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ANH 6 TUAN 23 TIET 676869

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write the names of the food and drink.Using real Individually things - Call 4 SS of each group to write the words on the -4 SS write the words on the board.. - Eliciting the word “favori[r]

(1)Week: 23 Period: 67 Date of P: 26/01/2013 Date of T: 28/01/2013 UNIT 10: STAYING HEALTHY Section C My favorite food Lesson 5: C1.2.3.4 I/ Objectives 1/ Educational aim Ss should have some kind of vegetables everyday 2/ Teaching aim By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to know the names of some kind of food and drink Talk about taste of eating and drinking II/ Preparations Textbook, tape, pictures, cassette, chalk III/ Procedures Teacher’s activities Student’s activities 1/ WARM – UP.(5’) - Have ss Play game “Kim’s game “ - Ask SS to look at real things and pictures Then -Look at them and write down write the names of the food and drink.(Using real (Individually) things) - Call SS of each group to write the words on the -4 SS write the words on the board board - Make correction 2/ PRESENTATION (18’) - Eliciting the word “favorite” SS guess it Ex: I like fish I eat fish everyday -> Fish is my favorite food - Have Ss look at the pictures and real things to identify the names of the food and drink C1.C3 - Present new words + carrot (n), tomato (n), lettuce (n), potato (n), bean, pea (n), cabbage (n), onion (n), favorite (n), lemonade (n), iced tea (n), iced coffee (n), soda (n), apple juice (n) - Have ss listen and repeat  Favorite ( A E ) / Favourite ( B E ) - Play the tape for the SS 3/ PRACTICE (12’) * Activity - Have SS practice asking and answering about the names of the food (C1/ 112) - SS look at pictures or real things on the board Then practice asking and answering before the class - Have Ss listen to the dialogue between Nhan and Mai They talk about their favorite food - Play the tape for Ss C2/112 -Look at the example and guess them - Look at the pictures and identify them -Copy the new words -Listen and repeat (Chorally – individually) - Listen to the tape -Practice in pairs * Example Exchange S1: What are these/ those? S2: They are beans - Practice in pairs before the class -Listen to the tape and repeat (chorus) (2) * Activity -Have SS look at some examples Then guess the verb “like” Ex: I like orange juice I drink orange juice everyday -> Orange juice is my favorite drink - SS guess the word “like” - Introduce new structures  What’s your favorite food?  What food you like? I like  She likes carrots / I like fish  I don’t like carrots  Do you like carrots? - Yes, I / No, I don’t -Ask SS to practice the dialogue Then change the roles -Call some pairs to practice the dialogue before the class - Ask SS to look at the pictures and identify them - Have them listen to the tape and repeat +Ask SS to practice the structures 4/ PRODUCTION.( 8’) * Survey - Have SS survey their partner’s favorite food and drink Name Food Cold drinks Lan Anh Potatoes, Orange juice, - Call some SS to say them in front of the class - Correct mistakes -SS guess it - Pay attention to the way to use them - Work in pairs - Practice the dialogue before the dialogue in pairs - Look at the pictures and say the names of drink - Listen and repeat - Practice in pairs Example Exchange S1: Do you like cold drinks? S2 : Yes, I S1 : What you like? S2 : I like iced tea It’s my favorite drink -Go around the class and ask them - Say them in front of the class 5/ HOMEWORK (2’) - Tell ss to learn by heart new words and structures - Write homework - Do exercises C1.2.3.4 (Ex book) IV/ Comments ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………  Week: 23 Period: 68 Date of P: 27/01/2013 Date of T: 29/01/2013 UNIT 11: WHAT DO YOU EAT? Section A At the store Lesson 1: A1 (3) I/ Objectives 1/ Educational aim 2/ Teaching aim By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to communicate when buying / selling goods II/ Preparations Textbook, tape, cassette, pictures, chalk III/ Procedures Teacher’s activities Student’s activities 1/ WARM UP (5’) - T sticks pictures of food and drink, Then ask each - Look at the pictures and write the group to write the names of food and drink names of the food on the board - Some pairs practice asking and answering about - Pair works their favorite food and drink * Example exchange S1 : What’s your favorite food (drink)? S2 : I like S1 : Do you like .? S2 : Yes / No S1 : What you like? S2 : I like 2/PRESENTATION.( 20’) * Activity - Group works/ Pair works - Have SS look at the pictures and guess the meaning of the words in the pictures -Listen and repeat - Present new words + a bottle, a packet, a box, a kilo, a dozen, a can, a bar, a tube, a gram, cooking oil, tea, toothpaste, chocolate, beef, egg, soap - Listen and repeat - Have ss listen and repeat - Individual work - Call ss to read individually * Activity - Take notes - Request ss to comment on the combination between containers / units and other nouns Notes: N + of + N Ex: A kilo of rice A can of peas Ex: A dozen + N * Activity - Match - Have SS match column A with column B A B a bottle of a) toothpaste a dozen b) oranges a box of c) beef a tube of d) water a kilo of e) tea a packet of f) chocolate - Call some SS to match them on the board - Take notes - Correct mistakes - Listen to the tape - Play the tape for the SS * Activity (4) - Introduce structures + Can I help you ? – Yes, / No, thanks + Here you are - Have SS complete the dialogue without looking at the books A: _ I help you ? B: _, a of , please A: _ B: Thank you 3/ PRACTICE.(10’) -Have SS look at the pictures and practice the dialogue in pairs -Call some pairs to practice the dialogue in front of the class -Correct mistakes 4/PRODUCTION (8’) -Have SS play game “Nought and Crosses” chocolate abottle a kilo tea peas a box - Listen and take notes - Complete the dialogue .- Pair works * Example S1: Can I help you ? S2: Yes, a box of chocolates, please S1: Here you are S2: Thank you - Read the dialogue in front of the class (pair works) - Play game -Work in teams a dozen tooth paste rice Ex: I’d like a kilo of rice I want / like a box of chocolates 5/ HOMEWORK (2’) - Write homework - Tell ss to learn by heart new words and exercises A1.2 (Ex book) - Prepare A2 IV/ Comments …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………  Week: 23 Period: 69 Date of T: 29/01/2013 Date of T: 31/01/2013 UNIT 11: WHAT DO YOU EAT? Section A At the store Lesson 2: A2 I/ Objectives 1/ Educational aim 2/ Teaching aim (5) By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to communicate when buying / selling goods, talk about their need, ask and answer about quantity II/ Preparations Textbook, tape, pictures, cassette, chalk III/ Procedures Teacher’s activities 1/ WARM – UP (5’) *Play game “Pelmanismn” a bar of …………… a kilo of …………… a bottle of ………… a dozen of ………… a can of …………… …………… soda ………… eggs …………… meat ………… peas 10 ……… soap 2/ PRESENTATION (10’) * Activity -Ask SS to say again the structures of asking and answering about buying and selling food - Present some new words + anything (pro) + gram (n) + else (adv) + need (v) - Have ss listen nad repeat - Call ss to read individually * Activity - Explain the use of countable nouns and uncountable nouns + Countable nouns an egg / eggs an orange / oranges an apple / apples a kilo of beef a can of + Uncountable nouns beef, meat, water, rice, bread, coffee, tea, cream, soap, oil, wine, * Activity - Introduce new structures  How many [eggs]do you want?-I want [a dozen]  How much [beef] you want?- I want [a kilo] -Ask SS to write the list Items Quantity Student’s activities - Play game -Say again the structures - Listen and take notes - Listen and repeat Individual work - Listen and take notes - SS pay attention to the structure and the way to use “How many” and “How much” - Guess and write the list (6) - Read them in front of the class - Call some Ss to read the content of the list in front of the class 3/ PRACTICE (15’) - Have SS listen to the all dialogue (one) - Have them listen and fill in the table -Let them cross-check their answers with their partners - Have them listen again to check the answers - Call some Ss to give the answers in front of the class - Make correction -Listen to the tape and complete the table -Cross-check -Listen to the tape again and check the answers *Keys Items Quantity beef 200g eggs a dozen - Ask SS to look at the board Then answer the -Practice in pairs questions a Ba is at the store - Call some SS to answer Then practice asking and b He wants some beef and eggs answering in pairs c He wants 200 grams of beef d He wants a dozen eggs 4/ PRODUCTION (13’) - Request ss to use “Network” to distinguish these nouns water orange juice glass of milk soap apple rice cooking oil peas How much => How many - Have ss make a dialogue basing on the “Network” => Example Exchange S1: What would you like? S2: I’d like some rice S1: How much rice you want? S2: Five kilos 5/ HOMEWORK (2’) - Tell ss to make a dialogue using the structures in - Write homework the lesson - Do exercise A4 (Ex book) IV/ Comments …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………  (7)

Ngày đăng: 28/06/2021, 11:08

