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testing of good clever name time01 1 i two hours but my girlfriend hasn’t come yet a has waited b am waiting for c have waited since d have been waiting for 2 paul brings the money for lunch we’ll g

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One or two people have ojected ……… the students about going out to work.. On those islands a system of ………… is used.[r]



1.I……… two hours but my girlfriend hasn’t come yet A has waited B am waiting for

C have waited since D have been waiting for

2 ………Paul brings the money for lunch We’ll go right down to the cafeteria A Since B As soon as C Now that D Until

3 One or two people have ojected………the students about going out to work A at B for C to D against

4 After……… by a policeman, he was sent back to England

A he picked up B being picked up C been picked up D picking up What……… you want to follow after graduating ?

A career B business C trade-union D success

6 A: Did he know where the gold was ? B: He………where the gold was A must know B must have known C must be known D kew

7 On those islands a system of…………is used They don’t use money there A barter B buying C selling D paying

8 If you buy a bicycle for $ 20 and sell it for $ 30, you make a of $ 10 A profit B account C interest D deposit

9 ………her good looks, she got a job as a model A because B Because of C For D As

10 The President made a wonderful………

A message B talk C speech D lecture

11 Come on Tuesday or Wednesday Either day………….correct A are B were C is D None is correct

12 She is very shy She has………….talking to people she doesn’t know well A difficult in B difficulty in C difficult with D difficulty with 13 Which sentence is punctuated correctly ?

A The man in black shoes who is wearing a green shirt, is a famous zoologist B The man in black shoes, who is wearing a green shirt, is a famous zoologist C The man in black shoes who is wearing a green shirt is a famous zoologist D The man in black shoes,who is wearing a green shirt is a famous zoologist 15 If he had worked harder, he……….the exam that he took last month A would pass B will pass C had passed D would have passed

16 Some one people feel……….when they travel by ship A airsick B homesick C seasick D lovesick

17 “ He couldn’t go because it was raining heavily.” Can be re-write as”………… ”

A Heavy rain prevented him going B Heavy rain prevented him from going C Heavy rain prevented his going D Heavy rain prevented him to go 18 On the computer system at work, information is………every hour A renewed B renovated C done-up D updated

19 Ten people, none of………were suitable, applied for the job A who B wihch C whom D whose

20 The shop assistant………… me so much for the book A cost B requested C required D charged

21 We have information that………animals at the zoo are starving to death A most of B almost of C most all D most of the

22 Food and clothing are……….of life./

A necessary b necessity C necessities D necessarily 23 That you take a computer course………… very important

A is B am C are D be


25 The tourists were not………….the danger of bandits on the hills A know about B aware of C provided with D guessted at 26 A number of workers………for a rise since last month A have asked B has asked C had asked D asked

27 Tom has spent a great deal of money of gambling Now he is……… A penny B pennies C penniless D pence

28 I have decided……….my friend………as she pleases

A to allow / to B to allow/ doing C allowing/ to D allowing/ doing 29 Nowadays, smoke from industrial factories is damaging the………severely A shy B atmosphere C sun D sunlight

30 He asked: “ Are you hungry, John ? “

This sentence can be re-written as”……….”

A He asked John is he hungry B He asked John are you hungry C He asked John if he was hungry D He asked John he was hungry 31 Doctors say that this medicine is………….if taken in large quantities A poison B poisonous C poisonously D poisoning

32 I can’t help………… ,I caught a cold yesterday from…….in a draught A sneezing/ sit B sneeze/ sitting C sneezing/ sitting D sneeze/ sit 33 Cars,buses,lorries and motorbikes are generally called”………” A vehicles B means C transport D traffic

34 “ I’m sorry I wasn’t in the office when you phoned I know I promised to

be” this sentence can be understood as”……… ”

A I should be in the office when you phoned B I must have been in the office when you phoned C I might be in the office when you phoned

D I should have been in the office when you phoned 35 the English ……… to drink tea

A llike B likes C liked D liking

36 ………is very serious problem in many countries

A employed B unemployment C employment D unemployed 37 Which word has a different stess pattern from the others ?

A bacteria B dangerous C government D interesting 38 “ The times” is a serious and………newspaper A inform B information C informative D informer 39 Ann often reminds me……… his mother

A at B of C on D up

40 Which word has a different stress pattern from the others ?

A accompany B responsible C environment D parliament 41 They decided to build many factories to develop………….in this area A agriculture B sea product C industry D tourism

42 He knew that I………the following week

A come B will come C came D would come 43 He insisted…… /

A my staying B on staying with me C his staying D on he would stay 1-.Why deos the destruction of the forests continue at such an alarming speed ? In fact, it is encouraged by some rich people who know the value of the lands that have been cleared but are then eventually abandoned They invest very large amount of their money into developing Them and thus make a quit profit Also large scale developments of dams


8-dwindling forests and more places for the malaria- carrying mosquito to breed in

46 What the main idea of the passage ? A Forests are being destroyed B Commercial reasons for deforestation C Rich people destroy forests for lands

D Trees are being cut down for dams construction 47 What does the italics “ Them” in line infer to ?

A rich people B the forests C the lands D value of the lands 48 What can be infered from the passage about the public reaction to the large-scale developments of dams for hydro-electric power ?

A offensive B supportive C indifferent D protestant 49 What can be infered from lines 4-7 about the dams ?

A They are costly B They are

C They are nomerous D They are effective

50 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true ? A Rich people benefit from the destruction of the forests

B Trees are cut down for use at dams for hydro-electic power C The dams have good economic consquences

D The dams change the nature of the forests

1.I can’t go to the circus tomorrow morning because I (join )………….my class on the excursion to the Independence Palace

2.Jack, come here I (show)……….you my holiday photographs 3.Please wait until he (come)……… 4.He didn’t come to greet us because he (talk)………… to some teachers 5.Oh, is this the first time you ( see)………a real elephant ? 6.Do you think it( rain)……… tomorrow ?

7.I wouldn’t write to him unless he (write)……….first 8.I have taken a driving test many times but I (be able)……… to pass it

9.You ( speak)……….english very well Where (you learn)………….it? 10.Vehicles pollute the air more than factories

Factories ……… 11.Vehicles also account for air pollution in the cities

In the cities vehicles……… 12.Burning coal and oil releases gases harmful to humans

Gases harmful to humans……… 13.Finding a good job is not easy at all


He……… 16.We took too many bags and cases with us

We took too much……… 17.People believe that he is the best doctor here

He is……… 18.Mary is not as intelligent as Linda

Linda is……… 19.I find walking on the left strange and difficult

I’m not……… 20.The coffee is too hot for her to drink

She can’t……… I / start/ English/ I/ grade VI

……… So,/ I/ learning/ years now

……… I/ English/ a lot

……… I/ hours/ day/ it

……… I/ thought/ good

……… However,/ when/ speak/ foreigner/ two months ago,/ not understand

……… Neither/ I/ understand him

……… I/ find/ very different/ what/ learn/ class

……… I/ understand/ quite a lot/ read

……… 10 but/ not understand/ spoken

……… Name:………

 Choose the best answer:

1 English is popular in the world because it is used……… A as the mother tongue of many people B in almost industrial fields

C in the international conferences D by more peoples than any other language “ The small chapel stand at the top of the hill.” Can be written as”………”

A Did the small chapel stand at the top of the hill B Stood at the top of the hill the small chapel C Stood the small chapel at the top of the hill D Ar the top of the hill stood the small chapel

3 The original plan was abandoned in favour of a new proposal “in favour of “ in this sentence means “………”

A in support of B rather than C in place of D instead of

4 Other children, as the time to start get nearer, begin to build up all sorts of feasome prospects in their minds “ build up” in this sentence means”……….” A imagine B create C acquire D cover

5 I like your new……I know it can all kinds of ……It really a good…….machine A calculator- calculations- calculating B calculating- calculases- calculator C calculases- calculating- calculator D calculations- calculator- calculases One of the government’s plans here is……… the swamps

A drainage B draining C drain D drained


8 The guidance given at home and in the school is of……….nature A unsatisfying B unsatisfactorily C unsatisfied D unsatisfactory

9 “ Choosing a suitable job is really important to adolescents.” Can be written as”………” A It is of the great importance to choose a suitable job to adolescents

B It is really important to choose a suitable job for adolescents C Choosing a suitable job for adolescents is really important affair D The choice a suitable job for adolescents is the importance

10 Hydrogen fluoride is produced in the manufacture of………and some metals A phosphate fertilizers B hairspray containers C vehicles D detergents 11 This is the first spaceship……… this month

A to launch B to be launching C to have launched D to be being launched 12 He said that neither his parents nor his teacher…………satisfied with his final result A are B were C was D is

13 Mry, accompanied by her brother on the piano,….very well welcomed at the talent show A are B were C have been D was

14 “ Do you agree with me about this problem ?” means”………” A Is there agreement with me about this problem

B Is it an agreement with me about this problem C Are you in agreement with me about this problem D Are you agreed with me about this problem

15 …………his friends………over forty, but some………….twenty A Most of- is- is B Most-is-is C Most of are- are D Most are- are 16 I………….with you, but I had to study

A had gone B have gone C have been going D wold have gone 17 Choose the most correct sentence:

A In many ways, riding a bicycle is similar to the driving of a car B In many ways, riding a bicycle is similar when you drive a car C In many ways, the riding a bicycle is similar when you driving a car D In many ways, riding a bicycle is similar to driving a car

18 Please………… your cigarette I’m allergic to cigarette smoke A put out B put down C put up D put aside

19 City officals suggest building a path to give public………….to the site A address B access C lecture D scholarship

20 Jhon is considering………her major from pre- mod studies to spyshology A change B to change C changing D changed

21 We are trying to find out…….the English drive on the left hand side of the road A who B which C that D why

22 He has no other religion but the religion of his forefathers.Forefather” in this sentence means”………”

A next generations B generations C ancestors D father’s son

23 “Wild-life preserves” are ereas where animals are protected……… A within their natural envirnment B for man’shunting entertainment C within their cages D to meet man’s food need 24 “ Newscast” is the blending of………

A.newspaper & broadcast B.news & broadcast C.newsflash & cast D news & cast 25 Reclaiming land consists of………….deserts,………swamps and…….the sea A learning- filling- emptying B conserving- preserving- preventing

C protecting- safeguarding- using D irrigating- draining- pushing back 26 No sooner……….home than the long expected letter arrived A he left B did he leave C had he left D he had left 27 Genetics……… much progress recently

A has made B have made C make D makes

28 We thought we would be …………the storm if we sheltered under a big tree A safe from B afraid of C died of D tired of

29 “ The posters with a smoking man on the wall are used to advertise” ”Smoking” in this

sentence has the fuction as a………


A electrician B electric C electrify D electrification

32 A computer can keep tract of sales trends “ keep tract of “ means”………” A look after B take over C decide D follow

33 He is the man who has never accomplished anything before “accomplished”means…… A done B composed C finished successfully D computated

34 I remember…… my mother…… the grass in the garden needed………

A to hear/said/cutting B hear/say/cut C heard/saying/to cut D hearing/say/cutting

35 We are going on a………

A.two weeks vacation B.two-week vacation C.vacation two weeks D.two weeks in vacation

36 In 1975,according to the National centre for health Statistics, the average life expectancy A B

for people born during that year is 72.4 years C D

37 Agriculture relies on water, which maybe scare at times A B C D 38 Had he planed on going, he will have let us know A B C D 39 Let’s go out and have a drink, let’s we ? A B C D

40 Although hunger, I tried to finish the work before going home A B C D


Questions 46-50 based on the following reading selection Read the reading selection carefully and then choose the correct answer.

Although some progress has been made in AIDS(acquired immune deficiency syndrome) treatment and prevention, the problem.is getting worse It has been reported that about million people became infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, this year The disease is

expected to kill three million people Africa is the worst affected area The fastest spread of AIDS in the world is taking place in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe In Russia, infection roses from about 100 thousand last year to about 300 thousand this year Many drug companies have agreed to sell anti-AIDS drug at reduced prices to poor countries But expects say getting drugs to the people in need is the biggest problem They say prevention is the best way to control the disease

41 Up to now,……… A there has been some progress in AIDS treatment

B There has been some progress in AIDS treament and prevention C we have know nothing about AIDS

D AIDS has not spread in Asia

42 The problem of AIDS is getting……… A better B the best C worse D the worst

43 How many people became infected with HIV ?

A million B million C 100 thousand D 300 thousand 44 Where deos the fastest spread of AIDS happen ?

A The U.S and the U.K B Africa and Asia C The former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe D France and Canada 45 According to experts the best way to control AIDS is……… A.taking medicine B.prevention


Testing of good clever Name:……… Nguyen Quy Chau (06) Time(06)………

I.Chọn dạng từ vào chổ trống để hoàn thành câu 1.If your work is ……, you will get a longer contract

A satisfy B satisfactory C satisfactorily D unsatisfactory I enjoy going long walks for a bit of…

A relax B relaxing C relaxation D relaxed Don’t you think it would be…….to see your doctor ? A sense B sensible C sensibility D sensibilities

4 I’d love to see you next week, but …….it won’t be possible A forture B fortunately C unfortunately D fortunated He was talking to a …….about his journey to the moon A report B reported C reporty D reporter

6 The thing I hate most about being unemployed is the……… A boring B bored C bore D boredom

7 As a doctor she wants to ……in child health A special B specilise C specially D specy The thing I hate about John is his……

A reliable B unreliability C reliably D reliabilty It was a complete……due to poor planning

A fall B felt C failure B falls 10 Their …… has lasted a lifetime

A friend B friendly C friend ship D friends

Choose the correct answer

11 The earth ….round the sun A go B goes C gone D goer

12 It’s high time we….something to stop road accidents A B did C done D to

13 They are going to have their room … for christmas

A decorate B decorates C decorated D decorating 14 He … in a cafe when I saw him

A sat B was sited C was sitting D is sitting 15 This is only novel she ……

A wrote B has writed C has written D had written

16 Sorry! You can’t see Our Director now He is busy……a report A write B writing C writes D to write

17 I’d rather you …today than tomorrow A come B came C to come D coming 18 My company…a lot of profits years ago A make B makes C made D making 19 It’s better … too early than too late A be B to be C is D are


21 If only it …….raining A stop B stops C to stop D stopped 22 What you ….this weekend ?

A will you B are you going to C A&B are wrong D A&B are right 23 This lastest ……machine works very fast

A photocopy B photocopying C photocopies D photocopied 24 If I … in your shoes, I should act differently

A be B to be C was D were

25 By the end of this year, he ……on this book for years

Ngày đăng: 26/04/2021, 22:57



