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T: teachers’ book, , CD, phonics cards ,paper including the lyrics of the chant Ss: Student’s book, colour.. Activity book.[r]


Date of preparing: 9/11/2018 Week: 10 Period: 19

Revision Aa,Bb,Cc,Dd



-To consolidate the sound of the letters Aa, Bb, Cc and Dd and the corresponding words

Ant, apple, alligator, acrobat,Ball, bed, bee, bear,Cat, carrot, clock, car,Dog, drum, dragon, doll

2 Skill: Listening, writing , speaking and reading. 3.Attitude.

- Educate Ss to be friendly with friends

- Students love animals with the letter a,b,c,d II.Teaching aids:

T: teachers’ book, , CD, phonics cards ,paper including the lyrics of the chant Ss: Student’s book, colour Activity book.

III Teaching method: MAT, TPA. IV/ Procedure

1 Organization

Date of teaching Class Absent Students

12/11/2018 1A1

14/11/2018 1A2

2.Warm up ( 5’)

-Write the words the students have learnt so far on the board Give the students minutes to remember the words Erase them

-Divide the class into small teams

-Ask them write down the words in minutes -Then put teams’ lists up the board

-The team with the most correct words wins the activity

3 New lesson ( 30’ )

Teacher's and Ss activities Contents

* Activity 1.

- Click Review and part

- Click on the apple picture and have stu-dents repeat and circle the correct letter - Ss: look and circle


- Ss: listen and repeat - Ss: work individually -Repeat for all pictures

-Have students come and click on the cor-rect letters to check answers

Answer key: - a 2 – c – d

4 - a 5 - c 6 - b

7 - b 8 - d 9 - b

* Activity 3 -Click on part

-Read the letters in the first question and elicit what comes next

-The students read the letters and write the correct letter in their boxes

- Ss: read the letter and write answers - Ss:work individually

-Go around and provide any necessary help -Have students come and click on the letter and the white circle to check answers

Answer key: 1 – B – C - D

* Actuvuty 3. - Click on part

- Ask the students to name the items, the let-ters and the sounds

-Ask them to write the beginning letter (up-per case) that corresponds to each picture - Ss: work individually and pairs

- Go around and provide any necessary help -Click on the letters to show the answers

Answer key: 1 - B 3 - C

2 - D 4 - A

* Activity 4 -Click on part

-Refer the students to the upper and lower case letters in the grid as well as the sen-tences below it

-Click on the ball Ask students where it should go Click on box Cc to move the ball -Have students draw the ball in box Cc -Have students read the other sentences and

2.What’s next? Write

3.Write the beginning letter


draw the objects in the boxes - Ss: draw

- Ss: work individually

-Go around and provide any necessary help -Have students come and click on the object and boxes to check answers

Activity: Bingo

- Write the words the students have learnt in the units on the board

- Ask students to choose any five and copy them in their notebooks (make sure they haven’t all chosen the same five words)

- Call out one word after another and point to it on the board

-Any students who has that word can cross it off

The winner is the first student who crosses out all their words and shouts BINGO! 4.Consolidation: (5’)

5/Comment the lesson

Date of preparing: 9/11/2018

Week:10 Period: 20

Portfolio Activites unit 1-4



-To consolidate the sound of the letters Aa, Bb, Cc and Dd and the corresponding words

Ant, apple, alligator, acrobat,Ball, bed, bee, bear,Cat, carrot, clock, car,Dog, drum, dragon, doll


- Educate Ss to be friendly with friends - Students love animals with the letter a II.Teaching aids:

T: teachers’ book, , CD, phonics cards ,paper including the lyrics of the chant Ss: Student’s book, colour Activity book.

III Teaching method: MAT, TPA. IV/ Procedure

1 Organization

Date of teaching Class Absent Students

16/11/2018 1A1

15/11/2018 1A2

2.Warm up ( 5’)

-Invite a student to come to the front of the class and whisper the name of a vocab item

-The student does some actions for the rest of the class to guess what it is

-The first student to guess the object correctly comes to the front of the class to actions for the next pic-tures

3 New lesson ( 30’ )

Teacher's and Ss activities Contents

* Activity 1

-Elicit the letters and their sounds

e.g letter A says /æ/

- Ss: look and listen

-Show the students how to write the letter stroke by stroke and have them it in their book

-Point to each picture and elicit the letter, the sound and the name of the item

e.g A - /æ/ - ant

-Ask the students to colour the pictures -Ask students to write the names of the vocab items

- Ss: work individually - Corrects

* Activity 2.

-Elicit the letters and their sounds

e.g letter B says /b/

-Show the students how to write the letter stroke by stroke and have them it in their

1.Colouring the pictures that start with the letter Aa – Activ-ity book- page 37



- Ss: look and colour - Ss: work individually

-Point to each picture and elicit the letter, the sound and the name of the item

e.g B - /b/ - ball

-Ask the students to colour the pictures -Ask students to write the names of the coloured items

- Ss: work individually * Activity

- Elicit the letters and their sounds

e.g letter C says /k/

- Show the students how to write the letter stroke by stroke and have them it in their book

- Ss: look and colour - Ss: work individually

- Point to each picture and elicit the letter, the sound and the name of the item

e.g C - /k/ - cat

-Ask the students to colour the pictures -Ask students to write the names of the vocab items

- Ss: work individually - Corrects

* Activity 4

-Elicit the letters and their sounds

e.g letter D says /d/

-Show the students how to write the letter stroke by stroke and have them it in their book

- Look and colour - Ss: work individually

-Point to each picture and elicit the letter, the sound and the name of the item

e.g D - /d/ - dog

-Ask the students to colour the pictures -Ask students to write the names of the vocab items

- Ss: work individually

3.Colouring the pictures that start with the letter Cc – Activ-ity book- page 41


- Corrects

4.Consolidation: (5’) 5/Comment the lesson

Ngày đăng: 06/04/2021, 16:14
