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- Ask them to listen again and repeat - Have Ss practice the chant in pairs - Call each group, then pairs to perform - Correct and comment.. - Play the tape once to reinforce their pron[r]

(1)Date of teaching: 20/4/2019 Week: 31 Period: 119 UNIT 18: WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Lesson (1,2,3) I Aims 1/Knowledge By the end of this lesson, students will be able to ask and answers questions about what someone is doing using 1/New words: singing, drawing, playing the piano, watching Tv, homework 2/Structure: What's she/ he doing? She/ he 's watching TV Skill: Listening, writing, speaking and reading Attitude - Educate Ss to be friendly with friends - Educate Ss how to help their parents with the housework and what they should at home II.Teaching aids: T:Books, teachers’ book, , cards , poster and cassette tape Ss: student book, notebooks book III Teaching method: MAT, TPA IV/ Procedure Organization (1’) Date of teaching Class Absent Students 22/4/2019 3C1 23/4/2019 3C2 22/4/2019 3C3 2.Warm up ( 4’) - Ask Ss play game slap the board reading listening to music cleaning the floor cooking swimming doing - Lead in the new lesson: Unit 18- Lesson 2(1.2.3) New lesson ( 30’ ) Teacher's and Ss activities Contents * Activity ( 10’) - Have Ss open the book page 54 and Look , listen and repeat identify the characters in the pictures - Set the scene: you are going to hear conversations between Linda and Mr (2) Brown - Ss: look at the pictures and answers - Ss: listen and repeat - Ss: work individually and pairs - Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen while they are reading the dialogue - Play the recording again for Ss to repeat each line of the dialogue a few times - Ask the groups to repeat the dialogue and swap - Have Ss practice the dialogue in pairs - Ss: work in pairs - Call on some pairs to perform, others comment - Correct the mistakes * Activity ( 10’) - use pictures elicit and model - Ss: listen and repeat - Ss: work individually - T: corrects - Ask Sts to look at the pictures on page 54 and identify the characters - set the scene and model sentences Model: T-S, S-S What's she/ he doing? She/ he 's watching TV -Practice in pairs + run through all the pictures - Ss: practice T-S S-T half-half Open pairs Close pairs -Check the pronunciation( stress, assimilation of sound and intonation),offer help when necessary Get feedback: Call on some pairs to perform in front of the class -Make checking understanding questions (in Vietnamese) Point and say a.New words:- singing : hát - drawing: vẽ - playing the piano: chơi đàn piano - watching TV: xem ti vi - homework: bài tập b Model sentences A: Where’s Peter? B: He’s in the room A: What's he doing? B: He 's watching TV c Practice - Picture a - Picture b - Picture c (3) Play chain game - Picture d - Work in pairs * Activity ( 7’) Let's talk Asks Ss to look at the pictures on page 54 describe the situation Guide Ss to practice asking and answering about someone What's she/ he doing - What's she/ he doing She/ he 's watching TV - She/ he 's watching TV Ss to practice in pairs - Call someone to perform at the front of the class - Comment Consolidation (2’) - In this lesson, Ss have learned ask and answer about someone's action in progress Home link (1’) - Have Ss to further practice at home - Be ready Unit 18– Lesson 2(4.5.6) Evaluation: Date of teaching: 20/4/20189 Week: 31 Period: 120 UNIT 18: WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Lesson (4, 5, 6) I Aims 1/Knowledge By the end of this lesson, students will be able to ask and answers questions about what someone is doing using 1/New words: singing ,drawing, playing the piano, watching TV , homework 2/Structure: What's she/ he doing? She/ he 's watching TV Skill: Listening, writing , speaking and reading Attitude - Educate Ss to be friendly with friends (4) - Educate Ss how to help their parents with the housework and what they should at home II.Teaching aids: T:Books, teachers’ book, , cards , poster and cassette tape Ss: student book, notebooks book III Teaching method: MAT, TPA IV/ Procedure Organization (1’) Date of teaching Class Absent Students 23/4/2019 3C1 24/4/2019 3C2 23/4/2019 3C3 2.Warm up ( 4’) - Ask Ss ask and answer about someone's action in progress - Use pictures - Comment - Lead in the new lesson: Unit 18- Lesson 2(4.5.6) New lesson ( 30’ ) Teacher's and Ss activities Contents * Activity ( 10’) * Listen and number * Listen and number - Have Ss look at pictures a, b, c and d and identify the house - Set the scene: you are going to listen to the recording about situations and write the number correct pictures - 1st:Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen while they are looking the pictures in their books - 2nd: play the recording for Ss to listen and T or F the correct pictures - Choose one or two Ss to share their answers with their classmates - 3rd: play the recording for Ss to check their answers - Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for correction - Comment and give feedback * Activity ( 10’) * Read and match * Read and match (5) - Ask Ss to identify the question and answer on page 55 - How many question and answers are there? - Run through the question and answers - Tell how to the task - Give a question and example - check Ss’s understanding - ask Ss to look at the question, read the answers in silently and match the sentences individually - call Ss to say the answers and check the answers - call some pairs to read aloud and correct pronunciation - check understand the content of the text Guess what they say? * Activity ( 7’) *Let' sing *Let' sing - run through the sing - Show the chart of the sing on the board I love my parents st :Play the recording all the song nd : play the recording for Ss to listen and repeat - Ask them to sing a song - Have Ss practice in groups - Call each group, then pairs to perform - Correct and comment Play the tape once to Consolidation(2’) - In this lesson, Ss have learned asking and answering questions about someone's action in progress - Educate Ss to be friendly with friends Home link (1’) - Have Ss to further practice at home - Be ready Unit 18 – Lesson 3(1.2.3) Evaluation: (6) Date of teaching:20/4/2019 Week: 31 Period: 121 UNIT 18: WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Lesson (1, 2, 3) I Aims Knowledge - By the end of this lesson, students will be able to practice pronounce the sounds of the letter /ea/ and /aw/ in the words reading and drawing respective Skill: Listening, writing, speaking and reading Attitude - Educate Ss to be friendly with friends - Educate Ss how to help their parents with the housework and what they should at home II Teaching aids: T: Books, teachers’ book, cards , poster and cassette, tape Ss: student book, notebooks book III Teaching method: MAT, TPA IV/ Procedure Organization (1’) Date of teaching Class Absent Students 24/4/2019 3C1 24/4/2019 3C2 24/4/2019 3C3 2.Warm up ( 4’) - Ask Ss answer the question about about someone's action in progress - Comment - Lead in the new lesson: Unit 18- Lesson 3(1.2.3) New lesson ( 30’ ) Teacher's and Ss activities Contents * Activity ( 10’) Have Ss open the book page 56 draw their Listen and repeat attention to the letters colored differently in the words reading and drawing Produce - ea reading - He’s reading the sound of the letter ea and aw - Have Ss repeat the focused sounds a few - aw drawing - She’s drawing (7) times - Ss: look at the sound listen and repeat - Ss: work individually and pairs - T: corrects - Play the recording twice and ask Ss to repeat + He's reading She's drawing a picture - Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary/ correct typical pronunciation errors - Call on someone to pronounce - Have the whole class recite the chant to reinforce their pronunciation * Activity ( 10’) * Listen and write - Have Ss look at the table on page 56 My sister is Linda is in her room * - a picture 2.Listen and write Key reading Ask Ss what they have to in this task drawing Ss: look at the sentences listen and write Ss: work individually T: corrects Play the tape twice Ask them to listen and write the answers Call someone to write on the board, check Ss’ notebook Check and correct mistakes Ask Ss to read aloud sentences Activity ( 7’) Show the chart of the chant What are you doing? Let's chant Play the tape a few times Ask Ss to read aloud each line in the chant and clap their hands Ss: look at the chant listen and repeat Ss: work individually (8) - Ask them to listen again and repeat Have Ss practice the chant in pairs Call each group, then pairs to perform Correct and comment Play the tape once to reinforce their pronunciation Consodilation (2’) - In this lesson, Ss have learned how to pronounce sounds /ea/, /aw/ Home link (1’) - Have Ss to further practice at home - Be ready Unit 18– Lesson 3(4.5.6) Evaluation: Date of teaching: 28/4/2019 Week: 31 Period: 122 UNIT 18: WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Lesson (4, 5, 6) I Aims 1/ Knowledge - By the end of this lesson, students will be able to ask and answers questions someone's action in progress Skill: Listening, writing, speaking and reading Attitude - Educate Ss to be friendly with friends II.Teaching aids: T: Books, teachers’ book, , cards , poster and cassette tape Ss: student book, notebooks book III Teaching method: MAT, TPA IV/ Procedure Organization (1’) Date of teaching Class Absent Students 26/4/2019 3C1 25/4/2019 3C2 26/4/2019 3C3 Warm up ( 4’) - Call Ss to the board and practice the chant on page 56 (9) - Comment Lead in the new lesson: Unit 18 - Lesson 3(4.5.6) New lesson (30’ ) Teacher's and Ss activities Contents * Activity ( 10’) Show the chart and ask Ss to look Read and complete - introduces the sentences “you are going to read the sentences to get the Key information in the gaps - Ss: look at the text and fill in the gaps 1.is - Ss: work individually and pairs 2.in st - reading: Ss read the sentences watching individually and check their prediction playing nd - reading: Ss the task (.) listening - Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary - Have Ss trade the answers individually for correction - Call on some Ss to report their answers Others listen and comment * Activity (10’) *Let's write Open the books page 57 - Run through the questions Let's write Give a question and example - check Ss’s understanding - ask Ss to look at the questions in silently Key and write the answers individually 1.His family at home - Ss: work individually and pairs 2.His father is watching TV - call Ss to say the answers and check the His mother is playing the answers piano - call some pairs to read aloud and correct His brother is listening to pronunciation music - check understand the content of the He is singing in his room sentences Guess what they say? * Writing game Look at the sentences and write words in the gaps Which group is the fastest, it is a winner (10) * Project: Ss look at the picture on page 57 in their Project: book and identify it - Ask them to tell your classmates what they Playing the piano are doing - listening to music - Ss: Look at the pictures and answers - singing - Ss: work individually - dancing T: corrects - After finishing ask Ss tell your classmates about it The others listen and comment Consodilation (2’) - In this lesson, Ss have reviewed about asking and answer question about someone's action in progress - Develop reading and writing skills Home link (1’) - Have Ss to further practice at home and be ready next lesson: Unit 19 lesson (1,2,3) Evaluation: (11)

Ngày đăng: 08/04/2021, 17:03
