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- Textbook, teacher’s book, cassette, tape/disk, chalks, ruler, poster, pictures .?. Steps:?[r]


Ngày soạn: Ngày dạy:

P37 Unit – The environment (M«i trêng)

Getting started + Listen and read I.The aims and requests:

- Help ss develop skills: L- S - R-W - Teaching points:

+ Understanding the reading about environmental problems and related words/phrases

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to use new words about environmental problems in the correct way; read the text for general and specific information through Matching exercises and Answering questions


- Textbook, teacher’s book, cassette, tape/disk, chalks, ruler, poster, pictures III Steps:

Teacher s activitiesSs activitiesT Contents

I.Organization: - Greetings

*Good morning, class! *How are you today? *Is there anybody absent today?

II.Warm up + checking up: - Hang the pictures on BB, then hold the class to discuss about enviromental problems

* Possible answers:

- The destruction of the forests - Rubbish / garbage / trash Smoke from cars, motorbikes smoke from factories

-Throw garbage in the street -Cut down trees

-Leave the lights on when unnecessary

III.New lesson: 1-Presentation

- Ask ss to work in pairs to match the pictures with the enviromental problems given

- Explain meaning of the

-greet -answer

- Work in groups to discuss and make a list of people's

activities that destroy the environment, and how to prevent

enviroment from pollution (in

English or

Vietnamese) EX:

+ Cut down trees

+ Throw

garbage …

-work in pairs to

match the

pictures with the 1-2’




- garbage dump(n): nơi đổ rác thải - deforestation(n): phá rừng - air pollution(n): nhiễm khơng khí - dynamite fishing(n): đánh cá chất nổ

- water pollution(n): « nhiƠm níc - spraying pesticides(n): xịt/phun thuốc trừ sâu

- conservationist(n):ngời bảo vệ môi trờng

- volunteer(n): ngời tình nguyện - once(conj): mét khi, - kindly(a): vui lßng, ©n cÇn - provide(v) = supply(v): cung cÊp - disappointed(a) thÊt väng

- spoil(v): làm h hỏng, làm hại - achieve(v):đạt đợc, hoàn thành - achievement(n): thành tựu II Getting started + Listen and read:

1- Getting started: Answers:

a) air pollution


words 2-Practice:

-T.Asks Ss to match these above environmental problems to the pictures in the textbook - T gives correct answers

Tell Ss to listen and read the passage in the book: Mr Brown is talking to some volunteer conservationists.

Ask Ss to match the names in column A with the tasks in column B Then write the full sentences

Have Ss read the passage again and answer the questions in b) Ask Ss to compare their answers with a friend

Go around the class and provide necessary corrections

Group work Whole class

Let Ss work in group of three to four and discuss questions & in the book:

Call on some Ss to answer the questions

Loudly in front of the class 3-Production:

-T lets Ss the exercises the give them marks

-T gives the correct and answer

enviromental problems given

Individual work and pair work


-read -compare

-work in group

-discuss the questions & in textbook


f) dynamite fishing 2- Listen and read: Answers:

Group f) walk along the shore. Group e) check the sand

Group b) check among the rocks Mr Jones a) collect all the bags and

take them to the garbage dump.

Mrs Smith c) provide a picnic lunch for everyone.

Mr Brown d) give out the bags. *Questions:


1 The speaker is Mr Brown. 2 The

listeners are members of

volunteer conservati onists. 3 They are on the beach.

4 If they work hard, they will make the beach clean and beautiful again soon.


-T gives them marks

T recommends Ss some things Ss listen and copy


-T reminds Ss the voc and the structures

-Ss base on them and the exercises


- Learn vocab & structure by heart

- Give examples for Conditional sentence type - Prepare Unit 6(cont.) Speak + listen


-give the form, use, examples - Ss go to the board and present their keys

Ss consult and copy the keys Ss base on the structure and build the sentences

-listen -copy

1-2’ T asks: ông Brown đa điều kiện để bãi biển trở lại đẹp?

* E.g:

If they work hard today, they will make the beach clean and beautiful again

* Form:If + S1 + V (simple

present), S + will (not) + V_inf *Use:

Câu điều kiện loại I đợc dùng để diễn tả kiện xảy tơng lai * Complete sentences: a) not find your place/ help you get there

b) keep the beach clean/ make it a beautiful place c) work hard/ pass the exam


If the pollution continues, what might



Ngày soạn: Ngày dạy:

P38 Unit The environment (M«i trêng)

Speak + Listen I.The aims and requests:

- Help ss develop skills: L- S - R-W - Teaching points:

+ persuade other people by using given expressions: / think you should ; Why not ? Why don't you ? Practicing persuading skill

+ complete the information notes about ocean pollution through a report

+ use new word in the right context by playing word games and engaging in different class activities Ss may have difficulty with new words about oceanic pollution

- By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to persuade other people by using given expressions: / think you should ; Why not ? Why don't you ? Practicing persuading skill;

complete the information notes about ocean pollution through a report

- use new word in the right context by playing word games and engaging in different class activities Ss may have difficulty with new words about oceanic pollution


- Textbook, teacher’s book, cassette, tape/disk, chalks, ruler, poster, pictures III Steps:

Teacher & students activitiesT Contents

I.Organization: - Greetings

*Good morning, class! *How are you today?

*Is there anybody absent today? II.Warm up + checking up:

- Ask Ss to work in groups to think of the things they often at school and at home to clean and protect the environment

- Write Ss' answers on the BB

- Work in groups to think of the things that can protect the environment

III.New lesson: 1- Pre-speaking:

- Introduce the topic of speaking, then present some new words:

2- While-speaking:

- Ask Ss to read the persuading expressions in 1-2’




- Clean the house.

- Clean the neighborhood.

- Recycle the paper and the cans, bottles. - Put the garbage in the garbage bins. - Use tree leaves to wrap things I.Vocabulary:

-dissolve(v): lµm tan, hòa tan , làm biến

- trash= garbage(n): rác, đồ khơng cịn tác dụng

- to harm: làm hại - energy(n): lợng

- exhaust fume(n):hơi, khói thải ra, thải khói

- wrap(v): bọc, gãi


the text book carefully - Conduct Ss to practice

- Ask Ss to give their answers in front of the class

3- Post-speaking:

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to find the answers for the questionaire by using the ideas given in the text

- Call some Ss to the BB to write the answers - Read the persuading expressions in the text book carefully

- Work in pairs to persuade parners to things to protect the environment

- Work in pairs to find the answers for the questionaire by using the ideas given in the text - Give answers:

- Call some pairs to give the remarks and give more ideas

- Listening: 4- Pre-listening:

- Hang the picture on BB Ask Ss to listen to the introduction of the listening: The reasons that cause the pollution of the oceans

- Ask Ss to predict the causes that lead to the oceans polluted after looking at the picture and reading the information given

5- While-listening:

- Set the scene of the listening

- Look at the picture and discuss the reasons that cause the pollution of the oceans

- Recycle(v)tái chế

- natural resources(n): nguồn tài nguyên thiªn nhiªn

- prevent(v): ngăn ngừa, đề phịng - litter(v): xả rác; rác(n)

- raw sewage(n): níc th¶i, nớc cống - oil spills(n): tràn dầu

- marine life (n): động vật dới nớc; sống sinh vật biển

- waste materials(n): chất thải - regulations(n) = rules(n): quy định - pump(v): bơm, đổ

- guilty(a): tội lỗi, có tội - vessel(n): tàu lớn

- deliberate(a): chủ tâm, có cân nhắc kỹ lỡng

II.Speaking: EX:

S1: I think you should reuse and recycle bottles and cans.

S2: Why ? and How come?

S1: Because we can reduce garbage and save the natural resources That is how we save the environment.

+ Save the plastic bags, clean and reuse them Use tree leaves to wrap things. + Don t throw waste and garbage into’ streams, lakes, rivers.

+ Discard/ throw garbage in waste bins + Use fewer private vehicles and don t’ release pollutians into the air.

+ Try to reuse and recycle things - Give the remarks and give more ideas Ex:

S1: I think we should burn trash to

reduce the amount of garbage we produce to protect the environment. S2: I think we shouldn t that Burning

trash will pullute the air.The best way is to reduce and recycle things.

III.Listening: Answers:

Ho w the ocean polluted


- Predict the causes that lead to the oceans polluted after looking at the picture and reading the information given

- Play the tape times

- Call on Ss to read aloud their answers

- Play the tape again (once), and give the correct answers

6- Post-listening:

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to give the reasons that cause the oceans polluted


-T reminds Ss the vocab and the content of the lesson


- Learn vocab by heart

-Write sentences to talk about how should we prevent our enviroment clean

- Prepare Unit 6(cont.) Read



into the sea.

Secondly: Garbage is dropped into the sea Thirdly: oil spills come from ships at sea Next: Waste materials come from

factories Finally: Oil is washed from the land.

Tape transcript:

Our oceans are becoming extremely polluted Most of this pollution comes from the land, which means it comes from people Firstly, there is raw sewage, which is pumped directly into the sea. Many countries, both developed and developing, are guilty of doing this. Secondly, ships drop about million tons of garbage into the sea each year. Thirdly, there are oil spills from ships A ship has an accident and oil leaks from the vessel This not only pollutes the water but also kills marine life Next, there are waste materials from factories. Without proper regulations, factories owners let the waste run directly into the rivers, which then leads to the sea And finally, oil is washed from the land This can be the result of carelessness or a deliberate dumping of waste.

-Ngày soạn: Ngày dạy:

P39 Unit The environment (M«i trêng)

Read I.The aims and requests:

- Help ss develop skills: L- S - R-W - Teaching points:


+ Conditional sentence type : If the pollution goes on, the world will end up like a second hand junk yard.

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand a poem about the environment


- Textbook, teacher’s book, cassette, tape/disk, chalks, ruler, poster, pictures III Steps:

Teacher & students activitiesT Contents

I.Organization: - Greetings

*Good morning, class! *How are you today?

*Is there anybody absent today? II.Warm up + checking up:

- Chatting:Give some suggested questions, then let Ss practice to discuss about poetry

+ Do you like poetry?

+ Which poetry you like best ?

+ Name some poems that are your favorite ? + Do you think it is easy understand a poem ? + Have you ever read a poem in English ? Do you understand it ? Do you like it ?

III.New lesson: 1- Pre-speaking:

Introduce the situation of the reading then present some new words and phrases:

- Checking vocabulary by doing Jumbled words

Write the new words in the wrong order: Maof:

Lkfo: Rtamse:

.Answers: Foam ;Folk ;Stream 2- While-reading:

- Let Ss scan the poem on page 51 (text book) - Make some questions:

1) How many people are there in the poem ? 2) What is their relationship ?

3) Where are they ?

4) What problem of the environment is mentioned in the poem ?




*Checking up:

Give the correct form of the words in the brackets:

a) Air (pollute) is very burning issue b) More and more volunteer

(conservation) are now actively engaging in the environmental protection campaign

c) (Deforest) is one of the main reasons for natural disasters

Mr Brown was (appoint) that people had spoiled that area

* Answers: a) pollution

b) conservationist c) Deforestation

d) disappoited I.Vocabulary:

-second-hand junk yard (n): bãi chứa đồ phế thải; bãi rác bỏ phế - treasure (n): quý giỏ

- hedge (n): hàng rào (cây xanh), bờ dËu

- nonsense (n): sù v« lý - foam (n): bät

- folk: ngêi

-( to) end up: kÕt thóc

- nonsense(n): lêi nãi phi lÝ, thËt ngí ngÈn

II.Reading: Questions:

a) Who are the people in the poem? b) Where-are they?

* Answer key:

a) The mother and her son b) They are in the park / woods Answer keys:

II Matching: * Marks(10 ms) A | B / junk - yard c ) a piece of land full of rubbish


- Play the about the poem (3 times)

- Ask Ss to read the poem again and match the word in A to an appropriate explanation in B - Ask Ss to give their answers in front of the class


1 junk yard end up treasure foam stream hedge folk

a a row of things forming a fence b people

c a piece of land full of rubbish d a flow of water

e mass of bubbles of air gas f valuable or precious things g reaches of state of

- Explain grammar: Conditional sentence type1 If + S + do, S + will + do

EX: If the pollution goes on, the world will end up like a second hand junk yard.

3.- Post-reading:

- Ask Ss to read the poem carsfully and answer the questions

- Ask some pairs to practice in front of the class - Give the right As on the extra-board


-T reminds Ss the vocab and the structure the lesson


- Learn vocab and the structure by heart

-Write sentences using Conditional sentence type

- Prepare Unit 6(cont.) write



precious things

4 foam e ) mass of bubbles of air or gas

5 stream d) a flow of wafer hedge a) a row of things forming a fence

7 folk b) people -c, - g, - f, -e, - d, - a, - b

***Câu điều kiện loại I (Conditional sentence type I) * E.g:

If they work hard today, they will make the beach clean and beautiful again

* Form:If + S1 + V (simple

present), S + will (not) + V_inf *Use:

Câu điều kiện loại I đợc dùng để diễn tả kiện xảy tơng lai Answers:

1 If the pollution goes on, the world will end up like a second hand junk yard.


3 If the boy keeps on asking such questions, his mother will take him home right away.

4 No because he is right: if he throws the bottles that will be polluting the woods.

5 The poet wants us to learn that everyone is responsible for keeping the environment from pollution.

-Ngµy soạn:

Ngày dạy:

P40 Unit The environment (M«i trêng)

Write I.The aims and requests:

- Help ss develop skills: L- S - R-W - Teaching points:

+completed complain letter with the right format and language

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a complaint letter with the right format and language


- Textbook, teacher’s book, chalks, ruler, poster, pictures III Steps:

Teacher & students activitiesT Contents

I.Organization: - Greetings

*Good morning, class! *How are you today?

*Is there anybody absent today? II.Warm up + checking up:

- Divide clas into small groups, then ask them to write the main parts of a formal letter

- Work in groups to write the main parts of a formal letter

- Give answers … EX:

Sender' s address Receiver' s address III.New lesson: 1- Pre-writing:

Ask students to look at the form letter in the 1-2’




Complain (v) —> complaint (n): express dissatisfaction: Phµn nµn

- complication(n): sù phøc tạp, rắc rối

- complicated(a); - complicate(v) - resolution(n): cách giải - clear up(v): dọn

- float(v): nỉi - surface(n): bỊ mỈt



- Introduce the format of a complaint (P.52)

Situation: states the reason for writing Complication: mentions the problem Resolution: makes a suggestion Action: talks about future action Politeness: ends the letter politely  SCRAP

- Explain some words and phrases - Conduct Ss to practice a)

- Call on some Ss to give their answer in front of the class

- Give feedback and answer key

- Corrects mistakes and gives the right order 2- While-writing:

- Ask Ss to rite a letter to the head of the local authorities to cmplain about the way of catching fish in the lake bihind their house - Go round to help

- Call on some Ss to give their result - Check up and gives the suggested letter (on the extra-board)

3- Post-writing:

- Ask Ss to read their letter aloud - Ask for comments from other Ss IV.Consolidation:

-T reminds Ss the contents of the lesson V.Homework:

- Learn vocab by heart

-Write a complaint letter with the right format and language

- Prepare Unit 6(cont.) Language focus



- toad(n): cãc - wave(n): lµn sãng

- local authorities(n): quyền địa phơng

- prohibit(v): = ban(v): cÊm

- format(n): khuôn khổ, phong cách đặt

-truck (n): strong lorry for heavy goods: xe t¶i - refreshment (n): rest to make spirit freshed again: sù nghØ ngơi, giải lao

- fly (n) (translation): two - winged insect: con ruåi

- response (v): make an answer: tr¶ lêi - break (n): pause or interval at work: sù cho nghØ gi¶i lao


Checking vocabulary: Rub out and Remember

Introduce the format of a complaint( định dạng đơn khiếu nại): -> SCRAP II.Writing:


R  S  A  C  P Suggested letter:

Date …

Dear Mr president

I am writing to you about the problem of fissh catching in the lake behind my house.

I am very worried because people use electricity to catch fish After a short time they left the place, a lot of small fish died and floated on the water surface Other animals such as frog, toads and even birds also died from electric shock waves

I would suggest the local authorities should prohibit and fine heavily anyone using this way of catching fish.


-Ngày soạn:

Ngày dạy:

P41 Unit The environment (Môi trêng)

Language focus I.The aims and requests:

- Help ss develop skills: L- S - R-W - Teaching points:

+ revise and understand the use of adjectives and adverbs, adverb of clause and the conditional sentence type

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to revise and understand the use of adjectives and adverbs, adverb of clause and the conditional sentence type II.Preparation:

- Textbook, teacher’s book, chalks, ruler, poster, pictures III Steps:

Teacher & students activitiesT Contents

I.Organization: - Greetings

*Good morning, class! *How are you today?

*Is there anybody absent today? II.Warm up + checking up:

Write the words whose letters are not in good order on the board / or on the card

Ask Ss to work in groups and arrange the letters to make complete words

Groups with more correct words first will be the winner

III.New lesson:

1- Adjectives and adverbs:

- Ask Ss to repeat the formation and the use of adverbs of manner

- Give the formation:

Adjective + ly = adverb - Let Ss exercise on page 53

- Ask Ss to give As

* Use: We use adverbs of manner to modify the verb Is usually goes with the main verb

- Let Ss complete the sentences, use the advebs - Give the right As




Jumbled words Wols - > slow Asd - > sad Dogo - > good Pahapy - > happy Termexe —> extreme 1- Adjectives and adverbs:

a) Tính từ từ hay cụm từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ hay đại từ

** Hao is a good student ** This is an interesting film - Tính từ khơng có dạng số nhiều, trừ tính từ định THIS -> THESE; THAT -> THOSE *Vị trí:

+ Tính từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ th-ờng đứng trớc danh từ: a nice shirt, the polluted water, …

+ Tính từ theo sau động từ liên kết(linking verbs) nh: be, become, get(trở nờn), feel(cm thy),

look(trông có vẻ), seem(giờng nh), grow(trở nên), appear(trông có vẻ), taste(có vị), smell(có mùi),

sound(nghe cã vỴ), **She is beautiful

**The coffee smells good

+ Tính từ đứng sau đại từ bất định nh: something, everything,



a extremly; b slowly; c sadly; d happily; e well 2- Adverbs clauses of reason:

- Give clauses:

He failed the exams He is too lazy.

- Ask Ss about the relation between clauses

- Introduce the words expressing clauses if reason: "Because" = "as" = "since"

- Ask Ss to exercise on page 54 - Ask Ss to give their As:

* Answers:

a) I have a broken leg since I fell over while I was playing basketball.

b) I am going to be late for school because the bus is late.

c I broke the cup as I was careless. d) I want to go home bacause I feel sick. e) I' m hungry because I haven't eaten all day. - Give feedback and the correct As: (on the extra-board)

3- Adverbs + that clauses: - Ask Ss to repeat the structure:

S + be + adjective + that clause - Let Ss exercise on page 55

b) I’m excited that I can go to Dalat this time. c) I’m sorry that I broke your bike yesterday.

d) I’m disappointed that you didn’t phone me about it.

e) I' m amazed that I could win the first price. - Call Ss to read the completed dialogues aloud 4- Conditional sentences type 1:

- Ask Ss to review the formation of conditional sentences type



**Is there anything new?(Cã g× míi kh«ng?)

b) Adverbs: Là từ hay cụm từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ thờng, tính từ hay trạng từ khác

** He works carefully (bổ nghĩa cho động từ)

** This book is very expensive (bæ nghÜa cho tÝnh tõ)

** She sings very beatifully (bỉ nghÜa cho tr¹ng tõ)

- Trạng từ thể cách đợc thành lập cách thêm hậu tố _ LY vào sau tính từ Ngoại trừ:

+ Tính từ tận Y trớc Y phụ âm ta đổi Y -> i + LY

Happy -> happily; easy -> easily

+ TÝnh tõ tËn cïng b»ng BLE hay PLE chØ thay E b»ng Y: Possible -> possily; simple -> simply

+ Một số tính từ trạng từ có cïng mét d¹ng nh: FAST, HARD, EARLY, STRAIGHT, LONG, HIGH, LATE,

ENOUGH, PRETTY(kh¸) ** This is a hard exercise ** Mai works hard

2- Adjectives + that clause: Một số tính từ cảm giác có mệnh đề theo sau: (các tính từ xem mục 12 trang 98 SGK tiếng Anh 9)

3- Because, since, as (là liên từ lí do) có nghĩa Vì, vì,

do, bëi :

Mệnh đề bắt đầu liên từ lí đợc gọi mệnh đề trạng ngữ lí Because thờng đứng câu, Since as thờng đứng đầu câu:

S + V (chia) + because/since/as + S + V(chia) (Nêú mệnh đề nằm đầu câu khơng có dấu phẩy nào)


If + main clause, subordinate clause (simple present tense) (will infinitive) - Conduct Ss to exercise (P 56) - Ask Ss to give As

**Key: - e - a - c - d - b IV.Consolidation:

-T reminds Ss the contents of the lesson V.Homework:

- Learn grammar by heart

- Ask Ss to exercise on page 56 (text book) - Prepare Unit Getting started

-Ngµy soạn: Ngày dạy:

P42 Unit Saving energy (Tiết kiệm lợng)

Getting started + Listen and read I.The aims and requests:

- Help ss develop skills: L- S - R-W - Teaching points:

+ Structure: Suggest + V-ing

+ Vocabulary: bill, enomuos, plumber, faucet, crack … - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about energy and how to save energy in everyday life


- Textbook, teacher’s book, chalks, cassette, disk, poster, pictures III Steps:

Teacher & students activitiesT Contents

I.Organization: - Greetings

*Good morning, class! *How are you today?

*Is there anybody absent today? II.Warm up + checking up: ***Hang the picture on BB

- Work in groups to look at the picture and make a list of things the family could to save energy EX: Turn off TV and radio when nobody watches or listen …

- Read the list aloud

***Questions for getting started: Is the TV on?



* They should :

-turn off the faucets when they don't use them

- switch off the light before going to bed or going out

- turn off the radio or TV when they don't watch or listen

- take shower to save water I.Vocabulary:

- enormous (adj)  very large, very great: đồ sộ, khổng lồ, to, lớn


Who is watching TV ?

Who is listening to the radio? Should we turn the TV off?

"What should they to save energy?" III.New lesson:

1 Presentation: - Make questions: + Who are talking ? + Where are they now ?

-SS scan the dialogue and answer the Qs - Present new words and phrases

- Play the tape (twice)

- Ask Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs

- Call on some pairs of students to play the role of Mrs Mi and Mrs Ha

- Correct students’ mistakes - Present the new structure: Suggest + V-ing 2 Practice :

- Asks ss to work in groups of read the statements and decide which sentences are true and which are false Then compare their result to each other

- Has some representatives give their answers in front of the class

- Corrects mistakes and gives the keys 3 Production :

- Ask Ss to role play the dialogue and then work in pairs to retell the best way to save water in their own house


-T reminds Ss the contents of the lesson V.Homework:

- Learn vocab + grammar by heart

- Ask Ss to give examples using : Suggest - Prepare Unit 7(cont.) Speak + language focus




- repair water pipes: thỵ sưa èng n-íc

- crack (n) : vết nứt, vết rạn - drip (v) : chảy nhỏ giọt - reduce (v)  to make sth - less/lower/smaller: làm giảm - bill (n) - Hoỏ n

- crack (n) - Chỗ nøt - faucet(n) - Vßi níc II Listen and read:

True - False True

2 True

3 False Mrs Ha will get a plumber to make sure there are no cracks in the pipes (Mrs Ha hasn’t checked the pipes yet)

4 False Mrs My suggests getting a plumber to check cracks in the pipes

5 True


What does Mrs My suggest Mrs Ha doing ?

+ She suggest taking showers + She suggest that Mrs Ha should reduce the amount of water her family use

Cấu trúc câu dùng để gợi ý 1) S + suggest(chia) + V_ing 2) S + suggest(chia) +(that) +S should+ V

* Word cue drill

1 turn off/light/before leaving classroom

2 watch/only good TV programs reduce/amount of water/your family use

Key: Word cue drill


before leaving classroom

2 I suggest watching only good TV programs

3 I suggest reducing the amount of water your family uses

-Ngày soạn: Ngày dạy:

P43 Unit Saving energy (Tiết kiệm lợng)

Speak + Language focus I.The aims and requests:

- Help ss develop skills: L- S - R-W - Teaching points:

+ Structures: Why don’t you ?/ What/ how about…?; suggest + ing; suggest + should + infinitive; I thing we should + V-infinitive.

+Vocabulary: Solar, solar energy, nuclear power, solar panel, advanced, roof…

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to speak about the way to save energy, listen to a text about solar energy


- Textbook, teacher’s book, chalks, poster, pictures III Steps:

Teacher & students activitiesT Contents

I.Organization: - Greetings

*Good morning, class! *How are you today?

*Is there anybody absent today? II.Warm up + checking up:

**** Kim's game: Hang the picture P59 on BB - Work in groups to look at the picture and write as much as words of things they have seen as possible

***Questions: Is the fan on ?

Who are reading book?

Should we turn the gas fire down? Should we go to work/school by motorbike/bicycle or bus?

III.New lesson: 1- Pre-speaking:




Kim's game

faucet ; cooking pot; lid; gas cooker; gas fire; fan; air-conditioner; table; armchair; lighing fixture; TV, lamp; bathroom; motorbike; bicycle; bus I.Vocabulary:

- Solar: thuéc mặt trời

- Solar energy. lợng mặt trời - Nuclear power: lợng hạt nhân - Solar panel: bảng thu lợng - Advanced: tiên tiến

II Speaking:


- Hold the class to review the ways to make suggestions

- elicit some new words 2- While-speaking: - Hang the picture on BB

- Work in pairs to look at the pictures and give the suggestions to the pictures

- Give As in front of the class Ss' answers may be:

+ We should turn off the faucets.

+ We should you the gas cooker at the medium level. + We should turn off the fan before going out.

+ We should turn off the air conditioner when there is nobody in the room.

+ We should turn off the lights or use bulbs instead of lights.

- Work in groups of four to work out an action plan to save energy for your class:


A: I think we should public buses to school everyday to save energy and to prevent the environment from pollution.

B: That ‘s a good idea

C: How about going by bikes and persuading all members in our family to so ?

D: Great! Let’s that

- Work in individual to give the best way to save energy

- Ask Ss to give As:

- Ask Ss to work out an action plan to save energy for their class

- Call some groups to practice in front of the class

3- Post-speaking:

- Ask Ss to work in individual to give the best way to save energy


-T reminds Ss the contents of the lesson

2-3’ 1-2’

3) I think we should + V

4) Shall we + V? : diễn tả đề nghị làm việc

5) Why don’t we + V?: diễn tả đề nghị hay lời khuyên

6) How about + V_ing?

7) What about + V_ing/ Noun? 8) Let’s + V …

** Đồng ý: - Yes, let’s - Great Go ahead - Sounds interresting - Ok Good idea ** Không đồng ý:

- No, let’s not

- I don’t think it’s a good idea - No Why don’t we + V…? Tranh b

- turn off the gas cooker

- repair the cooker It may be broken - turn the gas fire down

Tranh c

- turn the fan off

when we go out of the room - switch off the fan

Tranh d :

- turn off the air conditioner when we are not in the living room

Tranh e :

- switch off the TV and the lighting fixture to save electricity

Tranh f :

- fix the faucet in the bathroom - get a plumber to check the faucet Tranh g :

- go to work by bike instead of motorbike to save petrol

Tranh h:



- Learn vocab + grammar by heart

- Ask Ss to give examples using : Suggestions - Prepare Unit 7(cont.) Listen

-Ngày soạn: Ngày dạy:

P44 Unit Saving energy (Tiết kiệm lợng)

Listen I.The aims and requests:

- Help ss develop skills: L- S - R-W - Teaching points:

+ Listening for list and specific information

+Vocabulary: Solar, solar energy, nuclear power, solar panel, advanced, roof…

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand and know how to common listening tasks: True or Fa/se and Gap filling get general knowledge about one kind of alternative energy: solar energy


- Textbook, teacher’s book, cassette, disk, chalks, poster, pictures III Steps:

Teacher & students

activities T Contents

I.Organization: - Greetings

*Good morning, class! *How are you today? *Is there anybody absent today?

II.Warm up + checking up: *Brainstorm: How to save energy?

**Choose the best answer Circle the letter A, B, or C:

III.New lesson: 1- Pre-listening:

- Sets the sence

- Presents some new words and phrases

- Ask Ss to read the 1-2’



* How to save energy?

- turn of TV/radio before going out - travel by bike or public transports - reduce the amount of gas/oil/coal - take shower instead of bath - use nuclear power

- use solar energy

**Choose the best answer:

1-My father suggested … at 5.00 o’clock A leave B leaves C leaving D to leave 2- I suggest not … swimming

A going B to go C goes D went

3- I suggest that people … off Tv and radio when nobody watches or listens


statements in a) thee T/F prediction

3.3.2- While-listening: - Play the tape (once)

- Play the tape again (twice) - Call on some Ss to give their answer in front of the class

- Check up and gives the key

- Play the tape again and ask Ss to task

- Call Ss to give the answers - Give the correct answers and check if necessary 3.3.3- Post-listening:

- Make questions:

+ Have you ever used solar energy ?

+ How you use solar energy by ?

+ Do you think use solar energy is the cheapest ?


-T reminds Ss the contents of the lesson


- Learn vocab by heart - Prepare Unit 7(cont.) Read

2-3’ 1-2’

- panel(n): Panô, bảng điều khiển - Sweden(a): Thuỵ Điển

- (to) install: lắp đặt, thiết kế

- effective(a): có hiệu quả->( adv): cách có hiệu - store(v): dự trữ, cung cấp

- roof(n): mái nhµ, nãc, mịi xe II Listening:

True or false : 1 True

2 False (Most of our electricity comes from the use of coal, gas, oil or nuclear power.)

3 False (It is enough to provide power for total population.)

4 True

5 False, (in 2015) Gap filling Give correct Answers:

1 The sun can be an effective source of power. 2 Solar energy doesn't cause pollution.

3 A lot of countries in the world are already using solar energy.

4 It is possible to store solar energy for a number of days

Solar panels are installed on the roof of the house to receive the energy from the sun.

6 We can save natural resources by using solar energy instead of coal, gas and oil.

Tape transcript:

Are you looking for a cheap, clean, effective source of power that doesn't cause pollution or waste natural resources? Look no further than solar energy from our sun At present, most of our electricity comes from the use of coal, gas, or nuclear power. This power could be provided by the sun One percent of the solar energy that reaches the Earth is enough to provide power for total population.


+ Language focus 1,2 cloudy day you can use solar energy too.

Sweden has an advanced solar energy program. There, all buildings will be heated by solar energy and cars will use solar energy instead of gas by the year 2015.


-Ngày soạn: Ngày dạy:

P45 Unit Saving energy (Tiết kiệm lợng)

Read + Language focus 1,2 I.The aims and requests:

- Help ss develop skills: L- S - R-W - Teaching points:

+ getting general idea of the reading through choosing the best summary and answering questions

+ Connectives: and, but, because, or, so therefore, however + Phrasal verbs: turn off, turn on, look for, look after, go on

+ Vocabulary: luxuries, consumer, bulb, scheme, category, effectively…

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know about the ways to save energy and get the general idea of reading through choosing the best summary and answering questions


- Textbook, teacher’s book, cassette, disk, chalks, poster, pictures III Steps:

Teacher & students

activities T Contents

I.Organization: - Greetings

*Good morning, class! *How are you today? *Is there anybody absent today?

II.Warm up + checking up: * Net work : ask ss to list some electricity appliances in their houses

* Ask ss some questions:



* Net work : electricity appliances computer

TV radio fridge bulb

rice cooker


How much is your family's electricity bill?

How much electricity does your family use?

III.New lesson: 1- Pre-reading: - Sets the sence

- Presents some new words and phrases

- Ask Ss to read the statements and predict T or F?

2- While-reading: - Play the tape (once)

- Play the tape again (twice) - Call on some Ss to give their answer in front of the class

- Check up and gives the key - Ask Ss to read the text again and work in pairs to discuss the answers

- Call Ss to practice asking and answering the answers before the class

- Call some to write the answers on the BB

- T gives the correct answers

3- Post-reading:

- Ask Ss to work in groups to discuss about the question 5:

Why should we save energy ?



- buld (n) bóng đèn trịn (realia)

- category (n) lo¹i, h¹ng (translation)

- innovation (n) sáng kiến, đổi (translation)

- label (v) d¸n nh·n (translation)

- account for (v) chiÕm (translation)

- ordinary (a) b×nh thêng (translation)

- efficient (a) có hiệu cao, suất (translation)

- luxury (n): xa xØ phÈm - consumer (n): ngêi tiªu dïng

- ultimately (adv): quan träng nhÊt, cuèi cïng - scheme (n): kế hoạch

- standard (n): tiêu chuÈn (adj): chuÈn

- conserve (v): bảo tồn trì - necessity (n): nhu yếu phẩm - Household (n): hộ gia đình

- labeling scheme(n): kế hoạch dán nhãn - tumble dryer(n): máy sấy quần áo - innovation(n): đổi

- Western(n): Phơng Tây

- lighting(n): vic s dng ốn điện - light bulb(n): bóng đèn

- energy efficiency(n): hiệu suất lợng - appliance(n): máy móc gia dụng

**Checking Vocabulary: What and Where II Reading:

* Predict True or false?:

1 Energy - saving bulbs should be used to save electricity

2 In Western countries electricity, gas and water are not necessities

3 North American and European countries are interested in saving money and natural resources Labeling scheme don't help save energy


- Work in groups to list the reasons for saving energy EX:

+ Protect environment + Save money …. 4- Language focus1, 2:

a)LF1- Ask Ss to exercise (P.62-63)

- Call Ss to their As in front of the class

- Correct Ss’ As then give the right As


- Implicit the meanings of the phrasal verbs through examples

+ It’s dark here Can you turn on the light?

+ Please turn off the TV when you finish watching. + I’m looking for my keys I lost them this morning. Turn on = switch on / start. Turn off = switch off/ stop. Look for = try to find. Look after = take care of. Go on = continue.

- Conduct Ss to exercise on page 63


-T reminds Ss the contents of the lesson


- Learn vocabulary + Grammar by heart

- Prepare Unit 7(cont.) write

2-3’ 1-2’

3 True False *Answer the questions:

1 Western consummers are interested in products that will not only work effectively but also save money.

2 We can use energy - saving bulbs instead of ordinary 100 watt-light bulbs to spend less on lighting.

3 She will pay US $ for lighting if she uses energy - saving bulbs instead.

4 The pupose of … so that they can save money and energy.

II Language focus 1,2:

1-Connectives(tõ nèi): and, but, because, or, so, therefore, however

- AND(và): dùng để bổ sung thêm thông tin

- BUT(nhng): dùng để nối hai mệnh đề, ýcó nghĩa tơng phản

- BECAUSE(vì, vì): dùng để nối mệnh đề nguyên nhân(lí do)

- OR(hay, hoặc): diễn tả lựa chọn - SO( thế, vậy): diễn tả hậu

- THEREFORE(do đó, thế): đồng nghĩa với SO diễn tả hậu

- HOWEVER(tuy nhiªn):

diễn tả tơng phản, đồng nghĩa với BUT nhng luôn nối liền mệnh đề thờng ngăn cách dấu phẩy hay dấu chấm phẩy

a) and b) but c) because d) Therefore e) or


-Ngày soạn:

Ngày dạy:

P46 Unit Saving energy (Tiết kiệm lợng)

Write I.The aims and requests:

- Help ss develop skills: L- S - R-W - Teaching points:

+ Structure: Format of a speech: Introduction body -conclusion

+ Vocabulary: gentlement, call out, draft

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a short , simple speech with a clear organization and present in front of the whole class


- Textbook, teacher’s book, chalks, poster, pictures III Steps:

Teacher & students

activities T Contents

I.Organization: - Greetings

*Good morning, class! *How are you today? *Is there anybody absent today?

II.Warm up + checking up: - Ask Ss to practice asking and answering the questions: + How many parts are there in a speech ?

+What are they ?

- Work in groups to discuss (A speech usually has three parts: Introduction, body, and conclusion)

III.New lesson: 1- Pre-writing:

- Give the introduction about writing a speech to an audience

- Make questions:

+ What we in Introduction ?





- Prepare the food carefully before turning on the stove: chuẩn bị đồ nấu đâu vào bật bếp

- not keep solid waste with food waste: đừng để chung phế liệu dạng chất rắn với thức ăn bỏ

- Have a separate wastebasket for wastepaper: dùng giỏ rác riêng để đựng giấy vụn

- Put different kinds of waste in different places: bỏ loại phế liệu khác vào chỗ chứa kh¸c

- Keep sheets with single printed page for drafting: giữ giấy in mặt để làm nháp

- Keep refrigerator door closed: giữ tủ lạnh đóng kín **Checking Vocabulary: Matching

II Writing: Ordering

3 Good evening, ladies and gentlement I'm Professor Roberts and tonight I'm going to tell you how to save money. 2 Most of us use too much gas You can reduce this amount by:

• traveling by bicycle or public transport.


+ What is included in Body ?

- Ask Ss to exercise 1/P 61 in groups

- Call on some groups to give their answer in front of the class

- Correct mistakes and give the right order

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to put the sections in the correct place to complete the speech

-Ask Ss to giver their answers

2- While-writing:

- Ask Ss to choose one of the topics in the book and work dependently to prepare a speech for the classmates - Ask Ss to share the writing to others

- Ask Ss to read their writing aloud

- Check up and give the suggested speech (on the extra-board.)


money, but also the environment will be cleaner. Answers:

1)Reducing garbage

a)Good morning, everybody Today I'm going to tell you how to reduce garbage

We waste much garbage We can reduce garbage by collecting plastic bags, not keeping solid waste with food waste We can put different kinds of wastes in different places

If you follow these simple rules, not only will you reduce garbage, but also the environment will be cleaner b)

Good morning, ladies and gentlement Thank you for coming here today I'm Professor Hung, President of Friends of the Earth I’m going to tell you about the ways of reducing garbage.

• As we know that reducing garbage is necessary W e can reduce garbage Collecting plastic bags • Not keeping solid waste with food waste.

Putting different kinds of waste in different places.

I hope that you will be able to find the most suitable way to reduce the amount of garbage we produce.

2-Saving energy in the kitchen.

a)Hi everybody It's a pleasure to be here with you today. My name is Tuan Our topic today is ways of saving energy in the kitchen.

|Saving energy is our responsibility We can | save energy in the kitchen by:

• Turning off the lights

• Preparing food carefully before turning on the stove • Keeping refrigerator door close.


3- Post-writing:

- Ask Ss to work in groups to discuss and make a speech about the ways to reduce the garbage

-Ask Ss to speak aloud in front of the class


-T reminds Ss the contents of the lesson


- Learn vocabulary by heart - Viết diễn văn hoàn chỉnh chọn ba chủ đề phần c

- Prepare Unit 7(cont.) Review

1-2’ b)

Hello, my friends Today I am going to tell you how to save energy in our kitchen

As we know, in our modern life, the kitchen is aplace where we use much of the energy such as electricity, gas and water To reduce this amount of this energy, we should turn off the lights, fans, and faucets when not necessary We should prephare food carefully before turning on the stove We should keep the refrigerator door closed and check the water pipes regularly

If you follow these simple rules, not only will you save money, but natural resources aswell

3-Reusing paper

Good evening everybody I'm glad to be here this evening. My name is Nam I come from grade 9D I'm going to talk to you about reusing paper.

There are three ways to reuse paper Firstly, we should have a separate wastebasket for wastepaper Secondly, we should keep sheets with single printed page for drafting. If' you follow these simple rules, not only will you save money, but also the environment will be cleaner

-Ngày soạn: Ngày dạy:

P47 Unit Saving energy (Tiết kiệm lợng)

Review I.The aims and requests:


+ Connectives: and, but, because, or, so therefore, however + Phrasal verbs: turn off, turn on, look for, look after, go on

+ Make suggestions: suggest + verb – ing, suggest (that) + S + should + Adjectives and adverbs

+ Adverbs clauses of reason: as, because, since + Adjective + THAT clause

+ Conditional sentences: type

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to revise all the structures above and exercises


- Textbook, teacher’s book, chalks, poster, pictures III Steps:

Teacher & students

activities T Contents

I.Organization: - Greetings

*Good morning, class! *How are you today? *Is there anybody absent today?

II.Warm up + checking up: - Asks ss to say how to use Conditional sentences type 1? And give examples for it

III.New lesson:

- ask ss to give some examples using adjectives and adverbs

- ask ss how to use adverbs clause of reason

- ask ss to the exercise: Supply the correct verb form

1.This exercise ( look) ………easy You (do ) ……… it ?

2 I (cook )……… dinner when she (come) ………… yesterday 3.You (visit )………this country before ?When you





1-Conditional sentence type 1:

Đợc dùng để diễn tả kiện xảy tơng lai IF + S + V(simple present), S + (simple future) 2-Adjectives and adverbs:

a) Tính từ từ hay cụm từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ hay đại từ

** Hao is a good student ** This is an interesting film

- Tính từ khơng có dạng số nhiều, trừ tính từ định THIS -> THESE; THAT -> THOSE

*VÞ trÝ:

+ Tính từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ thờng đứng trớc danh từ: a nice shirt, the polluted water, …

+ Tính từ theo sau động từ liên kết(linking verbs) nh: be, become, get(trở nên), feel(cảm thấy), look(trơng có vẻ), seem(giờng nh), grow(trở nên), appear(trơng có vẻ), taste(có vị), smell(có mùi), sound(nghe có vẻ), **She is beautiful

**The coffee smells good

+ Tính từ đứng sau đại từ bất định nh: something, everything, someone, nothing…

**Is there anything new?(Có không?)

b) Adverbs: Là từ hay cụm từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ thờng, tính từ hay trạng từ khác

** He works carefully (bổ nghĩa cho động từ)

** This book is very expensive (bæ nghÜa cho tÝnh tõ) ** She sings very beatifully (bæ nghÜa cho tr¹ng tõ)

- Trạng từ thể cách đợc thành lập cách thêm hậu tố _ LY vào sau tính từ Ngoại trừ:

+ Tính từ tận Y trớc Y phụ âm ta đổi Y -> i + LY

Happy -> happily; easy -> easily


( come )……… there for the first time ?

4.What he (do )………… before (go)……… to school yesterday morning ?

5 The girl, along with her dogs, (be)……… going along the street at present One of her dogs (be) ……….very big 6.Very few people ( know) ……… what ( happen ) …………to him

7 Having time to listen to music ( mean) having a good time That (be )…… true ? We ( live )………in London for two years and then we ( move) …………to Paris

9 Mai ( have ) ……… her clothes( wash)

………last Monday 10 He (wish ) he ( be) …… a teacher now 11.What you (do )

………if you (be) …….in my situation now.? 12 If I (be )

………….you ,I (not ) ……… that last night

13 I (wait)

……….for him for hours You(see)……… him ?

14 Let them (go )

……… (not disturb) them

15 I forget ( shut ) ….the door Would you mind ( shut ) …………i ,please?

2-3’ 1-2’


Possible -> possily; simple -> simply

+ Mét số tính từ trạng từ có dạng nh: FAST, HARD, EARLY, STRAIGHT, LONG, HIGH, LATE, ENOUGH, PRETTY(kh¸)

** This is a hard exercise ** Mai works hard

3- Adjectives + that clause:

Một số tính từ cảm giác có mệnh đề theo sau: (các tính từ xem mục 12 trang 98 SGK tiếng Anh 9)

4- Adverbs clauses of reason: Because, since, as (là những liên từ lí do) có nghĩa Vì, vì, do, bëi :“ ”

Mệnh đề bắt đầu liên từ lí đợc gọi mệnh đề trạng ngữ lí Because thờng đứng câu, Since as thờng đứng đầu câu:

S + V (chia) + because/since/as + S + V(chia) (Nêú mệnh đề nằm đầu câu khơng có dấu phẩy nào)

Hoặc: Because/Since/As + S + V(chia), S + V(chia) ( Nếu mệnh đề trạng ngữ nằm đầu câu phải có dấu phẩy sau

5-Connectives(tõ nèi): and, but, because, or, so, therefore, however.

- AND(và): dùng để bổ sung thêm thông tin

- BUT(nhng): dùng để nối hai mệnh đề, ýcó nghĩa tơng phản

- BECAUSE(vì, vì): dùng để nối mệnh đề ch nguyờn nhõn(lớ do)

- OR(hay, hoặc): diễn tả sù lùa chän - SO( v× thÕ, v× vËy): diƠn t¶ hËu qu¶

- THEREFORE(do đó, thế): đồng nghĩa với SO diễn tả hậu

- HOWEVER(tuy nhiªn):

diễn tả tơng phản, đồng nghĩa với BUT nhng luôn nối liền mệnh đề thờng ngăn cách dấu phẩy hay dấu chấm phẩy

6- Making suggestions: Cấu trúc câu dùng để gợi ý 1) S + suggest(chia) + V_ing

2) S + suggest(chia) +(that) +S (should)+ V(kh«ng chia)

3) I think we should + V

4) Shall we + V? : diễn tả đề nghị làm việc 5) Why don’t we + V?: diễn tả đề nghị hay lời khuyên 6) How about + V_ing?

7) What about + V_ing/ Noun? 8) Let’s + V …



-T reminds Ss the contents of the lesson


- Learn vocabulary by heart - Viết diễn văn hoàn chỉnh chọn ba chủ đề phần c

- Prepare Unit 7(cont.) Review

- No, let’s not

- I don’t think it’s a good idea - No Why don’t we + V…? II Exercises:

-Ngày soạn:

Ngày dạy:

P48 test 45 minutes (bài kiểm tra tiÕt sè kú II) I.The aims and requests:

- Help ss develop skills: reading and writing

- By the end of the lesson sts will be able to check Ss’ understanding about the structures and vocabulary that they have learnt from Unit to Unit


Testing points:

- Grammar:

+ Connectives: and, but, because, or, so therefore, however + Phrasal verbs: turn off, turn on, look for, look after, go on

+ Make suggestions: suggest + verb – ing, suggest (that) + S + should + Adjectives and adverbs

+ Adverbs clauses of reason: as, because, since + Adjective + THAT clause

+ Conditional sentences: type III


- chalks, papers IV.Ma trËn:

Chủ đề Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng Tổng


I.Reading 4 4

2 2

II.Languag e focus

10 5 15

2,5 2,5 5


3 3

Tæng 10 9 6 25

2,5 4,5 3 10

V Contents:

I.Reading: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions: Edison’s first great interest was chemistry and he read all he could about it He was only ten when he began to grow and sell vegetables so that he could have money to buy chemicals for making experiments When he was fifteen, he got a job selling magazines and fruit on a train and began printing a weekly newspaper on the priting press set up in the luggage van But one day, one of his bottles of chemicals broke and set fire to the van, he was put off the train and lost the job *Questions:

1- What was Edison’s interest?

2- How could he have money to buy chemicals for making experiments? 3- Why did he lose the job selling magazines and fruit on a train?

4- How old was he when he began to grow and sell vegetables? II Language focus(5 points):

(i).* Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences(2,5 points): She is very tired; , she has to finish her homework

A moreover B so C and D however

2 Is he an actor a singer? - An actor

A and B or C with D so

3 He was tired, he took a rest before continuing the work

A so B and C but D if

4 I suggest money for the poor people in our neighborhood

A save B to save C saving D saved

5 I lost my pen I have looked it for all morning

A at B after C up D for

6 She stays at home because she has to look her baby

A at B after C up D for

7 Remember to turn the light before going to bed

A of B off C on D up

8 If we go littering, the environment will become seriously polluted

A to B in C out D on

9 His hobbies are playing soccer collecting stamps

A and B but C however D although

10 I’d love to play volleyball I must complete my homework

A since B moreover C but D and


1 He wishes he ( be) …… a teacher now

2 I (wait) ……….for him for hours Let them (go)……… to bed early

4 What will you if you(pass) …… …… the final examination ? If we plant more trees, we (have)……… more fresh air

III Writing: Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that they mean almost the same as those printed before (3 pts)

1 Tom was lazy, so he failed the exam

 Because Tom……… They bought a new car yesterday

 A new car ……… Why don’t we speak English in class?

 I suggest ……… Unless you study hard, you will fail the exam

 If you She was tired therefore she wanted to go home

 She wanted to Let’s put gabage bins around the school yard

 I suggest ……… Answer

Tổng điểm toàn 10 điểm I.Reading: (2đ)

Mỗi câu trả lời 0,5 đ

1-His interest/ Edison’s interest (Edison’s first great interest) was chemistry 2- He could have money to buy chemicals for making experiments by growing and selling vegetables

Hoặc: He grew and sold vegetables

3-He lost the job selling magazines and fruit on a train because (one day) one of his bottles of chemicals broke and set fire to the van

4-He was only ten (when he began to grow and sell vegetables) II Language focus(5 points):

(i).* Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences(2,5 points): Mỗi câu chọn 0,25 điểm

1 D B B B A D C A D 10 C

(ii).*Supply the correct verb form(2,5 points): Mỗi câu chia 0,5 điểm


2- have waited/ have been waiting 3- go

4- pass 5- will have

III Writing: Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that they mean almost the same as those printed before (3 pts)

Mỗi câu viết 0,5 điểm

1  Because Tom was lazy, he failed the exam.  A new car was bought (by them) yesterday.  I suggest that we (should) speak English in class Hoặc: I suggest speaking English in class.

4  If you don’t study hard, you will fail the exam. Hoặc: If you study hard, you won’t fail the exam.  She wanted to go home because she was tired.

6  I suggest putting gabage bins around the school yard.

Hoặc: I suggest that we (should) put gabage bins around the school yard. -Ngày soạn:

Ngày dạy:

P49 Unit Celebrations (Lễ kỷ niƯm/lƠ mõng)

Getting started + Listen and read I.The aims and requests:

- Help ss develop skills: L- S - R-W - Teaching points:

+ get further information about celebrations in the world

+ Practice reading comprehension skill for details to complete a table Listening and reading for specific information about famous celebrations around the world

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to revise all the structures above and exercises


- Textbook, teacher’s book, chalks, poster, pictures III Steps:

Teacher & students activitiesT Contents

I.Organization: - Greetings

*Good morning, class! *How are you today?

*Is there anybody absent today? II.Warm up + checking up: Warm-up: Getting started

- Ask Ss to work in groups and make a list of famous celebrations in




1 Easter; Wedding; Birthday; Chrismas; Mid - Fall Festival; Lunar new year


-Lunar New Year: Tết Nguyên Đán - Mid-Fall Festival: Trung Thu


Vietnam and worldwide

- Look at the picture Match the icons with the names of the celebrations

- Introduces some more celebrations - Hang the P

III.New lesson: 1.Presentation:

- Give the introduction of the lesson then ask Ss to scan the reading to find out the new words:

- Explain new words and phrases


- Play the tape (twice)

- Ask Ss to read the text again and use the words above to compplete the table about the celebration - Go round the class to help

- Have some representatives give their answer before the class

- Check up and gives the keys - Teacher presents the new struture: Relative clause

+ Family members who live apart try to be together at Tet

+ Tet is a festival which occers in the late January or early February.

 who, which are relative words


- Ask Ss to work in groups of four to talk about the Mid - Fall Festival in VN following these cues: When ? Activities ? Foods ?

- Ask some groups to practice speaking before class

- Check up and commit


2-3’ 1-2’

- Jewish people(n): Ngêi Do Th¸i - Easter Day: LƠ Phơc Sinh

- The Seder: LƠ Héi (b÷a tiƯc kû niƯm cc xt hành ngời dân Israel khỏi Ai Cập - slavery(n): Sự nô lệ

- (to) live apart: riêng - throughout: suèt

- sticky rice cake: b¸nh chng - as long as(conj): miƠn lµ, nÕu

- parade(n): cc diƠu hµnh; (v) DiƠu hµnh II Listen and read:

Celeb-ration When ? Activities Food Country Tet

Late Jan or early Feb

Cleaning and decorating homes, and enjoying special food

Sticky rice

Cake Viet Nam


Late Mar or early Apr


available) Specialmeal called the Seder



Around the same time as Passover

People crowd the streets to watch colorful parades

Chocolate or sugar eggs

In many countries III Grammar:

Relative clause: WHO vµ WHICH

1-Definition: Đại từ quan hệ từ đứng sau danh từ, đại từ để thay cho danh từ đại từ làm chủ ngữ, tân ngữ sở hữu cách cho mệnh đề phụ với danh từ mệnh đề

2-The function of relative pronoun:

a) Who(Ngời mà): Là đại từ quan hệ thay cho danh từ ngời làm chủ ngữ cho mệnh đề phụ theo (Mệnh đề tính từ)

That small girl is my friend She has just come in

=>The small girl who has just come in is my friend.

(main clause) (adjective clause) (main clause)

b) Which(cái mà): ầthy cho danh từ vật, việc đứng trớc làm tân ngữ chủ ngữ cho mệnh đề phụ theo sau

* This bike is very expensive It is my mother’s

 That bike which is my mother’s is very expensive



-T reminds Ss the contents of the lesson


- Learn vocabulary + grammar by heart

- Prepare Unit 8(cont.) Speak + Listen

looking for it

 I have found the pen which/that you were looking for

Ngày soạn: Ngày dạy:

P50 Unit Celebrations (Lễ kỷ niƯm/lƠ mõng)

Speak + Listen I.The aims and requests:

- Help ss develop skills: L- S - R-W - Teaching points:

+ Structure: Review

+ Vocabulary: Auld, lang, syne, acquantance, kindness…

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to give and respond to complement, sing the famous song “Auld lang syne”


- Textbook, teacher’s book, cassette, tape, chalks, poster, pictures III Steps:

Teacher & students activitiesT Contents

I.Organization: - Greetings

*Good morning, class! *How are you today?

*Is there anybody absent today? II.Warm up + checking up: Warm-up :

Work in small groups to practice asking and answering the questions Use the T’s questions + When people give a compliment to others ? + Do you usually give a compliment ? On which occasion ? To whom ?

+ Do you know how to respond it ? III.New lesson:

1- Pre-speaking:

- Ask students to answer the question: what do you say and answer on someone’s celebration? - Give some stuations:





- Well done! : Giái l¾m! => TL: Thanks/ Thank you!

- Congratulations!/ Congratulations on your success!: Chúc mừng (thành công bạn!)

=> TL: * That’s very kind of you * It’s nice of you to say so * Thanks./ Thank you - Let me congratulate on …: Xin chóc mõng b¹n vỊ …

- Auld(= old) Lang (= long) Syne(= since/then ago): Ngày tháng xa xa - acquaintance(n): ngời quen, sù quen biÕt

- (to) bring someone/something to mind: nhắc nhớ đến - trusty(a): đáng tin cậy


+ well done

+ That’s a great/ an excellent …. + Let me congratulate you on … 2- While-speaking:

- Hang the pictures on BB

- Ask Ss to look at the picrures and work in pairs to give and respond to the celebrations

- Ask some pairs to practice speaking before class

- Check up and correct mistkes if necessary - Ask Ss to read stuations and work in pairs again - Go round to help

- Ask some pairs to practice speaking before the class

- Correct mistakes if necessary

3- Post-speaking:

- Ask students to give complement for following stuation: Women’s day, teacher’s day, good final test

- Has some ss give their opinions - Corrects mistakes and commit

4- Pre-listening:

- Set the sence: We’ll listen to a famous song in English, it is one of the best known song in English for both teanagers and adults in new year’ Eve In Scots: auld = old; lang = long; syne = since Auld lang syne = The time gone past, the good old day

- Asks ss to predict the missing words

5- While-listening:

- Play the tape (once) then explain some new words:

- Ask students to listen to the tape again for three times and fill in the missing words

- Call on some students to give their answers in front of the class

- Check up and gives the key

6- Post-listening:

- Asks students to listen to the tape and sing that song after the tape

2-3’ 1-2’

- thine = yours: - (to) nominate: chän

- (to) be nominated: đợc chọn - a charity program: chơng trình từ thiện/ nhân đạo

- an effective activist: ngời hoạt động có hiệu

- (to) take part in: tham dù, tham gia - kindness(n): sù tö tÕ

- first prize(n): gi¶i nhÊt II.Speaking:

a) Mother: well done, Huyen. Huyen: Thanks mom.

b) Friends: Congratulations on your nomination, Tuan.

Tuan: It’s nice of you to say so.

c) You : That’s an excellent picture, Hoa.

Hoa: That’s very nice of you to say so. III Listening:


a day b take c mind d hand e kindness

Tape transcript :Au ld Lang Syne


- Has some good ss sing this song IV.Consolidation:

-T reminds Ss the contents of the lesson V.Homework:

- Learn vocabulary + the song by heart

- Prepare Chữa kiểm tra tiết sè häc kú II

kindness yet For auld lang syne.

-Ngày soạn:

Ngày dạy:

P51 trả chữa kiểm tra tiết Sè häc kú II.

I/ The aims and requests

1.The objectives: By the end of the lesson Sts will be able to recognize the errors from the test

2.Teaching points: Correcting the rerrors


T: The test Sts: Take notes

II/ The test

A.Teacher gives comments for some of good papers and some of bad B Correct the test

C.The key:

Xem lại tiết 48

Ngày soạn: Ngày dạy:

P52 Unit Celebrations (Lễ kỷ niƯm/lƠ mõng)

Read I.The aims and requests:

- Help ss develop skills: L- S - R-W - Teaching points:

+ Structure: review (Relative clause: WHOSE)


- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get to know about more one of the important celebrations in Australia and the USA: Father ‘s day through the reading about the opinions, feelings and memories of children about their fathers II.Preparation:

- Textbook, teacher’s book, cassette, tape, chalks, poster, pictures III Steps:

Teacher & students activitiesT Contents

I.Organization: - Greetings

*Good morning, class! *How are you today?

*Is there anybody absent today? II.Warm up + checking up: Warm-up :

-T guides Ss how to play the games

Divide Ss into small groups Each group is given a piece of card containing 10 important celebrations in Vietnam and their dates The card is in two columns: celebration and date Ss have to complete the table by filling either the date or celebration.Group with the completed table in the shortest time will be the winner

III.New lesson: 1- Pre-reading:

- Ask Ss to answer some questions: + Do you know father’s day?

+ Where people celebrate father’s day? + What are the activities in this occattion? + What people eat? drink?

+ Do VN-ese people have father’s day?

- Present the lesson: We’ll read some feelings and memories of children about their fathers on father’s day in Australia and the USA(third Sunday in June)

- Ask Ss to predict by answering the question: What does Rita/Jane/Bob think about their father? - Presents some new words

2- While-reading: - - Play the tape (twice)

- Listen to the text, look at their book and check 1-2’



Table completion

Celebration Date

Lunar New Year Valentine's Day

3 International Women's Day April Fool's Day

5 Victory Day

6 Independence’s Day Mid Fall Festival Teacher's Day

9 People's Army Founding Anniversary


-Lose heart (v): feel discouraged: đánh niềm tin, nản chí

-Groom (n): the man on his wedding day: chàng rể= bridegroom

-Hug (v): embrace: ôm

-Considerate (a): thoughfulfor other's feelingsand behaviors: ân cần, chu đáo -Generous (a): open-handed, free to give: hào phóng, quảng đại


their predictions

- Ask Ss to read the text carefully then answer the question above in groups of four

- Read the text and answer the question

- Calls on some students to give their answer in front of the class

- Correct mistakes

- Ask students to read the text in pairs Then answer the questions

- Cals on some some pairs to practice in front of the class

- Check up and corrects mistkes

(Notices about the relative word “whose”)

3- Post-reading:

- Ask Ss to work in groups to discuss about their fathers

Can you tell me about your father? How old is he?

What does he do? What does he look like?

What you like best about him?

What are your feelings and opinions about him?

Which memories you have about your father that you remember until now?

- Call on some Ss to practice speaking in front of the class

- Checks up and commits IV.Consolidation:

-T reminds Ss the contents of the lesson V.Homework:

- Learn vocabulary by heart - Prepare unit 8(cont.) Write

2-3’ 1-2’

-Sense of humor (n): quality of being amusing: tính hài hước

- Distinguish … From…(v): identify: phân biệt… từ…

- Terrific (a): vĩ đại, xuất sắc, tuyệt vời -(to) be proud of (a): feeling or showing pride on smt/smb: tự hào về

- alive(adj): sống >< dead(a): qua đời, chết

- a tear(n): nước mắt

- the feeling that: cảm giác

- a moment in time: giây phút đó - in a word: nói tóm lại



a) To her Dad

b) – He is possibly dead These ideas may tell about that: “ how much you are missed , I now have children, Dad ” - Her father is alive, because at the end of the letter, she wishes her father a happy Father’s day

c) His sense of humor

d) We can draw a father as a teacher, a caretaker, a friend

-Ngày soạn:

Ngày dạy:

P53 Unit – Celebrations (LƠ kû niƯm/lƠ mõng)


I.The aims and requests:

- Help ss develop skills: L- S - R-W - Teaching points:

+ Structure: Revision

+ Vocabulary: Essential (a): necessary; Enhance (v): improve;Tradition (n): belief or custom handed down from one generation to another;Day off (n): a day away from work or school Outdoor > < indoor Support (v): in favor of

Nationwide (n): all over the country

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a letter to a friend to share their ideas about a particular issue writing a letter to a friend (There should be a Day for Mother or Father in Viet Nam)


- Textbook, teacher’s book, cassette, tape, chalks, poster, pictures III Steps:

Teacher & students

activities T Contents

I.Organization: - Greetings

*Good morning, class! *How are you today? *Is there anybody absent today?

II.Warm up + checking up: Warm-up :

- Ask Ss to work in groups to classify the words under three headings:

Who - which - when. New year’s Eve Gift, songs friends, Australia, tourist, mother ‘s day, National Day, season, cake, key board, Mid- fall festival.

III.New lesson: 1- Pre-writing

- Ask Ss to answer some questions

+ Do you think we should celebrate mother’s day and father’s day for out parents ? + What will you on your celebrations for Mom and Dad




Who Which When

People …

Gift …

New Year’s Eve …


-Essential (a): cần thiết, yếu

Enhancev): thúc đẩy, nâng cấp, tăng cường Support(v): ủng hộ

Nationwide: toàn quốc II.Writing:

In my opinion, it is important to have a day to Celebrate for our parents.

The first reason for this is that, on these occasions, children will have a special day to express their feelings, memories and great love for their parents We have an opportunity to enhance family traditions Besides, members of families can have a chance to get together, to know one another and to help one another.



- Introduce the writing: In VN, people not celebrate Mother’s day or Father’s day. You think it is necessary to have a day to celebrate for your mom and Dad Write to a friend to share this idea

- Ask Ss to read the outline P.70

- Ask Ss to discuss these ideas in groups

- Call on some groups give their opinion in front of the class

- Presents some new words:

2- While-writing:

- Ask Ss to write the complete their writing individually base on their opinions above

- Go round to help

- Call on some ss to give their result

- Check up and gives the suggested letter (on the extra-board)

3- Post-writing:

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to say about their activities they on special day


-T reminds Ss the contents of the lesson


- Learn vocabulary by heart - Prepare unit 8(cont.) Write

2-3’ 1-2’

It is not necessary to have parties but it's good idea ( to have a family gathering when members have lunch or dinner together Children should give their parents flowers, send them cards, or bring them a special cake. Children also should serve their parents the food that they like best.

In conclusion, I believe the idea will be supported and the day will be celebrated nationwide because everybody loves their parents and wants their parents to be happy.

Bài viết gợi ý:

Dear Minh,

I’m writing to you to tell my idea about an important celebration In my opinion, it is necessary to have aday to celebrate for our parents in our country

The main reason is children will have a special day to express their feelings, memories and love for their parents Moreover, we have an opportunity to enhance family traditions On this occasion, members of families can have a chance to get together, to know one another and to help one another

I hink the time to celebrate that day should be on Sunday because Sunday is a day off so everybody is free from work or study And the most suitable time is in Spring or Autumn because the weather is ussualy fine

On that day, all the children should return to their parents’ house They should have a family party with special food Chilren should serve their parents the food that they like best Chilren should give their parents flower, bring them a special cake or send them cards It ‘ s not necessary to give our parents expensive gifts because our parents understand the meaning of our deeds

I believe the idea will be supported and the day will be celebrated nationwide because everybody loves their parents and wants their parents to be happy

Ngày đăng: 05/03/2021, 23:46

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