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Nội dung

He’s an (2)………… teacher now at Mary Curie Secondary School. He and his wife lived in a small room in the school. The life was very difficult at that time. They didn’t buy any furniture t[r]


Period 1: REVISION Prepare: 6/ 9/ 2009

Teach: 9/ 9/ 2009 Classes: 8A, 8B A Objectives.

By the end of the lesson ss will review the following knowledge: 1 Present simple to talk about general truths.

o We use the present simple to express general truths For example

 The earth moves around the sun

 The moon goes round the earth

 The sun rises in the east and sets in the west  The bear sleeps during the winter

 Today is Monday; tomorrow is Tuesday

 Fish lives in the water

 Water consists of main elements: Hydrogen and Oxygen

2 Use of “enough”.

o Enough is put before noun and after adjective For example

She hasn’t enough money to buy a new house There is not enough time to finish the test There wasn’t enough room for us to sleep He has enough reasons to be angry

S + V + Enough + N + To-infinitive Enough + N + For + O + To-infinitive The rope is not long enough

She isn’t old enough to drive a car

It is not old enough for her to drive a car I am fool enough to trust her

S + Be + ADJ + Enough + To-infinitive

IT + Be + ADJ + Enough + For / Of + O + To-infinitive

* Khi c©u cã very, too, quite, much, many ta bá chóng ®i FOR CLASS 8A d) Too to not…enough to:

Too young = not old enough; too boring = not interesting enough; too short = not tall enough Ex: He is too young to be in my class = He is not old enough to be in my class

B Exercises

I Choose the word having the underlined letters pronounced differently. 1. a happened b looked c played d smiled 2. a general b global c growth d grape


4. a bought b thought c ought d hour II Choose the best answer

1 The school is a bit far ……… my house

a from b at c to d with

2 They are going to invite him ……….dinner tonight

a to b for c with d at

3 Peter doesn’t talk much in public He’s rather …………

a kind b reserved c sociable d humorous Would you like ………… a message

a to leave b leave c leaving d left He spends most of his time……… charity work

a did b to c doing d both a & c are correct Don’t come in please wait ……….for your turn

a inside b outside c downstairs d upstairs

7 Susan felt ……….since her boyfriend didn’t apologize for his coming late a annoying b annoyance c annoyed d annoys I’m looking forward…….the summer vacation

a at b for c to d None is correct

9 Look! Nam is playing very well He ………

a is winning b is going to win c will win d wins 10 Did someone help you draw the picture ? – No, I did it …………

a with one b myself c itself d by me

11 A kitchen is not a(n) ………….place to play

a unsuitable b unsuitability c suitable d suitability

III There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence Find the mistake and correct it.

1 Tom is in such a hurry that he didn’t stop in the traffic lights He worked with people who neither speak and hear

3 The wardrobe is opposite to the desk Nobody likes him because he behaves bad Mary bought a new cooking yesterday

IV Read the following passage, then choose the letter (A, B, C or D) that best fits each of the blanks.

Alexander Graham Bell was born in Scotland He emigrated (1)………….Canada first and then to the USA in 1870s In America, he worked with (2) ………at Boston University Soon, Bell started experimenting with ways of transmitting (3) ………… over a long distance He worked with Thomas Watson, his assistant Bell and Watson conducted many experiments He successfully demonstrated his invention to the public at countless exhibitions, he invented the telephone By 1877, the first telephone was in (4)……… use

1 A to B from C in D over

2 A mute deaf B mute deafs C deaf mute D deaf mutes A speak B speaking C speech D spoke

A commerce B commercial C commercially D commercialize

V Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence, using (not)+adj+enough 1.My sister is old She can drive a car  My sister is old enough to drive a car.

2.This coat isn’t warm Mary doesn’t wear it in the winter

This coat isn’t warm for Mary to wear in the winter.

3.She is beautiful and intelligent (th«ng minh) She can become Miss World 4.Mr Robinson isn’t rich He can’t buy a house.

5. The worker is clever He can make fine things from wood 6. He is strong He can carry that suitcase


8. The ladder wasn’t very long It didn’t reach the window. 9. You are not old You can’t have a front-door key. 10. He didn’t have much money He couldn’t live on it. 11. The weather was fine We could go camping 12. Those apples aren’t ripe Peter can’t eat them. 13. The ice is quite thick They can walk on it

14. It was very hot You could fry an egg on the pavement (vØa hÌ) 15. The weather is very cold The farmers can’t work on the farm.

VI Give the correct form of the verbs in the blankets:

1 Vegetarians (not eat) ……… meat

2 What……… you (do) ……… every night? – I (go) ………to my aunt’s house

3 He (listen) ……… to music after school Most rivers (flow) ……… into the sea

5 My father sometimes (buy) ……… vegetables at this market They (go) ……… fishing on Sunday

Water (boil) ……… … 1000C


VII Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.

Peter is too young to see the horror film  Peter is not……… Her hair is long and black

 She has ……… The theater is near Hoa’s house

 The theater isn’t ……… I’ll telephone you tomorrow evening

 I’ll make ……… How about going to the movie tonight?  Let’s ………

Period 2

: Revision


Classes: 8A, 8B A.Objectives.

Ss review the following knowledge and then exercises 1 Be going to : dự định

o We use “be going to” to express plans or intentions in the near future, it is sure to happen

For example

We are going to practice piano for two hours this evening She is going to travel abroad tomorrow

o We also use “ be going to ” to predict

For example

Oh, look ! it is going to rain Look out, she is going to faint They are going to be married next May

S + Be (am/is/are) + going to + Bare infinitive

2 Adverbs of place.

o We use adverbs of place to show the direction or position of people or things

For example

He is not outside; Maybe he is inside

They not play football here; perhaps, they play there She is not upstairs; it is possible that she is downstairs

Outside: bên Inside: bên

Here: There :

Upstairs: lầu Downstairs: lầu

o We can also use prepositon phrases to show place: in, on, at, behind, in front of, to the left of, to the right of, on the right, on the left.

For example

We are sitting in the room She stays at home

The book is on the desk She stands behind me

Put the chairs in front of the board Grow flowers to the left of the house Keep standing on the right

3 Câu hỏi đáp đặc điểm đó

- What does she look like? She is slim and beautiful She has full lips and a small nose. - What do theylook like?They are big and tall They have short brown hair.

For class a

4 TrËt tù cđa c¸c Adj

Adj quan ®iĨm(beautiful, ugly ) > Adj kÝch thíc (small, big ) > Adj ti(old, young )

> Adj hình dáng (tall, straight ) > Adj màu sắc(red, black ) > Adj xuÊt xø (Vietnamese )

> Adj chÊt liÖu(cotton, nylon ) > Danh tõ


a last b make c take d date a energy b prefer c envelope d level a boring b holding c most d go

II Choose the best answer

1 Each of us ………a different character

a have b is having c has d are having

2 A cat is lying ………a rug

a in b on c under d over

3 There is a bookshelf …… the let of the room

a at b in c on d of

4 What was wrong with you ? Why ……….go to the hospital ?

a had to you b did you have to c must you d did you must Do you ………any help ?

a want b have c wish d need

6 Let’s ………… the graduation ceremony in a beautiful restaurant !

a celebrate b celebrating c celebrated d celebrates My mother told me to study ………

a hardly b good c bad d hard

8 There are ………… stars in the sky in the evening

a count b countless c counted d counting We’ll organize a party …….May 27th.

a between b in c on d at

10 It …………Lan 20 minutes to go to school by bike

a take b will take c is taking d takes III Arrange the following words into a complete sentence.

1 He / study / ought / harder / to

2 He / telephone / invented / 1877 / in / the / first Thu / interested / singing / in / very / is

4 The weather / enough / fine / is / for them / a picnic / to have / in the countryside They / going / are / to / build / a / school / new / in my neighborhood

6 I / think / shouldn’t / you / put / into the electric socket / the knife Viet / in the center / lives / of / Hanoi

8 He / his / loves / room / much / very

For class 8a

IV Arrange the adjectives in brackets in the correct order. 1. Mrs Thanh has (black/ long / straight) hair

Mrs Thanh has long straight black hair. 2. It is a (wooden / round) table

3. She is wearing a (green / new / beautiful) dress 4. What a (sunny / lovely) day!

5. My uncle lives in a (old / lovely / small) house 6. That girl has (blue / nice / big) eyes

7. He gave me (black / leather- da thuéc) gloves 8. My teacher has a (round / pink / small) face 9. It’s a (small / metal / black) box.

10. This box is (white / heavy)

III Use the correct form of the verbs.

1 I’ve made up my mind I (change) my job

2 What you (do) this weekend? I’m not sure yet

3 What you (wear) at the party on Saturday?

4 I haven’t decided yet, what about you? You (wear) your new black dress?

5 Nga and Hoa (see) a movie tonight


7 What you (do) next summer vacation? – I (visit) my grandfather in Nha Trang

8 My parents (come) here on Sunday Would you like to meet them?

9 Sue can (speak) Vietnamese very well

10.Mozart (write) more than 600 pieces of music

11.We usually (go) to the library three times a week, but last week we (go) twice

12.Alexander Graham Bell (introduce) the telephone in 1876

13.Yesterday I (be) busy, so I (not / have) time to phone you

14.Would you like (come) to dinner tomorrow?

15.Nam (write) a letter to his friends at the moment


Prepare: 13/ 9/ 2009 Teach: / 9/ 2009 Classes: 8A, 8B



o We use reflexive pronouns to emphasize for Subject’s actions It can stand after main verb or object of main verb

For example

He himself answered the phone, not his secretary He answered the phone himself

o Reflexive pronoun usually refer to the subject of a sentence He looked at himself in the mirror

o If we put reflexive pronoun after “ by ”, it means “ alone ” She lives by herself

You must sleep by yourself tonight

o The summary of reflexive pronouns

I myself ( tự )

You yourself ( tự bạn )

He himself ( tự anh )

She herself (tự )

It itself ( tự )

You yourselves ( tự bạn )

We ourselves ( tự )

They themselves ( tự bọn họ )

II Modals: must, have to, ought to, should, may, can, could

o Must and have to both express necessity It has the same meaning “ phải ” For example

 All students must take the term exam  All students have to take the term exam

(There is no other choice The exam is required.)

o In everyday statements of necessary, have to is used more commonly than must Must is usually stronger than have to and can indicate urgency or stress importance

For example

 I’m looking for Sue I have to talk to her about our lunch date tomorrow I can’t meet her for lunch because I have to go to a business meeting at 1:00

 Where is Sue ? I must talk to her right away I have an urgent message for her

o Should and ought to have the same meaning “ nên ”: they express advisability For example

You should study harder You ought to study harder

Drivers should obey the speed limit Drivers ought to obey the speed limit


 Tom is strong He can lift that heavy box

 I can play the piano I’ve taken lessons for many years

 You can see fish at an aquarium

 That race car can go very fast - For class 8a

o May also has the same meaning as can, but its degree is less than 50 % certain For example

 I can walk to school It’s not far

 I may walk to school Or I may take the bus

o In affirmative sentences about past ability, could usually mean “ used to be able to” The use of could usually indicates that the ability existed in the past but does not exist now

 When I was younger, I could run fast o Could can be used to make suggestions

 Why don’t we go on a picnic?

 We could go on a picnic

Modals + bare infinitive B EXERCISES.

I Complete the following sentences with have to or must.

We buy some food We’ve got nothing for dinner 2. My hair is dirty I wash it

3. You can’t always have things immediately You be patient (kiªn nhÉn) 4. These cakes are very nice You have one

5. Come on! We hurry We haven’t got much time 6. This letter is very important You read it

7. We take an umbrella It’s going to rain 8. The windows are very dirty I clean them

9. At the end of the course, all the students a test

10 He doesn’t understand much English, so I speak very slowly to him II Make questions for the underlined words.

1 Their guests left for home because it was very late Mr and Mrs Thanh are going to go to Brazil next year The secretary gave Mr Green a lot of information The two men returned to the office at three o’ clock

5 My mother often goes to work by bus

6 Her sister bought three pairs of stocking yesterday We must all our homework in the evening

III Complete each sentence using a suitable Reflexive pronouns

1 Bill fell down some steps but fortunately he didn’t hurt badly

2 Don’t worry about Tim and me We can look after

3 They had a great time They really enjoyed

4 Look at the picture on the wall I drew it

5 This exercise isn’t very difficult Do it

6 My brother can repair the bicycle

7 My sister often looks at in the mirror

8 Both boys taught to swim

9 The dog hurt when it jumped over the fence 10 You will cut with that knife if you are not careful IV Choose the word having the underlined letters pronounced differently.

1 a four b flour c resource d pour

10. a nice b kind c think d fine


12. a who b which c while d where V Choose the best answer

1 Tom ……… two packets of cigarettes a day

a smoke b is smoking c smoked d smokes Three hours ………not enough to finish the test

a are b is c was d were

3 There was a big ………….after the World War II

a emigrate b emigrating c emigration d emigrates You ought to stop …………computer games

a to play b playing c played d plays

5 Last night, I watched the movie Romeo and Juliet At last, they killed ……… a together b each other c themselves d themselves You seem ……….today

a happy b happiness c happily d unhappily He will be …… home ……….Sunday morning

a at / on b from / in c at / from d to / until I enjoyed listening ……… the radio when I was a child

a to b on c up d at

9 The girl sitting ……….my father and Michael is my little sister

a on b next c between d in

10 In Britain, people drive ……….the left……… the street

a on / in b to / of c in / in d in / of 11 She isn’t used to ………….part in social activities

a a take b taking c took d takes 12 Can we ……….at yor house and go to the party together ?

a meet b come c see d find

VI Arrange the following words into a complete sentence. Mr Quang / in / now / his / office/ is

2 You / use / should / electricity / economically

3 It / water / isn’t / necessary / for him / to / that tree / everyday They / going / to / are / see / movies / tonight

5 He / proud / his wife / of / is

6 The sun / in / rises / the east / and / in the west / sets VII Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 Would you like (leave) ………….a message ? Let’s ask him (phone) ……….me this afternoon

3 I ( receive) ………….a letter from my old friend last week You ought to (do) ………….more exercises


Revision 4

Prepare: 27/ 9/ 2009 Teach: 1/ 10/ 2009 Classes: 8A, 8B

A Objectives.

Ss practice doing exercises B Exercises.

I Read the following passage and answer the questions

Alexander Graham Bell was born in 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland He moved to Canada and then to the USA in the 1870s In America, he worked with deaf-mutes at Boston University Soon, Bell started experimenting with ways of transmitting speech over a long distance

This led to the invention of the telephone.Thomas Watson was Bell's assistant Bell and Watson introduced the telephone in 1876 Bell demonstrated his invention at a lot of exhibitions He died in 1922

1) When was Alexander Graham Bell born?


2) When did he move to the USA?

3) Who was Thomas Watson?

4) When did Bell invent the telephone ?

5) when did he die?

II Match the questions or statements in column A with the answers in column B

A B Answer

1 Why didn't Nam come to the party?

2 Why were you late?

3 Why did Ha fail her English test?

4 I am tired

A You ought to take a day off

B Because she played games too much C Because he had a lot of homework to

D Because we missed the first bus

1……… 2……… 3……… 4………

III Choose the most suitable words or phrases to fill the blanks.

1 The children are old enough to look after ……… a themselves b ourselves c herself d for themselves

2 We ought ………the wardrobe in the corner opposite the bed

a put b push c to put d to push

3 The calendar is ………the clock, ………the picture and the lamp

a on / next to b under / between c behind / between d above / on Don't come in Please wait ………for your turn

a inside b downstairs c outside d upstairs

IV Do as directed

1 He is tall He can play basketball (using adj +enough to +infinitive)

2 The sun (rise) _in the east and (set) _in the west (supply the correct verbs form)

3 Please help me I can’t it _.(Fill a correct reflexive pronoun) Van has a lot of homework in Math and she is going to have Math tomorrow

(Rewrite using Be going to )


5.Hoa failed her English test because she didn’t study hard.(Make question for und erlined words)

=> Why … ……… 6.I failed my English test.(rewrite using the words given)

->You ought to………

V Write a paragraph about Nhat, using the information in the box.

Name: Trinh Gia Linh

Age: 13


Characters: sociable, helpful, kind

Address: 27 Le Hong Phong Street, Chau Duc District Friends: Lan, Thanh, Nhi

Family: mother, father and younger sister, Ngan

Her name is


Prepare: /10/ 2011

A Objectives

Students review the following knowledge and exercises

Past simple tense: Used to

o We use “ used to ” to express the past habits But now they don’t exist any longer For example

When she was a little girl, she used to swim in this river When we were in grade 7, we used to play soccer

Used to (thường) + Bare infinitive Prepositions of time: “ in , on, at, after, before, between

o In + (second / minute / hour / day / week / month / seasons / year )


 They start working in spring and end in summer

 She always gets up at 5.00 in the morning

 I was born in 1978

o On + (holidays / days in a week / date)

 We are going to have a party for my mom on March

 He has Math on Monday, Wednesday and Friday

o At + ( hour time )

 Minh goes to sleep at 10.00 p.m

o After +(second/minute/hour /day/week/month/seasons/year)

o before +(second/minute/hour /day/week/month/seasons/year)

 After 20 seconds, she will leave here

 They start working before Spring and end after Summer

 She always gets up after 5.00

o Betweenand

They will build my house between January and September

B Exercises

I Find one word whose underlined part is pronounce differently from the others

1 A.novel B.movie C.lock D.socket A.couch B.around C.ought D.house A.cupboard B.drug C.dust D.put A.knife B.children C.kind D.behind A.cushion B.rug C.push D.include A.reading B.seat C.bread D.steamer A.cover B.over C.stove D.hold

II Complete these sentences with used to or didnt use to

1 I (go swimming) but now I don’t go swimming any more.

2 My father gave up smoking two years ago He (smoke) a packet of cigarettes a day

3 There (be) a movie theater here but it closed a long time ago Mr An (not/drink) coffee when he was young but he likes it now

5 Peter (have) a motorbike, but last month he sold it and bought a car

6 I (not/like) her but we are best friends now

7 They came to live in the city last year They (live) in a small village in the country

8 My sister (play) tennis a lot but she doesn’t play very

often now

9 When I was a child I (not study) hard 10 We (not/go) for a picnic last year

III Use used to to describe the changes:

0 She always gets up early in the morning

She used to get up late years ago.

1 There are so many tall buildings in the center now > People are much richer these days

> There is much more traffic now


> People spend more money on entertainment nowadays

> People don’t smoke a lot these days

> People exercise regularly these days


IV Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

1 We ought the cushions on the couch

a put b puts c putting d to put You’ll cook dinner yourself.

a ought to b must c should d.have to What are you going at weekend?

a b doing c to d did

4 Let’s meet the cinema.

a out b outside of c outside in d outside She often dresses herself

a makes b make c is making d made Mai the book at home yesterday

a left b leave c is leaving d leaves Students their homework after class

a.have to doing b have c have to d have to be done The calender is the clock, the picture and the lamp

a on / next to b under / between c behind / between d above / on We’ll organize a party 27th May.

a between b in c on d at

10 We’ve thought of going there .

a ourselves b myself c by myself d themselves 11 My father got up late this morning he stayed up late last night

a but b because c and d so 12 I can’t eat any more I’m too .

a full b empty c hungry d tired 13 We use a to fry eggs

a steamer b rice cooker c saucepan d frying pan 14 He can’t find the on the shelf in the living-room.

a cupboard b magazine c wardrobe d rice cooker 15 Who the telephone?

a invention b inventor c inventing d invented 16 Your son isn’t tall to be a good basketball player.

a too b very c so d enough

17 You must put all dangerous objects out of children’s .

a hands b reach c place d fingers 18 What’s she doing? – She’s the floor.

a doing b sweeping c dusting d feeding 19 The Mercury is a

a thing b object c planet d book 20 We from Chine to America to find work

a went b moved c emigrated d left

V Find one word whose underlined part is pronounce differently from the others

1 A children B chicken C chair D character A puts B looks C stops D listens A matches B marbles C parties D stoves

4 A may B face C fat D cake

5 A love B home C come D some


Revision 6

Prepare: 25/10/ 2009 Teach: 28/ 10/ 2009 Classes: 8A, 8B

A. Objectives

Ss review the following knowledge and exercises 1 Adverbs of manner.

o We use adverbs of manner to modify main verb in a sentence, it stand behind intransitive verb and behind objects of transitive verb

Adjective + ly => Advm

Safe safely

Happy happily

Magical magically

Beautiful beautifully

For example

 We learn how to drive safely  She sings beautifully

 I know he behaves badly

 The child eats his bread quickly  Gillian angrily answered his question  He generously helps his friends 2 Reported speech withcommands, requests & advice

o Command ( câu mệnh lệnh )

Direct: He said to me “Open the door.”

Indirect: He told me to open the door

Direct: The doctor said “Do more exercises.”

Indirect: The doctor told her / him / me to more exercises (Tell + S.O + to-infinitive)

- We use “tell” to change a direct command into an indirect one

- If reported verb is in the past form, we must change “tell” into “told” - Change bare-infinitive in direct speech into full-infinitive

o Request ( câu yêu cầu )

Direct: He said to me “ Could you help me ? ”

Indirect: He asked me to help him

Direct: The doctor said “ Can you me a favor ?”

Indirect: The doctor asked me to him a favor

( Ask + S.O + to-infinitive ) - We use “ask” to change a direct request into an indirect one


o Advice ( lời khuyên )

Direct: My teacher said to Lan “ you should study harder ? ”

Indirect: My teacher advised Lan to study harder

Indirect: My teacher told Lan that She should study harder

( Advise + S.O + to-infinitive ) B Exercises

I Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 The moon ( go) around the earth, and the earth ( revolve) around the sun

2 What Miss Hoa ( look) like?

She ( be) slim, and she ( have) wavy hair

3 You ( used) to play so much when you ( live) in the countryside?

4 Yesterday Hoang ( spend) two hours ( repair) his computer set Miss Lan is in hospital

- Yes, I know I ( visit) her tomorrow Look at those black clouds It ( rain) II Choose the best answer

1 You seem ……….today

a happy b happiness c happily d unhappily

2 He will be …… home ……….Sunday morning

a at / on b from / in c at / from d to / until

3 The girl sitting ……….my father and Michael is my little sister

a on b next c between d in

4 Can we ……….at your house and go to the party together ?

a meet b come c see d find

She spends most of her free time volunteer work

a doing b to c d for doing

He is to ride his bike to school

a not enough old b enough not old c not old enough d enough old II Rewrite these sentences:

1 Minh said:” Please buy me a new book, Mom.”

Hoa said to her brother:” Please help me with my homework.”

I said:” Open your book , please,Miss Nga.”

Mr An said:” Please don’t make noise in class, Tom.”

“ Keep quiet during class time , Hoa” said Nam

He said :” Can you give me a pen , Tom.”


“ Can you turn off the TV , Marry” I said

“ Can you retell the story ,Hoa” Lan said

10 She asked Binh:” Could you show me the way to Hoi An, please.”

11 He said:’ Tan, you should practice speaking English everyday.”

12 She said:” We should read this sentence more carefully, Hung.”

13 “You should prepare your lesson before going to school, Na.” Tam said

14 He said: “You should spend more time on your English, Miss Lien.”

15 Minh said:” You shouldn’t use your car too much time”

IV Put in: at, on, in, after, beforeor between.

1 Mozart was born in Salzburg 1756

2 I haven’t seen Marry for few days I last saw her Wednesday The price of electricity is going up November

4 I’ve been invited to a party 14 February

5 There are usually a lot of parties New Year’s Eve Saturday night I went to bed 11 o’clock I usually all my homework going to school

8 The course begins January and ends April The weather is very hot June and August


Revision 7

Prepare: 1/ 11/ 2009 Teach: / 11/ 2009 Classes: 8A, 8B

A Objectives.

Students review the knowledge they have learnt from unit to unit and then exercises

B Exercises

I Choose the word having the underlined letters pronounced differently. 1. a four b flour c resource d pour 2. a nice b kind c think d fine

3. a wanted b laughed c looked d missed

4. a who b which c while d where

II Choose the best answer

1 Tom ……… two packets of cigarettes a day

a smoke b is smoking c smoked d smokes There was a big ………….after the World War II

a emigrate b emigrating c emigration d emigrates You ought to stop …………computer games

a to play b playing c played d plays Last night, I watched the movie Romeo and Juliet At last, they killed ………

a together b each other c themselves d themselves You seem ……….today

a happy b happiness c happily d unhappily He will be …… home ……….Sunday morning

a at / on b from / in c at / from d to / until The girl sitting ……….my father and Michael is my little sister

a on b next c between d in

8 Can we ……….at your house and go to the party together ?

a meet b come c see d find

She spends most of her free time volunteer work

a doing b to c d for doing

10 He is to ride his bike to school

a not enough old b enough not old c not old enough d enough old III Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 Would you like (leave) ………… a message ? Let’s ask him (phone) ……… me this afternoon

3 I ( receive) ………… a letter from my old friend last week You ought to (do) ………… more exercises

5 You must (cover) ………… electrical sockets so that children not try to put anything into them It is safe (keep) ………… medicine in locked cupboards

7 The moon ( go) around the earth, and the earth ( revolve) around the sun What Miss Hoa ( look) like?

She ( be) slim, and she ( have) wavy hair

9 You ( used) to play so much when you ( live) in the countryside? 10 Yesterday Hoang ( spend) two hours ( repair) his computer set 11 Miss Lan is in hospital

- Yes, I know I ( visit) her tomorrow 12 Look at those black clouds It ( rain)


1 a waited b needed c annoyed d wanted

2 a sink b knife c fire d rice

3 a character b fat c happy d classmate

4 a joke b local c blond d sociable

V Choose the best answer to complete these sentences

1 Each of us ………a different character

a have b is having c has d are having

2 There are ………… stars in the sky in the evening

a count b countless c counted d counting

3 Did someone help you draw the picture ? – No, I did it …………

a with one b myself c itself d by me

4 A kitchen is not a(n) ………….place to play

a unsuitable b unsuitability c suitable d suitability

Deaf-mutes can speak hear

a both and b not only but also c neither nor d either or

6 Look! Nam is playing very well He ………

a is winning b is going to win c will win d wins

My grandmother didn’t use to to school when she was young

a go b going c went d goes

VI Read the pasage carefully then answer the questions.

Thomas Edison was a famous scientist He was born in 1819 and died in 1931 He invented the electric bulb and gramaphone

When he was a boy at school, Edison asked a lot of questions The teacher thought he was stupid and sent him home Edison’s mother taught him at home and he began to carry out a lot of experiments by gardening

1 What did Thomas Edison invent?

Why did his teacher send him home?

Who taught him at home?

Did he carry out lots of experiments by gardening?

VII Rewrite these sentences, beginning with the words given

1 I lived in the countryside once, but I don’t any more

→ I used John is too young to ride his bike to school

→ John isn’t Her hair is long and black

→ She has

4 The weather wasn’t fine We couldn’t go camping ( combine the sentences, using “ enough”)

→ She has long black hair

→ Her hair My father is a careful driver

> My father drives Last summer, Julia got up early every morning

> Last summer, Julia used Let’s play soocer

> Why don’t we ?

VIII Make sentences, using the given words

1 I/ use/ live/ farm/ when/ I/ small boy

2 My mother/ not go/ school/ because/ have to/ stay home/ help/ family We/ not used/ have/ electricity/ when/ live/ countryside

IX Give the correct tense and form of the verbs in parentheses

1 Look at the black clouds It (rain)

2 The Earth ( go) around the sun, and the moon ( move) around the Earth Children nowadays spend more time ( play) video games than reading books

4 The moon ( move) around the earth


7 Miss Trang is in hospital

- Yes, I know I ( visit) her tomorrow

Buæi 8

Prepare: 2/ 11/ 2011

A Objectives.

Students review direct speech and reported speech and then exercises I Câu mệnh lệnh, yêu cầu: (Commands, requests)

Những câu bắt đầu là: (Please) V , (Please) Don/t V , Can/Could/Would you + V ?


told (b¶o)

S + asked + sb(o)(ngêi) + to V (yêu cầu, nhờ)

ordered (ra lƯnh)

told (b¶o)

S + asked + sb(o)(ngêi) not + to V (yªu cÇu, nhê)

ordered (ra lƯnh)

II Câu khuyên bảo (Advices)

Nhng cõu cú dựng động từ: should, should not, ought to, ought not to

Câu khẳng định Câu phủ định

S1 + said + S2 + should/ought to + V …

S + advised + sb(o)(ngêi) + to V…

S1 + said + S2 + should not / ought not to + V …

S + advised + sb(o)(ngêi) + not + to V…

III Câu kể Câu phát biểu (Statements)

1 Câu khẳng định: S1 + said (+ that) + S2 + V (chuyển theo bảng chuyển động từ)

told sb

Câu phủ định: S1 + said (+ that) + S2 + (not) V (chuyển theo bảng chuyển động từ)

told sb

* CHó ý

* Khi chuyển sang câu gián tiếp phải chuyển ĐTNX, ĐTTN, TTSH cho phù hợp với chủ ngữ tân ngữ giới thiệu

* Chuyn cỏc trng t thời gian, không gian đại từ định

* Động từ tờng thuật 1 Tellđòi hỏi phải có tân ngữ để ngời nghe.

Ex He told me that he was late for school

2 Say chúng ta không cần đề cập ngời nghe

Ex He said that he was late for school

- Nếu muốn đề cập đến ngời nghe, phải dùng thêm giới từto

Ex He said to me that he was late for school

* Nếu động từ tờng thuật (say,tell ) ở đơn, động từ mệnh đềthatkhông đổi.

Ex He says that he is playing football.

* Nếu câu trực tiếp diễn tả thật vĩnh cửu, động từ mệnh đề thatkhông đổi

Ex The teacher said that the earth moves around the sun

Chuyển trạng từ thời gian, không gian đại từ định.

Trùc tiÕp Gi¸n tiÕp Trùc tiÕp Gi¸n tiÕp

Today That day Next Tuesday/week The following Tuesday/week

Tonight That night Last Tuesday The Tuesday before

Tomorrow The next day This That

Yesterday The day before These Those

Ago Before Here /There There

Now Then

Chuyển động từ

Trùc tiÕp Gi¸n tiÕp Trùc tiÕp Gi¸n tiÕp

Am / Is Was Must Had to

Are Were Can Could

Was/ Were Had been/ Was,


Have / Has Had

Will Would V / Vs / Ves Ved / Vcét

Shall Should Ved / Vcét Had + Ved / Vcét ; Ved / Vcét

May Might Had + Ved / Vcét Had Ved / Vcét

Một số động từ không đổi would, could, might, should, ought to.

B Exercises

I Find one word whose underlined part is pronounce differently from the others

1 A equip B escape C excite D excellent

2 A bowl B folk C own D wisdom

3 A festival B rest C upset D wise

4 A excited B grazed C owned D tied

5 A lamps B objects C scissors D sinks

6 A matches B rags C straws D stories

7 A sauce B easy C safe D seem

II Change the sentences in to reported speech


> The traffic policeman said, “Show me your driving licence, please?”

> Mrs Jacson said to Tim, “Could you give me a hand, please?”


4 The lifeguard said, “Don’t swim out too far, boys.”

> Nam said to the taxi driver, “Please turn left at the first traffic light.”

> She said to her son, “Go straight upstairs and get into bed.”


7 The policeman said, “Don’t touch anything in the room.”

> Mary said to John, “Can you carry my suitcase, please?”

> “ Don’t come back before one o’clock.” my brother said

> 10 “Please help us.” they said to us

> 11 “You should stay in bed for a few days.” the doctor said to Mr Robinson

> > 12 She said to her daughter, “You ought to keep your body warm.”

> >

13 Mrs Linda said to her husband, “ You shouldn’t drink alcohol or smoke.”

> 14 Our doctor said to us, “You ought not to eat fatty food.”

> > 15 My mother said, “You should take a little hot milk before sleeping.”

III Choose the best option

1 She asked her children

a.to stop playing b.stop to play c.stop playing d.stopping to play

2 His parents are always pround him

a.about b.of c.on d.with

3 I know you worked really this semester

a.hardly b.good c.bad d.hard

4 Mary was born in France French is her

a.mother tongue b.first language c.foreign language d.a and b

5 She advised me late

a.not b.not to be c.not be d.not being

IV Choose the word which does not belong to the same group.

1 A.poor B.good C.excellent D.satisfactory

2 A.term B.period C.holiday D.semester

3 A.work B.study C.play D.learn

4 A.History B.Physics C.Biology D.Chemistry

5 A.pleasent B.difficult C.enjoyable D.interesting

V Change the sentences in to reported speech He said to her, “You are my friend.”

> Jonny said to his mother, “I don’t know how to this exercise.”

> Tam said, “New York is bigger than London.”


4 The children said, “We play soccer every after school.”

> “Please lend me your dictionary, Quang,” said Hoa

> “Can you help me with my homework?” Minh said to her sister


7 “Please don’t talk during the test,” Mrs Lan said to the students.

> “You should practise speaking English everyday,” the teacher said


9 “You shouldn’t translate each sentence into Vietnamese,” my brother told me.

> 10 I said to her, “You ought to guess the meaning of the word before looking it up in the dictionary

Buæi 9

Prepare: 7/ 11/ 2011

A Objectives

Students review the following knowledge and the exercises below

1 Present simple with future meaning

o We are be also able to use the present simple to express the future meaning It is exact to happen It’s relative with “ Calendar, timetable, program ”

For example

 The exhibition opens on January 1st and closes on January 31st  The concert begins at 7.30 and ends at 9.30

 We leave tomorrow at 11.15 and arrive at 17.50

 The flight A320 flies to Paris at 4.50 p.m

 The train leaves the Hanoi Railway Station for HCMC at 12.30

 We have Math, Physics and History tomorrow


o Gerund is the “ing” form of a verb It can be as “subject, object of verb or prep For example

Playing tennis is fun We enjoy playing tennis Common verbs followed by gerunds

Enjoy (thưởng thức) appreciate (đánh giá cao) mind (phiền)

Quit ( từ bỏ) finish ( kết thúc) stop (dừng)

Consider (xem xét) discuss ( thảo luận) suggest (đề nghị)

like/ dislike/ love/ hate B Exercises

I Choose the best option

1 I am enrolling (to / for/ in) the activities for this summer Let me (to get / getting / get) you an application form Could you (get/do/ make) me a favor, please?

4 What (can/ may/ need) I for you? What are you interested (on/ at/ in)?

6 Can I participate (in/ at/ to) this programmer?

7 What you like (doing/ do/ to do) in your free time?


9 I need a favor – What can I (do/ make/ be) for you? 10.Are you (look/ to look/ looking) forward to the vacation?

II Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

1 Ba enjoys (go) to the circus

2 Nam doesn’t like (play) football but he likes (watch) football matches on TV I hate (get) up early in the winter days

4 My grandfather loves (talk) about the days when he was young

5 After (learn) by heart the new English words, Hoa often writes them into her little notebook My younger brother is very good at (imitate) the voices of the other people

7 My mother likes (decorate) the house

8 Before (go) to bed, I often read a newspaper

III, Gerund or Infinitive? Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs

1 Where you want (go)? What have you decided (do) ?

3 Don’t forget (send) me a postcard when you’re on holiday

4 You must stop (work) so hard It’s bad for you

5 I don’t mind (travel) by train but I prefer (fly)

6 I hate (get) up early in the morning The weather was nice, so I suggested (go) for a walk by the river

III Rewrite these sentences

1 “You should wash your hands before having lunch, Nam” Mrs Lan “ Don’t play video games too much, Minh” Mr Thoi said

“ Can you lend me some money, Hoa?” Ba said

“ Please show me the way to the post office.” The woman said

IV Complete these sentences

1 When/ scouting / begin / England?

You / like / take part / sports?

It / take / him / minutes / repair / bike

When / he / a boy / he / like / eat / sweets

What / I / / you?

I / listen / music / everyday

V.Use the so as to / in order to / to / so that to combine the following sentences.“ ” Yesterday, she went to the market She wanted to buy some meat

2 I am buying paint I want to paint my room door He has a box He plans to put his money in it

4 They got up early They wanted to get to the top of the hill before sunrise He rang the bell He wanted to tell us that dinner was ready

6 I am sending him to The USA I want him to study electronics there He sent his children to their aunt’s house He wanted to have some peace I took off my shoes I did not want to make any noise

9 He was playing very softly He did not want to disturb anyone


Buæi 10

Prepare: 18/ 11/ 2011


Students review the following knowledge and the exercises below

I Present perfect withfor & since*For + ( a period of time )

For 10 years For 23 seconds *Since + ( a point of time )

Since Monday Since 1989

I have studied English for 10 years She has not seen Lan since 1989

II Comparison with like, (not) as ….as, (not) the same as, different from*Like (prep) : giống

He looks like his father *The same as : giống

Her eyes are the same color as yours

The bag on the left is the same as the bag on the right *(Not) as ….as (như… )

The magazine is not as large as the newspaper He is as tall as me

*Different from (khác với)

What makes him different from the rest of the students? This table is different from that one

B Exercises.

I Fill in for or since in each blank:

My sister has been a student two years We’ve lived here 1999

I haven’t seen Linh my birthday party She’s been away five days

We’ve already waited a year

They have only been there a few minutes We haven’t had any rain a very long time That building has been there the 19th century.

I have known them many years My brother works for a company called FPT He has worked for them he graduated from university

II Complete the sentences with present perfect tense:

The village has grown into a small town for ten years I (work) with him since 1970

She (study) English for three years now I (not see) you for ages

They (live) there for the whole life You (meet) him since we said good bye? Where you (be) since 1999?

How long you (learn) French?


III Supply the correct verb forms: Simple past or present perfect

1 We (study) a very hard lesson the day before yesterday I (read) that novel by Hemingway several times before We (study) almost every lesson in this book so far My wife and I (travel) to Mexico by air last summer I (have) a little trouble with my car last week

6 What you (do) yesterday? How long you (learn) English? Tom (never be) in Hanoi

9 The plane (stop) at a small town It then (take) off immediately after refueling 10.She (be) so happy when she (hear) the news that she (cry)

IV Use the words provided to fill in the blank: different, as, from, like, the same

0 He sings like a singer

1 Red is from yellow

2 She is smart as her brother

3 I have book as you

4 My brother is different my father

5 You mean your mother is

not as your father?

6 She is quite from him

7 She is my aunt

8 She behaves a nun(n÷ tu sÜ)

V Choose the best answer

1 They have studied (a.for / b.at / c.since / d.to) six o/clock.

2 My mother is tired cook tonight (a.enough/to b.too/to c.so/that d.very/to) The new shopping mall is (a.different from / b.the same / c.like to / d.similar)the present shopping area

4 (a.When / b.Where / c.How / d.How long) have you lived in this town? – For nearly 20 years She has (a.writen / b.wrote / c.written / d.write) over 30 pages since yesterday

VI Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same:

1 We began to study English years ago

> We have English is easier than French

> French isn’t as A dog is bigger than a cat

> A cat isn’t as No one in this class is as tall as Tam

> Tam is the When did you begin to study French?

> How long have We started living here fifteen years ago

> We have

Buæi 11

Prepare: 25/ 11/ 2011

A Objectives.

Students consolidate the knowledge they’ve learnt by doing different exercises

B Exercises.

I Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

1 – Why don’t you join us? – I’m sorry Because I have to

a things b homeworks c housework d chores All learners should try to the best way for themselves

a make b find out c get d I usually music when I have free time

a watch b hear c look d listen to Tim promises he’ll try best to this work.


a outside b outhouse c out d outdoor What can I for you?

a make b help c d get the people usually walk on the

a street b road c sea d sidewalk When my grandmother was young, she used very well

a sing b to sing c sang d singing My teacher asked me my classmates

a not to copy b not to copied c not to copying d to not copy 10 Her daughter likes shopping on the weekend

a to go b goes c go d going 11.They want their children not video games so much

a to play b playing c play d played 12 Her son in Hanoi 10 years ago

a stay b stays c stayed d to stay 13 Don’t let your child with matches.

a play b playing c to play d played 14 She advised her daughter her body warm

a keep b to keep c keeping d kept 15 The doctor asked him a rest and any heavy work

a to take/to b to take/not c to take/don’t d to take/not to do

16 I like carefully about things before something

a thinking/deciding b to think/decide c think/to decide d thinking/to deciding 17 The library opens 8a.m 4p.m

a from/ to b between/ to c at/ of d after/ in 18 Uncle Ho was born May 19th, 1890.

a on b in c at d of 19 I am always proud my parents

a at b in c of d with 20 The children are interested outdoor activities

a at b in c of d with

II Find one word whose underlined part is pronounce differently from the others

1 A lunar B hut C under D upset A scout B shout C outdoor D youth A differ B slightly C did D establish

4 A moon B soon C poor D school

5 A equipments B festivals C folk tales D terms

6 A appears B grazes C sounds D highlights

7 A underlined B enrolled C united D recycled

III Rewrite each of the following sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same

1 “Please post this letter for me,” said Mom

> Mom told me “Please give your parents your report card,” said the teacher

> The teacher asked “Could you help me with my English speaking, Ba?” asked Minh

> Minh told “Can you wait for me, Jerry?” Tom said


5 “Please don’t say anything, Hung.” Tuan said.

> Tuan asked “Don’t shut the window, please.”

> The old man asked

7 “You should use this dictionary to find out how to pronounce English words, Hoa.” said Lan

> Lan said “You should practice playing the guitar everyday, Ba.”

> The teacher said The doctor said to the patient,” You should stay in bed.”

> The doctor advised 10 “You shouldn’t make a noise in the classroom.”

> The teacher advised 11 “You oughtn’t to make your room dirty,” my mother told me.

> My mother advised

Buæi 12

Prepare: 2/ 12/ 2011

A Objectives

Ss revise the knowledge they have learnt by doing different kinds of exercises B Exercises

I Choose the word having the underlined letters pronounced differently.

1. a played b cooked c saved d sprayed

2. a habit b magic c arrange d academic

3. a improve b postcard c notebook d code

4. a preparation b question c nation d competition

5. a loves b boxes c washes d teaches

6. a needed b planted c moved d intended

7. a hill b mobile c bill d until

II Choose the best answer

1 How ……… you……….to school when you were in Paris

a have / gone b / go c did / go d will / go

2 I usually listen ………….music ………my free time

a to / in b to / during c for / in d for / during

3 Their mother told them ……….so much noise

a not to make b not making c not being made d not make

4 His mother asked him ……… harder so as to pass the exam

a study b to study c studied d studying

5 I hope to see him …… o’clock tomorrow morning

a in b on c at d during

6 I ………….his email a few days ago

a receive b have received c am receiving d received

7 You have to your exercises before ……… to bed

a going b go c went d have gone


a since b for c on d in I haven’t seen her …… she left school

a during b for c since d until

III.Read the passage, then choose T or F.

“ …in the first year of lower secondary school, I had some difficulties in learning English My pronunciation of English words was really bad and my English grammar was worse I did not know how to improve them One afternoon after the lesson, my teacher of English told me to wait for her outside the classroom She took me to the school library and showed cassettes of pronunciation drills kept in a class bookcase She told me how to use an English – English dictionary to improve my English grammar “ now I think you know what you should do”, said she I made much progress and only one year later I won the first prize in the English Speaking Contest held for secondary school students in my hometown.”

Choose True or False

1 According to the passage, the writer didn’t find any difficulties in learning English His English pronunciation and grammar are rather good

3 His teacher helped him a lot in learning English

4 The teacher asked him to go to the school library to study English

5 He can improve his English grammar by using an English-English dictionary

6 He won the first prize in the English Speaking Contest one year after his teacher showed him the way to learn English

IV Give the correct form the verbs in brackets.

1 We (go)………… to HCM in 12 days

2 She is very tired of (read) ………such documents day after day

3 Right now, she (do) ……… her housework

4 He (die) ………… 75 years ago

5 She often spends her free time (help)……….her mother with the housework

6 She said.” I would like you (meet)……….my friend.”

7 What you (do) ……… this weekend ? I’m going to visit my grandparents on


8 Is she going out tonight ? Yes She (go) ………….out with her friends

9 The earth (move)………around the sun

10.He likes playing table tennis very much, so he (buy)………….two rackets yesterday

11.You mustn’t let the children ( play )…………in the kitchen

12.Each year, fire (destroy)………….homes and injures the children

13.The teacher asked him ( answer) ……….four questions

14.Mrs Vui bought some new furniture, but she cannot decide where (put)………it

V There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence Find the mistake and correct it.

1 Read the instructions before you turn in machine We go to Halong Bay on bus this weekend

3 Fortunately , I lost my key on the way to my house

4 If you want to join in this club, please fill on this application form Jane gets up early so as review her lessons


VI.Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets

1 Why did Hoa go to school late this morning ? Because she (watch)………… TV late last


2 The repairman can’t (fix)……… the washing machine until Monday this week

3 What is he doing now ? He (sweep) ………….his bedroom

4 The sun ( rise) in the east

VII.Rewrite the sentences by using the words given

1 Children have to look after their parents when they are old

Children must ………

2 My teacher said that I should study harder

My teacher advised ………

3 Everyone is traveling to China for holiday next month

Everyone is going ………

Buæi 13

Prepare: 5/ 12/ 2011

A Objectives

Ss different kinds of exercises to revise the knowledge they have learnt B Exercises.

I Fill in each space with a suitable word in box

When Tom was 28 years (1)………, he got married That time, he had no job A year later, he had a job He’s an (2)………… teacher now at Mary Curie Secondary School Because he was a newcomer, he had no (3)………… to live He and his wife lived in a small room in the school The life was very difficult at that time They didn’t buy any furniture to decorate their room

Three years later, they saved a little money, so they (4)……… a computer, a television and a refrigerator Every day, he cleans and sweeps the room His wife goes to the (5) ………… to buy some meat , fish and vegetables to cook meals daily They had a son and they had a (6) ………… life

II.Read the passage in part IV to answer the questions. 1) How old was Tom?

……… 2) when did Tom get married ?

……… 3) Did he have any jobs when he was 28?

……… 4) What does Tom do?

……… 5) What does his wife every day?


6) How many people Tom’s family have ?

……… 7) What did they when they saved a little money ?

……… III Complete the sentences Use the suitable preposition

1.People always go swimming ……… Sunday morning

2.What time is it ? I want to see the news ………….seven o’clock

3.Lan left his office 40 minutes ago She will come back ………10 minutes

4.The post office closes ………….9.00 p.m If you arrive ………….9.00 pm, it will be closed 5.All students must come there ………… 13.00 and 13.30

6.The meeting will take place at 8.00 You must come ………… that time if you don’t want to be late

IV Read the passage to answer the questions

Once a farmer lived a comfortable life with his family His chickens laid many eggs which the farmer used to sell to buy food and clothing for his family

One day, he went to collect the eggs and discovered one of the chickens laid a gold egg He shouted excitedly to his wife, “we’re rich, we’re rich !”

His wife ran to him and they both looked at the egg in amazement The wife wanted more, so her husband decided to cut open all the chickens and find more gold eggs Unfortunately, he couldn’t find any eggs When he finished all, the chickens were dead There were no more eggs of any kinds for the foolish farmer and his greedy wife

Answer the questions: a) How was the farmer’s life ?

……… b) What did the farmer use to sell eggs to buy ?

……… c) What did he discover ?

……… d) Why did the farmer and his wife decide to cut open all the chickens ?

……… e) Did they find more gold eggs when they cut open all the chickens ?

……… V Choose the best answer

1 Language learners learn words in different ways Some makes a list and put into it the meanings of the new words in their mother tongue, and try to learn them ………

a by bus b by heart c with a pen d with a book

2 In order to ………words better, some learners even write each word and its use on a small piece of paper

a remember b remembered c remembering d remembers

3 many language learners not try ………all new words they come across

a learn b learning c to learn d learned

4 language learners should ……… different ways of learning words so as to find out the best way for themselves


5 some learners write each word and its use on a small piece of paper and stick it somewhere in their house ………learn it at any time

a so as to b in order to c to d all “a, b and c” are


VI There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence Find the mistake (A,B,C or D) and correct it.

1 The fairy changed Little Pea’s rags into beautiful clothes magical A B C D

2 Peter’s father soon died because of a break heart A B C D

3 When Jane was young, she uses to swim in the river A B C D

VII Use the “ so as to / in order to / to / so that ” to combine the following sentences. Yesterday, she went to the market She wanted to buy some meat

They got up early They wanted to get to the top of the hill before sunrise He was playing very softly He did not want to disturb anyone

VIII Use “ too / enough” to combine the following sentences.

4 You are very young You can’t have a front door key

5 It is very cold We can’t have a bath

6 The ladder wasn’t very long I didn’t reach the window

7 The fire isn’t very hot I won’t boil a kettle

8 He is very ill He can’t eat anything

IX Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same:

1.We began to study English years ago

> We have 2.English is easier than French

> French isn’t as 3.No one in this class is as tall as Tam

> Tam is the 4.When did you begin to study French?

> How long have 5.We started living here fifteen years ago


→ I used 7.John is too young to ride his bike to school

→ John isn’t

X Give the correct tense and form of the verbs in parentheses

1 Look at the black clouds It (rain)

2 The Earth ( go) around the sun, and the moon ( move) around the Earth

3 Children nowadays spend more time ( play) video games than reading books

5 A friend of my sister ( call) her yesterday morning Hoa isn’t old enough ( go) to school

7 Miss Trang is in hospital


Buæi 13

Prepare: 5/ 12/ 2011


Prepare: 10/ 1/ 2010

Teach: 14/ 1/ 2010 Classes: 8A, 8B

A Objectives

Ss revise the following knowledge and exercises

I Present progressive

o Talk about future: we also use the present progressive to express a plan in the near future like “be going to”

For example

We are spending next summer in Australia

He is arriving tomorrow morning on the 13.15 train

o Complaint withalways”: we use “ always ” to express continually-repeated actions or to complain about someone

For example

 This week, I go to school late six times, so my teacher said “You are always going to school late.”

 I am always hearing strange stories about him

II Comparative and superlative o Comparative ( so sánh hơn)

- Short adjective: Adjective + er

Tall taller

Big bigger


Lan is 1.8 meters tall Nga is 1.75 meters tall Therefore, Lan is taller than Nga Nga is shorter than Lan

(S + BE + ADJ + ER + THAN + S + BE)

- Long adjective: More + Adjective

Beautiful more beautiful

Careful more careful

For example

Nga usually causes traffic accidents with her motorbike, but Lan doesn’t; therefore, lan is more careful than Nga

The red skirt is 120,000 VND The green skirt is 150,000 VND Therefore, the green skirt is more expensive than the red skirt

o Superlative (so sánh nhất)

- Short adjective: the +Adjective + est

Tall the tallest

Big the biggest

Happythe happiest

Lan is 1.8 meters tall Nga is 1.75 meters tall Hoa is 1.85 meters tall Therefore, Hoa is the tallest


Expensive the most expensive

Careful the most careful

The red skirt is 120,000 VND The green skirt is 150,000 VND The pink skirt is 450,000 VND Therefore, the pink skirt is the most expensive

Some irregular comparative and superlative forms.

Adjective Comparative Superlative

Good better (the) best

Bad worse (the) worst

Far farther (the) farthest

further (the) furthest

old older (the) oldest

elder (the) eldest

Little less (the) least

Much more (the) most

Many more (the) most

Note: - Short adjective is one-syllable adjective

- Long adjective is the adjective with more or equal to two syllables o Comparative with “-er and -er”. (càng ngày ….)

Nga is growing fast She’s getting taller and taller Computers are becoming more and more complicated (Những máy tính ngày phức tạp.) Holidays flights are getting less and less expensive

o The more ……, the more…… (…càng… , ….càng…) The more money you make, the more she spends

(Bạn làm nhiều tiền, tiêu nhiều) The more expensive petrol becomes, the less people drive (Xăng dầu trở nên đắc đỏ, người xe hơi.)

B Exercises

I Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present progressive. I (go) to the movies tonight The film (begin) at 7.30


2 The world (change) rapidly(nhanh chãng) Things never (stay) the same

> We (have) a party next Saturday Would you like to come? > It often (rain) in summer, but it (not/rain) now > What time this train (get) to London?

> Computers (become) more important in our lives > A: You (be) free at lunchtime tomorrow?

> B: No, I (have) lunch with my parents


8 Sue (come) to see us tomorrow She (travel) by train and her train (arrive) at 10.15 >

9 A: What your sister (do)?



II Write the comparative form or superlative form of the words in brackets

1. Sport is politics (interesting)

2. Can’t you think of anything to say? (intelligent)

3. It’s day of the year (short)

4. London is Birmingham (big)

5. I prefer this chair to the other ones It’s (comfortable)

6. The weather is getting (bad)

7. I like living in the countryside It’s living in a town (peaceful)

8. Who is in the class? (clever)

9. That’s meal I’ve had for a long time (delicious)

10.It was speech I’ve ever heard (boring)

III.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.

1. a Played b cooked c talked d laughed

2. a watches b trees c buses d sentences

3. a roofs b boards c hangs d clothes

4. a hanged b earned c noted d cleaned

5. a stopped b weighed c used d climbed

6. a changes b aches c washes d oranges

7. a lakes b roofs c steps d taxis

8. a walked b practiced c pleased d missed

9. a wicked b needed c learned d collected

10. a pages b tops c necks d this

IV.Fill a suitable preposition in the space.

1 Can I speak ……Tom, please ?

2 Turn right ………the end of this street and you will see it …….front of you Can I look up a word ……your dictionary ? I left mine ………home

4 I went …… bed early, but I couldn’t get ……sleep Are you going to school … bus ?

6 She will go home…….7.00 tonight I went for a swim …………breakfast

8 You should think carefully …………you choose She was standing …… the floor

10 The meeting will happen ……… 4.50 and 7.30 p.m

11 Mary should work harder ……… her German pronunciation 12 They will come to our house …….10 minutes

13 I usually listen ……music……my free time 14 The school is a bit far ……… my house

15 I’m looking forward ………the summer vacation 16 In the middle …….the room, there are four chairs 17 The cat is sleeping …….the chair

18 I don’t have much information………….the newspaper 19 He will be ……home ………Sunday morning

20 There is a computer …… the middle of the room

21 The girl sitting ………… my father and Michael is my little sister 22 He will come over to pick her

23 Couldn’t you go a little faster ? I am ………a hurry


Buæi 13



Prepare: 17/ 1/ 2010

Teach: 21/ 1/ 2010 Classes: 8A, 8B

A Objectives

Ss revise the following knowledge and exercises

1.Purpose phrase: in order to, so as to, to

To express the purpose, we use the following phrases:

In order to (để)

So as to (để) + Bare infinitive To (để)

For example

 He came here in order to study English  He came here so as to study English  He came here to study English

 He came here so that he studied English  He came here for English

For + a noun So that + clause

Incorrect: He came here for studying English Incorrect: He came here for to study English Incorrect: He came here for study English

2.Future simple

o We use the future simple to predict events in the future For example

Nottingham will win on Saturday It will rain tomorrow

Will house prices rise again next year ? I don’t know if I shall see you next week o We use the future simple to promise

I shall buy you a bike for your birthday o We use the future simple to suggest

Shall we go swimming tomorrow ?

( S + WILL/SHALL + BARE INFINITIVE ) o Some future adverbs in this tense

- Next (kế tiếp) + N (time) Next month

Next year, she will go to the China - In (trong) + ( a period of time)

In 20 minutes (trong 20 phút nữa) I shall sleep in 20 minutes In 10 days (trong 10 ngày nữa) - Tomorrow (ngày mai)


We shall go for a picnic tomorrow afternoon

B Exercises

I Circle the letter A,B,C or D next to the word or phrase which best completes the following sentences

1 I home for school at o'clock every morning

A start B leave C go D return

2 Vietnamese language is different _ English language

A from B to C with D for

3 Hoang likes _ the piano in his free time

A playing B plays C to playing D play

4 London is _ capital city in Europe

A the largest B the larger C largest D large

5 The boy is not to lift the suitcase

A strong enough B enough strong C too strong D so strong We should wait here our parents come back

A before B after C until D when

7 What did you enjoy most when you were on holiday?

A to go sailing B Going sailing C To sail D Going to sail Lan bought a dictionary _ learn new words

A because of B in order to C so D for

9 The bank manager phoned and asked if she could _ a massage for Mr Baker

A leave B give C send D repeat

10 Kuna doesn't eat meat any _ because he thinks it's bad for him

A how B way C longer D time

11 Everyone stopped talking when the teacher _ into the room

A was coming B would come C came D had come

12 When Peter gave up smoking he put on a lot of

A fat B weight C size D pounds

13 Paolo has recently joined a health club in order to fit

A continue B make C help D keep

14 May I help you ? -

A I'm sorry, I can't B No problem C No, thank you D How can I help you? 15 What you have for lunch?

A I usually am having a sandwich B I am usually having a sandwich C I usually have a sandwich D I have usually a sandwich

16 Can you me a favor? - _

A No Thank you I'm fine B I'm sorry, I'm busy C Yes That's very kind of you D No, you can't

II Complete each of the following blanks with one word.

1 I didn't have _ money to travel by plane so I went by train I asked him for advice but he said he was busy This is _ worst film he has made

4 What's at the Thang Long cinema tonight? I never drive faster than fifty kilometers hour She doesn't look her mother at all


III Underline the mistakes in each of the following sentences and write the true sentences

0 My father are a teacher My father is a teacher.

1 She has been living here since ten years

2 While family was having dinner, the phone was ringing Would you like come and stay with us?

4 The match we went to was playing between our team and the team from a nearby city

5 The toys are kept in the cardboard box are five dollars Would you mind to get me some water?

- I'm sorry, I'm too busy now

7 The glass is broken up, melt and make into new glassware Where you live and you have a phone number?

IV Choose the word to complete the passage Two words aren't used The first has been done for you.

perform, start, mistake, run, difference, pain, importance, walk, depression, heart, body


Exercise is one of the best ways of keeping depression away It improves your and your mind and enables you to _ better in the work place and at home

Proper breathing is essential if you want to get the most from exercise and you should also take into consideration your _ rate It can be harmful to too much, which is why all good fitness instructors emphasize the of " listening to your body"

When you first you should use good judgment, because it's easy to make the _of using the equipment incorrectly or doing too much at one time Start slowly and build up gradually

Exercise should not be seen as a demanding task; it can be as easy as a quick _ To increase your fitness steadily, exercise for 20 minutes a day, to times a week and you will notice a in your body and mind in a few weeks

V Match the verbs in A with a phrase in B.


0 call a your temper

1 get b a drink

2 lose c someone a favor

3 tell d someone go

4 pack e the police

5 let f into trouble

6 g sorry for someone

7 order h your bags feel i the truth

0 - e , 1.- … 2.-……, 3.-…., 4.- …., 5.- … ,6.-……, 7.-…., 8.- ……

VI Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that they mean almost the same as those printed before

1 Peter didn't study hard, so he failed the exams

Peter failed ……… Lan is the best student in her class


She is not……… ………… People collect and send the glass to the factories

The glass ……… ……… I often went swimming in the river but now I don't it any more

I used……… "I will buy a new car", said Jack

Jack said that …… ………

VIII Build the sentences from the given cues.

1 The house / expensive / than / the apartment

……… My father / hate / cook / meals

……… You / mind / if / I / you / question / ?

……… Every year / billions / cans / throw away / over the world

……… I / not / go / school / because / I / had / stay / home / help / mom ………


Buæi 13

Prepare: 5/ 12/ 2011


Prepare: 24/ 1/ 2010 Teach: 27/ 1/ 2010 Classes: 8A, 8B

A Objectives

Ss revise the following knowledge and exercises

1 Passive form (dạng bị động).

o We use the passive voice to emphasize the agent causing actions

Be + past participle

S V O Active: Mary helped the boy

S V O Passive: The boy was helped by Mary

2 The passive form in the tenses.

Active Passive

Simple present: Mary helps John John is helped by Mary Present progressive: Mary is helping John John is being helped by Mary Present perfect: Mary has helped John John has been helped by Mary Simple past: Mary helped John John was helped by Mary Past progressive: Mary was helping John John was being helped by Mary Past perfect: Mary had helped John John had been helped by Mary Simple future: Mary will help John John will be helped by Mary Future perfect: Mary will have helped John John will have been helped by Mary

Active: People grow rice in India Passive: Rice is grown in India Active: some one broke my bike Passive: My bike was broken


- if speaker knows who causes the action, “by” phrase is used

Active: People built my house in 1987 (Unclear subject) Passive: My house was built in 1978

- If speaker doesn’t know exactly who causes the action “by” phrase is not used Active: My aunt made this rug (Concrete subject)

Passive: This rug was made by my aunt

o Verbs have two objects: Indirect object (I.O) and Direct object (D.O) Active: Someone gives Lee a gift

Passive: Lee is given a gift (Way 1)

A gift is given to Lee. (Way 2)

Active: My mom bought me a new toy car

Passive: I was bought a new toy car by my mom (w1)

A new toy car was bought for me by my mom.(w2)


 Sell something to someone ( bán cho ai )  Lend something to someone ( cho ai mượn cái gì )  Tell something to someone ( kể cái gì cho ai)  Offer something to someone (tặng cái gì cho ai)  Show something to someone (chỉ cho ai )  Send something to someone (gửi cái gì cho ai)  Write something to someone (viết cái gì cho ai)  Make something to/for someone (làm cài gì cho ai)  Buy something for someone (mua cái gì cho ai)  Leave something for someone.(để lại cho ai )  Play something for someone ( chơi cái gì cho ai)  Do something for someone (Làm cái gì cho ai)  Bring something for someone (mang cái gì cho ai)  Call something for someone (gọi cái gì cho ai)

B Exercises

I Choose the best answer

1 Milk (brings / is bring / is brought / has brought) to the house by the milkman everyday Milk bottles can be (recycled / thrown away / broken / reused) after being cleaned This project (is carried out / will carry out / carries out / will be carried out) next month Millions of Christmas cards (were sent / are sent / send / is sending) every year

5 Christmas songs (perform/ are performed / performed / were performed) for people 800 years ago The cupboard is open and everything (is broken / were broken / has been broken / would be broken) – What happened after the storm?

– Harvests (destroyed / will be destroyed / were destroyed / are destroyed) II Change the sentences into passive voice

People use milk for making butter and cheese

> Careless driving causes many accidents


They don/t use this house very often.

> Do Mr and Mrs John teach English in this Secondary School?

> Does Nam always take Ba and Hoa up to school every morning?

> Somebody will clean the room later


You mustn/t open this parcel until Christmas Day.

> Can people recycle tires to make pipes?


People don/t use this road very often.

> 10 When does he usually his homework?

> III Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the words given.

We must pay this bill at once

> The bill Many people in the world speak English

> English Does your country export rice to Britain?


> Our children I was very delighted that I passed the final exams

> I was very delighted Going fishing with friends at weekends is interesting

> It is To help mom with housework is a good activity at home

> It is

IV Error identification

1 She said me to work hard on the next semester A B C D

2 Different people learn a foreign language in difference ways A B C D The man speaks English so fastly that I hardly understand him


4 I often use a dictionary so that as to learn new words and pronunciation A B C D

5 Some people learn a language by read passage aloud A B C D

V Pronunciation

1. a looked b played c weighed d missed

2. a roofs b laughs c boards d books

3. a hard b after c aunt d late

4. a proud b count c pronounce d tour

5. a come b tongue c for d son


o Followed by a full infinitive


For example

It is difficult to understand what you say It is easy to learn English

It is so nice to sit here with you It is interesting to see this film

It + be + Adj + for + O + to-infinitive. For example

It is impossible for me to this job It is hard for you to pass the exam

S + be + Adj + to-infinitive. For example

I’m sure to know him

She is very happy to help everyone

o Followed by a noun clause

Adj + that clause For example

It’s strange (that) he should have said that It’s possible (that) he didn’t get message It’s important (that) you must study very hard I am afraid that I can’t go to the movies with you She is sorry that she broke my book

It’s sure/certain that you will like it She is happy that you helped her

Buæi 13

Prepare: 5/ 12/ 2011


Teach: 24/2/ 2010 Classes: 8A, 8B

A Objectives

Ss revise the following knowledge and exercises I Past participle and present participle

The form of a verb used in compound tenses and as an adjective English uses the present participle, which ends in ‘-ing’, and the past participle, which usually ends in ‘-ed’

o We use the present participle to modify and clear meaning of nouns in front of it Subject can cause the action of verb

For example

The boy reading a book is Ba The man going upstairs is Mr Tan The woman talking to Nam is Miss Lien

o We use the past participle to modify and clear meaning of nouns in front of it Subject cannot cause the action of verb

For example

The old lamp made in China is five dollars The toys kept in the box are 10 dollars

The lorry recycled from 7-up cans is dollars II Requests:

o Would / Do you mind if …?

Would you mind if + S + past simple. Would you mind if I smoked ?

Would you mind if I sat here ?

Do you mind if + S + present simple. Do you mind if I smoke ?

Do you mind if I sit here ? o Would / Do you mind + V-ing ?

Would you mind stopping the car ? Do you mind stopping the car ?

B Exercises:

I Use Would/Do you mind ? or Would/Do you mind if ? to make these requests more polite. Can you take me a photograph? >

2 Could you wait a moment, please? > Will you turn down the TV, please? > Please make some coffee > Will you post the letters for me? > Could I smoke? > May I ask you a question? > Can I use your hand phone? > Shall I carry your luggage? > 10 Could I borrow your newspaper? >

II.Choose the best answer to complete these sentences:

1 In the world, millions of old papers away everyday

a.thrown b.are throwing c.are thrown d.threw

2 Every milk bottle can be thirty times

a.recycled b.reused c.reduced d.returned

3 I am happy all the exams


4 She was very sad good marks in the final test

a.not get b.not to get c.to not get d.not getting

5 It’s to travel around Vietnam

a.interesting b.interested c.interestingly d.interestedly

6 The ruler of plastic is Mai’s

a.making b.to make c.is made d.made

7 The man to the principal is my English teacher

a.talks b.is talking c.talking d.to talk

8 Do you mind if I the window?

a.open b.to open c.opened d.opening

9 Would you mind the washing up for me tonight?

a.doing b.did c.to d.done

10 Tim rice paddies before

a.never saw b.never seen c.has never seen d.never to see

11 They stop playing video games untill we came back

a.don’t b.didn’t c.aren’t d.won’t

12.The Jonhs family wanted to the house where Uncle Ho was born

a.visit b.meet c.stay d.live

13.Our teacher asked us to when we have had final exam

a.copy b.calm down c.sleep d.forget

14 She cried when she heard that news

a.exciting b.excitingly c.excited d.excitedly

15 Ba is studying very hard pass the final exam

a.passing b.to pass c.pass d.passed

16 Farmers collect household and garden waste to make

a.compost b.floor coverings c.glass ware d.pipes

17.This is an emergency Please send to Dong Xuan Market

a.an office b.bleeding c.a wound d.an


18 The movie theater is the park and the studium

a.in b.beside c.between d.opposite

19 – Hurry up! – Yes I’ll be ready one minute

a.at b.during c.from d.in

20 Mary is scared seeing the dentist

a.on b.of c.in d.about

III Choose the best answer to complete these sentences.

1 The boy (injuring / injured) in the accident was taken to the hospital The boy (swimming / swum) in the river is the fisher’s son

3 The window (breaking / broken) in the storm last night has been repaired The girl (teaching / taught) English is Lan’s sister

5 The man (working / worked) in the garden is my grand father The car (making / made) in Japan was very expensive The house (building / built) of wood belongs to my uncle

8 The picture (taking / take) by his brother won the first prize in the art contest The girl (sitting / sat) next to me is intelligent

10 The book (writing / written) by Mr Jones is about places of interest in Vietnam IV Combine each pair of sentences, using V-ing or V-ed.

1 The baby is crying for her mother She is sitting in an armchair The boy was taken to the hospital He was injured in the accident Do you know the woman? The woman ia talking to Tom

4 The road is very narrow It joins the two villages The taxi broke down It was taking us to the airport

6 Most of the goods are exported They are made in this factory



Drill Exercises

Prepare: 28/2/ 2010 Teach: 3/3/ 2010 Classes: 8A, 8B

A Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review the knowledge they have learnt from unit 9-11 and exercises

B Exercises

I.Choose the best answer:

you post this letter for me?

A.Will B.Do C.Are

.is used to check one eyesight A.Eyesight B.Eyeglass C.Eye chart 3.She promised she back in about half an hour

A.can B.would C.will It’s dangerous in this river

A.to swim B.swim C.swimming you mind if I smoke?

A.Do B.Could C.Would you like a cup of coffee?

A.Do B.Would C.Will I’m that you want to know more

A.please B.pleased C pleasing

8 I come to the airport with you? A.Shall B.Would C.Do 9.My sister like sweets from chocolate

A.made B.making C to make 10 Many people like to travel train



II.Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the verbs in bracket.

1 We are happy (receive) a lot of presents from our friends Would you mind (correct) this composition for me?

3 He suggested (travel) around the town by bike I’d like you (meet) my family this weekend The girl (stand) over there is my close friend Do you mind if I (borrow) your dictionary?

III.Rewrite the following sentences as directed.

1 I passed all the exams I’m happy (use “adjective + noun clause”)

To meet you again is lovely.(use “adjective + to infinitive”)

Can I turn on the TV? (use “Do you mind if ”)

Could you solve this problem for me? (use “Would you mind ” )

The docter examined the patients.(turn into the passive voice)

IV.Read the letter and answer the questions: Dear Sandra

We are having a wonderful time in Ha Long city in Viet Nam The weather is very nice It’s warm and sunny We’re staying in a comfortable hotel near the beach We have a spectacular view of the bay from our bedroom

Yesterday, we went to see some beautiful caves and grottoes in Ha Long Bay Today we are going on a boat trip to Cat Ba Island.We’ll call you next week

Best wishes Tim


1.Who wrote the letter? 2.Where are they? 3.What is the weather like? 4.Where are they staying? 5.What can they see from their bedroom? 6.Where did they go yesterday?

V/ Choose the best answers

1.I can see a boy ……… a water buffalo

a ride b riding c to ride d rode Would you mind………the windows? a to close b closing c close d closed Would you mind if I……….?

a smoking b smoking c smoked d will smoke The bike ……….by my mother is new

a buy b bought c was bought d to buy Do you mind opening your book ?

a I’d prefer you didn’t b I’d rather you didn’t c No, I don’t mind d Please go ahead The books………….by Nam everyday

a is read b was read c are read d were read

VI Give the correct form of the verbs in the brackets

1 We study hard so as (get) good marks ………



3 Would you mind ( turn ) music down ? ……… Do you mind if I ( take) a photo ? ………

VII/ Rewrite the following sentences.

1.Can you take me a photo, please ?

- Would you mind……….? The girl is Hoa She is watching TV

- The girl……… Can I borrow your book ?

- Do you……….? This house is beautiful It was bought two days ago

- This house……… I my homework every evening

- My homework……… VIII Read the following passage and answer the questions

Yesterday, when I was riding along a busy road, I saw an accident A woman was knocked down when she crossed the street at a zebra crossing Many people stopped to offer their help A policeman arrived and asked a young man to telephone for an ambulance While waiting for the ambulance, the policeman and some people tried to stop the bleeding They used a handkerchief to cover the wound, then put pressure on it and held it tight They tried to talk to her in order to keep her awake After about ten minutes, the ambulance arrived and the woman was taken to the hospital

1 When did the accident happen?

……… Where was the woman knocked down?

……… What did they to stop the bleeding?

……… How long did the ambulance arrive?

……… IX.Choose the best answer and circle the best letter A, B, C or D.

1 Would you mind for a few minutes?

A to wait B wait C waiting D waited The red car by the doctor is my neighbor

A buy B to buy C buying D bought It’s nice - your family

A to meeting B to meet C met D meet

4 In order _ good marks in this test, you must revise your lesson carefully A getting B gets C get D to get

5 This house last week by Mr Smith

A was painted B was paint C was paints D painting It’s - to find a modern hotel in our disdict

A difficulty B more difficult C difficult D most difficult - to America yet ?

A Have you ever been B Were you been C Were you D Are you Do you mind if I here?

A sitting B sat C to sit D sit

X Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms:



3 It is very interesting ( read ) _ newspaper through the Internet I’m not rich enough ( buy ) -that car

5 The house ( build ) - by the workers next month It’s difficult ( answer ) - the question

7 The cars ( make ) ……… from Japan are the best The man ( talk ) ……… to your teacher is my uncle


1 _ _ _ _

XI Rewrite the following sentences, beginning and shown:

Ex: “ Stand up, please.” The teacher said to her students  The teacher told her studentsto stand up Can I close the windows?

=>Do you mind if ……… Could you translate this sentence into Vietnamese?

=>Would you mind ……… I will repair your bicycle tomorrow

=>Your bicycle ……… The girl is my classmate She is talking with Miss Lan

=>The girl ……… People speak English all over the world

=>English ……… It is quite difficult for me to this test in 45 minutes




Prepare: 14/3/ 2010

Teach: 20/3/ 2010 Classes: 8A, 8B

A Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review the following knowledge

I Past progressive

o We use the past progressive to express actions, events which were happening at a period of time in the past

S + were / was + V-ing + (O) + (A) For example

At o’clock last night, I was studying

Last year at this time, I was attending school II Past progressive withWhen & While

o Express an action happening, another came in the past

When it began to rain, I was walking down the street While I was walking down the street, it began to rain o Express two actions in progress at the same time

While I was studying in one room of our apartment, my roommate was having a party in the other room

B Exercises

I Give the correct form of the verbs.

1 We (receive)………our first semester report card a few days ago

2 My Math teacher asked me (spend)………more time on Math

3 I must (study)………… harder next semester

4 We’re (go) ………….to Hue tonight to celebrate the festival with my grandmother

5 What is necessary in (learn) ……….words ?

II Give the correct form of words at the beginning of the sentence.

1 APPLY Let me get an ………… form and we can fill it out

2 ORGANIZE The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is a youth ………

3 BEGIN Scouting …………in England in 1907

4 BUSINESS What is your father’s job ? He is a ………

5 WORLD Now Scouting is popular ………

6 PARTICIPATION if possible, you can ………in other programs

III Arrange the following words into a complete sentence. Could / / you / me / favor / a / , / please / ? /

2 I / at / / Tran Phu / live / street

3 Bring / form / the / to / back / me

4 Can / help / me / you / my bags / carry ?

5 There / over / million / scouts / were / five / in the BSA



1 She always laughs …………me when I make a mistake

2 His volunteer work takes …… a lot of time

3 Everyone gets tired ……….my jokes

4 We usually listen ………music on weekends

5 What is a bad thing ………Ba’s jokes ?

6 She always talks………her friends about daily life

7 The sun rises in the east and sets ……….the west

8 She is going to have her birthday party …….the 28th of September, 2009

V Give the correct form of words in brackets

1 Tim studies his Spanish pronunciation (bad)…………

2 Does Nga speak English ? Oh, yes She speaks English (good)…………

3 Wearing modern clothes to work is very ( convenience) ………

4 If you want get good grades in study, you must study (very/hard) ………

5 I can’t hear what she says She speaks (soft) …………

6 Today dishes in the party are (taste) ………

7 He is a car racer He drives ( quite/fast ) ………

8 I promise I shall love her ( permanent ) ………




Prepare: 21/3/ 2010

Teach: 24/3/ 2010 Classes: 8A, 8B

A Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review the following knowledge


Compound words

We combine a noun with a gerund to make a compound adjective N + V-ing => Adjective For example

To make a fire fire-making

To arrange flowers flower-arranging

To wash clothes clothes-washing

To make cars car-making

To export rice rice-exporting

2 Reported speech: Statements

o In indirect speech, we repeat the content of speech, but it is not necessary to use phrases exactly

Direct: she said, “My brother is a student.” “ My brother is a student,” she said “ My brother,” she said, “ is a student ” Indirect: she said that her brother was a student 3 How to change a direct sentence into an indirect one

1) Bỏ dấu phẩy “,” dấu ngoặc kép

2) Thêm “ that ” vào sau động từ tường thuật “ said

3) Đổi tính từ sở hữu cho phù hợp với chủ ngữ động từ tường thuật

4) Nếu động từ tường thuật khứ lùi động từ câu dấu ngoặc kép khứ

5) Đổi trạng từ câu trực tiếp 4 How to change the tense.


Present simple (hiện đơn) Past simple ( khứ đơn)

Present progressive ( tiếp diễn) Past progressive (quá khứ tiếp diễn)

Present perfect ( hoàn thành) Past perfect ( khứ hoàn thành )

Present perfect progressive Past perfect progressive

Past simple ( khứ đơn) Past perfect

Future simple (tương lai đơn) Conditional (điều kiện)

This That

These Those

Now Then

Today That day

Tomorrow The following day

The day after tomorrow (ngày mốt) In two days’ time



Yesterday The day before / The previous day

Last year The year before

The day before yesterday ( hôm kia) Two days before

A year ago A year before / the previous year


I Choose the best answer to complete these sentences.

1 How long (a.ago / b.for / c.in / d.since) did you stay in the USA? 2 The first prize (a.give / b.gives / c.is given / d.to give) to the best team. 3 How many people took part (a.at / b.in / c.on / d.of) the contest?

4 I use these pieces of bamboo to (a.do / b.make / c.have / d.flight) the fire.

5 In 1964, Martin Luther King (a.won / b.has won / c.wins / d.was won) the Nobel Peace Prize. 6 The Mona Lisa (a.painting / b.painted / c.to paint / d.was painted) by Leonardo Da Vince. 7 Millions of Chirstmas cards (a.were sent / b.are sent / c.send / d.is sending) every year.

8 Jane saw her old friend while she (a.crossed / b.is crossing / c.were crossing / d.was crossing) the street.

9 A contest in which participants have to fetch water from the river is called ( a.water-fetch contest / b.fetching-water contest / c.water-fetching contest / d.fetch-water)

10 The first pyramids of Egypt (a.built / b.were built / c.to built / d.were building) around 3000 BC. 11 He said that he (a.shall / b.will / c.should / d.would) come and see you soon.

12 Jim said that he was playing the piano (a.now / b.at the moment / c.at this time / d.then)

13 Many years ago, Chrismas songs (a.performed / b.were performed / c.were performing / d.have performed) for people in towns and villages.

14 Liz is very (a.interest / b.interested / c.interesting / d.interests) in the water-fetching contest. 15 His teammates were not fast so he (a.shouted / b.urged / c.cried / d.suggested) the to run faster.

II Rewrite the sentences, using the words given. “Don’t try to open it,” she said to us

> She told

2 Mrs Linda said to her husband, “ You shouldn’t drink alcohol or smoke.”

> Mrs Linda advised “I will clean all the class windows,” said Trung

> Trung said “My brother doesn’t like eating sticky rice,” said Linh

> Linh said Mrs Hoa has just made these skirts for Huong

> These skirts The chairman will open the factory in Ho Chi Minh City next month

> The factory They ask me some difficult questions at the interview

> I Noboby told us that Bill was ill

> We weren’t III Each underlined part has ONE mistake Find and correct it.

1 Hung said that he can repair the bicycle for me


Thuong Dinh is a making-shoe factory


I am interesting in the rice-cooking contest you organized yesterday


The grand prize is gave to the team with the most points





Loan was taken to the zoo Mrs Linh yesterday


Sally said she was going to the bookshop now



Prepare: 28/3/ 2010

Teach: 31/3/ 2010 Classes: 8A, 8B

A Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review the following knowledge

I Reported speech : “ If or Whether



Direct: he said, “Do you like football?”

Indirect: he asked if I liked football

Direct: he said to her, “Do you like football?”

Indirect: he asked her if she liked football

Direct: he said to Nam, “Do you like football?”

Indirect: he asked Nam if he liked football

If / whether ………… (or not) (Có ………hay không) II Question words before to-infinitive

o We can use question words before to-infinitive For example

He discovered how to open the safe I find out where to buy fruit cheaply

I don’t know when to turn the washing machine off She couldn’t think what to say

She learned how to make a cake III Verbs + to-infinitive

Reference list of verbs followed by to-infinitives

o Afford I cannot afford to buy it

o Agree they agreed to help us

o Appear she appear to be tired

o Arrange I’ll arranged to meet you at the airport

o Ask he asked to come with us

o Beg he begged to come with us

o Care I don’t care to see that show

o Claim she claims to know a famous movie star

o Consent she finally consented to marry him

o Decide I have decided to leave on Monday

o Demand I demand to know who is responsible

o Expect I expect to enter graduate school in the fall

o Fail she failed to return the book to the library on time

o Forget I forgot to mail the letter

o Hope Jack hopes to arrive next week

o Learn he learned to play the piano

o Offer they offered to help us

o Promise I promise not to be late

o Volunteer he volunteered to help us

o Want I want to tell you something

o Wish she wishes to come with us


I Change the direct sentences into indirect ones: commands, requests and advice.


REVISION- ENGLISH 8 “Close the door, Tom,” she said

3 “Don’t watch the movies too late,” I said to Mary “Buy a new car,” I advised him

5 “Don’t lend her anything,” he advised us

6 “Don’t make too much noise, children,” he said “Could you help me, please?” he said to her “Will you be here tomorrow?” she asked “Will you read this carefully?” he said to me 10 His wife said, “Write to me as often as you can.” 11 She said, “Don’t go near the water, children.”

II Change the direct sentences into indirect ones: statement

1 I said to her, “I have something to show you.” He said, “I’m going away tomorrow, mother.” Thomas said, “I bought new books two days ago.” He said, “Playing soccer is very fun and interesting.” Mary said to Jones, “I will go to HCMC next week.”

6 Alan said to David, “I finished building my house last year.” Nam said, “Baseball began in the United states.”

III Rewrite these sentences with “be going to”

1 Jane visits her friends in London

2 That man has an important test tomorrow What they buy for they day?

4 Who will take care of children? Where does he stay for the night? The tourists stop at the restaurant We won't go there next week

8 The woman washes the car on weekends The boy doesn't prepare for the test 10 Most of us are playing hide and seek

IV Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 Peter (not / go) ………… next week The boy (visit) ……… us last week Children are fond of (play) ……… She's tall enough (play) ………… sports My dad (drink)……… beer years ago It's glad (meet) ……… you

7 Mum sometimes (take) ……… me to the zoo She asked me (tell) ………….the truth

9 We are interested in ( watch ) ………films V Gerunds or infinitives after some verbs.

1 She suggested (go)………… to a movie


REVISION- ENGLISH 8 We enjoy (visit)……… them

4 I keep (hope)……… he will come

5 She finished (study)…………about 10 o’clock I dislike (drive)………….long distance

7 Would you mind (help) ……… me with this ? They discussed (open) ………… a new business I want (tell)………… you something

10 I promise (not / be) ………… late 11 They offered (help) ………… us 12 I forgot (mail) ………… the letter 13 He learned (play)………… the piano 14 Jack hopes (arrive)………… next week


Present perfect: “Yet & Already”



Have you had lunch yet ? ( Bạn ăn trưa chưa ? )

No I haven’t had lunch yet ( Chưa Mình chưa ăn trưa )

o We use “already” in affirmative It can stand after subject and before main verb or at the end of the sentence

For example

Have you taken the semester exam yet? Yes I have already taken the semester exam (I have taken the semester exam already.)

Comparison of present perfect and past simple

o We use the present perfect to express actions with unidentified time and the past simple with identified time

For example

She has seen this film before (Present perfect) She saw this film 10 years ago.( past simple )

o We use the present perfect to express actions which happened in the past and continued in present and future, but we use the past simple to express actions which happened and finished in the past

For example

She has learnt English for years She learned English two years ago

Unit 16

Sequence markers

we use sequence markers to express events or actions happening in process

First: trước tiên

Then: (thì)

Next: kế

After that: sau

After this: sau điều

Finally: cuối

 First, prepare two eggs  Next, heat the frying pan

 Then, put cooking oil into the frying pan until it is hot  After that, pour egg stirred into the frying pan

Ngày đăng: 16/05/2021, 17:33
