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- Have students read the questions in exercise a on page 24, work in pairs, play the role of A and B, ask and answer about their partner’s home village, using the information in the box.[r]

(1)Week: ninth Period: 16 Date of preparing: 07/ 10/ 2012 Date of teaching: 16/ 10/ 2012 UNIT A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE (SPEAK - LISTEN) I/ Objectives: Help students practice speaking: Asks and answer some information about one’s home village Help students develop listening skill: listen to catch the information II/ Language contents: Grammar: How far, How long does it take? Vocabulary: words related to location , direction , the names of places III/ Language skills: Practice speaking and listening skills IV/ Aids: Teaching aids: Text book, book, Extra-board, cassette player, pictures Studying aids: Books, text books … V/ methods: Explanation, suggestion and task-based learning IV/ Procedure: Class organization: Greetings Taking attendance: 9B… / … ; 9C ……./ ……; 9E ……./ …… Checking up Ask students to read the passage in page 22 and then answer the questions New lesson Steps/ activities Content - Ask students to read the test and write +Have you ever been to the countryside? the vocabulary + How often you go there? - Ask students some questions about the + Where is it? countryside: + Have you got any relatives there? + Are you used to have the country life and activities? Warm up Students play the game: asking and answering by using the structures in the previous lesson Where is your school? How far is it from your home? How you get there? How long does it take to get there/ (2) Do you like it? Speaking Practice speaking Role-play - Have students read the questions in exercise a) on page 24, work in pairs, play the role of A and B, ask and answer about their partner’s home village, using the information in the box - Tell students to cover the role that they Example: don’t play A: Where is your home village? B: It’s to the west of the city A: How far is it from the city? - Teacher corrects the mistakes B: It’s about 15 kilometers from the city A: How can you get there? B: We can get there by bus A: How long does it take to get there? B: It takes an hour A: What people for a living in your village? B: They plant rice and raise cattle A: Does your village have a river? B: There aren’t any rivers, but there is a big lake - Ask students to practice about their own village by using the questions Pre-listening - Ask students to ask and answer about their home village - Tell them they can use the questions they have made in the game to ask their partner - Those that not have a home village can make up information similar to those in box A or B - Teacher goes round the class to take notes for delayed correction Where is your home village? How often you get there? What can we see on the way to your village? What some activities in the countryside? When you visit your village? Whom you go with? Are there any rivers in your village? (3) While listening Pre-teach vocabulary Explain the vocabulary Vocabulary - Route: - pond: - Parking lot = car parking: - to pick somebody up : Set the scene: You will listen to the trip to Ba’s village Prediction: - Ask students to look at the map, guess where the places on the map are and compare with their partners - Write students’ guesses on the board Post listening Matching - Get the students to listen to the tape and check their predictions - Match the places on the bus route with the letter on the map Answers: - Give feedback A: banyan tree B: airport C: highway No D: dragon bridge E: gas station F: store G: pond H: bamboo forest I: parking lot Ask students to show each other the bus route they have just listened to Homework Have students draw a simple map of their neighborhood show their partner the way to their house Consolidation Teacher gives the instructions Sum up the content of the lesson Homework: - Learn the lesson by heart - write a short paragraph about your life - Prepare Unit 3: “Read” – page 25 (4) (5) Week: ninth Period: 17 Date of preparing: 07/ 10/ 2009 Date of teaching: … / 10/ 2009 UNIT A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE (READ) I/ Objectives: To read the text for details and complete the summary II/ Language contents: Grammar: Vocabulary: Some words related to farm life III/ Language skills: Practice reading skill IV/ Aids: Teaching aids: Text book, book, Extra-board, cassette player, pictures Studying aids: Books, text books … V/ Methods: Explanation, suggestion and task-based learning VI/ Procedure: Class organization: Greetings Taking attendance: 9B… / … ; 9C ……./ ……; 9E ……./ …… Checking up - Match the words in column I with the words in column II I II Tree village Home field fresh banyan bamboo forest paddy air New lesson Steps/ activities Content Warm up * Jumbled words - geehnaex - zamie - yrrgcoe - edef - llcocte Pre-reading (6) - Tell students what “exchange students” - Introduce the text, which is about Van, an exchange student He is from HCM City He is now studying in the USA He is Living with the Parker family on a farm outside Columbus, Ohio - Have students told the class what they know about life in the country, on the farm – what people do? How they relax? How long will Van stay there? – (He While-reading will stay there until the beginning of A: Comprehension questions Ask students to read the text to answer October.) What Mr & Mrs Parker do? – the questions (Mr Parker is a farmer, and Mrs Parker works part – time at a grocery store) How many children they have? – (Two girls) What does Van after finishing his homework? – (He feeds the chicken and collect their eggs) How does the Parker family spend - Give feedback their weekend? – (They eat hamburger or hot dog while they watch Peter play.) B: Matching: - Ask students to work in pairs, read the text match the words in column A with the explanation in column B - Give feedback Post- reading C Completing the summary - Ask students to read the summary, and then the text, complete the summary, using the information from the passage - Ask one student to read the completed summary in front of the class - Ask students to read the text *Answers: + maize corn + feed give food to eat + grocery store where people buy food and small things + part time shorter or less than standard time + collect bring things together * Answer: A Vietnamese boy named Van is living with the Parker family in the American state of Ohio Mr Parker is a farmer and Mrs Parker works part tome at a grocery store in a nearby town They have two children, Peter and Sam Van often does chores after school Sometimes, he also has to help on the farm The family relaxes on Saturday (7) - Give feedback afternoon and they watch Peter play baseball Van likes the Parkers, and he enjoys being a member of their family Consolidation Students read the passage again Homework: Have students write the summary into their notebooks Prepare Unit 3: Write (page – 26 & 27) 13/ 10 / 2012 Signature (8)

Ngày đăng: 07/06/2021, 14:06


