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Date of planning: 20/01/2011 Date of teaching: 24/01/2011 Unit 10 : staying healthy Period 62 : B 1 , 2 ,3 - Food and Drink I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson pupils get meaning of some new words about food and drink II. Contents: 1) Vocabulary: - apple, orange, banana, water, rice, milk, meat, 2) Grammar: - Would like. - Is there / Are there . - Any / some. III. Teaching aids: Planning lesson, book, chalk, sub - board, picture . III. Procedures 1.Warm up (5’) T has Ss play a game Ss give some kinds of food and drink. 2. Presentation (15’) Present the topic of the lesson and elicits the new words using the pictures. Check understanding. Read the words and ask Sts to listen and make the list. */ Networks: Food Drink -rice -a drink -fruit - milk -meat - orange juice -chicken - tea -vegetables - coffee -noodles - water - ……. - */ New-words: ( B1 ) – Listen and repeat an apple (n) T¸o an orange (n) cam a banana (n) Chuèi some water(unc) Níc */ Check vocab : ROR Dictation Lists: a, an, some Rice, water, banana, milk, vegetables, apple, meat, orange, noodles, hot drink, bread, orange juice, Ask Sts listen to the B2 and asks then to tick what’s for lunch on the list. */ Present model sentence. 3. Practice (10’) Ask Sts to practice using Some / Any with There is/There are, positive, negative and Y/N questions to tallk about Food and Drink. 4. Production (13’) Ask Sts to describe the picture using Some / Any with There is/There are, positive, negative to tallk about Food and Drink. Ask Sts to make sentences with the models in remember cold drink a an Some Banana Hot drink Cold drink Orange Apple Rice Water Milk Vegetables Meat Noodles Bread Orange juice */ Listen to B 2 and tick what is for lunch Meat Rice Fruit ( oranges / bananas ) Water Model sentences. (+) There’s some rice. (?) Is there anyrice? (-) There isn’t any rice. (+) There are some apples. (?) Are there any apples? (-) There aren’t any apples. B 3 : Ask and answer Picture Drill Eg: - Is there any meat? - Yes, There is some chicken. - Is there any milk? - No, there isn’t anny milk. - Are there any bananas? - Yes, there are some… - Are there any oranges? - No, there aren’t any… B6 : Remember Is there any ………… ? Yes . There is some … No. there isn’t any ……… Are there any ………… ? Yes . There are some ………. No . There aren’t any ………… What would you like ? 5. Homework (2’) Ask Sts to study newwords + a/ an / some / any + exercises in the exercies book I’d like …………… What is there to drink ? There is some ……………. Date of planning: 22/01/2011 Date of teaching: 25/01/2011 Unit 10: Staying Healthy Period 63: B4,5. Food and drink I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to get meaning of some new words, and go on to ask and answer about one's feel; know names of vegetables, talk about favorite food and some kinds of drinks. II. Contents: 1) Vocabulary: 2) Grammar: - Would like. III. Teaching aids: Planning lesson, book, chalk, sub - board, picture . III. Procedures 1.Warm up (5’) T has Ss play a game 2. Presentation:15’ T presents the topic of the lesson and elicits the new words using the pictures. Ss listen, repeat and copy. T checks understanding. Ss quiz each other, using the pictures B.5 p111. T has Ss listen and repeat the B4. And presents the model sentense. 3. Practice:10’ Ss practice in pairs. T has Ss listen to B5 – P111 and match. Ss listen and match the names of the people with what they would like. T checks with whole class. Ss practice in pairs. T calls some pairs to check. Guessing Game: “ I am… ” hot S1: Are you cold? S2: No, I am not. S3: Are you hungry? S2: ……. New-words: chicken (n) gà, thÞt gà fish (n) C¸ meat (n) thÞt rice (n) C¬m, g¹o fruit (n) Tr¸i c©y milk (n) S÷a vegetables (n) rau menu Thùc ®¬n Eg: S1: What’s in ( a) ? S2: Some meat. Model sentense: I’d like some chicken /rice/ orange juice. B4-P110 ( Menu) S1: What would you like? S2: I’d like some fish. B5 Listen Nhan Tuan Huong Mai Meat Fish Chicken Vegetables Fruit Rice Milk Orange juice 4. Production:10’ T has Ss play chain game. 5. Homework:5’ Ss learn by heart all the new words and the question & answer. S1: What would Nhan like? S2: He’d like some meat and some orange juice. */ Chain Game S1: I’d like some fish. S2: I’d like some fish and some vegetables. S3: I’d like some fish,some vegetables and some orange juice. T guides Ss to do the exercise in work-book. Planning : 22/01/2011 Teaching : 26/01/2011 Unit 10 : staying healthy Period 64 : C - My favorite food I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson pupils know some names of drinks, talk about favorite food and some kinds of drinks. II. Contents: 1) Vocabulary: - Lemonade, iced tea, iced coffee, soda, apple juice. 2) Grammar: - To like. - What' your favorite food? III. Teaching aids: Planning lesson, book, chalk, sub - board, picture IV. Procedure: 1. Warm up (5’) Have Ss play a language game “guessing game” 2. Presentation 1 (7’) T presents the topic of the lesson and elicits the new words using the pictures. Guessing Game I’d like ( a / some )……… S1: Would you like an orange? S2: No,I wouldn’t. S3: Would you like some chicken? etc…. */ New-words: favorite (a) carrot (n) tomato (n) Ask Sts to listen and read the dialogue C 2 and practice in pairs 3. Practice 1(8’) Ask Sts to make similar dialogues Eg - A : What’s your favorite food , B ? B : I like fish A : Do you like vegetable ? B : Yes , I do A : Do you like carrots ? B : No , I don’t . I like peas and beans */ Presentation 2 (7’) Use pictures P 113 to present vocab Vocab practice : Matching */ Practice 2 (8’) Ask Sts to read the dialogue 4 ( P 113 ) and make similar ones 4. Production (8’) Ask Sts to make sentences using the structure in Remember 5. Homework (2’) Ask Sts to study newwords and do exercise in exercise book ( C ) lettuce (n) potato (n) bean (n) pea (n) cabbage (n) */ Picture Drill C1 S1: What are thesse? S2:They’re beans. What are those? S3: They’re carrots. C 2 */ Practice by replacing the underlined words A : What’s your favorite food , B ? B : I like fish A : Do you like vegetables ? B : Yes , I do A : Do you like carrots ? B : No , I don’t . I like peas and beans */ Newwords Lemonade Iced tea Iced coffee Soda Favorite = favourite */ Match the words with the right pictures ( C 3 ) C4 : Practice in pairs Eg : A : Do you like cold drinks ? B : Yes , I do A : What do you like ? B : I like iced tea . It’s my favorite drink . C 5 : Remember I like … I don’t like … He / She doesn’t like … He / She likes … Do you like …? Yes , I do No , I don’t . exercise in work-book. Planning : 22/01/2011 Teaching : 26/ 01/2011 Unit 10 : staying healthy Period 64 : C - My favorite food I. Objectives: At the end of. bananas? - Yes, there are some… - Are there any oranges? - No, there aren’t any… B6 : Remember Is there any ………… ? Yes . There is some … No. there isn’t any

Ngày đăng: 01/12/2013, 19:11
