VietNamese culture very much e Even though in Australia Christmas season is in summer, Australians enjoy Christmas as much as people in European countries f Although Jim came to show late due to the traffic jam, he could see the main part of the show 4.Complete the sentences Use the correct tense of the verbs and the information a Although Mrs Thoa was tored, she helped Tuan with his homework b Even though Liz has an exam tomorrow, she is still watching TV now c It rained yesterday although the weather bureau predicted the weather would be fine d.Ba ate a lot of food though he wasn’t hungry e Even though the keyboard wasn’t working well, Mary tried to finish her letter HOMEWORK: - T guides her Ss to homework - Do the exercises again - Prepare: Unit 9: - Getting started - Listen and read New words: - snowstorm, earthquake, volcano, typhoon COMMENTS : LESSON PLAN UNIT 9: NATURAL DISASTERS Division of lesson (51) Period: 58 Period: 59 Period: 60 Period: 61 Period: 62 Lesson: Lesson: Lesson: Lesson: Lesson: Getting started & listen and read Speak + Listen Read Write Language focus Week 29 period 55 Date: 25/03/2009 UNIT 9: NATURAL DISASTERS Lesson 1: Getting started & Listen and read I AIMS: Help students get information about weather from the weather forecast II LANGUAGE CONTENTS : Vocabulary : - turn up(v) -expect (v) -thunderstorm (n) -delta (n) - just in case (n) - trust (v) Grammar: III TECHNIQUES: - Rub out and remember - Complete the sentences - Matching and chatting - Comprehension questions IV TEACHING AIDS : - Extra-board, cassette player, pictures IV PROCEDURE: TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS WARM UP: -Show four pictures on page 74 and ask Ss to match GETTING STARTED them with four words: snowstorm, earthquake,  Matching and chatting volcano, typhoon a.snowstorm picture -Give Ss some questions about the four natural b.earthquake  picture disaters c volcano  picture d.typhoon  picture Questions: How you know it is a snowstorm / an earthquake / a volcano / a typhoon ? Have you ever experienced any of these natural disasters ? What happened ? How did you feel? PRESENTATION: -Ask Ss some questions about weather to lead to the lesson - Ss answer freely - T explains some new words - Ss follow, take note and guess the meaning of words -Have Ss repeat the words chorally then rub out word by word but leave the circles Remember to let Ss repeat before and after rubbing out each word -Go on until Ss can remember the words -Get Ss to write the words again in the correct circles - Set the scene: Thuy is talking to her grandmother LISTEN AND READ + what’s the weather like today ? +Do you like hot / cold weather? +Have you ever listened to the weather forecast on the radio or on TV? +Do you think weather forecast is useful for us? How is it useful? New words: -turn up (v) : ñieàu chænh to leân -expect (v): mong đợi, chờ đón(translation) -thunderstorm (n): baõo coù saám seùt, möa to (picture) -delta (n): vuøng chaâu thoå (visual) -just in case (n): phòng khi, lỡ (translation) -trust (v) : tin tưởng, tin là thật (synonym: rely on) (52) while they both are watching TV -Ask Ss: What are they watching? -Ss guess Rub out and remember PRACTICE: - They are watching the weather forecast - Let Ss listen to the tape to check their answer and repeat twice -Ask them to read the dialogue in pairs -Call some pairs to practice -Have Ss read the dialogue silently and exercise b on page 75 Answer keys: -Get them to share their answers with their partners Thuy’s grandmother wants her to turn up the volume -Call some Ss to give the answers on TV because she wants to listen to the weather -Correct and give the keys forecast The coast of Thanh Hoa will be raining The central highlands will experience thunderstorms Ho Chi Minh City will have temperature between 270C and 350C Although Thuy’s grandmother doesn’t trust weather forecast she like watching them PRODUCTION: - Have students practice asking and answering in pairs - T guides her Ss to homework Comprehension questions: (with key) Why does Thuy’s grandmother ask her to turn up the volume? - Because she wants to listen to the weather forecast Which City is the hottest today? - Ho Chi Minh City in the hottest Where is Thuy going? - She going on to the part on the other side of Thang Long Bridge with her old friends (she’s going on the picnic) What does Thuy grandmother want her to do? - She wants her to bring along a raincoat HOMEWORK: - Practice the dialogue and the exercises again Do exercise 1/p58,59 workbook - Preapre: Unit – Speak + Listen(Voc) COMMENTS (53) Week 30 period 56 Date: 30/03/2009 UNIT 9: NATURAL DISASTERS Lesson 2: Speak & Listen I AIMS Help students talk about what they want to buy and to prepare for a typhoon and listen to get some ideas on how to live with earthquakes by listening II LANGUAGE CONTENTS : Vocabulary : bucket (n) - leak (n) -ladder (n) -blanket (n) - roller (n) -snout (n) - cyclone (n) - eruption (n) Grammar: -tie (v) -damage (v) -strike (v) - latch (n) - Block (v) - hurricane (n) (54) III TECHNIQUES: - Rub out and remember - Fill in the blanks IV TEACHING AIDS : -pic IV PROCEDURE: TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS -Have ss think about what they to prepare for a WARM – UP : typhoon EX: buy food -Have ss to go to the board and write down Buy candles Check the roof … SPEAK/P 76-77 - Ask ss a question PRE-SPEAKING: - Teach vocabulary What happens if there is a typhoon? - Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember - there may be a power cut Write the words on the board, put one word in each - there may be heavy rain circle - big trees may fall down -Have ss repeat the words in chorus then rub out word - the market may be closed by word but leave the circle … -Go on until the circles are empty -Note down : May/ Must + bare infinitive -Get ss to rewrite the words in their correct circle New words: -bucket (n) - leak (n) -tie (v) -latch (n) -ladder (n) -blanket (n) -damage (v) -Have ss ex a) on page 76 the ss have to check Rub out and remember what preparations they think should be done for a WHILE –SPEAKING: typhoon a Check what preparations you think should -Give feedback be made for a typhoon -Then ask them some questions: - buying some canned food + why we need to buy food? +what food we need to buy? - Buying candles + why we need to buy candles - Buying matches … - Filling all buckets with water - Ask ss to use the expressions on page 77 when - Buying a ladder talking to one another - Fixing the leak in roof -Call on some pairs of students to act out - Tying the roof to the ground with pegs and ropes - Checking all the windows and the door latches b Now work with apartner Model dialogue -I thing we should buy some canned food before a typhoon -Yes I think so too / I agree with you The market will be closed and no food will be available -I think we should buy a ladder -What for / why? - Just in case we need to fix the roof Because there must be strong wind blowing -Divide the ss into the group of four -Have ss talk about what they think they want to buy and to prepare for a typhoon, explain why POST-SPEAKING: (55) -Move around and help ss Students’ work LISTEN/P.77 -Ask ss some questions about earthquakes - Ss answer freely -Set the scene: an expert is giving a talk on how to live with earthquakes -Have ss look at the box on page 77 and guess the words in the blanks rom to -Give feedback -Teach ss some new words -Guide the ss to say the new words -Have ss listen to the tape twice and check their prediction -Give feedback -Let them listen again and write down the answer -Call some ss to write on the board -Correct and give ss the keys -Ask Ss listen more times and answer these questions: WARM – UP: + Have you ever heard of an earthquake? + What happens if there is an earthquake? +In what country earthquake occur frequently? PRE – LISTENING : New words: Block (v) make movement difficult or impossible - roller (n) -snout (n) -strike (v) - hurricane (n).typhoon in North and South America - cyclone (n) typhoon in australia - eruption (n) Rub out and remember WHILE LISTENING : Answer keys: 1.bottom shelf of the bookshelf fridge 3.washing machine 4.mirrors a window inside under a strong table doorway corner of a room POST LISTENING : - What shoul you if you live in an earthquake? - What is the first thing you should remember? HOMEWORK : - write something about what they have to to prepare for a typhoon and how to live with earthquake - Prepare: Unit – Read/P.79 COMMENTS Week 30 period 57 Date: 01/04/2009 UNIT 9: NATURAL DISASTERS Lesson : Read (56) I.AIMS: Help students get more information about the natural disasters in the world II LANGUAGE CONTENTS : Vocabulary : tidal wave (n) abrupt (adj) shift (n) funnel-shape (adj) suck up (v) tornado(n) Grammar: III TECHNIQUES: - Rub out and remember - T/F prediction - Complete the sentences - Network IV TEACHING AIDS : pictures warn (v) majority (n) IV PROCEDURE: TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’S CATIVITIES CONTENT -Ask SS to write down natural disasters they 1.WARM – UP : know Net work -Call some write on the board Natural disasters -Introduce the new lesson - Introduce vocabulary : checking vocabulary : rub out and remember -Have Ss say the words in chorus -Rub out the words one at a time but leave the Vietnamese translation -When all the English words are ruibbed out , go through the VietNamese list and get SS to call out the English equivalent -Set the scene: There are statements about the information of some natural disasters All of you have to read them and guess whether they are true or false -Hang the sub –board of T/F statements on the board PRE – READING: New words -tidal wave (n) -abrupt (adj) -shift (n) -warn (v) -funnel- shaped (adj) -suck up (v) -tornado (n) -majority (n) T/F prediction: -Get Ss to work in pairs to guess which statements are true and which are false 1.Most of the earthquakes in the world occur in the Ring of Fire The earthquake in Kobe in 1995 caused severe daage 3.A huge tidal wave traveled from Calofornia to Alaska and hit Anchorage in the 19602 4.Typhoon, hurricane and tropical storm are different words for the same natural disasters 5.The eruption of mount Pinatubo is the world’s largest ever volcano eruption A Tornado looks like a funnel -Have Ss read the text on page 78 and check their WHILE-READING prediction Ask Ss work in pairs Answer -Give feedback : 1.T 2.T 3.F ->A huge tidal wave traveled from Alaska to California 4.T 5.F ->The eruption of Mount Pinatubo is the world’s largest (57) volcanic eruotion in more than 5o years 6.T -Have Ss work in pairs and complete the sentences b.Complete the senetnces in exercise 5b on page 79 1.The majority of earthquakes occur aroud the Pacific -Call some SS say completed sentences Rim -Give them the keys 2.During the earthquake in Kobe, many people were killed when homes, office blocks and highways collapsed 3.A tidal wave can only occur when there is an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the Earth In Australia, a tropical storm is known as a cyclone The Chinses language gave us the word “typhoon” A Tornado is a type of storm that passes overland below a thunderstorm and sucks up anything that is in its path - Divide the class into four groups - Have students read the text again - Group asks a question Group 2, 3, answer it - Group ask another question Group 1, 3, answers - Go on until the four groups ask their questions - T guides her Ss to homework POST-READING : Questions and answers: Why people call the Pacific Rim “Ring of Fire” - Because 90% of earthquakes occur around the Pacific Rim What will happen when there is an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the earth? - Tidal waves will happen What does typhoon” mean? - It mean “big wind” Can we predict a volcano? - Yes The scientists can warn us about the eruption HOMEWORK : - Read the text and the exserecises again - Prepare: Unit 9- Write/P.79-80 COMMENTS (58) Period 58 Date: UNIT 9: NATURAL DISASTERS Lesson 4: Write I.AIMS Help students practise to write a short story about storm with the predicting of the lever dog by using guided information and pictures II LANGUAGE CONTENTS : Vocabulary : Circle(n) shelter(n) Grammar: III TECHNIQUES: - Rub out and remember -Writing IV TEACHING AIDS : -Pictures IV PROCEDURES: scared(a) behave (v) (59) TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - Ask Ss some questions to lead in the lesson - Ss answer freely T: Introduces the new words - Ss guess meaning of new words - T reads new words twice and Ss listen carefully and then repeat - T corrects new words by playing “Rub out and remember” - Ss take note T: Have Ss work in pairs to ask and answer about the pictures to T: Ask Ss to turn back on page 79 and study the outline of the story with the guided words T: Have Ss write the story individually Note that Ss can make changes and add more details to the story to make it more interesting - Ask Ss to compare their story with a friend -Ss write the story on the board - T helps Ss correct their mistakes then give marks for ss CONTENT WARM UP Questions: + Have you ever written a story? What is it about? + How long did it take to you write it? + Did you write it in Vietnamese or in English? + Do you think it is a successful one? PRE – WRITING * New words Circle (n): vòng tròn Shelter (n): chỗ ẩn nấp Scared (a): sợ Behave (v): cư xử, đối xử Rub out and remember Guiding questions:  Picture 1: - What you see in the first picture? - Who is she? What's she doing? - What's the weather like?  Picture 2: - what's wrong with the dog? - Is he behave strangely - What you think is going to happen?  Picture 3: - who is in the picture with Lan? - What does she say?  Picture 4: - what is happening? - Where are Lan's family members?  Picture 5: - is the wind strong? - What is the weather like?  Picture 6: - what you see in the picture? - What are Lan and her parents doing now? - Does the weather become good again? WHILE - WRITING Write the passage/ Write-P.79 Students’ works Marks POST-WRITING: T gves suggested writing Suggested writing: It was a beautiful day The sun was shining, the sky was blue and the weather was perfect Lan was outside playing with her dog, Skippy All of a sudden, the dog began behaving strangely She kept running around in circle Lan ran home with her dog to tell her mother what Skippy was doing Lan's mother, Mrs Quyen told Lan that she heard on TV that there (60) T ask ss to read and gives marks T asks some good ss to tell before the class and gives marks was a typhoon coming Mrs Quyen gathered her family and told them to find shelter in the house Suddenly, the sky because very dark The storm came with strong winds and heavy rain Mrs Quyen and her family were scared, but soon the storm finished and everyone was glad What a clever dog skippy is She saved Lan from being caught in the typhoon Marks HOEMWORK: - Rewrite the passage in your notebook - Prepare: Unit – Language focus + Relative clauses - T guides her Ss to homework COMMENTS ƯU DIỂM: KHUYẾT DIỀM: KHẮC PHỤC Period Date: UNIT 9: NATURAL DISASTERS Lesson : Language focus IAIMS Help students practice relative clauses with pronouns "who, that, which" and clearly "defining" and "non – defining clauses" II LANGUAGE CONTENTS : Vocabulary : Grammar: Relative clauses III TECHNIQUES: - Matching - Ask and answer IV TEACHING AIDS : - Extra-board IV PROCEDURE: TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT (61) - Let Ss play the game WARM UP - Tell Ss to work with another partner to answer Knowledge Game-short answers the following questions about general understanding Questions - The groups with the most correct answers will Which city in Japan was struck be the winner by a huge earthquake? Which country won the 1998 Tiger Cup? Which animal has one or two horns on its snout? Which explorer discovered America? Answers Kobe Singapore rhinoceros Christophe r Columbus Which planet is the closest to the earth? Venus Which animal in Viet Nam was chosen buffalo to be the logo of SEA Games 2003? Which ASEAN country is divided into Malaysia two regions by the sea? Which food you can chew but you can water not swallow and which one you can swallow but you can not chew? T: Help Ss to review relative clauses and ACTIVITY 1: relative clauses pronouns definition of relative pronouns and asks them to give some examples to make sure Example that they understand the use of relative clauses The city which was struck by a huge earthquake in 1995 in Japan is Kobe T: Asks Ss to use relative pronouns "who, which, that" to answer the questions Start with the words given like the example Ss: Do exercise, then compare the answers with a partner T: Call on some Ss to read their whole sentences - Feedback and give correct answers  Answers: b The country which won the 1995 tiger cup is Singapore c The animal which has one or two horns on its snout is rhinoceros d The explorer who discovered America is Christopher Columbus e The planet which is closest to the earth is venues f The animal which was chosen to be the logo of SEA games 2003 is the buffalo g The ASEAN country which is divided into regions by the sea is Malaysia h The food which you can chew but you cannot swallow is the chewing gum, and the thing you can swallow but you cannot chew is water Practice 2: Match T: Keep Ss in pairs but with another partner * Answer: - Ask Ss to match each of the sentences in 2.g: It snow…… Lang son, which is … column A with a related sentence in column B 3.f: Pompeii, which is an ancient city of Italy, was use the suitable relative pronouns to join the completely destroyed in AD 79 by an eruption of mount sentences Vesuvius T: Calls on some pairs to read the answers 4.a: people and made more than 200.000 homeless (62) - Corrects the mistakes and give the true answers 5.c: the cyclone of November 1970 in Bangladesh, which is bordered by the Bay of Bengal on the south, was one of the worst natural disasters of 20th century 6.d: The most disasters earthquake in Japanese history, which occurred in 1923, damaged Tokyo and Yokohama and killed about 150 000 people 7.b: The October 1989 Loma Pieta earthquake, which measured 7.1 on the Richter scale, caused extensive damage to older buildings in San Francisco Bay area ACTIVITY 2: "defining"and "non defining clause" T: Help Ss to identify "defining" and "non defining clause" (see period – language focus Unit 8) T: Instruct Ss to exercise Underline the relative clause in the sentence, and then add commas to separate the non- defining relative clause from the rest of the sentence T: Writes all the sentences on the sub-board - Call on some Ss to the task - Comments and give correct answers - T guides her Ss to homework * Answers: b Kangaroos, which come from Australia, have long tails c Ba, who lives in Trang Tien street, likes playing the guitar d (defining) e Neil Armstrong, who first walked on the moon, live in the USA f (defining) g Miss Lien, who sings very well, is my English teacher Rewrite the sentences in exercise Students’work HOMEWORK: - Redo the exercises - Prepare for test + Relative clauses (Who, Whom, Which, Where, When, Whose, That) +Adverbs of concession + Contents of unit 8,9 COMMENTS TEST Period: 60 Date : I.AIMS Help students check their knowledge after a period of units I.Ma Tran De Chu De Listen Language Speak Nhan biet TN TL Cau Thong hieu TN TL Van dung Thap TN TL Van dung Cao TN TL Tong 8.Cau 6.Cau 6.Cau 1,5 4.Cau 18 ,5 (63) ,5 Read 1,5 4 Cau 1 4Cau Write 2 Tong au 5.C 14 4 3,5 37 10 1,5 II CONTENTS: I.Listen and fill in the blanks(1m) THE CAMPING Last weekend I went , I went to with some friends in my class.We arrived the Kobe occured Earthquake in A huge Earthquake,a large of people number were when homes , officeblocks and highways collapsed II.Speak what preparation you think should be make for a typhoon(2ms) A :I think , We should B: C: D: III Choose the best option: (1.5ms) The people live in Greece speak Greek A which B whom C where D who Tet is a festival occurs in late January or early February A who B which C whom D when The can know when a volacano will erupt nowadays A science B siencetitific C siencetists D siencetifically Marie Curie, is one of the greatest women in our time, discoved radium A whom B whose C which D who Hue will have temperatures 230C and 270C A at B between C in D with The car he has just bought is very expensive A.who B whom C which D whose According to the weather , it will be raining tonight A forecast B forecaster C forecasted D forecasting We thinhk that Mother’s Day should be celebrated A nationalhood B nation wide C nationality D nation IV Find one mistake and correct in each sentence.(1m) Last summer my family went to Ha Long, where my aunt is living there A B C D If you won’t study hard, you’ll fail the exam A B C D Nha Trang, that has a long beach, attracts many foreign visitors A B C D Although my sister was tired, but she help me with the housework A B C D V Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) that is the same meaning with the italic sentence (1m) Although the traffic was bad yesterday, I arrived at the meeting on time A So the traffic was bad yesterday, I arrived at the meeting on time (64) B Because the traffic was bad yesterday, I arrived at the meeting on time C Since the traffic was bad yesterday, I arrived at the meeting on time D Though the traffic was bad yesterday, I arrived at the meeting on time The doctor about whom I told you last week is working here A I told you about the doctor last week He is working here B I told you the doctor last week He is working here C The doctor about that I told you last week is working here D The doctor whom I told you last week is working there She’s working late next Friday, so she can’t come to the party A She can’t come to the party; therefore, she’s working late next Friday B She can’t come to the party because she’s working late next Friday C She can’t come to the party, so she’s working late next Friday D She can’t come to the party, but she’s working late next Friday Mary brings to class a new picture she has painted A Mary brings to class a new picture who she has painted B Mary brings to class a new picture whom she has painted C Mary brings to class a new picture where she has painted D Mary brings to class a new picture which she has painted VI Read and complete the passage with the most suitable word provided(2.5ms) Do all volcanoes erupt ? Some volcanoes are always (1) They are called active volcanoes Mount Etna in Italy is an active (2) Some volcanoes have not erupted since prehistoric times These are (3) extinct volcanoes Most of the Hawaiian Islands are extinct volcanoes These volcanoes (4) have a hot spot under them They (5) erupt anymore Some volcanoes have not erupted for a long time, (6) they could erupt again These are called dormant volcanoes Scientists try to figure out (7) volcanoes will erupt Studying volcanoes is hard and dangerous work Scientists drill into volcanoes They (8) maps of the inside of the volcanoes They use satellites to study volcanoes (9) space Scientists have been able to predict a few eruptions But it is not (10) to tell what a volcano might 10 A erupting A mountain A named A any longer A won’t A and A where A A in A easy B running B volcano B thought B any more B can not B or B why B create B from B difficult C going C river C called C not more C should not C but C that C build C into C able D firing D hill D said D no longer D may not D so D when D make D out of D good VII Choose the best answer to complete the sentences:(1m) It / be / necessary/ have a day/ celebrate/ our parents a It is necessery to have a day to celebrated for our parents b It is necessery to have a day to celebrating for our parents c It is necessery to have a day to celebrate for our parents d It is necessery to have a day to celebrates for our parents Mrs White/ have/ two childrent/ be our English teacher a Mrs White, who has two children, is our English teacher b Mrs White, that has two children, is our English teacher c Mrs White, whom has two children, is our English teacher (65) d Mrs White, whose has two children, is our English teacher Although/ house/ be/ near the beach/ never/ go swimming a Although my house is near the beach, I never go swimming b Although my house is near the beach, but I never go swimming c Although my house is near the beach, or I never go swimming d Although my house is near the beach, so I never go swimming The book/ be bought/ last night/ be intersting a The book, which was bought last night, is intersting b The book, that was bought last night, is intersting c The book which was bought last night is intersting d The book where was bought last night is intersting II ANSWER KEY: I Choose the word in each group that has underlined, italic part pronounced differently from the rest.(1m) B earthquake D existed D appear C Groom II Choose the best option: (3.5ms) D who C which 11 B.per 2.B which A forecast 12 A However 3.C siencetists B nation wide 13 B big wind D who B between A that 10 B.tornadoes 14 C Even though III Find one mistake and correct in each sentence.(1m) D A A B B A B D IV Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) that is the same meaning with the italic sentence.(1m) V Read and complete the passage with the most suitable word provided(2.5ms) A erupting 2.B volcano 7.D when C but 3.C called D make 4.D no longer 9.B from 5.B can not 10 A easy VI Choose the best answer to complete the sentences:(1m) 1.C 2.A A 4.C COMMENTS TEST CORRECTION Period Date : I AIMS Help students recognise and correct their mistakes in order to have more expriences for another test II ANSWER KEY: I Choose the word in each group that has underlined, italic part pronounced differently from the rest.(1m) B earthquake D existed D appear C Groom II Choose the best option: (3.5ms) D who C which 11 B.per 2.B which A forecast 12 A However 3.C siencetists B nation wide 13 B big wind D who B between A that 10 B.tornadoes 14 C Even though III Find one mistake and correct in each sentence.(1m) D A A B B A B D IV Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) that is the same meaning with the italic sentence.(1m) (66) V Read and complete the passage with the most suitable word provided(2.5ms) A erupting C but 2.B volcano 7.D when 3.C called D make 4.D no longer 9.B from 5.B can not 10 A easy VI Choose the best answer to complete the sentences:(1m) 1.C 2.A A III REMARKS ABOUT STUDENTS’ ANSWER: 4.C Statistics: CLASS UNDER MARKS % Class 9a Advantages: - Students know the way to the excercises in the test - Students the excecises themselves Disavantages: - Students don’t remember vocabulary - Students don’t know to define the tenes - Student lose the basic of knowledge - Students don’t prepare for the test before taking it IV CONSOLIDATION: - T helps them correct and marks % CONTENT TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - T gives the exercise on the extra board - Ss work in pairs to the excercie Some pairs present their work ABOVE MARKS I EXERCISE: Circle the best answer (with key) If Ba here tomorrow, I will phone you A come B comes C came D will come He didn't have much money, _ he bought a lot of things at the shop for Tet A and B but C or D so The washing machine was expensive we couldn't afford to buy it A because B but C however D so Tom enjoys strange stamps A collect B to collect C collecting D collected If she continues to use electricity that way, she to pay a large bill A have B has C will have D would have They are discussing the celebration that is going to this month A hold B held C be hold D be held There will a shortage of electricity A be B C have D get The air is polluted there is too much traffic A because B but C however D therefore We all like the sticky rice cakes are made by our grandmother A who B what C which D where 10 Linh didn't come to the party because he had to look _her younger sister A at B after C for D up II HOMEWORK: - T guides her Ss to home -Prepare: Unit work COMMENTS ÖU ÑIEÅM: KHUYEÁT ÑIEÅM: (67) Period Date: REVISION I A IMS Help students practice some grammartical points in unit II LANGUAGE CONTENTS : Vocabulary : Words in Unit Grammar: Adjectives and adverbs Adverbs clause of reason(as, because, since) Adjectives + that clause Conditinal sentences: type1 III TECHNIQUES: - Choose the best option IV TEACHING AIDS : - The photocopy of exercises IV PROCEDURE: TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT - Let Ss play the game of hang WARM man with the word Hangman: “environment” Environment - Ss play in teams UP ACTIVITY 1: Grammar ADVERD CLAUSES OF REASON: Mệnh đề trạng từ lí - T helps Ss remember all - Là mệnh đề trạng ngữ lý hay nguyên nhân bắt đầu các liên từ: because/ grammar in unit since/ as (bởi vì) - Ss follow and coppy down S + V + because/ since/ as + S + V Ex: Mr Ba is late because/ since/ as she oversleeps Because Lan and Ba don’t have a tent, they never go camping ADJECTIVES: TÍNH TÖ Định nghĩa: là từ dùng để miêu tả cho biết thêm chi tiết danh từ Chức năng: a Bổ nghĩa cho danh từ: Ex: A beautiful girl b Bổ nghĩa cho đại từ: Ex: Something new c Đứng sau keep / seem/ be/ feel/ look vàbổ nghĩa cho chủ ngữ Ex: He looks happy d Đứng sau keep /make let + O + Adj vàbổ nghĩa cho tân ngữ Ex: We make our parents happy ADVERBS: TRẠNG TỪ: Định nghĩa: là từ dùng để diển tả tính cách, đặc tính, mức độ, và dùng để bổ nghĩa cho động từ, tính từ, trạng từ khác cho câu Chức năng: a Bổ nghĩa cho tính từ: A very beautiful girl b Bổ nghĩa cho động từ: walk slowly; study hard; play well c Bổ nghĩa cho trạng từ: walk very slowly; study so hard; play quite well ADJECTIVE + THAT CLAUSE S + be + that clause Ex: I am happy that you come to the party (68) CONDITIONAL SENTENCES-TYPE If – clause If + S + V(simple present) - T gives the exercises - Ss work in groups to the exercises Then each group presents their work - T gives the correct answer - Ss compare and correct themselves Main clause will S + can + V may ACTIVITY 2: EXERCISES CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION I PHONETICS: A polluted B spoiled C divided D collected (1) A environment B recycle C dynamite D littering (1) A beach B clean C instead D leave (1) A whole B who C how D hour (1) A ground B group C house D found (1) II GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY: We are talking about the preservation of resources (2) A nature B natural C naturally D naturalize Everyone must take part in _ deforestation (1) A preventing B prevent C prevented D to prevent It is necessary _ forest (1) A protecting B to protect C protected D protect I suggest _ to the movies (1) A go B going C went D to go 10 If he a student, he must wear school uniform (2) A was B were C is D will be 11 If you know where she lives, please let me _ (2) A to know B known C knew D know 12 If you like that book, I will give it you as my present (2) A from B at C for D to 13 If you have _ money, you can travel abroad this summer (3) A many B a lots C a lot of D lot of 14 The air in the city is very _ - T guides her Ss to (2) homework A pollute B polluted C pollution D pollutant 15 She has provided a picnic lunch for us (3) A kind B unkind C kindly D kindness 16 We’ll make this beach clean and _ again (1) (69) A beauty B beautiful C beautifully D beautify 17 If the _ continues, what will happen? (3) A pollute B pollution C polluted D pollutant 18 A large number of inhabitants have made on how to protect the environment (3) A suggest B to suggest C suggestion D suggested 19 I was very _ that you won that first prize (1) A amazed B amaze C amazement D amazing 20 We stayed at home _ it rained heavily (3) A and B because C so D but HOMEWORK: - Redo the exercises - Prepare: the content and gammar of unit COMMENTS Period Date: REVISION I AIMS Help students practice some grammartical points in unit II LANGUAGE CONTENTS : Vocabulary : Words in Unit Grammar: Connectives Phrasal verbs Make suggestions III TECHNIQUES: - Choose the best option IV TEACHING AIDS : - The photocopy of exercises IV PROCEDURE: TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT - Let Ss play the game of WARM UP bingo with the topic: “ Bingo Energy” Water, eletricity, gas, sun, solar energy, natural resourses, oil,… - T read the words ACTIVITY 1: Grammar - Ss listen and cross the words Connectives: And, so, therefore, because, but, or, however, because,… Ex: I’d like some eggs and some rice - T helps Ss remember all Phrasal verbs: grammar in unit Turn on # Turn off: mở # tắt - Ss follow and coppy down Turn up # Turn down: điều chỉnh âm (lớn # nhỏ) Take care of = Look after: chăm sóc (70) Look for: tìm kiếm go on: tiếp tục go in = come in # go out = come out: vào # Making suggestions: SUGGESTIONS EXAMPLES Suggest + V-ing Suggest that S + should… I think we should Shall we ? Why don’t we ? How about + V-ing? What about + V-ing? Let’s + V I suggest watching TV I suggest that you should watch TV I think we should watch TV Shall we watch TV Why don’t we watch TV? How about watching TV? What about watching TV? Let’s watch TV - T gives the exercises - Ss work in groups to the ACTIVITY 2: EXERCISES CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION exercises Then each group I PHONETICS: presents their work A Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others: - T gives the correct answer A which B who C where D why - Ss compare and correct A bulb B plumber C consumer D luxury themselves A account B cloudy C household D resource B Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: A nuclear B suggest C solar D solid A faucet B pollute C respond D relax II VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR: A Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting: Don’t forget to turn off all the light when you go to bed A B C D Leo likes watching TV so much that he turns on it as soon as he comes home from A B C D school (3) He said he was looking after a place to stay for a few weeks A B C D B Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences: She is very tired; ., she has to finish her homework A moreover B so C and D however Is he an actor a singer? - An actor A and B or C with D so He was tired, he took a rest before continuing the work A so B and C but D if She forgot off the gas before going out A turn B turning C to turn D turned I suggest money for the poor people in our neighborhood A save B to save C saving D saved We can protect the environment by air pollution A reduce B reducing C reduced D to reduce 10 I want to see the of environment from the local authority A protect B protected C protecting D protection 11 I lost my pen I have looked it for all morning A at B after C up D for 12 She stays at home because she has to look her baby A at B after C up D for 13 Remember to turn the light before going to bed A of B off C on D up 14 If we go littering, the environment will become seriously polluted A to B in C out D on 15 If people stop using dynamite for fishing, a lot of sea creatures will be well A preserve B preservation C preserved D preservative 16 His hobbies are playing soccer collecting stamps A and B but C however D although 17 I’d love to play volleyball I must complete my homework A since B moreover C but D and 18 Scientists are looking for an way to reduce energy consumption (71) A effect B effection C effective D effectively 19 What can we to spend less lighting? A in B on C about D of 20 You should take your shoes when you go into the temple A in B on C off D of - T guides her Ss to HOMEWORK: homework - Redo the exercises - Prepare: the content and gammar of unit COMMENTS ÖU ÑIEÅM: KHUYEÁT ÑIEÅM: Period Date: REVISION I AIMS Help students practice some grammartical points in unit II LANGUAGE CONTENTS : Vocabulary : Words in Unit Grammar: Relative clause Adverbs clauses of concession III TECHNIQUES: - Choose the best option IV TEACHING AIDS : - The photocopy of exercises IV PROCEDURE: TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT WARM UP: ACTIVITY 1: Grammar - T helps Ss remember all Relatives clauses: grammar in unit RELATIVE PRONOUNS FUNCTION - Ss follow and coppy down AND RELATIVE ADVERBS Who Whom Whose Which When Where Chỉ người Chỉ người làm túc từ Chỉ sở hữu Chỉ vật Chỉ thời gian Chỉ nơi chốn Ex: The man who is standing overther is Mr John The boy whom we are looking for is Tom The boy whose car you bought yesterday The book which you read is expensive That was the time when I met him in Ha Noi (72) Do you know the country where I was born? Adverb clauses of concession: Though Although + S + V Even though  In spite of Despite + N/N phrase/ Gerund phrase Ex: We went on a picnic although the weather was cold  We went on a picnic In spite of the cold weather ACTIVITY 2: EXERCISES CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION I STRESS POSITION : Which of these words has the main stress on the first syllable ? A acquaintance B ancient C compose D describe Which of these words has the main stress on the second syllable ? A joyful B freedom C humour D predict V PRONUNCIATION (0,6 m) - T gives the exercises Which of these words has the underlined part pronounced differently from the - Ss work in groups to the others? exercises Then each group A hurry B hundred C husband D humour presents their work 2.A charity B character C chapter D channel - T gives the correct answer B discribe C declare D decision - Ss compare and correct A decorate themselves II VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR: (4 ms) - Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences: he was angry, he listened to me patiently A Thought B Though C Then D So An old of my father showed me round the city during my stay there A acquaintance B acquainted C acquaint D acquainter My father is a man who is loved by all his friends A general B free C generous D charity She got wet in the rain she had a raincoat A but also B and then C not only D even though On this _ occasion, I’d like to thank you all for your contribution to our success A joyful B joy C joyed D enjoy th Mid-Autumn Festival is on the 15 of the eighth month A moon B sun C solar D lunar Passover is in Israel and by all Jewish people A celebrate _ B celebrated C celebrating D celebration It is a time families to clean and decorate their homes A for B to C by D in You were standing there while I was walking my groom A forward B throughout C towards D untill 10 – Well done Paul! A You are welcome B Thanks C That’s very kind of you D You are very nice 11 I don’t like people _ are never on time A who _B which C where D whom 12.Tet is a festival which in late January or early February A celebrates B occurs C calls D crowds 13 The _Christmas dinner consits of roast turkey with potatoes and (73) vegetables (2) A tradition B traditional C traditionally D traditionalist 14 Christmas is the festival of the year in most of Britain A big B bigger C biggest D most big 15 _ is your favourite sport? – Swimming A Who B Which C Whom D Whose 16 Were the Wright brothers the ones built the first aeroplane? A which B whom C whose D that 17 She sends me the book she two years ago A whom … writes B whose … wrote C which … writes D which … wrote - Choose A, B, C or D to replace the following sentences: 18 He told her about the book He liked it best A He told her about the book which he liked it best B He told her about the book which he liked best C He told her about the book whom he liked best D He told her about the book whose he liked best 19 The old man is working in this factory I borrowed his bicycle yesterday A The old man is working in this factory which I borrowed his bicycle yesterday B The old man whom is working in this factory I borrowed his bicycle yesterday C The old man whom I borrowed his bicycle yesterday is working in this factory D The old man whose bicycle I borrowed yesterday is working in this factory 20 This is my opinion You can nothing to change it A You can nothing to change it my mind B There’s nothing you can to change my mind C There’s nothing can be done except changing my mind D You can everything to change it my mind - T guides her Ss to homework HOMEWORK: - Redo the exercises - Prepare: the content and gammar of unit COMMENTS ÖU ÑIEÅM: KHUYEÁT ÑIEÅM: Period Date: REVISION (74) I AIMS: Help students practice some grammartical points in unit II LANGUAGE CONTENTS : Vocabulary : Words in Unit Grammar: Relative clause Condictinal sentences -type:1, III TECHNIQUES: - Choose the best option IV TEACHING AIDS : - The photocopy of exercises IV PROCEDURE: TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT WARM UP: ACTIVITY 1: Grammar - T helps Ss remember all Relatives clauses: grammar in unit RELATIVE PRONOUNS FUNCTION - Ss follow and coppy down AND RELATIVE ADVERBS Who Whom Whose Which When Where Chỉ người Chỉ người làm túc từ Chỉ sở hữu Chỉ vật Chỉ thời gian Chỉ nơi chốn Ex: The man who is standing overther is Mr John The boy whom we are looking for is Tom The boy whose car you bought yesterday The book which you read is expensive That was the time when I met him in Ha Noi Do you know the country where I was born? Chú ý: - Có hai loại mệnh đề: Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định và mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định: Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định (Definite relativeclauses): - Là mệnh đề cần thiết vì tiền ngữ chưa xác định, không có nó câu không đủ nghĩa Ex: The man who keeps the school library is Mr Green - Ta có thể thay “ Who, Whom, Which” “ That” mệnh đề này Ex: The man who keeps the school library is Mr Green Ta có thể viết: - The man that keeps the school library is Mr Green Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định ( Non- Definite relativeclauses): - Là mệnh đề không cần thiết vì tiền ngữ đã xác định, không có nó câu đủ nghĩa Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định ngăn với mệnh đề chính các dấu phẩy Trước danh từ thường có That, This, those, these, my, his,… Hoặc tên riêng Ex: That man, whom you saw yesterday, is Mr Pike - Ta không dùng “That” mệnh đề này - T gives the exercises - Ss work in groups to the Condictinal sentences -type:1, exercises Then each group Type If – clause Main clause presents their work Type1: will - T gives theFuture correct answer (chỉ If + S + V(simple present) S + can + V - Sspossiple compare and correct kieä n coù theå xaû y may themselves tương lai) Type2:Unreal in would Ex: - If I have time, I will help you - If it stopped raining, we could go out (75) - If I were you, I would come there ACTIVITY 2: EXERCISES CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION I PHONETIC : ( 1m ) * Choose the word that has a different pronunciation or stress from the others of each group: * Pronunciation : A grandma B disaster C match D damage ( 1) A weather B meat C between D beat ( 3) A volume B thunder C result D number ( 1) * stress : A nature B disaster C thunderstorm D tropical ( 1) A sunny B highland C typhoon D flashlight ( 2) II VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR ( 4,5 ms) * Choose A, B, C or D to complete the sentences : 1/ A(n) is a very heavy fall of snow, usually with a strong wind A snowstorm B earthquake C volcano D typhoon 2/ A(n) is a sudden, violent shaking of the earth’s surface A snowstorm B earthquake C volcano D typhoon 3/ A(n) is a mountain with a large opening at the top of through which gases and lava are forced out into the air, or have been in the past A snowstorm B earthquake C volcano D typhoon 4/ A(n) is a violent tropical storm with very strong wind A snowstorm B earthquake C volcano D typhoon 5/ is the condition of the atmosphere at a particular place and time, such as the temperature, and if there is wind, rain, sun, etc.( 3) A Climate B Temperature C Degree D Weather 6/ _ is the regular pattern of the weather conditions of a particular place A Climate B Temperature C Degree D Weather 7/ A is a violent storm with very strong winds which move in a circle A tidal wave B tornado C famine D flood 8/A is a large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry A tidal wave B tornado C famine D flood 9/ A is a very large ocean wave that is caused by a storm or an earthquake, and that destroys things when it reaches the land A tidal wave B tornado C famine D flood 10/ The report that prices will rise by 3% next month A tells B speaks C talks D forecasts 11/ The old man you wanted to see was away on holiday yesterday A who B whom C whose D which 12/ Miss Lien, sings very well, is my English teacher A who B whom C whose D which 13/ Everything he said was true A who B whom C whose D that 14/ Where is the cheese was in the fridge? A who B whom C whose D which 15/ We’d like to travel to a city there is a lot of sightseeing A whose B when C where D why HOMEWORK: - Redo the exercises - Prepare: the second semester (76) - T guides her Ss to homework COMMENTS ÖU ÑIEÅM: KHUYEÁT ÑIEÅM: _ (77) LESSON PLAN UNIT 10: LIFE ON THE OTHER PLANETS Division of lessons Period: 70 Period: 71 Period: 72 Period: 73 Period: 74 Lesson: Lesson: Lesson: Lesson: Lesson: Getting started & listen and read Speak + Listen Read Write Language focus Period 62 Date: UNIT 10: LIFE ON THE OTHER PLANETS Lesson : Getting started & Listen and read I AIMS: Help students practice reading a text about UFOs for details to complete the notes II LANGUAGE CONTENTS : Vocabulary : - spacecraft (n) - meteor (n) - evidence (v) - alien (n) - capture (v) - device (n) - claim (v) Grammar: III TECHNIQUES: - Guessing words - Discussion - What and where - Chatting - Guessing the meaning of words - Complete the note IV TEACHING AIDS : - Extra-board, pictures, cassette player V PROCEDURE: TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ CONTENT ACTIVITIES - Have students guess three words - Give students the number of the letters of each word and give the definitions so that students can guess the words WARM-UP * Guessing words: 1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * This word has 12 letters It is the opposite of identified 2) _ _ _ _ _ _ * This word has letters It means moving through the air as a birth does 3) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * This word has letters It is in form It means a thing that can be seen or touched * Answer keys: Unidentified Flying  UFOs (Vaät theå bay khoâng xaùc ñònh) Objects (78) - Show the picture on page 83 to the GETTING STARTED students and ask them some questions about * Chatting: * What can you see in the pictures? UFOs * What we call them in Vietnamese? * Do you know another word for UFOs? (flying saucer) * Do you thing they really exist? * Have you ever seen any films on UFOs? * Do you want to see a UFO? What you want to know about UFOs? * If you saw an UFOs, what would you do? LISTEN AND READ - T pre-teaches vocab - Ss take note, practice reading vocab Aloud then give the meaning of words - Have students repeat the words chorally then rub out word by word but leave the circles Remember to let students repeat before and after rubbing out each word - Go on until students can remember the words - Get students to write the words again in the correct circles - Get students to read the text and find the words in the text that have the meanings given in * a on page 84: - Ask students to work in pair - Give feedback - Have students to exercise 2b on page 84 - Get students to read the text again and complete the notes They have to work individually then compare with their partners - Call on some students to read aloud their sentences PRESENTATION: Pre- teach vocabulary - spacecraft (n): taøu vuõ truï (picture) - meteor (n): baêng (visual, picture) - evidence (v): chứng (definiton: anything that makes clear, shows or proves) - alien (n): người hành tinh khác (definition: person on other planets) - capture (v): baét (synonym: catch (by force) arrest) - device (n): duïng cuï, thieát bò (translation) - claim (v): đòi quyền, nhận là (translation) * Checking vocabulary: what and where PRACTICE: Guessing the meaning of the words: * Answer keys: proof, support = evidence falling star or shooting star = meteor unknown/strange people or thing = aliments bringing together or gathering = collecting caught as a prisoner = captured because impossible to see = disappeared Complete the notes * Answer keys: UFO Sightings: a) An aircraft, a weather balloon or a meteor can be mistaken for a alien spacecraft b) In 1947, a pilot saw nine large round objects traveling at about 2.800 meters an hours c) There were over 1.500 UFO sightings worldwide in (79) d) e) f) g) - Have the whole class discuss the topic “UFOs” - Choose good students to be the leader - Get the leader to make a summary of the evidence of the existence of UFOs and then discuss with his/ her friends - Give the leader some questions for him / her to ask his/ her friends - T guides her Ss to homework h) 1952 In 1954, a woman and her children saw a UFO above their house A farmer saw an egg- shaped object in one of his fields and also aliens collecting soil samples in 1964 In 1971, two men claimed they were captured by aliens and taken aboard a spacecraft A pilot and his plane disappeared after sighting an UFO in 1978 In 1981, a Frenchman reported that he saw a plate – like device at a treetop 30 meters away from his garden PRODUCTION: * Discussion: * Do you believe in Kenneth Arnold, or the woman who saw a UFO above her house? * Have you ever seen a picture of an alien? Can you imagine what the aliens are like? Are they small or big? Are they intelligent? (If yes) Why you think so? HOMEWORK: - Practice the text and the exercises again - Write the notes on page 84 in their notebook COMMENTS ÖU ÑIEÅM: KHUYEÁT ÑIEÅM: Period 63 Date: UNIT 10: LIFE ON THE OTHER PLANETS Lesson : Speak & Listen (80) I AIMS: Help students practice speaking about Mars and listening to a rather long talk about the moon and be more confident in true/ false listening comprehension exercise II LANGUAGE CONTENTS : Vocabulary : - microorganism (n) - gemstone (n) - sparkling (a) - creature (n) - trace (n) - mineral (n) Grammar: III TECHNIQUES: - Guessing words - Discussion - What and where - Chatting - Guessing the meaning of words - Complete the note IV TEACHING AIDS : - Extra-board, pictures, cassette player V PROCEDURE: TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS - Ask students some questions about the solar SPEAK system Warm-up * Which planet is the nearest to the sun? (M) * Word square * Which is the biggest? S E A R T H * Which is the hottest?  Earth M U M E R C  Sun U R N S A U  Mars (Hoả) S S R U B R A A R V C Y  Moon M O O N T S  Mercury (Thuûy) - T pre-teaches vocab PRE-SPEAKING: - Ss take note, practice reading vocab Aloud Pre-teach vocabulary then give the meaning of words - microorganism (n): vi sinh vaät (translation) - gemstone (n): đá quý (relia) - sparkling (adj): laáp laùnh (realia) - creature (n): sinh vaät (translation) - trace (n): daáu veát (visual) - mineral (n): khoáng sản (example) - Rub out the new word one at a time Each time * Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember you rub out the word in English, point to the Vietnamese translation and ask students to repeat in English When all the English words are rubbed out go through the Vietnamese list and get the whole class to call out the English words - T helps her Ss remember the use and form of some modal verbs Revision of model verbs: may – might * Form: May/might + infinitive * Use: We use may, might to talk about present or future possibility (81) - T sets the scene: A space tourist traveled to Mars, he saw many things there and noted them down These are drawing of things Try to guess and match the drawings with their names - Ss matching - Ss look at the picture to ask and answer about the picture - Have students practice the dialogue between Nam and Hung on page 85 - Call on some pairs of students to practice the dialogue - Correct their pronunciation - Have all students work in pairs to practice the dialogue - Have students make up similar dialogue about the drawings, using the cues in 3a - Call on some pairs of students to practice their dialogue before the class - Give feedback - Give students the topic “What may there be on Mercury/on the moon/ on Mars?” - Ask students to write the dialogue in their notebooks - Ask Ss to work in groups of three to four - Make alist of words relating to “ planets” The group with longest list will be the winner - Might is normally a little less sure than may Matching - Number from to from left and right * Answer keys: 1) Minerals] 2) Water 3) Mountains 4) Plants 5) Little creatures 6) Gas 7) Gemstone * Exchange: A: What’s this? B: This may be water on Mars Suggestion: What are they? They may be minerals on Mars What are they? They might be plants on Mars What’s this? This may be gas on Mars What are they? They may be gemstones on Mars What are they? The may be little creatures WHILE-SPEAKING: * Dialogue Nam: What these drawing say, Hung? Hung: There might be water on Mars Nam: And what about those back sparkling spots on the right corner? Hung: Well, they might be traces of gemstones There may be a lot of precious stones on Mars Matching dialogue * Sample: You: What these drawing say? Your friend: These may be mountains on Mars You: And what about the red signs on the left corner? Your friend: Well, they might be gas on Mass POST-SPEAKING: * Discussion: Topic: What may there be on Mercury/on the moon/on Mars? WARM UP : NETWORKS LISTEN (82) COMMENTS ÖU ÑIEÅM: KHUYEÁT ÑIEÅM: Period 64 Date: UNIT 10: LIFE ON THE OTHER PLANETS Lesson : Read I AIMS: Help students practice reading skill through “ ordering and Answering questions exercises” II LANGUAGE CONTENTS : Vocabulary : - physical condition (n) - push –up (n) - orbit (n) - marvelous (adj) - Grammar: III TECHNIQUES: - Chatting - Rub out and remember - Ordering statements IV TEACHING AIDS : - Extra-board, pictures V PROCEDURE: TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT - T asks Ss some questions WARM UP : - Ss answer freely * Chatting : - T says “ today we’ll learn about a space trip” - T gives new words on the board - Ss guess the meaning of the words - T reads the words twice - Ss listen and repeat Then Ss take note - T checks the words by playing “ Rub out and remember” - T asks Ss to guess the statements and put the phrases in oredr to show what you need - T reads the text or opens the tape twice - Have you ever heard of a space trip? - What people go there for? - What should we have to prepare if we want to take a trip to the space? - What can we there? PRE – READING: * New words: - Physical condition (n) (translate): điều kiện sức khỏe - Push-up (n) (action): hít đất - Orbit (n) ( situation): qũi đạo - Marvelous (adj) (situation): kì dieäu ( Rub out and remember ) * Guessing : Ordering statements (83) - Ss listen carefully and understand clearly - Ss read the text silent ( individually ) - Ss correct the guessing - T corrects and Ss take note - Ss countinue reading the text and answer the questions - Ss work in pairs - T corrects and Ss take note -T gives some sentences on the board - Ss choose True/ false - T corrects and Ss take note WHILE – READING : * Ordering statements * Answering comprehension questions: If you decide to take a space trip, you will have to run a lot, swim every day, and aerobics and push-up to have an excellent physical condition If you want to show you are in perfect health you must a letter from doctor You can see picturs of the eart: your countries, interesting places, the oceans, the big rivers, the tall mountains We can see those scenes 16 times a day We can walk on the walls or on the ceiling POST – READING : True/ false statements If we want to take a space trip, we must have a good healthy When we are in orbit, we won’t walk in the cabin We will not weigh anything when we are in the cabin We need a lot of money to take a space trip * Answer: T F T T HOMEWORK: - Learn new words by hear Do exercise page ( ex.book) Prepare Unit 10 Lesson WRITE COMMENTS ÖU ÑIEÅM: KHUYEÁT ÑIEÅM: Period 65 Date: UNIT 10: LIFE ON THE OTHER PLANETS Lesson : Write I.AIMS: Help students know how to write an argumentative exposition using the right format and language structures II LANGUAGE CONTENTS : Vocabulary : (84) Grammar: III TECHNIQUES: - Balloon Debate, Matching, Cross check IV TEACHING AIDS : - Extra-board, pictures V PROCEDURE: CONTENT TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - Ss work in groups WARM UP : Balloon Debate - T says “ In writing, there is argumentative writing which presons one’s ideas, opinions and make them persuasive to readers At the same time, this find of writing has to successfully protect its opinions and refute the opposite ones an argumentative writing should basically consist of three past : introduction, bady and conlusion - Implicit the outline and functions of three main parts in an argumentative exposition throughmatching exercise Ask Ss too read the outline of an exprssive in column A then put the paragraphs in column B in order to match the sections in clumn A - Futher explain the outline and give the correct answers - T corrects and Ss take note - T asks Ss to practice the dialogue between An and Ba about the existence of UFOs before the class - Tell Ss to use Ba’s opinions in the dialogue to write on exposition independently - Go around the class and pick up some typical writings to read aloud and have some necessary corrections - Imagine that a group famous historical and modern characters are travelling by balloon They are over the north Atlantic when a leak is discovered The balloon can only reach land if it is lighten – all characters except one must jump out Choose one of characters , and speak for three to five minutes to explain why you are the bset person to stay in the balloon and why others should not Possible characters are : Father Christmas, famous singer, bill Clinton PRE – WRITING : A Introduction (presents the writer’s viewpoint: I think ., I believe ) B (i) Therefor, UFOs are just the imagination of some writers and they exist only in films Body ( gives reasons/ (ii) I don’t believe there examples for persuasion: exist UFOs even though fisrtly, ; many newspapers talk a secondly, ; .; ) lot of about them Conclusion ( sums up the (iii) firstly, flying saucers argument : there fore, might be airscaft, balloon, ) clouds or tricks of lights Secondly, there are not enough photos showing clearly the * Answer: Introduction – (ii) Body – (iii ) Conclusion (i) WHILE – WRTING : * Possible answer: I believe UFOs exist because articles and reports in newpapers talked a lot about their appearance Fisrtly, many people from diiferent countries reported that they once saw flying saucers Secondly, there are many (85) - Ss work in groups Each group writes a part - T corrects - Ss work in pairs photos of flying saucers and some photographers said they saw man-like creatures get out of vehicles Moreover, people are discussing those mysterious circles on the fields in the countryside of great Britain So I think UFOs are not our imagination They are real; and, we should be ready, to see their visits POST – WRITING : Cross Check Ask Ss to work in pairs and introduce “ cross check” Comment and point out the most common mistakes that Ss make in their writing Suggest the ways that Ss can avoid those mistakes in their later writing practices HOMEWORK: - Learn the writing by heart - Do exercise page ( ex.book) - Prepare unit 10 Lesson language focuse * Conditional sentence: type and COMMENTS ÖU ÑIEÅM: KHUYEÁT ÑIEÅM: Period Date: CONSOLIDATION I AIMS: Help students: + master the use of modal verbs : may and might + distinguish the difference between conditional sentence type and and use them properly II LANGUAGE CONTENTS : Vocabulary : Grammar: - Modal verbs : may and might - Conditional sentencetype and III TECHNIQUES: - Jumbled words - Guessing game IV TEACHING AIDS : V PROCEDURES: (86) CONTENT TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - T gives some “jumbled words” on the board - Ss arrange the words - T corrects - Ss take WARM UP: - T explains the way to use “ May and Might” - T asks Ss to look at the pictures in book and tell Ss to work with a partner.use “may, might” and talk about Andy’ presents - T and Ss play “ Guessing game” ACTIVITY 1: - T prepares some presents - Ss practice and T corrects - Ask Ss to make sentences using conditional sentence type make sure Ss use the correct verb form in if clause and main clause - Tell Ss to exercise complete sentences by using the verbs in the box - Call on some Ss to read the complete sentences aloud in front of class - T corrects and Ss take note Jumbled words aolobln = balloon ecrasru = saucer ertnmgau = argument nilea = alien cayonsr = crayon LANGUAGE FOCUES: Modals : May, Might * May / Might + V-inf - May : coù tính chaát chaéc chaén hôn Might - May ( quá khứ) là might * Answer: b) It may be a box of crayon, or it might be a box of a paint c) It may be a football, or it might be a basketball d) It may be a boat, or it might be a train e) It may be a flying saucer, or it might be a meteor f) It may be an evening star, or it might be a spacecraft ACTIVITY :Conditional sentence : type + If clause: simple present + Main clause : will + V-inf Ex: If She ( see) the film, she will cry  If she sees the film, she will cry * Answer b Lan will miss the bus if she does not hurry c If Ha is not careful, he’ll drop the cup d Mrs Nga will join us if she finishes her work early e If Mrs Binh writes a shopping list, she won’t forget what to buy ACTIVITY 3: Conditional type - T introduces the condictional sentences –type and lets Ss the exercise3 obn page 90-91 + If clause: simple past + Main clause : Would / should/ might + V- inf Ex: If Today ( be) Sunday, I would go swimming * Answer b If Mr Loc had a car, he would drive it to work c If Lan lived in HCM City, she would visit Saigon Water Park d If Nam had an alarm clock, he would arrive at school on time e If Hoa lived in Hue, she would see her parents (87) every day f If Nga owned a piano, she would play it very well g If Tuan studied harder, he would get better grades h If Na had enough money, she would buy a new computer HOMEWORK : - Learn all the grammars by heart Do exercises in the ex.book Prepare : COMMENTS ÖU ÑIEÅM: KHUYEÁT ÑIEÅM: (88)

Ngày đăng: 27/09/2021, 16:23
