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By the end of the lesson, students will be able listen for specific information to select the correct pictures.. II/ Language contents: Grammar:.[r]


Week: - Period: Date of preparing: 21/ 8/ 2012

Class: 9B, C and E Date of teaching: … and … / 8/ 2012


A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Speak and Listen

I/ Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to make and respond to introduction. By the end of the lesson, students will be able listen for specific information to select the correct pictures.

II/ Language contents: Grammar:

Let me introduce myself, pleased to meet you Vocabulary:

Industrial, Car Fair……… III/ Language skills:

Practice speaking and listening skills. IV/ Aids:

Teaching aids:

Text book, book, Extra-board, cassette player, pictures Studying aids:

Books, text books … V/ methods:

Explanation, suggestion and task-based learning. IV/ Procedure:

1 Class organization: Greetings.

Taking attendance: 9B… / … ; 9C ……./ ……; 9E ……./ ……. 2 Checking up.

Call some students to answer the question.

What will you when your pen pal visit you?

Ask them to the exercises on the board: (rewrite the sentences beginning “I wish”)


New lesson.

Steps/ activities Content

Warm up

* Introduce Myself

- Students work in group with four students

- The first student introduces himself/ herself

My name is …… I am ……… years old I am in …… grade I like ………


- The second introduces the first and then introduce himself or herself

The third and fourth the same


- Teacher introduces the situation: Nga is talking to Maryam They are waiting for Lan outside her school

- Ask students to exercise a) on page The students have to work in pairs to put the sentences in the correct order to make a complete dialogue

- Students compare the answer with the others

- Teacher gives the correct

While - speaking

* Ask some questions to check students’ understanding

- Ask students to practice speaking the dialogue

+ Teacher plays the role of A Ss play role of B Reverse roles

+ Ss play the role of A and B to practice the dialogue Reverse roles - Correct the pronunciation

Her/ His name is …… She/ He is ……… years old She/ He is in …… grade She/ He likes ……… ………

1/ Hello You must be Maryam c That’s right I am

2/ Pleased to meet you Let me to introduce myself I’m Nga

b Pleased to meet you, Nga Are you one of Lan’s classmates?

3/ Yes, I am Are you enjoying your stay in Vietnam?

d Oh, yes, very much Vietnamese people are very friendly and Hanoi is a very interesting city

4/ Do you live in the city, too?

e Yes, I live in Kuala Lumpur Have you been there?

5/ No, Is it very difficult from Hanoi? a The two cities are the same in some ways

6/ I see Oh! Here’s Lan Let’s go - Have Nga and Maryam met each other before? (No)

- Is Maryam enjoying her staying in Hanoi? (Yes)


- Set the scene: You are talking to Maryam’s friends Introduce yourself Make similar dialogues Take turns to be one of Maryam’s friends

Post – speaking

- Ask students to replace the information to make the new dialogue

- Ask students to work in pairs to practice the dialogue

+ First ask some pairs to presents their dialogue

+ Then ask students to practice with their partners

- While students are doing their tasks, teacher goes round, takes notes things should be corrected afterwards

- Do the correction

Pre- listening

- Ask students to look at the pictures and then find the differences

Set the scene: Tim Jones’s Mexican pen pal, Carlos is visiting the USA

- Ask students to look at the pictures and tell the class what there is in each one, where the place is, what the people are doing

- Tell students that Tim is taking Carlos to visit some places Ask them to think of three things that Tim and Carlos are doing

While listening

- Students work in pair and guess + They are going to the park + They are taking the bus

* Cues:

A: Hello You must be Yoko B: That’s right I am

A: Are you enjoying your stay in Hue?

B: Oh Yes, very much I like Vietnamese people and I love old cities in Vietnam

A: you live in the city, too/

B: Yes, I live in the Tokyo Have you been there?

A: No, What is it like?

B: It’s a busy big capital city It’s very different from Hue

A: I see

(In the picture 1, we aren’t allowed to walk on grass In the picture 2, we aren’t allowed to pick up flowers)

+ They are going to the park + They are taking the bus


+ They are going to the restaurant - Ask students to listen to tape to check their guesses

- Ask some students to read their answers cloudily

- Give feedback

Post listening

- Ask students to listen to the tape the second time to choose the correct picture - Ask students to listen the tape again - Ask students to remember the content of the text to describe it

4 Consolidation.

Ask students to play role in front of the class 5 Homework:


Week: - Period: Date of preparing: 21/ 8/ 2012

Class: 9B, C and E Date of teaching: … and … / 8/ 2012



I/ Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students will have some knowledge about Malaysia, one of the countries of the ASIANS.

Reading the text for details. II/ Language contents:


Passive voice Vocabulary:

Buddhism, Hinduism, national, language, compulsory, be divided into, Islam III/ Language skills:

Practice reading skill. IV/ Aids:

Teaching aids:

Text book, book, Extra-board, cassette player, pictures Studying aids:

Books, text books … V/ Methods:

Explanation, suggestion and task-based learning. IV/ Procedure:

1 Class organization: Greetings.

Taking attendance: 9B… / … ; 9C ……./ ……; 9E ……./ ……. 2 Checking up.

Call some students to introduce themselves. Tell some famous places in Ca Mau.


New lesson.

Steps/ activities Content

Warm up

- Teacher gives the map then asks students some questions


- The word has seven letters It is MALAYSIA

- Ask students what they know about Malaysia

- What country is it?

-How many countries are there in ASEAN?

- Is Vietnam in ASEAN?

Expected questions:  Where is it?


- Ask them to make questions for what they want to know

- Before reading the text, you work in groups and complete the table with the information you already know about Malaysia If you don’t know, just discuss with group members and have a guess


- Teacher asks students to give the vocabulary

- Teacher explains the vocabulary and then students repeat after the teacher once or twice

- Call some students practice - Correct the pronunciation

- Students read the text again and compare their guess with the information in the book

- Call students complete the table and then correct the wrong guess

- Students read the text again and discuss with the classmates in the group whether the statements are true or false

- Ask students to explain the answers Then teacher gives the correct answers

* Interview:

- Ask students to work in pair

 What language is spoken in this country?

 How big is Malaysia? …… Area:

2 population: climate:

4 unit of currency capital city offical religion National language

8 compulsory second language

ASEAN: Association of south East Asian Nations

-comprise (v) (translation): -tropical climate(example): -unit of currency (example): -religion (n) (example): -region (n)(synonym): -separate (v)(mine):

-divide into (v)(example): -Islam (n)(translation): -Hinduism (n)(translation): -Buddhism (n)(example): -Compulsory (a)(translation):

1 Area: 329,758 sq km2

2 Population: over 22 million Climate: tropical climate Uunit of currency: Ringgit Capital city: Kuala Lumpur Official religion: Islam

7 National language: Bahasa Malaysia

8 Compulsory second language: English

1 T

2 F (There are more than religions) F (English, Chinese, and Tamil) F (one of the three: Malay, Chinese, and Tamil)

5 F (English is a compulsory second language, not primary language



- Give students their task

A: You are going to visit Malaysia Prepare some questions to ask Maryam about her country (Refer to the chart on page 10)

B: You are Maryam, from Malaysia You have to answer A’s questions about your country

Post-reading * Do project

- In your group of eight a project to introduce your city as a tourist attraction Use the cues

A: Hi, Maryam I am going to visit Malaysia on my summer holiday I like to know something about your country Can you help me?

B: Yes, certainly

A: What language is spoken is your country?

B: Bahasa malaysia, English, Chinese, and Tamil are also widely spoken

A: Do children have to study any foreign language in school?

B: Yes, English is a compulsory second language in secondary school

A: Ah! I see What about the people? What are they like?

B: I think they are friendly ……  Where is your country?

 What is it famous for?

 What could people when coming to the city?

 Where could they go?

 What could you to make your city more attractive?

4 Consolidation.

Ask students to some countries in ASIAN 5 Homework:

- Translate the READ into Vietnamese

- Write the names of the capitals or cities of the countries in ASEAN - Prepare Unit Write (page 11)

25/ / 2012 Signature

Ngày đăng: 30/05/2021, 04:17


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