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GA Anh 6 Da sua PPCT moi

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- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures.. IV – Teaching process.[r]


Period 1st :

Introduction English 6

Preparing date: 14th Aug 2009 Teaching date: 17th Aug 2009 I Objectives:

After the lesson, Ss will be able to understand something about English- the subject they are learning

Prepare carefully for the subject Be interested in learning English

II- Contents

- Introduce English

III- Teaching aids.

- Book, objects of teaching

IV Teaching process

Stages Content Activities

Warm up

5 mins

- Introduce about himself Teacher–

whole class


15 mins

Introduce about an English book as well as its program - There are 16 units in English program connected

with main topics:

1, Personal information. 2, Health.

3, Education. 4, Community. 5, Recreation.

6, The world around us.

- There are skills such as listening, speaking, reading, writing that are mixed in exercises The S have to practice all of them in English program class

Language focus appears after units that is used for the S to practice grammar, vocabulary as well as skills

Taecher – whole class


15 mins Ask ss to practice in pair to find out the importance of learning English Pair


5 mins

- Ask the s to sum up all of the knowledge about English



5 mins Ask the S to prepare a book, a notebook and objects oflearning for the next lesson

V- Adjustment:

Unit 1:


Period 2nd : Part A :

Hello – ( 1,2,3,4 )

Preparing date: 16th Aug 2009 Teaching date: 20th Aug 2009 I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Greet and introduce oneself and others - Identify oneself


II- Contents. 1 Grammar:

- My name is + - I am +

2 Vocabulary.

- Hello

- Hi , I , you, name, am, is, are, oh/zero, one , two, three, four, five

III- Teaching aids.

- Books, cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures

IV Procedures

Stages Content Activities

Warm up

5’ - Ask the Ss to look at the picture of the page 10 on the board

- Guessing game about this topic

- Ask the Ss to say about greetings in Vietnam

Teacher – whole class Group Presentation

15, - Introduce new words: Hello, Hi, name, year old, my.

- Read aloud

- Get the S to repeat in chorus - Ask the s to read one by one - Check: What and Where

- Grammar:

a Introduce how to greet each other. - Hello / Hi.

- Give situations for these ways to greet - Ask the S to work in pair to greet one anther b, Introduce how to introduce one s name

- Give ex: I am Hoa / My name is Hoa. - Introduce parts in these sentences

- Give form: S+ be(am/is/are) + a name/ My name is + a name.

- Ask the S to introduce their names before the class - Correct their mistakes

c Count to five.

- Put up hand and count to five

- Count some objects or students in the class

- Wrtie the cardinal numbers on the board: oh, one, two, three, four, five

- Read them again

- Ask the Ss to repeat in chorus

- Call on some Ss read them one by one

- Have them play a game: Rub out and remember

Taecher – whole class




15’ Open the tape twice ex

- Ask the s to repeat in chorus - Get some pairs to practice again - Correct their pronunciations

- Ask the s to listen to the tape of ex twice - Ask the s to repeat in chorus

Correct their pronunciations

Whole class Pair


6’ Tounger twicters : cardinal numbers

- Chain game : Count and greeting others

Monitor and correct their mistakes Group


Homework - Ask the S to learn new words by heart. - Guide the S to ex in the workbook - Prepare the next lesson

V- Adjustment:

Unit 1:


Period 3rd : Part A :

Hello – ( 5,6,7,8 )

Preparing date: 16th Aug 2009 Teaching date: 21st Aug 2009 I- Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Ask how people are

- Say thanks

- Count from to 10

II- Contents. 1 Grammar:

- How are you? - I’m fine, thanks

- And you ?

2 Vocabulary.

- How, fine, and, Mr, Miss, Mrs, six , seven, eight, nine, ten

III- Teaching aids.

- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures

IV Procedures

Stages Content Activities

Warm up.


- Jumble words: cardinal numbers from oh to five

- Practice greeting in pair Pair



- Give new words: family name (England), name (Vietnam)

- Read in chorus and individually

- Give the S five pieces with contents of the dialogue

- Ask the s to close the books

- Ask the s to listen to the tape twice - Have the S order those pieces of paper


- Have the S look at the dialogue in the book to compare their answers with its content

- Introduce how to ask about health and respond asking

+ How are you? + I m fine, thanks.+ Fine, thank you.

- Give notes: “ How are you ?” is used to show the aim of saying “Hello” but not really asking about health

- Introduce how to ask sb again: “ And you ? - Ask the S to work in pairs to practice the dialogue - Get the S to review cardinal numbers they have learn

sice last lesson

- Put up hand and count from to 10

- Introduce cardinal numbers from to 10 - Get the S to repeat in chorus

- Ask the s to read one by one - Check: Matching



- Ask the s to look at the picture of ex on the page 12

- Read names of people in theGet the S to work in apir

- Ask the S to write the dialogue in the notebook and check one another

- Monitor and feedback

Teacher – whole class


8’ Slap the board with cardinal numbers

- Practice with incompleted dialogue - Monitor and correct


Consolidation 2’

- Repeat the main content of the lesson Teacher – whole class



- Ask the S to learn new words by heart - Review how to ask about age and health - Guide the S to ex in the workbook - Prepare the next lesson

V- Adjustment:


Unit 1:


Period 4th : Part B :

Good morning

Preparing date: 21st Aug 2009 Teaching date: 24th Aug 2009 I- Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Say Goodbye

- Count from 11 to 15

II- Contents. 1 Grammar:

- Good morning

- Good afternoon - Good evening - Good night

- Good bye

2 Vocabulary.

- Morning, afternoon, evening, night, children, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourten, fifteen

III- Teaching aids.

- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures

IV – Procedures:

Stages Content Activities

Warm up


Matching picture of each daytime with contractions morning


evening nights




- Introduce the S how to say: Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night.

- Give note for use of saying ‘ Hello’ and ways of saying above

+ Informal: Hello, Hi( when meeting) ; byebye, bye( when aparting.)

+ Formal :Good morning/ afternoon/ evening ( when meeting); goodbye ( when aparting).

- Check : Rub out and remember - Get the S to work in pair to practice - Review how to count from oh to ten

- Introduce from 11 to 15: write numbers on the board

- Read aloud

- Get the S to read in chorus

- Have the S read again one by one Check ; Matching

Teacher –

whole class





- Get the S to listen to the tape part B3 on the page 15 twice

- Have the S guess a situation in the tape

- Have S practice the dialogue in the tape again in pair

- Get The Sto practice in group to play Miss Hoa and Children

- Gamr : Pelmanism: We’re = We are - Monitor and correct

Teacher –

whole class


Production 6’

- Have the Ss practice ex on the page 16 in the book

- Guide the Ss to practice correctly

- Feddback

- Ask the Ss to practice similar dialogues based on that one they have done

- Write on the board: 7+ = ; 10 + = ect - Have the Ss to work in group to write them on the


- Remark and correct their mistake

- Give notes: plus/ and ‘+’ , minus ‘–‘, is/equal to ‘=’

Have the Ss to write them down




Repeat the main content of the lesson



- Ask the S to learn new words by heart - Review how to say hello when meeting and


- Review how to count forn oh to 15 - Guide the S to ex in the workbook Prepare the next lesson

V- Adjustment:

Unit 1:


Period 5th : Part C:

How old are you ? - Ex 1,2.

Preparing date: 23rd Aug 2009 Teaching date: 27th Aug 2009 I Objectives:

After the lesson, Ss will be able to count from to 20

II- Contents. 1 Grammar:

- “ To be” in present simple tense

2 Vocabulary.


III- Teaching aids.

- CD player, cards, posters, pictures IV –Procedures:

Stages Content Activities

Warm up.

5 mins Lucky numbers Topic: Greetings Whole class


15 mins

a Count from 16 to 20.

- Give pieces of paper which have letters of number fron 16 to 20

- Write numbers from 16 to 20 on the board - Read aloud

- Get the S to repeat in chorus - Get the S to read again one by one - Check: What and Where

b Asking about age.

- Introduce how to ask about age

- Form:

+ How old are you?

– I am + cardinal number + years old. + How old is she/ he ?

- She/ He is + cardinal number + years old. - Give examples

- Have the S work in pair to practice pronouns : I, You.

- Get the S to work in pair to practice with pronouns: she, he.

- Remark and correct

eacher –

whole class


Whole class


15 mins

- Have the S count the numbers of them in the class from to 20

- Read the numbers and have S write them in the notebook

- Check one anther

- Write conversations to ask each other about their age and one’s age

Remark and correct


-whole class


5 mins

- Ask the S to play game tounger twisters about numbers

- Maple dialogue about asking and answer about age

Monitor and correct


5 mins

- Ask the S to learn new words by heart - Ask the s to write conversations about

asking and answer about age

- Review how to count form oh to 20 - Guide the S to ex in the workbook - Prepare the next lesson

-V- Adjustment:


Unit 1:


Period 6th : Part C:

How old are you ? - Ex 3,4,5.

Preparing date: 23rd Aug 2009 Teaching date: 28th Aug 2009 I- Objectives:

After the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Introduce other people

- Ask and answer about age

II- Contents. 1 Grammar:

- Thi is + , - How old are you? - I’m twelve

2 Vocabulary.

- This, old, years

III- Teaching aids.

- CD player, cards, posters, pictures

IV- Teaching process.

Stages Content Activities

Warm up

5 mins

- Let the S play game: Bingo Whole class


10 mins

- Guide S to introduce the others - Form: This is + a name

- Hang on the picture with some people with their ages

- Get the S to practice one by one

- Get the S to review to ask and answer about age

- Work in pair Remark and correct

Teacher – whole class


Practice 15 mins

- Open the tape twice

- Get the S to repeat in chorus - Get the S to work in pair - Correct their pronunciations

- Ask the S to work one by one to introduce the other


Teacher – whole class


10 mins

- Hang on some other pictures

- Have the S to work in group: Replay characters in the pictures

- Show the pictures and introduce characters in the picture

- Work in group

- Ask the s to say about all of the content of this lesson

- Give notes about “ year old”

Teacher – whole class



2 mins

- Repeat the main content of the lesson Whole class


3 mins

- Ask the S to learn new words by heart - Ask the s to write conversations about

asking and answer about age


- Prepare the next lesson

V- Adjustment:

Unit 2:

at school

Period 7th : Part A :

Come in – Ex 1,2,3,4.

Preparing date: 1st Sep 2009 Teaching date: 4th Sep 2009

I- Objectives:

After the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Use some commands for talking in class

- Understand and obey the teacher’s and others’ commands

II- Contents. 1 Grammar:

- Come in

- Open your book, - Close your book - Present simple tense - Imperatives

2 Vocabulary.

- Book, come, open ,sit down, close, stand


III- Teaching aids.

- A cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures

IV Teaching process

Stages Content Activities

Warm up

3’ Brainstormings: Imperatives in the class Whole class



- Ask the S to look at the pictures on the page 20 in the book

- Introduce how to give and obey orders - Use visual and actions to expalin about the


- New words:

- come in >< go out

- open the book >< Close the book, - stand up >< sit down.

- Read aloud

- Get the S to repeat in chorus - Get the S to read one by one Check: Rub out and remember

Taecher –

whole class




- Open the tape twice

- Get the S to repeat in chorus following the tape

- Call on some S to read turn by turn - Correct their pronunciation

- Have the s ex in the book: Look at the pictures and match the commands with the pictures

- Keys :

a Open the book b Sit down

c Come in

d Close the book e Stand up

Teacher –

whole class




- Have the S play “ Slap the board” game with the imperatives

- Remark and correct their mistakes - Have the S play game: “ Simon says” - Monitor and correct



4’ Repeat the main content of the lesson Teacher- wholeclass



- Ask the S to learn new words by heart - Ask the S to play game with imperatives - Guide the S to ex in the workbook - Prepare the next lesson

Whole class

V- Adjustment:


Unit 2:

at school

Period 8th : Part B :

Where you live ? – Ex 1,2,3.

Preparing date: 6th Sep 2009 Teaching date: 8th Sep 2009

I- Objectives:

After the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Ask and answer about others’ names and address - Learn the English alphabet

B- Contents. 1 Grammar:

- What is your name? - My name is + - Where you live? - I live on + street

2 Vocabulary.

- Where, what, steet, house, city,live

- Topic: concerned activities and objects at school

III- Teaching aids.

- Objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures

IV Teaching process

Stages Content Activities

Warm up


- Simon says: Imperatives

- Get the S to practice with some S in the class - Ask the S to make some conversations to get

information about them

- Feedback



15’ New words: - What

- Where

- Live

- hamlet( thon) - commune( xa),

- Distric

- my

- your.

- Read aloud

- Get the S to repeat in chorus - Get the S to read one by one - Check: Slap the boad

- Ask the S to look at the photo of part B - Give structure of asking to get one’s name:

+ What is your name? -> My name is + a name - Have the S work in pair

Teacher – whole class


- Have the S guess if the photo was taken in the city or countryside

- Give structure of asking to get information of one’s address

+ Where you live?

+ I live on street, in city.

+ I live in hamlet, in commune, in district. - Get the S to work in pair with the structure

- Correct their pronunciations



- Ask the S to listen to the tape twice - Ask the S to repeat in chorus

- Ask the s to work in pair

- Write some names of streets , hamlets, communes, cities on the board

- Get the S to play mappled dialogue - Ask the S to answer about themselves - Give questions:

a What is your name? c How old are you ?

b How are you? d Where you live ?

- Have the S play guessing game about some people in the picture on the board

Monitor and correct

Teacher – whole class




- Open the tape with a song of English alphabet A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S & T U V W X & Y Z Happy happy shall we be Where we learn our ABC.

- Ask the S to repeat in chorus - Ask the S to read one by one

- Get the S to sing a song of English alphabet in chorus

Call on some S to sing again

Whole class



2’ Repeat the main content of the lesson



- Ask the S to learn new words by heart

- Ask the S to sing a song of English alphabet - Guide the S to ex in the workbook

Prepare the next

V- Adjustment:

Unit 2:

at school

Period 9th : Part B :

Where you live ? – Ex 4,5,6

Preparing date: 6th Sep 2009 Teaching date: 10th Sep 2009

I- Objectives:

After the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Ask others to spell the name or other words

II- Contents.

1 Grammar: - How you spell it?

2 Vocabulary.


III - Teaching aids.

- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures

IV Teaching process

Stages Content Activities

Warm up


- Chain game with greetings and introducing oneself - Net words: Alphabet in English

- Monitor and correct Group



- Introduce the S how to spell one’s name in English letters

- Give examples: My name is Phuong P.H.U.O.N.G - Give the question: How you spell your name? - Explain: spell, How

- Get the S to practice spelling their names - Monitor and correct

- Have the S a test - Correct their mistakes





- Get the S to listen to the tape twice - Get the S to repeat in chorus

- Work individually

- Have the S practice in pair to ask and spell their names

- Have the s to read the dialogue in the book in pair - Correct their pronunciations

Teacher – whole class



- Have the S play a game: Nounghts and Crosses - Get the S to find names in the board




- Feedback



2’ Repeat the main content of the lesson



- Ask the S to learn new words by heart

- Ask the S to make up conversations to ask and spell one’s names

- Guide the S to ex in the workbook - Prepare the next lesson

V- Adjustment:


Unit 2:

at school

Period 10th : Part C :

my school – Ex 1

Preparing date: 6th Sep 2009 Teaching date: 15th Sep 2009 I- Objectives:

After the lesson, Ss will be able to: + Introduce about singular things

+ Ask and answer about people and things

B- Contents. 1 Grammar:

- This is / that is

- Indefinite articles : a/ an

2 Vocabulary.

- Teacher, student, class,classroom, desk

- Topic: concerned activities and objects at school

C- Teaching aids.

- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures

D- Teaching method.

- Community, technique

Stages Content Activities

Warm up 5’

- Ask ss to sing a song of A, B, C

- Ask ss to look at a picture with a famous person then spell their name

- H-O-N-G S-O-N

- Whole


Presentation 10’

- Ask ss to look at the picture part C - Ask ss where it is

- Introduce new word

- School

- Teacher

- Desk

- Classroom

- Teacher –


- Checking up by playing matching Introduce new structure:

This is + That is +

Explain the difference between this and that EX:


Ask ss to change the sentence into affirmative and negative

This is a student Is this a student? Yes, It is

No, It isn’t Is that a student? Yes, it is

No, it isn’t

Ask ss to change the sentence into affirmative and negative

- Give notes with articles: a/ an.

+ “ a” is placed before words beginning as consonant.Ex : a teacher, a student

+ “ an” is placed before words beginning as a vowel: a, e, i, o, u Ex: an apple, an orange + ‘a’ and ‘an’ have a same meaning with cardinal number “one”.Thus, nouns are places after them is always singular


Teacher – whole class


Teacher – whole class

Practice 15’

- Play the tape, listen to the tape twice - Ask ss to practice in pair

- Ask ss to look at the picture and repeat the main content of the lesson

- Whole

class Pair

Production 10’

- Ask ss to look at the teacher and following the action of her

- This desk

- This is a student - That is a teacher - This is a classroom

- Ask ss to change the sentence into affirmative and negative

- Exchange the key and correct each other

- Teacher –

whole class


Consolidation 2’

- Repeat the main content of the lesson - This is +

- That is + - Is this/that

- Teacher –

whole class

Homework. 3’

- Ask the S to learn new words by heart - Guide the S to ex in the workbook - Prepare the next lesson

-V- Adjustment:


Unit 2:

at school

Period 11th : Part C :

my school – Ex 2,3,4.

Preparing date: 10th Sep 2009 Teaching date: 17th Sep 2009 I Objectives:

After the lesson, Ss will be able to:

+ Ask and answer the question what this/that is

B- Contents. 1 Grammar:

- Present simple tense - Prepositions : in, on - This is / that is

- Indefinite articles : a/ an

2 Vocabulary.

- Topic: concerned activities and objects at school - School, board, ruler, eraser, pen, pencil

C- Teaching aids.

- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures

D- Teaching method.

- Community, technique

E Teaching process

Stages Content Activities

Warm up


- Mappled dialogues of asking about name, age, health, address

- Feedback




- Hang on the picture - Read aloud

- Get the S to repeat in chorus - Get the S to read again one by one - Check their pronunciations

- Check : Slap the board

- Grammar: Structure with pronouns: This/ That

- Form: This/ That is + a/ an + noun - Questioned form: Is this/ that ?

-> Yes ,it/ this/ that is -> No, It/ this/ that isn’t

- Give notes with articles: a/ an.

+ “ a” is placed before words beginning as consonant.Ex : a teacher, a student

+ “ an” is placed before words beginning as a vowel: a, e, i, o, u Ex: an apple, an orange + ‘a’ and ‘an’ have a same meaning with cardinal number “one”.Thus, nouns are places after them is always singular

- Have the S practice with those structures

- Teacher –

whole class


Teacher – whole class



- Have the S listen to the tape twice - Get the s to repeat in chorus

- Ask the s to work one by one and in pair - Hang on each picture

- Have the s ask about the person in each picture

- Teacher –


- Monitor and correct Individual



- Work in group to introduce about people and objects in their group

- Work in pair to ask and answer about people and objects in their classroom - Have the S change those sentences into


- Monitor and correct


Teacher – whole class



- Repeat the main content of the lesson - What is this/that?

- This is + - That is +

- Teacher –

whole class



- Ask the S to learn new words and structures by heart

- Ask the S to make up 10 sentences to introduce people and objects in their bags - Guide the S to ex in the workbook - Prepare the next lesson

V- Adjustment:

Unit 3:

at home

Period 12th : Part A :

My house – Ex 1,2

Preparing date: 14th Sep 2009 Teaching date: 18th Sep 2009

I- Objectives: After the lesson, Ss will be able to:

+ Ask and answer the question what this/that/these /those is/are

II- Contents. 1 Grammar:

- Present simple tense - There is / are

- Contractions

- Review “ to be” and imperatives

2 Vocabulary.

- Lamp, bookshelf, chair, couch, table, armchair, clock,TV, living room, house, ia , am, are, this, that , these, those

- Objects at home, in the school - Question words./Occupations


Stages Content Activities

Warm up


Have the S play game: Net words classroom

desk table board bench ruler ect





- Have s look at the pict to guess the meanings of new words - Introduce new words : a lamp, armchair, television,

stereo, clock, telephone, bookself - Get the S to repeat in chorus - Ask the s to read one by one - Correct their pronunciations - Check: Slap the board

- Have the S look at teacher’s actions.( teacher holds or shows an object and ask S answer)

- Ask the S to give out the similarity and difference between “ This / These” and “ That / Those”.

- Ask the s to give examples for them - Ex : This is a book That is a table.

- Have the S to change these sentences into the ones with plural nouns

- Ex : These are books Those are tables.

- Give notes about changing singular into plural + Common: singulal noun + s = plural noun‘ ’

+ Special way: nouns finifhing as: o, s, x, sh, ch + ‘es’ Ex: a box => boxes couch => couches.

- Have the S give questions about objects: + What is this? - This/ It is + a/ an + a noun. + What is that? - That / It is + a/ an + a noun.

- Ask the S to change those sentences into plural form - Form: What are these? -> These /They are + pl N What are those? -> Those / They are + pl N - Hang on extra board

- Have S to look at the extra board on the wall with a test

- Get the S to ex on the board

- Feedback

- Teacher – whole class


- Teacher – whole class - Individual



- Ex on page 30, 31: Have S listen to the tape twice - Have the S repeat in chorus

- Read one by one

- Correct their pronunciations - Get the S to work in pair

- Have the S ex in the book: Complete the sentences with the words provided

a What /this ? a table c What / that ? a lamp

b What/these ? windows d What /those ? books

- Feedback

- Teacher – whole class Pair




- Hang on the extraboard with some pictures of objects in their house


- Get the S to play “ slap the board” game

- Have the S practice asking and asnwering abut objects occured in the pictures

Ex: What is this? - This is a telephone - Remark and correct



2’ - Repeat the main content of the lesson



- Ask the S to learn new words and structures by heart - Ask the S to write a passage using “ this / that” to

introduce objects in their house

- Guide the S to ex in the workbook - Prepare the next lesson

V- Adjustment:

Unit 3:

at home

Period 13th : Part A :

My house – Ex 3,4,5,6

Preparing date: 14th Sep 2009 Teaching date: 18th Sep 2009

I- Objectives:

After the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Ask and answer about members in family, quantity, jobs

II- Contents. 1 Grammar:

- Present simple tense - There is / are

- Contractions - Adv: “too”

- What is one’s name ? – One’s name is - Review “ to be” and imperatives

2 Vocabulary.

- Teacher, student, family, sister, brother, people, my, your, her, his - Objects at home, in the school

- Question words - Occupations

III- Teaching aids.

- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures

IV- Teaching process.

Stages Content Activities

Warm up


- Have the S play a game: Nought and Crosses with topic: Objects at school

- Read Vietnamese for these words.Which group that fills in enough words wins

couches a clock a table a stereo a

televison telephone a lamp a bookself an armchair


Presentation 15’

- Hang on the pictures of the members in a family - Introduce with : This is father That is mother - Ask Ss to guess english meaning for them

- Introduce new words: father, mother, brother, sister

- Read aloud

- Teache


- Get the S to repeat in chorus

- Ask the s to read again one by one - Correct their pronunciation

- Check: Matching

- Grammar: Introduce about possessive: my, your, his , her with sentences

a, This is her father This is his book That is my book That is your book.

- Ask the s to give the form for these sentences - Feedback: This / That is + pos + noun

- Guide the S how to use the pos: to show one’s possession

- Hang on the extra board with ex

* Complete the sentences with the words provided: a brother/ is/ his/ this.

b my/ is / that/ sister/ this/ my/ mother/ is.

c father/ her/ is/ brother/ her/ this/ is/ that/ and. - Call on some S to ex on the board

- Feedback

- Have the S to look at the photo of a family

- Ask the S to say about number of members in the photo

- Guide the S how to ask and answer about number

- Form: - How many + Noun(plural) are there? - There are + noun ( plural)

- There is + noun ( single). - Give note about plural noun

- Ask the S to practice with that structure


Practice 15

- Have the S listen to the tape twice ( Ex on the tape 32 in the book.)

- Give the board:

Name Age Relations Job

Ba 12 brother student

Nga mother teacher

Ha father teacher

Lan 15 sister student

- Ask the s to discuss about the characters in the tape following the requests in the tape

- Ask the S to pratice about the content provided in the tape

+ Who is that/ this ? This/That is + What is his/ her name ? His/Her name is + How old is she/ he? He/She is years old - Get the S to practice asking about themselves - Get the S to recall an adverb” too” or “ so”. - Have the S to introduce about people in the class

who have the same things

Ex: This is my book That is my book, too. - Ex on the tape 33: Hang on the pictures on the


- Ask the s to say about their jobs follow Ba’ introduction in ex using possessive “ his’ and “

- Teache

r – whole class



- Ask the S to answer the questions follow the request in ex ( work in pair)

- Feedback

Production 5

- Ex 5* on the tape 33: Ask the s to introduce their family with their photo of their family

- Get the S to work in pair to ask about them Feedback

- Teache

r – whole class


Consolidation 2’

- Repeat the main content of the lesson

Homework 3’

- Ask the S to learn new words and structures by heart

- Ask the S to write a passage to introduce about their family

- Guide the S to ex in the workbook - Prepare the next lesson

V- Adjustment:

Unit 3:

at home

Period 14th : Part B :

numbers – Ex 1,2

Preparing date: 20th Sep 2009 Teaching date: 25th Sep 2009 I Objectives:

After the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Count from one to one hundred - Use the number to count things

II- Contents. 1 Grammar:


- Contractions

- Review “ to be” and imperatives

2 Vocabulary.

- Pronunciation: /s/ , / iz/, / z/ for plural nouns - Count objects in the class, schoolbag, house

III- Teaching aids.

- A cassette, cards, posters, pictures

IV Teaching process

Stages Content Activities

Warm up.

5’ Have Ss play “ bingo” topic: numbers from to 100 Group

Presentation 15’

a Prural noun:

- Ask the S to recall how to form plural nouns

- Feedback

+ Common: singular noun + s = plural noun‘ ’ + Special ways: nouns finifhing as: o, s, x, sh, ch add ‘ es’

Ex: a box => boxes couch => couches. - Hang on the board with singular nouns: watch,

bench, shirt, house

- Ask the S to change them into plural nouns - Introduce how to sound es” and s“ ” after plural

noun + es / iz/.

+ s / s / when s sau âm vô thanh: k, f, t + s / z / - sau ©m h÷u thanh.( the last)“ ”

- Have the S to repeat in chorus - Ask the s to read turn by turn - Correct their pronunciation

- Ask the S to make up sentences with structures “ There is / are ”

b, Count from to 100. - Read numbers

- Ask the S to remark about how to read and form numbers: 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 as well as 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.

- Show tag ty” for numbers 20 to 90 and teen“ ” for number 13 to 19.

- Give note for number : 21, 31, 41, 29, 39, 49,

- Ask the s to read again the words on the board - Check: Slap the board with numbers chosen from

0 to 100

Teacher – whole class


Teacher – whole class

Teacher – whole class



- Ask the S to listen to the tape of ex on the page 35 twice

- Ask the S to read numbers again turn by turn - Give a board of numbers

a, 19 b, 35 c, 50, d, 67, e, 98

- Ask the s to find out numbers after being asked about them with letters

Ex: Which is number fifty ? “ ” – number of c

“ ”

- Have the S to ex on the page 36: Count the items in the classroom using There is / are “ ”


- Feedback Individual



- Hang on the picture of objects, people - Ask the s to look at the board and read the

request of ex

- Ask the S to practice in pair to ask and answer about the items in the picture

- Ask the S to make up dialogues for each picture Ex: + How many teachers are there in the picture?

+ There are 4.

Teacher – whole class



3’ Repeat the main content of the lesson



- Ask the S to learn again the structures and ex - Ask the S to pronunciate “es”

- Prepare the next lesson V Adjustment:

Unit 3:

at home

Period 15th : Part B :

numbers – Ex 3,4,5,6

Preparing date: 25th Sep 2009 Teaching date: 01st Oct 2009 I Objectives:

After the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Use the number to count things in the family - Ask and answer about the mumber of things

B- Contents. 1 Grammar:

- How many are there? - There is / are

- Contractions

- Review “ to be” and imperatives

2 Vocabulary (Numbers to 100) C- Teaching aids.

- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures

D- Teaching method.

- Community, technique

E Teaching process

Stages Content Activities

Warm up

5 mins Have Ss play game ordering numbers and chaingame Topic: Numbers and nouns Group


10 mins

- Recall the S how to aks and answer about numbers

+ How many + plural noun + are there ? + There is/ are + noun.

- Hang on the picture with objects at home and school

- Get the S to work in pair to ask and answer about them

- Correct their mistakes

Teacher – whole class


15 mins

page 37

- Get the S to read in chorus - Ask the s to read again in pair

- Ask the S to answer about the numbers of objects following the content of the dialogue

- Feedback

whole class



10 mins

- Devide the class into groups - Give request for each group

+ Group : Describe number of objects in the classroom and on the desks.

+ Group : Describe about people in your class

- Guide the S how to ex

- Call on pioneers from each group to write their passages on the board

- Game: Find out mistakes

- Feedback

- Ask the s to play game: Do follow Hung’s request.( He says I want“ .”

- groups have to put enough and right objects on the table Who puts sooner that wins

Teacher – whole class

Individual Consolidation

2 mins

Repeat the main content of the lesson


3 mins

- Ask the S to learn again the structures and ex

Prepare the next lesson

V- Adjustment:


Period 16th : Part C :

Families – Ex 1,2,3,4

Preparing date: 25th Sep 2009 Teaching date: 1st Nov 2009 I Objectives:

After the lesson, Ss will be able to: + Introduce about their family

+ Use Adj Possessives

B- Contents. 1 Grammar:

- Present simple tense

- Structure: “What do/ does S ? “ – “ S + be + a/ an noun of job.” - Contractions

- Review “to be” and imperatives

2 Vocabulary. C- Teaching aids.

- A cassette, CD player, pictures

D- Teaching method.

- Community, technique

E Teaching process

Stages Content Activities

Warm up


Have the S to play game :” Networks” topic: Your introduction about your family

housewife mother






Presentation 10’

- Ask the S to find out new words

- Explain new words: an engineer, our, me - Ask the S to repeat in chorus

- Ask the S to read one by one - Correct their pronunciations - Check: Jumble words

- Grammar: The way to ask and answer about one’s job

+ What do/does S do? S + be + a/an + noun - Ask Ss to make up sentences with this structure

- Feedback

Teacher – whole class




- Have the S listen to the tape of ex twice - Have the S read follow the tape

- Have the S compare their answer with the content of the text

- Give the correct answer: + c, b, a + b, c, a + b, a

- Have the S work in pair with structure of asking about one’s job

- Hang on some pictures of jobs - Ask the S to practice with them

- Have the s play “Lucky number” to answer the questions

- Feedback

Teacher – whole class

Individual Your introduction


a, There are 4people in her family. b, Her father is forty.

c, He is an engineer.

- Get the S to look at the tree of family - Ask the S to work in pair to ask about the

members of that tree of family

- Explain new work : doctor, nurse, him. - Get the S to work in pair to write about

Song’s family

- Ask the S to read their introduction about Song’s family

- Feedback



- Get the S to work individually to introduce their families

- Give more new words: a farmer, a housewife

- Have some S introduce their family before class

- Remark and correct their mistakes, pronunciation

- Ask the S to it again correctly

Teacher – whole class




- Ask the S to learn new words and structures by heart

- Ask the S to write a passage to introduce about their family

- Guide the S to ex in the workbook Prepare the next lesson

V- Adjustment:

Period 17h :

Grammar practice


Preparing date: 30th Sep 2009 Teaching date: 6th Oct 2009

I- Objectives:

After the leson, Ss will be able to:

+ Review and understand the main language focus in units from to + Practice to develop their language skills

+ Have good study habits

II- Contents. 1 Grammar:

- Present simple tense

- Structure: to ask about job, place of birth, of living, about numbers, one’s name, one’s health

- Contractions

- Review “ to be” and imperatives - This/These and That/ Those - Adverb: too/ so

2 Vocabulary.

- Question words - Occupations

III- Teaching aids.

- Pictures and extra boart


- Community, techniques

V Teaching process

Stages Content Activities

Warm up


- Have the S to play : Lucky numbers.

1 Ask the S about their informations Ask the S to answer about number Ask the S to spell their names

6 Ask the S to say about This/ These and That/ Those

7 Get a S to give imperative in class Ask the S to say about too/ so !0 Ask the S to give forms of to be Feed back

Teacher – whole class


Presentation 12’

- Write structure to ask about age: * How old + be + S ?

> S + be + cardinal number + years old

* How many + plural nouns are there in + a place ? -> There is + a/an + singular noun

-> There are + plural noun.

* For object: What. * For people: Who. * For place: Where

- Get the S to use “This/ These” and “That/ Those “ to introduce objects in the picture

- Feedback: a, that/ Is / Yes b, this/ Is / isn t

Teacher – whole class




- Ask Ss to ex (Give extra board and pieces of papers) - Have the S play game: Matching

- Feedback:

a am/am / are / is / are b am/is / is / is / are / are.

- Get the S to complete the sentences with to be - Fedd back:

a, are/am b is/ is c is/isn t d are/aren t’ ’ - Have the S repeat all of imperatives

- Ask the S to follow a S’s commands

- Have the S fill in the blanks wiht suitable prep, possessive pro

- Feedback: in/down/your/your/up.

- Have Ss repeat how to ask and answer about number

- Feedback:

- Have the S look at the book and answer the questions

- Give keys:

a, There is a / one desk. b, Ther are books. c, There are students.

- Ask the S to give question words

- Ask Ss to practice what they have just completed - Have the S read numbers from to 100

a, Have the s write the words for the numbers Ex: five ; 8- eight

b, Write numbers for the words:

Teacher – whole class



Ex: 54 fifty-four ; 97 ninety- seven - Have the S work in pair to have greetings

- Get the S to use “ This/ These” and “ That/ Those “ to introduce objects in the picture

- Feedback:

a, that/ is / yes b, this/ is / isn t.’ - Have the S play a picture quiz in the book - Feedback: chair book eraser

ruler door clock board window.




- Devide the class into groups - Give them papers

- Have them write a tree of their family

- Call on some S to introduce their family through the tree os family

- Remark and feedback



3’ Repeat the main content of the lesson Teacher- Goodstudents



- Ask the S to exercises again - Ask the s to ex in workbooks - Prepare for the Test

Teacher-Whole class

VI- Adjustment:

Period No 18:


Planing date: 5th Oct 2009 Testing date: 9th Oct 2009

i- Objectives:

After the test, Ss will be able to:


+ Have switable plan for their learning next time * Language focus

- Present simple tense

- Structure: to ask about job, ages, place of living, about numbers, one’s name, one’s health

- Contractions

- Review “ to be” and imperatives - This/These and That/ Those - WH- questions

- Vocabulary related to the topic: Personal Information

II- Preparation: Testing papers. III- Matrix:

Contents TestIdentifyForeword UnderstandTest Foreword TestApplyForeword Total

Listening 5 1,5 5 1,5


Focus 8 2,5 8 2,5

Speaking 5 1,5 5 1,5

Reading 4 2,0 4 2,0

Writing 8 2,5 8 2,5

Total 8 2,5 8 2,5 5 1,5 5 1,5 4 2,0 30 10

IV- Content:

Question 1: Listen and fill in the blanks the words you hear

This is …(1)… classroom It … …(2) large and nice There are ….(3)… students in my class, ……(4)…… boys and 18 girls There are twenty desks and benches They are new There is a … …(5) on the wall but there isn’t an armchair 1- ……… 2- …… … … 3- … … … … 4- ……… … … 5- …… … …

Question 2: Choose the best answer for each following sentence

1 What your name?

A- is B- are C- am This is eraser

A- a B- an C- on

3 .are you? I’m fine Thank you

A- What B- How many C- How Stand please

A- in B- up C- down We are in the

A- living room B - window C- table She a teacher

A- is B- are C- am My father is thirty – five old

A- ages B- year C- years brother is eight years old


Question 3: Choose the suitable answer in column B for each question in column A Number is done for you

A B Your answers

1 How are you? Who is this?

3 How many people are there in your family?

4 Where you live? What are those?

6 Is that your house?

a This is my father, Mr.Tuan b There are people c I’m fine, thanks d They are my books and pens e I live on Tran Hung Dao street, in Da Nang city

f Yes, it is It’s my house

1- c 2- 3- 4- 5- 6-

Question 4: Read the passage about Lan carefully then answer the questions

Hello My name is Lan I am twelve years old I am a student in class 6C I live in

Quang Chau commune, Quang Xuong district, Thanh Hoa province There are five people in my family: My grandmother, my father, my mother, my younger brother and I We are very happy

a) How old is Lan ?

b) What does she ?

c) Where does she live ?

d) How many people are there in her family ?

Question 5: Write in letters the following numbers:

11 , 12 , 17 , 20 , 32 , 44 , 51 , 96 ,

V- The keys:

Question 1: Listen and fill in the blanks the words you hear

* Tapescription:

This is my classroom It is large and nice There are forty students in my class,

twenty- two boys and 18 girls There are twenty desks and benches They are new There

is a board on the wall but there isn’t an armchair

* Answers: 1- my ; 2- is ; 3- forty ; 4- twenty- two; 5- board

Question 2: Choose the best answer for each following sentence

1 A B C B A A C C

Question 3: Choose the suitable answer in column B for each question in column A Number is done for you

2- a 3- b 4- e 5- d 6- f

Question 4: Read the passage about Lan carefully then answer the questions

a) -> She is twelve (years old) b) -> She is a student (in class 6C)

c) -> She lives in Quang Chau commune, Quang Xuong district, Thanh Hoa province

d) -> There are five (people in her family)

Question 5: Write in letters the following numbers:

11: eleven, 12: twelve, 17: seventeen, 20: twenty, 32: therty- two, 44: forty- four, 51: fifty- one, 96: ninety- six,

VI Testing process

1- Organize


3- Give the tests to the Ss 4- Monitor the Ss

5- Collect Ss’ tests at the end 6- Give remarks

VII- Adjustment:

Period No 19:

The test correction

Planing date: 5th Oct 2009 Teaching date: 10th Oct 2009

I- Objectives:

After the lesson, Ss will be able to:

+ Estimate their knowledge at their true worth from unit to + Consolidate the language focus from unit to

+ Have switable plan for their learning next time * Language focus

- Present simple tense

- Structure: to ask about job, ages, place of living, about numbers, one’s name, one’s health

- Contractions

- Review “ to be” and imperatives - This/These and That/ Those - WH- questions

- Vocabulary

II- Preparation: Testing papers.

III Teaching process

Stages Content Activities

Warm up


- Have the S to play : Lucky numbers.

(Cadinal numbers: 4,5,44,15, 63, 99, 76,82,100) - Remark

Three groups



- Give the tests which are marked to Ss - Ask Ss to look at their result of test and

compare with their classmates - Ask Ss to find out their mistakes

- Remark

T- Whole class

Pair work Individual



- Give the answer keys (On extra board) - Ask Ss to look at the keys and compare - Ask Ss why they didn’t uderstand and

have the others give the explaination - Correct and give remarks

- Give the same exs and ask Ss to

- Remark



3’ - Sum up the Ss’ mistakes and ask them topractice more at home Whole class



- Guide Ss to prepare new lesson (Unit 4) at


IV- Adjustment:

Unit 4:

Big or small

Period 20th : Part A:

Where is your school? – Ex 1,2,3,4,5,6.

Planing date: 10th Oct 2009 Teaching date: 13th Oct 2009

A- Objectives.

After the lesson, Ss will be able to:

+ Ask and answer about the possition, features of things + Know how use the possessive case

+ Ask and answer about quantity

B- Contents.

1- Grammar.

- Where is Phong’s school? - It is in the country/city - It is big/ small

- Adjectives - Possessive: ‘s

- How many … are there? 2- Vocabulary.

- Ordinal numbers to tenth - Everyday actions

- Places

- Adjectives

C- Teaching aids.

- Cards, poster, pictures, objects of teaching

D- Teaching process

Stages Content Activities

Warm up 5’

- Hang on the pictures of ex 1on the page 44 - Get the S to remark about the sizes of those

schools and where they are located Ask the S to say st about their school

Teacher – whole class,

Presentation 10’

- Give new words: small >< big , in the country , in the city, her , his.

- Read aloud

- Get the S to repeat in chorus - Call on some s to read one by one - Check: What and Where

- Grammar: Introduce about possessive pronoun: ‘s

+ It is used to express person’s [possession Ex : Ha s book, my mother s dress’ ’

+ Give notes: If a singular noun that is placed before, we add s + noun

+ If a plural noun that is placed before, we only add “ ‘” but must not add s‘ ’

Ex: My brothers’ pens, the students’ books. - Hang on a picture with objects and possessive


- Get the S to write phrases for those pictures Feedback

Teacher – whole class



Teacher – whole class



page 44 in the book

- Get the S to repeat the content of the text in chorus

- Call on some s to read again one by one - Correct their way of pronunciation

- Ask the S to play “ Yes / No question” for ex on the page 44

- Work in pair

- Remark how they play the game

- Hang on an extra board and ask the S to fill in the blanks with the following information

School Size of school Where

Phong s schoolsmall in the country

Thu s schoolbig in the city

Teacher – whole class

Pair Individual



- Have the repeat number of the members in their family

- Ask the S to play a game: Matching about number

- Grammar: Ask the S to review about how to ask and answer about number

- Feedback:

+ How many + plural noun are there + phrase of place ?

+ There is / are + cardinal number + noun. - Hang on a picture about objects at school - Ask the S to practice asking and answering

about number of those objects on the extra board

- Feedback

- Read aloud

- Ask the S to repeat in chorus - Ask the S to read again one by one

* Comprehension question:

- Ask the S to work in pair to ask and answer about the question provided in the book

a There are eight classroom in Phong s school.b Their are four hundred students in the school

- Ask the S to work in pair to ask and aasnwer about their own school

- Guide S to practice using the prompts quetsions in the book

- Have the S write a short paragraph about their school

- Call on some S to introduce about their school before the class

- Remark and correct their pronunciations

- Ask the S to work in pair to write a paragraph about their school

- Call on a S to write a paragraph to introduce their school on the board

- Call on some S to read or in troduce their school before the class

- Game: Error hunter

Get the S to play game: Play with words







Homework 5’

- Ask the s to learn new words by heart

- Ask the S to write a paragraph about their school

- Ask the S to ex in their work books - Prepare the next lesson

E- Adjustment:

Unit 4:

Big or small

Period 21nd : Part B:

My class? – Ex 1,2,3.

Planing date: 12th Oct 2009 Teaching date: 16th Oct 2009

I- Objectives. After the lesson, Ss will be able to:

+ Ask and answer about their class + describe school, class

II- Contents.

1- Grammar.

- Number How many ? – There are - Adjectives

- Which grade+ be+ S+ in ? –> S+ be+ in+ grade + cardinal number - “To have” in the present simple time

2- Vocabulary.

- Ordinal numbers to tenth - Everyday actions

- Places

- Adjectives

- Preposition of place

III- Teaching aids.

- Book, cassette, tape, cards, poster, pictures, objects of teaching

IV- Teaching process.

Stages Content Activities

Warm up 5’

- Have the S play game: Brainstormings


grade classroom


board ect - Feed back

Presentation 15’

- New words: grade, floor, classroom. - Read aloud

- Ask the S to repeat in chorus

- Call on some S to read agian one by one - Correct their pronunciation

- Check: Jumble words

- Grammar: The way about location + Which grade/ class be S in?

+ S+ be+ inthe+ ordinal number+ floor/class. - Ask the S to make up the sentences with that


- Introduce “ to have” anf the way to devide it - I, you, we, they : have

- He, she, it , Hai, my father : has.

- Ask s to make up sentences with “have” Ex: I have a book She has a ruler.

- Ask the S to find out sentences that have to have

- Feedback

Teacher – whole class


Teacher – whole class

Practice 15’

- Ask the S to listen to the tape twice

- Call on some s to give the informations they have just listened

- Remark and give the correct information for the text

Name Grade Class Classroom sfloor

Thu 7 7B 2nd

Phong 6 6A 1 st

- Have the S find out the questions for the answers of ex on the page 47

- Ask the S to write a paragraph about themselves

- Call on some S to read their passages before the class

- Error hunter

Teacher – whole class


Production 5’

- Hang on an extra board which has informations about some students

- Ask the S to play game: Nought and crosses - Call on some s to play

grade 6 second How many

7A on in

Which first big

- Feedback

Teacher – whole class


2’ Repeat the main content of the lesson



- Learn and make up 10 sentences with ‘to have’

- Ask the S to write a paragraph about the location of their classrooms, about their grade - Ask the S to ex in their work books - Prepare the next lesson

V- Adjustment:

Unit 4:

Big or small

Period 22rd : Part B:

My class? – Ex 4,5,6.

Planing date: 12th Oct 2009 Teaching date: 17th Oct 2009

I- Objectives.

After the lesson, Ss will be able to:

+ Use the ordinal number from the first to tenth

II- Contents.

1- Grammar.

- Number How many ? – There are - Adjectives

- Which grade be S in ? – S be in grade + cardinal number - “To have” in the present simple time

2- Vocabulary.

- Ordinal numbers to tenth - Everyday actions

- Places

- Adjectives

- Preposition of place

III- Teaching aids.

- Book, cassette, tape, cards, poster, pictures, objects of teaching IV- Procedures:

Stages Content Activities

Warm up


- Bingo topic : Describe their school, grade and classroom

- Feedback




- Networds:

fourth fifth



ninth ect - Introduce ordinal numbers :

+ Ordinal form: cardinal number + th = ordinal number: fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, tenth.

+ Give notes: first, second, third, fifth, ninth. + Guide the S how to abbreviate ordinal numbers For example: first: 1st, second 2nd, third : 3rd

- Read aloud

- Ask the S to repeat in chorus

- Call on some S to read agian one by one


Teacher – whole class


- Correct their pronunciation

Check: Pelmanism Teacher -whole class



- Have the S listen to the tape twice - Get the S to repeat in chorus

- Call on some students to read again turn by turn - Have the S work in pairs to ask about their class

+ Which class are you in ? + I am in

+ Where is your classroom ? + It s on the floor.

- Monitor and correct

- Hang on an extra board with the mapble dialogue of ex in the book

- Ask the s to play a guessing game

- Ask the s to work in group to find out the suitable words to fill in the blanks in the mable dialogue - Call on students from groups to give out their


- Feedback:

isn t does has are 5.am is on.

- Get the S to work in pair to practice the completed dialogue

- Correct their pronunciation

Teacher – whole class






- Have the S play a chain game for “ to have”

- Get the S to play toungers twister for the ordinal numbers

- Monitor and correct



2’ Repeat the main content of the lesson



- Ask the S to learn ordinal numbers by heart

- Ask the S to make up dialogues using the ordinal numbers and “ to have”

- Ask the S to exerciases in their workbooks - Prepare the next lesson

V- Adjustment:

Unit 4:

Big or small

Period 23th : Part C:

Getting ready for school – Ex 1,2,3.

Planing date: 17th Oct 2009 Teaching date: th Oct 2009

I- Objectives.

After the lesson, Ss will be able to: Ask and answer about daily activities

II- Contents.

1- Grammar: - Review the present simple time.

- Structure to describe daily activities at home. 2- Vocabulary: Everyday actions.


IV Teaching process

Stages Content Activities

Warm up

2’ - Chatting about their daily activites at home for school.- Feedback Teacher –whole class

Presentation 15’

- Introduce: Brainstormings

morning ex go to school get up

have breakfast get dressed

brush one/s teeth Wash one s face’ - Read aloud

- Ask the S to repeat in chorus - Get some Ss to read again * Checking: Slap the board - Introduce:

* Structure: How to say about time:

+ Form: at + cardinal number + o clockEx: at o clock ; at 6.30

- Ask the S to make up sentences with the time + Ex : I get up at o clock

I get dressed at 6.30 ………

- Introduce about the present simple tense :

- Ask the S to look at the pictures about daily activites again, then remark

- Ask the S to say how to use the present simple tense

-> when they describe their daily activities

- Feed back: The present simple tense is used to show a person s habitual activites.

- Get them remark how to put the verbs in the text for the pronouns : he, she, it…

+ Ordinal form: Verb + s “ ” Ex: get => gets.

+ Especial form: Verbs have the last consonant that are “s, sh, x, o, ch, x ” add es “ ”

- Ask the S to find out the verbs like that

Ex: go=>goes, brush=> brushes, wash => washes.

- Adverbs of time: every morning / afternoon/ evening, every day,

- Hang on an extra board with the test about how to put the verds correctly

- Call some Ss to the ex on the board - Feed back



Teacher – whole class



Practice 15’

- Have the S listen to the tape twice - Have the S read again

- Correct their pronunciations

- Have them write out what they’ve just listened from the tape

Ex: Ba gets up He gets dressed He brushes his teeth - Have the S practice in pairs with the question: “

Teacher – whole class Individual your daily


What you in the morning ?”

- Give conjunctions: firstly, then, after that, - Get the S to introduce their daily activities at home

before the class

- Get other Ss ask and answer in pairs using: “ What does he/she in the morning ?” -> He/She ……… - Monitor and correct

Pair work

Production 8’

- Have the S work in groups and write short passages to describe their activities every morning

- Call some Ss to write their passages on the board - Error hunter

Group Individual Consolidation

2’ Repeat the main content of the lesson Homework


- Ask the S to learn new words by heart

- Ask the S to write passages to describe their daily activities

- Guide the S to ex in their work books - Prepare the next lesson

V- Adjustment:


Unit 4:

Big or small

Period 24th : Part C:

Getting ready for school – Ex 4,5,6,7.

Planing date: 19th Oct 2009 Teaching date: th Oct 2009

I- Objectives.

After the lesson, Ss will be able to: Ask and answer about time

Ask and answer about daily schedule

II- Contents.

1- Grammar

- Review the present simple time

- Structure to describe daily activites at home - What time is it? – It is + time

2- Vocabulary.

- Everyday actions

- Time

III- Teaching aids.

- Cassette, tape, cards, a clock, pictures

IV- Teaching process.

Stages Content Activities

Warm up


- Matching: Your daily activites at home

- Have the S write some numbers: 15, 30 , 60, 45

- Feedback




- New words: what time, late - Read aloud

- Get the S to repeat in chorus - Call on some s to read again * Checking: Rub out and remember.

- Grammar:

- Introduce how to say about time:

Kind of time Simple way


giờ đúng hour 00 Ex: 6.00

giê h¬n hour minuites Ex: 45/45 past 6 giê kÐm minuites to hour Ex: 10 to (5.50)

- Introduce how to ask and answer about what time they at ? + What time do/ does S V ?

+ S + V ( s, es, ) at + time.

- Hang on a test , get the S to it

- Feedback




- Have the S listen to the tape twice and close the book - Have the S write the time they while they are listening

to the tape

- Monitor and correct - Read aloud

- Get the s to repeat in chorus

- Call on some s to read again one by one

- Give out a clock and ask the s to ask and answer about time with their daily activities

- Monitor and correct

Teacher – whole class Individual



- Have some pieces of papers

- Have the S practice with above contents - Monitor and correct

Teacher – whole class Individual



2’ Repeat the main content of the lesson



- Ask the S to learn new words and structure by heart - Ask the S to write out a timtable for their daily activities

at home follow this example and write a passage about their timetable:

Time 6.0

0 6.05 6.15 6.30 7.45am 7.30pm


k get up wash face

get dresse d

have breakfas t

go to schoo l

do home - work - Ask the S to ex in their worbook

Prepare the next lesson

V- Adjustment:

get up

wash face


go to school 6.00




Unit 5:

Things I

Period 25th : Part A :

My day- Ex 1, 2

Planing date: 26th Oct 2009 Teaching date: 30th Oct 2009

I- Objectives.

After the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about daily activities

II- Contents.

1- Grammar

- Adverbs of time - Present simple time

- Structures of everyday activites - Preposition: at

- Structure: - What you after school? -> I play games

- What does he after school? -> He plays games

2- Vocabulary.

- Noun of activites for routine,do, every, play, after, watch, listen, read

II- Teaching aids.

- Cassette, tape, cards, a clock, pictures

IV- Teaching process.

Stages Content Activities

Warm up


- Nought and crosses

do mor.ex wash my face have breakfast do homework go to school get dressed

brush teeth get up go to bed

- Feedback




- New words: late, the be late for school / work, play, game, watch, housework, do, music, read, after school. - Review adverbs of time

- Read aloud

- Ask the s to repeat in chorus - Check: Slap the board

- Grammar: Get the S to review the structure of asking for and saying the time

- Ask the S how to ask about activities after school - Form: - What / does S after schol ?

-> S + V ( present simple tense ).

- Feedback

- Hang on extra board and ask the S to a test

- Feedback

Teacher – whole class Individual




- Have the S listen to the tape twice - Get the S to repeat in chorus

- Call on some S to read again one by one

- Ask the S to answer the questions after reading ex on the page 52

- Have the S listen to the tape twice - Get the s to repeat in chorus

- Call on the S to read again one by one

- Ask the s to practice the dialgue with a partner using the question: “ What you after school?’

- Get the S to aswer the questions about Nga in the pictures on the page 53 in the book

- Feedback:


a, She gets up at six. b, She goes to school. c, She plays games.

d, She does her homework.



- Ask the S to work in group to write a passage about their activies after school

- Call some Ss to write their passages on the board Play game: Error hunter

Teacher – whole class Pairwork Consolidation

2’ Repeat the main content of the lesson



- Ask the S to learn new words and structure by heart - Ask the S to write a passage about their daily

activities after school

- Ask the S to ex in their worbook - Prepare the next lesson

V- Adjustment:

Unit 5:

Things I

Period 26th : Part A :

My day- Ex 3,4

Planing date: 26th Oct 2009 Teaching date: 31st Oct 2009

I- Objectives.

After the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about daily activities

II- Contents.

1- Grammar

- Structure: - What you after school? -> I play games

- What does he after school? -> He plays games

2- Vocabulary.

- Noun of activites for routine after, housework, listen, watch, read

II- Teaching aids.

- Cassette, tape, cards, a clock, pictures

IV- Teaching process.

Stages Content Activities

Warm up


- Chatting

- Feedback Group



- Grammar: Get the S to review the structure to ask about activities after school:

* Form: - What / does S after schol ?


-> S+ V (present simple tense). - Give example:

What doyou after school ? -> I watch TV.

What does she after school ? -> She watches TV.




- Have the S listen to the tape twice - Get the S to repeat in chorus

- Call some S to read again

- Ask the S to answer the questions after reading ex on the page 53

- Have the S listen to the tape twice - Get the s to repeat in chorus

- Call on the S to read again one by one

- Ask the s to practice the dialgue with a partner using the question: “ What you after school?’

- Get the S to answer the questions about characters in the pictures on the page 54 in the book (work in pairs)

- Feedback:

a, She does the housework. b, He watches television. c, She reads.

d, He listens to music.

Teacher – whole class Individual



- Ask the S to work in group to write a passage about their activies after school

- Call some Ss to ask and answer in pairs before class - Call others to give remarks

- Feedback

Pairwork Teacher – whole class Consolidation


Repeat the main content of the lesson



- Ask the S to learn new words and structure by heart - Ask the S to write a passage about their daily

activities after school

- Ask the S to ex in their worbook - Prepare the next lesson

V- Adjustment:


Unit 5:

Things I

Period 27th : Part A :

My day- Ex 5,6,7


Planing date: 30th Oct 2009 Teaching date: 3rd Nov 2009

I- Objectives.

After the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer about some sport activities

II- Contents.

1- Grammar

- Present simple time – “ Yes/ No question “ - Structures of everyday activites

*Structure: Do you play soccer?

-> Yes, I do/ No, I don't (I don't play soccer.)

2- Vocabulary.

- Sport, volleyball, soccer

III- Teaching aids.

- Cassette, tape, cards, pictures

IV Teaching process

Stages Content Activities

Warm up


Brainstormings: Watch television

Play games

Do housework Listen to music Play sports




- New words: play soccer , play volleyball, play sports, girl, boy, homework, housework.

- Read aloud

- Ask the s to repeat in chorus - Check: Slap the board

- Grammar: Yes / No questions at present simple tense + Do/Does + S + V ?

-> Yes, S + do/does. -> No, S + don t /doesn t’ ’

- Ask the S to work in pairs using “ Brainstormings “ to ask and answer about their routines after school

- Feedback

Teacher – whole class





- Hang on the picture of ex on the page 54 so that they discuss about it

- Get the S to listen to the tape twice - Ask the S to repeat in chorus - Call some Ss to read again in pairs

- Hang on the picture of ex on the page 55 in the book - Discuss about the content of the picture

- Get the S to listen to the tape twice

- Have the S work in pairs to answer the questions using

Teacher – whole class Individual Pairwork Your activities


“Yes, I do” and “ No , I don t’ “

- Feedback



- Hang on an extra board with a game : Bingo

I/ watch / TV Ha/ listen/ music They / play / games Lan/ read/ book Mai/do/homework Ha/do / housework T & V go/ school Nam/play /soccer Hieu/play/volleybal

l Monitor and correct

Teacher – whole class Pairwork


2’ Repeat the main content of the lesson



- Ask the S to learn new words and structure by heart - Ask the S to write a passage about their routine after


- Ask the S to ex in their worbook - Prepare the next lesson

V- Adjustment:

Unit 5:

Things I

Period 28th : Part B :

My routine - Ex 1,2,3,4


Planing date: 3rd Nov 2009 Teaching date: 6th Nov 2009

I- Objectives.

After the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about their daily activities

II- Contents.

1- Grammar + Present simple time + Structures of timetable


2- Vocabulary.

Take, eat, study, shower, lunch, dinner, bed - Nouns of describe routine and timetable

III- Teaching aids Cassette, tape, cards, pictures.

IV Teaching process

Stages Content Activities

Warm up


- Have Ss play “ Networds”

read books have classes

list en to music housework take a shower …………




* Pre- teach Vob:

+ take a shower: (Pict) + eat : (Ex)

+ have beakfast/ lunch/ dinner: (Ex) + go to bed: (Ex)

+ have class: (Trans) + finish >< start: (Ex) + go home: (Ex) - Read aloud

- Ask the s to repeat in chorus

- Ask the S to read again one by one * Checking: Pelmanism.

* Grammar: Introcuce the other ways to ask for and say the time

Kind of time Simple way Complex way

giờ đúng hour 00 Ex:6.00 hour o’clock Ex: o’clock. giờ hơn hour.minuites.Ex: 6.45 minuite past hour Ex:45 past giờ kém No minuite to hour Ex: 15 to 7

- Give notes: In complex ways to say about time: + half = 30 minuites Ex: 6.30 = half past six ; + a quarter = 15 minuites Ex: 7.15 = a quater to seven. - Give out a clock

- Ask theS to work in pairs to ask and say the time

- Feedback

Teacher – whole class Individual




- Hang on the pictures on the board

- Discuss about the contents of the pictures - Read the text aloud

- Get the S to read again one by one - Correct their pronunciation

- Hang on the table of Ba’s timtable

- Get the S to work in group to complete the table in a paper

- Call on some S to tick their paper on the board - Monitor and correct

- Have the S to play “ lucky numbers “ game Practice the following conversation:

- What time you/ does someone .? - I / He / She at + time.

1.get up 2.lucky number 3.go to school 4.have luch 5.have classes 6.lucky number 7.go home 8.do housework

Teacher – whole class Individual Groups


9 take a shower

10.do homework 11.Luckynumber 12.Go to bed

- Monitor and correct



- Get the S to play a game: Chain game

Begin with : “ Hi, I m Hung Every morning, I get upat ”

- Monitor and correct

- Ask the S to work individually to write a passsage their timtable

- Call on some S to read their passages before the class - Game: Error hunter

Teacher – whole class Pair


2’ Repeat the main content of the lesson



- Ask the S to learn new words and structure by heart - Ask the S to write a passage about their timetable - Ask the S to ex in their workbook

- Prepare the next lesson

V- Adjustment:

Unit 5:

Things I

Period 29th : Part C :

classes - Ex 1


I- Objectives.

- Sau hoµn thµnh tiÕt häc, hs có khả năng: + Nói tên số môn häc

+ Sử dụng đợc Have Don't have để nói thời khố biểu

II- Contents.

1- Grammar

- Present simple time - Structures of timetable

- Structure: S have / don’t have + noun ( subjects at school) 2- Vocabulary.

Math, history, literature, geography, English, timetable

- Subjects at school - Nouns of the date

III- Teaching aids.

- Book, cassette, tape, cards, pictures, objects of teaching

EIV Teaching process

Stages Content Activities

Warm up 5’

- Have the S play chatting game with time : 7.00 ; 8.20 ; 915 ; 10.30 ; 11.45.

- Ex: What time is it?

- / What time does your class start ?



10’ Tuesday - Networds: Math Monday Thursday

literature history

Teacher – whole class Individual subjects at



English geography Friday

Sat urday Wenesday



10’ Introdure more new words Today

Timetable - Read aloud

- Ask the s to repeat in chorus

- Ask the S to read again one by one - Check : Slap the board

- Monitor and correct

- Explain : if you want to ask about the time table what can you ask ?

- and answer

- What we have today? Today is Monday We have English

Teacher – whole class Individual

Production 10’

- How many days we have a week? - Can you call the name?

- Introdure the day of the week

- Monday

- Tuesday

- Wednesday

- Thursday

- Friday

- Saturday

- Sunday

- Ask the S to work individually to write a passsage their timtable

- Call on some S to read their passages before the class Game: Error hunter

Teacher – whole class Pair



Repeat the main content of the lesson

Homework 7’

- Ask the S to learn the second way to say about time - Ask the S to write their passages again the notebooks - Ask the S to ex in the work book

- Prepare the next lesson V Adjustment:

Ngày 12 tháng 11 năm 2008


rperiod 30 : Part C : th

classes 2,3,4

I Objectives:

- Sau hoàn thành học, sts có khả năng: + Nói tên ngày tuần

II- Contents. 1 Grammar:

- Present simple tense - When we have…… - We have + subject on + day - Review “ to be” and imperatives

2 Vocabulary.

- Question words - Subject, day

- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

III.teacching aids.

- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures

IV Teaching process

Stages Content Activities

Warm up 5’

Have the S play game: Net words Literature

math geography

history pen ect




- Have the s look at the picture to guess the meanings of new words

- Introduce new words :

- Monday

- Tuesday

- Wednesday

- Thursday

- Friday

- Saturday

- Sunday

- Get the S to repeat in chorus - Ask the s to read one by one - Correct their pronunciations - Check: Slap the board

Teacher – whole class Individual

Practice 10’

- Ex on the page 59: Have the S listen to the tape twice

- Have the S repeat in chorus - Read one by one

- Correct their pronunciations - Get the S to work in pair Answer the questions

Teacher – whole class Individual

Production 10’

- Hang on the extra board with some time table and ask ss to ask and answer the questions

- Remark and correct

Teacher – whole class Pair Consolidation

2’ Repeat the main content of the lesson

Homework - Ask the S to learn new words and structures by heart


7’ - Ask the S to write a passage using “ this / that” to introduce objects in their house

- Guide the S to ex in the workbook - Prepare the next lesson

V Adjustment:

Ngµy 14 tháng 11 năm 2008

Period 31th :

Grammar practice


I Objectives:

- Sau hoàn thành tiết học hs nắm đơn, cách nói giờ, mơn học, ngày tuần Adj

II- Contents. 1 Grammar:

- Present simple tense

- Structure: time, class , grade - Review “ to be” and imperatives - Present simple tense

- Time

- Adjective

- Question words

2 Vocabulary.

- Question words - Occupations

III- Teaching aids.

- A book, objects of teaching, cards, posters, pictures

IV Teaching process

Stages Content Activities

Warm up

5’ - Have the S to play : Lucky numbers.1 Ask them about their informations Ask the S to answer about number Ask the s to talk the time

6 Ask the S to say about their dayly routine Get a S to give question words

9 Ask the S to say about subjects

!0 Ask the S to give the day inn a week Feed back




- Ask the S to ex : - Present simple tense a Get up

b Get up c Gets up d Get up e Do Have f Have

g Does Have h Has

i Do Have j Have


k l Go Wash

Practice 10’

- Write structure to ask about the time : - What time is it?

- It is +number + oclock. - It is +half past +number - It is +hour + minutes

- It is +minutes +to/ past + hour - Half past = 30 minutes.

- Fifteen = a quarter

- +Get the S to complete the sentences with suitable question words

a Which b How c What d How e Which f Which

- Have the S to practise in pairs

a Make up questions , ask ss to answer when you have literature ?

b when you have math? c when you have geography?

d Which classes you have on Monday? e Which classes you have on Friday?

Ask the S to ask and answer the questions following the exercise in the s’ book

Teacher – whole class Individual

Production 10’

- Devide the class into groups - Give them papers

- Have them write a tree of their family

- Call on some S to introduce their family through the tree os family

- Remark and feedback

Teacher – whole class Pair


2’ Repeat the main content of the lesson Homework


- Ask the S to exercises again - Ask the s to ex in workbooks - Prepare for the Test

V Adjustment:

Ngµy 16 tháng 11 năm 2008

Unit 6:


Period 32th : Part A :

our house – Ex 1,2,3

I Objectives:

- Sau hoàn thành tiết học hs có khả năng: + Hiểu nội dung khoá


II- Contents. 1 Grammar:

- Present simple tense - There is / are

2 Vocabulary.

- Places around us - On, in , near

- Lake, yard, flower, ricepaddy

III- Teaching aids.

- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures

IV Teaching process

Stages Content Activities

Warm up 5’

- Ask ss to go to the board and aswer teacher’s questions

- What is your name? - How old are you? - Where you live?

- How many people are there in your family?




- Hang on the pictures on page 62

- Ask ss to relize where it is Call the name + Introduce new words:

- Park

- Lake

- Flower

- Rise paddy

- Tree

- River

- Near

- Hotel

- Read aloud

- Get the S to repeat in chorus

- Ask the s to read again one by one - Correct their pronunciation

- Check: Matching

- Grammar:

- there is a river and a lake.

- Ther is a park near the hotel.

- There are trees and flowers in the park.

- Ask the s to give the form for these sentences - Feedback: there + is/are + noun + in/on/near +


- Call on some S to ex on the board

- Feedback

- Ask the S to practice with that structure

Teacher – whole class Individual

Practice 10’

- Have the S listen to the tape twice ( Ex on the tape 32 in the book.)

- Ask the s to answer the questions

Teacher – whole class Individual

Production 10’

- Get the S to work in pair to ask about plaes in the picture

- What is that? What are thoes?



2’ Repeat the main content of the lesson Homework


- Ask the S to learn new words and structures by heart - Ask the S to write a passage to introduce about their


- Guide the S to ex in the workbook - Prepare the next lesson

V Adjustment:

Ngày 18 tháng 11 năm 2008

Unit 6:


Period 33 : Part A : th

our house – Ex 4,5,6,7

I Objectives:

- Sau hoàn thành tiết học hs có khả năng: + Miêu tả đợc nơi sống

+ Sử dụng đợc từ vựng chủ đề thị trấn, đất nớc

-II- Contents. 1 Grammar:

- Present simple tense - There is / are

2 Vocabulary.

- Places around us - On, in , near

III- Teaching aids.

- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures

IV Teaching process

Stages Content Activities

Warm up

5’ Have the S play net work Play net work Group


10’ Ask the S to recall how to introduce some place near the house - there + is/are + noun + in/on/near + place - Remind ss the structure and ask ss to make up


- There is a river near the park - There are trees in the park

- Show the picture make up questions, ask ss to answer

- What is it? - What are these?

- Ask s to make up sentences: - There is a hotel near te lake - There is river near the park

- There are trees and flowers in the Park

Teacher – whole class Individual

Practice 10’

- , Hang on the board with singular nouns: watch,


- Ask the S to change them into plural nouns

- Introduce how to sound es” and s“ ” after plural noun

+ es / iz/.

+ s / s / when s sau âm vô thanh: k, f, t + s / z / - sau âm hữu thanh.( the last)

- Have the S to repeat in chorus - Ask the s to read turn by turn - Correct their pronunciation

- Ask the S to make up sentences with structures “ There is / are ”

b, Count from to 100. - Read numbers

- Ask the S to remark about how to read and form numbers: 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 as well as 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.

- Show tag ty” for numbers 20 to 90 and teen“ ” for number 13 to 19.

- Give note for number : 21, 31, 41, 29, 39, 49, - Ask the s to read again the words on the board

- Check: Slap the board with numbers chosen from to 100

- Ask the S to listen to the tape of ex on the page 35 twice

- Ask the S to read numbers again turn by turn - Give a board of numbers

a, 19 b, 35 c, 50, d, 67, e, 98

- Ask the s to find out numbers after being asked about them with letters

Ex: Which is number fifty ? “ ” – number of c “ ” - Have the S to ex on the page 36: Count the items

in the classroom using There is / are “ ”

- Feedback

class Individual

Production 10’

- Hang on the picture of objects, people

- Ask the s to look at the board and read the request of ex

- Ask the S to practice in pair to ask and answer about the items in the picture

- Ask the S to make up dialogues for each picture Ex: + How many teachers are there in the picture? + There are 4.

Teacher – whole class



Repeat the main content of the lesson

Homework 7’

- Ask the S to learn again the structures and ex - Ask the S to pronunciate “es”

- Prepare the next lesson V Adjustment:


Ngày 20 tháng 11 năm 2008

Unit 6:


Period 35th : Part B :

numbers – Ex 3,4

I Objectives:

- Sau hoàn thành tiết học hs có khả năng: Miêu tả cách đơn giản cảnh vt ca mt khu ph

- hỏi trả lời nơi sống nơi làm việc ngời kh¸c

II- Contents. 1 Grammar:

- Present simple tense - There is / are

- Contractions

- Review “ to be” and imperatives

2 Vocabulary.

- Objects at home, in the school - Question words

- Occupations

Pronunciate: /s/ , / iz/, / z/ for plural nouns.

III- Teaching aids.

- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures

IV Teaching process

Stages Content Activities

Warm up

5’ Have the S play game ordering numbers and chain game Topic: numbers and nouns Group



- Recall the S how to aks and answer about numbers + How many + plural noun + are there ?

+ There is/ are + noun.

- Hang on the picture with objects at home and school - Get the S to work in pair to ask and answer about


Correct their mistakes

Teacher – whole class Individual

Practice 10’

- Have the S to listen to the tape of ex on the page 37

- Get the S to read in chorus - Ask the s to read again in pair

- Ask the S to answer about the numbers of objects following the content of the dialogue


Teacher – whole class Individual

Production 10’

- Devide the class into groups - Give request for each group

+ Group : Describe number of objects in the classroom and on the desks.

+ Group : Describe about people in your class - Guide the S how to ex

- Call on pioneers from each group to write their passages on the board

- Game: Find out mistakes

- Feedback

- Ask the s to play game: Do follow Hung’s request.( He says I want“ .”


- groups have to put enough and right objects on the table Who puts sooner that wins


2’ Repeat the main content of the lesson Homework


- Ask the S to learn again the structures and ex - Prepare the next lesson

V Adjustment:

Ngµy 22 tháng 11 năm 2008

Unit 6:


Period 36 : Part C : th

around the house– Ex 1,2

I Objectives:

Sau tiết học, HS có khả năng: Đọc trả lời câu hỏi

Nghe v t ỳng bc tranh

Nói thứ xung quanh nhµ cđa hä

II- Contents. 1 Grammar:

- Present simple tense - There is / are

- Contractions

- Review “ to be” and imperatives

2 Vocabulary.

- Objects at home, in the school - Question words Where / Which - Preposition of position

- To the left of - To the right of - In front of

- Behind

III- Teaching aids.

- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures

IV Teaching process

Stages Content Activities

Warm up

5’ Have the S play game ordering numbers and chain game Topic: places around us

- Stadium

- Museum

- Store

- Bookstore

- Lake

- Park

- River

- Flowers





- Recall the S how to tell position of things + There is/ are + noun + in/on near + places.

- Hang on the picture ask ss to give out what they see - Introduce new words

- Mountain

- Well

- Tall

- In front of

- Behind

- To the left of - To the right of - Read aloud

- Get the S to repeat in chorus

- Ask the s to read again one by one - Correct their pronunciation

- Check: Matching

- Get the S to work in pair to ask and answer what is this and what are these?

- Correct their mistakes

Teacher – whole class Individual

Practice 10’

- Have the S to listen to the tape of ex1 on the page 68 - Get the S to read in chorus

- Ask the s to read again in pair - Ask the S to answer the questions Feedback

Teacher – whole class Individual

Production 10’

- Ask ss to listen and find the right picture Then write the three house in their exercise

- Divide the class into groups + Group : Describe bar s house+ Group : Describe Lan s house.+ Group : Describe Tuan s house.’ Guide the S how to ex

- Call on pioneers from each group to write their passages on the board

- Game: Find out mistakes

- Feedback

- groups have to put enough and right objects on the table Who puts sooner that wins?

Teacher – whole class


2’ Repeat the main content of the lesson Homework


- Ask the S to learn again the structures and ex - Prepare the next lesson

V Adjustment:


Unit 6:


Period 37th : Part C :

around the house– Ex 3,4,5,6

I Objectives:

- Sau hoàn thành tiết học hs có khả năng: miêu tả cảnh vật xung quanh nhà, hỏi đáp cảnh vật quanh nhà

B- Contents. 1 Grammar:

- Present simple tense

- The …….is / are next to / opposite/ between/in/on/near the…… - Review “ to be” and imperatives

2 Vocabulary.

- Objects at home, in the school - Question words Where / Which - Preposition of position

- Opposite

- Between

- Next to

C- Teaching aids.

- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures

D- Teaching method.

- Community, technique

E Teaching process

Stages Content Activities

Warm up

5’ Have the S play game ordering numbers and chain game.Topic: places around us play game ordering numbers and chain game.Topic: places around us

- Stadium

- Museum

- Store

- Bookstore

- Lake

- Park

- River

- Flowers





- Recall the S how to tell position of things + There is/ are + noun + in/on near + places.

- Hang on the picture ak ss to give out what theysee - Introdure new words

- Photo copy sore

- Bakery

- Drug store - Toy store - Polise station - Read aloud

- Get the S to repeat in chorus

- Ask the s to read again one by one - Correct their pronunciation

- Check: Matching

- Get the S to work in pair to ask and answer what is this and what are these in te picture?

- Correct their mistakes


Practice 10’

- Have the S to listen to the tape of ex3 on the page 70 - Get the S to read in chorus

- Ask the s to read again in pair - Ask the S to answer the questions Feedback

Teacher – whole class Individual


10’ listen to the tape of ex

- read in chorus - read again in pair

- answer about thequestions a where is the photo copy store? It is next to te bakery

b where is the movie theater?

- Ask ss to practise in pairs ask and answer the question about your house with the partner

a What is in front of your house? b What is behind your house? c What is to the left of your house? d What is to the right of the house? It ibetween the bakery and the drug store

Teacher – whole class


2’ Repeat the main content of the lesson Homework


- Ask the S to learn again the structures and ex - Prepare the next lesson

V Adjustment:

Date: 20/11/2008

The second English test

Time: 45 minutes

Period: 37

I/ Objects.

- Giúp học sinh củng cố lại kiến thức ngữ pháp, từ vựng chủ điểm - Rèn luyện kỹ làm kiểm tra

- Giỏo viờn nắm đợc mức độ nhận thức học sinh Tìm áp dụng phơng pháp giảng dạy phù hợp

II/ Language contents.

1, Vocabulary:

Review all the vocabulary 2, Structures:

present simple tense S + to be +

S + V(s/es)


What a/an + adj + noun!

occupations , adjectives, prepositions Requests.

What about + V(ing)? How a bout + V(ing)? Let’s + V(inf)?

Why don’t we + V(inf)?

III/ Teaching aids.

GV: Ra đề phù hợp với đối tợng HS, Phôtô đề ; Ra đáp án, biểu điểm HS: Ôn lại từ vựng, ngữ pháp

IV/ Teaching procedures

Chủ đề Nhận biết Thông hiểu Thông hiểu Tổng


Reading 8

2 Language


12 3

14 3,5

Writing 6


Total 3 3,5 2 1,5 10

B Content

I Choose the best answer for each following sentence. does classes start? – At oclock

A what time B When C Where D How many How old you ?

A be B is C am D are ……… grade are you in ?

A what time B When C Which D How many is your father ? - He is a doctor

A What B Who C How D How old …… you have literature?

A What B Who C How D What time

II Find out a mistake for each sentences and correct it.

6 it is halp past eleven five => Hoa get up at o’clock .=>

8 I goes to school in the morning .=>

9 he washs his face

.=> 10 She brushes his teeth


III.Odd one out:

11 a go b wash c d school 12 a he b she c her d I 13 a how b what c d when

14 a Monday b math c literature d.geography 15 a go b Tuesday c thursday d Friday

IV Choose a sentence in column B to be suitable for each sentence in column A.

A B Your answers 16 How are you? a yes , it is

17 What time you go to school b we have math on frday 18 Does she wash her face? C I am fine, thank you


20 Is your house big? E No , She doesn’t

V Read the passage then answer the questions.

Hi, I’m ba I get up at I take a shower I eat a big breakfast I go to school at aquater to 7.I have classes from sen to aquater past eleven At halfpast eleven, I have lunch.in the afternoon I play games I go home at five aclock.in the evening, I watch tv I my homework.I go to bed at ten o’clock

Write a paragraph about your family a What time does Ba get up?

……… b What time does he go to school?

……… c What time does he have classes?

……… d does he watch tv in the evening?

……… e What time does he go to bed?


Date: 20/11/2008

The second English test correction

Time: 45 minutes

Period: 38

Ngày 25 tháng 11 năm 2008

Unit 7:

your house

Period 39th : Part A :

is your house big? – Ex 1,2

I Objectives:

- Sau hoàn thành tiết học hs có khả nghe hiểu chi tiết nội dung khoá, miêu tả nhà ở, cảnh vật xung quanh

II- Contents. 1 Grammar:

- Present simple tense - Is it …?


- No, there isn’t - Are there any…….? - Yes there are

- No, there aren’t

2 Vocabulary.

- Objects at home, in the school - Things around the house III- Teaching aids.

- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures

IV- Teaching method.

- Community, technique

V Teaching process

Stages Content Activities

Warm up

5’ Have the S discrible the picture on page 72 Group



- Recall the S how to tell position of things + There is/ are + noun + in/on near + places.

- Hang on the picture ak ss to give out what theysee - Introdure new words

- Some

- Any

- Letter

- Friend

- Read aloud

- Get the S to repeat in chorus

- Ask the s to read again one by one - Correct their pronunciation

- Check: Matching - Introdue new structure - Is your house big? - No, it isn’t

- Is it old? - Yes , it is - Is there s yard? - Yes, there is

- Are there any flowers in the yard? - Yes, there are

- Are there any trees? - No’ there aren’t Correct their mistakes

Teacher – whole class Individual

Practice 10’

- Have the S to listen to the tape of ex1 on the page 73 - Get the S to read in chorus

- Ask the s to read again in pair - Ask the S to answer the questions Give out the form:

- Is it …?

- Yes, it is

- No, it isn t.

- Is there a …?

- Yes, there is

- No, there isn t.

- Are there any…….?

- Yes there are

- No, there aren t.



Production 10’

- Have the S to listen to the tape of ex2 on the page 74

- Ask ss to the questions and answers Teacher– whole class Consolidation

2’ Repeat the main content of the lesson Homework


- Ask the S to learn again the structures and ex - Prepare the next lesson

V Adjustment:

Ngày đăng: 20/04/2021, 04:08
