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We haven’t received confirmation of hotel booking yet.. " Our hotel (hasn’t) booking hasn’t.[r]


Sentence transformation part

I-Rewrite the following sentences with the same meaning Because of the rough sea the ferry couldn’t sail

 The rough see I would prefer you to deliver the sofa on Friday

 I’d rather Jame spoke to his lawyer before signing the contract

 Jame didn’t It’s a pity I didn’t come to your party yesterday

I wish A child can understand this problem

 This problem He couldn’t afford to buy the car

 The car Couldn’t you have got a bus to the station ?

 Wasn’t Fares will be very likely to go up again this autumn

It looks How about something to eat before the show ?

 Shall 10 There is no satisfactory answer for that question

 That question 11 If it hadn’t been delayed by her kissing everyone good bye, she would have caught the train

If she hadn’t insisted 12 “It certainly wasn’t me who took your card” said Bol

 Bob denied 13 I never had the intention of going to the meeting

 I never intended 14 If you missed the program me, you couldn’t really understand their intention

 Unless 15 I haven’t been able to see them for over a year

It is 16 He was so tired that he fell asleep before the end of the film

 He was too 17 He borrowed the money from the bank

 The bank 18 It is not very expensive

 It doesn’t 19 The owners of newspapers are usually very rich

 The people

20 Some one should have written to the newspapers

 The newspapers 21 A doctor took out her tonsils when she was six

 She 22 You look different Has some one done your hair

 Have you 23 “If I were you, Richard, I’d go by tram” she said

 Have you thought 24 “why don’t you buy them this picture as a wedding present, Sarah?

 Robin suggested 25 “Don’t move, or I’ll kill you ’’ ,the bank robber said to the clerk

 The bank manager threatened 26 Is this the only way to reach the city centre ?

Isn’t there 27 He remembered and so did she

 He didn’t 28 When are the council going to something about the city’s traffic problem

 It’s high time something 29 May I borrow your pen ?

 Would you mind 30 “I’d take a taxi if I were you” said Peter

Peter suggested 31 It’s said that he escaped to a neutral country


 We’d rather 33 You really should be able to dress your self by now

 It’s high 34 He is getting someone to mend the window

 He’s having 35 I’m sorry now that I didn’t learn to ride a bike when I was younger

 I regret 36 Book now for a 10 percent reduction

 You’ll get 37 People who haven’t been abroad shouldn’t criticize foreign customs

 Foreign customs 38 You sent me a present Thank you very much for it

 Thank you very much for 39 I expect that he will get there by lunch time

I expect him 40.” You stole the jewels” The inspector said to him

 The inspector accused 41 The drama critic of the “Daily news” regards the new play as a major break thought

 According to 42 Although the team played well, they lost

 Despite 43 The only way you can be come a good athlete is by training hard everyday

Only by 44 I’m immediately his arrivals things went wrong

 No sooner 45 The noise next door didn’t stop until after midnight

 It was not I/ Rewrite the sentences

1 “You should have waited for us ” the team leader said to him

" The team leader criticised It’s possible that he didn’t get my letter

" He might The last time it snowed here was years ago

" It I only realised what I had missed when they told me about it later

" Only when There weren’t nearly as many people at the meeting as I had expected

" There were far When the minister was asked about the strike, he declined to comment

" On There wasn’t need for you to have gone to all the trouble

" You Please don’t say things like that

" I wish This is the best composition I have ever written

" Never 10 Although she was busy, she managed to find the time to help me

" Busy 11 Vietnamese coffee is considered to be one of the best in the world

" They regard 12 If you ask me well in advance, I’ll be willing to work over time

" Provided you 13 It would have been a super weekend if it hadn’t been for the weather

" But 14 I’m having a lot of trouble now because I lost my passport last week

" If I 15 “I’m sorry I was late” said Peter

" Peter apologized 16 I’m sure she didn’t it on purpose

" She can’t 17 “ I thihk you should look for a better job” Jill said to Alison

" Jill advised 18 “ We will go on strike” the workers said


" This meal didn’t 20 This problem can not be solved instantly

" These is no 21 David went home before I arrived

"When I arrived 22 Richard reduced his intake of fatty food and lost kilos in a month

" Richard cut down 23 While mending the road, they accidently blocked our water pipes

" They accidently cut off 24 Six cars were stolen from the car park A teenage boy is responsible

" A teenage boy is responsible 25 It was such a cold day yesterday that I wore my winter coat

" I felt 26 The builder is going to mend my roof tomorrow

" I 27 She can’t have any more children because of her age

" She is too 28 He failed to win the race

" He didn’t 29 He would prefer you to pay him immediately

" He’d rather 30 Pamela became popular with young people in the 1950

" Pamela caught 31 At school, my reading was very slow and my writing was illegible

" I read very 32 As the patient was still too weak, the surgeon postponed the operation

" The surgeon put off 33 I thought she bores a strong resemblance to her grandmother

" She reminded 34 Is this the best hotel you could find?

" Couldn’t 35 I prefer Vietnamese food to English food

" I’d 36 Is there any likelihood of their passing the exams?

" Are they likely 37 We haven’t received confirmation of hotel booking yet

" Our hotel (hasn’t) booking hasn’t

38 He is on the fifteenth page of the report he’s typing

" So far he 39 My English friend finds using chopsticks difficult

" My English friend isn’t 40 You must see the rector tomorrow afternoon

" You’ve 41 He never expressed regret for what he had done

" At no time 42 As soon as I locked all the doors, the doorbell rang

" Hardly 43 I won’t tolerate this behaviour for a minute longer

" I won’t put 44 It is essential that the road is finished before next summer

" The road 45 Mathematics improves the way we think, it is a basic tool of thinking

" Since mathematics 46 Women in developed countries nolonger bear many children

" No longer 47 Safeguarding our natural resources is nous a must

" 48 We have a six o’clock deadline for this work

" This work 49 I don’t see the point of re-decorating this room

" Redecorating 50 You can’t park here: It’s a restricted area

" No 51 I had had no experience of striking but I quickly picked it up


52 I never intended to help such a man

" I never had 53 They decided not to go for the picnic because the weather might be bad

" For fear 54 I was on the point of leaving the house when the telephone rang

" I was 55 The students were so clever to see the solution to the problem very quickly

" How 56 Mrs Scott is proud of her cooking

" Mrs Scott prides 57 John didn’t celebrate until he received the offer of promotion in writing

" Not until 58 I don’t really like her even though I admire her achievement

" Much 59 It is thought that the accident was caused by human error

" The accident is 60 Yogurt is supposed to be good for you

" Yogurt is supposed to 61 Crops in low-lying areas have suffered serious damage as a result of flooding

" Flooding 62 I trued as hard as I could but I just couldn’t get the money

" No matter 63 It was so late that nothing could be done

" It was too 64 After fighting the fire for 12 hours, the firemen succeeded in putting it out

" The firemen managed 65 Roses can’t possibly grow in such poor land

" It’s impossible 66 The nurse may be taking his pulse but I can’t see well

" It looks 67 It isn’t a habit of mine to sleep in the afternoon

" I’m 68 “Congratulation ! I’m happy when I hear your success”

" She congratulated 69 “I must see the manager” she cried

" She insisted 70 Arthur said he was sorry he had hurt her feelings

Ngày đăng: 11/04/2021, 01:05

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