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By the end of the lesson, students will correct the pictures and rewrite the sentences by using the simple past and the simple past with wish. II/ Language contents:[r]


Week: - Period: Date of preparing: 25/ 8/ 2012

Class: 9B, C and E Date of teaching: 04 / 9/ 2012



I/ Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a personal letter.

II/ Language contents:


Simple past, present perfect tenses


Disappointed, interest… III/ Language skills:

Practice writing skill.

IV/ Aids:

Teaching aids:

Text book, book, Extra-board

Studying aids:

Books, text books … V/ Methods:

Explanation, suggestion and task-based learning.

IV/ Procedure:

1 Class organization:


Taking attendance: 9B… / … ; 9C ……./ ……; 9E ……./ …….

2 Checking up.

- Call some students to tell something about Malysia. - Combine the countries with their capitals or cities. 1 Vietnam a Bangkok

2 Malaysia b Singapore 3 Singapore c Phnom Penh 4 Laos d Kuala Lumpur 5 Thailand e Hanoi

6 Cambodia f Vientiane

3 New lesson

Steps/ activities Content Warm up

* Chatting:

- Ask students some questions

- Students answer the teacher’s questions

- Have you ever visited any other places in Viet Nam?



Set the scene: “ Imagine you are visited your relatives or friends in another part of Viet Nam or different country”

- Ask students on their own answer the following questions:

- Ask two or three students to tell the class about their visit

- Ask students to work in pairs to talk to each other about their visit

- Remind the students about the format of a personal letter by asking the question: What are the poets of personal letter?


- Ask students to write a letter to their family, telling them about their visit

- Ask students to look at the outline on page 11 and ask them what part of the letter they are going to write (Body of the letter)

- Ask the students to follow the outline to write their own letter

- Ask them to swap their letters, compare with their partner’s, and correct if they can - Suggested ideas:

-Did you visit any places of interest? -Did you buy any thing?

-When you are away from home, you keep in touch? How?

1 Where are you now? How did you get there?

2 Who did you meet? What have you done?

- What places have you visited? - Who have you meet?

- What kinds of food have you fried? - What souvenirs have you bought? How you feel now?

5 What you think interest you most? When are you returning home?


A: Heading_Writer’s address and the date

B: Opening_ Dear……… C: Body of the letter

D: Closing_ your friend / regard / love

First paragraph:


Post writing * Correction:

- Choose some letters to correct in class (using the projector if possible)

afternoon/ at midnight, etc on Tuesday/ Wednesday…

Hoa/ Nam/ my uncle Tan/ my aunt, Ngoc/ met me at the airport/ Train station/ bus station, then he/ she/ took me home by taxi/ motorbike/ bicycle … Second paragraph:

I have visited/ been to many places like the beaches, the Cham Museum, Marble Mountains, supermarkets, the water par, ect I have tried different foods: seafood, Danang speciality

I will visit Hoi An and My Son tomorrow/ on Sunday …

Third paragraph:

I feel so happy and enjoy myself so much The people here are so nice and friendly, the foods are so delicious, and the sights are so beautiful

I will leave DaNang at am/ pm/… next Thursday? Sunday… and will arrive home at 11 pm/ am Please pick me up at the airport/ bus station/ train station…

4 Consolidation.

Ask students to read their letters in front of the class

5 Homework:

- Write the letter to your friends telling about your trip - Use the suggested words to complete the letter

Dear Lan,

1.Very happy / get your / mail.

2.I/ back/ from/ holiday/ countryside. 3.It/ one/ most/ interesting/ trip/ have.

4.I/ play/ lost/ traditional games/ eat/ fresh/ fruit. 5.What/ you? Nice/ weekend?

6 Please write back/ me/ soon/ possible. Love,


- Prepare Unit Language focus (page 11)


Class: 9B, C and E Date of teaching: 06 and 08/ 9/ 2012 UNIT 1



I/ Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students will correct the pictures and rewrite the sentences by using the simple past and the simple past with wish.

II/ Language contents:


The past simple/ the past simple with wish


Disappointed, interest… III/ Language skills:

Practice speaking,listening, writing skills.

IV/ Aids:

Teaching aids:

Text book, book, Extra-board

Studying aids:

Books, text books … V/ Methods:

Explanation, suggestion and task-based learning.

IV/ Procedure:

1 Class organization:


Taking attendance: 9B… / … ; 9C ……./ ……; 9E ……./ …….

2 Checking up.

- Call some students to the exersies (rewrite the sentences by “wish sentenses”) I play foot ball badly

She does not buy this book.

3 New lesson

Steps/ activities Content Pre - practicing

* Play the Pelmanism:

-Write the past tenses of the verbs Practice

-Teacher asks students how to use the simple past tense, then teacher introduces the dialogues between students talking about things Ba did last week

-Students play role then make similar


dialogue about Nga’s, Lan’s and Hoa’s weekend

-Some pairs read them in front of the class, Teacher corrects the mistakes

While practicing


-Set the scene.:” Lan and her friends are holding a farewell party for Maryam Write the things they did to prepare for the party.” -Ask students to use the words and the pictures in the box


The past simple with wish

-Ask students to look at the picture and answer the questions:

Post practicing

-Ask students to look at the real situations and make wishes

-Teacher corrects the mistakes

1 Hoa baked a cake

2 Hai the coulorful lamps on the wall/ in the room

3 Hang bought flowers

4 Tan painted a picture of Hanoi Nga and My went shopping -Is he tall? No, he isn’t

-Is he happy with it? No, he isn’t

-What does he have in his mind? “ I wish I were taller”

-What tense was used in the clause after wish? Past tense

Sample answers:

b) I wish I were in the swimming pool now c) I wish I had a computer now

d) I wish I lived close to school

i) I wish it rained so often in my hometown j) I wish there were rivers and lakes in my hometown

4 Consolidation.

Ask students to say how to use the past simple and wish sentences

5 Consolidation.

- Prepare Unit Getting started – Listen and read (page 113&14)

Form: I wish + S + Past Simple.

31/ / 2012

Ngày đăng: 30/05/2021, 04:16


