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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 11: Sources of energy - Lesson: Speaking

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Activity 3: - Ask Ss work in groups of 5 to talk about advantages and disadvantages of the altenative sources of energy and decide what altenative sources of energy should be used most i[r]

(1)LESSON PLAN UNIT 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY Lesson : Speaking Time allotted: 45 minutes Class: 11 Tin School: Quoc Hoc high school Student: Nguyễn Thị Thúy Supervisor: Nguyễn Thị Minh Hương Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Talk about advantages and disadvantages of energy sources - Express their own ideas about alternative sources of energy Teaching aids: Textbook, poster, handouts, picture Stages/time Warm – up PROCEDRURE: Activities Aims Game: Wordsquare - To motivate - Ask students work in and involve Ss in the lesson groups of - Stick poster on the board - To intruduce (see appendix 1) the new lesson - deliver handouts - Give instructions: “There are 10 words associated with sources of energy Now please work in group and try to find out the wors an the box in the wordsquare which group has the quickest answers (or has more answers) is the winner” - Check Ss’ understanding of instruction - Get Ss play the game - Declare the winnwer Lead – in: Today, we are going to talk about the advantages and dis advantages of the altenative sources of Lop3.net Notes (2) Pre – speaking energy Activity 1: Teaching vocabulary - Elicit the new words by using some techniques suggested below: - Teacher models - Ask students repeat - Call on some students to repeat renewable (adj): [ri'nju:əbl] có thể hồi phục lại ( explanation) reactor (n) [ri:'æktə] : lò phản ứng (translation) → a nuclear reactor (n) lò phản ứng hạt nhân radiation (n): - To help Ss understand some difficult words - To give Ss chance to read the word correctly - T help Ss remember all new words and use them to task follow [,reidi'ei∫n] phóng xạ (example) hydro electricity (n): [,haidrouilek'trisiti] Using the power of water to produce electricity : thủy điện (picture + explanation) Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember While – speaking Activity 1: Matching - Ask students work in pairs and match each sources of energy with its advantages and disadvantages - Deliver handouts (see appendix 2) - Move around to give help - Call some pairs read their answers - Give feedback - To help Ss realize advantages and disadvantages of altenative sources of energy - Make the task more communivative Activity 2: - Stick poster on the board ( - To help Ss See appendix 3) know how to express their - Ask Ss work in pairs Lop3.net (3) - T read the convesation - Ask Ss repeat - Model with one Ss - Have Ss role play the conversation in pairs simultaneoustly - Call or pairs read the conversation - T elicits useful language: “When you want to express your own opinions, what structures can you use? - Write structures on the board * Useful language: - I think/believe/feel - In my view, - In my opinion, - Personally - I don’t think/believe - Ask Ss make their conversations basing on the given conversation and infomation in handouts (Activity 1) * Suggested answer: A: I think/believe that water power can be an Alternative source of energy B: Why you think/believe so? A: Because our major sources of energy is running out while the water is abudant and unlimited B: I know it is also clean and safe to the environment However, it is expensive - Give comments Lop3.net own ideas and make a aconversation about advantages and disadvantages of altenative sources of energy (4) Post – speaking Homework Activity 3: - Ask Ss work in groups of to talk about advantages and disadvantages of the altenative sources of energy and decide what altenative sources of energy should be used most in the future? ( Using ideas in task and task 2) - Move around to give help - Ask some groups to express their ideas - Give comments - Ask Ss work in groups of - Discuss and make a list of things people should to save energy - Ask Ss change their groups and share ideas with others - T move around and give help - Ask some group read their suggestions Expected answer: - Turn the light off before going out - Use water in a suitable way - Use recycle materials - - Ask students learn by heart all new words - Prepare the next lesson Lop3.net - To help make a conversation in more difficult level by using what they have been taught - To give Ss chance to express their own ideas - To improve other skills (5)

Ngày đăng: 31/03/2021, 14:26

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