Tiếng Việt của giới trẻ ở Australia

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Tiếng Việt của giới trẻ ở Australia

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Bài viết trình bày nghiên cứu về việc sử dụng tiếng Việt của giới trẻ (thế hệ thứ hai) ở Australia. Thế hệ thứ hai người nhập cư ở Australia là những người được sinh ra và lớn lên ở đây, được nuôi dưỡng, học hành trong môi trường ngôn ngữ tiếng Anh. Sự biến đổi về mặt ngữ dụng trong tiếng Việt của thế hệ thứ hai được nghiên cứu trên cơ sở chuỗi tiền trình từ môi trường đa ngôn ngữ, đa văn hóa dẫn đến sự tương tác ngôn ngữ.

S6 (246)-2016 NG6N NGC & Bin S6NG 15 1|NGQN N G C HQC VA VIET N G C HQC~| T I E N G V I E T CUA GlOfI T R E AUSTRALIA THE VIETNAMESE OF SECOND GENERATION SPEAKERS IN AUSTRALIA HOANG TJISH BAO (TS; D^i h9c Ngo^i ngfr Hal) Abstract: This article presents a pragmatic transference in Vietnamese spoken by the second igeneration speakers in Australia Specifically, the investigation mto their speech act of refiisal and their lack of knowledge or incorrect usage of Vietnamese idioms and proverbs shows a shift from indirectness to directness in the pragmatic performance of the language As a result, the Vietnamese of second generation speakeis lacks tactilil face-saving methods The fmdings have ilmplications for heritage language maintenance, for language change, and for imderstandmg trends in the multi-lingual society of Australia Key words: transference; direct s^le; beat about the bush; idioms and proverbs; face saving i B^tvindl I Nghien cuu dupe tim hinh tgi ^Jueensland, Australia noi ed mdt epng Mng igudi Vift Nam kha Idn dang sinh song, hda 'fihl^ ciing vdi rit nhiiu din t$c khic trrai toin hi gjdi Australia li mft dit nude ^ vin hda, P Ja ngdn n ^ \ ^ du tieng Anh la i^dn ngfi hinh thing nhungtilngndi di sin ciia m5i din ^ vin de ding dupe nghe tiiiy d bit cd i^dc I loiigadi nio tr6n dit nude Clyne (2003), nhi ;{{j^dn ngfi hpc glc Ddc cda Australia di vi nude iy nhu li mft ^'phdi^tiiinghifm ngdn ngfi (a '^ inguage lab)" Idn nhit ti^ gidi Chinh vi sy )b% xdc ngdn ngfi dien hing i^iy t^ diy ua d^ da si ngudi giao tiip li ngudi song ^dn n&i ti^ ndi di sin da b) biin ^ i \ n Hau hit cic nghien ciiu vl biin dii ngdn Ht^ rQ t^ cac nude da ngdn ngi^ da vin hda diu % 4^ diiy ring d till hf ngudi nh|p cu thd nhit, yjjjl^ng ndi di san di bit diu bi trfn Ian vdi nhiiu vyng, thuat ngfi, khii nifm cua ngdn ngfi hih, sau dd nd bi inh hudng d mdc nging ho$c (Questionnaire), Danh mue Thdnh ngft - Tyc un Idng, nhdc I ^ luyin tile, d i ^ nhdn ngtt Vift Nam, Cdc bdi Mem tra Si dyng tuong lai vdi (filu kifn, tidng mong sy cdm Thdnh ngft - Tyc ngft Vift Nam, Phdng vin, vd thdng Kit qud phin nghifn ciiu ndy cho thiy Ddnh gid tilng Vift eua ngudi Vift flii hf thi ngudi giao tiip thi hf thi hai dd t$n dyng trift hai d hdi ngoai N^di nghi&i ciu dd gid thilt d phin t i ehdi Hp dd ding din 12,7% cdc til Idngtinhthing thdn, bfc tryctiongtilngAnh t i chii tiling "khdng', ttong lie ngudi Vijt dd dnh hudng rit nhiiu Ifn lii ndi quanh co, tixmg nude chi ding 0,27%, ngudi Viftfliih? hdm y cia cia tilng Vift, kit qud dan den Id sy flii hai ddng vai trd ciu nil sy chuyin bim chuyen biin ddctinh(transference) tilng ngdn ngtt ndy, hp dd bdt diu diing nhiiu til Vift dupe ding d day CyflllId lifu till hf flii "khdn^ hon, chiim 2,16% bai d Austiaha cd cdn gitt dupe vdn phong ti Cdc tiidnh td Tl If si dyng ciiathehf Tllf s i dyng cia thi hf Ti If s i dyng cia ngudi tixing mau t i flii hai f%) flii nhit (%) Vift nude (%) Budc Budc 1+2 Budc Budc 1+2 chii Budc Budc 1+2 I 2 ' Khd ndng 7.63 1.77 9.4 473 2.1 2.43 6.83 1.59 0.84 khdng thf thyc hifn dupe 9.73 2.97 12.7 1.35 0.81 2.16 0.27 0.27 Ti chii flidng "Khdng" ' Subtotal 17.36 4.74 22.1 6.08 2.91 8.99 2.7 } 1.86 0.84 Wmgl So sinh phan tit choi (Direct head acts) ^Oaba nhdm dii tirfng nghien dru Ngudi Vift rit cinflidntrong mau t i diii vdng vo, gid 1^ cdng vdng vo hon ti chii ndy vi niu khdng dupe bay td cinflidn,^ nhj Dtt Ufu cdn cho flay, ehi cd 8% dii hrpng flll se xuc^ham ddi tupng ngudi nghe cung nghifn ciu Id ngudi Vifttixmgnude si dyng! nhu Idm mat thi difn cd hai ddi tupng giao tiq> cym diin td khd ndng khdngtillthyc hifn dupe Chinh viflll,ngudi Vift sdn da cdflidiquen ndi vititKhdng dl t i chiiflidng,ttonglie ddcJ 5i (246)-2016 NGON NGC & Bin S N G 19 ain 100% dii tiipng nghifn ciu Id ngudi Vift quy tdc tdn ti tiit ty, ngudi trfn kf dudi eua flii hf ihi hai s i dyng phin t i chii thdng npidiVift Chinhtiiba ddc diim ndy da 1dmtiingVift tiling ndy vdi tan xuit rat Idn Cdc nghifn ciu budc ddy t^ nhibig dit nude ed nin vdn hda cia hp xem lanh ling va ihilu y nhj Nguyen nhdn gdy tiiide hit Id hp khdng cd dya vdo mdi trudng diin ngdn cao dd chi ring, ti If s i dyng phin t i chii tl^ng thdn khdi nifm ^ vi si difn, gift thi difn, hay tranh cdng Idn thi ngudi t i chii bj ddnh gid Id qud Idm mit mdt cho ed hai dii tiipng giao tiip thing thdn, khdng ti nhj, gdy xiie phgm v4 Mdt khdc, sy rd idng vdn phong Anh khdng dupe ddnh gid cao nin vdn hda ngft da dnh hudng im nhiiu din phong cdch dd Ngupc Igi, Id ngudi y ti, ti nhj, hp phdi ndi cia gidi tif d hdi ngoai ding rit nhiiu thdnh to phin xoa diu, Mft dnh hudng khdc Idm mit sdc thdi tiing gidi thich cia Idi t i choi Vi dy vi Idi t i ehoi Vift 14 ngudi giao tiip d ddy dd chfn qud nhiiu t i vyngtiengAnh, nhiiu ngudi cdn trfn cia ngudi Vift; Dg em cOng muin a Igi dimg com vdi anh ^ hai thi tilng giao tiip 1dm ngudi chi cho vui (positive opinion) nhung bdy gi& tiiuin Vift cdmfliayrit khd chju thi thiy cUng khd (negative ability) Em xin iSi 3.2.2 Sil difllg ngir, tyc ngit Vilt Nam Phin nghifn ciu vl si dyng thdnh ngft, tyc vi dd cd h?n (Excuse) Tii na^ tyd em di dif sinh nhdt nhd bgn, bdy gid chdc miy dOa banngft cho fliay ngudi Vift vin cdn xu hudng ding nhihig "Idi cia cha dng" lit nhiiu tiong ciing lap dd tu tgp chd em doi em rii, hen cung di mua qud chi d (explanation) Em giao tiip Ddy chinh Id cdi hon, cdi sdc tiidi thdy nggi ghe nhung chdc Id hen dip khdc, anhtilng Vift vi tilng Vift khdng don thudn Id chi dimg buin nghe (Regret, alternative and tilng ndi m414 tho, 14 nh^ Ngo4itii4nhngtt, appealmg for sympathy) Em cdm on anh chi tyc ngft, ngudi Vift cdn s i dyng lit nhiiu diin tich, tho, vjnh Kilu, Idi cia ngudi xua dl 14m nhiiu lim (Gratitude) Thi hf flii hai sing tai Austi^a dd bj dnh cho Idi ndi cia minh them y iflij, v4 cdch s i hudng lit nhiiu cia van hda Anh My nin hp dyng ndy dupe coi nhu Id mft nghf thuat rat thiiffi thin, hoc tryc, hp t i chii flidng mft thi nghf fliu|t diin ngda The nhung, ngudi Vift flil hf flii hai sing tiiimg niu hp Ididng chip nhdn dupe Idi thinh ciu, Idi mdi, mft mfnh Ifnh hay mpt Idi dl t^ Australia The wisdom of many: Essays on The proverb New york: Garland Publishing * Gu, Y (1990), Politeness phenomena in tnodem Chinese Journal of Pragmatics, 14(2), ii37-157 i lO.Hoang, T.B (2013), A stutfy of pragmatic ahange in the Vietnamese of second generation speakers in Queensland, Australia Unpublished !"h.D thesis GrifBth University, Australia if 11 Dtoma, T., & Shimura, A (1994), Pra^natic yransfer in the speech act ofrefitsal in Japanese as "k second language Journal of Asian-Pacific (j^ommunication, 5(1 & 2), 105-129 ^ 12 Jandt, F E (1998), Intercultural Mmmunication: An introduction (second ed.) .alifomia: Sage Publications 13.Kasper, G (1992), Pragmatic transfer Oiecond language research, 8, 203-231 ^» 14 Koutiaki, S A (2002), Offers and '•Expressions of thanks as face enhancing acts: 21 ta'arofin Persian Journal of Pragmatics, 34,17331756 IS.Obeng, S G (1994), Verbal indirection in Akan ir^ormal tSscourse Journal of Pragjnadcs 21(1) 37-65 le.PavIidou, T (1994), Contrasting GermanGreek politeness and the consequences Journal of Pragmatics, 27,487-511 n.Paifield, J (1983) Communicating with quotes: The Igbo case London: Greenwood Press IS.Richards J C , & Sukwiwat M (1983), Language transfer and conversational competence Applied Linguistics, 4(2) ig.Rinnert C & Kobayashi, H (1999) Reguestive hints in Jcqtanese md English Journal ofPragmatics, 37.1173-1201 20 Takahashi, T., & Beebe L M (1987) The development of pragmatic competence by Japcmese learners of English JALT journal 8,131-155 21.Takahashi, T & Beebe, L M (1993), Cross-Linguistic influence in the speech act of correction, ta G Kasper & S BIum-Kulka (Eds.), taterfangu^e pn^matics: OUP 22 Tannen, D (1981), Indirectness in discourse: Ethnicity as conversational style Discourse Processes, 4.221-238 23.Thomason, S G (2001), Language contact: An introduction Edinburgh: Edinbui^ University Press 24 Tran, Q N T (2004), An investigation into Vietnamese refusal strategies Unpublished Master Thesis, The University of Queensland 25 Tran, T N (2006), Vietnamese Language maintenance among second generation Vietnamese in Australia From http:/www.docstoc.com/docs/4735055 26 Vamer, I., & Beamer, L (2005) Intercultural communication in the globed workplace New York: McGraw-Hill 27 Watts, R J (2003), Politeness: Cambridge University Press 28 Zegarac, V., & Pennmgton, M C (2000) Pragmatic transfer in intercultural commimication ta H Spencer-Oatey (Ed.), Culturally speakmg: managing rapport through talk across cultures London: Contmuum 29 Zhang, Y (1991), Indirectness in Chinese requesting, ta G Kasper (Ed.), Pragmatics of Chinese as native and target language Hawaii: Second Lai^;uage teachtag and Curriculum center University of Hawaii at Manoa ... ahange in the Vietnamese of second generation speakers in Queensland, Australia Unpublished !"h.D thesis GrifBth University, Australia if 11 Dtoma, T., & Shimura, A (1994), Pra^natic yransfer in... sing tiiimg niu hp Ididng chip nhdn dupe Idi thinh ciu, Idi mdi, mft mfnh Ifnh hay mpt Idi dl t^ Australia

Ngày đăng: 18/05/2021, 16:47

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