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Giáo án giảng dạy tiếng Anh 11 nâng cao ( grade 11 advance )

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- To lead to the new T- class lesson - To help SS understa T- class nd the - Chalk & text board better - To provide some pronunci ation practice - To T- class check vocab.. in Individ Te[r]

(1)GI¸O ¸N GI¶NG D¹Y TiÕng Anh 11 N©ng cao ( Grade 11 Advance ) ****************************************8 Preparing Date: Period: - Unit one: Friendship Period 1-2: Reading I Aims - By the end of the lesson, the students are able to scan reading for specific information - By the end of the lesson, the students are able to skim reading for general ideas - By the end of the lesson, the students are able to express their ideas about friendship II Skills: Skill-based (reading) III Key vocabulary - confide in - through thick and thin - guarantee - stick - evolve - break out into tear - detention - cheat IV Key structure - A good friend is a person who helps you homework - A good friend always stands beside you even though you are a loser V Materials - Textbook, pictures/ Drawings - Chalk and board - Handouts Stages/ Procedure Aims Focus Time - To raise Groups Warm - Game: Treasure Hunt ss' Divide the class into two groups up & lead - in - Stick pictures of things (or draw the things) on the interest and to T- class (10-12') board lead to - Tell ss to find out the treasure, the word of the day the topic by combining the first letters in the names of these things (Do not give them the names) - The first group to find it will win the game - Check ss' understanding of instructions - Give an example like this: a picture of a Car, of an Apple, and of a Tree, the word in this case is "cat" - Have ss start the game - To These are the pictures:  the word of the day is " engage FRIEND" ss, and let Words: flower, ring, ice-cream, eye, nurse, dog ss express T- class - Declare the winner their - Ask ss: - Do you have friends? opinions - What is a good friend like, according to you? - Note down some key points Transition: - In today's reading, we'll get to know more about friends and friendships - Write down on the board: PreUnit Friendship reading Teaching Vocabulary Materials - Pictures or drawings - Chalk &board Lop11.com (2) (8 - 10') - Elicit meanings from ss or give explanations yourself  break out into tears (phr.v) = begin to cry  Though thick and thin(idm) = in spite of all the difficulties (trong bÊt cø hoµn c¶nh nµo)  Cheat / tʃi:t/ (v) = act dishonestly; copy sb's work in a test  Detention / di'tenʃn/ (n) = punishment of being kept at school after it has closed (h×nh phạt giam trường sau học  Confide /kn'faid/ in sb (v) = trust sb enough to tell a secret to him/ her (t©m sù, thæ lé)  Guarantee /g rənti:/ (n) = bảo đảm  Evolve / i'volv/ (v) = develop naturally and gradually  Stick together (v) = remain friendly and loyal to one another (g¾n bã) - Give some practice on pronunciation (Read - ss repeat) Checking Vocabulary: Gap - filling - Give ss handouts and ask them to work in pairs, completing the sentences, using the words just learned A good friend remains loyal to you Blue skies are not a of continuing fine weather Being scolded by his mother, the child Those students were sent to the room for their cheating on the exam Like friendship, trust with time Ann thinks there's no one in the class she can - Check with the class Expected answers: through thick and thin guarantee broke out into tears detention evolves confine in Activity 1: Reading and Matching - Ask ss to read Text A and then match the grades with John's opinions on what a good friend is - Call on ss to say what John thought of a good friend in each grade - Go over the answers with the class Activity 2: True - False Statements (Task b, p16) While - Ask ss to read the statement about close friends in Task b (p.16) and say if they are true or false, i.e, SS reading agree or disagree with them (10 -15') - Check with the class and note down on the board ss' opinions (15 - 18' - Tell ss to read Text B and decided if the statements are true or false ) - Ask ss to work with a partner and compare answers - To provide ss' with some language to help them understan d the text - Chalk T- class &board - To help enrich ss knowledg e of vocab - To see if ss have learned the words and know how to us them in a new context - Handouts T- class Pairs To develop ss' skimming Individ skills uals - To give Tsome personaliz class ed task to Textbook Lop11.com (3) (10 - 12' ) Post reading (14 16') - Call on ss to read the statements and say their choice - Go over the answers with the class - Tell ss to compare the ideas in the text and ss' opinions Answers: T F (According to the text, we become friends with those who share common interests) F (We can not go out and pick a good friend) T T Activity 3: Main ideas - Write down on the board three phrases about the main ideas of the paragraphs in Text B and one extra phrase a possible reasons for not having a best friend b what to to have a best friend c how best friendship develops d the benefits of a best friend/ what a best friend can to us - Ask ss to skim the text again and match the paragraphs with their suitable main ideas - When they have finished, tell ss to compare answers with a partner - Go over the answers with the class Expected answers: Par.1 - d Par.2 - c Par.3 - a Discussion - Ask ss to work in groups of or 5, expressing their opinions on the following questions: a Close friends don't need to share common interests Agree or disagree? Give reasons b What is your own idea of a good friend? c How you understand the proverb "A friend in need is a friend indeed?" - Go around to control and give help if necessary - Call ss to report about their groups' ideas - Give feedback and comments on what ss have Writing Sentence Building Give ss handouts, and ask them to make sentences using the cues your ideas/ good friend/ different/ different grades best friend/ someone/ you can confide best friends/ usually stick together/ thick/ thin best friend/ help you/ avoid/ depression/ anxiety engage ss - to provide some practice on scanning skill Individ uals Textbook pairs - Chalk &board Tclass - To provide practice on skimming for general Individ ideas uals Textbook - For ss to share and learn - Chalk &board - To provide ss Pairs with some free practice and to have them Groups express themselve s and share ideas - Chalk &board Ss - ss - To give T more class practice at home about the content of Lop11.com (4) Homew ork (1') the text Individ uals Handouts Preparing Date: Period: Unit one: Friendship Period 3: Listening VI Aims - By the end of the lesson, the students are able to listening and pick up specific details - By the end of the lesson, the students are able to listening and understand general ideas VII Skills: Skill-based (listening, speaking) VIII Key vocabulary - sociable - sensitive - indifferent; - conservative - skinny - stout IX Key structures - She looks athletic with her hair cut short and casual clothes - It was her rosy plump face that attracted me at the first look X Materials - Textbook - Chalk and board - Sheers of paper - Cards - CD player Stage/ Timing Warm up (4 - 5') Procedure Game: 'Five little things' - Ask ss to work in groups of four - Tell ss to listen to instructions and write down things as required on a piece of paper - The group that finishes first and gets all correct will get point - The group that has more points will win the game - Check ss' understanding of instructions and have them start the game These are the suggested instructions: Write down places where you often meet with your close friend Write down things you often share with your close friend Write down qualities you need in a good friend Write down adjectives describing appearance Write down adjectives describing character or personality Aims Focus Materials - To Group create interest, review adjective s and nouns and introduc e the Tclass topic - Sheets of paper Lop11.com (5) Expected answers: home, school, park, cinema, evening class, notes, cake, homework, school things, joy, sadness, honesty, loyalty, unselfishness, helpfulness, good-heartedness, tall, short, good-looking, beautiful, welldressed, stout, reserved, out-going, sociable, studious, practical, sympathetic, - Read ss' items and check with the class after each question - Declare the winner Transition: - We use a lot of nouns and adjectives to talk about friends Today we will listen to a letter from Jack, writing about his new friend -Write down on the board: Unit Friendship - Listening Teaching Vocabulary - Use pictures and explanations to present some new Prewords listening + sociable / səuʃəbl/ (a) = friendly, outgoing + conservative/ / (a) = opposed to great change (b¶o (4 - 5') thñ) + sensitive/sensətiv / (a) = easily offended; easily hurt( nh¹y c¶m) + skinny / 'skini/ (a) = very very thin (gầy trơ xương) + stout / staut/ (a) = rather fat + indifferent / in'difr nt/ (a) + having no interest (thê ¬) - Read the words one by one and ask ss to repeat Checking Vocabulary - Tell ss to listen to the explanation in English and say the word very thin (Expected: skinny) having no interest (Expected: indifferent) friendly, outgoing (Expected: sociable) easily offended (Expected: sensitive) rather fat (Expected: stout) opposes to great change (Expected: conservative) - Checking with the class Describing yourself (Task a, p.17) - Ask ss to read the list of adjectives and stick (⋎) the words that describe them and add more adjectives that are true for them - Call on one student or two to read their list that describes themselves Activity 1: Listen and tick (⋎) (Task b, p.17) - Tell ss they are going to listen to a letter from Jack, While writing about his new Vietnamese friend, Mai T- class T- class - To provide ss with some vocab To help them understa nd the listening text - Chalk & board T- class - Chalk & board T- class - To see if ss have learned the words - To engage ss with some personali zed task & prepare them for the next task - To give Individ uals ss - ss - Textbook T-class Individ - Textbook Lop11.com (6) - Ask ss to listen and tick ( ⋎) what is true about her listening - Let ss listen for the second time if necessary (5 - ') - Go over the answers with the class Activity 2: Listen and take notes - Ask ss to listen again and note down the noun phrases used to describe Mai's appearance (8 - 9') - Call on ss to read their notes and check with the class Expected answers: - her rosy plump face, - two dimples (on her cheeks), - short hair, and - casual clothes Activity 3: Questions and answers - Tell ss to listen again and answer the questions On what occasion did Jack meet Mai Tran? How old are Jack and Sinh? (4 - 5') What Mai, Jack and Sinh have in common? Where is Mai going this summer? Will Jack go with Mai there? - Go over the answers with the class Expected answers: Jack met Mai Tran at his cousin's party They are 17 - the same age as Mai They all have the same taste in information technology and music She's going to visit/ travel back to Viet Nam Maybe He hasn't decided yet Speaking: Role play (handouts) - Pair of ss as A and B and tell A to play the role of Jack and B the role of Sinh Ss imagine they are having a conversation on the phone - Give each student a role card (Appendix) and ask them to make a conversation based on the ideas suggested - Move around to control and give help if necessary Post - If time allows, have or pairs to act out their listening conversations in front of the class (8 - 9' ) - Ask for ss' comment and then give feedback practice in listening for details - To challeng e ss with some note taking uals - To check ss compreh ension Individ uals Individ uals - CD player - Chalk & board - Chalk & board - CD player Tclass - To integrate some speaking ; role play is fun Pairs - Cards Tclass Vocabulary review - Tell ss to learn the new words and make some sentences with them, describing a certain person - To enrich ss' knowled ge of vocab Homew ork (1') - CD player Individ uals - Textbook Lop11.com (7) Preparing Date: Period: Unit one: Friendship Period 4: Speaking XI Aims - By the end of the lesson, the students are able to introduce themselves - By the end of the lesson, the students know how to make friends with someone new Skills: Skill-based (speaking, listening) Key vocabulary XII XIII - tasty - cousin XIV Key structure - I don't think we've met My name's Alice - It's nice weather, isn't it? XV Materials - Textbook, - pictures - Handouts - Pictures Stages/ Time Warm up & lead - in (10-12') Prespeakin g (6 - 8') - Chalk and board - Posters - Cards Procedure Aims Focus Materials Game: Word grip - Prepare a poster of a word grid with 11 rows (You can prepare a poster with all the words in their rows and cover each row with a piece of paper When SS get it right, you jujst need to uncover that row) (Appendix 1) - Ask SS to work in two groups - Tell ss to take turns to choose a numbered row - Read the explanation for the word in that row, and the group try to say what the word is If the group get it right, they score point If they get it wrong, the other group have a chance to say the word and score the point - After rows have been revealed, the groups are allowed to guess the word in the column If they get it right, they win points - The group that have more points will win the game - Check SS' understanding of instructions and have them start the game - Keep a running total of points for each group on the board - Declare the winner Transition: - How you make friends with people? Today we will focus on making friends at parties and public places - Write down on the board: Unit Speaking - Making Friends - To create ss' interest and to introduce the topic Groups - Posters Eliciting and Introducing Useful Language - Ask SS: What you do/ say to make friends with someone new? - Note SS' ideas on the board T- class - To make sure SS - Chalk know &board what they T- class are going to To lead to T- class the lesson To challenge SS to generate key structures T- class - Chalk &board Lop11.com (8) - Tell SS to read the expressions in Task a (P.18) and tick ( ) the ones that they can use to start a conversation Expected answers: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and - Give comments and then introduce to SS some ways to start a conversation with someone Introducing yourself Hello, my name's / Hi, I'm from My name's , by the way How you do? I'm Nice to meet you Checking if you know someone I don't think we've met My name's Haven't I seen you at ? You're a friend of ., aren't you? You look familiar Have you been in/ to school? Making offers Would you like some thing to drink/ to eat? How about trying ? Could I get you a drink? Commenting on the situation It's a great party, isn't it? The music sounds great, doesn't it? It's nice weather, isn't it? - Tell SS they can use the expressions in or either to start a conversation and make friends with someone new or to maintain a conversation - Read the expressions one by one and ask SS to repeat Activity 1: Completing & Practicing the Dialogues (Task b, pp 18 - 19) While - Ask ss to complete the dialogue Task b, (pp 18 19) and then compare answers with a partner reading - Checking with the class by calling pairs to act out (9 -10') the conversations Expected answers: I'm Try/ Have It's good/ It tastes good isn't it/ doesn't it Would you like / Could I get you It's isn't it Have I met at - Tell SS to work in pairs and act out the conversations - Call with the class by calling pairs to act out the conversations Activity 2: Role Play - Prepare sets of personal information cards (8- 10' ) (Appendix 2) - Ask ss to work in groups of four - Go round to control and give help if necessary - Call on some ss to the front of the class to act out the conversations - Chalk &board - To introduce the language to facilitate speaking activities later T- class - Chalk &board T- class To provide some pronuncia tion practice - to provide SS with some model T- class Individ uals pairs Textbook - Chalk &board Groups - To provide some free practice Tclass 10 Lop11.com (9) - Give comments - Cards Post reading (14 16') Homew ork (1') Listening: Questions and Answers Ask SS to listen to two conversations and answers the questions Conversation 1: Michael: Hi My name's Michael Parker Jennifer: I'm Jennifer Yang Michael: It's nice to meet you, Jennifer Jennifer: Nice to meet you, too Michael: I'm sorry What's your last name again? Jennifer: It's Yang a Who are they? (Expected: They are Michael and Jennifer) b What are they doing? ? (Expected: They are introducing themselves) Conversation 2: Jennifer: Steven? This is your book Steven: Oh, it's my math book! You're in my class, right? Jennifer: Yes, I am I'm Jennifer Yang Steven: It's nice to meet you David, this is Jennifer She is in our math class David: Hi, Jennifer Jennifer: Hi, David Nice to meet you a How many people are there in the conversation? (Expected: 3) b Has Jennifer known the boys before? (Expected: No, They are getting to know each other) c What about Steven and David? (Expected: Yes, They've known each other before) d What they all have in common? (Expected: They study in the same math class) Reviewing the language - Ask SS to review the expressions used to start a conversation - To give some consolidat Individ ion uals Handouts Listening as an integrated skill T- class - Chalk &board Handouts Tclass Somethin g to at home Individ uals Textbook Preparing Date: Period: 6- Unit one: Friendship Period 5-6: Writing 11 Lop11.com (10) XVI Aims - By the end of the lesson, the students are able to describe a friend - By the end of the lesson, the students are able to write a narrative XVII Skills : Skill-based (writing) XVIII Key vocabulary - vicious - imbecile - confess - smart - criticize - giggle XIX Key structures - He had a way of criticizing you that made people laugh at you - He was the same age with us but very tall with black hair cut very short XX Anticipated problems - Some students may not be confident enough to express themselves in English XXI Materials - Textbook - Handouts - chalk and board - Sheets of paper Stages/ Time Warm up & lead - in (5-6') Prewriting (4 - 5') Procedure Aims Focus Materials Individ uals - Poster T-class - Sheets of paper Game: Memory check - Hang a poster with descriptive adjective on the board - Tell SS to look at the words for a few seconds, and try to remember them - Put the poster away and ask SS to write down as many words they can remember as possible The student with the most words listed wins the game - These are the adjectives: tall beautiful kind smart timid handsome short pretty thin black curly long shy straight slim - Ask the student how s/he can remember so many words - Tell SS if they put things under some classifications, it's easier to remember them - Ask SS to put the adjectives under three heading of Hair/ Face, Build and Opinion - To create interest and to introduce the language point Expected answers: Hair/Face Build Opinion Long/black tall/slim beautiful/pretty Curly/straight short/thin kind/handsome Timid/shy/smart Transition: - We use these kinds of adjective to describe people You will the focus of today's lesson - Write down on the board: Unit Writing a Narrative Teaching Vocabulary - Elicit the meanings of new words from SS or give explanations yourself * Vicious/ 'viʃəs/ (a.)=acting with evil intentions; spiteful (xÊu xa; nham hiÓm ) * imbecile /'imbəsi:l ; US -sl /(n.)= stupid or silly person; fool (kẻ ngốc; người khờ khạo) * smart /sma:t/ (a.)=clever; intelligent * criticize /'kritisaiz/ (v.)=point out the faults of sb/sth (chØ trÝch, phª b×nh ai) * confess /kən'fes/ (v.)=admit (thó nhËn) - To T-class introduce the topic - To help enrich SS' knowledge of vocab and help them understand T-class the text - To give some pronunciati on practice T-class - To see if SS have learned the words To focus SS on key features - Chalk & board - Chalk &board - Chalk &board 12 Lop11.com (11) (1 - 2') (5 - 6') (4 - 5' ) * giggle /'gigl/ (v.)=laugh lightly in a nervous or silly way (cười rúc rích) - Read the words one by one and ask SS to repeat Checking Vocabulary: ROR - Rub out one or some of the words and ask SS to read them all again - Continue until no word is left on the board Activity 1: Gap - filling (Task a, p.20) - Ask SS to read the passage and fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box - When they have finished, tell SS to work with a partner and compare answers - Call on some SS to read their completed sentences and check with the class (Refer to SGV for the answers) Activity 2: Re- ordering (Task b, p.20-21) - Ask SS to work in pairs, reading the sentences and putting them in the logical order of a narrative - Call on SS to read the sentences in the order they arrange and check with the class (Refer to SGV for the answers) Activity 3: Question and answers - Make questions about the narrative in Task b, and ask SS to find answers to the questions (4 - 5' ) a When and where did the writer meet Trang? (Expected: At his cousin's birthday party, two years ago) b What was she like? (Expected: She had a cheerful face and dimples; she looked athletic in jeans and a T - shirt.) c What did they have in common? (Expected: They were both interested in chess.) d How they keep in touch? (Expected: through emails.) - Elicit from SS and then generalize what they should include in a narrative about a friend Followings are some suggested ideas:  How, when or where you met your friend  What he/ she was like (appearance, fashion, behavior )  Your first impression of him / her (what you particularly liked or disliked about him/ her)  How you both got along  Your feelings/ opinion about him/ her Write a narrative (Task c, p.21) - Ask SS to write a short narrative about a friend of theirs based on the ideas suggested and the samples in Task a and b Go around to control and give help if necessary While When they have finished, collect SS' writings writing Peer correction (10 -12') - Ask SS to work in groups of 5, deliver each group pieces of writing and tell them to read and correct their - To familiarize SS with the form of a narrative T-class Individ uals To raise SS' awareness of events Pairs - Chalk &board Text book Pairs To provide SS with some ideas about what a narrative about a friend is like SS - SS T-class - Text book - Chalk &board - Text book - Chalk &board To focus SS on what to include in such a narrative T-class - Chalk &board - To have SS practice writing - To give SS a chance to correct one other and learn from one another Individ uals T-class Individ uals - Text book 13 Lop11.com (12) Post reading (3 - 4') Homew ork (1') friends' narratives - Tell each group to choose the best piece of writing, and the most special story - Go around to control and give help if necessary - Call s student from each group to read their group's best writing, and ask SS to give comments - If time allows, ask the groups to talk bout their special story - Give feedback and comments Recognizing - Ask SS to underline all the adjectives used to describe Trang in task b Groups ss- ss Something to at home - Text book - Sheets of paper Individ uals - Text book Preparing Date: Period: Unit one: Friendship Language Focus XXII Aims - By the end of the lesson, the students are able to use descriptive adjectives - By the end of the lesson, the students are able to use different verb forms in a narrative - By the end of the lesson, the students are able to use and, but, either, or, and neither XXIII Type of lesson : - Grammar- based (verb forms, linking words) XXIV Key vocabulary - descriptive adjectives - thunder - lightning - phobia XXV Key structures - I thought we would miss the train but we had to wait for it for half an hour - Neither the boy nor his parents were wrong XXVI Anticipated problems - Some students may be too shy to share ideas with others XXVII Materials - Textbook - Handouts - chalk and board - Pictures/ Drawings Stages/ Time Warm up (6 - 8') Procedure Game: Listen and draw - Our new friends - Tell SS to work in group; one representative from each group goes to the board - Show the groups the pictures of the class's new friends Aims - To create interest and to introduce Focus Materials Groups - Chalk & board 14 Lop11.com (13) Word study (8- 10') (6- 7') (8 - 10') (5 - 7' ) (Appendix), one after the other The SS describe the persons and the students draw them on the board - Tell SS to compare the drawings with the pictures and choose the best ones The group that has the best descriptions wins the game - Ask the students: - What helps you draw such pictures? (Expected: The description from friends) - What exactly in the description that helps you draw? (Expected: the adjective/ words like tall, thing, long hair, ) Transition: - Yes, we use adjectives to say what sth or sb is like, that's why these are called descriptive adjectives Today we will learn more about descriptive adjectives - Write down on the board: Unit language Focus Descriptive adjectives - Elicit from SS the kinds, order and position of descriptive adjs Descriptive adjs or adjs of quality include those of size, shape, age, type, color, material, origin, purpose and opinion ( or general description) * The normal order of descriptive adjectives is: OPSHACOM (Opinion, size/ Shape, Age, Color, Origin and Material) +type +Purpose * The positions of descriptive adjs are: attributive (before the noun) and predicative (after a verb such as be, become, get, seem, feel Look, ) Activity 1: Underlining the adjectives (Task a, p.21) - Tell SS to read the sentences and underline the adjectives - Go over the answers with the class Activity 2: Gap- filling (Task b, p.22) - Help SS with the meanings of some new words  persistent / pə'sistənt/ (a.)= continuing without interruption (dai d¼ng)  bushy /'bƱ∫i/ (n.)= covered with bushes (rËm r¹p)  piercing /'fiəsiη/ (a.)= (of sounds) penetrating (the thÐ; ®inh tai) - Tell SS to read and complete the passage using the words given Go over the answers with the class Activity 3: Jumbled Sentences (Task c, p.22) - Read the example and ask SS to pay attention to the position of the adjs - Ask SS to rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences and then compare with a partner - Call SS to read their sentences and check with the class Verb Form Review(pp.22- 23) - Elicit from SS the tenses used in a narrative (Expected: past simple, past continuous, and past perfect) -Ask SS to compare these tenses (Expected: The past simple is used for the actions in the story, to tell us what happened next The past continuous is use for sth around a the language point T-SS T-class - To help SS - Chalk & board T-class understand how descriptive adjs are used - For SS to recognize key vocab - To help SS understand the text - Chalk & board Individ uals T-class -textbook Individ uals -textbook - Chalk & board T-class - To give a more difficult task - More practice with word order Individ uals Pairs -textbook T-class T-class - To Individ review the uals tenses used 15 Lop11.com (14) Gramm ar (15 17') (12 15') (13 -15') past time or together with the past simple when a shorter action comes in the middle of a longer one.) - Tell SS to read the passage, put the verbs in the correct forms and then compare answers with a partner - Go over the answers with the class Linking Words (p 23) - Give SS a handout with the linking words in column A and the meanings in column B Then ask them to match the linking words with their suitable meanings A B 1.and a on the contrary; on spite of this 2.but b not the one or the other 3.either or c also, then; following this neither nor d the one or the other - Go over the answers with the class Expected answers:  and = also; then following this (used to connect words of the same part of speech, phrases and clauses  but = on the contrary; on spite of this ( used to connect contrasting ideas)  either or = the one or the other ( used to connect words or phrases of the same part of speech: pronoun, noun phrase, adj or adv phrase)  neither nor = not the one or the other (can be used to connect words or phrases of the same part of speech: pronoun, noun phrase, adj or adv phrase) - Ask SS to read the sentence halves, match one in A with one in B and then use a suitable word in the box to connect them - Tell SS to compare answers in groups, giving reasons for their choice - Go over the answers with the class Talking about Yourself - Tell S to work in pairs, talking about their likes and dislikes, and then report to the class about themselves using linking words - Talking to one student and give a model T: I like pop music What about you, Lam? S: Me Too T: I don't like dangerous sports S: I It's exciting (I don't either) ect - Make model report: Lam and I like pop music Lam likes dangerous sports but I don't (Neither Lam nor I like dangerous sports) - Check SS' understanding of instructions and let them the task - Call on SS to report about their pairs - Give feedback and comments Sentence Building in a narrative - For SS to practice, share and learn Pairs Individ uals - To help SS understand meaning & use of linking words - For SS to practice using the linking words in a controlled way -textbook - Chalk & board Handouts -textbook Individ uals Groups T-class -textbook -To T-class personalize Pairs the task and engage SS T-class - To make sure SS know what they are expected to - To give SS mare practice at SS - SS - Chalk & board Individ uals 16 Lop11.com (15) Homew ork (1') Give SS handouts and ask them to make meaningful sentences from the cues given This/ exciting/ new/ game atmosphere/ this hotel/ very friendly/ staff/ very helpful We/ can/ go/ cinema/ or/ stay/home Anne/ have/ terrible headache/ she still / go/ work Neither/ you/ your classmates/ wrong/ this matter Expected answers: This is an exciting new game The atmosphere at this hotel is very friendly and the staff are very helpful We can either go to the cinema or stay at home Ann had a terrible headache but she still went to work Neither you nor your classmates are wrong in this matter home to review what they have learnt -Handouts Lesson Plan Grade 11 Advance Preparing Date: Period: 9- 10 Unit two: Personal Experience Period 1-2: Reading XXVIII Aims - By the end of the lesson, the students are able to scan reading for specific information - By the end of the lesson, the students can recognize the activities related to the senses XXIX Skills: Skill-based (reading) XXX Key vocabulary - in vain - inept - inadequate - dispirited - retreat - slip away - grow out of XXXI Key structures - He kept quiet and retreated into his shell - Many shy people have managed to grow out of it XXXII Materials - Textbook - Chalk and board - Handouts Stages/ Time Warm up & lead - in (10-12') Procedure Game: Jigsaw Reading - Arrange the class in four or five groups - Give each group a handout with phrases of explanation on - Tell ss to read the phrases and find out the words, then combine the first letters of all these words to form the key word - The first group to find it will win the game - Check ss' understanding of instructions Aims Focus Materials - To raise ss' interest and to lead to the topic Groups - Handouts T- class 17 Lop11.com (16) Prereading (8 - 10') (5 - 6' ) - Have ss start the game These are the phrases on the handout: The biggest land mammal Elephant The short form of Christmas X-mas The object we use to write with Pen Part of our body that allows us to see things Eyes The opposite of 'wrong' Right Another word for 'sick' Ill Part of our body that allows us to hear Ears Part of our body that allows us to smell Nose The word for white, red, blue, yellow, ect Colors 10 North, South, West and East - Declare the winner - Ask ss: - What is 'Experience' (Expected: 'event or activity that affects us in some way; knowledge gained from seeing or doing things',/ or sth similar) - Have you ever been in embarrassing situations? - What was it? What did you then? Transition: - Unit focuses on Personal Experience The reading today is about a man's unpleasant experience at a party - Write down on the board: Unit Personal Experience - Reading Teaching Vocabulary - Elicit meanings from ss or give explanations yourself  in vain (idm.) = with no result; uselessly ( v« Ých, kh«ng cã kÕt qu¶)  retreat into one's shell (idm) = become more shy, reserved (trë nªn rôt rÌ h¬n)  inept / i'nept/ (a) = completedly unskillfuful, not tactful (vông vÒ )  slip away / slip ə'wei/ (v) = leave quietly without being noticed (chuån, lÎn ®i)  inadequate /in' dikwət/ (a) = not sufficiently able or confident; not good enough (thiÕu tù tin, không đủ khả năng)  grow out of /grəu/ (v) = (become too old for sth and) stop doing it; overcome (kh¾c phôc ®­îc)  dispirited / dis'piritid/ (a) = discouraged, depressed (ch¸n n¶n ) - Give some practice on pronunciation (Read - SS repeat) Checking Vocabulary: Slap the board - Divide the class into two groups, A and B - Ask each group to choose students to stand in a line in the front - Write the words and phrases just learned on the board at random T- class - To engage ss, and let ss express their opinions - Chalk &board T- class - Chalk &board T- class - To provide ss' with some language to help them understan d the text - Chalk &board - To help enrich ss knowledg e of vocab T- class - To check SS' knowledg e of new Groups 18 Lop11.com (17) - Tell Ss you are going to read the explanations or Vietnamese equivalents of the words They are going to listen and then slap the correct word on the board With one correct word, the group receives point The group with more points will win the game - Keep a running total of points for each group on the board - Declare the winner vocab - Chalk &board T- class Activity 1: Guiding question - Ask ss to read the text quickly and find the answer to the question: ' What was embarrassing about the man?' While - Call on ss to give answers and check with the class Expected answers: He didn't know what to and reading how to behave among other people (5- 8') Activity 2: True - False Statements (Task a, p26) - Ask ss to read the text and the statements about the man and say if they are true and false - Ask SS to work with a partner and compare and (10 - 12' compare answers ) - Call on ss to read the statements and say their choice - Go over the answers with the class Activity 3: Reading and listing (Task b, p 26) - Ask SS to read the first paragraph and list three pieces of information related to the senses of sight and hearing - Go over the answers with the class (4 - 5') (10 15') Activity 4: Questions and answers - Tell SS to read the text again and answer the following questions Why was he nervous at the party? Did he find anyone he knew there? What did he think of himself? How did he feel after the party? What kind of person you think he is? - When they have finished, tell SS to compare answers with a partner - Call on some pairs to ask and answer and check with the class Expected answers: Because he thought everyone looking at him No, he didn't He thought of himself as inept and inadequate After the party he felt inadequate, dispirited and sad He is shy and lacks confidence To give Individ SS uals interest and a purpose in reading - To develop scanning skill - To have Ss practice reading and understan ding between the lines - To have SS share and learn Pairs Textbook SS - SS Tclass Textbook Individ uals Pairs SS - SS -Textbook - Chalk &board Groups 19 Lop11.com (18) Post reading (10 15') Discussion - Put SS into groups of or - Ask ss to express their opinions on the following questions: d Have you ever been in such a situation as the man's? e What have you done to grow out of/ overcome it? f What you think the man should to overcome his shyness? - Go around to control and give help if necessary - Call ss to report about their groups' discussion - Give feedback and comments on what ss have Writing - Tell ss to write a short paragraph about what the man should in order to overcome his shyness - To engage ss in some personaliz ed task Textbook SS - SS Tclass - To practice writing based on the discussio n Individ uals Homew ork (1') Textbook Lesson Plan Grade 11 Advance Preparing Date: Period: 11 Unit two: Personal Experience Period 3: Listening XXXIII Aims - By the end of the lesson, the students are able to listening for specific details - By the end of the lesson, the students are able to listen and understand the message XXXIV Skills: Skill-based (listening, speaking) XXXV Key vocabulary - ashamed - search - witness - absent-mindedness - counter - laugh at XXXVI Key structures - It was the most embarrassing experience that I have ever had - Everything seemed so nice until I noticed that I had left XXXVII Materials - Textbook - Chalk and board - Handouts - Pictures 20 Lop11.com (19) Stage/ Timing Warm up (6 - 8') CD player Procedure Game: 'Join the dots' - Give SS a handout each with the picture of a cat and a mouse and some words on (Appendix 1a) - Tell ss you are going to read 11 explanation for some of the words on the handout one by one; some of the words may be repeated As they listen, find the word and join the dot for that word with that of the next word, and so on - Check ss' understanding of instructions and let them start the game - When you have finish reading and SS finished joining, ask SS what the cat is doing - If SS get all correct with the joining, a complete picture is revealed and they can find the answer (Appendix 1b) Expected answers: The cat is to catch the mouse with a trap Transition: - We've just reviewed some language describing a man's unpleasant experience at a party Today we will listen to another person's embarrassing experience -Write down on the board: Unit Personal Experience - Listening Teaching Vocabulary Pre- Use pictures and explanations to present some new listening words (4 - 5') + ashamed / ə'ʃeimd/ (a) = feeling embarrassment because of one's own action( xÊu hæ; hæ thÑn) + absent-mindedness /' bsənt 'maididnis / (n) = forgetfulness ( đãng trí ) + witness /'witnis / (v) = be present at sth and see it ( chøng kiÕn ) + laugh at sb/ la:f ət / (phrv.) = ridicule sb (cười nhạo, chÕ giÔu) - Read the words one by one and ask ss to repeat Checking Vocabulary(Task a, p.27) - Tell ss to read the gapped sentences in Task a, and (3 - 5') complete them with a suitable word in the box - Go over the answers with the class Activity 1: True - False Statements (Task b, p.27) - Tell ss they are going to listen to a man's story, read While the statements and decide if they are true or false - Let ss listen again if necessary listening - Tell SS to compare answers with a partner (6 - ') - Go over the answers with the class; then let SS listen Aims Focus - To review the vocab learned in the previous lesson in an interesti ng way Individ uals Materials Handouts Tclass - To lead to the new T- class lesson - To help SS understa T- class nd the - Chalk & text board better - To provide some pronunci ation practice - To T- class check vocab in Individ Textbook new uals context T-class - To have SS Individ practice uals listening Pairs for specific Textbook details CD player 21 Lop11.com (20) again and check (3 - 5') (4 - 6') Activity 2: Listen and tick (⋎ ) (Task c, p.27) - Ask ss to listen again and tick the adjectives that describe the student and his experience in the story - Call on ss to give their answers - Have SS listen again and check with the class Activity 3: Ordering the pictures - Arrange SS into or groups - Give each group a set of pictures (A - D) - Tell ss to listen again and put the pictures in the correct order of events as in the story - Have SS listen again and the task - Tell the groups to show their answers and check Expected answers: 1.B D A C Speaking: Retelling the story - Ask Ss to work in their groups again - Tell them to retell the story based on the pictures - Go round to control and check - Call on some SS to retell the story to the class Post - - Ask for ss' comment listening - Give feedback and comments on what SS have (7 - 8' ) Writing Sentence Building - Tell SS to meaningful sentences using the words given Because/ absent-mindedness/ student/mistake/someone else/ bike When he/ realize it/ he / feel / extremely ashamed / himself Expected answers: Homew Because of his absent-mindedness, the student ork mistook someone else's bike (1') When he realized it, he felt extremely ashamed of himself - To practice listening compreh ension Individ uals T-class - To practice listening for general ideas Speaking as an integrate d skill - To check SS' understa nding of the story Groups Individ uals Textbook CD player Pictures CD player Groups SS - SS Tclass - Pictures - Some grammar practice Individ based on uals the story Individ uals - Chalk & board Lesson Plan 22 Lop11.com (21)

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 00:03

