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Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 8 - Unit 2: Personal experience

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+ Asks Ss to use the past continuous and past simple tense to tell their past experiences Activity 4: * Asking Ss to practice in pairs to reorder the lines to make a finished conversatio[r]

(1)LESSON PLAN Unit : PERSONAL EXPERIENCE Period : 08 Date of preparation : Date of teaching : Teaching item : SPEAKING I) AIMS AND OBJECTIVES + LANGUAGE CONTENT : * To revise the use of the present simple indicating past time * To help students review Gerund as a subject + LANGUAGE FUNCTION : * To talk about past experience * Students can interchange in short conversations related to daily familiar topics + EDUCATIONAL AIM : * To educate in students awareness of what they have been doing 1/ Languages : * Vocabulary : + appreciate (v) + attitude (n) + turtle (n) * Structures: Useful structures + Have you ever been …… ? + How did you happen ? + When did you happen ? + How did the experience affect you ? 2/ Skill : Speaking 3/ Educational factor :  To educate in students to respect past experience whether it is good or bad II) TEACHER AND STUDENTS' PREPARATION 1/ Method : Communicative approach 2/ Techniques : Pair work , Group work , Matching , Explanation , Run out and remember , Ordering 3/ Materials needed : Textbook , Color chalk , Handout … 4/ Students' preparation : * Read the guiding books and grammatical books before going to school * Prepare the keys for task1,2,3 III) PROCEDURES IN CLASS Stabilization : (1 minute) * Greeting the students and asking them something about the attendance , their health, the weather and preparation Checking-up the previous knowledge : (5 minutes) * Calling one student to B/B: + Answer the questions: Where you live ? How far is it from your house to your school ? How you go to school ? Have you ever had an embarrassing experience in your life ? Tell about it in a short way + Fill in the gaps: Lop11.com (2) She complains noisily about anything she doesn’t like She is the type of person who is always …… She was in a very ……situation She felt so stupid and didn’t know what to say Teenagers nowadays often have their own ……… who they really love and intimate in different ways I don’t like the look of that man There is something …….about him * Correcting the mistakes , giving remarks and marking The suggested answers: + Answer the questions: + Fill in the gaps: making a fuss Embarrassing Idols sneaky Presentation of the new materials SPECIFIC STAGES TIME 7ms TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES Warm up and lead in: Game : “Guessing” * Looking at the pictures * Sticking the pictures on B/B and and guessing what asking Ss to guess what happened to happened in pairs the man 1, What experience did the man in Maybe he worked hard the picture have? How did the and went to bed late Next morning, he drove to his experience affect him? office quickly and carelessly His boss and colleges laughed so much because he wore only shorts  with his shirt …   THE CONTENT OF THE LESSON Unit 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCE Period : Speaking ? 2, Have you ever had any embarrassing experience in your life? What is it? How did it affect you? * Emphasizing the Ss’ answer and introducing the new lesson Unit 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCE Period : Speaking 7ms STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES Pre-speaking Task 1: Activity 1: * Helping the Ss know the meanings of some words Language notes: + appreciate (v) [ə'pri:∫ieit] (đánh giá đúng, đánh giá cao, hiểu rõ giá trị, thưởng thức) + appreciate + V-ing Ex: you can't fully appreciate foreign literature in translation + attitude (n) ['ætitju:d] : thái độ, * Writing the title of the lesson + Writing Language notes: Task : (page 25) Matching the things in column A with things in column B 1D + Ss work in pairs One says out the facts, the other reads aloud the affection Lop11.com Answer keys: 2C 3A 4B 5E (3) TIME 15 ms TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES quan điểm Activity 2: * Asking the Ss to match the things in column A with things in column B and then practice reading out the sentences in pairs Answer keys: 1D 2E 3B 4F 5A 6C While-speaking Task : Activity 1: * Showing the picture in Listening part next page and asking Have you ever seen this ? How did it happen ? When did it happen ? How did the experience affect you ? Activity 2: Introduces the situation of Task “A student is talking to her friend about one of her past experiences and how it affect her The lines in the their conversation are jumbled Put them in the correct order” Activity 3: * Hanging the handout with the jumbled lines on the board and gives some explanation + Useful structures Have you ever seen this ? How did it happen ? When did it happen ? How did the experience affect you ? + How to reorder the lines : Questions first ; Answer later + Help Ss know how to pronounce the word “turtle” + Notice of using questions - Hỏi kinh nghiệm đã qua : Have you ever … ? - Hỏi chi tiết kinh nghiệm đó: How did it happen ? _ Hỏi tác động kinh nghiệm đó : How did the experience affect you ? + Asks Ss to use the past continuous and past simple tense to tell their past experiences Activity 4: * Asking Ss to practice in pairs to reorder the lines to make a finished conversation Answer keys: 1B 2D 3H 4A 5E 6G + T then takes off the cards of affections and asks students to find suitable affection to the fact + Ss close the books and the request THE CONTENT OF THE LESSON * Looking at the picture in Listening part next page and try to answer the questions * Listening to T introduce the situation of Task * Looking at the handout and listen to T give some explanation + Useful structures + How to reorder the lines : Questions first ; Answer later + Notice of using questions + Remember to use the past continuous and past simple tense to tell their past experiences * Practising in pairs to reorder the lines to make a finished conversation Lop11.com Task : (Page 26) Put the sentences in correct order, and practice the dialogue + Useful structures Have you ever seen this ? How did it happen ? When did it happen ? How did the experience affect you ? + Notice of using questions - Hỏi kinh nghiệm đã qua : Have you ever … ? - Hoûi veà chi tieát kinh nghieäm đó: How did it happen ? _ Hỏi tác động kinh nghiệm đó : How did the experience affect you ? + Remember to use the past continuous and past simple tense to tell their past experiences Answer keys: 1B 2D 3H 6G 7C 8F 4A 5E (4) TIME TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES 7C 8F Activity 5: * Encouraging Ss to practice the conversation in pairs without books by using the technique “Rub out” 9ms 1m Post-speaking Task : To weak & average students * Asking the Ss to practise the dialogue in pairs with(out) books To good & excellent students * Asking the Ss to create the dialogues in pairs with the suggestions such as : + see a forest fire + see a boy drowned in the river + a car accident + a theft The suggested conversation + see a forest fire A: Have you ever seen a forest fire ? B: Yes, I have A: When did you see it ? B: I saw it last summer when I was on my uncle’s farm A: How was the forest fire like ? B: First it caught fire from a heap of dead leaves, then it spread all over the area with the big wind A: How did the experience affect you ? B: Well, it made me more careful in fire in my house Homework: * Asking Ss to write a paragraph of 80 words about a forest fire and its affection STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES THE CONTENT OF THE LESSON * Practising the conversation in pairs without books by using the technique “Rub out” To weak & average students * Practising the dialogue in pairs with(out) books To good & excellent students * Trying to create the dialogues in pairs Task : (Page 26) Making similar dialogues using the structures in the textbook + Useful structures Have you ever seen this ? How did it happen ? When did it happen ? How did the experience affect you ? * Writing a paragraph of 80 words about a forest fire and its affection at home Homework: * Writing a paragraph of 80 words about a forest fire and its affection at home Self-evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… Lop11.com (5) …………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Rearrange the following sentences to make a conversation : Both teams played very well but Italian team scores two goals in the last two minutes and advanced to the final match Morning How are you today? Great ! Italian team is my favorite one I think Italian team will be the Champion Really ? It’s a pity I didn’t watch that match How was it? Yes Wish them luck in the final match next week Not bad I am a bit tired because I stayed up late last night to watch the semi final match in World Cup 2006 between the host German team and Italian team Answers: 264135 Lop11.com (6)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 04:04

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