Ke hoach bo mon TA 6

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Ke hoach bo mon TA 6

Đang tải... (xem toàn văn)

Thông tin tài liệu

- Reading a short text to understand the details and get further practice in present simple tense with adverb of frequency. - Temperature and season vocab with "What's the weather[r]


kế hoạch môn tiếng anh lớp 6 I c im tỡnh hỡnh

1 Yêu cầu cđa bé m«n

- Nội dung chơng trình SGK tiếng Anh đợc xây dựng nhằm cung cấp cho học sinh kiến thức ngữ âm, ngữ pháp, từ vựng văn

- Nh sau học môn tiếng anh học sinh đạt đợc yêu cầu sau:

+ Nắm đợc kiến thức tối thiểu tơng đối hệ thống tiếng Anh thực hành đại, phù hợp với lứa tuổi + Có kĩ sử dụng tiếng Anh nh công cụ giao tiếp đơn giản dới dạng: Nghe- Nói- Đọc- Viết + Có hiểu biết khái quát văn hóa nớc sử dng ting Anh

+ Hình thành kĩ học tiếng phát triển t

2 Thực tế giảng dạy giáo viên

- Giỏo viờn quen với phơng pháp giảng dạy theo phơng pháp có nhiều tiến đổi so với nm trc

3 Thực tế học sinh năm học tríc

- Năm học trớc trờng Tiểu học, học sinh đợc làm quen với môn tiếng Anh - Cha đợc làm quen với phơng pháp chơng trình THCS

4 T×nh h×nh häc sinh hiÖn nay

- Tuy em làm quen với mơn Tiếng Anh, song cịn bỡ ngỡ tiếp cận

5 §iỊu kiƯn thùc môn này a Cơ sở vật chất

- Có đầy đủ phịng học mơn - Có phũng nghe nhỡn

b Sách tham khảo

- Có đủ SGK, sách giáo viên sách tham khảo

c Thiết bị dạy học

- Phi cú đủ băng đài, tranh ảnh minh họa

II BiÖn pháp thực hiện 1 Đối với giáo viên

- Giáo viên phải có đủ trình độ dạy học theo chơng trình SGK tiếng Anh

- Phải đợc bồi dỡng thờng xuyên để nâng cao trình độ chuyên môn nghiệp vụ nh phơng pháp giảng dạy để thực chơng trình cách linh hoạt, sáng tạo, hiệu phù hợp với đối tợng học sinh


2 §èi víi häc sinh

- Tham gia luyện tập thực hành giao tiếp, mạnh dạn tích cực có chủ định, có hiểu biết ngơn ngữ luyện tập, có hiểu biết quy trình học tập có phơng pháp học tập cá nhân

- Kết hợp tốt hoạt động học tập làm tập nhà

III KÕ ho¹ch thĨ


periods Contents of the lessons The aims Main methods Teaching aids Note

TiÕt 1 Unit 1 Greeting

(TiÕt 2->6)


- Hello/ Hi "I'm / My name " to introduce yourself

- How are you? I'm fine, thanks To greet each other

- "Good morning/ afternoon/ evening" to greet each other "We're " to talk about age and contrast with us

- Greet people - Identify oneself - Ask how people are - Say goodbye - Introduce

- Teacher <-> whole class - Group work - Pair work


Unit 2 At school

(TiÕt 7->12)

Unit 3 At home

TiÕt 13->17

Grammar practice.

TiÕt 18

- "How old are you? " to talk about age

- Further practice in numbers from to 20 to count and give telephone numbers

- Classroom, imperative to understand the teacher's commands

-"Where you live? question & answer you live - "What's your name?" and "How you spell it?" with the Alphabet to talk about your name

- Further practice in personal information, alphabet and numbers

- This/ that, positive statements and "Yes/no" questions to talk about people and things at school - "What's this/that?- It's a/an "to talk about things in the classroom

- "Wh" questions with this/ that/ these/ those and livingroom vocabulary to talk about things in the house

- Family vocabulary, possessive pronouns

"my/your/her/his" and "Who's this/that "questions to talk about family members

- Numbers from 21 to 100 and pronunciation of plural nouns to count things in the classroom - How many are there? question and further practice in numbers to talk about things in the classroom, livingroom, family

- Reading a text about a family to understand the details and talk about job

- Further practice in "be" imperatives numbers, question words, there is there are and furniture

oneself and others

- Say how old one/others is/are

- Count to 20 - Give and obey orders - Ask for and give personal information - Identify oneself and others - Identify places, people and objects

- Identify places and objects

- Give personal information - Identify people

- Ask for and give numbers - Describe the family


- Teacher <-> whole class - Group work - Pair work Individual

- Teacher <-> whole class - Group work - Pair work Individual

- Text book - Pictures - Poster - Cassette - Tape


TiÕt 19

Unit 4 Big or small


Unit 5 Things I do

(TiÕt 26->31)

Grammar practice

TiÕt 32


TEST 45 minutes

- Reading a description of a school with practice in possessive "s" to talk about possessives

- Reading a text about school to understand details and get further practice in numbers and school vocabulary

- Listening to a dialogue about school to understand details practicing cardinal/ ordinal numbers and "Which" question to talk about school

- Simple present tense, possitive statements with 'he/she' to talk about habitual actions

- Telling the time

- Simple present tense with subjects and

"wh"questions and "yes/no"questions to talk about the daily routines

- Reading a picture story about Ba's daily routines to practice present simple tense

- School subject vocabulary with '"have/don't have/has/doesn't have" to talk about the school time table

- Further practice in simple present tense, telling the time, adj with "be" question words School subject and day of the week

- Describe location and size of school - Describe location of objects - Identify possession - Spell words - Describe everyday activities - Ask for and say the time

- Describe everyday routines - Ask for and say the time - Describe school timetable

- Teacher <-> whole class - Group work - Pair work Individual

- Teacher <-> whole class - Group work - Pair work Individual

- Text book - Pictures - Poster - Cassette - Tape


Unit 6 The Young Pioneers

TiÕt 33->38

TiÕt 39

Unit 7 Your house

TiÕt 40->45

Unit 8 Out and about

TiÕt 46->51

- Reading a text about where they live to understand the details and practice vocabulary - Town and country vocabulary for describing places where we live

- Reading a text about where Minh lives to understand town vocabulary and prepositions of place

- More prepositions of place to describe the house - "Where is/are ?"question and answer with town vocab and prepositions of place to describe a street

TEST 45 minutes

- Listening to a dialogue and reading a letter about a house to understand the details

- Facilities vocabulary with "Is/ are there any ?" to describe the town

- Reading a text about Ba's and Chi's houses to understand the differences between town and country

- Integrated skills practice to describe where we live

- Simple present tense to talk about transportation - Reading a text about Hoang's daily routines for further practice in simple present habitual actions

- Present progressive positive statements to talk about actions happening now

- Reading a picture story about a struck driver to understand the main ideas and details

- Present progressive with "wh"questions with

- Give personal details

- Describe places - Describe locations - Describe surroundings

- Describe objects - Match descriptions with objects - Identify places and their layouts - Describe everyday actions - Talk about habitual actions

- Describe activities - Identify means of transportation

- Teacher <-> whole class - Group work - Pair work Individual

- Teacher <-> whole class - Group work - Pair work Individual

- Teacher <-> whole class - Group work

- Text book - Pictures - Poster - Cassette - Tape

- Text book - Pictures - Poster - Cassette - Tape


Grammar practice TiÕt 52 TiÕt 53 TiÕt 54

TiÕt 55 Unit 9 The body

TiÕt 56->60

"he/she/they" to talk about actions happening now - Can/ can't statements and traffic vocab to talk about what you (not) allowed to on the road - Reading a text about road signs to understand "must/mustn't" for obligation/ prohibition

- Further practice in simple present and present progressive, prepositions of places, questions words "can/can't/ must/mustn't"


The first semester exam test

Häc k× II


- Nouns to talk about parts of the body - Adj to describe physical appearance - Face vocab to describe faces

- Adj of color to describe features

- Further practice in body vocab to describe people

- Describe on-going activities - Identify road signs

- Identify parts of the body - Physical descriptions of people

- Pair work Individual

- Teacher <-> whole class - Group work

- Tape


Unit 10 Staying healthy

TiÕt 61->65

Unit 11 What you eat? (66->70)

Grammar practice TiÕt 71

TiÕt 72

- Talking about how to feel using adj of physical state

- Reading a dialogue to recognize polite offers and request with "Would you like ?" and "I'd like some "

- Uncountable and plural food and drink nouns, polite request "I'd like some "and polite offers "What would you like ?"

- Some and any with "There is/are " positive negative and "Yes/no"questions to talk about food and drink

- Speaking about favorite food and drink to contrast "Would you like ?" with "Do you like ?"

- Quantifiers and containers to talk about things people buy at the store

- Listening for specific information about qualities for food shopping

- "How much / how many ?" with "want/need" to talk about quantifier for shopping

- Further practice in offers and request for food and drink using "some/ a/ an"

- Talking about Prices for food and drink with "How much is it?"

- Further practice in "likes/dislikes" countablities adjectives, question words, present progressive, simple present, quantifiers

- Identify and describe facial features

- Talk about feelings - Talk about wants and needs

- Identify food and drink - Express possession

- Buy food and drink

- Talk about quantities and prices

- Express needs and wants

- Pair work Individual

- Teacher <-> whole class - Group work - Pair work Individual

- Teacher <-> whole class - Group work - Pair work Individual

- Tape

- Text book - Pictures - Poster - Cassette - Tape


Unit 12 Sports and past time (73->78)

Unit 13 Activities and seasons


Unit 14 Making plans


Test 45 minutes

- Further practice in present progressive and sports vocab to talk about what people are doing now - "Which ?"questions with sports vocab and simple present tense to talk about people's regular ex

- "What you in your spare time?" to talk about the past time

- "How often ?"questions and answers to talk about frequency of activities

- Adverb of frequency of activities

- Reading a short text to understand the details and get further practice in present simple tense with adverb of frequency

- Temperature and season vocab with "What's the weather like?" to talk about the weather in each season

- "What weather you like?" to talk about your favorite weather and contrast it with "What's the weather like?"

- "When" clause in positive statements and "Wh"questions

- Further practice in adverb of frequency, simple present, sport vocab, season

- Writing about activities you in different seasons

- "Going to" future, positive statements and "Wh".questions to talk about vacation plans

- Reading a text about vacation plans to understand the details and practice "Going to" future and sequencing words

- Further speaking practice with "Going to" to talk

- Describe sporting activities and pastimes - Describe timetables - Talk about frequency

- Describe the weather

- Express preferences - Talk about sports and activities - Talk about frequency

- Talk about vacation plans - Talk about free time plans - Talk about

- Teacher <-> whole class - Group work - Pair work Individual

- Teacher <-> whole class - Group work - Pair work Individual

- Teacher <-> whole class - Group work

- Text book - Pictures - Poster - Cassette - Tape

- Text book - Pictures - Poster - Cassette - Tape


Grammar practice

TiÕt 89

TiÕt 90

Unit 15 Countries (91->96)

Unit 16 Man and the

environmen t


about plans for the near future

- Further listening and reading practice with "Going to"

- Making suggestion with "Let " and responding further practice in "want to "

- Further practice in present simple tense, adv of frequency, simple progressive, "Going to" future, the weather

TEST 45 minutes

- Countries and nationalities and languages vocab to talk about where people are from

- Writing a post card about being on vacation - Comparing places using comparative and superlative

- Reading facts about famous places in the world and practicing comparative

- "Lots of" as a quantifiers with Geography vocab to describe Vietnam

- Reading a text about the world's great rivers and mountains to skim for details and get further practice in comparatives and superlatives

- Countable and uncountable quantifiers to talk about food

- Reading a text about farming and getting further practice in "a lot/ a little/ a few"

- Reading a text about the environment to understand ideas in term of because and effect - Reading a text about pollution for vocab to

duration - Make suggestions - Express preferences

- Talk about countries, nationalities and languages - Describe places - State dimensions - Make comparisons - Describe natural features

- Identify quantities of

- Pair work Individual

- Teacher <-> whole class - Group work - Pair work Individual

- Teacher <-> whole

- Tape

- Text book - Pictures - Poster - Cassette - Tape


Grammar practice

TiÕt 103

TiÕt 104


understand ideas

- "Should/ shouldn't" giving advice about protecting the environment

- Further practice in "Should/ shouldn't" for giving advice about the environment

- Further practice in present simple and progressive, comparatives and superlatives, quantifiers count and countability, countries, natural features, farming and environment vocab


The second semester exam test


- Talk about environmental issues

- Talk about occupations

class - Group work - Pair work Individual

- Pictures - Poster - Cassette - Tape

IV Chỉ tiêu phấn đấu

Ngày đăng: 01/05/2021, 02:09