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Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Week: 12 - Unit 6: competitions - Lesson: Listening

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But not until 1967 women were formally accepted to take part in the Boston races…and a few years later Kuscsick, the first woman, became the first official champion as a female runner Tr[r]

(1)Lesson plan11 Teaching date: / /2008 Period: … Week: 12 I Bui Thi Phuong Thao Unit 6: COMPETITIONS Lesson: Listening Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: + improve their listening skill + understand the talks and Tasks & + summarize the content of the passage Knowledge: a Language: b Vocabulary: Skills: - Main skill: - Sub skill: II Methods and techniques - communicate approach - pair work, group work, brainstorming III Teaching aids: - Textbook, chalk, cassettes, pictures … IV Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I Warm - up (5ms) - Asks students to look at the pictures in the textbook and answer the questions What is the Boston Marathon? Who you think can take part in the Boston race? II Pre-Listening ( ms) - Asks students to repeat the provided words race (n) athletic (n) formally (adv) clock (v) female (n) association (n) McDermott Kuscsik III While-Listening (30ms) Task - Asks students to read Task silently Lop11.com - Answer orally - Listen and repeat in chorus (2) Lesson plan11 Bui Thi Phuong Thao - Asks students to listen to the cassette player (twice) and Task -Asks students to work in pairs to compare the answers - Have students listen again to check the answers - Give feedback - Read Task silently - Listen to the tape and decide whether the statements are True or False - Work in pairs and discuss the answers - Listen and check the answers - Take notes T T F F T F Task - Ask students to read the questions in Task silently - Ask them to listen to the cassette player again and Task (Teacher can read aloud the sentences containing the information if necessary) - Ask students to work in pairs and discuss the answers - Ask some students to write the answers on the board - Have students listen again to check the answers - Give feedback (He came from) New York (She became the first official female champion) in 1972 (women started and finished the race in 1972) 6164 (runners joined the Boston Marathon in 1984 - Read Task silently - Listen to the tape and Task - Work in pairs and discuss the answers - Listen and check the answers III Post-Listening (9ms) - Work in groups - Asks students to work in groups and name some famous runners in Vietnam and say what is special about them - Asks the representative of each group to speak in front of the class - Gives remarks and correct mistakes - Perform in front of the class Lop11.com (3) Lesson plan11 IV Bui Thi Phuong Thao Home work: - Practise listening at home - Write Task in the notebook Tape Script: Trang: What are you reading Paul? Paul: this history of Boston Marathon This is one of the oldest road races in the UnitedStates Trang: it sounds interesting! How often is it held? Paul: every year, in the middle of April Trang: when did Boston Marathon begin? Paul: it began in 1897 and the same year, John Mc Dermott won the first Boston Athlenic Association Marathon Trang : who was? Where did he come from ? Paul: he was the first man who won the first Boston Marathon in USA He came from NewYork Trang: How long did it take him to reach the finish? Paul : he was emerged from 15 runners, and he clocked hours 5o minutes and 10 seconds Trang: that was a great man! and what about the female runners, Paul? I mean…did women have right to participate in long distance running? Paul: yes But not until 1967 women were formally accepted to take part in the Boston races…and a few years later Kuscsick, the first woman, became the first official champion as a female runner Trang: really? When did she win the race? Paul: in 1972 at that time, there are women starting the race and all finished Trang : how wonderful they were! Paul, I’m wordering if the race is held for anly Amercan people Paul: no in fact, each year more runners from every part of the world jion the Boston Marathon For example, in 1984 there were 6164 runners from 34 different countries running in th marathon Trang: Can you tell me some about the rules of the Boston Marathon? Paul: yes, of course According to its rules, the boston race is about 26 miles, or 42 kilometers Runners have to go through 13 towns during the race It ends in the center of Boston Trang: Oh! It’s quite a long distance But it’s an interesting sport for all people Lop11.com (4)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 21:57

