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Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 12 - Unit 2: Personal experience

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SPECIFIC STAGES STUDENTS' THE CONTENT TIME TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES OF THE LESSON * Warmer: Game : Tongue Twisters * Writing this Tongue Twister on the board and asking the Ss to [r]

(1)LESSON PLAN Unit : PERSONAL EXPERIENCE Period : 12 Date of preparation : 04-09-2010 Date of teaching : 10-09-2010 Teaching item : LANGUAGE FOCUS I) AIMS AND OBJECTIVES + LANGUAGE CONTENT : * To help students review pronouncing three sounds / m / , / n / , and / η / well in individual words and in speaking * To help Ss revise how to use the simple past , past progressive tense * To introducing Ss to the present simple indicating past time + LANGUAGE FUNCTION : * By the end of this lesson, students can speak English accurately and fluently thanks to pronouncing the vowels / m / , / n / , and / η / correctly * Students can express what they did in the past + EDUCATIONAL AIM : * To help students distinguish the sounds / m / , / n / , and / η / * To help students master the grammar point about the past tenses 1/ Languages : * Vocabulary : * Structures: + Present simple indicating past time + The simple past tense + The past progressive tense 2/ Skill : Integrated skills (Listening , Reading , Writing , Listening) II) TEACHER AND STUDENTS' PREPARATION 1/ Method : Communicative approach 2/ Techniques : Re-ordering , Game “Tongue Twisters”, Transformation, Multiple Choice 3/ Materials needed : Lesson plan , Textbook , Handout , Colour chalk , Cassette player 4/ Students' preparation : * Read the guiding books and grammatical books before going to school * Prepare the exercise1,2 III) PROCEDURES IN CLASS Stabilization : (1 minute) * Greeting the students and asking them something about the attendance , their health, the weather and preparation Checking up the previous knowledge: (No checking) Presentation of the new materials SPECIFIC STAGES STUDENTS' THE CONTENT TIME TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES OF THE LESSON * Warmer: Game : Tongue Twisters * Writing this Tongue Twister on the board and asking the Ss to read * Looking at the sentence it on the board and practicing Unit : PERSONAL reading it many times EXPERIENCE Singing Sam sung songs on the 5ms Period 12 : Language sinking sampan focus * The student who can speak the sentence ten times quickly within 15 seconds without making a mistake is the winner * Looking at the sounds / * Asking the Ss to pick out the m / / n / and / η / on B/B Lop11.com (2) TIME TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES words containing the ending sounds / m / , / n / , and / η / in the Tongue Twister and put it into the right column of the three sounds Expected answers: / η / : singing , sung , sinking / m / : Sam / n / : on , sampan * Emphasizing on the Ss’ answers and then introducing the new lesson Unit : PERSONAL EXPERIENCE Period 12 : Language focus 10ms 5ms A Pronunciation: Pre-practice: * Asking the Ss to read aloud the words that the Ss have written on B/B * Asking them to practice reading the words above and the words in the textbook in pairs Control -practice: * Asking the sts to practice reading the sentences in the textbook in pairs * Calling on some sts to read aloud in front of the class Free –practice: * Hanging the extra board on B/B and asking the sts to choose the best answer Multiple Choice wrong / London / morning / sing may / summer / climb / snow children / question / chemist / chore danger / village / go / education Expected answer 1B 2D 3C 4C B Grammar: Present simple indicating past time Lead in: * Asking the sts to retell the usages of the simple present tense * Emphasizing on the Ss’ answers and then introducing the new lesson STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES and thinking of the words Suggested answers: / η / : singing , sung , sinking / m / : Sam / n / : on , sampan THE CONTENT OF THE LESSON Unit : PERSONAL EXPERIENCE Period 12 : Language focus * Writing the title of the lesson Unit : PERSONAL EXPERIENCE Period 12 : Language focus * Reading aloud the words that the sts have written on B/B * Practicing reading the words above and the words in the textbook in pairs * Some sts read aloud in front of the class * Looking at the extra board on B/B and choosing the best answer A Pronunciation: / m / / n/ /η/ may nose wrong make nine running summer money bringing home seven sing small snow morning B Grammar: Present simple indicating past time A) Usages * Retelling the usages of + các tượng tự the simple present tense nhieân, quy luaät vaät lyù + các tượng tự + thói quen nhieân, quy luaät vaät lyù với các trạng từ + thói quen : always , often , với các trạng từ usually ,… nhö : always , often , + chæ chaân lyù usually ,… + nói thời gian biểu Lop11.com (3) TIME TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES Pre-practice: * Asking the sets to retell the form 8ms Retelling the form of the simple present tense is / am / are S+ have / has Vs/es * Asking the sets to retell the marks * Retelling the marks of the simple present tense + every (week / day …) + always / often / usually … 5ms 5ms Controlled Practice: Exercise 1: (in the textbook page 30) Re-ordering * Asking the students to work in individually first and then compare with their partner * Going around the class to provide help if necessary * Calling on some students to read the sentences aloud in front of the class and then asking the other students to go to B/B to write down The suggested answers: Who wants something to eat ? I have some letters to write I am / was delighted to hear the news My mother has some shopping to You always have too much to talk about It’s lovely to see you again It is / was too cold to go out I am / was happy to know that you have passed the exam * Correcting the mistakes and giving remarks Exercise 2: (in the textbook page 21) STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES + chæ chaân lyù + nói thời gian biểu + mệnh đề phụ nhö when , as soon as , … + mệnh đề điều kiện loại + keå laïi caâu chuyeän quá khứ tường thuật các kieän theå thao * Retelling the form of the simple present tense is / am / are S + have / has Vs/es * Retelling the marks of the simple present tense + every (week / day …) + always / often / usually … * Copying the grammar * Working in individually first and then comparing the answers with their partners * Some students read the sentences aloud in front of the class and then going to B/B to write down Lop11.com THE CONTENT OF THE LESSON + mệnh đề phụ nhö when , as soon as , … + mệnh đề điều kiện loại + keå laïi caâu chuyeän quá khứ tường thuật các kieän theå thao B) Form is / am / are S + have / has Vs/es C) Marks + every (week / day …) + always / often / usually … Exercise 1: (page 20) Re-ordering Answer keys Who wants something to eat ? I have some letters to write I am / was delighted to hear the news My mother has some shopping to You always have too much to talk about It’s lovely to see you again It is / was too cold to go out I am / was happy to know that you have passed the exam (4) TIME TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES Sentence transformation Controlled Practice: * Asking the students to work in individually first and then compare with their partner * Going around the class to provide help if necessary * Calling on some students to read the sentences aloud in front of the class The suggested answers: The police watched them got out of the car They let him write a letter to his wife I heard them talk in the next room The custom officer made him open the briefcase The boy saw the cat jump through the window Do you think the company will make him pay some extra money ? I felt the animal move toward me Do you think her parents will let him go for a picnic ? * Correcting the mistakes and giving remarks Fee practice: * Asking the sts to play a game Crosses and Noughts Inf as a subject 5ms Inf with purpose Bare Inf after perceptive verbs 1m Inf as an object Inf in idiomatic expression Inf after (pro)nouns STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES * Working in individually first and then comparing the answers with their partners * Some students read the sentences aloud in front of the class and then going to B/B to write down THE CONTENT OF THE LESSON Exercise 2: (page 21) Sentence transformation Answer keys: The police watched them got out of the car They let him write a letter to his wife I heard them talk in the next room The custom officer made him open the briefcase The boy saw the cat jump through the window Do you think the company will make him pay some extra money ? I felt the animal move toward me Do you think her parents will let him go for a picnic ? * Playing the game Bare Inf Inf as an adverb Inf as an object HOMEWORK: * Asking the students to write the homework + Prepare READING of Unit + Pick out the Infinitives in the following sentences and describe the function of each (deliver handouts)  See Handout HOMEWORK: + Prepare Reading of Unit + Pick out the Infinitives in the following sentences and describe the function of each (see handouts) Self-evaluation: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Lop11.com (5) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… HANDOUT * Pick out the Infinitives in the following sentences and describe the function of each To find fault is easy It is delightful to hear the sound of the sea The dog wants something to eat Everybody wishes to enjoy life He is too ill to any work I am not afraid to speak the truth He went to Paris to perfect his knowledge of French I saw him run the mile in four minutes Lop11.com (6)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 20:17



