Kế hoạch bộ môn Tiếng Anh 11 ctc Giáo viên: Nguyễn Duy Tuấn Tổ Anh Văn Trường Trung Học Phổ Thông Tân An Trêng THPT T©n An Tỉ: Ngo¹i ng÷ Céng Hoµ X· Héi Chđ NghÜa ViƯt Nam §éc lËp - Tù do - H¹nh phóc KẾ HOẠCH BỘ MÔN TIẾNG ANH 11 - Hä vµ tªn gi¸o viªn: NGUYỄN DUY TUẤN - NhiƯm vơ ®ỵc giao: + D¹y m«n : TiÕng Anh + D¹y c¸c líp : + C«ng t¸c kiªm nhiƯm: I - C¬ së ®Ĩ x©y dùng kÕ ho¹ch: 1. ChØ thÞ vỊ nhiƯm vơ n¨m häc vµ c¸c v¨n b¶n híng dÉn vỊ gi¶ng d¹y bé m«n - Ph¬ng híng nhiƯm vơ vµ chØ tiªu n¨m häc cđa trêng - C¸c v¨n b¶n híng dÉn gi¶ng d¹y bé m«n vµ ®Þnh møc chØ tiªu ®ỵc giao. 2. §Ỉc ®iĨm t×nh h×nh: • Thn lỵi: - §iỊu kiƯn ®¶m b¶o cho d¹y häc tèt - §a sè häc sinh h¨ng h¸i häc TiÕng Anh • Khã kh¨n: - Häc sinh kh«ng cã m«i trêng sư dơng TiÕng Anh - Kh¶ n¨ng nhËn thøc chËm,kiÕn thøc cò quyªn nhiỊu II Ph¬ng híng, nhiƯm vơ, mơc tiªu, ChØ tiªu phÊn ®Êu vỊ c¸c mỈt ho¹t ®éng: 1. Gi¶ng d¹y lý thut: 2. Tỉ chøc thùc hµnh c¸c kü n¨ng nghe, nãi, ®äc, viÕt t¹i líp 3. Tỉ chøc th¨m quan thùc tÕ, ngo¹i kho¸: 4. Båi dìng häc sinh giái: 5. Phơ ®¹o hoc sinh u, kÐm: 6. Gi¸o dơc ®¹o ®øc, tinh thÇn th¸i ®é häc tËp bé m«n cđa häc sinh * ChØ tiªu phÊn ®Êu: - Tû lƯ lªn líp th¼ng: - Tû lƯ tèt nghiƯp: - Häc sinh giái bé m«n: 1 Kế hoạch bộ môn Tiếng Anh 11 ctc Giáo viên: Nguyễn Duy Tuấn Tổ Anh Văn Trường Trung Học Phổ Thông Tân An III C¸c biƯn ph¸p chÝnh: 1. §¶m b¶o duy tr× sÜ sè häc sinh 2. Tù häc, tù båi dìng, n©ng cao tr×nh ®é tay nghỊ 3. N©ng cao chÊt lỵng gi¶ng d¹y, gi¸o dơc ®¹o ®øc, liªn hƯ thùc tÕ cc sèng 4. Tỉ chøc kiĨm tra ®¸nh gi¸ kÕt qu¶ cđa häc sinh theo ®óng quy chÕ 5. Phèi hỵp víi c¸c lùc lỵng gi¸o dơc trong vµ ngoµi trêng IV - §iỊu kiƯn ®¶m b¶o thùc hiƯn kÕ ho¹ch 1. VỊ s¸ch, tµi liƯu tham kh¶o, trang thiÕt bÞ cho gi¶ng d¹y cđa m«n,b¶ng,®µi, phßng ®a n¨ng 2. Kinh phÝ phơc vơ cho c¸c ho¹t ®éng d¹y häc cđa bé m«n trong n¨m häc: V. KÕ ho¹ch gi¶ng d¹y ch¬ng bµi: 2 Kế hoạch bộ môn Tiếng Anh 11 ctc Giáo viên: Nguyễn Duy Tuấn Tổ Anh Văn Trường Trung Học Phổ Thông Tân An WeekPeriod PPCT Unit Skill Sè tiÕt Aims and requests Language focus Methods Teaching aids 1 1 Introduction 1 - Help students know how to study English 11 effectively Class activities, language skills, supporting materials Textbooks 2 Test 1 Set a pre-test to get some information about the learners. Revise the grammar and language functions. Papers 3 Unit 1 Reading 1 -Read and guess the meaning of the words base on the situation -Read and answer questions -Summarise the text by oral or written. -guessing meaning in context -Identifying main idea -Passage comprehension - read ,answer questions on the text Show ss the patterns, the structures to sts,Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects 2 4 Speaking 1 Help Ss to describe people’s appearance using adjectives about height,build,hair,face,eye,nose,chi n,lips,forehead,skin age,general -Ss can describe the physical characterics and personalities, using appropriate adjectives ,learn and revise vocabulary relating to the topic Show situations, the patterns, thestructures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects 5 Listening 1 -Help Ss to listen to the tape,understand the main idea,ask and answer questions on it and retell the main idea - listening and deciding on true á false statements -Listening and taking notes - summarise the main idear of the topic by oral or written Show ss, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, cassette tapes, handouts, real objects 6 Writing 1 - guide Ss to write a paragraph about a friend - write about a friend,real or imaginary,using the words and expresions that they have learnt Showss the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise T.A 11, while chalk, large picture, handouts, 3 Kế hoạch bộ môn Tiếng Anh 11 ctc Giáo viên: Nguyễn Duy Tuấn Tổ Anh Văn Trường Trung Học Phổ Thông Tân An in pre vious lessons, individual, pairwork, groupwork real objects 3 7 Language focus 1 -Guide Ss to practice pronouncing the sounds /dʒ/ vµ /t∫/.Revise the way of using V/To V -distinguish the sounds: / t∫ / /dʒ/ ,pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly -Use some structures containing infinitives with and witthout to appropriately. Showss the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk,cassette tapes, handouts, real objects 8 Unit 2 Reading 1 - read and guess meaning of the words in the context -Understand the sequence of events in the story,passage comprehension -Develop such reading micro- skills as scaning for specific ideas,identifying thesequence of events and guessing meaning in context. -Use the information they have read to discuss the story Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects 9 Speaking 1 -Guide Ss to talk about past experiences and how they affected one’s life -Identify structures that are used to talk about past experiences and their influences on one’s life,i.e. present perfect and past simple,structure with “make”. Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects 4 10 Listening 1 -guide ss to listen to the tape and decide on true or false statements,fill in the gaps. -Develop such listening micro- skills as listening for specific information and taking notes while listening Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, tapes, handouts, real objects 11 Writing 1 -Guide ss To write a personal letter to describe a past experience - write a personal letter telling aboutapast experience,using the structures and vocabulary that they have learntmmin previous lessons . Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects 4 Kế hoạch bộ môn Tiếng Anh 11 ctc Giáo viên: Nguyễn Duy Tuấn Tổ Anh Văn Trường Trung Học Phổ Thông Tân An 12 Language focus 1 -Guide Ss to practice pronouncing the sounds /m/ /n/ ,/n/ in individual words and sentences .To practice using the present simple indicating past timeand revise some tenses --distinguish the sounds: / m / /n/ /n/,pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly the present simple indicating past timeand revise some tenses the past simple,past progressive,past perfect Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, cassette tapes, handouts, real objects 5 13 Unit 3 Reading 1 -Guide Ss to read and guess meaning of the words in the context -Scanning for specific information,Identifying and correcting false information Develop such reading micro- skills as scaning for specific ideas,identifying and correcting false statements -Use the information they have read to discuss celebrations in their culture. Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, while chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects 14 Speaking 1 -Guide Ss to practice talking about parties and how to plan parties . -Use appropriate language to talk about parties and negotiate how to plan them .Use appropriate language to invite people to come to parties Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects 15 Listening 1 -guide ss to listen to the tape and decide on true or false statements,fill in the gaps. --Develop such listening micro- skills as listening for specific information and taking notes while listening Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, tapes, handouts, real objects 6 16 Writing 1 Guide Ss to write an informal letter of invitation letter - Define the format and structure of an informal letter of invitation.Write an informal letter of invitation . Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects 17 -Guide Ss to practice --distinguish the sounds: / l / /r/ Show situations, the T.A 11, white 5 Kế hoạch bộ môn Tiếng Anh 11 ctc Giáo viên: Nguyễn Duy Tuấn Tổ Anh Văn Trường Trung Học Phổ Thông Tân An Language focus 1 pronouncing the sounds:/l/,/r/,/h/,The way of using infinitive,and gerund ,passive infinitive and gerund ,do exercises /h/ ,pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork chalk, tapes, handouts, real objects 18 Test yourself A 1 Guide sts to do exercies -revise tenses of verbs -revise vocab and some structures -Revise vocabulary and some structures Ss have learnt Guide sts to practise by oral or written ,in pairs,in groups,indiviual Picture,hand-outs, Cassette tapes 7 19 Test 45’ 1 Check up the tenses, structures,vocab sts have learnt Teacher gives questions Sts give their answers by doing a test in 45 minutes Practice by written Paper ,pens 20 Correct the test 1 Teacher remarks sts’ tests, shows their mistakes,gives the correct answers and reasons Ss listen and correct the mistakes Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork and the whole class Test, handouts 21 Unit 4 Reading 1 -Guide Ss to read and guess meaning of the words in the context -Extensive reading:Multiple- choice questions,passage comprehension Develop such listening micro- skills As scanning for specific ideas and skimming for general information -Use information they have read to discuss the topic. Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects 8 22 Speaking 1 -Guide Ss to talk about volunteer work,identify type of volunteer work,asking and answering questions about it -talk about different kinds of activities related to volunteer work -vocabulary Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects 23 -Listen to the tapes ,decide on true or false statements,gap-filling -comprehension questions - Develop such listening micro- skills as listening for specific information and taking notes Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts T.A 11, white chalk, tapes, handouts, real 6 Kế hoạch bộ môn Tiếng Anh 11 ctc Giáo viên: Nguyễn Duy Tuấn Tổ Anh Văn Trường Trung Học Phổ Thông Tân An Listening 1 while listening Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork objects 24 Writing 1 Guide Ss to write a formal letter expressing gratitude -Write a thank-you letter to a donor to acknowledge the donor’s contribution Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects 9 25 Language focus 1 -Guide Ss to practice pronouncing the sounds /w/ ,/j/,/,the way of usinggerund andpresentparticiple,perfect gerund and perfect participle -distinguish the sounds: / w / /j/ ,pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, tapes, handouts, real objects 26 Unit 5 Reading 1 -guide Ss to practice reading,identifying main idea,passage comprehension,dictionary skills - Develop such reading micro- skills as scanning for specific ideas ,identifying main ideas,and identifying meaning in context. -Use the information they have read to discuss illiteracy issue Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects 27 Speaking 1 -Guide Ss to practice talking about literacy problems and offering solutions -talk about schooling and literacy related problems, -suggest solutions to these problems Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects 10 28 Listening 1 Guide Ssto practice extentive listening ;multiple choicequestions ,comprehension questions,summarizing main ideas --Develop such listening micro- skills as listening for specific information and taking notes while listening. Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, tapes, handouts, real objects 29 -guide Ss to write descriptions of tables using suggested words - Interpret information presented in tables Show situations, the patterns, the T.A 11, white chalk, large 7 Kế hoạch bộ môn Tiếng Anh 11 ctc Giáo viên: Nguyễn Duy Tuấn Tổ Anh Văn Trường Trung Học Phổ Thông Tân An Writing 1 -Identify ;language to be used for describing tables -write descriptions of tables structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork picture, handouts, real objects 30 Language focus 1 Guide Ssto practice pronouncing /pl/, /bl/, /pr/,/br/ ,using reported speech with infinitive(s) -distinguish the clusters /pl/, /bl/, /pr/ /br/: / ,pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly -understand reported speech with infinitives and use these structuresto solve communicative tasks Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, tapes, handouts, real objects 11 31 Unit 6 Reading 1 Guide Ss to read and guess the meaning of words in context -dictionary skills -passage comprehension -Scanning for specific information - - Develop such reading micro- skills as scanning for specific ideas ,identifying main ideas,and identifying meaning in context. -Use the information they have read to discuss the related topic. Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects 32 Speaking 1 Guide Ss to practice asking for giving information about types of competitions,talking about a competition or contest - asking for giving information about types of competitions,talking about a competition or contest Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects 33 Listening 1 -Listening to the tapes -deciding on true or false statements -comprehension questions --Develop such listening micro- skills as listening for specific information and taking notes while listening Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk,cassette tapes, handouts, real objects 12 34 Guide Ss to write a letter of reply using suggested words - to write a letter of reply using suggested words Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts T.A 11, white chalk, large picture, handouts, 8 Kế hoạch bộ môn Tiếng Anh 11 ctc Giáo viên: Nguyễn Duy Tuấn Tổ Anh Văn Trường Trung Học Phổ Thông Tân An Writing 1 Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork real objects 35 Language focus 1 To revise some structures And vocab,verbs -guide Ss to practice pronouncing the sounds;/tr/, /dr/, /tw/ ,using reported speech with gerund . -distinguish the sounds: / tr / /dr/ , /tw/,pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, whte chalk, tapes, handouts, real objects 36 Test your self B 1 To practise doing some exercies by listening, writing,speaking… To revise some structures,vocab,tenses of verbs Guide sts to prractise in groups in pairs ,individual Text book Pictures, Cassettetape handouts 13 37 Test 2 1 To check structures ,vocab,pronunciation,tensses of verbs sts have learnt Teacher gives the questions and sts ansswer by doing a test in 45 minutes Ask sts to do the test by written Paper,pens 38 Correct the Test 1 Teacher gives the remarks,shows the mistakes,corrects,and gives the reasons Sts listen and correct their mistakes To prractise in groups ,in pairs,individual Test, 39 Unit 7 Reading 1 - Guide Ss to read and guess the meaning of words in context -passage comprehension -Scanning for specific information, -- Develop such reading micro- skills as scanning for specific ideas ,identifying main ideas,and identifying meaning in context. -Use the information they have read to discuss the related topic Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects 14 40 Speaking 1 - Guide Ss to identify causes to population explosion,problems facing overpopulatedcountries ,work out solutions to problems of - to identify causes to population explosion,problems facing overpopulatedcountries ,work out solutions to problems Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in T.A 11, white chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects 9 Kế hoạch bộ môn Tiếng Anh 11 ctc Giáo viên: Nguyễn Duy Tuấn Tổ Anh Văn Trường Trung Học Phổ Thông Tân An overpopulated countries,talk about problem of overpopulation and offering solutions of overpopulated countries,talk about problem of overpopulation and offering solutions individual, pairwork, groupwork 41 Listening 1 - Guide Ssto practice extentive listening ;multiple choicequestions ,comprehension questions,summarizing main ideas --Develop such listening micro- skills as listening for specific information and taking notes while listening Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, tapes, handouts, real objects 42 Writing 1 - Guide Ss to write a passage - Interpreting statisticson population from a chart . - - write a passage - Interpreting statisticson population from a chart Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects 15 43 Language focus 1 -Guide Ss to practice pronouncing the sounds /kl/, /gl/, /gr/, /kw/.revision the way of using conditional sentences,conditional in reported speech -distinguish the sounds: / kl / /gr/, /kw/ ,pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, whte chalk, tapes, handouts, real objects 44 Unit 8 Reading 1 - Guide Ss to read and guess the meaning of words in context -dictionary skills -passage comprehension -Deciding on True or false statements -- Develop such reading micro- skills as scanning for specific ideas ,identifying main ideas,and identifying meaning in context. -Use the information they have read to discuss the related topic Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects 45 Speaking 1 - guide ss to practice talking about the celebration of Tet and other festivals’ activities - talking about the celebration of Tet and other festivals’ activities Show situations, the patterns, the structures to sts Ask sts to practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects 16 46 -- guide ss to practice selective --Develop such listening micro- Show situations, the T.A 11, white 10 [...]... the individually Paper, pens Test, handouts T.A 11, white chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects T.A 11, white chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects T.A 11, white chalk, tapes, Kế hoạch bộ môn Tiếng Anh 11 ctc Listening 1 Writing 1 Language focus 1 Reading 1 Speaking 1 Listening 1 80 81 28 82 Unit 13 83 84 29 85 1 Giáo viên: Nguyễn Duy Tuấn Tổ Anh Văn Trường Trung Học Phổ Thông Tân An choicequestions... listening micro- Show situations, the 18 Test, handouts T.A 11, white chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects T.A 11, white chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects T.A 11, white Kế hoạch bộ môn Tiếng Anh 11 ctc Listening 1 Writing 1 Language focus 1 Reading 1 Speaking 1 Listening 1 98 99 34 100 Unit 16 101 102 Giáo viên: Nguyễn Duy Tuấn Tổ Anh Văn Trường Trung Học Phổ Thông Tân An listening deciding... the T.A 11, white listening,gapfilling,comprehension skills as listening for specific patterns, the chalk, tapes, questions,summarizing main ideas information and taking notes structures to sts handouts, real while listening Ask sts to practise in objects individual, pairwork, groupwork 19 Kế hoạch bộ môn Tiếng Anh 11 ctc 35 103 Writing 1 104 1 Language focus 105 36 106 107 37 108 109 110 111 Test... the T.A 11, white to describe information from a information from a chart patterns, the chalk, large chart structures to sts picture, handouts, Ask sts to practise in real objects individual, pairwork, 14 Kế hoạch bộ môn Tiếng Anh 11 ctc 25 73 Language focus 1 Test your self D 1 75 Test 3 76 77 1 Correct the test Unit 12 1 78 Speaking 79 Tổ Anh Văn Trường Trung Học Phổ Thông Tân An groupwork T.A 11, white... write a paragraph to Show situations, the T.A 11, white describe a camping holiday patterns, the chalk, large structures to sts picture, handouts, Ask sts to practise in real objects individual, pairwork, groupwork 17 Kế hoạch bộ môn Tiếng Anh 11 ctc 31 91 Language focus 1 Test your self E Test 545’ 95 1 Correct the test Unit 15 1 Reading 1 96 Speaking 33 97 T.A 11, white chalk, tapes, handouts, real objects... practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects - guide ss to practice talking - talk about nature in danger about nature in danger, about about measures for protecting measures for protecting endangered nature endangered nature 13 T.A 11, white chalk, tapes, handouts, real objects Kế hoạch bộ môn Tiếng Anh 11 ctc 23 67 Writing 1 Language focus 1 Reading... situations, the T.A 11, white 16 Kế hoạch bộ môn Tiếng Anh 11 ctc Writing 1 -Guide Ss to practice pronouncing the sounds /pt/, /bd/, /ps/ /bz/ Cleft sentences,subject focus,object focus,adverbial focus 1 - Guide Ss to read and guess the meaning of words in context -multiple-choice -passage comprehension 86 Language focus 87 Unit 14 Reading 30 88 Speaking 1 89 Listening Giáo viên: Nguyễn Duy Tuấn Tổ Anh Văn collection... pairs,individual, By oral, written Practise in groups,pairs, whole Class,individual Text book Handouts, Exercisebook Text book handouts Practisse in pairs,groups, whole Text book, Handouts 11 Kế hoạch bộ môn Tiếng Anh 11 ctc Cosoli dation 18 Cosoli dation 19 20 57 58 1 Corect the test 1 To practise doing exercises using -pronunciation all of the -tenses of verbs structures -choose the best answers -rewrite... white chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects T.A 11, white chalk, tapes, handouts, real objects T.A 10, white Kế hoạch bộ môn Tiếng Anh 11 ctc Writing 1 Language focus 1 62 63 22 64 Test your self C 1 Unit 10 Reading 1 65 Speaking 1 66 Listening 1 Giáo viên: Nguyễn Duy Tuấn Tổ Anh Văn Trường Trung Học Phổ Thông Tân An letter to express satisfaction or satisfaction or dissatisfaction patterns,.. .Kế hoạch bộ môn Tiếng Anh 11 ctc Listening 1 Writing 1 47 48 1 Language focus 17 1 To revise the present simple,the past simple,the present perfect ,the past continuous and the futures tenses 1 To revise the passive voice of verbs and do some exercises To revise pronunciation, Some structures,vocab by doing exercises 49 Cosoli dation 50 Cosoli dation 51 Giáo viên: Nguyễn Duy Tuấn Tổ Anh Văn . Ask sts to practise T.A 11, while chalk, large picture, handouts, 3 Kế hoạch bộ môn Tiếng Anh 11 ctc Giáo viên: Nguyễn Duy Tuấn Tổ Anh Văn Trường Trung Học. pairwork, groupwork T.A 11, white chalk, large picture, handouts, real objects 4 Kế hoạch bộ môn Tiếng Anh 11 ctc Giáo viên: Nguyễn Duy Tuấn Tổ Anh Văn Trường