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By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to learn by heart and talk about meaning of some road signs.. - textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, chalk.[r]

(1)Week: 17 Period: 49 Date of P: 15/12/2012 Date of T: 17/12/2012 UNIT 8: OUT AND ABOUT Section C: Road signs Lesson 4: C1.C2 I/ Objectives 1/ Educational aim Ss should obey traffic laws 2/ Teaching aim By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to learn by heart and talk about meaning of some road signs II/ Preparations - textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, chalk III/ Procedures Teacher’s activities Student’s activities 1/ WARM – UP (5’) - Have ss play game “slap the board” with some words - Play game truck farmer driver vegetable correct load farm foodstall 2/ PRESENTATION (15’) * Activity - Have ss look at the pictures C1.2 and introduce new lesson - Look at the pictures - Listen and take notes - Present new words + park (v) + say (v) + go ahead (v) + turn left (v) + turn right (v) + difficult (adj) + job (n) + road sign (n) + one way (n) - Have ss listen and repeat - Call ss to read individually * Activity - Ask ss observe the road signs in C2 and give meanings of these signs - Whole class - Individual work - Observe the signs and answer + sign a: có thể rẽ trái (2) - Play the tape C1 for ss to listen - Present the model sentences: “Who can / can’t something” + S + Can + V… * Ex: I can sing I can ride a bike + S + Can’t + V… * Ex: You can’t sing I can’t my homework 3/ PRACTICE (14’) * Activity - Have ss read the text individually - Ask ss to work in pairs putting “can” or “can’t” into the blanks (C2) - Call some ss to give answers - Make corrections a You can turn left b You can’t turn right c You can go ahead d You can’t ride a motorbike - Have ss read in chorus * Activity - Ask ss to work in pairs asking and answering basing on the sign C2 * Questions “What does the sign say?” + sign b: không thể rẽ trái + sign c: có thể thẳng + sign d: không thể xe máy - Listen to the tape - Listen nad take notes - Read individually - Pair work - Give answers - Take notes - Whole class - Pair work Ex: a S1: What does the sign say? S2: It says: “You can’t turn left” - Ask and answer - Call some pairs to ask and answer 4/ PRODUCTION (10’) - Stick some signs on the board - Ask ss to make sentences using “can” or “can’t” - Call some ss to point at the signs and make sentences - Ask ss write sentences about what they “can” or “can’t” - Take notes * Ex: You can’t turn left You can park here - Write sentences * Ex: + I can ride a bike + I can’t drive a car 5/ HOMEWORK (2’) - Tell ss revise the lesson and exercise C1 (Ex book) - Prepare C3.C4.C5 - Wite homework Week: 17 Period: 50 Date of P: 16/12/2012 Date of T: 18/12/2012 UNIT 8: OUT AND ABOUT (3) Section C: Road signs Lesson 5: C3.C4.C5 I/ Objectives 1/ Educational aim 2/ Teaching aim By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to say someone “must” or “mustn’t” something II/ Preparations Textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, chalk III/ Procedures Teacher’s activities 1/ WARM – UP (5’) - Hang some pictures of road signs on the board and ask ss to say someone “can” or “can’t” something * Ex: You can park here You can’t turn left 2/ PRESENTATION (10’) * Activity - Have ss look at the pictures “C3” - Present some new words + intersection (n) + accident (n) + slow down (v) + go fast (v) + warn (v) + dangerous (adj) - Have ss listen and repeat - Call some ss to read individually - Have ss play game “rub out and remember” * Activity - Give situation and present new model * Model sentence requesting someone “must” or “mustn’t” something + S + must + V… + S + mustn’t + V… - Ask ss to give example 3/ PRACTICE (15’) - Have ss listen to the tape C3 - Have ss repeat - Have ss read the text silently - Call some ss to read the text individually Student’s activities - Look at the signs and say - Look at the pictures - Listen and take notes - Listen and repeat - Individual work - Play game - Listen and take notes * Ex: We must stop We must not turn right - Listen to the tape - Repeat - Read silently - Read individually (4) 4/ PRODUCTION (13’) - Stick the road signs C4 on the board and ask ss to give the meanings of these signs - Call some ss to give answers a b - Ask ss listen to the tape and rearrange the signs in orders - Play the tape twice for ss to listen - Ask ss to give answers - Make corrections - Have ss work in pairs talking about the meanings of the road signs - Look at the signs and give meanings => There is an intersection ahead => You can turn left - Listen to the tape - Give answers - Take notes => c => d => h => a => g => b => f => e - Pair work * Ex: S1: b S2: You can turn left 5/ HOMEWORK (2’) - Tell ss to learn by heart new words and structures - Write sentences telling what they “must” or - Write homework “mustn’t” everyday - Prepare “Grammar practice” IV/ Comments …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Week: 17 Date of P: 18/12/2012 Period: 51 Date of T: 20/12/2012 GRAMMAR PRACTICE I/ Objectives 1/ Educational aim 2/ Teaching aim By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to revise some grammartical points in some units before II/ Preparations (5) Textbook, pictures III/ Procedures Teacher’s activities 1/ WARM – UP (5’) - Hang some pictures (road signs) on the board – part 6.7 and ask ss to give / fill in the blanks with “must – mustn’t”, “can – can’t” Student’s activities - Pair work - Listen and take notes - Make corrections a must / mustn’t b must / mustn’t / mustn’t c must / mustn’t + can + can’t + can’t 2/ EXERCISES (37’) a Exercise - Revise the present simple tense * Form: I / You / We / They + V…… She / He / It + V (s / es)…… - Have ss work in pairs completing exercise - Call some pairs to ask and answer - Make corrections a go – go c walk – don’t walk b travel – travels d Does – walk - walks b Exercise - Ask ss to talk about the present progressive tense * Form: S + Tobe + V-ing Ex: I am playing soccer - Have ss exercise individually - Ask ss to give answers - Make corrections - Pair work - Ask and answer - Take notes - Take notes - Work in pairs - Take notes - Do exercise - Give answers a Minh is riding his bike b They are waiting for a bus - Take notes - Do exercises (6) - Guide ss to exercise in two tenses - Present simple and Present progressive Ex: a + play + play / are playing - Get feedback - Make corrections b rides / is riding d walk / am walking c go / are going e drives / is driving c Exercise - Ask ss to name some prepositions of positions - Ask ss to give the meanings of these prepositions - Ask ss look at the picture (3) and use some prepositions to complete the text - Make corrections + in + opposite + in front of + to the left of + behind + to the right of d Exercise - Ask ss to name some question words they have learnt - Give answers - Take notes => to the left of, to the right of, in front of, behind, in, opposite…… - Answer - Do exercises - Take notes - Name => What, Where, When, How, Which, Who ……… - Tell the meanings of these question words - Pair work - Give answers - Take notes - Ask ss to tell the meanings of these questions words - Ask ss to exercise in pairs - Get feedback - Make corrections a Where c What b Who d What 3/ CONSOLIDATION (2’) - Revise the grammartical points ss have learnt - Listen and remember - Write homework 4/ HOMEWORK (1’) - Tell ss revise the lesson IV/ Comments ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… (7)

Ngày đăng: 17/06/2021, 03:38

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