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WHOSE: Là tính từ quan hệ chỉ người, dùng để thay thế cho tính từ sở hữu, kết hợp với một danh từ, làm chủ ngữ hay tân ngữ của mệnh đề quan hệ.. This is the lady whose son cheated me.[r]

(1)PHẦN I PHONETICS – NGỮ ÂM (ÔN TẬP) Bài STRESS – TRỌNG ÂM RULES TO MARK STRESS – QUI TẮC ĐÁNH TRỌNG ÂM I Definitions: Phoneme: The smallest part of sound (vowel and consonant sounds) Âm tố - là thành phần nhỏ âm (gồm nguyên âm và phụ âm) Syllable: The sound made when one or clusters of phoneme are articulated Âm tiết – là tiếng phát nhiều âm tố phát âm Stress: The degree of the loudness or prominence with which a sound ort a word is pronounced Độ lớn hay thống trị âm âm tiết chùm âm từ (có từ hai âm tiết trở lên) đọc, nói hay phát âm II Rules to mark stress: Di-syllable words: a Usually on the second syllable if it is a verb whose second syllable doesn’t contain the vowel sounds of /ә/, /I/, and /әu/, on the first syllable of the other words (trọng âm thường rơi vào âm tiết thứ động từ - trừ các âm tiết thứ chứa nguyên âm /ә/, /I/, /әu/, rơi vào âm tiết thứ các từ loại còn lại) As: mother, ready, color, palace, student, teacher, tonight, afraid, people, money, enjoy, paper, begin, provide, summer, abroad, noisy, success, enter,… b Usually on the root syllables with words having suffixes or prefixes(đối với từ có mang tiền tố, hậu tố, trọng âm thường rơi vào âm tiết gốc) As: become, react, foretell, unpleasant, begin, failure, threaten, daily, treatment, ruler, unknown, builder, lately, quickly,… c Be careful with words with different word-class (đối với từ mà thân có nhiều chức từ vựng ta áp dụng qui tắc a) As Verb Other words Verb Other words Verb Other words rebel Rebel Record Record conflict Conflict progress Progress Export Export permit Permit suspect Suspect conduct Conduct PRACTICE EXERCISE - BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH Find the one whose stress pattern is different from the others of the same group A paper B tonight C lecture D story A money B army C afraid D people A enjoy B daughter C provide D decide A begin B pastime C finish D summer A abroad B noisy C hundred D quiet A passion B aspect C medium D success A exist B evolve C enjoy D enter A doctor B modern C corner D Chinese A complain B machine C music D instead 10 A writer B baker C builder D career 11 A provide B adopt C happen D inspire 12 A result B region C river D robot 13 A constant B basic C irate D obvious 14 A become B carry C appoint D invent 15 A engine B battle C career D rabies Words with more than two syllable: a Usually on the 3rd syllables from the end (trọng âm thường rơi vào âm tiết thư ba kể từ âm tiết cuối): As family, cinema, regular, singular, international, satisfactory, recognize, demonstrate, qualify, psychology, biologist, biology, democracy, responsibility… b Usually on the 2nd syllables from the end with words ending in “ian”, “ic”, “ience”, “ient”, “al”, “ial”, “ual”, “eous”, “ious”, “iar”, “ion”(đối với các từ có tận cùng đã liệt kê, trọng âm thường rơi vào âm tiết liền trước các tận cùng này – thứ kể từ âm tiết cuối) As: physician, experience, expedient, parental, essential, habitual, courageous, delicious, familiar,… (Except for: Television) (2) c Usually on the suffixes “ese”, “ee’, “eer”, “ier”, “ette”, “oo”, “esque” (đối với các từ có tận cùng liệt kê, trọng âm thường rơi vào chính các âm tiết chứa các tận cùng này) As: Portuguese, refugee, employee, engineer, volunteer, adequate, picturesque, cigarette,… PRACTICE EXERCISE - BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH Find the one whose stress pattern is different from the others of the same group A interesting B surprising C amusing D successful A understand B engineer C benefit D Vietnamese A aP.Plicant B uniform C yesterday D employment A dangerous B parachute C popular D magazine A beautifully B intelligent C redundancy D discovery A comfortable B employment C important D surprising A variety B irrational C industrial D characterize A colorful B equality C dictionary D vegetable A elegant B regional C musical D important 10 A difference B suburban C internet D character 11 A beautiful B effective C favorite D popular 12 A attraction B government C borrowing D visit 13 A difficulty B individual C population D unemployment 14 A biology B redundancy C interviewer D comparative 15 A conversation B isolation C traditional D situation Notes: - Trên thực tế không có qui tắc bất biến cho việc xác định vị trí trọng âm từ - Việc xác định trọng âm cần thực cùng cách phát âm, dựa nhiều vào kinh nghiệm - Những bài tập cung cấp là bài tập có tần suất sử dụng lớn để soạn đề thi Sounds /I/ /i:/ /e/ Bài PRONUNCIATION CHART – BẢNG PHIÊN ÂM QUỐC TẾ - (ÔN TẬP) Letters Words Notes Sounds Letters Words / t∫/ ch choice Vowel sounds (nguyên âm) i sit e pretty a village y happy ea lead ee meet e send ea head a many / æ/ a land /o/ o pot a wash or fork aw saw /o:/ / / /a:/ /u/ a cash u shut o some ou tough ar card ear heart u pull Đọc i ngắn, gần với / k/ Đọc i dài / h/ Đọc tròn môi Đọc tròn ngắn Đọc tròn vang họng Đọc ă, ngắn bật e o c concert ch chemist q conquest h hike wh whoop Gần ch Gần c âm Việt Gần h / b/ b boy Gần b / v/ v visit Gần v f of / / th them Gần d / d/ d done Gần đ ed lived z zebra / z/ Đọc a rộng miệng Đọc u kitchen Voiced consonants (phụ âm hữu thanh) o a, â k Notes Gần gi s visit / Ʒ/ s vision Không /dƷ/ g germ Không / g/ g gif Gần g /l/ l little Gần l /m/ m monk Gần m /n/ n name Gần n (3) /u:/ / ә/ / з:/ ou could oo good u pollution oe shoe oo moon ui fruit er reader or actor er prefer ir shirt ur hurt or word ear heard tròn môi, ngắn âm, gần Đọc u ngân dài, vang âm Đọc ngắn vòm Đọc dài, âm họng và vòm miệng / ai/ / oi/ / au/ / әu/ a case ei eight maid ay say i kite y sky oi soil oy employ ou mouse ow now o cold ow slow ew sew ear hear ere here ere there are fare air hair / uә/ our tour /aiә/ ire tire yre tyre yer buyer / әuә/ ower slower / auә/ ower shower our four ayer prayer eyer greyer oyer employer / iә/ / eә/ / eiә/ / oiә/ n think ng sing Gần ng /r/ r rural Gần r /w/ w with Không wh when j jam /j/ /ф/ y young u music h honest k knight b comb p pneumo Gần Gi Âm câm, không có âm Clusters of consonants (chùm phụ âm) Diphthongs (chùm nguyên âm) / ei/ / ŋ/ /s+/ Đọc ê hay ây, âm kép dài Đọc Việt Đọc Việt Âm Việt Đọc Việt âm oi âm /p+/ au âm âu âm Đọc ia âm Việt Âm e-ơ ngân, âm lưỡi họng Đọc ua Nguyên âm ba ai-ơ Đọc âuơ Đọc aoơ hay au-ơ Đọc âyơ hay êơ Đọc oi- /t+/ /k+/ /b+/ /g+/ /d+/ /f+/ /sp/ spray /st/ start /sk/ school /sf/ sphere /sm/ small /sn/ snow /sw/ sweet /sj/ super /pl/ plump /pr/ proud /pj/ pure /tr/ train /tw/ twice /tj/ tube /kl/ class /kr/ cream /kw/ quite /kj/ cure /bl/ blow /br/ bring /bj/ burial /gl/ glass /gr/ grow /dr/ dream /dw/ dwell /dj/ duty /fl/ flow /fr/ fry /fj/ furious Chùm phụ âm với s Chùm phụ âm p+ Chùm phụ âm t+ Chùm phụ âm k+ Chùm phụ âm b+ Âm g+ Chùm phụ âm d+ Chùm phụ âm f+ (4) oyal loyal âm Việt /+/ p pen / f/ f five ph physics Gần p Việt Gần ph âm Việt throw Các kết hợp khác /w/ thwart /vj/ view /mj/ mute /∫r/ shrimp gh laugh /nj/ nude // th throw Gần /spr/ spread / t/ t teach /spl/ splash ed looked Gần t bật /skr/ scream s site /str/ stream c centre /skj/ scuba sh sheep /stj/ student ch machine /spj/ spume s sugar /skw/ square / s/ /∫/ Chú ý: - Gần x, âm sát nhẹ Gần s, âm tắc sát bật Âm + Voiceless consonants (phụ âm vô thanh) / p/ /r/ Các ví dụ mang tính minh họa, học sinh cần nhớ chư đại diện âm Các biểu tượng cấu âm các từ điển khác có khác biệt nhỏ Âm biến đổi phụ thuộc vào ngữ cảnh và chức từ vựng, chức biểu cảm âm Hiện tượng các từ khác phát âm giống gọi là đồng âm khác nghĩa “homonym” PRACTICE EXERCISE – BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others of the same group A candy B sandy C many D handy A earning B learning C searching D clearing A pays B stays C says D plays A given B risen C ridden D whiten A cough B tough C rough D enough A accident B jazz C stamp D watch A this B thick C maths D thin A gas B gain C germ D good A bought B naught C plough D thought 10 A spear B gear C fear D pear 11 A forks B tables C beds D windows 12 A handed B booked C translated D visited 13 A car B coach C century D cooperate 14 A within B without C clothing D strengthen 15 A has B bag C dad D made PHẦN II TENSES – ÔN TẬP VỀ NGỮ PHÁP I The simple present tense: The form (+) S + V (-) S + don’t/ doesn’t + V (?) Do/ Does + S + V? The usage: - To denote actions that happened repeatedly (She never comes late) - To denote long lasting events.(We live in Concord street) - To denote a true fact (The earth moves around the Sun) The recognition: - now/ nowadays/ today/ this summer/… - always/ usually/ ofen/ sometimes/ occasionally/… - the proof of constant truth Notes: - To denote a plan/ prediction/ timetables/… (The train leaves at 9.00) - The division of “be”, “have”, “can, may, must”,… II The present progressive tense: The form: (+) S + am/ are/ is + V-ING (-) S + am/ are/ is + not + V-ING (?) Am/ Are/ Is + S + V-ING? (5) The usage: - To denote happening actions at the time of speaking (She is teaching Maths) - To denote the intention/ prediction/ plan/…(She is coming soon) The recognition: - now/ right now/ at present/ at this time/ at this moment/… - follow a command, request,… Notes: - The ING-forms ( getting, running, having, writing, dying, lying,…) - The omission of the verbs of awareness or sensation as: be/ see/ hear/ understand/ know/ like/ want/ glance/ feel/ think/ smell/ love/ hate/ realize/ seem/ remember/ forget/…( use the simple present instead ) III The present perfect tense: The form: (+) S + have/ has + P.P (P2) (-) S + haven’t/ hasn’t + P.P (P2) (?) Have/ Has + S + P.P (P2) The usage: - To denote actions that happened in the past but having results, relating, or still happening at present (We have lived here since 1990) - To denote actions that happened right before the time of speaking, using “just” (She has just come from New York) - To denote unfulfilled actions with “yet” (He hasn’t come yet) - To denote past actions; no certain time expression, using “already” (We have already seen that film) The recognition: - just = recently = lately - ever/ never (comments) - already/ yet/ since/ for/ so far/ until now/ up to now (present) Notes: - Past participles: (regular verbs adding “ed”./ irregular verbs “learn by heart”) - The differences between the present perfect and the simple past tense - The present perfect progressive is used to denote past actions “happening”, or “will happen The tense is ofen related to the verbs: live/ learn/ wait/ work/ study/… →“S + have/ has + been + V-ING” IV The simple past tense: The form: (pV = the past form of verbs) (+) S + pV (-) S + didn’t + V (?) Did + S + V? The usage: - To denote a finished past action (We went to the park together) - To report past events, past habits, or long lasting action in the past (She did all the work yesterday./ We used to sit next to each other.) The recognition: - last week/ month/ year/… - yesterday/ ago/ in 1969/ in the past/… Notes: - The past form of the verbs: ( regular “V-ED”/ irregular (2nd column in the irregular verbs list)) - “ED” pronunciation /id/; /t/; /d/ V The past progressive tense: The form: (+) S + was/ were + V-ING (-) S + was/ were + not + V-ING (?) Was/ Were + S + V-ING? The usage: - To denote past happening actions (She was watching T.V at 8.00 last night) - To denote past interrupting actions (She was watching T.V when I came) The recognition: - at 8.00 last night/ at that time/ at that moment/… - time clause with “when”, “while = as” Notes: - actions that alternatively happened, use the simple past only (When I heard a knock at the door, I came to open it When I opened the door, I saw my mum.)- this is a timed action VI The past perfect tense: The form: (+) S + had + P.P (P2) (-) S + had not (hadn’t) + P.P (P2) (?) Had + S + P.P (P2)? The usage: - To denote past finished actions that happened and finished before a certain point of time or another past event (the past of the past tense) e.g: She had sold all the baskets before 9.00 yesterday She had sold all the baskets when we came there yesterday The recognition: - when-clause/ afer/ before/ already/ since/ for/… - The past perfect progressive “S + had been + V-ING” VII The simple future tense: The form: (+) S + will/ shall + V (-) S + will/ shall + V (?) Will/ Shall + S + V? - “shall” is restrictedly used only for I/We with the formal senses - The negative forms “will not = won’t”, “shall not = shan’t” (6) The usage: - To denote future actions (They will build more hospitals) - To denote future plan/ idea/ timetable/…(The car will start in-time) The recognition: - someday, tomorrow,…/ - next week/ month/ year/ Notes: “ shan’t” is not used in conditional sentences./ “ shall” is used as a suggestion/ invitation/… VIII Various forms of the future tenses: The future progressive tense: 1.1 The form: (+) S + will be + V-ING (-) S + won’t be + V-ING (?) Will + S + be + V-ING? 1.2 The usage: - To denote timetables/ intentions/ plans/… using “at” e.g: She will be watching T.V at 8.00 tonight./ We will be staying at REX hotel at 5.00 next Sunday’s morning - To show the future happening actions with “when” Eg She will be sitting at the gate when we come tomorrow The future perfect tense: 2.1 The form: (+) S + will have + P.P (P2) (-) S + won’t have + P.P (P2) (?) Will + S + have + P.P? 2.2 The usage: - To denote planned actions with “by”, “by the time”, “by then” e.g: She will have finished the course by the next Friday/ by then - To show a future schedule-finished action e.g: The bridge will have been used by the next Autumn Other forms: a The simple present tense: To denote a timetable, or a plan… e.g: A: When does he leave? B: He leaves tonight b The present progressive: To denote an intention e.g: A: When are you leaving? B: I am leaving this afternoon c The “be + going to inf” form: To denote an intention or a near future action, an arrangement e.g: She is going to celebrate her 34th birthday They are going to get married NOTES: CHÚ Ý Main clause THE SEQUENCES OF TENSES Subordinate clause - simple present tense./ - present perfect tense Simple present tense - present progressive tense./ - simple future tense - “be going to V” form./ - simple past tense (certain point of past time) - simple past tense./ - past progressive tense - past perfect tense./ - “would + V” form Simple past tense - “be going to + V” past form./ - simple present tense (showing the truth) Present perfect tense Simple present tense Past perfect tense Simple past tense ADVERBIAL CLAUSES Main clause Adverbial clauses (of time) Present tenses Present tenses When/ whenever/ as/ while/ before/ afer/ as soon as/… Past tenses Past tenses When/ while/ as/ till/ until/ just as/ since/… Future tenses Present tenses No sooner than/ hardly…when/ as long as/… PHẦN III PHRASES VS CLAUSES – CỤM TỪ & MỆNH ĐỀ Bài SUBORDINATE CLAUSES WITH CONJUNCTIONS – MĐ PHỤ VỚI LIÊN TỪ The implication: not only _, but also = not only , but _ as well Hoặc: Subject + not only + verb + but also + verb Lu ý: Thông thờng thành phần sau but also định thành phần sau not only Eg He is not only handsome but also talented./ Beth plays not only the guitar but also the violin tÝnh tõ tÝnh tõ Danh tõ danh tõ He writes not only correctly but also neatly./ Maria excels not only in mathematics but also in science Adv adv Ng÷ giíi tõ Paul Anka not only plays the piano but also composes music §éng tõ động từ ng÷ giíi tõ (7) b As well as Eg subject + verb + as well as + verb Robert is talented as well as handsome./ Beth plays the guitar as well as the violin TÝnh tõ tÝnh tõ ®anh tõ danh tõ He writes correctly as well as neatly / Marta excels in mathematics as well as in science phã tõ phã tõ Ng÷ giíi tõ ng÷ giíi tõ Paul Anka plays the piano as well as composes music động từ động từ c Both and Eg Robert is both talented and handsome./ Beth plays both the guitar and the violin TÝnh tõ tÝnh tõ ®anh tõ danh tõ He writes both correctly and neatly./ Marta excels both in mathematics and in science phã tõ phã tõ Ng÷ giíi tõ ng÷ giíi tõ Paul Anka both plays the piano and composes music động từ động từ The norminal clause: Mệnh đề danh từ (tương ứng danh từ, có thể làm S, C, O câu) a That – clauses: Theo sau các động từ có ngụ ý giải thích với that, có thể đảo lên đầu câu làm chủ ngữ Eg The reason she lef was that she dissatisfied with her work = That she dissatisfied with her work was the reason she lef b Wh – clauses: Đây là hình thái mệnh đề danh từ khá phổ biến, thường theo sau các ngoại động từ, ngoại động từ đa, đặc biệt cấu trúc câu gián tiếp Eg He didn’t know what to first They told them how to deal with the problem Ha asked where he was going She wanted to know what time the next train arrived c Whether/ if – clauses: Dùng với cấu trúc câu hỏi nghi vấn câu gián tiếp Eg She asked if I could answer the phone They wanted to know whether the train was any late Bài PHRASES AND CLAUSES OF PURPOSE – CHỈ MỤC ĐÍCH The phrases of purpose: to V/ so as to V/ in order to V và dạng phủ định S + verb + to/ so as/ in order (not) + to verb = To/ so as/ in order (not) + to verb, S + verb Eg To be better at English, he attended an evening class = He attended an evening class to be better at English In order to be better at English, he attended an extra-class He attended an extra-class so as to be better at English The clause of purpose with “so/ therefore” S + V, so S + V hay S + V, therefore S + V Eg It rained so heavily, so we cancelled the trip He learned hard, therefore he got better and better grades Bài PHRASES AND CLAUSES OF CONCESSION – NHƯỢNG BỘ Phrases of concession with: despite / in spite of (mÆc dï) Despite/ In spite of + danh từ/ ngữ danh từ Despite his physical handicap, he has become a successful businessman In spite of his physical handicap, he has become a successful businessman Jane will be admitted to the university despite her bad grades Jane will be admitted to the university in spite of her bad grades Clauses of concession with: although, even though, though Eg Although/ Though/ Even though S + V, S + V = S + V although/ though/ even though S + V Although he has a physical handicap, he has become a successful businessman Jane will be admitted to the university even though she has a bad grades Eg He promised to call me, but till now I haven’t received any call from him, though In spite of the bad weather, we are going to have a picnic The child ate the cookie even though his mother had told him not to Although the weather was very bad, we had a picnic Eg (8) The committee voted to ratify the amendment despite the objections Though he had not finished the paper, he went to sleep She attended the class although she did not feel alert Clauses of concession with: despite/ in spite of the fact that Despite/ In spite of + the fact that S + V S + V =S + V despite/ in spite of + the fact that S + V Mét sè thÝ dô bæ trî: In spite of the fact that the weather is bad, we are going to have a picnic The child ate the cookie despite the fact that his mother had told him not to Bài 4: CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN – CONDITIONAL SENTENCES I CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN CƠ BẢN – MAIN FORMS: (gồm loại) CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN LOẠI 1: (CONDITIONAL SENTENCES TYPE 1- REAL CONDITION) a form: If S – V(hiện tại), S will V = S will V if S – V(hiện tại) b usage: - kết mệnh đề kết có thể xảy hay tương lai - gọi là câu điều kiện có thực c examples: - If it stays nice, we will go out = We will go out if it stays nice d notes: Unless = If not - If you don’t study harder, you will fail the exam = Unless you study harder, you will fail the exam - He will fail the exam unless he is more industrious = He will fail the exam if he isn’t more industrious CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN LOẠI 2: (CONDITIONAL SENTENCES TYPE 2- UNREAL PRESENT CONDITION) a form: If S – V(quá khứ/ riêng với to be = were với chủ ngữ), S would V b usage: - kết mệnh đề kết không thể xảy vì điều kiện mđ đk là giả định - gọi là câu điều kiệnkhông có thực c examples: - If it were nice, we would go out = In fact, it is not nice so we don’t go out anymore d notes: có thể đảo were lên đầu thay cho if -If I were ten years younger, I would marry her = Were I ten years younger, I would marry her CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN LOẠI 3: (CONDITIONAL SENTENCES TYPE 3- UNREAL PAST CONDITION) a form: If S had P.P, S would have P.P b usage: - kết mệnh đề kết không thể xảy quá khứ vì điều kiện mđ đk là giả định - gọi là câu điều kiệnkhông có thực quá khứ c examples: - If it hadn’t been for your help, we would not have overcome those problems = In fact, we overcame those problems, thanks to your help d notes: có thể đảo had lên đầu thay cho if -If I had been there, I would have helped her = Had I been there, I would have helped her BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH If I a lot of money now, I a new car A have/will buyB have / would buy C had/ will buy D had/ would buy If I you, I that A am/ will B were/would C were/ will D had been/ would If I were offered the job, I think I it A take B will take C would take D would have taken I would be very surprised if he A refuses B refused C had refused D would refuse Many people would be out of work if that factory down A closes B had closed C closed D would close 6 If she sold her car, she much money A gets B would get C will get D would have got They would be disappointed if we A hadn’t come B wouldn’t come C don’t come D didn’t come Would John be angry if I his bicycle without asking? A take B took C had taken D would take She terrible upset if I lost this ring A will be B would be C were D had been 10 If someone in here with a gun, I would be very frightened A would walk B walks C had walked D walked 11 What would happen if you to work tomorrow? A don’t go B didn’t go C won’t go D wouldn’t go (9) 12 We‘ll get wet if we out A go B did go C went D had gone 13 If I go shopping, I some food A buy B will buy C would buy D would have bought 14 If I find it, I you A will tell B would tell C had told D told 15 What would you if you a million dollars? A would win B win C had won D won NOTES – CHÚ Ý : Dùng “or else”/ “otherwise”/ “or” Examples: - Cut your hair, or they won’t let you in (= If you don’t cut your hair, they won’t let you in, Unless you cut your hair, they won’t let you in) - Cut your hair, otherwise they won’t let you in (= If you don’t cut your hair, they won’t let you in, Unless you cut your hair, they won’t let you in) Special uses of “if” clauses – Một số cách sử dụng mệnh đề “If” If you will /would Eg If you would wait a moment, I will see if Mr John is here I would be very grateful if you will/ would make an arrangement for me If you could + verb in simple form Eg If you could fill in this form If you could open your books If + S + will / would Eg If he will (would) listen to me, I can help him NÕu nã chÞu nghe theo lêi t«i th× t«i cã thÓ gióp nã If + S + will Eg If you will learn English this way, a failure for TOFEL test is sure awaiting you If + S +should Eg If you shouldn’t know how to use this TV set, please call me up this number If you should have any difficulties while doing these exercises, please feel free to ask me Eg Should you have any difficulties while doing these exercises, please feel free to ask me Should it be cloudy and gray, the ground hog will supposedly wander around for food - a sign that spring is near Special conditions: even if + nagative verb You must go tomorrow even if you aren’t ready Whether or not + positive verb He likes watching TV whether or not the show is god unless + positive verb = if not If you don’t start at once, you will be late = You will be late unless you start at once But for that + unreal condition Her father pays her fees, but for that she wouldn’t be here ( but she is here) present ®iÒu kiÖn kh«ng thùc ë hiÖn t¹i My car broke down, but for that I could have come in time qu¸ khø ®iÒu kiÖn kh«ng thùc ë qu¸ khø otherwise + conditional sentence kÎo, nÕu kh«ng th× Her father pays her fees, otherwise she couldn’t be here present ®iÒu kiÖn kh«ng thùc ë hiÖn t¹i I used a computer, otherwise it would have taken longer qu¸ khø ®iÒu kiÖn kh«ng thùc ë qu¸ khø Provided/ providing (that) You can camp here provided (that) you leave no mess Suppose/ supposing ? = what if ? Suppose the plane is late? = what will happen if the plane is late? What if I’m- tao thÕ th× nµo ®a sù th¸ch thøc or (10) If only + simple present / will V = hope that s will v If only he comes in time / If only he will head your advice If only + simple past/ past perfect = wish that If only he didn’t smoke (but he doesn’t) If only she had come in time (but she didn’t) if only + would verb - íc sao, mong Mixed conditions: Câu điều kiện hỗn hợp đạc biệt a For a true action: Với khả thực tế, câu mệnh lệnh Eg If she comes, call me (= Maybe she is coming or she has promised to come) If the weather stays fine, we can arrive on time (= The weather is now fine and there’s no sign of the bad changes) b For a suggestion: Với lời đề nghị, khuyên răn Eg If she comes, you should call me (= I suggest calling me when she comes) You’d better cancel the project if it is possible (= It’s best for you to cancel the project) c For a present subjunction but past unfulfilled result Với giả định mà kết không thể xảy quá khứ Điều giả định này luôn đúng Eg If I were you, I would have agreed with him yesterday (The action hadn’t been done in the past but the subjunction is at present Mãi mãi tôi không thể là cậu được, đây là thực tế nên không cần chuyển điều kiện quá khứ hoàn thành) c For a past subjunction but present unfulfilled result Với giả định quá khứ mà kết không thể xảy tai Điều giả định này coi là quá khứ quá khứ, kết là phi lý Eg If I had been there last time, I would agree to lend him the money (The action hasn’t been done up to now, this is only my regret Sự tiếc nuối tôi nghe bạn thuật lại vụ việc giả định tôi rơi vào hoàn cảnh quá khứ, kết này đã không xảy trước đó) Bài PHRASES AND CLAUSES OF REASON – NGUYÊN NHÂN, LÍ DO Because/ because of - Because Because S + V, S+ V = S + V because S + V - Because of because of + danh tõ ( hoÆc côm danh tõ) notes Jan was worried because it had started to rain = Jan was worried because of the rain Subject verb noun The students arrived late because there was a traffic jam verb subject The students arrived late because of the traffic jam noun phrase We have to cut down on our driving because there is an oil shortage verb subject We have to cut down on our driving because of the oil shortage noun phrase special verbs a have/ get / make to have sb st = to get sb to st Mary had John wash the car (John washed the car) Mary got John to wash the car (John washed the car.) to have / get st done = (®a c¸i g× ®i lµm ) Eg Mary got the car washed (The car was wash by somebody.) Mary had the car washed (The car was wash by somebody.) I have the laundry washed (the laundry is washed by someone) to want / like something done Eg - What you want done to your motorbike? - I’d like it repaired and cleaned hoÆc I want it repaired and cleaned ( buéc ph¶i lµm g×.) to make sb st = to force sb to st (11) Eg The robber forced the teller to give him the money.= The robber made the teller give him the money Eg to make sb st = to cause st +P2 Working all night on Friday made me tired on Saturday The hurricane caused many water front houses damaged b to make sb / st + adjective Eg Wearing fowers made her more beautiful to find + sb/ sth + adjective (P1- P2) Eg I found her quite interesting to talk to My sister found snakes frightening - rắn đáng sợ We found the boy frightened - b¶n th©n th»ng bÐ sî c Let Eg let sb st = to allow/ permit sb to st John let his daughter swim with her friends (John allowed his daughter to swim with her friends.) (John permitted his daughter to swim with her friends.) The teacher let the students leave class early./ The policeman let the suspect make one phone call Dr Jones is letting the students hand in the papers on Monday Mrs Binion let her son spend the night with a friend./ We are going to let her write the letter Mr Brown always lets his children watch cartoons on Saturday mornings d Help Eg Eg to help sb do/ to st Eg John helped Mary wash the dishes Jorge helped the old woman with the packages (to) find a taxi The teacher helped Carolina find the research materials This wonderful drug helps (people to) recover more quickly The body fat of the bear will help (him to) keep him alive during hibernation Bài COMPARISON – SO SÁNH Các cấp so sánh thông dụng với tính từ và trạng từ: (so sánh bằng, hơn, nhất) Các dạng so sánh đặc biệt: (song song, thăng tiến) Sarah is at chemistry than Susan A good B well C better D best I don’t work so hard my father A so B as C than D more Sam is the student in my class A tall B most tall C taller D tallest No one in my class is beautiful her A as/as B more/as C as/than D the/more Going by train isn’t convenient as going by car A so B as C more D A & B are correct The test is not difficult it was last month A as / as B so / as C more / as D A & B are correct Peter usually drives Mary A more fast B fast than C faster than D B & C are correct She cooked than you A well B more good C better D more well This film is interesting than that film A most B less C as D so 10 My salary is his salary A high B more high C higher than D more higher than 11 He works we A harder B as hard as C harder D so hard as 12 No one in this class is Jimmy A so tall as B tall than C the tallest D more tall than 13 Apples are usually oranges (12) A cheap than B more cheap C the cheapest D cheaper than 14 I know him than you A better B more well C good D the best 15 you are, you concentrate A Tired/the least hard B The more tired/the harder C The tireder/the harder D The tired/the harder Bài SUBJUNCTIVE CLAUSES – GIẢ ĐỊNH The use of “as if/ as though” a The present sense: S + verb (simple present) + as if/ as though + S + verb (simple past) Eg The old lady dresses as if it were winter even in the summer (It is not winter.) HiÖn t¹i qu¸ khø Angelique walks as though she studied modelling (She didn’t study modelling) HiÖn t¹i qu¸ khø He acts as though he were rich (He is not rich) HiÖn t¹i qu¸ khø b The past sense: Eg S + verb (simple past) + as if/ as though + S + verb (past perfect) Betty talked about the contest as if she had won the grand prize (She didn’t win the grand prize.) Past simple past perfect Jeff looked as if he had seen a ghost (She didn’t see a ghost.) Past simple past perfect He looked as though he had run ten miles (He didn’t run ten miles.) Past simple past perfect The use of with and hope: Eg I hope that they will come ( I don’t know if they are coming.) ( T«i hy väng lµ hä sÏ tíi.) We hope that they came yesterday ( We don’t know if they came.) a The future sense: Động từ mệnh đề sau phải là Would / could + verb were + Ving S+ wish + (that) + S* + could/ would/ were + verb/ V-ing Eg We wish that you could come to the party tonight (You can’t come.) I wish that you would stop saying that (You probably won’t stop.) She wish that she were coming with us ( She is not coming with us.) b The present sense: S + wish + (that) + S* + verb in simple past Eg I wish that I had enough time to finish my homework ( I don’t have enough time.) We wish that he were old enough to come with us ( He is not old enough.) They wish that they didn’t have to go to class today ( They have to go to class.) c The past sense: S + wish + (that) + S + past perfect/ could have + P Eg I wish that I had washed the clothes yesterday ( I didn’t wash the clothes yesterday.) She wish that she could have been there ( She couldn’t be there.) We wish that we had had more time last night ( We didn’t have more time.) notes Eg He wished that he could come to the party next week Qu¸ khø §iÒu kiÖn ë t¬ng lai T¬ng lai The photographer wished that we stood closer together than we are standing now Qu¸ khø Eg ®iÒu kiÖn ë hiÖn t¹i to wish somebody something I wish you a happy birthday hear to watch somebody something see hear hiÖn t¹i (13) to watch somebody doing something see eg I didn’t hear the telephone ring I didn’t hear the telephone ringing I see her sing./ I see her singing advise ask command decree demand insist move order prefer propose recommend request require stipulate suggest urge or S1 + verb + that + S 2+ [verb in simple form] Eg We urge that he leave now Eg We urge him to leave now The judge insisted that the jury return a verdict immediately The university requires that all its students take this course The doctor suggested that his patient stop smoking./ Congress has decreed that the gasoline tax be abolished We proposed that he take a vacation./ I move that we adjourn until this afernoon b advised necessary recommended urgent important obligatory required imperative mandatory proposed suggested or It + be + adjective + that + S + [verb in simple form ] ( any tense) It is necessary that he find the books It was urgent that she leave at once./ It has been proposed that we change the topic It is important that you remember this question./ It has been suggested that he forget the election It was recommended that we wait for the authorities c It + be + noun + that + S + [verb in simple form ] ( any tense) Eg It is a recommendation from a doctor that the patient stop smoking d Eg God save the queen ! Chóa phï hé cho n÷ hoµng God be with you ! = good bye (khi chia tay nhau) Curse this frog !: chÕt tiÖt cãc nµy - Dïng víi mét sè thµnh ng÷: Come what may: dï cã chuyÖn g× ®i n÷a Eg Come what may we will stand by you If need be : nÕu cÇn Eg If need be we can take another road Eg If this be proven right, you would be considered innocent e it is time It is time (for sb) to st : Eg It is time for me to get to the airport (just in time) It is time It is high time subject + simple past It is about time Nhận xét: High/ about đợc dựng trớc time để thêm vào ý nhấn mạnh Eg It’s high time I lef for the airport (it is a little bit late) Bài PHRASES AND CLAUSES OF RESULT – KẾT QUẢ Phrase of result: Thường dùng với “TOO”/ “ENOUGH” theo cấu trúc sau: S + be (look/ seem/ get/ become/…) + too ADJ (for O) + to V S + V + too ADV (for O) + to V Eg He is too short to play football./ He ran too slowly to become the winner of the race S + be + ADJ enough (for O) + to V hay S + V + ADV enough (for O) + to V Eg She ín’t old enough to drive a car / He spoke English well enough to be an enterpreter Clause of result: (14) S + verb + so that / in order that + S + verb He studied very hard so that he could pass the test (nó đã học chăm để có thể qua đợc kỳ thi) She is sending the package early so that it will arrive in time for her sister’s birthday Damien is practicing the guitar so that he can play for the dance I am learning German so that I will be able to speak it when I go to Austria next summer Susan drove to Miami instead of fying so that she could save money Will you let me know about the party so that I can make plans to attend? Cause and effect: Subject + verb + so + adj/ adv + that + S + verb The soprano sang so well that she received a standing ovation Terry ran so fast that he broke the previous speed record Judy worked so diligently that she received an increase in salary The soup tastes so good that every one will ask for more The little boy looks so unhappy that we all feel sorry for him The students had behaved so badly that he was dismissed from the class S + verb + so + few/ many + pl N + that + S + verb Eg The Smiths had so many children that they formed their own baseball team I had so few job offers that it wasn’t difficult to select one S + verb + so + much/ little + N+ that + S + verb He has invested so much money in the project that he cannot abandon it now The grass received so little water that it turned brown in the heat S + verb + such + a + adjective + pl N + that S + verb + so + adjective + a + N + that It was such a hot day that we decided to stay indoors/ It was so hot a day that we decided to stay indoors It was such an interesting book that he couldn’t put it down/ It was so interesting a book that he couldn’t put it down S + verb + such + adjective + N đếm số nhiều/ N không đđ+ that + S+ verb Eg She has such exceptional abilities that everyone is jealous of her dt đếm đợc số nhiều They are such beautiful pictures that everybody will want one dt đếm đợc số nhiều Perry has had such bad luck that he’s decided not to gamble dt không đếm đợc This is such difficult homework that I will never finish it dt không đếm đợc Lu ý: Ta kh«ng thÓ sö dông so cÊu tróc trªn Eg It has been such a long time since I’ve seen him that I’m not sure if I will remember him He has so heavy a work load that it is difficult for him to travel Peter has such long fingers that he should play the piano Professor Sands gives such interesting lectures that his classes are never boring This is such tasty ice cream that I’ll have another helping Bài RELATIVE CLAUSES – MỆNH ĐÈ QUAN HỆ Relative pronouns: For persons For things Subject Object Possessive who that which that whom/who that which that whose whose/of which a WHO: Là đại từ quan hệ người, dùng để thay cho danh từ người, làm chủ ngữ hay tân ngữ mệnh đề quan hệ (15) Eg The man who told you I was out met me in the park The person who you wanted to see died days ago This is the lady who helped my mom That’s the one who we need to contact b WHOM: Là đại từ quan hệ người, dùng để thay cho danh từ người, làm tân ngữ mệnh đề quan hệ Eg That’s the one whom we need to contact The person whom you wanted to see died days ago The one to whom he wanted to talk was out Mr Ba, from whom we got news, was escaped yesterday c WHOSE: Là tính từ quan hệ người, dùng để thay cho tính từ sở hữu, kết hợp với danh từ, làm chủ ngữ hay tân ngữ mệnh đề quan hệ Eg This is the lady whose son cheated me The country whose people were struggling against foods announced the situation of disasters yesterday d WHICH: Là đại từ quan hệ vật, dùng để thay cho danh từ vật, làm chủ ngữ hay tân ngữ mệnh đề quan hệ Eg The book which you liked was sold This is the bike which is my birthday present The house, which was on fire, was built long ago e THAT: Là đại từ quan hệ thay thế, dùng để thay cho các đại từ quan hệ WHO, WHICH, làm chủ ngữ hay tân ngữ mệnh đề quan hệ, ngoài còn sử dụng câu chẻ Eg The book that you liked was sold This is the bike that I want to buy The one that told you I was out met me in the park./ The person that you wanted to see died days ago f WHEN: Là trạng từ quan hệ thời gian, có vai trò là mệnh đề quan hệ trạng ngữ thời gian Eg The day when she lef was rainy The time when we reunite is uncertain g WHERE: Là trạng từ quan hệ nơi chốn, có vai trò là mệnh đề quan hệ trạng ngữ nơi chốn Eg This is the house where he lived in his childhood The place where we play football is a football ground h WHY: Là trạng từ quan hệ lí do, nguyên nhân, có vai trò là mệnh đề quan hệ trạng ngữ nguyên nhân Eg The reason why she lef was unknown That’s why we are worrying now Relative clauses: a Restrictive Relative Clauses: Đây là loại mệnh đề cần thiết có mặt để câu có nghĩa, không có nó câu không đảm bảo ngữ nghĩa (Chủ từ chưa xác định) Eg The man who keeps the library is Mr Green (The man is Mr Green thì rõ, The man keeps the library thì không rõ là ai) That is the book that I like best (là mà tôi thích vô vàn sách) b Non- Restrictive Relative Clauses: Đây là loại mệnh đề không cần thiết có mặt mà câu có nghĩa, không có nó câu đảm bảo ngữ nghĩa vì tiền ngữ (chủ từ) đã xác định Loại mệnh đề này thường cách mệnh đề chính các dấu phảy, thường có các tính từ hay đại từ định hay sở hữu như: this, that, these, those, his, my,… Eg That man, whom you saw yesterday, is Mr Pike This is Mrs Jones, who helped me last week./ Mary, whose sister I know, has won an Oscar Reduced clauses: a Present Participle Phrase: (V-ING phrases replace relative clauses) Có thể dùng ngữ danh động từ V-ING để thay cho mệnh đề quan hệ động từ chính mệnh đề đó thể chủ động Eg The man who is sitting next to you is Mr Mike = The man sitting next to you is Mr Pike Do you know the boy who broke the window yesterday? = Do you know the boy breaking ….? b Past Participle Phrase: (V-ED phrases replace relative clauses) Có thể dùng ngữ tính từ V-ED để thay cho mệnh đề quan hệ động từ chính mệnh đề đó thể bị động Eg The man who was arrested by the police is Mr Mike = The man arrested by the police is Mr Pike Do you know the boy who was punished by the headmaster yesterday? = Do you know the boy punished by the headmaster yesterday? c Infinitive Phrase: (to V phrases replace relative clauses) Có thể dùng ngữ động từ to V để thay cho mệnh đề quan hệ trường hợp mệnh đề có chứa các từ FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, LAST, ONLY có thể dùng với cấu trúc “for O + to V”, số mệnh đề mang tính rang buộc nhiệm vụ… (16) Eg English is an important language which we have to master = English is an important language to master/ for us to master He is the only one who know the answer = He is the only one to know thư answer d Noun Phrase: : (Noun phrases replace relative clauses) Có thể dùng một cụm danh từ để thay cho mệnh đề quan hệ mệnh đề đó mang ngữ danh từ (thường nghề nghiệp) Eg Mr Ba, who is our new form teacher, is a B.A = Mr Ba, our new form teacher, is a B.A The man who is a new manager of the office is still young = The man - a new manager of the office - is still very young Bài 10 CLEFT SENTENCES – CÂU CHẺ Subject focus: Nhấn mạnh tới chủ ngữ, chủ thể hành động đối tượng đề cập S + V → It be S that/ who V Eg Nam helped me a lot → It was Nam who helped me a lot The book tells us a romantic story → It is the book that tells us a romantic story Object focus: Nhấn mạnh tới tân ngữ, chủ thể nhận hay chịu tác động hành động S + V + O → It be O that/ whom S + V Eg She bought the dictionary → It was the dictionary that she bought We saw Mai at the party → It was Mai who we saw at the party Adverbials focus: Nhấn mạnh tới trạng ngữ, đề cập tới thời gian, nơi chốn, cách thức, phương pháp hành vi S + V + A → It be A that S + V Eg We first met in this park → It was in this park that we first met She lef on a rainy day → It was on a rainy day that she lef Bài 11: INDIRECT SPEECH – CÂU TRỰC TIẾP, GIÁN TIẾP definition: Eg He said “ I bought a new motorbike for myself yesterday” Eg He said he had bought a new motorbike for myself the day before Changes: a tenses DIRECT SPEECH INDIRECT SPEECH simple present simple past present progressive past progressive present perfect (progressive) past perfect (progressive) simple past past perfect will /shall would / should can / may could / might b Others; this, these that, those here, overhere there, overthere Today that day Yesterday the day before the day before yesterday two days before Tomorrow the following day/ the next day the day afer tomorrow in two days’ time next + thêi gian (week, year ) the following + thêi gian (week, year ) last + thêi gian (week, year ) the privious + thêi gian (week, year ) Time + ago Time + before/ the privious + Time Eg At breakfast this morning he said “ I will be very busy today” At breakfast this morning he said he would be very busy today Eg I’m leaving the day afer tomorrow Jack said he was leaving tomorrow Jack said he was leaving today introductory verbs: (17) bring, build, buy cut, draw, feed, tell find, get, give hand, leave, lend, write make, offer, owe paint, pass, pay promiss, read, sell send, show, teach S + V + Od + for/ to + Oi S + verb + Oi + Od Eg Correct : They gave it to us./ Incorrect: They gave us it notes John gave the essay to his teacher./ John gave his teacher the essay The little boy brought some fowers for his grandmother The little boy brought his grandmother some fowers I fixed Maria a drink./ I fixed a drink for Maria He drew a picture for his mother./ He drew his mother a picture He lent his car to his bother./ He lent his brother his car We owe several thousand dollars to the bank./ We owe the bank several thousand dollars Bài 12: THE PASSIVE VOICE – CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG be + P Changes: Eg I gave him a book hay I gave a book to him - to be made, to be made of / This table is made of wood - to be made from: /- to be made out of: This cake is made out of four, egg, butter and sugar Hurricanes destroy a great deal of property each year Subject present complement A great deal of property is destroyed by hurricanes each year singular subject be past participle The tornado destroyed thirty houses Subject past complement Thirty houses were destroyed by the tornado plural subject be past participle The committee is considering several new proposals Subject present progressive complement Several new proposals are being considered by the committee plural subject auxiliary be past participle The committee was considering several new proposals Subject past progressive complement Several new proposals were being considered by the committee plural subject auxiliary be past participle The company has ordered some new equipment subject present perfect complement Some new equipment has been ordered by the company Singular subject auxiliary be past participle The company had ordered some new equipment before the strike began subject past perfect complement (18) Some new equipment had been ordered by the company before the strike began Singular subject auxiliary be past participle The manager should sign these contracts today Subject modal + verb complement These contracts should be signed by the manager today Subject modal be past participle Somebody should have called the president this morning Subject modal + perfect complement The president should have been called this morning Subject modal have be past participle Notes: Have/ get / make To have smb smth = to get smb to smth Mary had John wash the car (John washed the car.) Mary got John to wash the car (John washed the car.) To have / get smth done Eg Mary got the car washed (The car was wash by somebody.) To want / like something done Eg - What you want done to Anh muèn lµm g× víi Eg - What you want done to your motorbike? - I’d like it repaired and cleaned hoÆc I want it repaired and cleaned To make smb smth = to force smb to smth VÝ dô: The robber forced the teller to give him the money = The robber made the teller give him the money Động từ to make vả to cause còn đợc dùng theo mẫu sau: To make/ to cause smb +smth P2 VÝ dô: Working all night on Friday made me tired on Saturday The hurricane caused many water front houses damaged - Đằng sau động từ to make còn có thể dùng tính To make smb / smth + adjective tõ VÝ dô: Wearing fowers made her more beautiful Đi theo hớng này thì động từ to find có thể dùng theo công thức: Nếu là phân từ mang tính chủ động còn phân từ mang tính bị động To find + smb/ smth + adjective (P1- P2) Ví dụ: I found her quite interesting to talk to My sister found snakes frightening - rắn đáng sợ We found the boy frightened - b¶n th©n th»ng bÐ sî PHẦN IV SENTENCE ELEMENTS – THÀNH TỐ CỦA CÂU - - - (ÔN TẬP) Bài SUBJECT (S): CHỦ NGỮ Definition: Gender to be the action doer or described or mentioned (là chủ thể hành động hay đối tượng miêu tả) Classification: a Subject pronouns: (đại từ nhân xưng chủ ngữ) First Person Second Person Singular form I You Plural form We You Third Person He, She, It They (19) Eg He went abroad to study medicine They were killed in an accident b Nouns, or noun phrases: eg Love is a stage of feeling and can’t be recognized by senses Gain and loss go together c Gerunds: eg Fishing is his favourite pastime Getting good marks is not always difficult d Clauses: eg What we really wish is to be at the cinema All she can say is that he is a liar Bài COMPLEMENTS (C): BỔ NGỮ Definition: Element to be described or mentioned usually follows the verb to be or link verbs (là thành tố hoàn thành câu, thường theo sau “to be” các link verbs) Classification: a Nouns, or noun phrases: eg She is a kind hearted lady They became the new employees b Gerunds: eg Her hobby is singing c Verbs: eg My dream is to become a teacher d Clauses: eg A full apology is what the boss wants now./ A smile is all he could and what he should Notes: Có loại bổ ngữ; bổ ngữ chủ ngữ (Cs) – She was exhausted – và bổ ngữ tân ngữ (Co) – The long walk made us exhausted Bài OBJECTS (O): TÂN NGỮ Definition: Gender to be described or mentioned usually follows ordinary verbs to show the direct or indirect goals that the verbs aim at (là thành tố hoàn thành câu, thường theo sau động từ thường hướng hay đối tượng động từ) Classification: a Object pronouns: (đại từ nhân xưng tân ngữ) First Person Second Person Third Person Singular form Me you him, her, it Plural form Us you them Eg We met him yesterday She made us a big cake b Nouns, or noun phrases: eg She gave me a blank look We sent endless letters to the manager c Gerunds: eg The man loved telling funny stories / She was interested in going shopping on Sundays d Verbs: eg Jack wished to become an astronaut Kelvin loves to the crosswords e Clauses: eg We know how we should solve the problem She asked why we didn’t arrive on time Notes: Có loại bổ ngữ; bổ ngữ chủ ngữ (Cs) – She was exhausted – và bổ ngữ tân ngữ (Co) – The long walk made us exhausted Bài ADVERBIALS (A): TRẠNG NGỮ Definition: Element to be used to denote the stages, manner, methods, or to indicate time, places, purposes, or others (được dùng để miêu tả trạng thái, cách thức, phương pháp, mức độ, hay dùng để thời gian, nơi chốn, mục đích,… hành động) Classification: b Adverbs: eg We often go to work by bus She danced marvelously c Adverbials: eg In the past, people used to live in a large family d Clauses: eg When we came, they were fighting./ Billy tried hard in order that he could pass the exam Bài VERBS (V): ĐỘNG TỪ (xem lại trang 7) PHẦN V PARTS OF SPEECH – BỘ PHẬN NGÔN NGỮ (TỪ VỰNG) Bài NOUNS (N): DANH TỪ Definition: To call out the names of things, objects, actions, or movements… (dùng để gọi tên vật, tượng) Functions: (chức năng) Subject (S)(chủ ngữ): Gender of a verb (A teacher usually works at school) Object (O)(tân ngữ): Follow verbs or prepositions (He buys some cakes for his birthday party) Complement (C)(bổ ngữ): Make the complementation (She was a famous singer) (20) Compounds (Co)(danh từ ghép): summer holiday, birthday cakes,… Possessive cases (Pc)(dạng sở hữu cách): the boss’s car, his teacher’s remarks,… Noun phrases (Np)(cụm danh từ kết hợp tự do): Free words combination or compounds Plural forms: dạng thức biến đổi số nhiều 3.1 Adding “s” to almost count-nouns: thêm ‘s’ vào sau hầu hết các danh từ, đọc /s/ và /z/ a table Tables a dog dogs an apple apples a student student an orange orange an umbrella umbrella s s s a house Houses a cat cats an egg eggs 3.2 Adding “es” to the count-nouns that end in “s, ss, sh, ch, o, x” with /iz/ or /z/ sound: thêm ‘es’ a bus Buses a potato potatoes a class classes a dish Dishes a box boxes a wish wishes a watch Watches a tomato tomatoe a torch torches s 3.3 Adding “ies” to the count-nouns that end in “y” with its preceding consonants: them ‘ies’ Singular Plural Singular Plural a lorry Lorries a lady ladies a story Stories a baby babies 3.4 Adding “ves” to the count-nouns that end in “f, fe”: đổi ‘f’, ‘fe’ thành ‘ves’ Singular plural Singular Plural a wife wives a leaf Leaves a knife knives a loaf Loaves 3.5 Irregular changes: dạng biến đổi bất qui tắc Singular Plural Singular plural Singular Plural a man Men a louse lice a woman women a child Children a medium medi an ox oxen a a tooth Teeth a mouse mice a goose geese 3.6 Collective noun: crew, family, group, team,…(singular or plural form, either singular or plural verb) danh từ tổ hợp, có thể coi là số ít số nhiều, dùng động từ dạng số ít nhiều 3.7 Always plural form-nouns: luôn tồn hình thức số nhiều Clothes Police breeches pants pyjamas Trousers Scissors pliers (kìm) binoculars glasses Scales shears (kéo cắt cỏ) Arms damages earnings Goods greens (vegetable) outskirts savings pains (trouble, effort) Spirits Surroundings stairs valuables athletics Ethics Mathematics physics politics 3.8 Unchanged the names of creatures: deer, sheep, calf, cod, pike, plaice, salmon, squid, trout, turbot (these nouns can take either singular or plural verbs) hình thức số ít, nhiều không đổi 3.9 Plural form but singular verb-noun: news, mumps (bệnh sưng quai hàm), billiards, bowls – hình thức số nhiều sử dụng số ít Uncountable nouns: Danh từ không đếm 4.1 Substances: vật chất Bread Beer cloth Coffee cream Ice sand wood wine paper Dust Gin glass Gold soap Stone water jam oil tea 4.2 Abstract nouns: danh từ không đếm Advice Beauty courage death experience information suspicion Fear Help hope horror knowledge mercy pity relief 4.3 Others: số danh từ khác Baggage camping damage furniture luggage Parking shopping work weather 4.4 Notes: Particular sense of uncountable nouns: số danh từ không đếm lại có mạo từ 4.4.1 a help: A great help to + O (He gave a great help to our family) 4.4.2 a relief: A relief to + V (That gave me a relief to continue my study) 4.4.3 a knowledge: A good/ bad knowledge of + N (Pete has got a good knowledge of history) (21) 4.4.4 a dislike / dread / hatred / horror / love of + …(He had a great love for funny stories) 4.4.5 a mercy / pity / shame / wonder + that…(It’s a pity that I couldn’t come) 4.4.6 a fear/ fears; a hope/ hopes; a suspicion/ suspicions: We have a suspicion / suspicions that noone will agree to help Compound nouns: danh từ ghép 5.1 Noun-noun: Hanoi-capital; hall-door; hitch-hiker; kitchen-table; traffic light; winter clothes; 5.2 Noun-gerund: fruit-picking; weight-lifting; lorry-driving; bird-watching; coal-mining; surf5.3 Gerund-noun: waiting-list; landing card; driving board; dining room; driving license;… 5.4 Free combination: kết hợp tự - shop window; church bell; picture frame; garden gate; college library; gear level;… - city street; corner shop; country lane; … - summer holiday; spring flowers; Sunday paper; dawn chorus; November fog; … - steel door; stone wall; silk shirt;…/ - coffee cup; golf club; chess board; football ground;… - fish-farm; gold-mine; oil-rig; …/ - football match; beauty contest; pop music;… Suffixes: các hậu tố dùng để tạo danh từ 6.1 er/ or/ ist/ ant/ ee/…: teacher, visitor, terrorist, vegetarian, aP.Plicant, employee,… 6.2 ent/ ce/ ion/ ism/ ance/ age/…: government, difference, action, capitalism, assistance, marriage,… 6.3 hood/ dom/ ship/ ness/ iety/…: neighborhood, freedom, friendship, sadness, variety, 6.4 ility/ ing/ al/ our/ y/…: possibility, fishing, refusal, arrival, behavior, difficulty,… Bài VERBS (V): ĐỘNG TỪ Definition: To denote action, state, and be the most important part of sentences Classification: phân loại động từ 2.1 Auxiliary verbs: động từ trợ 2.1.1 Primary auxiliary verbs: be/ have/ (These verbs can either be auxiliaries or lexical verbs) 2.1.2 Modal verbs: can/ could/ may/ might/ must/ have to + base form/ will/ would/ shall/ should/ be going to + base form/ used to + base form/ ought to + base form/(These are sometimes functional verbs) 2.2 Lexical verbs: động từ mang nghĩa 2.2.1 Intensive verbs: verbs that show the state (She feels tired/ He is selfish) 2.2.2 Extensive verbs: verbs that show the affection (He gets angry/ They are helpful) 2.2.3 Intransitive verbs: verbs that can function as verb phrases and make sentences meaningful without any complementation e.g She cried (noisily) It rains/ is raining (hard/ heavily/ cats and dogs) 2.2.4 Transitive verbs: verbs that need complementation a Mono-transitive verbs: verbs that followed by one object (S+V+O) e.g She bought flowers Ann met her fiance’ yesterday b Di-transitive verbs: verbs that followed by both direct and indirect objects (S+V+O+O) e.g She bought me some sweets (= She bought some sweets for me) They gave me a big cake (=They gave a big cake to me) c Complex transitive verbs: follow the form “S + V + O + Co” e.g He made me angry d Affixations: phụ tố để tạo động từ 3.1 en: added to nouns or adjectives (mean make, or lead to ) e.g danger…….to endanger wide…… to widen rich……… to enrich courage……to encourage length……to lengthen broad …… to broaden 3.2 ize/ ise: added to nouns or adjectives (mean make, or develop, or specify) e.g modern……to modernize industrial….to industrialize minimum….to minimize maximum….to maximize capital…… to capitalize natural…… to naturalize Sentence models: 4.1 S + V-intrans They laugh/ The wind is blowing 4.2 S + V-monotrans + O He did his homework/ Harley carried an umbrella 4.3 S + V-in/ extensive + Cs He became famous/ They are nearly exhausted 4.4 S + V-intrans + A He went abroad/ She arrives late (22) 4.5 4.6 4.7 S + V-ditrans + O + O S + V-complex trans + O + C S + V-intrans + A + A She buys me presents/ That brings my father success The story made me bored/ You drive me mad She went to school early/ He came to the park in the early morning Bài ADJECTIVES (ADJ): TÍNH TỪ Kinds (Classification): phân loại 1.1 Main kinds: phân loại chính a Demonstrative: this, that, those, these b Distributive: each, every, either, neither c Quantitative: some, any, no, little, few, many, much, numbers d Interrogative: which, what, whose e Possessive: my, your, his, her, our, its, their f Quality: clever, dry, fat, golden, heavy,… 1.2 Participles: phân từ a present: ING-form boring, interesting, exciting,…(for objects) b past: ED-form broken, tired, bored,…(for human-beings) c Notes: Present participles are different from gerund e.g He was fishing./ His hobby is fishing Functions (Position): chức hay vị trí 2.1 Noun-subordinator: (bổ nghĩa cho danh từ) a new book, a kind lady, a large room,… 2.2 Verb-complementation: (bổ nghĩa cho động từ) Follow the certain verbs as be, become, seem aP.Pear, feel, get, grow (become), keep, look (aP.Pear), make, smell, sound, taste, turn,… But some verbs can take either an adjective or an adverb: Eg: - He looks calm (=He himself is calm) - He looks calmly at the angry crowd (= He shows no attitude to the angry crowd) Comparison forms: cấp so sánh 3.1 Positive degree: so sánh as + adjs + as Eg: - She is as tall as my wife - Peter was as hard-working as I was (me) 3.2 Comparative degree: so sánh 3.2.1 Monosyllable-adjectives: với tính từ đơn âm tiết adjs-ER + than Eg: - Lan is shorter than Na - She was better at English than we were (us) 3.2.2 Multisyllable-adjectives: với tính từ đa âm tiết more + adjs + than Eg: - She was more hard-working than us - We are more intelligent than him 3.3 Superlative degree: so sánh 3.3.1 Monosyllable-adjectives: với tính từ đơn âm tiết the adjs-EST Eg: - Nam is the best in our class - She was the kindest lady I’ve ever met 3.3.2 Multisyllable- adjectives: với tính từ đa âm tiết the most + adjs Eg: - Sharol was the most intelligent in my group - She is the most hard-working girl I’ve ever known Notes: For adjectives ending in “er”, “y”, “ly”, or the irregular cases: Adjective Comparative Superlative Adjective Comparative Superlative clever Cleverer the cleverest bad Worse the worst pretty Prettier the prettiest far farther/ further the farthest/ furthest happy Happier the happiest little Less the least silly Sillier the silliest man / More the most much good Better the best old older/ elder the oldest/ eldest 3.4 Parallel: so sánh song song và so sánh thăng tiến - “The… the”: The older she gets, the wiser she become - And: It’s getting darker and darker She has now more and more free time - Gerunds/ infinitives: Riding a horse is not as easy as riding a bike It’s nicer/ better/ more fun to go with someone than to go alone 3.5 Like/ alike: Tom is very like Bill Tom and Bill are alike 3.6 Like/ as: He swims like a fish You look like a ghost Do as I told you 3.7 Like + N/ as + N: He worked like a slave (He worked very hard/ He wasn’t a slave) He worked as a slave (He was a slave in fact) 3.8 The adjectives: The rich, the poor,… (23) - Clauses: các mệnh đề danh tính ngữ 4.1 That – clause: It is disappointed that he failed the exam./ It’s better that someone should tell him 4.2 find/ think/ believe + that it + adjs + to + V: I found that it is impossible to start now./ She thought that it was silly to ask him to stay 4.3 It be + adjs + (of O) + infinitives: a Character: brave, careless, cowardly (nhút nhát), cruel, generous, good, nice (=kind), mean, rude, selfish b Sense: clever, foolish, idiotic (ngu), intelligent, sensible (nhạy bén), silly, stupid,… 4.4 Pronoun + be + adjs + noun + infinitives: Using the above adjectives and: astonishing, curious, ridiculous (lố bịch), unreasonable, funny(=strange), odd (lập dị), pointless, useful, useless,… - That’s the amazing idea to show - It was an unreasonable result to accept 4.5 It’s + adjs + infinitives: advisable, inadvisable, better, best, desirable, essential, good, important, necessary, unnecessary, vital (tất yếu),… 4.6 It be + adjs + (for O) + infinitives: convenient, dangerous, difficult, easy, hard, possible, important, safe,… 4.7 S + be + adjs + infinitives : - Angry, delighted, dismayed, glad, happy, pleased, relieved, sorry, sad,… ( S + be + glad/ happy/ sorry/ sad/… + to say/ tell/ inform; Others adjs + to find/ learn/ hear/ see/…) - Able, unable, apt, inclined, liable, prone, prepared, quick, reluctant, slow, ready, willing, 4.8 Special cases: các cấu trúc đặc biệt Due: (time) >The race is due to start in minutes (sắp xảy ra) Due to: a result of >The accident was due to his carelessness.(vì, bởi) Owing to: because of >owing to his carelessness, we had an accident (bởi vì, bởi) Certain/ sure + to V= opinion >He is sure to take legal action (chắc là – suy đoán) Certain/ sure that + (clause) = opinion >I am certain that the price will be higher (chắc là – suy đoán) Certain/ sure/ confident of + N/G: He was sure of entering the haunted house.(quyêt tâm) Bound + to V= obligation > We were bound to leave Afraid/ ashamed of + N/G: She was afraid of being left alone Sorry for/ about + N/G: Tom felt sorry for making so many mistakes Afraid/ ashamed/ sorry + to V: I’m sorry to tell you that bad news Anxious about = worried He was anxious about going in the dark alone Anxious for O to V = wish He was anxious for you to go in the dark alone Anxious that + (clause) We are anxious that we couldn’t come Fortunate/ lucky that +(clause) = It’s a good thing…It was lucky that we weren’t late S + be fortunate/ lucky to V She was lucky to have such an interesting book Possible/ probable/ likely + future = perhaps It’s possible that man will live longer Aware/ conscious of N/G We should be aware of protecting our nature Aware/ conscious + that +(clause) She was conscious that she would be late Suffixes: 5.1 able/ ible/ ish/ ed/ ing/ ful/ less/…: talkable, visible, whitish, bored, amusing, careful, hopeless,… 5.2 y/ ly/ en/ ese/ ous/ al/ ive/…: wealthy, manly, golden, Chinese, poisonous, logical, effective,… 5.3 ade/ ate/ ent/ wide/ ic/ ist/…: adequate, humanate, dependent, worldwide, domestic, communist,… 5.4 like/ style/ type/…: childlike, Roman-type, German-style,… 5.5 Nationality: a an: American, Venezuelan, German, Mexican, African,… b ese: Chinese, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Sudanese, Lebanese,… c i: Pakistani, Iraqi, Israeli, Yemeni, Saudi,… d ian: Argentinean, Australian, Brazilian, Italian,… e ish: English, Polish, Turkish, Danish, Finnish,… f others: Czech, French, Dutch, Swiss, Greek, Thai,… Bài ADVERBS (ADV) TRẠNG TỪ Kinds (Classification): phân loại 1.1 Adv of manner: bravely/ haP.Pily/ quickly/ well/ …( She sings marvelously/ He worked very hard) (24) 1.2 Adv of place: by/ down/ near/ here/ there/ … (She comes there twice a week/ Here comes the police) 1.3 Adv of time: now/ soon/ still/ today/ yet/…(We are going to Hanoi today/ He will return soon) 1.4 Adv of frequency: always/ once/ twice/…(We never eat dog-meat/ She once became the leader) 1.5 Adv of sentence: certainly/ definitely/ luckily/ ( He was certainly the liar/ Luckily, she passed the exam) 1.6 Adv of degree: fairly/ hardly/ rather/ quite/ too/ …(He was quite handsome/ Hardly did we see anything) 1.7 Adv of interrogative: when/ where/ why/… (When did you go?/ Where is she now?) 1.8 Adv of relative: when/ where/ why (He came when we were watching T.V) Same form with adjectives: tính từ và trạng từ có chung hình thức Back deep* direct* early enough little straight Far Fast hard* high* ill near* well just* Kindly late* Left wrong* most* right* Long Low Much* more* short* till pretty Note: Adv* can either have “ly” or not, but differences in meanings Positions (Functions): vị trí hay chức 3.1 Adv of manner: trạng từ thể cách Follow verbs: eg: He danced gracefully Before pres or follow objects in “V + pre + O”: eg: He looked at me carefully He looked carefully at me Follow Subject: eg: He suspiciously tasted the soup At the beginning or end: eg: Carefully he checks the suitcase He checks the suitcase carefully 3.2 Adv of time: trạng từ thời gian At the beginning or end of sentences: afterwards/ eventually/ lately/ now/ recently/ at once/ since then/ till/… eg: He will returns soon Today we will learn lesson two Always at the end: before*/ early/ immediately*/ late (Adv* as conjunctions at the beginning) eg: He went to the church immediately Immediately, he went to the church Follow verbs or “V + O”: yet/ still eg: He still lives in the suburb of the city Split: just eg: He has just left the house 3.3 Adv of place: 3.3.1 At the beginning or end: away/ everywhere/ nowhere/ somewhere/ here /there/ eg: Nowhere could we find him English is spoken everywhere 3.3.2 Administration: here/ there eg: He lives here/ She hasn’t gone there 3.4 Adv of frequency: 3.4.1 always/ continually/ frequently/ ofen/ once/ twice/ periodically/ repeatedly/ sometimes/ usually eg: She usually walks to school 3.4.2 Restricted (inversion): hardly ever/ never/ rarely/ scarcely ever/ seldom eg: Never will she eat this kind of food 3.5 Inversion cases: các trường hợp đảo ngữ hardly…ever hardly…when in no circumstances neither…nor never no sooner…than not only not till nowhere on no account only by only in this way only then/ when scarcely ever scarcely…when seldom/ so Notes: hardly/ rarely/ seldom/ never/ only… + auxiliary + subject + verb Eg Never have so many people been unemployed as today Phó từ trợ động từ chñ ng÷ động từ (so many people have never been unemployed as today.) Hardly had he fallen asleep when he began to dream of far-away lands Phã tõ tđt chủ ngữ động từ (He had hardly fallen asleep when he dream of far-away lands.) Rarely have we seen such an effective actor as he has proven Phã tõ trợ động từ chủ ngữ động từ (25) (we have rarely seen such an effective actor as he has proven.) Seldom does the class let out early Phã tõ trợ động từ chñ ng÷ động từ Only by hard work will we be able to accomplish this great task Phã tõ trợ động từ chủ ngữ động từ (We will be able to accomplish this great task only by hard work.) or IN/ UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES : Eg In / under no circumstances should you lend him the money ON NO ACCOUNT: Eg On no account must this switch be toughed SO + ADJ + AUXILIARY + S + V + THAT Eg So difficult did she get a job that she had to stay home for a year So sure of this were the owners that they provided lifeboats for only 950 of its possible 3,500 passengers ONLY IN THIS WAY : Eg Only in this way could you solve the problem NAGATIVE, , NOR + AUXILIARY + S + V Eg He didn’t have any money, nor did he know anybody from whom he could borrow Bài 5: MẠO TỪ BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH Choose the best answer to complete the sentences: I want _ apple from that basket A a B an Miss Lin speaks _ Chinese A a B an One of the students said, “ _ professor is late today” A a B an D Eli likes to play _ volleyball A a B an C the I bought _ umbrella to go out in the rain A a B an My daughter is learning to play _ guitar at her school A a B an Please give me _ pen that is on the counter A a B an D Albany is the capital of _ New York state A a B an Our neighbor has _ cat and _ dog A a/ a B an/ a 10 _ ink in my pen is red A a B an 11 It is _ funniest book that I have ever read A a B an 12 Can anyone give me _ hand, please because I have just fallen over? A a B an 13 She always said that when she grew up she wanted to be _ A doctor B a doctor C the doctor 14 I have lef my book in _ kitchen and I would like you to get it for me A a B an C the 15 Please meet me at the train station in _ hour from now A a B an C the C the C the D C the C the C the C the/ the C the C the C the D D D 0/ D D D a doctors D C the D by D to D arrive on D with D about D on D D C the Bài 6: GIỚI TỪ BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH I’ll be at home _ Saturday morning You can phone me then A at B on C in I’m going away _ the end of June A at B on C in What time did they the hotel? A arrive to B arrive at C arrive in Have you read any books Agatha Christie? A of B from C by I’m not very good _ repairing things A at B for C in “What time will you arrive?” “I don’t know It depends the traffic.” A of B for C from D D D (26) I prefer tea _ coffee A to B than C against The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage the other car A of B for C to These days everybody is aware _ the dangers of smoking A on B of C with 10 He’s very brave He’s not afraid _ anything A at B about C with 11 Bill and I come from the same town but my accent is different _ his A with B on C at 12 Do you know anyone who might be interested _ buying an old car? A on B in C with 13 Sun oil can protect the skin _ the sun A in B for C from 14 The apartment consists three rooms, a kitchen and bathroom A of B about C on 15 Mozart died Vienna in 1791 _ the age of 35 A in / on B in / at C at / in D over D on D about D of D from D about D by D at D of / for PHẦN VI ASPECTS OF SPEECH – HÌNH THÁI NÓI Bài EMPHASIS: NHẤN MẠNH Kinds (Classification): 1.1 Pronunciation: using stresses and intonation e.g Are you free? Really? 1.2 Written forms (transformation): e.g She could hardly understand ~Hardly could she understand Styles: 2.1 Verbs: do/ does/ did + bare infinitives e.g He visited us yesterday ~ He did visit us yesterday Hoa loves romantic films ~ Hoa does love romantic films 2.2 Adjectives: It is/was + adjs + to infinitives e.g + Knowing your limitation is important ~ It’s important to know… + He found that learning English was difficult ~ He found that it was 2.3 Refexive pronouns: myself/ yourself/ himself/ herself/ itself/ ourselves/ … e.g She did it ~ She herself did it He thought that ~ He himself thought that 2.4 Emphasis case: It is/ was …that …(clef sentences) e.g I hated him ~ It was him who I hated I need a replacement not others ~ It is a replacement, not others that I need 2.5 Inversion case: here/ restricted adverbs e.g He could never find out the truth ~ Never could he find out the truth We seldom eat snails ~ Seldom we eat snails Bài QUANTITIERS: - SỐ TỪ Single verbs agreements: 1.1 each/ every/ either/ neither + N(s)/ of N(s) + singular V e.g Each person has his own thought Neither of my children gets up late 1.2 each/ every + N(s)/ each/ every + N + singular V e.g Each day and each night passes without me missing her./ Each of the boys has his own books of photos 1.3 every/ some/ no + singular V(s) e.g Someone was sitting outside No-one knows him 1.4 plural forms but singular verbs: news/ physics/ economics/ politics/ linguistics/ genetics/ athletes/ mumps/ the United States/ the PhiliP.Pines/ Wales/… e.g The United States was shock by the bombing on September 11 th The Philippines is a developing 1.5 uncountable nouns: furniture/ water/ traffic/ progress/ homework/ knowledge/… e.g Water is composed by Oxygen and Hydrogen At this time of day, traffic is very heavy 1.6 distance/ time/ money: e.g Five miles is a relatively far distance Fifty billion dongs is a big sum of money 1.7 titles of books/ articles/ stories: e.g “Tom and Jerry” is well-known all over the world (27) “The seven dragon pearls” is a picture book 1.8 subjective clauses: e.g All that he needed was a full apology What I really like is an ice cream Plural verbs agreements: 2.1 combination “and”: e.g Tom and his friends were walking to school 2.2 “the + adj(s)” form: e.g The English are cool The rich are not always happy 2.3 collective nouns: e.g Cattle are driven to the field 2.4 some/ a few/ a lot of/ both/… e.g Some boys are resigned Various agreements: 3.1 Either or Neither + N1 nor + N2 + V Not only but also (but ….as well ) e.g Either Tom or his friends are coming Neither the Prime Minister nor his ministers have been injured 3.2 The number of + N(s) + singular V A number of + N(s) + plural V e.g The number of attendants is poor A number of visitors are killed 3.3 Pronoun1/ N1 + pre + pronoun2/ N2 + singular V e.g A pair of shoes is cheaper than a table Two pairs of shoes is much more expensive than a table 3.4 All/ some/ plenty / a lot singular N(s) + singular V Half/ most/ the rest/ lots + of + plural N(s) + plural V e.g A lot of money is lost All of them have been arrested Bài GERUNDS: DANH ĐỘNG TỪ Formation: V-ING Functions: 2.1 Subject (S): Fishing is his hobby Getting into the city centre at this time of day isn’t easy 2.2 Complement (C): (of to be) Her passion is studying What we really want is escaping from this terrible place 2.3 Compound nouns: 2.3.1 Gerund-noun: fishing-rod cooking-apple driving license wrapping paper writing paper cooking oil 2.3.2 Non-gerund: fruit-picking sky-diving bush walking time- counting 2.4 Object (O): 2.4.1 Direct objects: Follow these certain verbs admit avoid appreciate Begin consider postpone resume love continue delay deny Enjoy escape recall suggest resist finish keep mention Mind Like Hate recollect prefer miss practice Quit report resent risk 2.4.2 Verb preposition: approve of apologize for believe in count on care for complain of confess to consist of depend on dream of end in give up get to forget go back to about hesitate about insist on keep on lead to long for mean by persist in plan on put off rely on return to result in safe from succeed in think about think of take to threaten with worry about object to look forward to… 2.4.3 Adjective preposition: absorbed in accustomed to afraid of amused at skilled in (at) annoy at ashamed of aware of (in)capable of surprised at careful in careless of certain about clever at wrong in… content with delighted at different from embarrassed at excited about far from fond of fortunate in frightened of furious at given to good at grateful for happy in (at) slow in interested in keen on nice about proud of thankful for (28) - - responsible for right in scared at (of) set on angry with pleased at sure of sorry for successful in (at) careful about sick of worried about tired of (from) upset at (un)conscious of 2.4.4 Idiom phrases: (phrases of words that have literal meanings) can’t bear; can’t face; can’t stand; can’t help; feel like… - It’s no use / It’s (not) worth…/… 2.4.5 Adjectives: amusing comfortable Difficult easy Great pleasant hopeless Lovely Nice off strange useless/ wonderful 2.4.6 Noun preposition: choice of excuse for possibility of intention of reason for method for… 2.4.7 Complement of objects: Follow these below verbs call catch feel discover find leave watch… hear get imagine keep notice send set stop 2.5 Subjunctive subject “it” or noun phrases; Find/ found + it + V-ING: He found the film annoying When/ on /while / as + V-ING: When opening the case, he found his lost notebook While checking the case, we found banned drugs Bài INFINITIVES: NGUYÊN THỂ Classification: Full infinitive: With “to’ e.g He go to Paris to learn French Bare infinitive: Without “to’ e.g My parent didn’t let me what I really liked Perfect infinitive: Form “have past participles” e.g He was believed to have escaped from the prison Positions: 2.1 Follow the verbs below: agree arrange ask attempt begin mean need neglect care cease choose claim Come plan prefer pretend continue decide deserve demand determine propose refuse start desire expect fail fear Forget strive tend threaten hate help hesitate hope Intend offer omit swear learn like long love manage prepare promise seem try want wish… 2.2 Follow the idiomatic phrases: make up one’s mind/ take care/ take the trouble/ make sure/… e.g They couldn’t make up their mind to go or not 2.3 Follow the adjectives below: (un)able Afraid amused Annoyed anxious interested keen Ashamed astonished boring Careful Certain (im)possible proud Content Crazy curious dangerous delighted sorry sufficient determined Difficult distressed Due Eager usual thankful Easy Hard fortunate Free frightened worthy wrong furious Good glad Grateful Happy slow scared Hopeless Horrified impatient Safe Sure useless surprised Lucky moved pleased (un)willing wonderful (un)wise 2.4 Follow WH-words: what/ who/ whom/ which/ when/ where/ how e.g She didn’t know what to next We didn’t decided where to go 2.5 Follow nouns pronouns of the verbs below: advise allow ask assume beg Hate suspect Wish believe cause challenge command compel observe trust persuade consider enable encourag expect Find order permit Tempt e forbid force get guess Know teach tell warn imagine instruct intend invite think understand urge lead like love mean want Prefer (29) 2.6 To be demonstration, purposes, results: enough / save money/… e.g The house, to be demolished, is very old She has nothing to eat We haven’t got enough to have one each They saved money to go abroad 2.7 To form absolute phrases: To tell the truth; To cut a long short story;… e.g To tell the truth, she was a real liar 2.8 To form exclamation: e.g To think she met with such a death! Oh! To be young again! - Bài SPECIAL CASES: DẠNG ĐẶC BIỆT rise/ lie/ sit rose/ lay/ sat risen/ lain/ sat rising/ lying/ sitting OR raise/ lay/ set raised/ laid/ set raised/ laid/ set raising/ laying/ setting TO RISE Eg The sun rises early in the summer./ When the bell rings, the students rise from their seats When oil and water mix, oil rises to the top./ Jim rose early so that he could play golf It must be late; the moon has risen./ Prices have risen more than ten percent in a very short time TO RAISE (sb, st) Eg The students raise their hands in class./ The weighlifer raises the barbell over it’s head The crane raised the car out of the lake./ Afer studying very hard, John raised his grades greatly Mr Daniels has raised his tenants’ rent another fifeen dollars The OPEC have raised the price of oil TO LIE: Eg The university lies in the Western section of town./ If they are tired, they should lie down for a nap Maria Elena lay on the beach for three hours yesterday sunbathing The old dog just lay on the grass watching the children at play Don’t disturb Mary; she has lain down for a rest That old rug had lain in the corner for many years before it was put in the garage TO LAY Eg Don’t lay your clothes on the bed./ The boy lays his books on the table every day The enemy soldiers laid down their weapons and surrendered = The enemy soldiers laid down their weapons surrendering The children laid their toys on the foor when they had finished using them The students had laid their composition on the teacher’s desk before the bell rang The nurse laid the baby in crib TO SIT: Eg We are going to sit in the fifh row at the opera./ Bullfight fans sit in the shade because it is cool Because the weather was nice, we sat on the patio./ Afer swimming, Bob sat on the beach to dry off Nobody has sat through as many boring lectures as Peter has They have sat in the same position for hours Eg This studium can seat 100.000 people TO SET Eg The little girl helps her father (to) set the table every night The carpenters set their tools in the box at noon and go to lunch The botanist set her plants in the sun so that they would grow Afer carrying her son from the car, the mother set him in his crib Don’t set the chocolate near the oven or it will melt No sooner had they set the roast in the oven, than the electricity went out Either infinitives or gerunds: 1.1 stop: a stop + to infinitives (= stop this work to start the other work) e.g He stops to smoke (He stops his work and starts smoking) b stop + gerunds (= to give up a habit ) e.g He stops smoking (He no longer smokes) 1.2 try: a try + to infinitives (= manage successfully to do) e.g He tried to lift the case (He managed to lift the case and succeeded) b try + gerunds (= to experience) e.g He tried lifting the case (He wanted to know whether he could lift it) 1.3 remember: a remember + to infinitives (= to make oneself aware of a task) (30) e.g He remembered to lock the door (He had to lock the door) b remember + gerunds (= to assure oneself a fulfilled task) e.g He remembered locking the door (He was sure that he had locked the door) 1.4 forget: a forget + to infinitives (= to miss a task) e.g Sam forgot to buy food (Sam didn’t buy food) b forget + gerunds (= the fulfilled task is forgotten) e.g Sam forgot buying food (He bought food but he didn’t remember) 1.5 regret: a regret + to infinitives (not want to this task) e.g Kim regretted to say the truth (He didn’t want to say the truth but he had to) b regret + gerunds ( the task is done unexpectedly) e.g Kim regretted saying the truth.(He said and he regretted what he’d done) Would: a conditional sentences: e.g If I were you, I would agree to come He would have passed if he had known the rules well b past habits: e.g I would sing romantic songs when I was young She would cry when she was too sad Used to: past habit not happen at present e.g She used to walk to school Be (get) used to: a get used to (= be acquainted with) e.g She has got used to walking to office b be used to (be familiar to) e.g He was used to walking to office Would rather V1 than V2: 5.1 would rather (not) + V: e.g She’d rather go to the meeting We would rather not mention that case 5.2 would rather + O (not) + p V: e.g I’d rather him brought there some cakes She would rather her husband not joined the army Prefer gerunds/Ns to gerunds/Ns: 6.1 prefer + gerunds = like + gerunds/ infinitives:e.g She preferred walking to driving She liked walking/ to walk 6.2 would prefer + infinitives = would like + infinitives: e.g She’d prefer to walk She would like to walk Could/ may/ might: possibility/ maybe = perhaps 7.1 in conditional sentences: e.g If it rains, we may cancel the trip We might go to the park if it were Sunday today 7.2 uncertain speculation: e.g It could/ may/ might rain tomorrow It will possibly rain tomorrow 7.3 perhaps/ maybe: e.g Perhaps he won’t come Maybe it will rain tomorrow Should: 8.1 command; request; obligation: e.g You should study harder / She should bring along an umbrella 8.2 an expectation/ a wish: e.g My letter should arrive next week Speculations/ deduction: 9.1 could/ may/ might + have + P.P: Past possibility e.g It may have rained last night./ He might have gone 9.2 should have + P.P: Past unfulfilled actions e.g He should have done his homework 9.3 must have + P.P: Logical thought about past events e.g (She passed the exam) She must have studied hard PHẦN VII: SOME CONFUSED OR MISUSED WORDS-TỪ DỄ GÂY HIỂU LẦM, DÙNG LẦM 74 cụm từ và cấu trúc viết câu hữu ích: S + V+ too + adj/adv + (for sb) + to st (quá làm gì ) *1 This structure is too easy for you to remember *2: He ran too fast for me to follow S + V + so + adj/ adv + that +S + V (quá mà ) *1: This box is so heavy that I cannot take it *2: He speaks so sof that we can’t hear anything (31) 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 It + V + such + (a/an) + N(s) + that + S +V (quá mà ) *1: It is such a heavy box that I cannot take it *2: It is such interesting books that I cannot ignore them at all Have/ get + st + done (VpII) (nhờ thuê làm gì ) *1: I had my hair cut yesterday *2: I’d like to have my shoes repaired It + takes/took+ O + amount of time + to st (làm gì bao nhiêu thờigian ) *1: It takes me minutes to get to school *2: It took him 10 minutes to this exercise yesterday S + find+ it+ adj to st (thấy để làm gì ) *1: I find it very difficult to learn about English *2: They found it easy to overcome that problem Would rather + V¬ (infinitive) + than + V (infinitive) (thích làm gì làm gì) *1: She would rather play games than read books *2: I’d rather learn English than learn Biology To be/get Used to + V-ing (quen làm gì) *I am used to eating with chopsticks to be amazed at = to be surprised at + N/Ving( ngạc nhiên ) by chance = by accident (adv) (tình cờ) can’t stand/ help/ bear/ resist + V-ing(không nhịn làm gì ) to be interested in + N/V-ing (quan tâm đến ) To spend + amount of time/ money + V-ing (dành bao nhiêu thời gian làm gì…) S + V + adj/ adv + enough + (for sb) + to st (Đủ cho đó làm gì ) *1: She is old enough to get married *2: They are intelligent enough for me to teach them English It + be + time + S + V (-ed, cột 2) / It’s +time +for O +to st (đã đến lúc đó phải làm gì ) *1: It is time you had a shower *2: It’s time for me to ask all of you for this question To prevent/stop + O + From + V-ing (ngăn cản ai/cái gì không làm gì ) *1: I can’t prevent him from smoking *2: I can’t stop her from tearing 10 To prefer + Noun/ V-ing + to + N/ V-ing (Thích cái gì/làm gì cái gì/ làm gì) *1: I prefer dog to cat *2: I prefer reading books to watching TV 12 14 Used to + V (infinitive) (Thường làm gì qk và bây không làm nữa) *1: I used to go fishing with my friend when I was young *2: She used to smoke 10 cigarettes a day to be angry at + N/V-ing (tức giận về) 16 to be good at/ bad at + N/ V-ing (giỏi / kém ) 18 20 to be/get tired of + N/V-ing (mệt mỏi ) to be keen on/ to be fond of + N/V-ing (thích làm gì đó ) to waste + time/ money + V-in(tốn tiền tg làm gì) To spend + amount of time/ money + on + st (dành thời gian vào việc gì ) *1: I spend hours reading books a day *2: She spent all of her money on clothes would like/ want/wish + to st (thích làm gì ) It + be + st/ sb + that/ who (chính mà ) hate/ like/ dislike/ enjoy/ avoid/ finish/ mind/ postpone/ practise/ consider/ delay/ deny/ suggest/ risk/ keep/ imagine/ fancy + Ving, to be excited about (thích thú) There is + N-số ít, there are + N-số nhiều (có cái gì ) 22 24 25 27 29 to give up + V-ing/ N (từ bỏ làm gì/ cái gì ) have + (st) to + Verb (có cái gì đó để làm) Had better + V(infinitive) (nên làm gì ) 26 28 30 31 It’s + adj + to + V-infinitive (quá gì để làm gì) 32 33 35 Take place = happen = occur (xảy ra) to be bored with/ fed up with (chán cái gì/làm gì) feel like + V-ing (cảm thấy thích làm gì ) advise sb to st (khuyên làm gì ) leave sb alone (để yên ) To be/ seem/ sound/ became/ feel/ appear/ look/ go/ turn/ grow + adj(đây là các động từ tri giác có nghĩa là: có vẻ như/ là/ dường như/ trở nên sau chúng có adj và adv 34 36 37 39 41 43 38 40 42 44 expect sb to st (mong đợi làm gì ) go + V-ing (chỉ các trỏ tiêu khiển ) (go camping ) By + V-ing (bằng cách làm ) want/ plan/ agree/ wish/ attempt/ decide/ demand/ expect/ mean/ offer/ prepare/ happen/ hesitate/ hope/ afford/ intend/ manage/ try/ learn/ pretend/ promise/ seem/ refuse + TO + V-infinitive (32) 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 thì chúng ta phải chọn adj) when + S + V(qkđ), S + was/were + V-ing Before + S + V(qkđ), S + had + P2 to be crowded with (rất đông cài gì đó ) for a long time = for years = for ages (đã nhiều năm rồi) (dùng thì hoàn thành) as soon as (ngay sau khi) could hardly (hầu không) ( chú ý: hard khác hardly) in which = where; on/at which = when Put + up + with + V-ing (chịu đựng ) Get + adj/ P2 take over + N (đảm nhiệm cái gì ) Chú ý: so + adj còn such + N To find out (tìm ra),To succeed in (thành công ) One of + so sánh + N (một ) To be fined for (bị phạt về) from behind (từ phía sau ) 46 48 50 52 * I decide to study English When + S + V(qkđ), S + had + P2 Afer + S + had +P2, S + V(qkđ) to be full of (đầy cài gì đó ) except for/ apart from (ngoài, trừ ) 54 56 to be afraid of (sợ cái gì ) Have difficulty + V-ing (gặp khó khăn làm gì ) 58 Chú ý phân biệt loại tính từ V-ed và V-ing: dùng -ed để miêu tả người, -ing cho vật và muốn nói chất người và vật ta dùng –ing Make use of + N/ V-ing (tận dụng cái gì đó ) Make progress (tiến ) Bring about (mang lại) At the end of và In the end (cuối cái gì đó và kết cục) can/ could/ may might/ will/ would/ shall/ should/ must/ ought to (modal Verbs) + V-infinitive It is the first/ second /best + Time + thì hoàn thành Go for a walk (đi dạo)/ go on holiday/picnic (đi nghỉ) Live in(sống ở)/ Live at + địa cụ thể/ Live on (sống nhờ vào ) 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 Special words: ANGEL (n): CITE (v): In her term paper, Janis had to cite many references SITE (n): Eg The corner of North Main and Mimosa Streets will be the site of the new shopping center SIGHT (n): 1- Eg Through the sight of the rife, the soldier spotted the enemy (n) 2- Eg Whatching the landing of the space’s capsule was a pleasant sight (v) 3- Eg We sighted a ship in the bay COSTUME (n) Eg It is a custom in Western Europe for little boys to wear shorts pants to school DECENT (adj): Eg When one appears in court, one must wear decent clothing DESCENT (n): 1- Eg The mountain climbers found their descent more hazardous than their ascent 2- Eg Vladimir is of Russian descent DESSERT (n): Eg We had apple pie for dessert last night DESERT (n): Eg It is difficult to live in the desert without water DESERT (v): Eg Afer deserting the post, the soldier ran away from the camp LATER (adv): Eg We went to the movies and later had ice cream at Dairy Isle THE LATTER Eg Germany and England both developed dirigibles for use during World war II, the latter primarily for coastal reconnaissance (latter = England) LOOSE (adj): Eg Afer dieting, Marcy found that her clothes had become so loose that she had to buy a new wardrobe LOSE (v): 1- Eg Mary lost her glasses last week 2- Eg If Harry doesn’t practice his tennis more, he may lose the match PASSED (v -): Eg Five hours passed before the jury reached its verdict 2- Eg: While we were sitting in the park, several of our friends passed us (33) 3- Eg The students are happy that they passed their exams PAST (adj): 1- Eg This past week has been very hectic for the students returning to the university 2- Eg In the past, he had been a cook, a teacher, and a historian PEACE (n): Eg Peace was restored to the community afer a week of rioting PIECE (n): Eg Heidi ate a piece of chocolate cake for dessert PRINCIPAL (n): 1- Eg The principal called a faculty meeting (adj) PRINCIPLE (n): 2- Eg An anthropologist, who had worked with the indigenous tribes in Australia, was the principal speaker at Friday’s luncheon Eg Mr Connors is a man who believes that truthfulness is the best principle QUIET (adj): Eg The night was so quiet that you could hear the breeze blowing QUITE (adv): 1- Eg Louise is quite capable of taking over the household chores while her mother is away 2- Eg He was quite tired afer his first day of classes QUIT (v): Eg Herman quit smoking on his doctor’s advice STATIONARY (adj): Eg The weatherman said that the warm front would be stationary for several days STATIONERY (n): Eg Lucille used only monogrammed stationary for correspondence THAN (liªn tõ): Eg Today’s weather is better than yesterday’s THEN (adj) : Eg First, Julie filled out her schedule; then, she paid her fees THEIR (adj): Eg Their team scored the most points during the game THERE (adv): 1- Eg Look over there between the trees 2- Eg There is a book on the teacher’s desk THEY’RE: they are Eg They’re leaving on the noon fight to Zurich TO (pre): Eg Go to the blackboard and write out the equation TWO (n/ adj) - Eg Two theories have been proposed to explain that incident TOO (adv) 1- Eg This morning was too cold for the children go to swimming 2- Eg Jane went to the movie, and we did too WEATHER (n): Eg Our fight was delayed because of bad weather WHETHER (cunj): Eg Because of gas shortage, we not know whether we will go away for our vacation or stay home WHOSE (adj) - Eg The person whose name is drawn first will win the grand prize WHO’S ( re-pro + v) : who + is / who + has Eg Who’s (who is) your new biology professor? Scott is the attorney who’s (who has) been reviewing this case YOUR (adj) Eg We are all happy about your accepting the position with the company in Baltimore YOU’RE (pro + v) - you + are Eg You’re going to enjoy the panorama from the top of the hill Confusing words: ACCEPT (v): Eg Professor Perez will accept the chairmanship of the humanities department EXCEPT (pre): Eg Everyone is going to the convention except Bob ACCESS (n): Eg The teacher had no access to the students’files, which were locked in the principal’s office EXCESS (adj): 1- Eg We paid a surcharge on our excess baggage (n) ADVICE (n): Eg The demand for funds was in excess of the actual need Eg If you heed the teacher’s advice, you will well in your studies ADVISE (v): Eg The Congress advised the president against signing the treaty at that time AFFECT (v): Eg The doctors wanted to see how the medication would affect the patient EFFECT (n): 1- Eg The children suffered no ill effects from their long plane ride (v) 2- Eg To effect a change in city government we must all vote on Tuesday (34) AGAIN (adv): Eg Mike wrote to the publishers again, inquiring about his manuscript AGAINST (pre): 1- Eg The athletic director was against our dancing in the new gym 2ALREADY (adv): Eg The boy standing against the piano is my cousin Bill Eg Jan’s plane had already landed before we got to the airport ALL READY (noun + adj): Eg We are all ready to go boating AMONG (pre): Eg It was difficult to select a winner from among so many contestants BETWEEN (pre): Eg Between writing her book and teaching, Mary Ellen had litte time for anything else BESIDE (pre): Eg There is a small table beside the bed BESIDES (pre/ adv): Eg I have five history books here besides the four that I lef at home ASIDE (adv): Eg Harry sets money aside every payday for his daughter’s education COMPARE (V) + WITH: Eg Sue compared her new school with the last one she had attended CONTRAST (V) + WITH: Eg In her composition, Marta chose to contrast life in a big city with that of a small town CONSECUTIVE (adj): Eg Today is the tenth consecutive day of unbearable heat wave SUCCESSIVE (adj): Eg The United States won gold medals in two successive Olympic Games CONSIDERABLE (adj): Eg Even thought Marge had considerable experience in the field, she was not hired for the job CONSIDERATE (adj): Eg It was very considerate of Harry to send his hostess a bouquet of fowers CREDIBLE (adj): Eg His explanation of the rescue at sea seemed credible CREDITABLE (adj): Eg The fireman’s daring rescue of those trapped in the burning was a creditable deed CREDULOUS (adj): DETRACT (v): Eg Rita is so credulous that she will accept any excuse you offer Eg Molly’s nervousness detracted from her singing DISTRACT (v): Eg Please don’t distract your father while he is balancing the chequebook DEVICE (n): Eg This is a clever device for cleaning fish without getting pinched by the scales DEVISE (v): Eg The general devised a plan for attacking the enemy camp at night while the soldiers were celebrating ELICIT (v): Eg The prosecutor’s barrage of questions finally elicited the truth from the witness ILLICIT (adj): Eg The politician’s illicit dealings with organized crime caused him to lose his government position EMIGRANT (n) Eg Afer world war II, many emigrants lef Europe to go to the United States IMMIGRANT (n): Eg The United States is a country composed of immigrants EXAMPLE (n): Eg Picasso’s Guermica is an excellent example of expressionism in art SAMPLE (n): Eg Mike loves to go to supermarket because the dairy lady always gives her a sample of cheese FORMERLY (adv): Eg He formerly worked as a professor, but now he is a physicist FORMALLY (adj) 1- Eg At the resort we were required to dress formally for dinner every night 2- Eg She has formally requested a name change HARD (adj): Eg The test was so hard that nobody passed Eg The stadium’s seats were hard, so we rented a cushion 3- (adv) Eg They worked hard on the project HARDLY (adv): hÇu nh kh«ng Eg He had so much work to afer the vacation that he hardly knew where to begin HELPLESS (adj): Eg I could not speak their language, I felt helpless trying to understand the tourists’ plight USELESS (adj): Eg An umbrella is useless in a hurricane HOUSE (n) vs HOME (n): Eg The Chapmans are building a new house in Buckingham Estates IMAGINARY (adj): Eg Since Ralph has no brother or sisters, he has created an imaginary playmate (35) IMAGINATIVE (adj): Eg Star Wars was created by an highly imaginatve writer IMMORTAL (adj): Eg The immortal works of Shakespeare are still being read and enjoyed three centuries afer their writing IMMORAL (adj): Eg Their immoral behavior in front of the students cost the teachers their jobs IMPLICIT (adj) Eg Our supervisor has implicit faith in our ability to finish the project on time EXPLICIT (adj): Eg They gave explicit instructions for carrying out the research project INDUSTRIAL (adj): Eg Paul had an industrial accident and wa in the hospital for three months INDUSTRIOUS (adj): Eg Mark was such an industrious student that he received a four-year scholarship to the university INFLICT (v): Eg Because the prisoners had created a riot and had assaulted several guards, the warden inficted several punishments on all the participants AFFLICT (v): Eg During the Middle Ages, millions of people were afflicted by the plague INSPIRATION (n): Eg Thomas A Edison, inventor of the phonograph, said that an idea was ninety-nine percent perspiration and one percent inspiration ASPIRATION (n): 1- Eg Gail’s lifelong aspiration has been that of becoming a doctor 2- Eg To pronounce certain words, proper aspiration is necessary INTELLIGENT (adj): Eg Dan was so intelligent that he received good grades without ever having to study INTELLIGIBLE (adj): Eg The science teacher’s explanations were so intelligible that students had no problems doing their assignments INTELLECTUAL (n):Eg Because Fabian is an intellectual, he finds it difficult to associate with his classmates who are less intelligent 2- (adj): Eg John was involved in an intellectual conversation with his old professor INTENSE (adj): Eg Last winter’s intense cold almost depleted the natural gas supply INTENSIVE (adj): Eg Before going to Mexico, Phil took an intensive course in Spanish LATE (adj, adv): Eg Professor Carmichael hates to see his students arrive late husband was the author of that book 2- (adj) Eg Her late LATELY (adv): Eg I haven’t seen Burt lately He must be extremely busy with his research LEARN (v): Eg The new cashier had to learn how to operate the computerized cash register TEACH (v): Eg The instructor is teaching us how to program computers LEND (v) vµ LOAN (v): Eg Jill loaned (lend) me her red dress to wear to the dance BORROW (v): Eg I borrowed Jill’s red dress to wear to the dance LIQUEFY (v): Eg The ice cream began to liquefy in the intense heat LIQUIDATE (v): Eg The foreign agent tried to liquidate the traitor before he passed the information to his contacts LONELY (adj :Eg Afer her husband’s death, Debbie was very lonely and withdrawn ALONE (adj): Eg Afer losing in the Olympic tryouts, Phil asked to be lef alone NEAR (pre/adv): Eg My biology class meets near the Student Union NEARLY (adv): Eg We were nearly hit by the speeding car on the turnpike OBSERVATION (n): Eg The ancient Egyptians’ observation of the heavenly bodies helped them know when to plant and harvest OBSERVANCE (n): Eg There will be numerous parades and displays of the fireworks in observance of Independence Day PERSECUTE (v): Eg Throughout history many people have been persecuted for their religious beliefs PROSECUTE (v): Eg Shoplifers will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law PRECEDE (v): Eg Weather Service warnings preceded the hurricane PROCEED (v): Eg Afer the fire drill, the teacher proceeded to explain the experiment to the physics class (36) QUANTITY (n): Eg A large quantity of sand was removed before the archaeologists found the prehistoric animal bones NUMBER (n): Eg A number of artefacts were found at the excavation site REMEMBER (v): Eg I not remember what time he asked me to call You don’t remember, you? REMIND (v): Eg Please remind me to call Henry at o’clock tonight Henry reminds me of my uncle SENSIBLE (adj): Eg When it is raining hard, sensible people stay indoors SENSITIVE (adj)Eg Stephen cannot be out in the sun very long because he has very sensitive skin and burns easily SPECIAL (adj):Eg Meyer’s Department Store will have a special sale for their charge customers ESPECIALLY (adv): Eg Rita is especially tatented in the fine arts She has a special talent for playing music by ear USE (n): Eg The salesman said that regular use of fertilizer would ensure a greener, healthier lawn USAGE (n): Eg Norm Crosby’s usage of English vocabulary in his comedy routine is hilarious Lập thạch, tháng năm 2013 Người biên soạn và giảng dạy Đỗ Văn Bình IX PHẦN KIỂM TRA CỦA BAN GIÁM HIỆU LẦN KIỂM TRA I II III IV NGÀY KIỂM TRA NHẬN XÉT KÍ TÊN (37) V (38)

Ngày đăng: 09/09/2021, 21:17
