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Unit 13 : FEstiovals  I. AIM: Helping students: - To ask for explanations of events. - To give an account of something. - To write a paragraph about what was done. II. GRAMMAR: 1. Passive form : Be + PP 2. Compound words. 3. Reported speech . III. VOCABULARY : Verbs Nouns Award Fetch Participate Separate Urge Yell Rub Spread Carol Competition Council Husk Patron saint Pomegranate Teammate Judge IV. LESSONS: LESSON 1 Getting started Listen and read Page 121 -122 Lesson 2 Speak + Listen Page 123-124 Lesson 3 Read Page 124 -126 Lesson 4 Write Page 126 -127 Lesson 5 Language focus Page 128 - 130 Week: 9 Date of pre : 24 / 03 / 2010 Date of teaching : 26 / 03 / 2010 UNIT 13- LESSON 1 GETTING STARTED + LISTEN AND READ A. AIM : To help students pay attention to the theme of unit 13. Help students know some compound words. B. LANGUAGE CONTENTS 1. Vocabulary: - festival - fetch - yell - urge - rub. - teammate - contest - separate - husk - award 2. Grammar: compound words  PERIOD 80 Unit 13 : FEstiovals  C. TECHNIQUES: - Eliciting - Matching - Brainstorming -“What and where” game - Interview. - Chatting D. TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, tape, cassette, pictures, posters E. PROCEDURES: I. WARMER & GETTING STARTED ( 5’ ) a. Brainstorming: - Teacher draws the circle with an example on the board: Harvest festival. Village festival Dong Da festival Festivals in Viet Nam Rice- cooking. Bull – fighting. Flower festival. - Teacher asks students to tell the festivals they know. (Maybe in English or in Vietnamese ) - Students work in groups, writing down on the posters . - Teacher collects the posters and corrects II. III. PRESENTATION:(17’) 1. Lead in :Teacher introduces the lesson by asking the questions: a) What festivals do you like best ? b) Have you ever taken part in any festivals? c) What did you do? d) How did you feel? 2. Pre- teach new vocabulary. - (to)fetch : ( Explanation : to go and get something and bring it back.) - (to) yell : ( Explanation: to shout loudly) - (to) urge : ( Translation ) - teammate : ( Explanation ) - (to) award : (Translation) - (to) rub : ( action) - husk : ( realia) - (to) separate : ( action )  Checking vocabulary: “What and where” game 3. Presentation dialogue: - Teacher introduces the situation of the dialogue “Ba invites his friend, Liz to a traditional festival in the North of Viet Nam.” - Students listen to the dialogue twice. - Students listen and read silently. - Students practice the dialogue in pairs.  Checking understanding: True / false statements( Exercise 2 – page 122 ) - Teacher goes through the statements with the students. - Students work in pairs. - Public check:  Unit 13 : FEstiovals   Answer key: a. F :Two team members  one team member b. F : Four  one c. T d. F : Pieces of wood  pieces of bamboo. e. F : Team members  judges. f. T 4. Present new structures: - Teacher asks students to find all the compound words in the dialogue, then writes down on the board.  Model - A rice- cooking festival. - water- fetching competition - fire- making - Teacher elicits the form of compound words and its usage: :  used as an adjective or a noun. III. PRACTICE: (10’) 1. Matching: A B 1. Ice- skating 2. Air- conditioning 3. Data- processing. 4. The fire – making competition. 5. My father like bird – watching. a. Is the use of computer to perform calculations on data. b. He spends lots of hours watching the birds. c. Is the activity of skating on ice. d. Is the system used for keeping the air in a building or vehicle cool. e. Tests the players’ ability to make fire without lighters or matches. - Teacher displays the exercise on the board. - Students work in groups to match the phrase or clause in column A with the others in column B to make the complete and meaningful sentences. - Public check:  Answer key: 1 – c ; 2 – d ; 3 – a ; 4 – e ; 5 – b IV. PRODUCTION: (10’) : Transformation drill: Language focus 3 - Students work in groups. - Public check.  Answers: a) A fire – making contest. b) A bull – fighting festival. c) A car- making industry. d) A flower- arranging contest . e) A rice – cooking country. f) A clothes – washing machine . F. HOMEWORK. (3’) - Learn the lesson. - Do exercise 3 (work book )   Noun – V-ing Unit 13 : FEstiovals  Date of pre : 25/ 03 / 2010 Date of teaching : 27 / 03 / 2010 UNIT 13- LESSON 2 SPEAK + LISTEN A. AIM :To help students develop their speaking skill of talking about preparation for Tet and listening for details. B. LANGUAGE CONTENTS + Vocabulary : Spring roll, pomegranate , marigold C. TECHNIQUES: - Eliciting - Mapped dialogue - Find things in common D. TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, flipcharts, pictures , posters. E. PROCEDURES: I. REVISION & WARMER : (5’) : Find things in common : - Ask Ss to think of 5 things they often prepare for Tet and write them down on a piece of paper - Ss work in 2 groups - Public check  Suggestions : - Decorate / clean / paint the house / the room / the yard - Buy cakes / candies / drinks / food / fruits … - Cook / make cake - Get / buy new dress… - Write / send New Year cards to friends / relatives… II. SPEAKING(17’) 1. P re - s peakin g a. Lead in : What do you always do before Tet ? What is the most important to prepare for Tet ? b. Pre – teach : - Spring roll : ( Explanation in Vietnamese ) - pomegranate (n) : ( picture) - marigold (n) : ( realia) c. Ordering : - Teacher asks students to read the dialogue on page 123 and put the sentences in the correct order. - Students work in pairs , then share the answers in groups. - Public check. - In pairs , students practice the dialogue.  Answer key: A  F  C  H  D  J  B  G  E  I 2. Whi le- sp eaking - Teacher puts the mapped dialogue on the poster and displays it on the board.   - School festival / tomorrow? - Yes - What contest / be ? - Flower arrangement contest . fashion shows… - It / interesting ! - Would you like / take part in ? - Yes. What / can I / do ? - send some letter of invitation. - Anything else ? - go to the market / buy / flowers. - That’s very good. Bye.  PERIOD 81 Unit 13 : FEstiovals  - Bye. - Teacher – students model. - Students work in pairs to make their dialogue - Teacher goes around and helps the students. - Teacher gets feedback by calling some pairs to speak in front of the class. 3. Pos t spea k ing : - Call some pairs to demonstrate their dialogue for the class. - Give feedback and correct III. LISTENING (20’ ) 1. P re- lis tening: a. Lead in:  What kind of food do we have to prepare for Tet ?  What kind of flowers do we need to buy ?  What kind of fruits do we have to prepare for Tet ? b. Gap- fill prediction: - Teacher gives the prediction clue: “ the Robinson family are making preparation for Tet. They want to buy something for Tet.”. - Teacher asks students to guess the things they want to buy. - Students work in groups of 6 to guess. - Teacher gets feedback, but doesn’t give the correct answers 2. W hil e – list e nin g a.Listen and check: - Students listen to the tape and check their predictions, then share the answers together. - Teacher gets feedback.  Answer key: a) Mr. Robinson ; flower market. b) traditional. c) dried watermelon seeds. d) make b. Grid ( page 121) - Teacher asks students to read and fill in the gaps with the information taken from the statements. - Students work in groups. - Teacher plays the tape , students listen again and check. - Teacher gets feedback.  Answer key: Liz Buy a package of dried watermelon seeds. Mr. Robinson Go to the flower market and buy some peach blossom and a bunch of marigolds. Mrs. Robinson Ask Mrs. Nga how to make spring rolls. Tape transcript : Mrs Robinson : John , I want you to go to the flower market for me , please . Mr Robinson : What do I have to buy ? Mrs Robinson : Some beach blossom and a bunch Mr Robinson: What sort of flowers ? Mrs Robinson : Marigold , because they are traditional at Tet Mr Robinson: Any thing else. Mrs Robinson : No , but I need Liz to do a few things Liz : What was that Mom.  Unit 13 : FEstiovals  Mr Robinson : Are you busy ? Liz : No . Do you need something ? Mrs Robinson : Yes . Go to the market and pick up some candy and one packet of dried watermelon seeds , please . Liz : Okay .What are you going to do ? Mrs Robinson : I’m going to Mrs Nga’s .She’s going to show me how to make sticky rice ball 3. P ost – liste n ing  Write – it – up - Teacher asks students to write a paragraph about your preparation for Tet. - Students work individually. F. HOMEWORK.( 3 ’)Rewrite the paragraph about Tet preparation. Date of pre. : 25 / 03 / 2007 Date of teaching : 26 / 03 / 2007 UN IT 13 - LES SO N 3 R EAD A. AIM :To help students practice reading for details about Christmas. B. LANGUAGE CONTENTS. 1. Grammar : Passive voice. 2. Vocabulary : spread , design , carol, Patron saint, jolly, decorate, poem, Santa Claus. C. TECHNIQUES: - Eliciting - Slap the board - Prediction - Grid D. TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, posters, pictures. E. PROCEDURES: I. WARMER ( 5’ )Guessing game. - Teacher writes the clues on many papers.  1 st clue : This is the biggest festival in western countries.  2 nd clue : People often decorate a tree and exchange best wishes by giving cards to each other  3 rd clue : It is on December 25. - Teacher hides these papers. - Teacher reads the clues. - Students must make “ Yes / No “ questions to guess what it is . - Teacher only answers “ Yes / No “ . - Let students listen to a famous song “ Jingle Bell” II. PRE- READING: ( 15’ ) 1. Lead in: Teacher introduces the lesson by asking some questions: a. What is this song about ? b. What do you do at Christmas? 2. Pre- teach new vocabulary: - Design (v) ( Action) - Christmas carol (c.n) ( Example: “Silent night”) - Jolly (adj) ( synonym = cheerful and happy ) - Decorate (v) ( Picture ) - Santa Claus (c.n) ( Picture) - Christmas card (n) (realia ) - Christmas tree (n) (realia)  Checking vocabulary.: Slap the board.  PERIOD 82 Unit 13 : FEstiovals  3. Open prediction: What are Christmas specials? - Students work in pairs.( the books closed). - Teacher gets feedback, but does not give the correct answers. III. WHILE- READING:( 15’ ) a. Prediction checking: - Teacher asks students to open their books, read the text quickly and check their predictions, then share the answers together in groups of 6. - Teacher gets feedback  Answer key: The Christmas tree, the Christmas card, Christmas carols, Santa Claus. 2. Grid : ( Exercise 1 – page 126 ) - Teacher asks students to look at the grid on page 126 and goes through it with the students. - Students read the text and complete the grid in pairs. - Teacher gets feedback.  Answer key: Christmas specials Place of origin Date The Christmas tree Riga Early 1500s The Christmas card England Mid- 19 th century Christmas carols ( no information) 800 years ago. Santa Claus USA 1823 3. Comprehension questions: ( exercise 2 – page 126) - Teacher goes through the questions with the students, then asks students to read the text again and answer the questions. - Students work in pairs. - Teacher gets feedback :  Answer key: a. In 1800s. b. Because he wanted to send Christmas greetings to his friend. c. 800 years ago. d. An American professor Clement Clarke Moore. e. On the description of Saint Nicolas in the poem: A visit from Saint Nicholas” IV. POST- READING:( 7’ ) * Discussion : “ Do you like Christmas ? Why ( not) ?– - Teacher asks students to discuss the question in groups. - Teacher gets feedback by asking some students to go to the board and give their ideas. F. HOMEWORK. ( 3’) - Learn the new vocabulary. - Rewrite the answers for Exercise 1,2 ( page 126 ) Date of pre. : 27 / 03 / 20067 Date of teaching :28 / 03 / 2007 UNIT 13 - LESSON 4 WRITE  PERIOD 83 Unit 13 : FEstiovals  A. AIM : To help students write a report on a festival they have joined. B. LANGUAGE CONTENTS: + Vocabulary: Revision C. TECHNIQUES: -Lucky number - Gap-fill - Write it up D. TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, poster, picture. E. PROCEDURES: I. WARMER:( 7’ ) ’Memory game’ game - Students play this game in two teams. - Students look at the picture in their books ( P 126 ) ( about 2 minutes ), then close their books. - Teacher writes some words about the picture on the board. - Students find the words which talk about this picture - The fastest team is the winner. II. PRE- WRITING:( 13’) 1. Lead in : Teacher introduces the lesson by asking the questions: a) What festivals do you know? b) Have you ever taken part in any festival ? c) Can you report it ? 2. Gap – fill . ( Exercise 1 – page 127) - Teacher explains the way of work. - Students work in pairs to read the dialogue on page 121-122 and fill in the report on page 127. - Teacher gets feedback :  Answer key: (1) rice- cooking (2) one (3) water- fetching (4) run (5) water (6) traditional (7) bamboo (8) six (9) separate (10) added 3. Speaking : - Teacher asks students to discuss the questions on page 127. - Students work in groups and write down their ideas - Teacher gets feedback . III. WHILE- WRITING:( 15’) ( Exercise 2 ’ page ) - Teacher asks students to write a similar report on a festival they have joined. - Students work individually, then share the writings with the others - Teacher asks 2 students to write on the posters. - Teacher takes a writing from the student and corrects in front of the class. IV. POST- WRITING:( 7’ )  Correction: - Teacher asks students to change their reports and correct. F. HOMEWORK.( 3’) - Students write their report in their notebooks. Date of pre. : 29 / 03 / 2007 Date of teaching : 30 / 03 / 2007 UNIT 13 - LESSON 5 LANGUAGE FOCUS A. AIM : Helping students practice in using : passive form, reported speech B. LANGUAGE CONTENTS + Grammar: Passive form, reported statement. C. TECHNIQUES: -Boardracing - Gap- fill - Pairwork - Groupwork. D. TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, posters, pictures. E. PROCEDURES: I. REVISION (5’) : write a paragraph about a festival in your hometown. II. WARMER (3’) : words classification - Students work in groups to write about nouns , adjectives , verbs. - Put the words they have written into 3 columns. - Students work in 4 groups. - The fastest group is the winner .  PERIOD 84 Unit 13 : FEstiovals  Nouns Adjectives Verbs Present Past Past participle I. ACTIVITY 1: PASSIVE FORM 1. Presentation : Matching A B 1. Present simple 2. Past simple 3. Future simple. 4. Present perfect. a. was/ were + P.P b. have / has + BEEN + P.P c. Am/ is / are + P.P d. Will/ shall + BE + P.P - Teacher displays the poster on the board and asks students to match the tense in column A with the passive form in column B. - Students work in pairs. - Teacher gets feedback, then asks students to copy them.  Answer key: 1 – c ; 2 – a ; 3 – d ; 4 – b 2. Practice : Gap- fill ( Exercise 1 ’ page 128) - Teacher explains the way of work. - Ss work in groups to fill in the gaps with the right form of the verbs in the box. - Teacher gets feedback.  Answer key: a. were performed d. will be held. b. Was decorated/ put e. was awarded. c. Is made f. was written. 3. Futher practice: ( Exercise 2 ’ page 128- 129) - Teacher explains the way of work. - Ss work in groups to fill in the gaps with the right form of the verbs in the box. - Teacher gets feedback.  Answer key: 1. jumbled 2. broken 3. broken 4. scattered 5. Pulled II. ACTIVITY 2: REPORTED SPEECH 4. Presentation : - Teacher sets the scene: Yesterday, LAN’s grandmother , Mrs. Thu needed a plumber. A man came to her door. Report what the man told Mrs. Thu.” - Teacher writes the quoted speech on the board and asks students to report what the man said: Directed speech : –I–m a plumber– – The man said. Reported speech : He said he was a plumber. - Teacher elicits how to change a sentence from Direct (quoted) speech to Reported speech. a. Tenses: Quoted speech Reported speech Present simple Past simple. Will / shall Would / should. Must Had to.  Unit 13 : FEstiovals  b. Pronouns: ( Depending on the subject of the main clause) c. Adverb of place in time : This Now Here Today Tomorrow Yesterday Ago That Then There That day The next day The day before Before 5. Practice : Transformation drill: ( Exercise 4 ’ page 130) - Teacher explains the way of work. - Students work in pairs to report what the man told Mrs. Thu - Teacher gets feedback.  Answer key: b. He said he could the faucets. c. He said the pipes were broken. d. He said new pipes were very expensive. e. He said Mrs. Thu had to pay him then. 6. More exercise : Write the sentences in reported speech: a. “I ll see you tomorrow , she said.’ ” b. “I don t like this film , he said.’ ” c. ‘I m very tired , she said.’ ” d. “ I m going to the cinema tonight , Lan said.’ ” e. “ I can drive a car , My father said.” f. “ We must go home early to do our homework , Hoa and Ha said.” - Teacher copies the exercise and gives it to the students. - Students work in groups of 6 to write the sentences in reported speech on the posters. - Teacher gets feedback :  Answer key: a. She said she would see me the next / following day,. b. He said he didn t like that film.’ c. She said she was very tired. d. Lan said shewas going to the cinema that night., e. My father said he could drive a car. f. Hoa and Ha said they had to go home early to do their homework. F. HOMEWORK. (3’) - Do all the exercises again. - Do exercises 1,2,4,9 ( Workbook 8 )  . : ( Explanation : to go and get something and bring it back.) - (to) yell : ( Explanation: to shout loudly) - (to) urge : ( Translation ) - teammate : ( Explanation ) - (to) award : (Translation) -. posters and corrects II. III. PRESENTATION:(17’) 1. Lead in :Teacher introduces the lesson by asking the questions: a) What festivals do you like best ? b) Have you ever taken part in any festivals? c). for explanations of events. - To give an account of something. - To write a paragraph about what was done. II. GRAMMAR: 1. Passive form : Be + PP 2. Compound words. 3. Reported speech . III. VOCABULARY

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